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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Lucipher » Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:54 pm

The Noble Gazette
The Noble Gazette is a Telamonese-Davostani-Kivonian Newspaper, Dedicated to Spreading the Truth of What is Happening in the Three Nations.
4th May 4767
Third 3 Year Plan Starts, Kazulia Announces Aid Package, High Queen and Princesses Reveal Secret Plan
The second 3 Year Plan is underway now, with Kazulia's 50 billion aid deal and extended friendship. Her Majesty and her daughters reveal secret plan they've been hatching since last year.

Grænnhöfn: With the massive success that was the second 3 Year Plan now 5 months behind us, we await for the results to come out of the most hyped up Plan: the third, where the heavy industry of the nation (including defence industries) are being developed further than ever. After the first and second Plans went off without a hitch, we can only hope the third will be as successful. Trade and Industry Minister Vinjar Þorkelsson (pictured below) made a statement on 1 May, solidifying the people's excitement about the project:

Minister Þorkelsson pictured giving his speech to the Alþingi three days ago

Well, I'm happy to announce massive yield from this Plan. Our economy looks to grow further than ever before seen in the contemporary age. Current estimates that put GDP growth for the first Plan at 12% and the second at 17% have predicted that over the next about 2 and a half years, our GDP will grow by 24%, to an impressive, and I'm going to read the whole number out here, 1,297,722,438,073 point fifteen Telamonic Pounds. That means that for the first time in well recorded history, Telamon will have broken a 1 trillion Pound GDP. Compare that to the 798,649,537,000 Pounds we were making in 4759, before the Plans and before the SGS came to power.

Our ally in Dovani, Kazulia, has announced a 50 billion spending aid package for our nation, as well as a plan to replace the current Memorandum of Understanding with a full Mutual Defence Treaty. Our military will be receiving: Kolpa XM-100 6x6 amphibious APCs, CV9030 tracked and well armed IFVs, Leopard 2a4KZ main battle tanks, AH-90KZ transport helicopters, and most importantly, a license production for the JAS 39 Gripen multirole fighter, which will be the first large-scale military vehicle to be produced domestically in Telamon. The 50 billion exceeds the previous 3 billion yearly, and is set to last from 4767 to 4777.

Elgurfljót: Her Majesty the High Queen and her daughters, High Princess Raisa and Princess Mellony, announced a sort of surprise back in 4763, which unfortunately due to time constraints had not occurred until last year, turned out to be all three women vanishing one night from the Snjóhöll (Palace of Snow) in September. Six and a half months later, in mid March, a local news channel in Norðurland (Ferene) discovered they had been living in the city of Elgurfljót (Vojiscie), working like regular people, and impressively not attracting attention. The news channel (Elgurfljót Fyrstu Fréttir, Moose River First News) interviewed the royals and the people they had made friends with in the city, finding out that it had been pre-planned since 4763 and the people here had taken it in stride.

High Queen Annalise, High Princess Raisa, and Princess Mellony being interviewed in the city of Elgurfljót

As it turns out, the three of them were living in a modest 4 bedroom apartment in the west side of the city, going out every day to their jobs (Her Majesty was a worker in a light industrial plant, Raisa was a tutor and barista, and Mellony worked in construction for the next Plan). The three women told the locals to just act as if they were regular people, and for over half a year, it worked. Now, as they return to Grænhöfn, they step back into the life of royalty that unlike many other monarchs, they don't use as much. How this experience will affect Her Majesty's endorsement os a successor, no-one knows. But as of now, given Mellony's marriage and Raisa's continued enrollment in the most prestigious Air Force academy in Suðureyja (Migadon) and work in regional politics (as well as being the eldest, which constitutionally should have no effect), the High Princess Raisa will keep her place as High Princess, indicating her likelihood to be the next High Queen.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Lucipher » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:33 pm

The Noble Gazette
The Noble Gazette is a Telamonese-Davostani-Kivonian Newspaper, Dedicated to Spreading the Truth of What is Happening in the Three Nations.
20th June 4767
Self-described "Megacorporation" 3M Makes Deal with Government, Research for Investment Deal Struck
The Telamon Society for Medical and Pharmalogical Research (TSMPR) and More Medicament Manufacture (3M) made a deal earlier to exchange Telamonic pharmaceutical research for 3M's investment into the society and Telamon's medical and health fields.

Grænnhöfn:Medicine giant 3M earlier this month made a deal with the Telamon Society for Medical and Pharmalogical Research (TSMPR), announcing that they will send millions or billions to Telamon's health industry to renovate and modernize it with 3M made goods in return for Telamon's research into new strands of medicine and pharmaceuticals. The deal also has potent potentials for Telamon's economy, as the goods brought in will likely need to be manufactured as well. Trade and Industry Minister Viyar Þorkelsson stated that Telamon could potentially sign a formal deal with 3M at a later date about exporting manufactured goods via a government-run company. Currently, the extent of manufacturing done would be to keep domestic levels of 3M goods stable as they're used through time.

Health Minister Else-Maj Borgström (left) speaks about the new deal with one of her Secretaries of Health (right)

The move brings significant change to Telamon's health service, the Innlend Heilbrigðisþjónusta (IHÞ) as with the deal and the investment from the so-called megacorp it will be permitted to expand up to 1.7 times its current size. This means further coverage for workers in remote areas such as the ones further industrialized as the 3 Year Plans went on. The internal economy of Telamon seems to boom as its stock market has rapidly increased in recent days since the announcement of the deal and the beginning of the domestic manufacturing.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Lucipher » Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:27 pm

The Noble Gazette
The Noble Gazette is a Telamonese-Davostani-Kivonian Newspaper, Dedicated to Spreading the Truth of What is Happening in the Three Nations.
November 4767
With Lourenne's Queen Isabelle III's Death, Telamon's Government Pays Respects
After Keymon's King Carlu died, the government of Telamon has been sending delegations around the world for the deaths of monarchs.

Grænnhöfn: In a tragic turn of events, Lourenne's Queen Isabelle III died earlier this week in a horrific car accident in Eroncourt. Her Majesty Annalise sent her condolences via letter and prepared to visit the funeral with her daughters and other relatives. Before that, she ordered with one of her first Decrees a memorial be established to signify relations between Telamon and Lourenne, which were lukewarm at best after the Security Council election just a few years back.

The High Queen, the Ambassador to Lourenne, and the Lourennais Ambassador at the commencement for the monument.

In a speech given after the commencement ceremony, Her Majesty highlighted that small differences were naught in the larger scale of things, emphasizing the need for cooperation over rivalry:
It's a known fact of life that death comes unexpectedly. Not always in a horrifying manner as it did for Her Majesty Isabelle, but it comes nonetheless. This event has shaken my feeling of near-animosity for Lourenne, and now I feel we must all work together. The greater good is a strong pull, and it affects everyone. In the end, Security Council seats are meant to protect people, not to drive them apart. This does not mean, of course, we are stopping our bid for Seat D. If anything, we will double our efforts, but at the same time hold a feeling of sportsmanship with our opponents. Now if we could take a minute of silence for Her Majesty and her son, Crown Prince Philippe. Thank you. I will be going to the funeral of the two Lourennais royals with my daughters, Raisa and Mellony, as well as my other relatives, Anaïs Rongstad-Priorssen-Ashé-Rivières and her daughter Élaine of Kanjor. I ask my people to think of your own lives, and live freely, using what time you have.
Last edited by Lucipher on Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Lucipher » Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:34 pm

The Noble Gazette
The Noble Gazette is a Telamonese-Davostani-Kivonian Newspaper, Dedicated to Spreading the Truth of What is Happening in the Three Nations.

May 4768
After Corruption Scandal, Telamon Reorganizes Existing Private Sector, Banks; Reinvigorates Already Booming Economy
After a corruption scandal in the branch of civil service regarding economic planning, private banks, and foreign investments, the government is cracking down on corruption and foreign investments.

Grænnhöfn: Over 90 members of the Trade and Industry Ministry were fired last week and 200 other individuals were arrested as protesters called for a reorganization of the economic model. Files were leaked to the public by moles hired by the High Queen and her staff, revealing that many foreign investors who operated the privately run banks in the nation had intentionally devalued to currency in the stock market and artificially increased the debt to nations like Hutori. After 200,000 people flooded the streets and 450+ letters were written to the High Queen, she ordered the freezing of the Trade and Industry Ministry and the seizure of the privately owned stock market and all private banks. She also ordered the liberalization of the previously "all-state" economic model, opening it up to locals to start small businesses.

Industry Minister Þorkelsson gives a passionate speech about the dangers of corruption and trusting foreign elements

The results were as staggering as other recent economic developments have been- the combined efforts of the nationalized banks and stock markets worked in tandem with the opened private economy for locals (and only locals- no foreigners are permitted to own any private company) to provide a boost of almost 16% to the GDP, while the debt plan reduced the nation's overall debt by at least 13%. The GDP, previously expected to hit over 1 trillion Pounds by the end of 4769, now stands to increase another 16%, going to ₮1,505,358,028,164.85. These kind of economic developments are ridiculous for a so-called "backwater" nation, that was previously barely industrialized and seen as an easy place to game the market. Now, with our GDP up 700 billion pounds, and any foreign investor stupid enough to try to game us being jailed, we stand as a bastion of incorruptibility.

Her Majesty in her response to the events announced her plan to create the Efnahagsöryggissveit (EO), or Economic Security Forces, an undercover agency under Minister Þorkelsson designed to uncover and reveal any economic corruption or plans to go against the nation's interest in economic matters. Hopefully they will deal with any future issues the economy has.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Lucipher » Sat Jun 13, 2020 12:59 am

The Noble Gazette
The Noble Gazette is a Telamonese-Davostani-Kivonian Newspaper, Dedicated to Spreading the Truth of What is Happening in the Three Nations.

Postdated to March 4769
The Ten Year Anniversary of the New Republic of Telamon!
The High Queen, members of government, and the people of Telamon celebrate 10 years of the SGS in power; gov. reveals plans to ramp up pressure on Kivonia; and the third 3 Year Plan's completion later this year.

Grænnhöfn: Her Majesty was pleased to announce the tenth anniversary of the SGS in power in Telamon. While she was speaking, she revealed that there would be a surprise referendum the next day asking the people of Telamon if they would support a system in which the SGS was the only legal party. The reasoning she gave was that as they had not had serious opposition for the 10 years of their nation, why should they have it ever again? The nation will flourish under the efficiency and ease of one party, where discussion can be calm as we know everyone is on the same side. The day would be a one-time holiday and working would be cancelled, just as the anniversary was. Later that night, there was a massive rally in the capital of Grænhöfn, where 800,000 or more people arrived for the night. The crowd was incredibly civilized, with there only being one report of violence and 3 of drunken citizens. The government complex in the south-west of the city was flooded with people, and the green in the middle was crowded where a movie was shown commemorating the people of Telamon and their endeavors for the past 10 years. Next year at the same time Her Majesty celebrates her Tin Jubilee, for 10 years reigning.

Her Majesty holding a Telamon Blue-coloured smoke emitter at the rally in Grænhöfn last night.

Vanirhöll: Minister of Defence Vilbrandur Mórason was in Vanirhöll, the capital of the westernmost province in Telamon yesterday, the day after the anniversary, to announce increased tensions would be placed on the false Kivonian Republic. He also made the announcement that the Air Force would be interested in purchasing Kanistha Va-52s from the Vascania Empire to bolster Telamon's air power. The announcement was made shortly after the delegation from Telamon to the World Congress calling for the Security Council to intervene in Kivonia's corrupt and tyrannical system.

Grænnhöfn: The third 3 Year Plan finishes later this year, and all eyes are on the Ministry of Trade and Industry to announce what's planned for the next sets of Plans. Many speculate that sooner rather than later and information technology (IT) sector could pop up, or perhaps a permanent multinational business. So far, we've gotten nothing but silence, but since the last time we've reported on the economy, it's only kept growing from the reforms, seizures, regulation, and opening of private local businesses. International experts rank Telamon as one of the fastest growing economies (other than major economic powers growing faster such as Lourenne) in the world, and set to become larger than the Kivonian Republic by the end of the year, and nations like Dolgava and Kanjor by the end of the next decade at this rate. As of yet (aside from the corruption issues, which were handled expediently and efficiently), there has not been any major issues with economic growth, and given the amount of control the government has, there doesn't look to be any change in that statement.
Last edited by Lucipher on Sat Jun 13, 2020 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Lucipher » Sat Jun 13, 2020 1:18 am

The Noble Gazette
The Noble Gazette is a Telamonese-Davostani-Kivonian Newspaper, Dedicated to Spreading the Truth of What is Happening in the Three Nations.

OOC: Postdated to the day after the above post
The People of Telamon Choose the SGS!
The people of Telamon, in a clear response, chose to make the SGS the sole legal political party in the nation.

Grænnhöfn: People came into the streets in joy today after the results of last night's referendum were announced:


A majority of 57.3% of Telamoners voted to make the SGS the sole legal party, with a runner up of 22.5% for a multi-party nation, and 20.2% voting for the High Queen's Choice to be the method of party legality. The numbers were different in the Althing, with 109 members, or 78.9% voting for the SGS to be the sole legal party in the nation, while the remaining 19 members (21.1%) voting for the High Queen to become the determiner. When the law was presented to the Deliberative Assembly, it was immediately signed by Chair Bridget Lóngsdóttir, who stated that such an important occasion like the 10 year anniversary two days before needed something equally important for the nation's political system.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Lucipher » Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:03 pm

The Noble Gazette
The Noble Gazette is a Telamonese-Davostani-Kivonian Newspaper, Dedicated to Spreading the Truth of What is Happening in the Three Nations.

January 4770 (OOC: Postdated)/June 4770
Third 3 Year Plan Wraps Up, Economy Booming More Than Ever/High Queen Celebrates Decade in Power
The third 3 Year Plan, the last of the decade, has officially finished, and with it the first stage of Telamon's economic revolution/High Queen celebrates her tenth year as Head of State and all she's accomplished.

Grænnhöfn: 9 years have passed since the High Queen initiated the first 3 Year Plan. No one knew what the future would hold, but surely only the most optimistic of optimists would have foreseen what happened. Between the foreign investments and interference, domestic manufacturing, and general success and public approval of the Plans, the economy is like never before. With recent economic and political developments, the final gdp growth is up a total of 228.35%, from 798 billion to 1,823,705,345,736, or 1.824 trillion.

Graph showing Telamon's GDP growth since 4756, growing from 600 billion to 1.8 trillion.

This only bodes well for the ever expanding Telamonic armed forces, who have recently been interested in purchasing fighter jets from the Vascanian Empire, in their goal of invading the false Kivonian Republic. Many think that this decade will see the start of the war, and it can only end well for Telamon.
Last edited by Lucipher on Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Lucipher » Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:39 pm

The Noble Gazette
The Noble Gazette is a Telamonese-Davostani-Kivonian Newspaper, Dedicated to Spreading the Truth of What is Happening in the Three Nations.

July 4771
Military Arms and Support Deals signed with Trigunia and Endralon
The Telamon Ministry of Defence and the Department of Foreign Defence Acquisitions have made a deal with the government of Trigunia for military vehicles and Endralon to provide support to the nation during the swiftly coming war.

Fort Skyndiminni, Austurland: After a 1.6 billion deal was struck between the Trigunian Defence Ministry and the Telamonic Department of Foreign Defence Acquisitions, the Telamonic Armed Forces has grown even further. In particular, the Navy and Air Force, which both received new vehicles and equipment over the last week. For the Air Force, 12 new MiG-29S fighter and 5 new Ka-50 helicopters, costing a total of 264m and 60M respectively; and for the Navy, a Steregushchiy-class, two Gremyashchiy-class, and two Buyan-class corvettes costing upwards of 1.3 billion with 3 new Igumnov Potap-class landing ships and 2 new Alligator-class beachable amphibious transport docks.

One of the new MiG-29s' bought by the Telamonic Air Force.

These new additions boost the amount of jet aircraft in the Air Force to 62, and the creation of the helicopter division with the new vehicles. The deal also massively increases Telamon's naval assault capabilities, not only with the corvettes but with the landing assault ships and transport docks that will allow for beaching training. This deal adds onto Telamon's rapidly increasing military strength, so shortly after their deal with Kazulia for ground vehicles and aircraft.

Other than that, a deal was signed with the government of Endralon and the self-proclaimed "Megacorp" 3M, outlining Endralon's assistance in the coming war in terms of supply and logistical help. That help is to be delivered with the condition that after the war, 3M will be able to expand further into Davostan, stretching past medicine and into the sports and media sectors. Hopefully this new strength and new allies will allow Telamon to free the people of Kivonia.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Lucipher » Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:35 pm

The Noble Gazette
The Noble Gazette is a Telamonese-Davostani-Kivonian Newspaper, Dedicated to Spreading the Truth of What is Happening in the Three Nations.

November 4771
Kivonian Patrol Attacks Telamonic Freighter, Many Consider Act of War
The Telamonic freighter Beitu said it had small arms fired at it when it allegedly crossed into Kivonian waters, ship recorders prove it was just in international waters.

Ragnarsfjarður, Austurland: Preparations are being made here to launch a counterattack to what many call an "act of war", a Kivonian naval patrol vessel allegedly had the soldiers on board fire at the Telamonic freighter "Beitu", killing three civilians and injuring more before the crew could take shelter belowdecks. Bullet holes from Kivonia-made rifles are clearly visible and the obituaries of the three soldiers were released yesterday. The other crew members all have recovered from their injuries, although two more remain in critical condition. The Telamonic government announced that this kind of action was uncalled for, unprovoked, and accepted as an act of war.

The freighter attacked by the patrol vessel coming in to harbor in Ragnarsfjarður yesterday.

Plans were leaked from the Department of Military Strategy and Operations in the MoD that showed invasion routes to the Kivonian coastal cities of Laugarbær and Garðadalur (also known as Vermillion, an important cultural centre for the Kivonians), for their proximity to Telamon across the Makon Gulf between Telamon, Davostag, and Hutori. Intelligence suggests Kivonian troops are moving to protect the cultural city and it's coastal neighbor, and on top of that shoring up defenses near the capital of Kivonia, which is close to the two cities outlines in the plans. After recent aid from nearby allies, Telamon feels confident in it's abilities, and many hope for a short and uneventful war, although experts predict that will not be the case.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Telamon

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:01 pm

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