A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:38 pm

January 28th, 4741
State Chancellery, Haldor, Kingdom of Dorvik

State Chancellor Jörn von Motha-Geyr walked next to Oberst Cäsar Kraus, a senior adjutant from the State Chancellery Military Office who was assigned to the Einsatzzentrale (lit. Operations Center; often translated to Luthorian as "Emergency Operations Center") within the State Chancellery building. The Einsatzzentrale provided the State Chancellor and others with a hive for military, security and intelligence that connected to the various tendrils of the Dorvish Kingdom's massive defense and security apparatus. It was largely staffed by members of the State Chancellery Military Office and the State Security and Defense Council and associated personnel from different branches. "What do you mean they hit the embassy?" The State Chancellor exclaimed as he was handed the security documents marked with a large red stamp on the top of the folder noting GEHEIM which was Dundorfian for "secret" and the highest classification for documents within the Dorvish Kingdom. Oberst Kraus informed the State Chancellor that the Dorvish embassy in Suyu Llaqta had been attacked by rockets fired from the back of technicals; he informed him that the Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of the Suyuese (RFLS) had claimed responsibility for the attack online shortly after the attack commenced. It's leader, Siwazuri Hanif was a former officer in the Suyuese Defense Forces who had turned rogue after issues of payments to the military and became the nations leading warlord. Hanif had significant training and was a beloved commanding officer, he took a decent swathe of the Suyuese Defense Forces with him when he left and that was something the Dorvish operations in Suyu Llaqta had focused on hampering but the operations slowed down when Hanif and the RFLS went underground for several years.

As the State Chancellor entered into the Einsatzzentrale a loud voice rang out "Achtung! prompting all the officers and officials to stand at attention. "At ease." The State Chancellor waved his hand and sat down. His attention turned to the Minister of Defense and Inspector-General of the Armed Forces General-Admiral Stefan Katze. "Herr Staatskanzler...nearly 15 minutes ago the RFLS claimed the attack on our embassy in the capital of Suyu Llaqta, Niederung. The attack was likely shoulder launched rockets from the back of technicals. It appears from aerial footage and local CCTV feeds that 10-15 technicals surrounded the embassy and launched a number of rockets, roughly 20-30 rockets. They drove off in various directions. The security teams were unable to return fire. Initial reports state that 15 are dead, mostly Dorvish citizens, several dozen wounded and the building has damage--" The General-Admiral was interrupted by the State Chancellor. "An the ambassador?" The State Chancellor continued to look through reports, images and the like. "General-Plenipotentiary Asser Schott is safe. He was at the Presidential Palace with Vice President and the Prime Minister during the attack, he is secured there until we can send assistance." The General-Admiral reported. Another voice piped up, it was the voice of General-Director Wolfhard Kracht, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service. "Herr Staatskanzler we are already receiving reports of more RFLS groups on the move. We believe that this is part of a wider effort against the Dorvish in the country." The State Chancellor folded his hands on the table and sighed. "Dispatch the Verranderlijke Ocean Fleet. We'll let them handle it before we bring in the two Kaisers." The State Chancellor had dispatched the Verranderlijke Ocean Fleet, the smallest fleet in the Dorvish Navy but largely relegated to duties in East Dovani and its commanding officer, Admiral Kuno Ochs had been a veteran of several peacekeeping missions in East Dovani.

"I want updates every hour. I'll be in the office." The State Chancellor stood and exited the room; simultaneously everyone else stood and as he departed began picking up telephones and handing off orders to adjutants and assistants.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Auditorii » Sat May 09, 2020 3:20 am

Dramatis personaae
Semyon Vsevolodovich Kostin - Minister of Defense
Kondrati Rostislavovich Sobolev - Director of the State Security Service (SGB)
Gleb Igorevich Malchikov - First Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)
Lieutenant General Fridrik Yaroslavovich Kochenkov - Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Trigunia
Tsezar Ivanovich Myshelov - "Political" advisor to the Chief of the General Staff

A smoky haze filled the room as Lieutenant General Fridrik Yaroslavovich Kochenkov dabbed his cigarette in the ash tray that sat within arms reach of him at the table. "We do this soon da?" The Lieutenant General nodded at the men around the table, the cabal included the current Defense Minister, the Director of the State Security Service, Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service and a dozen other mid to high ranking officials within the defense, security and intelligence apparatus. The room, while packed with uniforms also included a number of suits, many of them business leaders and profiteers that would benefit from such actions. As the Lieutenant General spoke the room nodded at him and affirmed with a dull Da, Rodshyan for yes. The Lieutenant General rubbed his teeth with his index finger and slide the chair closer to the table, he corrected his dark green colored sleeves and raised his upper lip in a form of approval. The Lieutenant General was the creative mastermind behind the renewed Trigunian Bear and he had much thanks to give to his counterpart, the Defense Minister for supporting his efforts. Kochenkov nodded to Tsezar Ivanovich Myshelov his political advisor that had assisted in the planning of the seizure of power, getting certain people in place and currently served in the Presidential Administration of President Grafov. Tsezar nodded and flicked on a computer screen and typed in a password, a computer generated image displayed the President's motorcade leaving the Bashnya, fast forward a few moments and a CGI explosion was generated and the central vehicle in the motorcade, the one carrying the President was in pieces.

"This is the first move we do. Members of the SGB will be carrying out this component of the operation. I believe we all have faith in what they have planned and we pray to Boh that they succeed otherwise we're all going to end up in northern Lesnov." Myshelov joked, the room boomed with Vodka infused laughter and tobacco highs. "Following that the State Security Service and the Minister of Internal Affairs declares a state of emergency and we lock down the capital. The General orders Defense Status 2, a step below the highest and we prepare to conduct raids across the country. Members of the SGB, the Ground Forces as well as elements of the MVD will be involved in capturing the targets, the lists have been dispatched already. We took care of some opposition in the raids that captured the traffickers but we'll have plenty." Myshelov switched several slides and discussed a number of operations to be carried out within specific ministries, agencies and services of the government and ultimately culminated with the proclamation of Lieutenant General Kochenkov as the new President of the Trigunian Federation and his new title, Chairman of the State Council a new body to be created in conjunction with the Presidency to coordinate and consolidate power. As Myshelov finished he looked around the room, stoic faces, some nodding to themselves and others just sat starring off into the distance. Myselov grined wickedly, he grabbed a glass and raised in towards the General. "Prezident!
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby XanderOne » Wed May 20, 2020 11:44 pm

6 August 4758
10.07 a.m.
Imperial House's estate of Villa Annamaria, Mezzodiurno countryside, Istalia

Low and dark clouds covered the sky far as the horizon and a strong and icy winter wind blew from the south causing swirling dry leaves and broken twigs throughout the imperial estate and which ended up colliding against the windows of the mansion.
In the square between the Palace and the canrillaise gardens, a dozen luxury sedans were lined up, as well as a few sports luxury cars, and everywhere armed guards could be seen all around the estate, also assisted by some drones which, defying the wind, kept the area under control from above.
In a large hall with a frescoed ceiling, 11 people between men and women sat around a long highly polished mahogany table, in pendant with the historiated pannels of the walls, with the head of the family at the head of the table.
Someone talked about this and that among them, someone else was using the smartphone, still others was tapping their fingers impatiently on the table, but then the door opened letting a woman wrapped up in a long black fur coat pass by.
"Finally Michela!" exclaimed the older woman at the table, who was wearing a pearl-colored coatdresses on which stood out a brooch of diamonds decorated with a huge emerald.
"sorry mom, but the plane stayed on Nepuli for two hours before it could land, there is a very merciless time" replied the woman as she approached one of the free chairs.
"well, now that we are all we can start" said Emperor Alessandro III Ghazi while an assistant also brought to Princess Michela Saana the blue folder that everyone else already had in front of them.
"the next meeting of the Foundation was scheduled in four months but in light of the geopolitical situation and how it is evolving it has been estimated it was better to anticipate the times. Furthermore, I inform you that already four days ago I had asked Mr Corelli and Mrs Pizzi to prepare some plans"
"plans for what Alessandro?" asked a man seated next to the Empress Mother, Michele Duke of Leofonte, head of the cadet branch Appiano De Borromei Di Leofonte which by right held shares of the Appiano Foundation.
"I was getting there: as mentioned, the geopolitical situation is becoming significantly unstable and unpredictable and I can assure you that our secret services have confirmed that it could get worse soon: between dictatorships arising here and there, civil wars, crowned heads who flee or they risk being expelled from their countries and other armed conflicts, there is a risk of considerable repercussions on the world economy and therefore we need to protect the interests of the Foundation and of the Family, in order not to find ourselves unprepared and above all not to lose considerable sums"
"is the situation really so serious?" asked Prince Nicola Nadir, brother of the Emperor.
"looks very unstable, yes"
"clearly!" said Prince Nicola's twin sister, Princess Marzia Kamila "Karl VI of Hulstria was chased away by the fascists and Sarah of Hutori had practically already packed her bags! And this regard..." she took on a decidedly more easygoing tone "let me say it: a pitiful scene from those Steuart-Carmichaels! I wondered if they were leaving 'their' country or a hotel room. The constitutional reform had not even been approved yet but they had already run away! Did you read how they justified themselves? They said that 'they were afraid for their sfety'! A little ridiculous, don't you think? Karl VI really risked with the fascists, but what the Steuart-Carmichaels was risking? Come on... do you imagine the guillotine in Hutori? Alas... why reduce themself to say such things and to act in a such way? Do they care more for their nation or for their bag? I definitely expected more dignity from that family, 450 years on the throne! Do you imagine?"
"Marzia, please!" the Emperor cut her off "you will have all the lunch for the gossip, now let's focus on business! So... I was saying that I can assure you that the situation could worsen at any moment, it is not just about exiled monarchs, even if this happens too frequently for my tastes, but alas, I can't reveal anything else: confidential Intelligence information, sorry. For the moment, know that we need to globally review some of our investments, holdings and various assets. Mr Corelli will go into detail but we are talking about securing approximately 9 billion"
"9?" a man in his sixties widened his eyes, Prince Alessio Duke of Norsia, second cousin of the late Tommaso I Hassan "it is... something like 1/3 of our foreign assets"
"22% of the foreign assets to be precise" intervened the man with thick glasses who sat on the left of the Emperor, Mr Corelli.
"broadly speaking we should discreetly sell several of our foreign holdings" the Emperor continued "repatriate several of our capital and move others to safer places. The most difficult thing would be selling some real estate assets. Furthermore, due to the risks of economic contraction, as Mr Corelli suggested, it would be better to increase investments here in Istalia, possibly in the field of research, technological and green development where we will be able to take advantage of the favorable fiscal policies by the government"
"doesn't forget Majatra, Your Majesty, and the construction and defense companies" Corelli intervened.
"yes, thanks. Mr Corelli remembered me that in light of the fairly stable situation Majatra is now experiencing, investment opportunities have increased, especially in Jakania, therefore Vanuku and Deltaria which regained stability, and also Kalopia and several other nations"
"you must always be careful, however, when it comes to Majatra" commented the aged Princess Maria Eleonora Dukess of Padua "the spirits quickly change in this continent"
"sure, but we are talking about very careful and well-targeted investments, as ususal, and as Mr Corelli said it would be also appropriate to invest in construction and infrastructure-related companies, as well as in defense companies, we expect that there will be a lot of demand over time to come..."
"but... sorry" Princess Michela took the floor once again "we are still talking about billions and billions, but all these sales of investments and real estate, capital movements and so on wouldn't draw too much attention to us? I'm thinking to some little nations where we could maybe generate some finantial troubles... but also to the press, other competitors... what would they think about this?"
"don't worry, Mrs Corelli and Mrs Pizzi drafted their plans also to face all this" responded again the Emperor "and then above all, unlike others, we do not broadcast out loud what we have, what we did and how we manage it"
"somebody is again talking about the Steuart-Carmichaels?" Princess Marzia Kamila chuckled.
"we don't spare sniping to them today, right?" added Princess Michela.
"actually they put the market indices in Hutori and Vanuku on tilt for weeks" commented Mr Corelli "we lost something like 1 and half a million in Venukean securities and other 2 million due to the fall of several stock options"
"and the whole world already knew where and how they would move the patrimony" Princess Michela continued "what debacle before the Hutorians: what was it like? 'Take the loot and run'?"
They all burst out laughing apart the Emperor who called everyone to order:
"let's not get lost in other idle chit-chats please, and you know very well Michela I really dislike such mischievous chattering" Emperor's gaze was unequivocal and he remained looking sternly at his sister for a few seconds before continuing "I'd rather say to give the floor to Mr Corelli, please Mr Corelli"
The man next to the Emperor got up and went towards the bottom of the table while nodding to an assistant, seated along the wall behind him, who through a tablet brought down a video projector and a screen from hidden compartments in the ceiling so as to allow his chief to use it to explain the future financial moves of the Imperial House of Istalia which, apparently, seems to be preparing to secure its assets sighting strong hints of future global instability.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:40 am

06:03 am, North Dovani/Dalibor.

These were grim days for former operatives of the General Reconnaissance Bureau, the dread national intelligence service of North Dovani under Rang Yong-ho. Those members of the GRB who had managed to survive the conflict in their home nation were now scattered and in hiding, fearing the cruel and brutal day when their cruel and brutal past would catch up with them potentially in the form of Kazulian Headhunters. After the collapse of North Dovani to the Kazulian Army, some GRB operatives had remained in North Dovani, hoping that by changing their identities, they would save themselves from reprisal. This rarely worked, as others knew their secrets and were all too happy to point them out to contractors, either to settle old scores or to win new favours. Yong-Ho's spies in North Dovani were rounded up wherever they hid, tortured and then killed. In other words, they were treated no worse than they deserved. Though Kazulia had held some nieve hope that fair trial for past crimes would be the order of the day. But no; mercy did not follow Yong-Ho's reign more than it had preceded it. The smart GRB spies made it out of North Dovani before capture and some went to Dovanian nations. A few made it into Istalpi and few more into Cifutingan, and in both places, they found some measure of security. But as guests of these regimes, their future prospects were extremely limited. One group of former GRB operators fared better than the rest of their hunted colleagues because they possessed a marked advantage. For years, this small cell of spies had been working not just in the interests of the Yong-Ho regime but also their own personal enrichment. They accepted after-hours work for hire, both in North Dovani and elsewhere. Doing jobs for organised criminal elements, which had come under the radar of the Kazulian Intelligence Service. In this work, the group has suffered loses even before the fall of their government. Several had been killed by contractors the day before Yong-Ho had called for a ceasefire and during the conflict, several more died to a Kazulian airstrike. Two others had been captured attempting to board a flight out of the country and were burned with electric shocks before hung naked from meat hocks at the market.

But the cell's seven surviving members did make it out of the country. And even though their years of extracurricular assignments had failed to make them rich men, when it came time to jump ship, their international connections helped keep them safe. The seven made their way to Dalibor where they were sponsored by local elements in the underworld who owed them favours. Soon, two of their membership left the cell and went into honest work. One before a security guard and the other found a job in the local cigarettes factory. The other five remained in the spy game. And the fond themselves as being a highly experienced unit of intelligence professionals. They also attempted to focus both on their personal security and their operational security. Knowing that securing safe personal security and operational security, could they be safe from reprisal from agents of the new government. This attention to security kept their safe for a few months but complacency returned. One of their numbers grew overconfidence and did not do as he was told. In a breach of personal security, he contacted an old friend in North Dovani. The friend, a man who had switched allegiance to the new government to keep his head attached to his neck, reported the contact to North Dovani's new intelligence organisation. Although North Dovani's new crop of spies was excited by the news that a collection of their old enemies had been tracked to Dalibor, they were in no position to act on the information. Infiltrating a team into a foreign nation, with a kill/capture objective was no move for a new agency. But another entity intercepted the information. And it had both the means and the motive to act. Soon the Dalibor-based GRB cell members became targets of the Kazulian Intelligence Service. More than a year earlier, a member of the GRB cell had shot and killed a man named Tobias Nilsson, the brother of one of the Kazulians and a friend of the rest. The shooter had died soon after but the cell lived on, surviving the conflict and were now flourishing in their new lives in Dalibor. But Tobias' brother nor his friends did not forget, nor did they forgive.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby robmark0000 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:41 pm

23:00, 28 May, 4766 - Downtown, City of Rapa, Rapa Region, Golden Republic of Rapa Pile
- Recorded by the Police of City of Rapa -

That night was the night when I became a murderer. This is the essence, but I must introduce myself, to understand why I killed a man who never hurts me. I was born in 4750, in the suburbs of City of Rapa, during the decline of the Old Republic. My father died before my born, so my mother was raising me until when I was 6. After it, the pirate gang called KutiYara brought me from mother to their base. They're the servants of the House of Jayatilleka and they do everything for it exchange for good salary. They've good and modern weapons, a lot of people and a very greedy boss who never fought and never will. Her name is Nishanga Kotelawala, a 28-years old manipulator who always moving in shadows. When I brought to them, I became the personal servant of her, I must be her stepson, I must respect her as my mother. Including me, there was many child who used to this tasks. But not for her own joy, however for ideological raising, she want to we will be the loyal servants of the House of Jayatilleka as her is. The Jayatilleka always speak about liberty, free trade and freedom of choice as the leaders of the Merchant and Liberal Party, truly they're oppressor monsters, who kill people and oppress people. And I lived in the eastern port of Rapa, in some ships what owned by them.

In this year, I became 16 and I must be the part of a violent mission to prove my loyalty and force in the service of the Jayatilleka. When I leaved the port with 15 other KutiYara-member, we went to the downtown with two cars. First in my life, I saw the downtown, the beautiful House of Reason, home of Triumvirate, the buildings of both Meeting of Majority and Meeting of Merchants. I saw the great skyscrapers in it, far from the memory of suburbs and memory of the ship where I live for 10 years. In this night, I got a pistol from the captain of our little team.
"Maybe you'll must use this. Do not hesitate, show no mercy, and if you have to die, you must die. Did you understand?" he said. I just nodded in confusion and I became very scary. This clear sincerity caused my fear.
I don't knew why I must die, why for. I don't knew what the mission exactly. When our car was stopping, my heart was pounding in the heavens, I thought the moment when I die come. But in that moment, we just met with a eloquent, suit man, who given a photo, a map and a lot of money to the leader of our team. After it, when was in the car again and we was approaching to the building of Meeting of Majority, the Common Building what is a great skyscraper next to the House of Reason. The we stopped. Our leader said a little kind of speech and information about the mission.
"People! Our target is Dewmal Bandara, thief - he call himself socialist - and member of the Meeting of Majority. He want to propose Vote of No Confidence against His Elected Illustrious Citizen Nihil Jayatilleka. We must stop it and tonight, he will be dead. Warning! Maybe he has guard, some commandos or workers. In 22:45, the assembly of the Meeting will end. Bandara is always is the last who left the Common Building. When he arrived to this alley then we'll attack. Understood?" he said. Everybody in the two cars said 'yes' so I said it too.
But I understood nothing. Why we kill a man just because he proposed something? This is not fair. But I try to prepare to fight and I hoped that I don't have to kill. We was waiting a half hour, I saw many famous Pilese politicians, including anti-fascist, merchant-liberal, Freedom Party or golden republican delegates. Some merchant-liberal recognized our cars and they laughed. They thought that tonight one of their largest political enemies will die.

Bandara was really the last one who left the Common Building. And he really has guard, eleven people. From it, there was six suit guardians and in the exit of the building five commandos from the military joined to them. Bandara's limousine was in the alley where we was too, so the meeting between us and them was sure. I was very scary, I tried to not shed tears because the nervousness. I saw my pistol, it was loaded. I tried to prepare myself to the fight, but I haven't enough time, because our leader pulled down the car' window and with one good bullet killed a commando. Since this, everything was too fast and brutal. I exited our car too, and I used the back of the car as cover. I heard shootings and shouting. One of the shouting called me.
"Martalama, fight, you dick!" I recognized the voice of the leader. I don't wanted it, but I must leave my cover and saw the battlefield. All of the suit people was dead, including Bandara. Three commandos was alive, they killed six people from us. When I left the cover, I saw that a commando targeted one of my fellow, an another stepson of Kotelawala and I feel I must save him. A targeted the commando's head with my pistol and I just... shoot. The commando doesn't expected this, he cannot defend himself and blood splashed out of his brain. Then he collapsed as a dead man. After it, an another people from us died, but the two commando too. After this events I started to crying and I was shocking.
"Don't do this, your scum! Enter to the car, you motherfucker, enter to the car, before the statists arrive!" said the leader, but I cannot enter to the car. I was shocked. Then the leader given up the convince and just left me behind. I cannot stop crying and the Police find me in the same place. As a murderer.
You already know the rest, Mr. Officers.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:54 pm

March 18th, 4767
19:00, Royal Palace, Turtle Bay, Keymon

“The mask occasionally must slip off”, the King thought, “but now is not the time for politics and royal discussions, now is the time for a calm relaxing dinner”. As the King grabbed his plate with his left hand, he was reminded instantly as to why he had considered faking an illness to get out of this. He knew that they were both anxious and worried as to not only his health, but the health of the Kingdom. If he were to pass before his kids were ready…he attempted to push the thought from his mind. “Maybe, we can avoid this topic, just skim around it” he thought, though he knew that it was inevitably going to come up.

As the King sat down and began to eat, the gaze of his family landed upon him. His anger began to flair, as they continued to stare at him for what felt like years. Finally, he snapped at them, “What, what do you want?”. Their eyes darted back down to their food, as quickly as they had darted to look at him. He knew they were thinking about it. He was as well. He knew he had to talk about it either now or he would never discuss it.

“Kids, I know what you guys are wondering”. Their eyes darted back up to him. “I’m becoming an old man and, even if I don’t look the part, I’m almost 60. I will one day pass… however this Kingdom must continue onward after my death. My dear son Carlu, you have been the heir apparent for many years. But you…you are merely 15. Your ascension to the throne may cause many of the people who despise our kingdom to pounce on us and rip our dynasty apart. My daughter, Éva…you are 18 years old and are legally able to take the throne. You can rule the nation and, as I have taught you, keep the kingdom together. I understand this comes as a surprise to both of you and I understand if you are angry with me. But know that this comes from a place, not of preferential treatment, but for what is best for the entire nation. My dear Carlu, you’ve proven yourself a brilliant thinker and I hope you ascend to be King. However, until then, I shall appoint you to be the Duke of Delfini and you shall assist your sister in meeting the many challenges that face our nation. It is your duty, Carlu, to boost your sisters reign to one of legend. I am soon to die my children, and my legacy may not be one of greatness. But together, you shall both elevate each other to the annals of history. Now…we’ve solved that issue, so let us eat together”.

As the King picked up his fork, yet another thing came to his mind. “Carlu”, the King said as he looked up to his son. Carlu looked at his father, an old man who could barely use his right arm. “Yes father?”, the child said to his bearded and aged father. “Promise me this my son, you shall serve your sister as not only a Duke but as a brother”. Carlu stood and looked at his father and stated “yes father, I shall serve Éva as a loyal subject”. “Good…good. Now, let us continue our dinner, shall we?”.

As the Prince sat down, he looked apathetic to all outside. But inside, he felt betrayed, snubbed…and hurt. “I should’ve been the king, I should’ve been the ruler! I SHOULD BE KING!”. His anger, whilst unavailable on his face, seeped into his soil. His hatred then turned from his father, to his sister. “She is merely a pawn of the Canrillaise, she only serves the damn frogs. She won’t serve Keymon, but I will!”. His laughter was hidden beneath layers of apathy, but it was there. And it was so cathartic to his ears.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Doc » Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:23 am

February 12, 4767
0830 local, Downtown Kaliburg, Ananto, Kalistan

A young man got off a bus at a specific location. The paper said 417, but as he looked at the buildings, he noticed that the numbers went from 411 to 415 to 419 to...

There was no 417. He looked at the paper again, to make sure he copied the number correctly. Sure enough, this number was correct: It was the same number he wrote down when he was approached by two shady figures in the park near his home three days ago.

"417 Revolution Boulevard, 830 on the 12th" was all they said. The man, who had been attempting to dip his toe into government work for years, assumed these two shadowy figures were with the Defense Ministry, and had gotten his application materials. He eagerly wrote the number down, believing that they had been sent to invite him to interview with the Regular Force. "This must be how these socialists do things," he thought. All perfectly normal. All perfectly innocent. All perfectly and utterly confusing, now that he stared blankly at the street addresses, not knowing what to make of it.

"You would be dead now," said a voice from behind. The man turned around to see a tall man, medium build, blonde hair. The creases in his face told him that this fellow was in his late 50s, at the very least.

"Excuse me?" said the man.

"I said, Victor Martin, you would be dead by now."

Our protagonist, Victor Martin, age 23, from a Kaliburg suburb, gave the man a perplexed look. "Mr. Martin, I am Henry David Finch. I understand you are looking for an address."

"Uh yes," said Victor. "I think perhaps it was given to me in error..." He paused. "How did you know my name? How did you know I was looking for..."

Finch nodded. "Lucky guess." He turned about smartly, and started walking. "Well," he said, calling over his shoulder. "What are you waiting for? Come along. We don't have a lot of time." Victor stood there, and watched him leave, with half a mind to turn and walk the other way.

But Finch stopped, clicked his heels together as if he was marching to cadence, and was given the order to halt, turned about with the sharpness of close order drill, and stared at the hesitating Victor Martin. "I said, we don't have a lot of time. Now. Come along."

Victor silently sized up Finch, but almost involuntarily, his feet began carrying him along Finch's same path. By the time he caught up to the fast walking older man, he was somewhat winded and was sweating. Finch, for his part, did not stop for a moment, nor did he seem out of breath, though the gait he maintained as they zigzagged through several streets downtown Kaliburg was impressive to say the least.

"Hey, how did you know I was looking for an address which didn't exist?" asked Victor after some time.

"It exists, Mr. Martin. Believe me. That address exists."
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jun 09, 2020 2:21 pm

April 4767, 23:00 local time, Romula, Istalia

The wind creeps over the streets of Romula. Lights go out, and residents of the city start to prepare for their night of rest. In the corner of a Romulan street a car is patiently waiting, lights off, engine off. Its quiet. Its black tainted windows make it seem like no one is inside. But there is. Inside the car is Gabriel Rýpal, formally in Istalia as a embassy worker. Send here to aid the ambassador in high level diplomatic talks concerning the MJFP (Majatran Fighter Program). In reality Rýpal is here with a different goal, a different assignment. His car is filled with equipment a normal embassy worker wouldnt possess. He sits in the driver seat, holding a headphone against his right ear. He can hear some chatter, istalian military officials are talking to eachother. The street his car is located in his just one bloc from the Romula Military Academy. He is listening to a conversation between an officer and his superior. "The exercise is tommorow, make sure to prepare your men in the morning", Says the Istalian superior "Yes sir", Says the officer.

The conversation continues. It is clear Rýpal wasnt send here by the diplomatic office. Instead he was send by IDI, the Imperial Directorate of Intelligence. After hearing the conversation Rýpal dials the embassy number with his encypted phone. He says to the embassy worker:

"The negotiations have halted for tonight, Philippe says we should continue tommorow, they have planned a tour in the villages surrounding Romula", to which the worker replies "I hope the trip will be worthwhile, i will open the gate for you".

Just when Rýpal is about to start his car a suspicious black SUV approaches him. Without thinking he quickly turns of his equipment and slides down his chair, making sure the cars headlights dont show him in his seat. He expected this to happen, the ICISS is aware of their presence but has so far failed to locate their cells, but luckily for him the SUV passess without a problem. Minutes later he starts the car, not turning on his equipment again, and drives towards the embassy, parking in the embassy garage and continue towards a small backdoor office in the cellar of the embassy.

"I heard your message, have you informed the others of the trip?", a voice says when he enters the room "I have left the message at the office." Rýpal says.
"Good. Get some sleep. We have a lot to do tommorow." the voice says, before a woman in her chair moves in front of the light, revealing her face. "See you tommorow, agent"

"See you tommorow ma'am"
Rýpal closes the door and proceeds to his own room in the living quarters, readying himself to sleep for another day at work tommorow.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Luis1p » Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:18 pm

November 29th 4767, 11:40 local time, Eroncourt, Lourenne.

"Sa Majeste, eum your presence is needed in the east wing immediately." said Jean Pierre, the palace keeper that planned the prince's day. "What for Jean Baptiste?" said the young prince. "I do not know, your majesty. I believe it was an order from Monsieur Verloisy". said Jean Pierre. Herbert, with an odd expression on his face, got up from his chair next to the fireplace in his room, and began his long walk to the east wing of the palace. Walking through the long halls of the giant palace, the prince noticed large plumes of smoke in the distance not far from the palace, and a loud police presence. "Jean Baptiste... is there a fire outside of the palace? " asked Herbert. "Sa Majeste, I do not know. I hope it is not some kind of attack." added Jean Baptiste. Now, beginning to understand the call for his presence, Herbert's heart began to race knowing that his mom and his big brother left the palace not long ago.

Meanwhile, the crown representative sat in the Royal Guard Oversight Hall, in the east wing of the palace. His hands were sweaty, a visible sign of despair and unbelief marked on his face. How will I tell him? He thought. Can this possibly be explained to him? Does he already know? Verloisy sat there, with a pale face, seeing the smoke become more feint as time passed. The smoke covered the palace in darkness, hiding the sun from shinning. Herbert and Jean Baptiste entered the large hall full of television screens showing news coverage from all over the nation. Breaking news, they all displayed. Herbert, anxious and worried, came up to Verloisy, not knowing what was going on. Verloisy stared at the young prince. Silent. As tears began to roll down his face. "What is going on?!" Herbert yelled. "Verloisy... what's going on?! Tell me! Where is my mother!" said Herbert as his yells echoed through the halls of the palace. Just as Verloisy began to speak, the Royal Guard broke in the room, and took Herbert.

Herbert was taken to his bedroom, Verloisy quickly followed by. Upon re-entering his bedroom, his father Philippe was there waiting, also in disbelief. Clearly, at the verge of breaking down, Herbert asked once more, "what is going on papa?". Silence. Verloisy stood up, the Royal Guard in formation behind him. Verloisy got on his knees, followed by Philippe, and the twelve royal guard members behind Verloisy. "Presenting...By the Grace of God, His Royal Majesty..."said Verloisy as Herbert began walking backwards, tears beginning to fall."from the House of Orléans-Vasser-DeChambeau, Emperor of Canrille". Herbert now fully crying yelled, "NO! NO! NO!" as he now understood what was happening. "Monarch of Lourenne, King of Alduria, King of the Rildanorians, King of Kanjor" continued Verloisy. Herbert walked to his window and opened it instantly inhaling smoke and also tasting grief and disbelief. "Prince of Hutori, Prince of Alvium, Grand Duke of Silliers, Duke of Weigand". Herbert ran to his father, punching him, hitting him, exclaiming, "WHY?! WHY?! I DON"T WANT IT! I WANT MY MOM!" Verloisy continued, "Duke of Meriath, Duke of Audierne, Count of Valois, Protector of Kalistan, Baron of the Villayns". Herbert couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the room in anger, disbelief, and utter sadness. His ears ringing, his heart pounding. "Commander of the Royal Armed Forces, Defender of the Constitution and the Realm". Silence spread throughout the palace and the Royal Estates as darkness and death surrounded the area.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Jun 10, 2020 9:16 pm

The "Campus", somewhere near Glentingham, Province of Adelia, Commonwealth of Hutori
December 19th, 4767

The Hutorian Security and Intelligence Service has spent centuries building up a reputation of excellency, professionalism and effiency. While HSIS has taken a much quieter role in world affairs in previous years, one thing is still known; whatever training regimen HSIS Intelligence Officers are put through, it still breeds the best in the business.

Many have spent years wondering about how HSIS produces the tier one intelligence operatives that it does and they do that the deep cover site known simply in the business as The Campus.

Formerly known as the Glentingham Agriculture School it was shut down after most of the program had been move to the University of Adelia's Agriculture Program. After the school was shut down, HSIS quietly obtained the property at the request of legendary Deputy Director of Operations Rose Briar and turned the massive property into it's chief training centre for the Alternative's Options Branch. The Campus had produced some of HSIS' most mythical paramilitary officers who had succeeded in Operations with 1,000 year long Classified Seals that wouldn't see the light of day until they were long forgotten about.

Currently in the muck was a young man in his earlier twenties. Outside of this world he had a title, and privelege. He was Prince Isaac, the Duke of Acton and second in line to the throne. In this world he was merely Recruit 8, the 8th out of the class of 10 possible Paramilitary Officers that would eventually graduated assuming they were able to survive. His father had deeply discouraged Isaac from pursuing his career in Intelligence work, but considering that his grandmother had served in the Royal Navy for forty years and his father has been a frontline Marine Officer for the better part of his career, he had ultimately been able to enroll in HSIS.

He had thus far survived the initial two and a half months of training and was now involved in the final phase, which involved him avoiding the veteran HSIS Training Officers with his fellow recruits for a week straight before getting back to the Campus. He was on the final day, all he had to do was survive and he would graduate completely from the program.

He shook his head, peering through the sights of his H8A3 rifle. What in god's name had ever convinced him, THIS, was a good idea.
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