
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby InfiniteHome » Thu May 21, 2020 12:51 am

IRP lays out sweeping Education Bill

West Bolton- Leaders of the IRP met today at the IRP HQ in West Bolton to lay out a sweeping reform on Likatonia Education. IRP Education Leader Anton Meinhard and IRP Party Leader Kyle Tolvelov laid out the main points for their signature legislation of this legislative cycle.

We are very proud of the work our party has done putting this piece of legislation together. Education is the key to the future for Likatonia and the Likatonia National Curriculum Enactment will provide the framework for a prosperous future.

The Likatonia National Curriculum Enactment under the current bill looks as follows:
Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly
based and which:
1.0 - National Curriculum which all schools are REQUIRED to follow.

1.1 promotes the moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils
at the school and of society, and

1.2 prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and
experiences of later life.

2.2 The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that each school
plans for its pupils. The national curriculum forms one part of the school curriculum.

2.3 Maintained schools in Likatonia are legally required to follow the statutory national
curriculum which sets out in programs of study, on the basis of key stages, subject
content for those subjects that should be taught to all pupils. All schools must publish
their school curriculum by subject and academic year online.2

2.4 All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic
education (PSHE), drawing on good practice. Schools are not free to include other
subjects or topics of their choice in planning and designing their own program of

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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby InfiniteHome » Thu May 21, 2020 1:05 am

IRP Shakeup after Likatonia Terrorist Attack

West Bolton- With Likatonian people on ice after the terror attack in Clovisport the IRP Leader Kyle Tolvelov has declared he will step down in favor of Kora Vilma. Vilma served in the Likatonia military for 25 years before taking a spot in IRP leadership. Kora Vilma had this to say about her nomination and campaign for President:

I am extremely excited to announce my candidacy for President. The people of Likatonia deserve more from their government in terms of security and the past right-wing government stripped the military down and bent a knee to foreign companies. Isolationist policies have always worked best for Likatonia and thats what put Kyle Tolvelov on the map. As Trade and Industry leader he withdrew from numerous outdated treaties and it has benefited Likatonia. I look forward to doing more of the same in the defense industry.

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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby John Cracker » Thu May 21, 2020 1:06 am

Fascist Terrorist Leader Killed in Shootout

Two weeks after President Kristen White announced that all terrorist organizations were national threats, and a week after fascist leader Adam Rooney threatened more terrorist attacks, he was killed in a shootout along with three other fascist leaders, five were arrested. To the survivors shock after the 10 second shootout was over a man steeped forward without a scratch and walked over to the military officers asking were he would be relocated.

They soon discovered that this man was a former fascist and member of the terrorist group who leaked the information to the military about the meeting that would take place in Clovisport, the meeting would be to plan the next attack. The military was aided by the police who blocked all exits while the military busted down the door to arrest the terrorist leaders. In total four leaders (including Adam Rooney) were shot dead after they opened fire on the military, five leaders were arrested and an additional 11 members of the group were also captured.
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby John Cracker » Thu May 21, 2020 1:07 am

Anarchist Patriot Terror Group Gets a Smack

This morning 23 members of the Anarchist Patriot terror group were arrested in a purge in Anahim Pirland, no terrorist or military personal were killed. The military got the information about the meeting form one of their spies recently put into the organization, the militairy first threw 22 separate canisters of teargas through the windows of the war house incapacitating many members there within several minutes the military and police had busted through the doors tasing any terrorist who dared to get off the ground, in total 5 of the 23 were leaders, but it is believed around 45 and many in the back took to the streets after the windows broke. Within one week two separate groups of terrorist have been purged by the military, leaving many to wonder, how many spies does the military have in these organizations?
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby LC73 » Thu May 21, 2020 9:04 am

LAC 100-1 on market

April 4759

After years of development and testing the LAC 100-1 is on the market. It costs 70 million LOD and features 140 economy seats in a small amount of space which is great for airlines. Air Likatonia have announce they will buy 10 of them to see how well they work flying short international flights in Northern Seleya. If this goes well they have said they may buy more.
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby John Cracker » Thu May 21, 2020 6:03 pm

Building On NTA Base Starts

With the treaty for the North Terran Alliance about to pass the Defense Minister has ordered the start of a NTA base which will be located in St, Jackson, Norwalk, the base will be an air force base and will be able to hold around 120 aircraft at one time. This base will likely cost about 3 bill. LIK to build, and around 1.5 bill. LIK per year to upkeep, it will be the largest and most expensive military base in Likatonian history. There will be three Likatonian Air Force Squadrons stationed there, the 4th Helicopter Squadron (24 UH-1 Cobras), the 13th Fighter Squadron (24 LF-15s), and the 19th Fighter Squadron (24 HF-35Ls). Davaston has not yet given a number of squadrons to be stationed at St. Jacksons air force base, but when after the base is completed Likatonina and Davastonian squadrons will partake in joint exercises through ought the year at St. Jacksons Air-force Base, the two countries will split the cost in accordance with the NTA treaty.
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby John Cracker » Thu May 21, 2020 8:47 pm

Agricultural Boom in Norwalk, Agricultural Exports Increase

This years harvest has brought some good news for farmers in Norwalk with a large boost in overall production, grain production increased by a whole 10%, fruit production increased by 8%, overall vegetable production (not including corn) increased by 7%, and corn increased by 4%. Cattle, swine, sheep, and goat numbers also increased significantly, with cattle increasing by 1,000,000 (10%), swine increasing by 200,000 (2.8%), sheep increasing by 300,000 (5%) and goats increasing by 100,000 (20%). The increase is largely due to the right mixture of rainy and sunny days, being ideal for breeding and the production of crops, resulting in the agricultural boom. With the agricultural boom came increased agricultural exports to nations like Hutori, Luthori, and Valruzia, total agricultural exports increased by 7.4%. Grain, and meat prices have also decreased by 5% driving up consumption which has helped the GDP which went up 1% this quarter.
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby John Cracker » Fri May 22, 2020 9:03 pm

Last edited by John Cracker on Sat May 23, 2020 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Interested in not responding to ridiculous accusations, namely from Jakania, and Lourania, and now Valruzia
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby Auditorii » Fri May 22, 2020 9:47 pm

John Cracker wrote:NTA Bases Completed, NTA Performs Naval Exercise Near Telamon

The NTA base in Likatonia, St. Jacksons Air Force Base, and NTA headquarters in Nyberg, Davaston, which is a Naval, Air-Force, and Army base, have both been completed, with a cost of about 3.8 billion LOD, the cost was split evenly between the two countries in the NTA, Likatonia and Davaston, in order to shorten the load. After the bases were complete LIkatonia and Davaston organized an NTA fleet, Davaston sent 7 Nyberg Republic-class Corvettes, 6 Møllested Republic-class Corvettes, 4 Dovborg Republic-class Vessels and 2 Langrup Republic-class Submarines, adding up to 19 ships from Davaston, Likatonia sent 9 Bekenial Class Frigates, 9 Pirland Class Battleships, and 6 Walter Class Submarines, adding up to 24 ships from Likatonia, brining the NTA fleet to a total of 43 ships. For St. Jacksons Air Force Base Likatonia sent three squadrons, the 19th Fighter Squadron, the 13th Fighter Squadron and the 4th Helicopter Squadron.

The NTA fleet set out early this morning (January 17th as of the time of writing), all 43 ships set out from NTA headquarters in Nyberg, Davaston, along with it was sent the 19th Fighter Squadron, which arrived the day before, and will be there temporally for the protection of the NTA fleet. By noon the NTA fleet made it 22 nautical miles from the beginning of Telamons EEZ (Set by the Law of the Sea Treaty ... reatyid=14), the NTA fleet had no intention of slowing down, or turning around, they continued the exercise keeping the same speed, heading strait for the EEZ of Telamon, at about 10 nautical miles the HF-35Ls refueled mid air, filling up with enough to make it back to the same area to refuel later in the exercise. At 13:02 the NTA came to Telamons EEZ, and continued with full speed ahead, there was little doubt within the fleet that Telamons eyebrow had been raised, but this was no concern. The NTA fleet got within 12 nautical miles of shore of the busiest beech in Telamon, but will make sure to stay in the EEZ, and not enter there territorial waters, here the fleet came to an abrupt stop and then one ship came forward, behind it was towed surprise for Telamon, an unmanned small patrol ship, the boat was set a drift and the ship turned around and headed back, there is no doubt that Telamon was in a state of confusion at this moment, the Likatonian national anthem played, then the Davastonian, when they ended suddenly the HF-35Ls flew overhead, something falling from them, bombs, some missed, but several hit almost at the same time, destroying the ship in a large explosion, likely sending Telamon into a state of fear and confusion, then the HF-35Ls and the fleet turned around, sailors cheering, then when they were all turned around, the lead battleship of the Davastonains, and the lead battle ship of the Likatonians fired there guns, not hitting anything, but almost as a salute. It took another few hours to leave the EEZ, the fleet was on time and met with the refueling ships who refueled the HF-35Ls, the fleet made it back to Nyberg unscathed, the captains and sailors slept uneasily that night, not knowing what Telamon would do next.

OOC: We're going to pause this for a moment. Vesica and I will address it when he is not angrily throwing stuff into his shopping cart.
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Re: Likatonian National Newspaper

Postby Vojvoda » Fri May 22, 2020 10:08 pm

Democratic Party of Likatonia replaces Social Democrats

After Thomas Hartley resigned as Party leader, SD party memebers had to elect their leader. On this inner-party elections held on January 4760 , liberal and most rightest faction that existed in SD has won for the first time. Eric Smith was elected as party leader, while party presidency will consist from 6 members since the SD foundings: Tomasz Joseph (liberal faction), William Barrett (social liberal faction), Rose William (centrist faction), Lenny Rooney (social liberal faction), Mikaela James (liberal faction), Elliott Harmon (liberal faction). Party presidency decided togerther with the party leader decided to change name of the party to the Democratic Party of Likatonia. This is understandable since for the first time Social Democrats exist that none of the 6 members of party presidency nor party president belong to the social democratic faction. Here is the interview LNN journalist has made with the Eric Smith.

LNN journalist: How do you feel about your election as party president firstly as of Social Democrats and then latter as of Democratic Party of Likatonia?
Firstly, I need to thank to my colleagues and supportes who has always belived me that I am capable of having a change to lead one of the most important parties in the Likatonian sonner history. Secondly, I am overflooded with the emotions right now. But, after few days, I think I will calm down and finish party program fully for the upcomming 4761 elections.

LNN journalist: Why did you change name of the party to the Democratic Party of Likatonia?
My team had tough time doing this, because we all grew up politically in SD, but we always felt that SD is too much supportive of some undemocratic leftist and far-left parties which wasn't always the case in the history for SD, such was SWP and now IRP. Another reason is that in recent years, although left-wing Labour Party didn't change political position at all and they are participating in now arguably the most non-ideological government in Likatonia for the last 80 years of SD existance and yet SD was slightly more moderate centre-left party than Lab. On the other hand, Social Democrats are seen as threat from some centre-right parties, such as LD. Right-leaning parties were behaving toward us like we were ex-NULP, fascists with LD populist and hate speech rhetorics toward SD. Nevertheless, SD got isolated in the Senate, the only trurly ally at that moment was left-wing IRP. In other word, SD desperatly needed for change although we achieved great result in last 2 legislative elections but we couldn't form majority which speaks enough for itself about whole situation in Social Democrats .

LNN journalist: You said that IRP was SD biggest ally at some point, can you name now party which is now closest you Democratic Party of Likatonia?
That's a tough question. You'll see after elections. Honestly, since we moved to the centre we expect all centre-left, centrist and centre-right parties to be our ally instead of IRP. But we want firstly to see how will Dem poll in the next elections and if we are satisfied with the election result, we will start negotiations for the next government with all parties, I can promise that.

Eirc Smith,
Leader of the Democratic Party of Likatonia
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