1st 8E Summit

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1st 8E Summit

Postby Maxington » Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:43 pm


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• His Excellency, Mr. Jörn von Motha-Geyr, State Chancellor of the Kingdom of Dorvik
• Mr. Steffen Ehrenfest, Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Dorvik
• The Right Honourable, Ms. Rosalie Woodbury, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Hutori
• Mr. Michael Bezan, Minister of Finance of the Commonwealth of Hutori
• Her Excellency, Ms. Messalina Sollecito, Prime Minister of the Istalian Empire
• Ms. Nahla Al Yassin, Minister of Finance of the Istalian Empire
• Her Excellency, Ms. Ayleen Basri, President of the Republic of Jakania
• Mr. Süleyman Peynirci, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Jakania
• Her Excellency, Ms. Linda Rasmussen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Kazulia
• Ms. Karoline Berrefjord, Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of Finance and the Economy of the Kingdom of Kazulia
• Her Excellency, Ms. Xochitl Valferra, High Chancellor of the United Kingdom of Lourenne
• Mr. Tristán Vértiz, Royal Minister of Finances of the United Kingdom of Lourenne
• Her Excellency, Ms. Anna Vinciguerra, Prime Minister of the Republic of Valruzia
• Mr. Jerzy Kamiński, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Valruzia
• His Excellency, Rnárd, Prefect of the Council of the Kingdom of Vanuku
• Ms. Aldrmai Heijkai, Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Vanuku

Specially Invited Guests
• The Right Honourable, Régis Chausson, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Keymon


1. Security in Global Supply Chains - By Dorvik
"Supply-chain security refers to efforts to enhance the security of the supply chain or value chain, the transport and logistics
system for the world's cargo. It combines traditional practices of supply chain management with the security requirements driven
by extra-regional threats." (OOC NOTE: The quoted excerpt is taken from the "supply chain security" wikipedia page.) 8E is expected to address the issue of global supply chains through a comprehensive agreement.

2. Strengthening the Institutions of the World Congress - By Valruzia
It is no secret to the common diplomat that the institutions of the World Congress are weak and thus their ability to render
assistance in areas where they are most needed is often hindered. 8E will discuss potential avenues for strengthening the
institutions of the World Congress through cooperation and inclusion.

3. Global Economic Growth, Cooperation and Trade - By Kazulia and Valruzia
Economists have stated that there is evidence of a global economic slowdown amidst the collapse of several traditional economic
heavyweights. 8E will aim to address the challenges to growth in the global economy. Invited guests may discuss matters of
importance with the various states involved in the summit. The Western Dovani Economic Area (through Kazulia and Lourenne) would
make an undertaking to enhance the fluidity of trade between their respective states and enhance the economic potential of the
organisation. Other regional economic communities may contribute to the discussion on enhancing global economic growth.

4. Global Foreign Policy Issues - By Jakania and Vanuku
The 8E Leaders will aim to discuss current foreign policy issues such as instability, sovereignty, conflicts in Dovani and other matters as
they arise.

5. Climate Change and Energy - By Lourenne and Dorvik
Climate Change is becoming an increasing concerning topic for debate among many nations across terra. From stronger blizzards in
Kazulia to hotter temperatures in the southern hemispheric states, the scourge of climate change is becoming an increasingly
contentious issue. The 8E Leaders will discuss potential mitigation measures and exchange ideas whereby each member can reduce
their impact/contribution to climate change and move to adhere to more sustainable practices. Also, recognising the importance of
natural resources in energy and their impact on climate change 8E leaders will discuss a common commitment to energy security.
Last edited by Maxington on Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: 1st 8E Summit

Postby Maxington » Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:36 pm


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Re: 1st 8E Summit

Postby Auditorii » Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:15 pm

"The Kingdom of Dorvik thanks our gracious hosts from Lourenne for hosting this event. The Eight Economies has been an instrumental organization in the world even if it has at times, been quiet when it comes to global issues. I am very excited to be joined here today by my colleagues from Hutori to discuss security in global supply chains. I can promise that I read all the material that my ministry and others have prepared for me when it comes to discussing this topic. We live in an increasingly globalized economy. I can go to the store in Haldor and pick up two bags of flour and one will be produced in Miktar while another might be produced from Yingdala, the same can be said for any number of products across the globe and I am sure that my colleagues from across the world will discuss this, the key issue we face is keeping that engine moving. I think that we have all seen tensions and conflict arise that have caused issues with the supply chain.

A recent example of this was the diplomatic row that erupted between several countries and Kalistan regarding the Ananto Straits. I can speak from experience that the Dorvish were impacted by this as I am sure everyone else here had questions about the trade that was ongoing within the Anantoese Ocean and the areas impacted by the diplomatic row. This presented the Ministry of Finance an issue to handle: How do we protect our supply chain when events disrupt it? I think we all have an answer: "Well, Steffen, we produce our own XYZ." That is a great concept but unrealistic. No one country can commit to autarky and believe that it can be successful in the long run. Now, I am not blind to the problems that globalization brings but I am receptive to that our globalized economy has often made products cheaper and has often made products that were once a luxury now a common item.

The global supply chain does not just face issues when it comes to nation-states coming to blows, that will always be present and we must rely on the World Congress as well as our allies and sane minds to quell the tensions the best that they can. Trade will be interrupted by diplomatic rows, economic issues and the like when it is made by nation-states despite our best wishes. Another issue plaguing the world, ironically enough, is piracy. Dovani has been the focus of many of our countries eyes recently with the outbreak of tensions and hostilities in North Dovani but it should also be mentioned that we have an ally in the "Third World" region in Ostland. Ostland, among others, have provided a stable anti-piracy mission in the Sea of Carina, the main body of water at the heart of Dovani and despite a relatively advanced navy and air force, continue to provide a number of reports that piracy in the region has gotten worse.

Let us not forget that the Midway Canal provides us all with vital trade and economic benefits but has required Midway to step up its anti-piracy patrols due to increased piracy off the coast of southeastern Dovani. We must, as a group of nations that have the funding and the capabilities, take piracy seriously. As of last year the World Congress Security Council as well as intelligence sources around the world have pegged the pirate attacks on vessels to be around 350 for the 4749 through 4750 year. While the image of pirates conjures up eye patches and peg legs, these are very real threats that our global supply chain faces and while the Security Council provides us a means to provide the world with guidance, there is no reason we cannot act upon this to protect ourselves and all nations around the world in this very important issue.

With that being said, I'll allow my colleague from Hutori to speak before I take the mic again."

Mr. Steffen Ehrenfest,
Minister of Finance
Kingdom of Dorvik
Image Dorvik | Image Zardugal | Image Ostland (FBC)
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Re: 1st 8E Summit

Postby Maxington » Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:03 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: 1st 8E Summit

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:07 pm



During the second day of the 1st EE summit in Eroncourt, Lourenne, Prime Minister of the Republic of Valruzia Anna Vinciguerra led a panel prepared to highlight the declining importance of the World Congress and potential scenarios for its reform. In her keynote, she presented her thoughts which were followed by a debate section with other participants. The full keynote is accessible by clicking on the picture above.

* Note that the wide access to the presentation given by Prime Minister Vinciguerra will be possible after the end of the 1st EE Summit in Eroncourt and will be broadcasted. During the Summit only the participating countries had access to the panel led by PM Vinciguerra.

* password to the document is EE1
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Re: 1st 8E Summit

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:12 pm



Later the same day Prime Minister Vinciguerra during a panel committed to presenting the future of the World Congress, elaborated on the possible scenarios for the 735-years-old World Congress. She presented several possible scenarios of the functioning of the World Congress and the entire world order in the future. The full keynote is accessible by clicking on the picture above.

* Note that the wide access to the presentation given by Prime Minister Vinciguerra will be possible after the end of the 1st EE Summit in Eroncourt and will be broadcasted. During the Summit only the participating countries had access to the panel led by PM Vinciguerra.

* password to the document is EE1
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Re: 1st 8E Summit

Postby Maxington » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:42 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: 1st 8E Summit

Postby Yolo04 » Sat May 02, 2020 1:56 am

Régis Chausson, Representing the Kingdom of Keymon

I would like to firstly apologize for potentially interrupting both the Kazulian and Valruzian delegate, however I would like to discuss this issue, as it directly effects the Kingdom of Keymon. I understand that our nation is merely a guest of, and not a member of, the 8E. However I feel that giving the opinion of our nation is important for this conference.

Now, the addressing of the economic conditions of the world. As clear to all of you, the world economy has seen a slowdown in the recent years. This has had a direct impact on trade and, therefore, the Keymon economy. Keymon, for as long as it has existed, has been a major trading hub for Artanian, Seleyan, Dovani, and Majatran goods and trading vessels. However now, with global trade slowing, the effect is evident in the many quite ports of Leighstown and Turtle Bay. We’ve seen one of the greatest reductions in foreign trade in the last century. This reduction in trade not only effects Keymon and her people but effects all nations and people’s reliant on trade for a portion of there GDP and economic output.

This reduction in trade has seen the GDP of Keymon drop by 3%. Whilst that doesn’t appear too harmful to other nations…to Keymon, it is extremely harmful. That drop in GDP correlated with a drop in the purchasing power of the average Keymon citizen, which directly effects the other aspects of our economy, specifically our services sector. Whilst the influx of Lourennais tourists have sufficiently made up for this drop in purchasing power, the effect is still felt elsewhere. The loss of trade directly harms Keymon and her economy, as much as it effects all other nations.

I believe to combat this stagnation in trade, that directly harms economic growth, the nations of the world must commit to a policy of lowering the barriers to entry to foreign trade. The nations of the world should begin by eliminating tariffs on all goods entering there nations, besides tariffs meant to protect vital sectors of there economies. Secondly, the nations of the world should make it easier for diplomatic discussions concerning trade and economic cooperation to occur.

We believe that, if the above mentioned actions are taken, then the worlds trade and economic well-being will only continue to grow.

Thank you for inviting my nation to this conference so that our voice could be heard.
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Re: 1st 8E Summit

Postby Masionette9 » Sat May 02, 2020 9:51 am



During the third day Valruzian Minister for Finances and Treasury of the Republic of Valruzia Jerzy Kamiński gave a speech on the importance of international trade.

* Note that the wide access to the presentation given by Minister for Finances and Treasury will be possible after the end of the 1st EE Summit in Eroncourt and will be broadcasted. During the Summit only the participating countries had access to the panel led by MFA Kamiński.

* password to the document is EE1
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Re: 1st 8E Summit

Postby XanderOne » Sat May 02, 2020 11:15 am

Mattia Negri, Prime Minister of the Istalian Empire

Greetings to all the representatives of the nations gather here in Eroncourt,
we would like plaud the committment showed by the Prime Ministers of Valruzia and we would like express our fully agreement about the last topic dealt, about the importance of international trade, fully sharing how Valruzia see to the international trade, not only as a factor contributing to economy growth and prosperity for the nations of world, but also as a factor which can promote friendly relations, peace and stability. An increase in the free movement of goods, services but also of investments should be promoted, but, colleagues, how to shield those nations as well as private interests from possible unilateral decisions in this or that nation which could throw away months if not years of economic ralations and investments?
My nation would like suggest to think not only how to promote international trade but also how to shield those how decide to invest in international trade and economic cooperation, private as well as public ones.
Once Istalia tried to develop and put in place some measures to protect the freedom of investment and the investments themself in other countries (http://classic.particracy.net/viewtreat ... atyid=3647), aimed to shield those involved by destructive decisions adopted by foreign governments.
Off course this is just an example, but I talked about that because I think that what is important is that to promote international trade it is important to offer insurance and fair conditions.

And with this I would like to jump on the other topic dealt by the Valruzian Prime Minister: the expansion of the "tools" in the hand of the World Congress. Among these tools we could think to a sort of WC branch focused on the Trade, which could offer neutral and fair rules for the International Trade but most important fair and neutral tools to solve possible clashes between nations and nations, privates and nations and between privates and privates, although in this last case the local judicial authorities will be the ones to deal on this considering that such authorities should rely on laws in turn related to the mentioned fair rules.

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