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Postby XanderOne » Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:36 pm

Hi everyone, sorry for this post, but I would just invite people especially from Europe not to understimate the seriousness of the coronavirus.

This night I saw, for example, thousands of people gathered togheter in crowd outside the Paris Saint Germain stadium and since days I'm hearing French and German authorities taking few measures that are also actually useless, like the french ban for the meeting of more than 1000 people.

France currently is where Italy was 10 days ago, Germany 11 days ago, and I can assure you that 10 days ago, even one week ago, I could never imagine to find myself now locked into my house, forced to print and fill a special official pass just to go to buy some food under the risk of a penal charge. Schools are closed, those who can work at home must stay home, employees must enjoy their leave time if they have, those who must move to reach their job, as said, they have to carry with them the special pass, the few open activities (only the essential ones) cannot welcome more than one people at once inside their locals and everybody must maintain a distance of 1 meter from other people. But the watchword is one: STAY AT HOME. Only for emergencies or really important needs we can leave our homes. No visits to relatives, no meeting with friends, nothing of nothing.

And I know certainly that the situation about beds and intensive care units in the hospitals in France, UK and and so on it is not better then Italy, maybe in Germany, but I fear that no European country has a health system that can deal with the virus without problems.

I sincerilly hope that in the rest of the Europe the virus will not spread exponentially as in Italy, but I don't know why Macron and Merkel think they can manage the situation, I don't know how much they will be able to flatten the so-called contagion curve, also because here we have seen the virus propagates extremely quickly, it surprised our scientifical and medical authorities and I don't know how they think to cointain the spreading without further cointainment measures. Italy adopted since the first days measures which many considered drastic in February (like the 90 days ban of all flights from China) as well as we locked down the first towns interested. But it is clear that the virus came in Italy and in Europe earlier, already in January, (it seems it arrived with a German turist in Italy) and that no "drastic" measures really worked.

However, hoping that no other countries will suffer a nation-wide lockdown and thus such a exponential spreading of the virus, I just would like invite you people from Europe (but not only due to the recent statements by the WHO) who reads this forum to start adopting since now some first simple hygene measures (wash often your hands, use alcolic disinfectants for hands, ecc..) and to be careful with the physical contact with other people.
If you are in an area interested by the virus but far from your home (for work or study), please be really careful in come back at home or in your further movements.

I know probably I will be considered as paranoid and overly worried, but now 60 milions of people are living something that until 10 days ago could be considered just as the plot of a desaster sci-fi movie (until 10 days ago I could not even imagine to live what Hubei province in Chine was already leaving) and I sincerilly don't know what will be the situation the 3 Avril, when the lockdown should be lifted, sure the economy will be devastated. This night, our Prime Minister ordered further restrictive measures with the third emergency decree in 3 days and now since tomorrow all non essential economic activities must be definitively closed.

So, be careful, for you, your friends, family but first of all for possible aged parents and relatives, because personally i'm concerned more for my aged parents and relatives than for me or my friends. Don't understimate the situation. It is not my intention to spread fear, but, as said, I feel that other european authorities are like understimating the situation and that they are just waiting the wave falling on them (not to talk about those who still are considering the coronavirus like an ordinary flu!).

Sorry for the outburst in anycase, but I feel really worried and some friends I know outside italy already are asking me about the situation and what we are doing. Maybe people reading this forum could find some useful suggestion or at least could be really realize the seriousness of the situation (after a lot of people also here in Italy that understimated the situation until just few days ago).
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Postby Auditorii » Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:58 am

Iirc, you're Italian, how is everything with you?
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Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:21 am

The governor of my state just issued a executive order saying that all groups and gatherings above 250 people are banned. I don't know how far behind the United States is from Italy but I can say that it hasn't hit us hard yet. I know that all EU-USA travel is not banned so I think in the United States most people have heeded the warnings and are doing measures to help people especially the elderly from this virus. I know that I am well prepared to deal with this kind of thing. Living in a small town helps, and most people around here and country folks and so I think if Marshall Law is decreed we will be doing ok. Stay safe everyone. Do not overly panic but do keep in mind what is happening, it is serious. Stay safe Axxell and anyone else in Europe. I have heard reports that some hospitals are denying heart attack patients and such because they are swamped. Stay safe everybody!!! This will not be permanent.
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Postby Aethan » Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:17 am

Forza per i nostri fratelli italiani

Here in Spain at the moment the measures that have been taken, with 2,000 confirmed cases to date, are the suspension of classes at all educational levels in specific provinces, the daily disinfection of all public transport in the most affected region (Madrid), the ban on flights coming from Italy and the cancellation of all the events that gather more than a thousand people, such as concerts, the Fallas in Valencia and probably the Easter festivities throughout the country. In addition, all sports competitions are played behind closed doors, and sites such as cinemas have to limit their total capacity to 1/3. Since 3 national deputies have also tested positive - 2 of them from the same party, the far-right Vox - our Congress has decided to suspend plenary sessions for two weeks, partly also because Vox asked all its national deputies to stay home and the President of the Congress decided that there was no point in holding sessions without the third largest parliamentary group.
Specifically in the Community of Madrid, which is where I live, all the museums, libraries, day centers or markets dependent on the city council have been closed.
As a biologist, I can't help but think there is still a lot more hysteria than it should be on this topic. Despite being a more serious disease than the common flu, society is being paralyzed by a disease that is far from worth it. The problem is having underestimated it at first and now having to take all the biggest measures at once, but I am confident that in a few months, with the arrival of heat, this will be solved. Unfortunately, at this time we will hear about it again next year, and the next one... because it has come to stay I'm afraid.
In Spain we are fortunate to have a public health system that works very well, as in most European countries, and for the moment our hospitals have already provisioned what they need and are prepared for the eventuality of having to enter more patients. In fact, the government itself is considering nationalizing several private hospitals in order to provide greater service to this issue.
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Postby XanderOne » Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:31 am

Auditorii wrote:Iirc, you're Italian, how is everything with you?

I’m ok and fortunately I live in a little town where no cases were reported and in a province where there are only 10 confirmed cases (at least yesterday).

However, in the north the situation is really worse. Hospitals are full and in Milan authorities are turning a old large werehouse in a temporary hospital to welcome the patients.

I don’t know sincerilly if we overly panic, but in few days our healthcare system have been filled and now is really struggling while the death rate reached 5%. And we don’t want arrive to the moment that we have to choice who cares and who not. We are notat such point, but what we are doing is to avoid such scenarios.

Obviously, if in China they didn’t covered the existence of the virus for almost a month, we could have more time to prepare ourself and to fight the diseas, but at the time there is no place to debate about blame.

Thank you everyone for the support.
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Postby XanderOne » Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:12 am

Aethan wrote:Forza per i nostri fratelli italiani

Here in Spain at the moment the measures that have been taken, with 2,000 confirmed cases to date, are the suspension of classes at all educational levels in specific provinces, the daily disinfection of all public transport in the most affected region (Madrid), the ban on flights coming from Italy and the cancellation of all the events that gather more than a thousand people, such as concerts, the Fallas in Valencia and probably the Easter festivities throughout the country. In addition, all sports competitions are played behind closed doors, and sites such as cinemas have to limit their total capacity to 1/3. Since 3 national deputies have also tested positive - 2 of them from the same party, the far-right Vox - our Congress has decided to suspend plenary sessions for two weeks, partly also because Vox asked all its national deputies to stay home and the President of the Congress decided that there was no point in holding sessions without the third largest parliamentary group.
Specifically in the Community of Madrid, which is where I live, all the museums, libraries, day centers or markets dependent on the city council have been closed.
As a biologist, I can't help but think there is still a lot more hysteria than it should be on this topic. Despite being a more serious disease than the common flu, society is being paralyzed by a disease that is far from worth it. The problem is having underestimated it at first and now having to take all the biggest measures at once, but I am confident that in a few months, with the arrival of heat, this will be solved. Unfortunately, at this time we will hear about it again next year, and the next one... because it has come to stay I'm afraid.
In Spain we are fortunate to have a public health system that works very well, as in most European countries, and for the moment our hospitals have already provisioned what they need and are prepared for the eventuality of having to enter more patients. In fact, the government itself is considering nationalizing several private hospitals in order to provide greater service to this issue.

I’m not a biologist but I can say that several biologists also here in italy rised the same scepticism, however the medical authorities responded something like that: “come to see the situation in the hospital, come to see patients placed on halls, corridors, and any possible space, come to see doctors and nurses sleeping on the floor in the few free times they can found”. I have no idea if the situation was handle with too much concerns and allarmism, but first of all I have a lot of dubts about the chinese figures related to the diseas and its letality rate and actually The only factual thing I can say is that we have thousands and thousands of people in need of serious medical help, so much that, as sais above, in Milan we are searching new spaces for the sicks.
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