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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:36 pm

Government Nationalizes Extraction Companies
October 10, 4774
Rare Earth Elements Mine in Arami

The mineral extraction industry is the largest source of income for Liore, and has been the primary attraction to the country by foreign powers during the time of colonialism. Liore's Caltropic Highlands, which take up more than half of the country's area, are a bountiful source of hydrothermal ore deposits ranging from veins of luxury metals such as gold or silver, or gemstone ores; to deposits of ores of industrial minerals such as cobalt in cobaltite, iron in magnetite, and rare earth elements in pegmatite. Despite their importance and value, the extraction of industrial minerals has largely been ignored by Liore's mining companies in favor of extracting luxury minerals, with the gold and gemstone markets together making up a considerable portion of Liore's GDP.

The companies responsible for Liore's extraction industry have largely been the products of domestic ventures rather than foreign multinationals, thanks to the Conservative Party's protectionist stance on markets. Though this policy has been continued by the socialists and is responsible for keeping Liori companies in Liori hands, it has stunted the growth of the Liori mineral extraction market and made it undesirable for foreign capital to be invested in Liore. Despite the stunted growth of the industry, the Conservatives' protectionism has made it much easier for the government to nationalize the industry without objection for abroad.

With the complete nationalization of the extraction industry comes a change in industry policy. Instead of continuing to focus on the extraction of luxury minerals, the Natural Resources Ministry has stated that it would instead focus on extracting Liore's industrial resources, specifically rare earth minerals and ores of cobalt, copper, and iron. It has also been announced that the Natural Resources Ministry will be receiving a large budget increase at the expense of the Health and Welfare Ministries, making the NRM one of the most highly funded government organizations. To justify this spending increase, Premier Obama stated "I don't like it, but Liore's one of the worst off nations in Terra. We don't currently have a lot going for us, but what we do have is an abundance of minerals crucial to the modern global economy, and we have our collective Liori strength. Right now, we have to focus on developing what we have if we are in the future to live better lives. In the short run, we must give up much needed funds to welfare, but in the long run we will have built an economy and amassed an amount of wealth large enough for our people to live happy lives."

The sudden nationalization of an entire industry has left private companies in other sectors shocked and afraid for their futures. Many would wish to close business in Liore and attempt move overseas ore sell their equipment overseas rather than be nationalized in the future. This possibility has left the government with a serious issue of a collapsed economy on the horizon. To counter this, General Secretary Kamau has issued his first Economic Directive, which threatens to nationalize any Liori companies that shut down or attempt to move overseas. To some, this Economic Directive is evidence that more mass nationalization is on the horizon and that the economy will drift ever closer to government ownership and direction.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:32 pm

Government Launches Education Reforms, Literacy Program
December 29, 4774
Eager Students Learn Kunikata in Rural Mwibonde Literacy School

We're approaching the end of the year, and with it comes annual statistical reports. Like last year and the year before, the reports are alarming, yet optimistic in their improvement from Conservative rule. For example, literacy rates have increased from 32% in 4768 to 41% in 4774, a nearly 10% increase. Though this is still far lower than any developed nation, especially those of the west.

The new regime of the People's Front claims to hold the improvement of access to quality education for Lioris as a core pillar of their party. As it states in the party platform: "The key to developing our nation economically and culturally and bringing Liore into the modern world is to ensure that every Liori citizen is properly educated in the fields of their trade and of Liori history and the languages of our land." Though both during the final years of the Republic and after the establishment of the Socialist State did the People's Front work to improve Liore's education system and literacy rate, it did little in ways of major reforms needed to rejuvenate the education system and bring meaningful improvement.

Starting next year, the Liori education will be subject to a number of transformative reforms aimed at bringing the much needed changes. First, the Education Ministry will receive a budget increase to be used in building new schools in poorer areas, purchasing new textbooks and writing materials, and funding a school food program for impoverished children. Public schooling will also be made mandatory for children under the age of fourteen (When children are legally considered to be adults). In these primary schools, students will be taught to read and write in Kitembo and Kunikata as well as basic math and other practical skills. Once children have reached the age of fourteen, they will be given the opportunity to learn intermediate skills and trades at a free government secondary school for four years. Following this, the most exceptional students will be offered the opportunity to learn at tertiary schools where they will be taught to become masters of their trades or experts in an academic field.

Despite the promising nature of these reforms, it will remain difficult and impractical for many rural children, especially those who live in traditional villages of the east of the country. For these children, the Jamii Party argued against urbanization of rural Liore and the destruction of traditional Liori life, but instead for a much small scale literacy program to be included in the reforms. For children in these circumstances, the government will send out "village tutors" to as many rural villages as possible. These tutors will teach rural children a much more simplified version of the national curriculum that will consist entirely of Kitembo reading and writing and basic math, only the most bare essentials needed for national standards.
RP Controller of Liore
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:41 am

Ore Refinement Monopoly Established
July 12, 4775
Newly Built Cobalt Refinery In Kipini

In order to compliment the recent decisions by the government to nationalize the mineral extraction industry and refocus production to industrial minerals, and to cut the need for a middle man in exports to refine Liore's domestically extracted minerals and instead allow for the direct export of refined material, the Industrial Ministry has established the state-owned Liore Metal Refinement Company and has granted it a monopoly in its industry, nationalizing the extremely few in number mineral refineries already operating in Liore. With the new prioritization of domestically refining Liore's minerals, the export of raw minerals has been restricted to a case by case basis, with the government planning on sending raw minerals directly to Liori facilities to be refined into usable resources and be further purified (If need be) before being exported.

Already, six new refinement facilities have been built or are in the process of being constructed, while dozens more are being planned. All of the facilities currently in construction will be located in Kipini, which has been designated to be the center for the refinement of "construction and production" metals such as iron, copper, and aluminum; as well as cobalt. The other major metal refinement group, the "technological" rare earth metals, will have construction of their first refineries begin later this year in Ndardhi. Though placed on the back burner by planners, "luxury" metal refineries will also be built in Mweza in the future, though for the time being these minerals will continue to be exported in their unrefined state.
RP Controller of Liore
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:47 pm

Trade Deal Signed with Medina
December 14, 4775
Port of Yamabiro, Liore's Largest Commercial Port

For the past months, Liore's emerging mineral extraction and refining industry have been experiencing the boon of government nurture through central planning and extensive increases in government funding. These actions have brought the industries to new heights in Liore, though they have too been facing the growing pains of a central decision to refocus mineral extraction from luxury to industrial metals as well as the difficulty of finding steady importers of Liori refined metals. Though the former issue is one which will be easily remedied by time, the latter is one which has given Liore's central planners cause for concern. "What good is refining our own metals if nobody buys them?" asked Industrial Ministry planner Thabo Bada, "Before we can expect tangible benefits from increasing production, we must find buyers." In order to convince international buyers to choose Liori metals, Trade Ministry spokesmen have stated that they wish to go out and find buyers themselves and sign trade deals favoring Liori metals. This, the Ministry argues, will "prove the mettle of Liori metals and convince buyers to seek them on their own accord."

There have been a number of nations which the Trade and Foreign Ministries have stated would be perfect partners to begin this policy with, most of which are fellow Third World nations. One such nation is the Zahiri Republic of Medina, a fellow Third World nation which has, much like Liore, recently overthrown an oppressive regime and begun to seek economic development. So far Medina has been extremely successful with this goal, quickly developing an industrial sector and vastly changing Medinese society, thanks in part to their opening up of their markets to foreign direct (e.g. Allowing the multinational corporation 3M to modernize their health industry) and portfolio investment, as well as their receiving of economic aid from the local powers of Indrala and Vascania. No matter how they're producing their economic miracle, there is much potential in Medinese heavy industry and in pursuing better trade relations with Medina.

In a multi day meeting between representatives of Medina and Liore in Yamabiro, the representatives of the two nations discussed and eventually agreed to a trade deal that has since been approved and adopted bilaterally by both governments. The deal, simply titled the Liore-Medina Joint Trade Agreement (LMJTC), will see both nations adopting a number of trade polices favorable to each other's development. On the side of Liori exports, Liore will adopt a policy of giving Medinese buyers a discount when purchasing Liori metals, refined and raw, and in exchange Medina will give preferential status to Liore when importing metals. A similar policy will be offered in reverse for Medinese consumer goods and heavy machinery, which will be sold to Liore at a discounted price and be given preferential status by Liore when importing industrial goods. "The theory behind the deal" says the Liori Trade Minister Tadala Opeyemi, "is to increase the overall exports of our two nations and show that our economies, though currently weak and underdeveloped, are growing and opening up to global trade, even if it does come at the cost of less income per tonne exported. The deal also makes it easier for Liore and Medina to import the products necessary for further development. For Medina, these are the metals needed to produce their good, and for us these are the machinery needed to grow our industries and the goods needed to improve our people's quality of life."

Liore's choice to reach out to Medina for economic cooperation rather than a socialist state or developed first world economy seems to foreshadow the foreign policy that the regime will adopt, one which embraces the Third World and non aligned nations of Terra rather than those of ideological homogeneity or scurry to join a great power bloc and rely on one of the west's economic powerhouses. Though the Foreign Ministry has been publicly quite inactive and has made no comment on how Liore plans on proceeding on the geopolitical stage, it is reasonable to believe that Liori foreign policy will remain local and in Dovani.
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Re: Liore

Postby Lucipher » Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:18 am

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Re: Liore

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:51 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:26 am

LNPA and PRV Launch Joint Exercises, Begin Recruitment
August 20, 4776
PRV Forces March in Formation

The Liori armed forces have long been neglected (In terms of modernization of equipment and training) and underdeveloped, used primarily as a tool to enforce the will of the government on the people with national defense being only a secondary reason for its existence. Since the surrender of General Uduakobong Maina and the thwarting of the military coup, the state of the armed forces only deteriorated after its reorganization, being reduced to a temporary policing force. Though, on the other hand, the People's Revolutionary Vanguard, a paramilitary force under direct control of the People's Front party, has received modest attention and funding from the government and the Party, turning it into a much more capable fighting force than its government controlled counterpart, the Liore National People's Army. In the sky and in the sea, the situation is much more bleak, with the Liore National People's Air Force consisting of only fifty outdated jet fighters, and the Liore National People's Navy only a couple dozen patrol and torpedo boats, a type of naval composition which has recently proven to be inferior by the ongoing conflict between Kurageri and Vascania.

With the economy beginning to get on its feet thanks to government planning, trade deals with Medina, and foreign aid loans from the State Bank of Ostland; the government has finally felt that it is time to address the military issue. First and most immediately, the government has ordered that the current forces of the LNPA and PRV enter into joint training exercises rather than continue to sit idle in barracks. As the Arch-Minister of Defense, General Udo Idowu, put it, "In order for an army to be prepared for and effective in defeating an enemy, it must be in a constant state of conflict to temper its abilities. The army which does nothing but sit around the fire and sing kumbaya is the army of a soon-to-be subjected nation." The exercises will consist primarily of mountainous terrain adaptation and marksmanship training, with motorized warfare also taking up a significant spot on the back burner. The Arch-Ministry of Defense has also established a new ministry under its jurisdiction, the Doctrine Ministry, with the purpose of reevaluating Liore's ground forces doctrines and manuals, with the intent of modernizing the LNPA into a highly mobile mechanized force.

Both the LNPA and the PRV will also begin recruitment campaigns in order to bring troop numbers up to formidable heights and to combat the still prevalent issues of unemployment and poverty. By giving young men with no other opportunities in life the chance to spend their lives in service to Liore, the government hopes to put a serious dent into these statistics of desolation. Currently, a quota has been set to increase the number of active personnel in the LNPA to 75,000 (An increase of 35,000), the PRV to 25,000 (An increase of 15,000), and establish a reserve force of 50,000 men.

The Arch-Ministry of Defense and the Trade Ministry have also created a joint committee with the goal of finding new potential suppliers of armaments in order to modernize and standardize the equipment used by the ground forces with new small arms and ground vehicles, with the current force being outfitted primarily with modified civilian vehicles.
RP Controller of Liore
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:09 pm

Rare Earth Exploitation Begins; Infrastructure Expands Throughout Highlands
May 11, 4778
Rare Earth Refinery in Ndardhi

The Industry Ministry has announced today that the Liore Metal Refinement Company will finally be able to begin rare earths refinement. This massive milestone in Liore's mineral industry comes after three years of constructing refineries and establishing mines, the latter of which proved especially grueling due to previous governments largely ignoring rare earth extraction, forcing the LMRC to survey the highlands for promising deposits and construct dozens of new facilities. However the hard work has finally paid off, and Liore's rare earths mines are finally extracting a steady supply of ores that have begun to be put through the refinement process in Ndardhi refineries.

Though of not much value in Liore's still underdeveloped economy, the processed rare earths will prove a great source of income on the international market, hopefully drawing the attention of major technology producers for which rare earths are an essential input in production. Though currently there has been no significant trade agreement signed between Liore and a foreign producer, it is expected that Liori rare earths be sold in irregular transactions when the first batches finish refinement at the end of the month.

With the expansion of the extraction and refinement industries have come the significant issue of traffic mass traffic congestion on the roads and highways between Liore's mines and refinery hubs. This is due largely to Liore's underdeveloped highway/road and railway system. A majority of Liore's current highways run along the Caltropic coast from Mweza to Nzurchanga, and Liore's only railway line, the Sea to Sea Rail, runs only from Kipini on the Caltropic Coast to Vitafu in the middle of the highlands to finally to Naranpá, just north of the Red Bass port city of Bakundu. Throughout most of the country, there are a system of mostly dirt roads between population centers and villages, and a small number of paved roads connecting important extraction centers to highways and cities.

With this underdevelopment causing inconvenience for commuters and stunting the ability of the mineral industry to function at peak efficiency, the Infrastructure Ministry has announced plans to expand transportation infrastructure across the nation, with a particular emphasis on the development of the mineral rich highlands. The initiative, which would see a new railway line and multiple new highways built, will be conducted by a state-sponsored workforce of volunteers, primarily from the impoverished population. Though Liore is in possession of the hardware necessary for the project, it lacks the material necessary for road and rail construction (With the exception of iron and steel) and will purchase concrete and other materials from abroad.
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Re: Liore

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:31 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:01 pm

Agreements Signed with Lodamun, Communes; Government Launches Rural Energy Project
April 26, 4779
Foreign Minister Emem Kariuki Delivers Statements Following Meeting with Lodamese Counterparts

Lodamun has long been a troubled nation, with the government seemingly to be in a perpetual state of strife and being on the brink of civil war with the nation's left wing. Recently the situation has cooled down to a state of relative peace, with the government now under the control of the leftist Libertarian Communist Party and with full recognition given to the communes of Orean and St Martin, though there is still an underlying tension between the governing LCP and the rightist opposition of the People's Nationalist Guard. Still, prosperity seems to be on the horizon for the troubled people of Lodamun, as reports coming from the country indicate economic development both in the communes and the rest of the nation.

Being one of the few other socialist states in Terra, despite the instability, Lodamun and her communes have been a prime opportunity for the expansion of Liore's diplomatic and economic relations. Being an already industrialized nation, the Lodamese market would prove one most accepting Liore's raw materials, and such one worth increasing regular trade with. Such was the major topic of discussion in Yamabiro last week, when Foreign Minister Emem Kariuki hosted talks with delegations from the Lodamese government and the communes. These friendly talks between our comrade nations have yielded bountiful fruit: a trade deal between Liore and the two Lodamuns. The deal will see tariffs eliminated on trade between Liore and Lodamunm, as well as see Liori goods be sold to Lodamun at a discount in exchange for a steady increase in trade between the two nations. The deal also includes provisions to decrease travel restrictions between the two nations, allowing for an exchange of immigrants and tourists. Being created also from the discussions were statements of general cooperation between Lodamun and Liore, as well as the signing of a Treaty of Friendship with the Communes of Orean and St Martin. Though holding no official provisions, these diplomatic statements and treaties will certainly bring Liore and Lodamun closer together.

Liore's rural areas have long been without energy. Living either lives of poverty or choosing to live in a more traditional Kitembo fashion, the populations of these areas have gone most of their lives without so much as seeing the marvels of electricity let alone making domestic use of it. This has also made rural Liore less hospitable to economic development and industrialization, leaving these areas the poorest in the country. And any attempt to bring (mostly oil and natural gas produced) energy to these areas have been stifled by local traditionalists and environmentalists, as well as the Jamii Party in the national government, due to opposition to harming the environment and, in doing so, harming the traditions and upsetting the life of locals.

However, the dream of bringing energy to rural Liore will soon finally become a reality, as the Infrastructure Ministry has announced today plans to bring green energy to the countryside. This project exists primarily due to investments from the Eastern Development Organization in there goal to "greenify Dovani" by fostering the growth of renewable energy sectors as an alternative to fossil fuels. In Liore, the primary goal of the green energy plans is to establish solar panel arrays throughout the countryside to provide for domestic and industrial use away from the population centers. The project also includes provisions for the construction of solar farms closer to Liore's industrial centers to help alleviate the nation's dependence on fossil fuels and decrease their use. The panels for this project will be bought from abroad, mostly from Yingdala, the primary supplier of funds for the EDO's greenify program.
RP Controller of Liore
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