
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Lourenne Quotidien-National Defense

Postby Luis1p » Wed May 20, 2020 2:33 am

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
Lourennais forces have already claimed lands outside of Kaliburg and along the coasts of the island of Ananto
At 7:04 A.M this morning, the Lourennais Royal Armed Forces began the Invasion of Kalistan which involved support from the
Royal Air Force, the Third and Fourth Royal Navy Fleets and the inclusion of over sixty thousand men stormed the beaches of
the island of Ananto as well as the skies over Kaliburg. The Royal Navy backed the Royal Ground Components landing in Port
Swedes, Sulari, and Gendaris. The Lourennais Royal Air Force immediately began to provide reconnaissance and air coverage
over the beaches and areas the Royal Ground Component landed on. Patches of the Kalistani Nationalist Militia set up a small
defensive points along the beaches and hills near Port Swedes. The Royal Force was able to destroy most of the defensive
points set up, however the bulk of the task was left to the ground component which began landing several amphibious armored
vehicles and equipment from the Fourth Fleet at the various invasion points. While the Airspace over Kalistan was being secured
by the Royal Air Force, units of the parachutist regiment as well as the Lourennais Marines Parachutist regiment unit deployed
and landed outside of Kaliburg and behind the defensive points set up by the Nationalist Militia on mainland Kalistan, where
immediate resistance by the Kalistani Nationalist Militia occurred. The Lourennais infantry regiment was able to mow down the
defense of the militia at the expense of few Lourennais casualties. Over in Gendaris, the Royal Marines were able to seize the
province's government building and were met with praise and celebration in the city. While the Royal Marine's begun to move
into Kaliburg's city limits, the Royal Air Force reported several explosions in the city of Kaliburg. The Royal Ground Forces who
landed in Ananto are in the process of heading into Kaliburg and stabilizing the city, facing little resistance as most of the nation's
militias are not active. The Royal Ground Forces are set to take Kaliburg within the next 48 hours as Port Swedes, Gendaris, and
Sulari are set to come under Lourennais control in the next 12 hours. The Royal Ministry of Defense is set to release a new update
of the invasion as soon as more information is made present. The Royal Ministry of Defense believes that the nation will be fully
under Lourennais control within the next two weeks or less since no paramount defense of the country is expected.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
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Lourenne Quotidien-National Defense

Postby Luis1p » Thu May 21, 2020 1:59 am

The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
The Lourennais Special Forces were able to take down the leadership of the Nationalist Militia a day after the Initial Invasion
After 3 days following the initial invasion of Kalistan, the Royal Ground component was able to secure most of Kalistan's major
cities including the capital city Kaliburg. Major resistance was faced in Kaliburg compared to other cities on mainland Kalistan.
The Nationalist Militia ,led by the nationalist faction leader James Douglass Paige, hunkered down at Kalistan's National
Government building as well as the city hall neighborhood in the city. Lourennais Special Forces that were deployed following
the successful occupation of the outer city of Kaliburg, were deployed to the center of the city to eliminate the final defenses
of the Nationalist Militia which were reduced to few numbers following a two day battle in the streets of Kaliburg. While the
special forces began their operation, the regiments of the Royal Ground Component ensure the safety of Kalistani citizens living
on the mainland. Medical services were delivered to mainland Kalistan by few ships of the Lourennais coast guard. Citizens were
allowed to exit their homes to receive these supplies following the occupation of the city. According to reports from the the
7th armored regiment, the Kalistani citizens were fearful that the nationalist militia would strike again on mainland Kalistan
however, reports from the royal Air Force confirmed that all remaining patches of militia defenses were eliminated on the
mainland. The last defenses were taking place in the capital. Around noon oin the third day of the invasion, Lourennais special
forces successfully took out all Nationalist Forces in Kaliburg and took out James Douglass Paige, the leader of the Nationalists.
The Royal Ministry of Defense is reporting that 64 members of the Royal Ground Component have either been wounded, missing
or killed. The Royal Ministry of Defense in conjunction with the High Chancellor, and the Royal Assembly are beginning measures
to reform the Kalistani government and send aid to residents of Kalistan affected by the initial effects of the invasion.
The National Defense is an independent newspaper based in Parmentier focusing on the Armed Forces of the Nation
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Lourenne Quotidien- The National Press

Postby Luis1p » Fri May 22, 2020 5:17 pm

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
Marguerite Cluseau of the PRN has been chosen as the most qualified and independent person to lead Kalistan
After over two weeks of skirmishes in the capital and minor security issues in the west, according to an update by the Royal
Ministry of Defense, Kalistan has been successfully occupied by Lourennais forced who landed on the beaches in the nation
three weeks agoThe invasion of Kalistan, as labelled by the RMD, was faced with welcome and support by many Kalistani
citizens as the country was on the brink total anarchy, following several terrorist attacks and uprisings by the nation's
nationalist militias. As the armed conflict ended in the nation's capital yesterday, the Royal Assembly has sent Carolleux
representative and former Marguerite Cluseau to formally become Governor General of Kalistan representing Her Royal
Majesty Queen Isabelle III. Cluseau has been a representative of the Bellemont region in Carolleux for the past 14 years.
The Royal Ministerial Departments chose Cluseau for her past experience in judicial affairs and representing one of
Lourenne's most important districts for several years. Cluseau in a press conference before her departure for Kaliburg, said
that she was "excited, honored, and hopeful for assisting Kalistan in a moment where they need stability, strong
government structures, and a national identity"
. The Royal Assembly is beginning to draft a new national budget
assisting it's expenditures on defense, foreign affairs, and Infrastructure and transport. The Royal Assembly is preparing to
begin investing money into the Kalistani government and its infrastructure. More notably, Eroncourt is planning to supply
Kalistan with equipment and engineering expertise to set up and build up Kalistan's green energy and renewable resources
system. This plan will be focusing on expanding the capabilities of green energy in Kalistan, despite Kalistan's huge sector
in oil. Massive infrastructure projects are currently being drafted in Kaliburg between Lourenne's nationally funded
infrastructure agency and Kalistan's Government. Plans, according to the Lourennais agency, are to rebuild any damaged
buildings within Kaliburg's city limits. Upon making initial repairs, Kalistan's energy sector, public buildings (schools, clinics,
government buildings), and agriculture sectors will be improved. Cluseau once situated in Kalistan will begin approving
these plans with the premier of Kalistan. Cluseau has also stated that she will encourage private investments in Kalistan
from Lourennais firms and from firms worldwide. Cluseau hailed and repeated the statement from Fredrika Nara, Kalistani
temporary diplomat to the World Congress, "perhaps now Kalistan can have a chance to finally be the Nation it was
meant to be "

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien- Inside the Monarchy

Postby Luis1p » Fri May 22, 2020 5:30 pm

OOC: Postdated
Inside the Monarchy is an Independent Newspaper reporting on the Lourennais Monarchy
Palais Orléans, one of the Oldest Palaces in Lourenne, is Currently Housing Members of the Hutorian Royal Family
Improving Royal Relationships
This Morning, the Crown Representative to Queen Isabelle III and Royal Family confirmed that the after
Hutorian Queen returned to Hutori, the Prince Consort, the Crown Prince's wife and Prince Lucas
remained in Lourenne and the Title of "Duke/Duchess of Bellemont" has been appointed to Queen Sarah
VI and the Prince Consort. According to the Crown Representative, the title is being given to the Hutorian
family following the increased relationship between both families. This title would be apart from the
title of "Duke/Duchess of Carolleux" that was given to the Hutorian Royal Family years back. Currently
the remaining Hutorian Family is staying at Palais Orléans in the city of Beaufort in the Bellemont
region of Carolleux. Palais Orléans was the old residency of the Orléans Family before the creation of
the Lourennais monarchy. The palace was kept unused for several years following the creation of the
Palace of Lights in the capital. Queen Isabelle III has officially given this palace to the House of
Stuart-Carmichael as a sign of friendship and closeness between both related families. The King Consort
of Lourenne Philippe IV, has been visiting the Hutorian Family several times during their stay in Lourenne.
The King Consort is attempting to establish a concrete relationship between both families at several
hundreds of years without solid contact or visits. On behalf of the Crown Representative both Queen
Isabelle and King Consort Philippe have stated that they are pleased that Queen Sarah VI was able to
keep the Hutorian throne in place and are hopeful that her position of Hutorian Monarch will not cease.
Inside the Monarchy is an Independent Newspaper reporting on the Lourennais Monarchy
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Lourenne Quotidien- The National Press

Postby Luis1p » Sat May 23, 2020 1:36 am

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
The Baltusian Delegation Spent 4 hours at the Royal Assembly and Ministerial Building Finalizing Relations between Baltusia and Lourenne
This morning, members of the Royal Assembly welcomed a delegation from Baltusia representing the Baltusian Government
specifically the Baltusian Centrist Party, at the government complex in what the National Government described as a visit for
"cooperation, security, and development". The Baltusian delegation included Foreign Affairs minister Cindy Harris, Minister
of Trade Danny Holland, and Minister of Finances Archie Ilderton. The group arrived in Eroncourt early in the morning and
made their way to the government complex where they were in meeting for most of the day. Lourennais Royal Ministers of
International Development, Trade, and Foreign Affairs were resent at the meeting to begin talks with the Baltusian
delegation. Few representatives from the Royal Assembly also attended the meeting to ensure full representation of all
Lourennais regions. According to sources from the government complex, the Baltusian delegation brought up the idea of a
free trade agreement between both nations to begin economic cooperation. Members of the Royal Assembly present headed
to the Royal Assembly to begin drafting the treaty once the first session of talks ended. The Royal Minister of International
Affairs, Alya Cesaire, began talks on security throughout the Anantonse Ocean and greater Seleya. Minister Cesaire introduced
a proposal to let Lourennais ships and fleets permission to dock in Baltusian ports should the Royal Navy need it. This proposal
saw positive reactions from both nations as the United Kingdom is in the process of beginning a Seleya wide cooperation
initiative. Minister Cesaire told our press that "further cooperation on the continent of Seleya is needed. The continent
lacks in economic prowess and growth. Our cooperation and encouragement of the Seleyan nations will be evident and further
developed in the next years. Failure to bring the continent together is only hurting the continent. We believe we can help
economics on the continent to an extent."
The Baltusian delegation met with High Chancellor Valferra after talks over
Anantonese Security ended. The High Chancellor expressed gratitude to the Baltusian delegation which was willing to travel
to Eroncourt to solidify relations. The third session of the meeting was between both nations' finance ministers which focused
on financing projects and seeking investments mainly from Lourenne to Baltusia. Both nations upon the ending of the state visit
clearly indicated that the future of the nations' relationship will be to provide security in the Anantonese and expand economic
capabilities in Baltusia and Seleya.
The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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Lourenne Quotidien- The National Press

Postby Luis1p » Sat May 23, 2020 6:24 pm

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
Royal Minister of International Affairs, Alya Cesaire and Royal Minister of Finances Tristán Vértiz flew together to several nations
The Press Secretary for the Royal Ministerial Departments stated that this morning, Royal Minister of International Affairs, Alya
Cesaire, and Royal Minister of Finances Tristán Vértiz are beginning three state visits to Gaduridos, Rildanor, and Kanjor which
will last over fourteen days. The Royal Ministerial Department press secretary stated that the RMoIA and the RMoF are traveling
to these nations to further the United Kingdom's foreign policy goals of establishing peace and security in the Anantonese Ocean
and to open the Seleyan continent to Lourennais investments. This effort began with a visit to the capital of Gaduridos, Gadur
where RMoIA Alya Cesaire met with President Ronaldo Hernandez and members of the Super Progressive Party. Alya Cesaire
gave a speech to the Parliament after explicitly confirming that a treaty of security and mutual friendships would be created
by the Royal Assembly to reflect this new friendship between Gaduridos and Lourenne. the Lourennais delegation spent 3 days
in Gaduridos visiting other cities and the nation's most prominent landmarks, accompanied by the President and the Prime
Next, the Lourennais delegation traveled to Rildanor. This visit was met by surprise by some Rildanorien residents as a state
visit to Eroncourt was also expected. Royal Minister Cesaire, upon arriving in Arloux, met with Isabelle de Gaulle, Government
Delegate for Diplomatic Relations, Boseman DuPont, Royal Senator for Sirdour and Chairman of the Royal Senate Standing
Committee on Foreign Affairs, and André Charpentier, President of the Royal Senate. Each of these members were thrilled
to meet the Lourennais delegation as Rildanor has been receiving Lourennais investments through private firms for several
years . The delegation spent most of the 6 days in Rildanor travelling throughout the country and visiting the Lourennais
Royal Family's estates in Rildanor. While The Lourennais ministers visited the Royal Senate, the Lourennais Royal Navy
Second Fleet held an exercise with the Rildanorien Navy not far from the Lourennais Naval Base situated on the province
of Tiralouse. The Royal Ministry of Defense who set up this exercise while the Lourennais Delegation was in Gaduridos.
The RMD stated that this exercise was "crucial to ensure the capabilities of the Rildanorien navy but also for the years
long cooperation the United Kingdom has had with one of our sister nations"
. Important talking points were kept at
a minimum during the visit of the Lourennais delegation. This as a request by the Rildanorien government as a result of
their future visit to Eroncourt where important issues would be discussed instead.
Finally, spending over 5 days in Kanjor, the Lourennais delegation met with the Kanjorien Government in Atyr. The Lourennais
delegation was eager to travel to Kanjor as both nation's have been close allies for several centuries. The Lourennais delegation
were presented documents to begin investing more in Kanjor. The Lourennais delegation also gave a direct message to the Royal
Assembly in regards to the Silliers Channel Treaty which pertains to trade and security in Kanjorien Waters. Luckily, the Lourennais
Royal Navy's First Fleet is already established in the channel in the city of Pensancon. The RMD claimed that Lourenne will do
what is necessary to protect and guarantee the security of all Canrillaise nations in South Seleya. Following talks on diplomatic
treaties such as the Silliers Channel Treaty, the Kanjorien Government stated that a treaty on strategic relations is currently in
the process in the Kanjorien NAtional Assembly. Upon the finalization of this treaty, Lourenne will be a guarantor of Kanjorien
trade security while the RMD begin helping Kanjor rebuild its armed forces. RMoIA Alysa Cesaire concluded the Kanjorien visit
with a visit to the Royal Family's Kanjorien estate at the Chateau de Fin du Monde, stating that "The United Kingdom's footprint
can be found and will be found all over south Seleya and the nations we have chosen to increase our good relationships with.
Thisis truly a time of economic and political growth as well as diplomatic excellence".

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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Lourenne Quotidien - The Economic Times

Postby Luis1p » Mon May 25, 2020 2:07 am

The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on the Lourennais economy, companies, and private sector
The two companies began collaborating in 4758 to integrate Temerario cloud-native, cloud-agnostic software into "Ciel"
Boosting the Finance Sector with Technology
Cielsoft has announced its partnership with banking software company Temerario to help financial services organisations run
mission-critical banking software and applications on Cielsoft's "Ciel"Service. Under this expanded partnership, both companies
revealed that Temerario’s full suite of banking software and applications will now be available on Ciel Service, and the
companies will help banks go to market faster, open up new business models, and achieve tangible business benefits. “We see
an explosive growth in cloud adoption in the banking industry,” said Maveen Churard, Chief Executive Officer, Temerario. “We a
delighted to extend our leadership in the cloud and strengthen our strategic partnership with Cielsoft's "Ciel" Service, a leader
in innovation in cloud computing. “As a strategic global banking software partner of "Ciel" Service, we will bring to market
innovative solutions that combine our API-first, cloud-native, microservices-based banking software with Ciel’s scale and leading
cloud capabilities. “Our customers will benefit from the winning combination of Temerario ’ functionally rich and technologically
advanced digital banking platform on 'Ciel' ". “Together, we will enable banks to reduce their time to market and operational
complexity, as well as elastically scale and deliver outstanding digital customer experiences. “With Ciel's ANTON program, we
give banks the freedom to innovate and reap the true benefits of multi-cloud.” In addition, Temerario will be the first global
banking software provider to run on Ciel's ANTON. Thomas Kastruc, Chief Executive Officer, Ciel, said: “Temerario delivers
market-leading banking software applications to thousands of the world’s leading financial services organisations, and we’re
excited to expand our strategic alliance with them. “Extending Temerario’s core capabilities to "Ciel" helps banks digitally
transform their business and deliver entirely new customer experiences and offerings.” Temerario enables banks to reduce
their total cost of ownership through elastic cloud scalability, distributed database technology and multi-cloud resilience.
The Economic Times is a national newspaper focusing on the Lourennais economy, companies, and private sector
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien- The Economic Times International Edition

Postby Luis1p » Tue May 26, 2020 6:38 pm

The Economic Times International Edition is an independent newspaper focusing on the World Economy & World Development
Small Solar Panel Farm in Suldanor where TLG Ecologie hopes to boost the funding of already established green locations
Encouraging Green Energy in Fossil-Fuel Kalistan
Lourennais energy company TLG Ecologie plans to set up a renewable energy investment fund in Kalsitan to speed up investment
in wind and solar farms, its head of foreign operations said on Thursday. The plan is to find one or more partners to invest in a
fund to develop 2,000 megawatts (MW) of wind and solar farms in the next 10 years, including the 165 MW of wind power. TLG
Ecologie- Kalistan has already installed and 400 to 900 MW of wind and solar projects it has on the drawing board, Seleyan
Operations Chief Executive Auguste Honoit said. “It’s a way to grow faster,” Honoit told The Green Journal in an interview.
He said there was strong appetite from foreign and local infrastructure and pension funds and the finance community for the
planned fund, which he expected would take a few months to set up. He declined to put a size on the fund. TLG Ecologie
sees Kalistan as one of 20 growth markets globally for expanding in renewables. While many power producers say Kalstan's
uncertain energy policy is deterring investment in new capacity to replace ageing fossil-fuel-fired plants, which still generate
more than 60% of the nation’s power, Honoit said TLG Ecologie was focused on its customers’ desire for clean power. “There’s
a lot to do here because of that energy transition,” he said. TLG on Thursday said it had signed a five-year deal to supply
Kalistan's smaller energy firms with 100% renewable energy through a fixed-price power purchase agreement, and sees more
opportunities for corporate power deals. TLG has long partnered with Vertonel Energie in the 5 billion LFR of investments it
has made in Kalistan years ago, and said Vertonel is set to invest in the renewables fund.One of Kalistan's top power producers
set up a similar fund in 4758, the Powering Kalistani Renewables Fund (PKRF), with Lourennais investment bank Banque
Villanueve-Descartes, together investing 1 billion LFR in equity to develop 1,000 MW of renewable projects.
The Economic Times International Edition is an independent newspaper focusing on the World Economy & World Development
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Lourenne Quotidien- The National Press

Postby Luis1p » Tue May 26, 2020 8:42 pm

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
Marguerite Cluseau, worked with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Assembly to Finalize all Details
This morning, the Governer General of Kalistan, Marguerite Cluseau, representing Queen Isabelle III, voiced her joyous opinion
of the future economic liberalization of the Kalistani state as she was able to convince leaders of the Socialist Party to liberalize
sectors of the economy to promote foreign investments in the nation. Gov. General Cluseau had been talking to members of the
National Assembly for weeks already. Cluseau stated that the government of Kalistan was open to only Lourennais investments
since the end of the invasion, however, after the announcement of deals with Keymon, the National Assembly began to realize
the importance of allowing foreign investment in Kalistan following the decades of economic uncertainty in the nation. However
members of the National Assembly did not give a definite answer on how long this period of economic liberalization would last.
There are concerns in Eroncourt that once stability is fully achieved within the Kalistani government, the Kalistani government
might dissuade foreign investments due to the nation's historical laws of public ownership. Yet, Cluseau is confident that the
current political atmosphere in Kaliburg is very open to receiving investments to help the nation grow, a sentiment that was
established by Eroncourt following the occupation of the nation. Cluseau has already begun negotiations with Eroncourt to begin
funding Kalistan's institutions and organization to begin stabilizing the nation. Of course, Cluseau also expects several nations and
international corporations to invest in Kalistan as well. "The open market in Kalistan will help the nation grow, but it will also
open doors of growth in several Lourennais markets as well."
said Cluseau. Cluseau is expected to meet with representatives
from Eroncourt to begin crafting a multi-year plan to ensure spending limits within both national budgets are kept at a balance.
While, Kalistani begin to grow and innovate, Cluseau had held several meeting with Prime Minister Bennots to ensure that
Kalistani national identity is preserved and enhanced while the economy of the nation will begin to see an influx of trade
and culture from other regions.
The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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Lourenne Quotidien - The National Press

Postby Luis1p » Tue May 26, 2020 11:32 pm

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
Xochitl Valferra labeled her years in office as a "Victory for Lourenne"
In a heart wrenching speech today in the Royal Assembly, High Chancellor Xochitl Valferra announced that she is stepping down
from the High Chancellor position after years in the position stating "my time is over". High Chancellor Valferra, who was elected
at the same time Queen Isabelle III took the Lourennais throne, had served as a representative of a Orinco dominated region in
western Lucande near the city of Montpelier. As a public defender, Valferra quickly rose to power in the Royal Assembly and was
able to defeat a strong opponent for the position. As High Chancellor, Valferra succeeded in reintroducing Lourenne to the
international stage and boosting the nation's armed forces and making Lourenne one of the top economies in the world. During
her speech this afternoon, Valferra claimed that it was simply her time to pass "on the torch to a new generation ready to take
the United Kingdom to its greatest age."
Already, Valferra takes up a high spot in "Most Time in Office" list led by former High
Chancellor Delafour. The High Chancellor today claimed that the party "is responsible for choosing the next leader for the United
Kingdom. Someone who will take the interests of the kingdom over all.". Several candidates have been presented to the High
Chancellor, yet she has refused to choose any because the choice belongs to the party not her. Valferra in her last words stated,
"the nation must not return to the ways of isolationism. We must expand on our current growth and success and capitalize on it.
We cannot close ourselves in. We have a mission to make our people prosper. To advance ourselves. But we cannot forget our
friends who have helped us, in many ways, to achieve this great time in our history. I hope the party chooses someone to keep
our current place in the world and heighten the prestige and success of the United Kingdom for decades to come."

The National Press is a national newspaper that focuses on Lourennais politics,foreign affairs, and local news
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