45th Security Council Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: 45th Security Council Session

Postby Lucipher » Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:27 am

Image Her Excellency Anína Jakobsdóttir, Representative of the Republic of Telamon and Socialist Republic of Davostan to the World Congress Security Council
As requested by the representative from Medina in the General Assembly, we felt obligated to draft this resolution for them, regarding corporations and other for-profit organizations in the World Congress. We of Telamon have no love for multinational companies, and only make deals with them to provide the best for our people. Therefore we present the following resolution:

The Security Council,

Recognising that multinational corporations and other for-profit organizations currently may represent themselves within the World Congress, specifically the General Assembly;

Acknowledging that these organizations have historically used their representation to further their profits and own desires;

Affirming that the World Congress and specifically the General Assembly work to represent states and organizations in accordance with the guiding principles, that is in a spirit of mutually beneficial relations;

Rejecting the fact that these multinational corporations and for-profit organizations wish to do good;

Affirming that the World Congress is about the interactions of states and organizations for the growth and benefit of all,

Acknowledging that affording certain countries special privileges undermines this principles;

Also acknowledging that banning these organizations without exception could bring future unintended consequences;

Resolves to ban any and all for-profit organizations, including multinational corporations, from the World Congress, unless called for by the Security Council or another qualified body for purposes of investigation or other business as needed.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: 45th Security Council Session

Postby Mongmong » Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:14 pm

Brandy Juno, Likatonian Representative to the Security Council

Banning international companies from the World Congress seems a little much does it not? Having international companies in the World Congress, actually benefits the World Congress, and i'm not talking about just 3M here, i'm talking about all international corporations. Having international corporations in the World Congress, gives the us the benefit of being aware of the market, getting a sense of how the economy is doing not just in a particular country, but worldwide, it is in my honest opinion that banning international companies from world congress is probably the worst decision you could make.
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Re: 45th Security Council Session

Postby Lucipher » Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:45 pm

Image Her Excellency Anína Jakobsdóttir, Representative of the Republic of Telamon and Socialist Republic of Davostan to the World Congress Security Council
First off we'd like to say that it is not, obviously, the worst decision we could make. There are, honestly, plenty more things that could be worse, but this is against the point.

Secondly, Likatonia and 3M are quite good friends you could say, yes? I feel like 3M's involvement in Likatonia could lead to potential conflict of interest, including but not limited to bribery or "enticement" to vote in favour of 3M, although I'm absolutely sure no one would accuse a representative of that. However, I must request that the representative from Likatonia recuse themselves from this vote, as well as the representative from Endralon, for the same reason, except possibly more relevant.

Thirdly, I see no reason why allowing predator multinationals in the World Congress "gives us the benefit of being aware of the market, getting a sense of how the economy is doing not just in a particular country, but worldwide". Is that not what multiple other international economic organizations are for? I feel like Likatonia is really stretching this argument, as there is no reason that we need for-profit organizations in the WC to tell us how the worldwide economy is doing, as I've stated above.

In conclusion, Likatonia and Endralon should recuse themselves from this vote as they are both tied to 3M (in Endralon's case intrinsically), and cannot provide an unbiased and objective view on the situation. As well, there is no reason that for-profit organizations (and notice in the proposal the only organizations banned were "for-profit") need to be in the WC, for anything they can tell us here we can find out in other ways. In addition to that, it is not a complete ban, as if any body of the World Congress needs to investigate, converse with, or engage in any other way with one of the for-profit organizations, they can do so with a simple request to the Security Council. Good day to all of you, and I hope you deeply consider my words, especially the representatives from Endralon and Likatonia.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
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Re: 45th Security Council Session

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:52 pm

Her Excellency, Márton Panna
Endralonian Representative to the Security Council of the World Congress

Ms. General-Secretary, so this is the second anti-democratic and anti-diplomatic proposal of Telamon. Now it not just want to take away the corporations from their right to presence in the General Assembly; now, the Telamonic delegation wants to take away the voting right of two, legitimately elected nation in the Security Council. Congratulations, Heroes of Justice!

In other hand, Telamon is a well known socialist nation. So since now, Telamon cannot vote on the questions related to labor and social affairs just because they're near to socialism and labour movement? Thank you, Ms. General-Secretary.
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Re: 45th Security Council Session

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:40 pm

Image Mr. Georgios Gabropoulos, Jakanian Permanent Representative to the World Congress:
The Jakanian delegation cannot believe that this total farce is still being played out. Endralon has made it quite clear that they are prepared to act as a surrogate for multinational corporations in an organisation intended to foster relations between national governments. Such conduct is shameful and totally undermines the functions of this institution. Need I remind my fellow members that the actions being litigated here happened seven years ago!

As far as we are concerned the matter is resolved and no further debate is required, with that in mind we'll be turning back to the subject of nuclear disarmament. In line with the previously proposed resolution- which we attach below for clarification- we believe it would be useful for nations to affirm their commitment to the principles that underlie it through a treaty. The Jakanian government has begun drafting such a treaty and would appreciate feedback on it.

The Security Council,

Recognising that the existence of nuclear weapons pose an inherent risk to the future of humanity,

Affirming that it is in the interest of all nations to seek to pursue multilateral nuclear disarmament;

Designates a certain group of nations as "recognised nuclear powers" and initially these nations are to be Dorvik, Hutori, Vanuku and Yingdala;

Acknowledges that these powers may possess nuclear weaponry under the certain conditions;

Affirms that among these conditions are the commitment never to launch a nuclear first strike, not to aid other nations in seeking nuclear weapons technology, and to commit in principle to multilateral nuclear disarmament;

Prohibits all other nations from seeking to acquire nuclear weapons technology;

Commits to allowing for changes to the nations designated as "recognised nuclear powers" through passage of a future Resolution.
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Re: 45th Security Council Session

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:49 pm

The Kingdom would agree in principal to the proposal by Jakania, subsequently I have been appointed as the new representative to the World Congress and to the Security Council.

Image Hanno Redler
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Re: 45th Security Council Session

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:32 pm

His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Yu Xiao, Yingdalan Ambassador to the World Congress
Yingdala would agree with the Jakanian proposal. We believe that this is an issue that is best solved by the World Congress.

As to Telemon's proposal, we don't necessarily agree or disagree with what Telemon is attempting to do. However, given the historic nature of the General Assembly, I do not think we should be in the process of banning speech, which is effectively what this resolution would do. Perhaps, before it could be proposed, would be to offer up the idea of representation of businesses in the GA via non-profit associations. These could be based on sector, country, type of company, etc. The same would go for labor unions and other organizations related to the economy and business. It is just a thought.

We would also like to readdress the Human Rights Declaration. We have made further edits (in red) based upon comments from the General Assembly. If everyone is in agreement, Yingdala will put it for a vote.

Security Council Resolution ##: Human Rights Declaration

Recognizing the diversity and richness of cultures and traditions in Terra,

Welcoming the preservation of these diverse cultures and traditions in every Terran nation,

Reaffirming our commitment to the Guiding Principles of the World Congress,

Recalling the Guiding Principles of the World Congress' affirmation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations,

Also Recalling the Guiding Principles of the World Congress' affirmation of non-interference in the internal affairs of states,

Recognizing that human rights should be promoted through cooperation and consensus, and not through confrontation and and the imposition of incompatible values, traditions, and cultures,

Emphasizing the linkage and indivisibility of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights,

Noting that all nations have the inherent right to development in a way that integrates and balances human rights with their individual circumstances,

Further Emphasizing that work toward the creation of uniform human rights norms must take into account the diversity and richness of cultures and traditions,

Convinced that development can lead to greater enjoyment and protection of human rights, as well as democracy,

Stressing the importance of education and training in human rights with respect to diverse and rich cultures and traditions at the international, national, and regional levels and the need for international cooperation to address these issues,

Mandates the following:

1. The World Congress recommits itself to Security Council Resolution 88: Guiding Principles of the World Congress and previous human rights resolutions;

2. Nations have the sovereign right to develop in any way they choose, which will allow them to enjoy and protect human rights, so long as they do not violate the sovereignty of other nations;

3. All nations must endeavor to respect one another and seek to address one another in a positive and non-confrontational manner;

4. Development assistance vital to the health of the nation that uses human rights as a conditionality should be discouraged;

5. National sovereignty and territorial integrity must be upheld, as well as non-interference in the internal affairs of states, and the non-use of human rights as an instrument of political pressure;

6. All countries have the right to determine their political systems, freely control and use their resources, and freely pursue their cultural, social, and economic development;

7. The World Congress recognizes that human rights cannot be applied in a way that is politicized or contains double-standards, and that no violation is justified for any nation;

8. Human rights must be informed by the various, diverse, and rich historical, cultural, traditional, and religious backgrounds and societies of states, as well as their economic conditions, and identified on the basis of international cooperation which can often be a dynamic and evolving process;

9. Human rights include economic, social, cultural, civil, and political rights with equal emphasis to all categories;

10. It is important for human rights to be guaranteed for vulnerable groups, including but not limited to ethnic, national, racial, religious, linguistic, and social minorities; migrant workers, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, refugees, persons who are displaced, persons below the poverty line, and women;

11. All peoples have the right to a government that is democratic, kindhearted, and benevolent;

12. All peoples have the right to be treated equally under the law, no matter their station or condition in life;

13. All peoples have the right to freedom of conscience, thought, and religion;

14. All peoples have the right to life and safety;

15. All peoples have the right to property so long as it does not violate a person's right to life and safety;

16. All peoples have the right to freedom of speech and expression;

17. All peoples have the right to choose to do good and live the good life;

18. The elderly have the right to be supported by their children;

19. All peoples have the right to an education;

20. All peoples have the right to welfare and healthcare;

21. All peoples have the right to be treated with dignity and respect (what one does not want done unto themselves should not do unto others).
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Re: 45th Security Council Session

Postby LC73 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:31 pm

Mikelle Myers, Likatonian SC Representative

I am the new SC Representative for Likatonia due to the result of the recent elections.
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Re: 45th Security Council Session

Postby colonelvesica » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:29 pm

Jennifer Morrison
Hutorian Ambassador to the World Congress

A question for the Yingdalan Delegation.

I note that under Aricle 20, people would be entitled to Healthcare and Social Welfare programs. Does that mean if a country chose to dissolve them, possibly for budgetary reasons, or privatized the healthcare system, as we know several countries in Terra have, that that country would be in contravention of this Resolution and could face possible sanctions?
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Re: 45th Security Council Session

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:15 pm

While the Yingdalan delegation provides some significant benefit, I think we are finding that it can be exploited or used against members throughout Terra for differences in ideology, budgetary reasons or just differences in opinion on matters; the Hutorian representative brings up a notable point.

Image Hanno Redler
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