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Re: Ostland

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:17 pm

Wolfsheimer Zeitung
1 July 4772
Ostland formalizes team to investigate Bianjie.

Wolfsheim - Generaladmiral Felix Rainer and Secretary of the Security and Military Leadership Council Brigadeführer Mario Klammer announced the commencement of the investigation in Bianjie. Following a series of talks between the Bianjie government and the government in Wolfsheim, the Ostland Landwehr will be conducting an "independent" investigation into alleged chemical and biological weapons use in Bianjie. Leading the mission is Chief of the Intelligence Bureau for the East, Lieutenant General Jannik Fritzl, IBE is responsible for Dovani-based foreign intelligence operations but also possess a number of specialist that are assigned to the World Congress' Chemical and Biological Weapons Office and CBERN team. The investigation which will begin July, 4772 and with a target date of completion of September, 4772 is expected to reveal the extent, if any, of Bianjie's chemical and biological weapons that were used several years earlier allegedly. The growing concern that the World Congress investigation has stalled has grown too much for the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchy itself to manage, notably for the State Chancellor and the Vice State Chancellor who have pushed for the investigation and urged the World Congress via private channels to do so.
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Re: Ostland

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:24 pm

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Re: Ostland

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:42 pm

Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung
Ostlandic mission in Bianjie: They had chemical and biological weapons.
September, 4772

Lieutenant General Jannik Fritzl at a press conference earlier in the year.

Bianjie - A late September morning outside of the temporary headquarters of Ostland's mission to Bianjie to conduct an independent investigation into allegations of chemical and biological weapons, the head of the investigation Chief of the Intelligence Bureau for the East, Lieutenant General Jannik Fritzl announced his findings. After an extensive 3 month investigation General Fritzl revealed that Bianjie had indeed possessed chemical and biological weapons, the confirmation was met with an audible gasp from the crowd.

The General went on to say that the chemical and biological weapons were inert and had not been used in several decades, likely a hold-over from the Dovani War. The General noted that the Bianjie government and the Khan had fully cooperated and had given all requested information to Ostland and the team, while the Dorvish played a supporting logistical role, they did not contribute to the investigative teams as they believed that the Ostlandic government was capable of carrying out the investigation themselves. The General revealed that 10 Scub-style missiles were previously equipped with a number of chemical and biological agents that appear to have been received from either black market sources or crudely concocted in a laboratory in Dovani. The brief report that the General also provided documentation that Bianjie security and intelligence officers believed that the weapons were in the hands of rogue or disloyal officers of the Bianjie regime and in the event that they required their use during the Dovani War, they could have been used. The General confirmed the Dorvish reports that the former government of Bianjie carried out a "typical" ethnic genocide of foreigners through "conventional means" and provided details that had been discovered in the course of their investigation.

Ostlandic scientist that accompanied the team revealed that every laboratory that Bianjie had was inspected, a total of 7 sites that are capable of any sort of manufacturing of chemical or biological compounds. The General announced that in cooperation with the Bianjie government and representatives from the World Congress' Chemical and Biological Office they would be setting up a semi-permanent monitoring mission in the the nation. General Fritzl stressed that this investigation, while underneath the guise of the World Congress was a wholly independent investigation and he believes that the World Congress failed to act in reasonable manner, he chided all members of the Security Council, including the Dorvish for their failure to act when Dovani lives were on the line and noted that the "...eyes of the world were upon the World Congress and the Security Council to collectively recognize their failure and to introduce meaningful reforms to support future missions."
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Re: Ostland

Postby Pragma » Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:59 pm

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Re: Ostland

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:48 pm

Ostland Heute
Ostland agrees to low-cost loans to Dovani nations
August, 4774 (Backdated)

Wolfsheim - Minister of Economics and Finance Dr. Franziska Helnwein was joined by President of the State Bank of Ostland Maximilian Merkatz in joining the calls for Medina for more cooperation among former colonial nations, while Ostland had contacts and dealing with the so-called "First World" Ostland has continually taken a leading role in the development of relations throughout Dovani. Ostland was the epicenter for providing aid and support to Dovani nations following the devastation of the Dovani War. In one of his few public addresses President Merkatz announced that the government of Ostland would be building an "aid program" focused on providing low interest loans to Dovani and Temanian nations, notably those in the southern tier of Dovani who have fared far worse in recent decades. Dr. Helnwein noted that the Grand Duke and the State Chancellor would be reaching out to Secretary of Management and Planning Mufeed Khetran regarding a series of discussions on building the Dovani economy, while not overtly agreeing to cooperate with certain powers, the Grand Duchy of Ostland welcomed cooperation with all powers across Dovani, Vascania and Temania. Ostland's economy is largely reliant on it's oil and gas industry, trade within the Sea of Carina and its mineral industry which provides both raw material and processed material across Dovani.

The initial fund will have roughly 2.5b LOD contained within it and will be managed by the State Bank of Ostland, the Ostlandic government is seeking to increase that to nearly 5b LOD over the next ten years from a combination of public and private sources.
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Re: Ostland

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:18 pm

Ostland Heute
Ostland rejects Yingdalan influence over Dovani
July 4779

Wolfsheim - As the Eastern Land Council adopted an amendment to the Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Ostland to re-name the head of government from State Chancellor to State Minister, adopting a more "Hulstrian" title, the council also condemned Yingdalan attempts to "manage" the post-colonial world. President of the Eastern Land Council Viktoria Klor condemned the push for the Eastern Development Organization as a "...tool of Yingdalan influence in an attempt to bring Dovani and other post-colonial nations into the Yingdalan fold. The guise of Neo-Colonialism should never return and Yingdala is the prime mover and ideologue of Neo-Colonialism." The "new" State Minister Konstantin Haneke welcomed cooperation with Medina and noted that a state visit was likely to occur "in the near future" between the two nations to discuss continued cooperation. Ostland has taken on an interesting role in Dovani following the apparent withdraw of Kazulia and Lourenne, the utter collapse of the governments in Kiel and absence of a "true" authority in northern Dovani, this is not without assistance to some of those nations however. The Ostlandic government recently signed energy agreements with the Kazulian government to increase oil and gas shipments to the nation, notably using the Ostlandic built pipeline system that was developed several decades prior for that express purpose.

The newly titled State Minister called on Foreign Minister Gregor Bischoffshausen to build relations with the new governments across Dovani, Temania and Vascania, notably Medina who has helped lead the push against Neo-Colonialism.

Ostland has also purchased several dozens new sets of arms and armor from countries around the globe, notably the Dorvish-based Artanian Defense Group and several Hutorian companies. Ostland is seeking to cement itself as a firm regional power in the region and has increased its anti-piracy patrols and anti-piracy operations across the entire Sea of Carina. The State Bank of Ostland has opened a portion of its sovereign wealth fund to begin investing in countries in Dovani, Temania and Vascania if the Vascanians would be approachable to the efforts. Maximilian Merkatz, the President of the State Bank, chided the Eastern Development Organization as a tool of "Neo-Imperialist" who seek to undermine the people of Dovani, Temania and Vascania as make them puppets to the new regime. While it is likely that the Ostlandic government will face ideological hurdles, notably in Southern Dovani and East Dovani, the Ostlandic government has a favorable reputation to most Dovani, Temanian and Vascanian people according to a poll conducted by Ostland Today (Ostland Heute) one of the leading newspapers in Dovani.

Alongside the adoption of the new title for the State Minister, the Chief of the General Staff Generaladmiral Felix Rainer noted that the Ostlandic Armed Forces would be undergoing a comprehensive review to built historical ties to the formations that made up the basis of the Hulstrian forces in Ostland.
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Re: Ostland

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jul 04, 2020 4:58 am

Ostland Heute
Grand Duke names new State Minister
September 4779

Wolfsheim - Leopold Helnwein was named as the second State Minister (Hulstrian: Staatsminister) of the Grand Duchy of Ostland following the ascent from the Grand Duke, Helnwein will be taking over Ostland as Ostland's star is rising across Dovani, Temania and Vascania. Helnwein is widely considered to be the ideological architect behind the drive to support Dovani nations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs underneath Minister Bischoffshausen. The new State Minister also stated that the Ostlandic Landwehr would be undergoing a "radical" transformation into a much more "...efficient, capable and prepared force restoring several prominent Hulstrian traditions." The first "tradition" to be restored will be the "Landschützen", a territorial militia that will be organized on the basis of the new Ministry of the Interior re-organization. The Lander (or states) will be formed from the former civil "Provinces" and will adopt some of the former Interior Ministry organization. The Eastern Land Council as a component of the constitutional reform to adopt more Hulstrian titles versus Dundorfian titles adopted a new administrative structure for Ostland. The territorial militia will be supported and armed by the Ostland Landwehr and will be controlled locally, they will provide a territorial defense force and will assist in civil defense, search and rescue and have limited local law enforcement authority. The new State Minister is likely to name a new Council of Ministers within the coming weeks.
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Re: Ostland

Postby Luis1p » Sat Jul 04, 2020 7:38 pm

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Re: Ostland

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:49 pm

Ostland Heute
Staatsminister confirms Lourenne deal; Chief Minister appointed Vice Staatsminister
January 4781

Wolfsheim - Staatsminister Leopold Helnwein confirmed reports to the Ostland Associated Press that Ostland had purchased former Lourennais Navy vessels, notably 12 Parmentier-class Fiigates and 1 Thiers-class Amphibious Assault ship which will bolster the already formidable Ostlandic Navy, one of the strongest in the region. The deal, valued at roughly 7b Lourennais Francs, will be paid over a period of 10 years by Ostland and a large sum of it will be taken from the State Bank of Ostland's reserve funding that is generated from oil and gas profits, believed to be in the billions of Lodamese Dollars according to sources within the State Bank. The Staatsminister also confirmed that a joint task force of Dorvish and Ostlandic vessels conducted an anti-piracy mission in the Sea of Carina earlier this year, the tanker, flagged out of Mina, was returned and the pirates aboard were returned to the island of Kamphon and are expected to be tried in front of an Ostlandic Maritime Trade Court. The Ostlandic Maritime Trade Court deals with matters of international law and has focused heavily on anti-piracy operations in the Sea of Carina, where Ostland possesses the most influence. While Ostland is widely considered to be an economic power in Dovani, it maintains a robust economy focused on its oil production. While Ostland cannot compete with the likes of nations such as Badara, Kafuristan or even Vascania, Ostland has a significant market in West Dovani where it has close energy relations with several countries including Kazulia and Lourenne.

The Staatsminister confirmed that he would be in Medina within the coming months to continue to develop relations with Medina regarding more significant Dovani leadership, especially in those nations that are considered to be "post-Colonial". The announcement comes as the Staatsminister, a notable architect behind the move to "Hulstrianize" Ostland, seeks to replace the current Council of Ministers. Levi Baeder, an up and coming civil servant in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was recently appointed as the State Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the second spot in the ministry and is likely to succeed the current Foreign Minister. It is expected that Chief of the General Staff Generaladmiral Felix Rainer will continue to serve until a suitable replacement could be found, Jannik von Oberlander zu Strauss, a descendant of the famed Hulstrian aristocratic family of Strauss, and a current officer in the Landwehr, is likely to succeed Rainer. According to reports within the defense apparatus, Oberlander zu Strauss is a noted Hulstrian military historian and has impressed the Staatsminister with his desire to further "Hulstrianize" the Ostland Landwehr.

Helnwein also confirmed that Hamakawa Tsukasa would be assuming the mantle of Vice State Minister, this move would make Tsukasa the first Chief Minister to simultaneously hold a position in both states. Grand Duke Helmet noted that the Ostlandic nation was made up of "...one people, unified by a common goal of peace and prosperity." Vice Staatsminister Tsukasa made it clear that this appointment would not see him neglect either role, Vice Staatsminister or Chief Minister of the Touryou State. The Vice Staatsminister noted that Ostland would be seeking greater cooperation with it's Gao-Showan partners, notably in Southwest Dovani and Western Dovani, referencing Seko and potentially Hanzen.
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Re: Ostland

Postby Lucipher » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:02 pm

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