
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Lourenne Quotidien- Inside the Monarchy

Postby Luis1p » Wed May 13, 2020 3:25 am

Inside the Monarchy is an Independent Newspaper reporting on the Lourennais Monarchy
Keeping in Touch with Distant Family
This morning, the Crown Representative to the Lourennais Royal Family Angelica Bouyer told the press
at the daily press conference in the Royal Assembly that Queen Isabelle III, her husband Antoine, and
her two kids Herbert and Philippe traveled to Hutori to meet with the Queen's relatives and to improve
overall relations with the longtime ally. Since a Yingdalan delegation visited Eroncourt years ago, the
Queen began to create a new foreign policy direction with the Royal Ministry of International Affairs to
guide Lourenne for the next 15 years. The queen's policy aims around building and continuing relationships
with the United Kingdom's allies such as Hutori, Kazulia, and Dorvik as well as improving on newer ones
such as those with Yingdala, Keymon, Hanzen, and Jakania. Yet, the Queen, decided that the United
Kingdom's main focus should be on Hutori, the nation which gave the Royal Family the ability to keep
growing and the nation which has not received much attention compared to other allies in the past
years. The Queen and her family according to the Crown Representative, will visit Queen Sarah VI and
her family at the Hutorian Royal Residency. There both families will meet for the first time in several
years since Louis IV's visit to Hutori. The Queen has mentioned before that she looks to have the Hutorian
Queen and her family visit a royal residency in the Bellemont coast region to continue improving the
relationships between both families. Queen Isabelle is also set to meet with members of the Hutorian
Government to ensure economic and military cooperation continues to exist between both Kingdoms.
As two of the world's strongest economies, the Queen hopes that her visit open up opportunities for
both Lourennais investors to invest in Hutori and Hutorian investors to invest in Lourenne. Of course
prior to the Queen's travels to Hutori, various Lourennais corporations indicated the desire to expand
to Hutori, a market that has not seen much Lourennais investments in some time. The Queen returning
to Lourenne in two days will continue to foster this relationship and look for different ways to become
closer to the Commonwealth as her reign continues.
Inside the Monarchy is an Independent Newspaper reporting on the Lourennais Monarchy
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Lourenne Quotidien- The National Defense

Postby Luis1p » Fri May 15, 2020 12:10 am

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
Image of the new Maubagne Class Frigates docked in the Royal Navy's Base in Parmentier
Expanding the Capabilities of the Royal Navy
After several years of construction and precision planning, the Royal Navy received its 7 Delaune Class and 5 Maubagne class
frigates from Noriega and Industries Capet-Fouquet. The ships completed in separate construction ports in Lourenne, were
all transported to the Royal Navy's main base in Parmentier to undergo final inspections by the Royal Ministry of Defense. The
ships were made to expand the Third and Fourth Response fleets of the Royal Navy stationed in Kanjor and Rildanor. According
to the Royal Ministry of Defense, the expansions of the third and fourth fleet go along with the new foreign policy approach
the Queen has proposed to the Royal Ministry and the Royal Ministerial Departments. Royal Minister of Defense Sandra Delafour
stated that the expansion of the Royal Navy is to "allow the Lourennais Royal Navy to have a global approach to its policy and
spread its reach beyond the greater Anantonese Ocean region that it has maintained for several years." Some older ships within
the third and fourth fleets that are no longer up to the ministry's expectation will either be sold or scrapped once the new
frigates are tested tomorrow in Parmentier. The Lourennais Royal Navy currently maintaining 5 fleets throughout the Anantonese
Ocean is prepared to begin its older ambitions of having a naval and aerial influence in other areas of the world. According to
correspondents of the RMD, the Minister of Defense is looking to getting basing rights in Dorvik and Hutori, both longtime allies
of the United Kingdom to go through with the ministry's plans of basing fleets elsewhere in the world.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby colonelvesica » Fri May 15, 2020 5:44 pm

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Re: Lourenne Quotidien - National Defense

Postby Luis1p » Sat May 16, 2020 8:19 pm

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
The Royal Navy's Third Fleet hopes to find a new home base in Dorvik
Improving Capabilities in the Arctic
The Lourennais Naval Action Squadron(EAN) comprised of the Lourennais 3rd Fleet. Several ships of the fleet including the
Delaune Class, Maubagne Class, and Trebole Class Frigates entered the Dundorf Sea near the province of Kordusia on January
4th to conduct training and operations in the challenging conditions of the Arctic region. Along with the warships, Lourennais
Royal Navy ATLA-10 maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft (MPA) provided support during training and operational
events.“The Arctic is an important region and our naval forces operate there, including the White Ocean, to ensure the
security of commerce and demonstrate freedom of navigation in that complex environment,” said Adm. Joshua Fogain
commander of the Royal Naval Forces in Artainia. “Our operations with the Dorvish Navy demonstrate the strength, flexibility
and commitment to the freedom of navigation throughout the Arctic and all northern waters.” As the Arctic continues to
become more accessible to maritime traffic, naval proficiency in the region is critical to regional security, global commerce
and American national interests. The Royal Navy’s operations provided the opportunity for Sailors to demonstrate their
readiness for sustained Arctic operations in the unique and challenging environment. “It was great to be operating in the
arctic again,” said Capt. Jose A. Gasard,commander of Destroyer Squadron 2. “This is what it means to be a global Navy
sailing wherever international law allows. And it is even better that we returned with the Dorvish Navy by our side," The
joint exercise, made up of approximately 1,200 Sailors from the two nations, conducted high-end, sustained operations
combined and divisional surface warfare tactics, refined coordinated operations with the Dorvish and Lourennais Air Forces
and reinforced arctic communications capabilities, while maintaining proficiency in critical warfare areas. “We are working
together continuously to deliver credible and effective deterrence and defense throughout the northern hemisphere region,”
said Fogain. “Our ability to conduct maritime operations hasn’t been undermined, our forces remain ready and engaged in
our critical work to ensure maritime trade continues and vital supplies are able to move where they are needed the most.”
With support from supply, the ships maintained continuous operations through replenishment-at-sea.
Expanding National Interests, Security, and Stability
Conducting these complex evolutions allow Lourennais and allied ships to remain uninterrupted on station for long periods of
time. "These Arctic operations in the Barents Sea demonstrate the ability of our crews to execute every mission in any
maritime environment," said Adm. Fogain. "Our steady exercises, operations and presence in waters surrounding Artania and
Keris/Macon have prepared our ships to work seamlessly with each other and our allies to provide maritime security. Allied and
partner navies must remain proficient in all operating environments to ensure the continued security and access to the seas.
This is especially critical in the north, where the austere weather environment demands constant vigilance and practice." The
ships of the Lourennais Royal Navy are applying lessons learned from recent operations in the arctic while increasing their
navies’ abilities in cold weather conditions. To successfully operate in the region, Sailors must master navigation, logistics, and
communications in the harsh environment. The Royal Navy's Third Fleet, currently headquartered in Rildanor, conducts the full
spectrum of joint and naval operations, often in concert with allied and inter agency partners, in order to advance Lourennais
national interests and security and stability in Seleya, yet the Royal Navy is hopeful establishing a base in Dorvik, as the new
home place of the Third Fleet.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien- Stellar Opinion

Postby Luis1p » Sun May 17, 2020 12:23 am

Stellar Opinion is an independent newspaper based in Lourenne that releases opinion, editorials, and analyses daily
By: David Legale, Senior Editor at L'Opinion Stellaire
Oh man. I hope all of our readers are doing well. But have you heard the news coming out of Hutori? The country is looking to abolish
their monarchy. Funky stuff right? It perplexes me that the nation is looking to do this massive political change at this moment. Right
now, while their country is arguably in a prime position in the world. Now, I will not start off this piece by bashing one of the country's
longtime allies, rather I will begin laying out the foundation on why perhaps Hutorian politics has taken this sharp downhill turn. A turn
that will only lead to the loss of national identity, culture, and history.
A Symbol of Tradition and Culture
The shock of the possible loss of one of the world's most prominent monarchies is no light news. This is of course a major turning point
in Hutori's recent history. Oh. Allow me to backtrack, it is not recent. The Hutorian monarchy has been around longer than Prime Minister
Vence has. Way longer. It is confusing to me really why someone who wishes to advance their nation's prosperity and success would
undermine and remove the symbol of their country to reach these goals. Again, I do not believe the Queen of Hutori is currently unpopular
last I checked of course. The Hutorian Royal Family, although not having a political affiliation within the government of Hutori, always seeks
to better the nation whether it be through economic help or their military service.Yes, the Hutorian Royal Family even contributes to the
military of the commonwealth nation. I believe it is a mandatory rule within the family. Can a Hutorian call themselves patriotic if they
seek to remove the symbol of their nation? A symbol that has contributed to the protection of Hutorians themselves? Perhaps the Prime
Minister hasn't thought about this. Or anything at all?
International Developments
Now, the international community has not taken this topic lightly of course. Heck, Yingdala proposed a resolution to condemn the National
Progress Party in the security council. So much for Yingdala committing themselves to sovereignty and stability, but that's a story for
another day.Of course, don't forget that Madame Bustier also voted for it. Which is stupid, but I understand why she would vote yes on
behalf of the Queen. Still doesn't cover the fact that she should not have voted for that. Anyways. The Prime Minister of Hutori, again
went to the press to begin talking about how Hutori was "bothered" by this resolution. Okay. Fairs. But then continued to say that Hutori
would vote for Likatonia for Seat C. Again, does Prime Minister Vence think at all? Let's recall for a second Likatonia. Voting for Likatonia?
Well. Likatonia can't maintain its own nation stable. Likatonia is a risk to itself. How does PM Vence think Likatonia will do a better job
than Yingdala in the security council? My grandmother could do a better job than Likatonia in the security council and she's dead! Heck
PM vence even said today ". For being in the security council require maturity and credibility,". Well, that automatically rules out Likatonia.
But alas, PM Vence and the NPP decides to favor a state that will likely flood the security council with religious propaganda in order to
protect Hutorian decency, which who knows what that means for the PM at this point.
Future Developments
Speaking of international affairs, how will this affect Hutori's allies. Well. We already saw how Yingdala and Lourenne acted. Will this
change anything at all? Future cooperation will that change? Is Hutori shooting themselves in the foot with this move? I don't know. I mean
after all, only Hutori knows what good for Hutori. Or as PM Vence would likely say, only "I know what's right for Hutori". I want to make
a prediction for Hutori. They'll likely lose their standing as one of the world's most important structures. Perhaps, they'll fall into deeper
political instability now that a more strenuous political process will be introduced. Again, this is all because the monarchy just doesn't fit
Hutori anymore. It's not relevant. Tell that to the other monarchist nations in the world. See how they're thriving. This political gridlock
that is incoming in Hutori will clearly slow down the way towards economic progress. Will the economy stagnate? Again, will connections
with other "commonwealth" nation deteriorate? Will relations with allies fail? Of course, as a stable, thoughtful, and careful leader, PM
Vence should have thought about this before going ahead and screwing over Hutori. Did she? Again let me back track, she stated "What
does the Emperor of Yingdala know about our tradition, our history or our culture?" Prime Minister Vence, if you knew anything about the
tradition, history, and culture of Hutori, you would not be trying to abolish the monarchy. Have some sense and realize the true identity
of your nation before you try and get rid of it. But hey, "all in favor of a President say 'Aye' ", is better than national identity right?
Final Thoughts
Finally to end off my seasoned rant and quite truthful analysis, I will say I'm quite disappointed in the NPP and PM Vence. So sad to see
Hutori go down this route. I just want to know what PM Vence thought about before introdced the bill really. Was she just "bored" of the
monarchy despite the centuries-long success behind it? Perhaps she needs to be democratically elected, which she technically was, for
her to feel better about herself? The changing of regimes is of course fluid. There will be changes in a nations government after some
time. But is it reasonable to force it on a nation which is going through a great moment of prosperity? Again, PM Vence is probably bored
with it and for the third time, does PM Vence think at all? I do not know. Godspeed Hutori. For the years ahead of you, I think, will be
part of political gridlock and turmoil. But it's okay. Look to your Prime Minister for a sense of culture and tradition. After all she's been
around for 400 years. For readers in Hutori, remember I am not the voice of the Lourennais government. These are my own thoughts.
This has been a stellar opinion.
Stellar Opinion is an independent newspaper based in Lourenne that releases opinion, editorials, and analyses daily
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby colonelvesica » Mon May 18, 2020 4:24 am

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Lourenne Quotidien - National Defense

Postby Luis1p » Tue May 19, 2020 2:20 am

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
The Royal Ministry of defense is said to be preparing an Invasion of the Island of Ananto
Preparing for an Invasion?
This morning, the Royal Minister of Defense Sandra Delafour in accordance to the Prime Minister and the Queen herself, backed
by the Royal Assembly have begun a mass mobilization of the Royal Ground Component after Lourennais intelligence expressed
concern over the political uncertainty and international implications that would result over the rise of the Socialist Party of
Kalistan who has long transformed Kalistan into an unstable and dangerous republic. Madame Delafour stated that "the United
Kingdom will no longer attempt another tit-for-tat conflict with Kalistan over the stability of the region we both share. Our
diplomatic attempts have failed time after time with this party. It is time we put our force on display and finally begin to turn
Kalistan into the country it has been trying to become for so long.
The Queen met with the High Chancellor and the Royal
Ministerial Departments yesterday to ensure that a possible conflict with Kalistan would not go overboard. The Royal Ministry of
Defense has summoned the Royal Navy's Third and Fourth Fleets from Rildanor and Kanjor to assist the Royal Ground Component
in what appears to be an incoming conflict with the Kalistani state. The Royal Air Force has already begun reconnaissance
operations in the Anantonese Ocean according to the Royal Ministry of Defense, yet they did not explain the crowd of ex Kalistani
government officials seen in Eroncourt in the past month. While a conflict with Kalistan seems imminent, the High Chancellor did
claim that "caution, speed, and tact will be taken into account if a conflict with Kalistan were to occur. Our focus will be to
cause the least destruction or damage as possible."

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Doc » Tue May 19, 2020 4:56 am

(smuggled copies of Izquierda discovered in Eroncourt)


Socialist Deputies weigh options
Lourenne's recent statements "trouble" minority

Kaliburg, Ananto
March 12, 4758

Kalistan's Provisional National Assembly meets to discuss news from Lourenne

"This is not the way we imagined it," said newly elected Socialist Deputy from Sulari Franco Edwards. "We have barely formed a government, and at the Plenary meeting of the National Assembly, the first such meeting in Kaliburg in a decade, we find this out."

The news Deputy Edwards refers to comes from the United Kingdom of Lourenne, Kalistan's old rival. In a recent news report from the Canrilaise journal Defense Nationale, the Government of Lourenne appears to be preparing for armed intervention in what is admittedly an unstable environment which is now known as Enskal Estaura. The warning serves as a threat for some Socialist Deputies, who identify themselves as "Old Line Nationalists."

One, a Deputy from Port Eshar in Vrassa name James Douglass Paige stated, "Well, under no circumstances would Kalistan of our grandfathers have ever tolerated this type of provocation from the Lourennaise!" Speaking from the floor, Paige attempted to rally the endorsement of his fellow deputies for an emergency activation of the militias in preparation for any Lourenaise action. He gained the vocal support from about 45 of his fellow deputies.

But the new Defense Minister, Honorario Sanchez, rose to speak on behalf of the Government. "Comrades, and Adiskideak, You propose we fight them. You propose we activate the militia to defend Kalistan. I ask: With what? Kalistan's military was unceremoniously mothballed more than 8 years ago, and the militia has not been activated for generations. Even if we had weapons, we don't have anyone trained. It will take us months to stand anyone in the militia up, and then they would be no match for Lourennaise regulars." At the end of the day, the Old Line Nationalists got Sanchez to agree to work on plans to at least mount a defense of Ananto and the Ananto Straits, as soon as it is practical. Sanchez also agreed to begin evaluation of the state of the Eskalan navy, to begin patrols in the Ananto Strait as soon as possible.

"Its a small win," said Paige, who vowed to force through legislation before the end of summer which would renew Kalistan's traditional stance in the region. "We don't have the numbers today, but I was not elected to office to sit on my hands and allow our great Republic be pushed around by Lourenne." It is not clear how much support there is for Paige's hardlined stance, but what is clear is that the Brethrenist faction, who generally oppose war and conflict, currently hold the dominant position within the Party, which conforms to fact that Brethrenist meetings served as a primary source for new recruits for Party offices. If Tuesday's votes were any indication, the Nationalist position represents slightly less than 9 percent of the current Assembly.

As IZQUIERDA is currently the only operating newspaper in the Republic, and we are currently serving as the primary mouthpiece for the Luthori and Egelian speakers in Eskalan/Kalistan, the editors have not taken a position between the nationalists and the pacifists. We should note however that in the past, threats to Kalistani national integrity have almost always produced rapid and dramatic mobilization of Kalistani military assets. It is certain that if the provocations from Lourenne continue unanswered over time, the nationalist position in the Assembly will grow stronger. For his Part, Paige is already beginning to campaign for the elections in 3 years on a strongly nationalist message and he and several close associates have already identified several potential candidates who may offer an electoral challenge to Brethrenist opponents.

"We think we can identify about 200 strong nationalists across the Republic who will absolutely challenge any Socialist deputies who do not mount an adequate challenge to Lourennaise provocation," said Paige. "Perhaps putting the threat of a primary will spur them to action, if the threat of a Lourennaise missile sub in Port Davon does not."

We shall see.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien- The National Press

Postby Luis1p » Tue May 19, 2020 7:44 pm

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
This evening, the High Chancellor of Lourenne xochitl Valferra addressed the nation over concerns and questions following the
news that the government is preparing an invasion of Enskal Estatua (Kalistan). We have provided a transcript of the address
    "My dear Lourennians, I came to discuss the recent news coming from the kingdom's press. It is true that the nation is heading to
    war. Now, the topic of war I understand is very critical in the nation. The Royal Assembly, members of the Royal Ministerial
    Departments, and the Crown Representative have all agreed with me to begin an invasion of the Enskal Estatua (Kalistan).
    However, we do not blindly march into this state with no reasons. Approximately a week ago, intelligence sources from the
    nation's ministry of defense discovered that the Enskalan government was preparing a plan to close off the Ananto Straits as well
    as begin pirate raids on the trade of our nation. We discovered that these actions were encouraged by the Socialist Party, the only
    party in the nation. However, we also received pleas of help and distress from the Enskalan Socialist Party. We believe that the
    internal politics of Enskalan State are in disarray, so much that the safety of our trade and our people on the seas are at risk. To
    encourage safety on the Anantonese and to stabilize the political situation of our neighbors to the west, we have decided to
    indeed hold power and control of the Enskalan State until we can create a permanent solution that will lead to a better future for
    the nation and improve it like never before. I understand this is an awkward moment in our history to be doing this. We are
    prospering economically, our nation is growing and diversifying, our standard of life is high, yet we march into foreign lands with
    a plan of invasion. As High Chancellor of Lourenne for several years, I have acted in ways that I believe will improve the nation.
    Yet for several years we have tried to share our success with other nations of the world. Our invasion of the Enskalan State will
    not be to enshrine ourselves as regional dictators, but as a response to a plea of help. We aim to stabilize their nation. We aim
    to help them grow and we aim to help them become successful, not just for them, but for the entire Anantonese region which
    has see its years of fruitless conflicts. We have the resources and the intelligence to end the conflict with as little damage and
    deaths as possible. For all Lourennians, I ask for your support. Our neighbors will need us like never before, and although we
    will receive some rejectionfrom the Enskalan State, we will prevail."
The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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