
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dorvish Central News Agency (DCNA)

Postby lazarus » Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:34 am

NAZBOL dissolved

Amongst internal debate and discussions with other political parties in Dorvik NAZBOL has officially dissolved today. Dr. Edo Karanović, spokesperson for the leftist faction of the now defunct party has spoken out as to why. "Today saw the materialization of severe rifts within in the party as to the nationalist and authoritarian imagery that we were adopting. We say no more. Nothing can be achieved by relishing in the ignorance of nationalism or by believing our current governmental systems can adequately say what is best for the millions of people who call Dorvik home. We can officially, by a majority of 57% expelled every elected member of our party who we have considered as an ideological nationalist or fascist and we are in the process of forming a new political identity." Dr. Edo Karanović spoke today.
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Re: Dorvish Central News Agency (DCNA)

Postby Proletariat » Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:03 pm


About Dorvik situation

We have call for a new election. After the resignement of the UPSC ministries, the cabinet crisis it's open.
What can we do for Dorvik?
The RDFP it's the largest party but can't make a cabinet because the other parties refuse collaboration with this dangerous enemy of the Dorvik proletarians revolution.
After a new election, all the party can see what can be done. If destroy the parliament, kill the president, or lying together in the same political pigsty. After a new election we can see how many parties wanna stay in opposition and fight for the proletarian revolution, or how many parties wanna make a cabinet for the usual hunger of power.
We have prove again that democracy is a bullshit. We have prove again that destabilize the government is possible. We have show again to the proletariat the real face of the state: a sewer where politicians make everything for money and power.
The situation is paralized. We are winning!

Proletariat position

A cabinet of the opposition forces are not possible without our group votes.
But we don't wanna any seats in a cabinet. Because with the UPSC we got too many different view.
At this moment the only government that Proletariat believe possible it's a Proletariat cabinet (and so the cabinet does not exist) or a cabinet with Social Democracy where all the members change weekly or daily, are of the exploited class and are revocable in any moment.

But our true proposal it's the following:
Make NO CABINET and every party propose something and other parties vote on each proposal.

All the power to the councils! Demonstrate to the proletarians that democracy is useless!
Destroy everything for libertarian communism!
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Re: Dorvish Central News Agency (DCNA)

Postby Proletariat » Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:37 pm


After many years that Dorvik got no cabinet the time is right for a change.
Many of our proposals for a transition to the libertarian communism have been accept.
Dorvik finally got no police, got no court and judge, the people are more free than before and we have show to all the country how politics and democracy are fool and useless. Our last reform in the every sector of our life are more important, but the march to the libertarian communism it's not finish.
We got an unrepeatable chance to change forever our society, in a society base on self management, councils and self government.
So Proletariat propose a cabinet, the first after years of class opposition. Some people can think that this is a betrayal of our ideas. It's not true!

We have this idea of a cabinet:
- We propose a cabinet with SWP because is the only party that have some feeling with us and also they vote in favour of our proposals
- The members are from the proletarians of Dorvik. For the first time the proletarians can prove to administrate a country.
-The members of the cabinet are revocable in every moment and they change weekly. They are under the strictly control of the proletariat councils.This is the main principle of the direct democracy and so of the self government (This is for our members because we don't know how SWP manage their seats)
- We see this cabinet like a transition cabinet that help Dorvik to reach the really communist phase
- We surely propose to abolish the last things of the state: the cabinet and the People's
Assembly and their substitution with the proletariat councils, the true branch of the self government
- After the transition, that we think it's about a legislature, our members resigned their cabinet position

We have this opportunity. We can make Dorvik a country that all Terra nations looks like an example for a better future. We can't miss it

writing by someone of the proletariat
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Re: Dorvish Central News Agency (DCNA)

Postby tcooper » Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:56 am

Congress to Vote on Second Massive Stimulus Package

After already approving 12 trillion DDO under the old budget, Congress is voting on a second stimulus that would almost double the current budget. The vote comes shortly after Congress significantly cut income and sales taxes in an effort to spur consumption. Chief Economist William Arnold said that he feels confident that GDP can grow at an annual rate of no less than 20% over the next decade or so, and that reduced taxes and deficit spending are an important part of making such growth possible.

Gross Domestic Product grew by more than 230% in March, and it is expected to double in April. However, not everyone is jumping on the growth bandwagon yet. Respected economist and author Vishi Mildagi says that such a large deficit cannot be sustained over the long run. Eventually, says Mildagi, "the government will go bankrupt or there will be hyperinflation, both of which would send Dorvik into a century of poverty. I feel sure that the government will get away with it in the short run, but eventually the people will see that it cannot be sustained."
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Re: Dorvish Central News Agency (DCNA)

Postby Proletariat » Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:16 pm


Somewhere in the free republic of Dorvik!

About communism and revolution!

A new enemy rise in our country.The Free Progressive Party.
With a coupe (because they don't vote for a new election after the UPSC disbandment), they repeal the "State of the socialist republic bill" that enstabilish for many years the true communist phase (and not a communist dictatorship) in our country, and try to restore capitalism. After that, they withdraw us from all the treatis that guarantee to Dorvik years of freedom, wellness and peace. Some of these treatis preserve us from war and we really think that this party can carry Dorvik in a war.
Our country in this years was an example for the rest of Terra. We have the direct democracy, government, president and useless things like jury, police, army etc etc were abolished. The state was destroyed and all his functions are administrate by the proletarians councils the only recognize authorithy.
Our utopia of a society administrate by councils was true for many years.
Now a party that don't understand nothing about our history try to delete this. And try to restore what all the proletarians of Dorvik have destroyed many years ago!
We can only imagine about the next move of the FPP. And we know that they wanna destroy what the proletarians blood made in the years.

We the proletariat councils of Dorvik are against this changes. And we are ready to defend proletarian conquests by all means.
Try to understand: by all means.
In the past our councils start a riot that endure for 10 years. All the people that have vote for us demonstrate that the libertarian communist idea is not dead. All these people is ready to defend his conquests and the same our militia (that come back victorious from Kafuristan and last from Dolgaria).
Time has come! Choose your side.


writing by someone of the proletariat
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Re: Dorvish Central News Agency (DCNA)

Postby tcooper » Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:45 pm

Agency Downgrades National Debt

The national credit rating agency in charge of rating the debt of all bond issuers in Dorvik has downgraded the government's 10-year treasury notes to BBB, just one level above junk status. The agency cited the growing budget deficit and the nation's political instability as reasons for the downgrade. When asked whether there was any risk of defaulting on interest payments, finance minister William Arnold replied, "absolutely not. The current administration has had to spend trillions of dolgars to restructure the government and make proper adjustments for long-term prosperity, but we are already in the process of reducing spending."

Although the government is indeed cutting back on spending, it has also virtually eliminated income taxes. Arnold explained that cutting taxes is essentially a more efficient form of government spending because it allows people to allocate more capital to the proper places in the economy. With elections less than a year away, it is doubtful that any talk about raising taxes will occur before the next congressional session.
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Re: Dorvish Central News Agency (DCNA)

Postby tcooper » Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:18 pm

FPP Predicts Landslide Victory in July Elections

A political analyst with the Free Progressive Party predicts as many as 80 candidates from the FPP will be elected to Congress next July. He cites the FPP "brand" as the key driving factor in the young party's success, as well as the opposition's disorganization. "The Free Progressives will control the government as long as the opposition ignores the majority of voters. We have a bright future ahead of us," said the analyst. The swagger that the FPP is known for has turned off quite a few voters, but even independent analysts are saying that voters really have no other option as far as an organized political party is concerned. One activist said, "at least you can rely on the Free Progressives to be competent in the fields of economics and public planning, even if they do not do what the people want."
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Re: Dorvish Central News Agency (DCNA)

Postby tcooper » Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:26 pm

FPP Re-Energized by Poor Election Results

The Free Progressive Party has been re-awakened. The people have clearly shown that absentee leadership will not be tolerated, and have elected more Congressmen from the Proletariat than FPP members in the last two elections. However, the Proletariat has created a logistical nightmare through its sweeping legislative changes over the past few years, and the FPP is determined to save the nation.

Citizens that have not been swept up in the emotional campaigns by the Proletariat leaders can take solace in knowing that the drastically-reduced budget cannot possibly pay for all of the legislative changes, and thus many of the aforementioned changes will take place only on paper. In the meantime, the FPP is campaigning harder than ever to let people know about its positions on issues that are important to Dorvish citizens. FPP leadership predicts that it will take back the majority in the 2892 elections.
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Re: Dorvish Central News Agency (DCNA)

Postby Proletariat » Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:32 am

Somewhere in Dorvik

Comrades, we have made great things for our country!
Finally we have restore the basis for a libertarian communist society.
At the moment, we have a no oppressive state machine and a communist economy under the workers control and also repair the deficit that the FPP have create in many years of bad amministration.
In this time we can only spread the germs of the self management.
And the next step for us it's the total abolishment of the state.
We launch this program:
- abolishment of the congress, cabinet, president, justice power etc. It's possible devolving all this power to the proletariat councils that substitute all this things.
- total self managed economy under the workers control. It's possible devolving all the economic matter to the DWC.
- abolishment of the army and the police department too. It's possible devolving this matter to the proletariat councils and creating a proletarian militia.

We can create a new Dorvik, but we know that this is impossible if the enemy of the exploited class will survive. Come on now!

This councils rejected the accusation of the FPP, and remember to all the proletariat enemies, that our goal it's a communist libertarian society, not to win the election game, and so if we win or if we lose, nothing can change our point of view. We are not politicians, we are class opposition!

write by someone of the proletariat
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Dorvik News Service (DNS)

Postby Farsun » Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:53 pm


Almost Election time!

Welcome to the first official aired program of Dorvik News Service, I am your host Elena Horst. For those who do not know Dorvik News Service was launched by the Communist Party of Dorvik under the party station. Though not officially the state declared news service we are hoping that with elections we can obtain the rights to do so. Our first report comes with the nearing of elections, in January the people of Dorvik will vote on the new Reichstag (Soon to be People's Congress of Dorvik) seats, with the recent founding of the Federalist Party the CPD will have some competition though the CPD believes that the will of the people will lead them onto success in the elections; despite some set backs in their first time in office.

General Secretary Petrov has released his manifesto at the 2nd Party Congress in Vinisk, reports are that the focus will be on eliminating harmful influences from Dorvik and seeking to establish foreign ties with nations who have similar politics as our self; which prompted Deputy General Secretary (Candidate for Premier) Adrik Ivanov to release a statement asking anyone wishing to engage in diplomatic negotiations to contact the CPD directly. The CPD has recently joined The International, this is a wondrous achieve for the CPD which was only founded months ago, we are rapidly approaching 1 year of service to the people. Though with a heavy heart General Secretary Petrov has noted that he will attempt to reform the military and stop the fascist, capitalist influences within the military.

Recent Success in the Reichstag

We move to our next report, the CPD's recent success in the Reichstag. Though meeting little opposition for it's bills seeing as the Federalist Party holds no seats, the CPD has generally improved the nation sweeping away the fascist elements such as the former flag which displayed the Imperial Bird of the former National Socialist parties of old. The CPD has also allowed for a more democratic process in the Reichstag, allowing for more bills with more proposals to be brought forward, the Federalist Party agreed openly with the CPD on the bill, the CPD also avoted Yes for two bills proposed by the Federalist Party about the ability to euthanize someone. Though the CPD defeat the Federalist Party's attempt to seek power in the Autonomous Districts by attempting to allow local appointment of mayors; protests raged through the streets of a few cities when they heard the attempt; General Secretary Petrov called for calm noting that the bill would be swiftly defeated and not tolerated.

In the future moves the CPD has called for an increase in the amount of seats in the Reichstag, the amount of 75 to 150 to allow for more ideals to be instilled in the government. They have also called for the change of the nation name, claiming it be changed from the autocratic Free Republic of Dorvik to the People's Republic of Dorvik, Deputy General Secretary Adrik Ivanov has released a full statement on the name change and it's reason; you can pick up a copy at the local City office or your regional office. General Secretary Petrov has also called for the name of the Reichstag to be changed from the Reichstag to the People's Congress of Dorvik once again General Secretary petrov cited that the fascist and monarchic remnants still exist in Dorvik and the people do not wish for that.

Thank you for watching and listening. Well that is all for today, I am Elena Horst! For the people!
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