
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:04 pm

Black Tortoise Fleet Commanded to Traverse Jade Route on Humanitarian Mission

Painting of a traditional Yingdalan humanitarian naval mission (OOC Source: Behance.net)

Under the orders of His Imperial and Royal Highness Grand Marshal Crown Prince Yu Gong, the Black Tortoise Fleet, the most advanced and prestigious fleet in the Yingdalan Navy, will commence a global humanitarian mission across Terra along the Jade Route - the traditional trade route of Yingdalan merchants. The Jade Route effectively circumnavigates Terra and consists of the Western, Northern, and Eastern routes. Most importantly, among the Black Tortoise Fleet will be the real reasoning for the mission: a hospital ship to provide health services to the people of Terra and a group of cargo freighters containing food and other living necessities. The mission will demonstrate Yingdala's benevolence and care for the people of Terra, while helping to protect freedom of navigation and commons for all countries.

The Black Tortoise Fleet is the flagship fleet of the Yingdalan Navy and is made up of the newest Yingdalan equipment. Its voyage across the Jade Route comes at a critical time when certain countries along the route have faced instability or invasion. Contrary to the likely voyage of other nations, the Black Tortoise Fleet and the entire Yingdalan Navy is devoid of aircraft carriers, those power projection tools that signal their owners have the ability to project power inside another nation's borders. Ultimately, the Black Tortoise Fleet's job will be to protect the key components of the humanitarian mission: the hospital ship and container ships full of aid.

Of course, the fleet's presence in international waters will demonstrate Yingdala's resolve to uphold freedom of navigation for all and take a stand against piracy, which would surely be welcomed by Vascania. However, the fleet is merely a tool to help Yingdala demonstrate its benevolence.

The Yingdalan hospital ship detailed to the Black Tortoise Fleet will provide health services to the peoples of Terra. These will range from simple wellness checks to surgical procedures, as well as the distribution of medical supplies. Furthermore, doctors and healthcare workers aboard the ship will be ready to provide technical advice to host country leaders and healthcare officials, with the intent on improving wellness and health in the host nation long after the hospital ship leaves.

In addition to health services, Yingdalan freighters full of aid will stand by to disperse food and other necessities to host nations. Thousands of tons of rice and beans lie waiting to be distributed, along with blankets, clothes, and hygiene products, among other necessities. A core Yingdalan value is for the people of Terra to be fed, which in the modern sense means cared for so that they can live - regardless of their circumstances. Tian'an is intent on making good on its values.

Yingdalan cultural products will also be available for distribution, particularly to government officials in host nations. Primarily, these products will be translated works of Yingdalan philosophy, but will also include paintings, calligraphy, and other cultural wares. It is hoped that these products - like the Yingdalan Academies - will help the nations of Terra better understand Yingdala. Yingdalan officials will also be eager to purchase cultural products of host nations so that the Yingdalan people can also better understand the people of Terra.

For sure, Yingdala is not like the great powers of recent times that relies solely on military influence and economic clout. Rather, Yingdala is committed to peace through understanding and development. Friendship with the world is of paramount importance.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:30 pm

Tian'an Pledges Immediate Activation of Eastern Development Organization, Looking for Interested Eastern Hemisphere Nations

Eastern Development Organization logo (OOC Source: Deadline.com)

Recently, the Ministry of Rites and Education has pushed the resurrection of the Eastern Development Organization, or EDO. EDO's goal has always been to economically develop the nations of Terra located in the Eastern Hemisphere, particularly former colonies. Development would adhere to national goals and principles, with no "strings" - which typically include government type requirements and social changes, among others - attached. As over one fourth of Terra's nations that were not subject to colonialism will ratify EDO within months, the government of Yingdala has pledged that EDO will resume operations immediately.

After languishing in a small office in Tian'an for over half a millennium , EDO has been resurrected by the Jienist government in Tian'an as another way to compensate for Yingdala's former colonialism. Eager to shake off its colonial past and the notion of Great Powers as imperialistic entities, Yingdala has lobbied every political party in Terra with seats in a legislature to join EDO, demonstrating the Grand Union's commitment to transforming EDO into an effective and truly multilateral effort at global development.

Given the growing interest in EDO by the nations of Terra, it is highly likely that EDO is being set up for great success. Yingdala has pledged billions of LOD, coming from its own funds, to be invested in EDO grants. Tian'an obviously hopes other nations will make voluntary contributions as EDO members. With more contributions, EDO will be able to further its mission of development. This development will have the potential to generate greater global prosperity, benefiting the economies of all of Terra. Of course, the countries contributing to such development will likely have a better shot at reaping the rewards, but in no way is EDO a neo-colonial organization. In fact, grantee or loan-receiving countries have immense control over the funds and can made that they are put to use following national development priorities, thereby preventing foreign takeovers and exploitation.

As EDO gets up and running, the Eastern Hemisphere Nations - Egelion, Tukarali, Vorona, Baltusia, Aldegar, Mordusia, Medina, Xsampa, New Verham, Suyu Llaqta, Utari Mosir, Dalibor, Tropica, Bianjie, Mina, Kimlien, Kurageri, Liore, North Dovani, Noumonde, Ntoto, Rapa Pile, Statrica, Temania, and Utembo - should consider contacting EDO officials about grants and/or low interest loans. Only through willing partners can EDO's mission be achieved.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:09 pm

Yingdala Makes Good on Joint-Development with Zoo Alliance, Sells Naval Equipment to Fraternal Ally Vanuku

New Yingdalan nuclear attack submarine (OOC Source: Asia Times)

It is a known fact that Yingdala has been on a naval modernizing binge for decades. The country has produced massively improved equipment, ranging from submarines to fighter jets. Much has been done on its own, but many items have been jointly developed with the Grand Union's Zoo Alliance allies Vanuku, Jelbania, and Trigunia - now the Jelbic Khaganate and Trigunia, with Jakania as an observer. In the agreement, the countries may all partake in jointly modernizing their respective armed forces. Certainly, a great deal of progress has been made, with recent fruits enjoyed by the Dragon of Yingdala and the Lion-Wolf of Vanuku/Jelbic Khaganate.

Most recently, Yingdala completed its naval modernization efforts with the introduction of a new nuclear-powered attack submarine, patrol craft, and mine sweeper. These three new additions to the Yingdalan Navy will greatly increase the Grand Union's ability to defend itself. Paired with already existing conventional attack submarines and littoral combat ships, the Yingdalan Navy will now be able to maximize stealth, speed, and power in its territorial and coastal waters.

With naval modernization completed, there are rumors of a plan to design and build a domestic aircraft carrier. In part, according to sources, this is to assist Vanuku and the Jelbic Khaganate modernize its military. The source said, "Yingdala firmly believes a strong Jelbic Khaganate is good for Majatra. If we can help our brothers there, the East and the West will have peace, order, and prosperity. What more could anyone want?"

For sure, this would appear to go against Yingdala's purely defensive doctrine. However, with increasing Deltarian involvement in the Anantanese Ocean and a history of Kazulian and Lourrenais adventurism, there are calls within the Ministry of War to build up what officials call, "offensive-defense capabilities." This emerging "offensive-defense" doctrine appears to be driven by a mix of deterrence and the ability to carry out "punitive expeditions" - a component of the Jienist "just war" concept, where war is only justified if attacked or invaded (including allies) and must be limited to correcting the problem that led to the attack or invasion and no continued occupation after the problem has been solved.

In line with this new doctrine and alliance with Vanuku, the Ministry of War has enthusiastically agreed to Vanuku's desires to purchase new vessels from Yingdala. An undisclosed number of submarines - both conventional and nuclear-powered - have been sold to the constituent member of the Jelbic Khaganate. Discussions have also taken place regarding further equipment, as well as continued joint development on air and land assets - likely concerning a new bomber, fighter aircraft, a main battle tank, among others.

These sales, along with the fraternal bond between the Gao-Showan and Jelbic peoples - including blood-ties due to the marriage of Princess Yu Lian to Khagan Juhn decades ago - and the Zoo Alliance, demonstrate the strong relationship beween Yingdala and Vanuku. The East and the West will have peace.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:26 pm

EDO with Yingdalan Supports Offers to Help "Greenify" Dovani - Promising to Help Develop Economies and Create Sustainable, Inclusive Growth for All

Green investment has immense power for economic development - and peace - in Dovani (OOC Source: Ledger Insights)

Recently, small but still smoldering tensions have been brewing in Terra regarding energy. These issues have led to diplomatic spats, discussions on further militarization of Terra's seas, and effectively the emergence of blocs. To dampen the fires of militarization and support diplomatic efforts, the Eastern Development Organization (EDO), with the support of the Yingdalan Ministries of Rites and Education, and Works, has announced its intention to provide funds to willing nations in post-colonial Dovani for energy security assurance.

Energy security is a major concern for every nation. Without secure, stable, and continuous access to electricity, a nation is hard pressed to keep its economy moving. However, too much reliance on fossil fuels will create future environmental, health, and societal pressures that could undo economic development. EDO's support for the deployment of green and renewable technology in post-colonial Dovani could insulate these nations from external shocks, enhance their sovereignty, and allow them to develop as they please.

Much of the funding for this effort will come from Yingdala's pledges, although other nations are encouraged to join. All post-colonial Dovani nations eligible for assistance are welcome to the program. In line with EDO's principles, efforts will focus solely on development, not societal overhauls.

It is expected that, should these Dovani nations partake in the program, both trade and investment between Yingdala, among other countries, will increase with the East. In particular, Yingdalan green technology and renewable energy companies have much to gain, but then again, so do the rest of such countries in Terra.

A greener Terran economy will likely mean more "green" for all the people of Terra.
Last edited by Liu Che/Zhuli on Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:58 am

Modeling Proves Accurate as Yingdala Conducts First Thermonuclear Underground Test in Centuries

Anle Mountains where the nuclear weapon test occurred (OOC Source: IUCN)

Top scientists throughout Yingdala have been studying and modeling thermonuclear weapons for years at the behest of Tian'an. Countless hours have been spent analyzing data, refining models, and designing devices. All of this hard work has finally paid off with the first successful underground thermonuclear test in centuries.

Taking place deep within the mountains of Anle and closely monitored by scientists and government officials following strict health and safety guidelines, the thermonuclear test appears to have gone off without a hitch. It is believed that the test device was relatively small, emitting a small amount of fall out that could be completely contained within the underground test site. However, prior to the test, the government did notify the state, city, and regional governments in Anle, mandating that people must be at least 50 miles away from the mountains. Furthermore, money was set aside prior to the test in order to generously compensate anyone who may be impacted by the test. Medical teams throughout Anle were on standby along with chemical cleaning crews. So far, no negative externalities have been reported, making the test one of the safest and transparent in history.

Though just the first test in what is likely to be a series of tests, the successful detonation of a thermonuclear device is a major boon to the Yingdalan nuclear weapons program. The Ministry of War is expected to divert more funds to the program given the successful test, further speeding up research and development. Additionally, the test coincides with another Yingdalan satellite launch, launching the first of many satellites that will form an indigenous navigation system that will benefit the entire Yingdalan people, as well as the armed forces. These launches provide some insight into Yingdala's ballistic missile program, which will no doubt eventually be fitted with nuclear devices.

Anticipating criticism, the Ministry of War has issued a policy stating that Yingdala will never use nuclear weapons unless another nation uses them first - a "no first use" policy -, never use weapons on civilian areas, and will only build enough weapons for deterrent purposes. For Yingdala, these policies make a great deal of sense. Not only are they defensive oriented, but also benevolent in nature. Tian'an abhors the total war concept and sees civilian attacks as immoral and detrimental. Finally, the Ministry of War announced that it would not ever sell nuclear weapon technology to any state or non-state actor and pledges to be a responsible nuclear power.

Nations should not fret just yet. Yingdala's nuclear program is still many years away from completion. Even then, maintaining the program will be costly. As with everything in life, the nuclear choice has its pros and cons. Regardless, Yingdala is intent on reclaiming its past nuclear mantle.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:23 pm

Intra-Dovani Trade Growth Benefiting Continental Economies as Yingdala Responds to Ostland Critiques

Minister Wen Jun dumbfounded by Ostland's claims (OOC Source: Historica Wiki)

Known for its open and vibrant economy, Yingdala has engaged in a series of cooperative engagements with Dovani nations to bolster relations to mutual benefit. Much of this engagement has been development focused, preferring to work through the multilateral Eastern Development Organization (EDO). Already, EDO has been quite busy helping to rebuild Keymon after their civil war and provide clean energy security to Liore, not to mention Yingdala's pledge to support EDO with grant funding. These engagements have helped lead to increased trade and investment throughout the continent, benefiting all economies.

For Yingdala, particularly with Liore, the renewable energy sector has seen growth. This has allowed its many companies to reinvest in research and development to create cheaper and more efficient photovoltaics, batteries with higher storage, windmills, among others. Increasing the energy security of Yingdala and other nations in the Eastern Hemisphere will bolster state sovereignty and help ensure that economies can keep developing with fossil fuel and external geopolitical shocks.

The focus on enhancing the sovereignty of peoples throughout the Eastern Hemisphere have led Yingdala to continue investing in its biotechnology sector, specifically regarding agriculture. Already, Yingdalan high-tech agriculture companies are known for their resilient seeds and "natural" chemical protections. If countries in Dovani and throughout the Eastern Hemisphere are interested in improving their food security, they could choose of their own free will to consider utilizing Yingdalan companies and expertise in developing their respective agriculture sectors.

According to the Jienist principles of good government, governments must feed their people. This requires secure access to enough food. Tian'an is more than happy to help in this regard.

Some countries are apparently worried about Yingdala's efforts to help the nations of Dovani to strengthen their sovereignty and societies. The Ministry of Rites and Education has been forced to respond to these unfortunate accusations.

Yingdala condemns imperialism, neo-colonialism, and other forms of exploitation. We recognize that our past actions as the largest state in Terran history have caused immense damage to peoples in the Eastern Hemisphere. We sincerely from the bottom of our hearts apologize to all of these peoples. However, we do not simply want to say words. Words and feelings are meaningless without action. This is why we helped establish the Eastern Development Organization (EDO). EDO is multilateral organization open to everyone. It seeks to provide development assistance to all eligible nations in the Eastern Hemisphere with grants and extremely low interest loans. Ultimately, this assistance aims to strengthen societies and increase the sovereignty of governments in order to prevent imperialism, neo-colonialism, and other forms of exploitation. We welcome all nations to participate in EDO and its governance, including Ostland.

To further our commitment against imperialism, neo-colonialism, and the like, in addition to our efforts to promote sovereignty internationally, the government will be constructing a Peace and Justice Museum in Tian'an to highlight the evils of past Yingdalan colonial exploitation, past colonial and imperialist empires in general, and the positive contributions of post-colonial nations.

Again, let us be clear, Yingdala resolutely opposes imperialism - unlike some nations in Terra - and will do all it can to promote sovereignty.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:51 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:17 pm

Decades of Investments Have Proven Fruitful for Yingdala's Economic Diversification and Growth

Traditional Yingdalan pharmacist measures herbal mixtures provided by Zhongyi Therapeutics (OOC Source: Caixin)

An established fact, Yingdala is one of the most vibrant, open, and free economies in Terra. Guided by its Jienist values of "wu wei economics" or "without action economics", Tian'an engages in very little regulation in its economy outside of restrictions placed on immoral enterprises, like narcotics and pornography, and noncompetitive practices that contradict capitalism. However, the Government has invested trillions of INS in up and coming Yingdalan businesses over many decades. Many have been highlighted in the media, such as the high-tech agriculture, space, and defense industries, however, Yingdala is home to numerous businesses and sectors critical to the economic health of the Grand Union.

More Medicant Manufacturer (3M) is not the only pharmaceutical company in Yingdala, let alone Terra. The states in Yingdala are home to many large, medium, and small health companies. These companies are extremely diverse, ranging from traditional pharmaceutical manufacturers that focus on symptom relief, like Xiyao Pharma, to holistic firms, such as Zhongyao Therapeutics. These companies have made a number of breakthroughs, for example, Xiyao Pharma has developed novel vaccines for respiratory illnesses like tuberculosis, various strains of influenza (like avian and swine flu), and whooping cough. On the other hand, Zhongyao Therapeutics has developed holistic and homeopathic lines of medicine that treat the entire body. Some of Zhongyao's herbal blends are proven to treat chronic pain, while they are also leading providers of massage oils and acupuncture and cupping equipment. Beyond these traditional pharmaceutical manufacturers, the Yingdalan health industry necessarily includes gyms, spas, and even Guidao temples dedicated to the martial arts. Yingdalans believe in whole body health. This necessitates staying in physical shape and treating one's body to rejuvenation treatments. Surveys indicate that 80 percent of Yingdalan adults go to gyms at least two times a week, spas once a month, and practice martial arts - which are scientifically proven to improve respiratory and mental health - on a daily basis. Many of these gyms and spas are small and local organization, however, a number of national chains exist, like the Duanlian Club and Xiuxi Spas and Salons. Overall, Yingdala's health industry is a critical pillar of Yingdalan society and an industry considered necessary for the Yingdalan economy.

Another critical industry to the economic vibrancy of the Grand Union, is mass media. These include traditional and contemporary forms of media, like social media. Recently, the Ministry of Rites and Education have pressed the importance of mass media, not only as a way to spread Yingdalan culture, but to help keep the government accountable and the people informed. Already, in line with history, newspapers and local broadcast media exist at the city, state, and national levels. These range from the more special interest Tiandi Daily, for conservative Jienists, to the more general Grand Union Gazette. Like newspapers, many broadcasters exist from the nationalist Dragon Television to the more liberal Lotus Television. But mass media is not limited to news, but also include conglomerates. The Wenhua Group, Yingdala's largest media company, is in the business of news, television entertainment, film, theatre, and other cultural products. Wenhua, and other companies like Yingxiang Productions and Shi Studios, produce Yingdalan content for both domestic and international consumption, broadcasting their content through numerous satellites and international licensing deals. In recent years, Yingdalan companies have engaged in further diversification of media assets, launching social media platforms like Lianlian (Face to Face), Xiaoshuo (Little Sayings - "What do you have to Say?"), Xinxin (Message), Wanhua (Fun Pictures), and others. Radio stations, while still in existence, have also begun to broadcast online, and open up podcasting and information sites geared toward the ever mobile consumer. Although many of these platforms are domestically focused at the moment, these companies plan to expand internationally, likely first among Jelbo-Tukaric and Gao-Showan nations and beyond. The Ministry of Rites and Education have expounded that Yingdalan media companies are necessary for freedom of speech and expression, in conjunction with the Ministry of Works, they have stated that they would like, "hundreds of Yingdalan media companies to allow thousands of thoughts to bloom like flowers," to culturally enrich the country. Already, joining with Yingdala's high-tech agriculture giants, these social media platforms have expanded to Endralon, flooding their market with investments, as well as Yingdalan values.

Also culturally enriching the nation is Yingdala's tourism sector. This sector has been seeing rapid growth in recent years. For the first time ever under the Son of Heaven, numerous palaces have been opened to the public when the Son of Heaven is not in residence. This also includes certain areas of the Heavenly Palace that are not in use. The first week the Heavenly Palace opened drew millions of Yingdalan tourists to Tian'an. In addition, temples considered to be under the purview of the Son of Heaven across the nation have also been opened to the public, albeit respect must be maintained at all times. With these openings, the Grand Union has seen record numbers of internal and external tourists. The boom in tourism has led to the establishment of hundreds of restaurants, tour companies, transportation companies, and retail shops - creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Perhaps more visibly, domestic hotel chains have been booming. For example, Orient Hotels and the Shinekh Group have facilities in every major Yingdalan city and locality near tourist sites. Of course, these companies are itching at the chance to expand globally and plan to seek opportunities where allowed.

These are just some of the examples of Yingdala's diverse array of companies and industries. Each one is critical to Yingdala's sovereignty, economic health, and cultural promotion. They have allowed Yingdala to consistently grow its economy in a sustainable fashion. Without such a vibrant economy, Yingdala stands to lose a great deal. Thankfully, the government is fully supportive of each Yingdalan's ability to succeed.
Last edited by Liu Che/Zhuli on Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:06 pm

Grand Union's Air Force Continue Critical Updates, Including Nuclear Weapon Forces

Alleged test flight of the Yingdalan stealth fighter (OOC Source: Wikipedia)

Given Yingdala's enhanced economy, Tian'an has been able to more efficiently invest in the newest and highest quality equipment money, and technology, can provide. The Ministry of War had hinted years ago that it was moving on from the navy to the air force and army in terms of equipment enhancement. We can confirm that steady progress has been made in these areas, among others.

On the air force front, indeed, a new bomber and fighter have been under development. Both aircraft were originally slated to be highly conventional, However, due to improvements in technology and increased investment, the Ministry of War has opted to transform both aircraft into stealth aircraft. Stealth, which does not truly mean completely invulnerable to sight or radar, would greatly enhance the Yingdalan Air Force's ability to defend Yingdalan skies, as well as those of allies.

The necessity of a bomber has been questioned. Many view them as offensive weapons, however, the Ministry of War has made a very precise argument that a Yingdalan bomber would help Yingdala fend off invasions. It could attack enemy beachheads and occupied territories. A stealth bomber would obviously improve these capabilities immensely. Furthermore, a bomber is necessary to Yingdala's nuclear triad. Aerial use of nuclear weapons - that being the threat of use - is a must if Yingdala wishes to secure its territory. Yet again, stealth would improve this capability.

Although still under development, the stealth bomber is said to be able to aerial refuel, have a range of six thousand miles, and carry a payload of around 12 tons. Gaofei has been granted the contract to further design and manufacture the stealth bomber, as well as its stealth fighter counterpart.

The stealth fighter is believed to have a multirole purpose. In addition to air superiority, it is expected to engage in tactical bombing and other forms of warfare. Its stealth coating, coupled with its overall design, will reduce the effects of radar and visible sight (at least head on sight). Like the bomber, the fighter will also have a longer than traditional range, maximizing the flexibility of the Yingdalan Air Force. Although not necessarily a replacement for Yingdala's previous generation of fighter, the stealth fighter will take on an increasingly important role and will likely outnumber previous generation fighters.

Both the stealth bomber and fighter are also said to be geared for export, with two varieties. The first variety, which is the indigenous Yingdalan version, will be allowed to be exported to Zoo Alliance countries, as this variety was developed under the Zoo Alliance banner. The second variety will, of course, not be as advanced as the Yingdalan version, but they will still be more than a match for non-stealth aircraft.

In conjunction with developing new aircraft, Yingdala has "perfected" mounting nuclear warheads on missiles. This innovation will allow Yingdala to expand its nuclear deterrent from traditionally deployed bombs to ballistic and cruise missiles. Although no nuclear weapons have been officially deployed, it is expected that the Ministry of War will order hundreds of bombs and warheads of its nuclear triad: air launched, ground launched, and sea launched nuclear weapons. An equal focus on each leg is expected, however, experts believe the submarine launched missiles will be most secure. A policy for constantly moving truck mounted nuclear missiles will also be instituted, along with secure stockpiles to ensure maximum readiness.

Ministry of War officials have said that, "Yingdala is facing an exciting time in its military developments. We are more ready to defend our sovereignty than at any time in the past few centuries." And with a possible nuclear non-proliferation resolution to be passed by the Security Council, Yingdala will have greater certainty in its nuclear deterrent.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:27 pm

Crown Prince Yu Gong Declared Regent as Son of Heaven Undergoes Medical Treatment

Crown Prince Yu Gong installed as Prince-Regent (OOC Source: 17qq.com)

Today is a dark day for Yingdala. It was just announced that His Majesty the Son of Heaven is to undergo treatment for an undisclosed illness. Believed to have been an exemplar of health, Yu Li, the Son of Heaven, was diagnosed with an unexpected illness. It is unlikely the public will know the full extent of His Majesty's health problems, however, all should be comforted in the knowledge that the Grand Union will continue to be led well. During an emergency session of the cabinet and Grand Assembly, Grand Marshal His Imperial and Royal Highness Crown Prince Yu Gong was confirmed as Regent per the wishes of His Majesty.

As regent, Crown Prince Yu Gong will be forced to resign from the Yingdalan Armed Forces and devote himself entirely to his new duties. It is expected that the Crown Prince, now more commonly known as the Prince-Regent, will maintain the status quo whilst the Son of Heaven remains on Terra. However, the Prince-Regent is different from his father. Although expertly trained in Jienism, his military background places him in an older Yingdalan tradition of the royalty and nobility taking part in military leadership. It is believed that the armed forces are devoutly loyal to the Prince-Regent, largely due to his fair leadership and proprietary leadership. These factors have led some experts to conclude that the Prince-Regent will take on more active leadership once he assumes the Dragon Throne.

Millions of Yingdalans are sending prayers for the Son of Heaven's recovery. Temple sacrifices have increased a hundred-fold, as well as demonstrations in Tian'an in support of the Son of Heaven and the Royal Family. Though these activities are to the benefit of the spirit of the nation, certain signs do not bode well for the Son of Heaven's health. A site outside of Tian'an, believed to be an area designated for royal tombs, has seen immense activity of late. It is believed that a burial mound is being constructed. Though modest in size, eye witness accounts claim "treasures" have been moved inside the mound - indicating that it is for a high-ranking individual.

For now, all we can do is pray with the understanding that Heaven's will is supreme. Regardless, Yingdala's future will be birght.
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