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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Mon May 18, 2020 4:19 am

Royal Family Flees Abroad

Fairfax Castle, the Royal Palace in downtown Bekenial

With the coming Republican amendment coming to dissolve the Commonwealth and re-establish a Federal Republic the bulk of the Royal Family has left the country on "extended leave" according to the Personal Secretary to the Queen at Steuart House. While nothing official has been confirmed for the reasoning, insiders in the Royal Palace have privately stated that the Royal Family is fearful for their life, considered the generally violent end to Monarchies that have gripped Terra in recent years.

Queen Sarah VI is remaining in Lourenne with her family at the Palais Orléans, the Lourennais Royal Family's retreat in Carolleux, where the Queen maintain's the title of Duchess of Carolleux. Crown Prince Charles, the Queen's Heir, is currently on assignment at the Hutorian Embassy in Eroncourt, where he serves as the Marine Commandant and Military Attache to the United Kingdom. There as well is the Queen's husband, Prince Derek and Prince Charle's spouse and youngest son, Prince Lucas. Princess Diana, the Queen's middle daughter is taking her family to Kazullia on "an extended vacation".

The Queen's younger sisters have also left the country with their respective familes to different parts in the globe, both of whom are very close to the Hutorian Royal Family. Princess Abigail, a Consultant with the Merrick Institute, a defensive think tank based in Acton has flown to Dorvik where she's taken a "long term contract" with the Gath Defence Collective, while the Queen's youngest sister, Princess Beatrice, has left for Vanuku. Upon her arrival she immediately paid her respects to King Wrntukai VIII, and the Archduke of Banstill and their new child, before she left for her cousin Rnard's estate in Vrnhmael. Princess Beatrice is the Vice President of International Investments for Gold Lion Capital. Officially Princess Beatrice is there to open a new office in Wiel to expand Gold Lion Capital to the southern Kingdom, though the Chief Executive Officer for Gold Lion Capital stated that her stay in Vanuku "was as long as it took."

The only remaining members of the Royal Family remaining in Hutori currently confirmed by Steuart House are Prince Isaac and Prince Timothy's two of Prince Charles' children both of whom work directly for the Hutorian Government, one an Intelligence Officer with the Hutorian Security and Intelligence Service and the other in the Royal Hutorian Air Force respectively. Prince Edward, the Grand Duke of Lagard and the Queen's youngest son's is currently serving as the Ambassador to Keymon, and is likely planning on remaining there for the indefinite future.
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby RileyHP » Mon May 18, 2020 7:55 am

Conservatives Promise Revenge If Elected


Conservative Leader Jared Houston kicked off the Tory campaign for the federal election next spring this past week. The rally garnered national headlines after Houston promised revenge against the nation's that vetoed Yingdala's SC R87.

"Kazulia, Istalia, and Dorvik. Once great allies of the Commonwealth of Hutori, have shown their true colors. Hutori's monarch has always supported these nations and ensured Hutori was there in times of need. Unfortunately they have turned their back on our great nation, and are now enemies of the Commonwealth. That is why under a Conservative government, not only will the Monarchy be upheld, but revenge will be had. Hutori will end all economic and military ties with the nations of Kazulia, Istalia and Dorvik if Conservatives are elected in April.

To the great nations of Yingdala and Lourenne, Hutorians are so grateful for your support.

After the speech Houston took questions from reporters, and responded to the Prime Minister's recent statement on SC R87, and the comments the PM made about him.

"If anyone is an 'assailant' against this country, it is Sarah Vance. She is attacking the very core of our democracy by abolishing the most stable form of democratic government Hutori has ever seen. I also find it rather laughable that she would refer to me as a coward, when she can't even answer tough questions in parliament. The woman whose party has a long history of promising Hutorians the world and then hiding from their job once elected, calling ME a coward. That's hilarious. Hutorians will have their say in April, and if Sarah has any sliver of respect for democracy left in her, she'd allow Hutorians to have their say rather than ramming through this bill right before an election."
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby RileyHP » Mon May 18, 2020 8:34 am

Anti-Republican Rally Held At PMO

Police guard the entrance to the Prime Minister's Office during an anti-republican rally in Bekenial.

More than 30,000 Hutorians took to the streets of Bekenial today to protest Prime Minister Sarah Vance's legislation that would abolish the Hutorian monarchy. The protest began with a rally outside of the office of the Democratic Party of Hutori, followed by a march to the PMO, and capped off with rousing speeches from prominent pro-monarchy politicians, including Conservative leader Jared Houston. Protesters held signs calling the Prime Minister a traitor, with some even calling for her arrest. The protest nearly turned violent when several protesters tried to break through the wall of police officers guarding the PMO, however the police quickly subdued them and regained control.

Political experts are expecting more of these types of protests, and some warn they could turn violent if PM Vance and the NPP are re-elected in April.

"As with any major reform of government, there will always be those willing to put their life on the line to protect the status-quo. When a large group of people with that same level of dedication to the cause get together in protests like we saw this week, things can get out of hand very quick, as they nearly did. If Prime Minister Vance and her government are re-elected next spring, we could very well see these protests escalate a lot further." ~ Dr. James T. Harvey, Political Scientist, University of Kenai
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby TheCaliph » Mon May 18, 2020 1:23 pm

Micheal Fleck declares “temporary halt to Republican Movement”
November 4757


The Democratic Party of Hutori held a very important Press conference in which the Leader of the Party, Micheal Fleck had the following to say:

“Good evening everyone, As you all know our nation has been in a controversial Foreign and Domestic position recently after the proposition from the Government to absolve the Monarchy and Re-instore the Presidency and Republic. Although the Democratic Party’s main ambition is the protection of Social,Economic and Personal Liberties of every Hutorian, it is no secret that the mechanisms of Monarchy are not viewed favorably by the Democratic Party. Therefore when the Government, specifically the NPP approached us with the proposition, We found it ideologically appealing to us and gave our support. However we did not rush or encourage them to go forward with it in haste. The situation that followed in our Domestic and Foreign affairs has been regrettable. The blatant attack on our sovereignty by some nations in the Security Council will never be forgotten by the people of Hutori. No one but the Hutorian people shall decide their fate. I would advise the Political Parties within our nation which claim to represent to people to not suck-up to foreign intervention into our domestic politics no matter what the issue of concern is. Having said all of this and adding that the Democratic Party still stands for a Democratic Republic as an ideological position, I am announcing today a temporary halt to the Republican Movement. The Democratic Party of Hutori with its 76 seats shall abstain from the vote concerning the Abolition of Monarchy and restoration of the Republic. We have decided that such a drastic decision must be made after a clear voice of approval from the public, Therefore we urge this issue to be brought up once again after the April elections and If the necessary vote is found to be moved into realisation. The voice of the people must be heard. Thank you.”
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby TheCaliph » Mon May 18, 2020 2:12 pm

Democratic Party gears up for the 4758 Elections
November 4757

The Democratic Party of Hutori is getting ready for its third elections in the young history of the party, the Democratic Party got 4 million votes in its first ever elections in 4750 and 10.5 Million votes in 4754. Micheal Fleck hopes to continue the trend of increased support. With the general elections just months away, the Democratic Party has begun its election campaign for what will be the most interesting election era in recent decades. The amount of parties in parliament is expected to go from four to Eight Political Parties from all sides of the Political Spectrum. Not to mention the amount of seats of parliament with the proposal of the Democratic Party will be increased from 345 to 405 to accomadate the enlargement. The election campaigns are expected to no-doubt center around the issue of Monarchy and Federal Republic, Economic policy and Foreign Policy. The last-minute withdrawal of the Democratic Party from the legislation to Abolish the Monarchy has halted the entire process. Which will be re-visited after the Elections according to sources from the Democratic Party. Micheal Fleck has already made his first public election speech for this election cycle, Talking about the Democratic Party’s proposals within Parliament and criticising the Government for their “increasingly authoritarian ways”.
Micheal Fleck also criticised the rest of the contenders for Parliamentary majority and ended the speech saying “the Democratic Party is the beacon of hope,freedom and democracy within Hutori. Of the people and for the people, The Democratic Party will fight for you and fight for your rights with the help of your vote.”

Micheal Fleck during his speech
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Pragma » Mon May 18, 2020 3:31 pm

Greens Begin Their Campaign

The Green Democratic Party of Hutori have officially started their campaign after the stunning reversal of fortunes resulting from the Democratic Party's decision to stop backing the new Republican constitution. In St. Adrian today, Aurana Bonneau held a rally in which she attacked recent Young Patriot proposals and held her party's very progressive social record in comparison.

Green leader Aurana Bonneau is fighting to win back her St. Adrian North River riding in the face of tough Liberal and Conservative challengers, while her deputy Eska Baptiste-Unnuk is hoping to become the leading representative for her tribe. The Greens are putting forward a full roster of 405 candidates, hoping for big gains in university towns and coastal communities that have an interest in the environment.

Bonneau is likely to seek a deal with other progressive parties, and has been bolstered by news the Naval Party is not standing in the upcoming elections. Internal Green Democratic Party sources suggest they think they can win coastal ridings held by the Naval Party. The big electoral question of this campaign is if the National Progress Party can maintain their massive advantage in the legislature in the face of three new conservative parties and a revitalised Liberal Party. Bonneau is hoping to be a crucial player in an NPP or Liberal cabinet, but would likely want a key cabinet position for herself.
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Conser » Mon May 18, 2020 4:25 pm

Prime Minsiter Vence call the Democratic Party change of position concerning monarchy ''a heartbreaking throwback from history''

After the announce by the Democratic Party that after pledging to support the abolition of monarchy, the would change their position and abstain from voting on the bill, the Prime Minsiter wanted to make statement adressing the situation.

''Hutori had a chance to change it's fate for the better. A opportunity to restore democracy and put an end, once again, to a regime that never had any legitimacy whatsoever. Monarchy is and always will be a mistake in hutorian history. This is fundamentaly not who we are and we will keep fighting for kings and queens to return were the belong; in history book. Altough we respect the decision of the Democratic Party, we must voice our disagrement to the reason mention by them. The parliament, rightfully elected by the hutorian people, has all the legitimacy required to put an end to tyranny right now. This decision is, by all mean, a heartbreaking throwback from history.

Recently, the long time ally and coalition colleague of the NPP, the Naval Party, has been disband. Following this news, it is obvious that new election must be held as soon as possible. Meaning that a new parliament could be elected as soon as january of this year. IN these elction, we will keep defending all that we have always defend, Freedom, equality, equity and solidarity. Of course, we won't forget the most esential, we will campaing for nation to meet with it's destiny, for Hutori to come bakc to it's natural state as a republic.''
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Pragma » Mon May 18, 2020 7:08 pm

Greens Regroup After 'Very Disappointing' Night

The Green Democratic Party is regrouping after a 'very disappointing' set of results in yesterday's elections. The Greens finished last out of seven parties in terms of votes and seats, winning no seats at all in Roccato where their deputy leader Eska Baptiste-Unnuk was standing. Mrs Bapitste-Unnuk was badly defeated and finished sixth in her riding. The party as a whole only has 23 seats, and thus cannot form coalition with the National Progress Party. This leaves them with very little power in the legislature, and a sense of severe disappointment at their first outing in the polls.

Aurana Bonneau was able to win her St Adrian riding by a large majority, the safest seat in the country for the Greens. Two others were elected around the province of Kenai, both in nearby seats. The party also won six seats in Falristan, eight seats in Adelia and six seats in Lagard, mostly in university towns or coastal areas formerly represented by the now-defunct Naval Party. Party officials had hoped to win at least forty seats, allowing them to hold leverage in the parliament. There is also now no super-majority for republicanism. Aurana Bonneau has confirmed to HBC that she will not be standing down but will 'have to reconsider the tactics of this party'.
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby TheCaliph » Mon May 18, 2020 7:14 pm

January 4758

After the dissolvement of the Naval Party, Elections which were planned for April were held earlier then expected in January.
The elections were held under debates of the situation of the Monarchy and Economic issues. The Democratic Party has “finished not as hoped but not bad either” according to Micheal Fleck,the Leader of the Party. The Elections resulted in a 51-Seat finish for the Democratic Party, just 8 seats behind the Liberal Party which ended up second Largest in the Parliament meanwhile the NPP currently holds the largest amount of MP’s (155). There is no doubt that the Conservative Party which aligns with the Democrats in alot of aspects was the main party which took votes away from the Democratic Party. When it comes to the issue of which parties will form the government of the next four years, Micheal Fleck expressed:
“The Democratic Party of Hutori wishes to see a stable coalition government formed as early as possible however Our involvement within a Coalition depends on the protection of some key principles which we will not compromise for any amount of power, I once again would like to thank the millions of voters who put their trust behind us and I promise that this is not a night of dissapointment but a night of new beginnings for the Democratic Party”

Micheal Fleck during the post-Elections speech
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Mon May 18, 2020 7:47 pm

Liberals Celebrate Monarchist Victory as new Leader takes Reins

Newly elected Liberal Leader, and former Falristan Mashacara Grand Chief Tina Warawa

The Liberals have a new Leader as Tina Warawa, the Grand Chief of Falristan's Mashacara and the Chieftainess of the Okwari First Nation, has been elected the Okwari's Member of Parliament for their reserve, outside of Tremaine Falristan. Warawa has been a vocal opposition voice against the Republican Amendment that was in front of Parliament in the last sitting. Warawa has promised that she will gladly sit as the Leader of the Official Opposition against any NPP lead Government, refusing to work with them for "revealing their true colours at wanting to pull down Hutori". The Mashacara are widely seen as the most devoutly Pro-Monarchist group in Hutori, with Pro-Monarchist Parties having gone out of their way to stay out of Mashacara affairs and allowing themselves to be entirely self-governed which is protected by Treaty established by King William III. The Mashacara have awarded the Monarch of Hutori the title of High Chieftain of the Mashacara Nations, a title they reserve solely for whom the Mashacara believe is the sole united voice for their people.


Queen Sarah VI Returns to Hutori Following Defeat of Republican Amendment

With the Republican Amendment in front of Parliament defeated for at least the next four years, Her Imperial Majesty Queen Sarah VI has returned to Bekenial to perform her official duties as Head of State, retiring immediately to Fairfax Castle, a notable movement as generally the Queen and her family reside in Steuart House, in the Bekenial Suburbs, rather then Fairfax Castle which overlooks Parliament Hill. The Queen's choice to remain in her official downtown residence is likely to send a message to the Prime Minister, with the Queen wanting to remain as close to Parliament as possible to watch the proceeds.

Crown Prince Charles, the Prince of Adelia

The rest of the Royal Family for the most part fled abroad and will likely be remaining abroad for the indefinite future, with the exception of Prince Charles' the Marine Commandant at the Hutorian Embassy in Eroncourt. Rumor has been circulating that he's been tapped for promotion to Brigadier General, and will be returning to Hutori, both to remain close to his mother, and to take over the Marine forces in Adelia.
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