Feedback: Dynamic Rankings

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Re: PT Classic Dynamic Rankings (Updated: 06/19/2020)

Postby Aquinas » Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:41 am


The NOCTO Joint Headquarters, by far the most successful multi-national defense formation to date, will be lead by Hutori's Governor-General in Davostan Field Marshal Mason Berrigan as Chief of Staff and assisted by Klementīns Auziņš, a Dolgavian Field Marshall (who will be leaving retirement) as the Deputy Chief of Staff. NOCTO Joint Headquarters held a number of annual and special exercises, including Arctic Lion, Leviathan Wedge and others that prepared the armed forces of respective nations in a number of ways. The Joint Headquarters is often considered to be one of the most successful multi-national efforts because it prompted a close cooperation between several nations, primarily Dorvik, Hutori, Lourenne and Kazulia. The Joint Headquarters also established a baseline for logistical and support operations, including shared basing rights giving the Northern Council members at the time unprecedented access to conduct operations across the globe. The return of the Joint Headquarters, notably underneath the leadership of two accomplished Field Marshals, will likely prompt a resurgence in all its respective nations armed forces capabilities.

Less than 4 weeks since the nations of certain players were downgraded in the rankings for plagiarism, there is clearly an agenda within the Moderation Team to have them restored to their former status again.

This is questionable for obvious reasons, but my concern goes beyond this and to the likely future influence of the Northern Council within the game as a whole. Amongst its membership are powergamers, plagiarisers, and as everybody who is clued-up enough knows, two Moderators with a history of using their control over the rankings in order to boost the influence of their own ingame nations and that of their allies.

Only one day in to the relaunch of this organisation and they were already engaging in godmodding of the most obviously dickish variety, which any other group of players would not have gotten away with, but they did, because they can. I invested my personal time in outlining the issues here, but was not even given the courtesy of a proper response, or even the courtesy of an acknowledgement from Auditorii, the specific Mod I complained about. Because he doesn’t have to.

As a result of this experience, I feel considerably prohibited from RPing with the Northern Council in game, and I do not expect to have to give it “recognition” it does not deserve, no more than, for example, I would expect to be required to recognise the RP of a bunch of newbies who are RPing in a seriously unrealistic and rule-breaking way. I know others feel similarly.

What we need now is an assurance these nations will not be upranked on the basis of all this nonsense. Dorvik and Hutori are no longer objectively “Great Powers” (if they ever were) and need to be downranked. Kazulia and Lourenne should probably fall a rank as well; they should have fallen 2 ranks, not 1, following the plagiarism scandal, but falling one rank then and another rank now, a few weeks later, would be okay by me.
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Re: PT Classic Dynamic Rankings (Updated: 06/19/2020)

Postby Maxington » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:59 pm

Aquinas wrote:

The NOCTO Joint Headquarters, by far the most successful multi-national defense formation to date, will be lead by Hutori's Governor-General in Davostan Field Marshal Mason Berrigan as Chief of Staff and assisted by Klementīns Auziņš, a Dolgavian Field Marshall (who will be leaving retirement) as the Deputy Chief of Staff. NOCTO Joint Headquarters held a number of annual and special exercises, including Arctic Lion, Leviathan Wedge and others that prepared the armed forces of respective nations in a number of ways. The Joint Headquarters is often considered to be one of the most successful multi-national efforts because it prompted a close cooperation between several nations, primarily Dorvik, Hutori, Lourenne and Kazulia. The Joint Headquarters also established a baseline for logistical and support operations, including shared basing rights giving the Northern Council members at the time unprecedented access to conduct operations across the globe. The return of the Joint Headquarters, notably underneath the leadership of two accomplished Field Marshals, will likely prompt a resurgence in all its respective nations armed forces capabilities.

Less than 4 weeks since the nations of certain players were downgraded in the rankings for plagiarism, there is clearly an agenda within the Moderation Team to have them restored to their former status again.

This is questionable for obvious reasons, but my concern goes beyond this and to the likely future influence of the Northern Council within the game as a whole. Amongst its membership are powergamers, plagiarisers, and as everybody who is clued-up enough knows, two Moderators with a history of using their control over the rankings in order to boost the influence of their own ingame nations and that of their allies.

Only one day in to the relaunch of this organisation and they were already engaging in godmodding of the most obviously dickish variety, which any other group of players would not have gotten away with, but they did, because they can. I invested my personal time in outlining the issues here, but was not even given the courtesy of a proper response, or even the courtesy of an acknowledgement from Auditorii, the specific Mod I complained about. Because he doesn’t have to.

As a result of this experience, I feel considerably prohibited from RPing with the Northern Council in game, and I do not expect to have to give it “recognition” it does not deserve, no more than, for example, I would expect to be required to recognise the RP of a bunch of newbies who are RPing in a seriously unrealistic and rule-breaking way. I know others feel similarly.

What we need now is an assurance these nations will not be upranked on the basis of all this nonsense. Dorvik and Hutori are no longer objectively “Great Powers” (if they ever were) and need to be downranked. Kazulia and Lourenne should probably fall a rank as well; they should have fallen 2 ranks, not 1, following the plagiarism scandal, but falling one rank then and another rank now, a few weeks later, would be okay by me.

So let it be written, So let it be done. I really don't mind being downranked again to please the so-called "masses". After all, the voice of the people is the voice of god. I welcome the idea of an additional downranking based on the wishes of Aquinas. I have accepted all the punishments moderation has given to me and have openly stated that I am willing to accept more should it please the community albeit a sect. I haven't shown resistance to anything moderation has said and will continue to openly accept any additional punishment that they may choose to level. I'd get time to flesh out the economies I've been working on, to establish some sort of structure to them. To create specific niches. I'd get time to work on football crests and learn more about and photoshop. So let it written, So let it be done.
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Re: PT Classic Dynamic Rankings (Updated: 06/19/2020)

Postby Kubrick » Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:21 pm

Max can you stop doing the whole "prophet to be sacrificed" act, it's kind of weird. This is Particracy not a trial in the Supreme Court.

That being said I do have to agree partially with Aquinas, the RP does feel a bit effortless for the rank boosting it is probably intended to do. Perhaps the involved nations could do something new and interesting instead of just writing about military exercises and meetings with individuals we don't care for. Spice it up a bit, get some controversy and conflict going.
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Re: PT Classic Dynamic Rankings (Updated: 06/19/2020)

Postby jamescfm » Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:32 pm

At the moment we haven't started the discussion over details of the next rankings update but it is likely that we will announce an update towards the end of the month. Based on the feedback we have received over the past few weeks though, particularly with regard to the plagiarism issue, we will be thinking about the ways in which we can improve the rankings system. In particular we will be looking to ensure that it rewards interesting, authentic and dynamic role-play so that we don't end up in a position again where players can plagiarise their way to the top of the rankings.
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Re: PT Classic Dynamic Rankings (Updated: 06/19/2020)

Postby Maxington » Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:37 pm

Kubrick wrote:Perhaps the involved nations could do something new and interesting instead of just writing about military exercises and meetings with individuals we don't care for. Spice it up a bit, get some controversy and conflict going.

I mean, I'm personally sorry that i haven't made posts to everyone's liking. Since February I've been working on Nordliga. I can't do the file dump here cos some of the crests are incomplete (because of laziness, making the crests are kinda hard, especially when you're not familiar with photoshop). But hell, if you want controversy and conflict you could always check back to the previous wars. The kind of RP you guys do isn't for me tbh (to each his own). I've taken up a new thing for "graphic design" if you'd like to call it that.
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Re: PT Classic Dynamic Rankings (Updated: 06/19/2020)

Postby Luis1p » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:02 pm

Aquinas wrote:Less than 4 weeks since the nations of certain players were downgraded in the rankings for plagiarism, there is clearly an agenda within the Moderation Team to have them restored to their former status again.

This is questionable for obvious reasons, but my concern goes beyond this and to the likely future influence of the Northern Council within the game as a whole. Amongst its membership are powergamers, plagiarisers, and as everybody who is clued-up enough knows, two Moderators with a history of using their control over the rankings in order to boost the influence of their own ingame nations and that of their allies.

Only one day in to the relaunch of this organisation and they were already engaging in godmodding of the most obviously dickish variety, which any other group of players would not have gotten away with, but they did, because they can. I invested my personal time in outlining the issues here, but was not even given the courtesy of a proper response, or even the courtesy of an acknowledgement from Auditorii, the specific Mod I complained about. Because he doesn’t have to.

As a result of this experience, I feel considerably prohibited from RPing with the Northern Council in game, and I do not expect to have to give it “recognition” it does not deserve, no more than, for example, I would expect to be required to recognise the RP of a bunch of newbies who are RPing in a seriously unrealistic and rule-breaking way. I know others feel similarly.

What we need now is an assurance these nations will not be upranked on the basis of all this nonsense. Dorvik and Hutori are no longer objectively “Great Powers” (if they ever were) and need to be downranked. Kazulia and Lourenne should probably fall a rank as well; they should have fallen 2 ranks, not 1, following the plagiarism scandal, but falling one rank then and another rank now, a few weeks later, would be okay by me.

Lmfaooo, so you don't want to uprank these nations or want to recognize our RP because you clearly have OOC issues with all of us. Sounds legit.


Nobody shot down your attempt to RP the return of the NC. It wasn't even godmodding. You clearly didn't read that it was a secret meeting and went ahead and created that bill in Likatonia. We all agreed that it was to be RPed secretly, behind closed doors. If you fail to understand that and decide that it's suddenly godmodding then that's your problem.

Yet you want all of us to rank down following this "issue" and the plagiarism issue. Man, I'm not gonna get into the plagiarism thing, but the one downrank was enough, plus all of the other "restrictions" we received. Y'know and it's fine if they downrank us again, I'll just come back RP the way I've been doing for the past 4 weeks :) And if you're competent and can read RP, you'll see that Hutori and Dorvik are still obviously great powers, have been, and will be. Our RP is about our enjoyment, not just about being ranked up as you claim. If that's what you think this all is, then you're clearly wrong.

Finally, quit thinking that this is all some conspiracy theory from the moderators and keep your OOC bullshit out of the game. Because we all know that's what this is. Everyone is tired of reading life-less paragraphs of complaining on the forums. End your drama.
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Re: PT Classic Dynamic Rankings (Updated: 06/19/2020)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:20 pm

While i agree on the fact that Lourenne and Kazulia shouldnt be downranked again. One time was enough. I do think Aquinas makes some points in regards to the NC. I think that a organization like the NC is somewhat controversial. Im not saying it shouldnt have been revived, but i am saying that the wording on its revival does create the impression that it was done with a specific purpose in mind (the TASN treaty or post about it for example doesnt talk about increases in power at all). Now i also think that calling Aquinas his posts in here "life-less paragraphs for OOC purposes" is also pretty rough, to rough in fact. He is making some valid points and the entire purpose of this thread is to listen to these points and adress them in a civilized and calm manner. Not for players to gang up on a individual just because they didnt like something that he/she said or gave feedback on. Emotions run high, i get it. But over the past few months ive begun to realize that no matter how emotional you get you need to suck it up and respond like and adult (something i realize i personally didnt do in the past either)

On Dorvik and Hutori. I do understand the opinion of some that they dont look like Great Powers. But they kinda are if you take into account their historical influence and to a certain degree recent RP. If Hutori says something, it has meaning. The same can also be partially said about Dorvik although i find it a bit more sketchy here as Dorvik seems more focussed on regional artanian matters rather then global matters. But thats a IC policy direction so it can go both ways.
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Re: PT Classic Dynamic Rankings (Updated: 06/19/2020)

Postby Luis1p » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:44 pm

Mr.God wrote:While i agree on the fact that Lourenne and Kazulia shouldnt be downranked again. One time was enough. I do think Aquinas makes some points in regards to the NC. I think that a organization like the NC is somewhat controversial. Im not saying it shouldnt have been revived, but i am saying that the wording on its revival does create the impression that it was done with a specific purpose in mind (the TASN treaty or post about it for example doesnt talk about increases in power at all). Now i also think that calling Aquinas his posts in here "life-less paragraphs for OOC purposes" is also pretty rough, to rough in fact. He is making some valid points and the entire purpose of this thread is to listen to these points and adress them in a civilized and calm manner. Not for players to gang up on a individual just because they didnt like something that he/she said or gave feedback on. Emotions run high, i get it. But over the past few months ive begun to realize that no matter how emotional you get you need to suck it up and respond like and adult (something i realize i personally didnt do in the past either)

On Dorvik and Hutori. I do understand the opinion of some that they dont look like Great Powers. But they kinda are if you take into account their historical influence and to a certain degree recent RP. If Hutori says something, it has meaning. The same can also be partially said about Dorvik although i find it a bit more sketchy here as Dorvik seems more focussed on regional artanian matters rather then global matters. But thats a IC policy direction so it can go both ways.

Look, I get what you mean Mr. God. I know things should be handled like an adult. I get you. But when my RP and my intentions are being theorized as "wanting to get up-ranked" because I RP with moderators and they only up-rank their "friends", I'm going to get angry. Yes, I get "emotional" Because it's simply not true. I'm tired of all this. I'm going to call out bs when I see it. I'm sure Aquinas can clearly agree to that.

I don't know why the NC is being seen suspiciously. Perhaps we just want to RP another cold war? The NC was never about ranking up. You could say the same thing about TASN. I just want to RP the NC without any issues. But I can't do that with people saying it's just a way of up-ranking. So now I'm not allowed to RP any other alliance or international organization because it will be seen as up-ranking. If I'm not allowed to RP anything because it will automatically raise suspicion, then what's the point of RPing anything at all?
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Re: PT Classic Dynamic Rankings (Updated: 06/19/2020)

Postby Aquinas » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:47 pm

Maxington wrote:
Aquinas wrote:

The NOCTO Joint Headquarters, by far the most successful multi-national defense formation to date, will be lead by Hutori's Governor-General in Davostan Field Marshal Mason Berrigan as Chief of Staff and assisted by Klementīns Auziņš, a Dolgavian Field Marshall (who will be leaving retirement) as the Deputy Chief of Staff. NOCTO Joint Headquarters held a number of annual and special exercises, including Arctic Lion, Leviathan Wedge and others that prepared the armed forces of respective nations in a number of ways. The Joint Headquarters is often considered to be one of the most successful multi-national efforts because it prompted a close cooperation between several nations, primarily Dorvik, Hutori, Lourenne and Kazulia. The Joint Headquarters also established a baseline for logistical and support operations, including shared basing rights giving the Northern Council members at the time unprecedented access to conduct operations across the globe. The return of the Joint Headquarters, notably underneath the leadership of two accomplished Field Marshals, will likely prompt a resurgence in all its respective nations armed forces capabilities.

Less than 4 weeks since the nations of certain players were downgraded in the rankings for plagiarism, there is clearly an agenda within the Moderation Team to have them restored to their former status again.

This is questionable for obvious reasons, but my concern goes beyond this and to the likely future influence of the Northern Council within the game as a whole. Amongst its membership are powergamers, plagiarisers, and as everybody who is clued-up enough knows, two Moderators with a history of using their control over the rankings in order to boost the influence of their own ingame nations and that of their allies.

Only one day in to the relaunch of this organisation and they were already engaging in godmodding of the most obviously dickish variety, which any other group of players would not have gotten away with, but they did, because they can. I invested my personal time in outlining the issues here, but was not even given the courtesy of a proper response, or even the courtesy of an acknowledgement from Auditorii, the specific Mod I complained about. Because he doesn’t have to.

As a result of this experience, I feel considerably prohibited from RPing with the Northern Council in game, and I do not expect to have to give it “recognition” it does not deserve, no more than, for example, I would expect to be required to recognise the RP of a bunch of newbies who are RPing in a seriously unrealistic and rule-breaking way. I know others feel similarly.

What we need now is an assurance these nations will not be upranked on the basis of all this nonsense. Dorvik and Hutori are no longer objectively “Great Powers” (if they ever were) and need to be downranked. Kazulia and Lourenne should probably fall a rank as well; they should have fallen 2 ranks, not 1, following the plagiarism scandal, but falling one rank then and another rank now, a few weeks later, would be okay by me.

So let it be written, So let it be done. I really don't mind being downranked again to please the so-called "masses". After all, the voice of the people is the voice of god. I welcome the idea of an additional downranking based on the wishes of Aquinas. I have accepted all the punishments moderation has given to me and have openly stated that I am willing to accept more should it please the community albeit a sect. I haven't shown resistance to anything moderation has said and will continue to openly accept any additional punishment that they may choose to level. I'd get time to flesh out the economies I've been working on, to establish some sort of structure to them. To create specific niches. I'd get time to work on football crests and learn more about and photoshop. So let it written, So let it be done.

Besides the fact this post is a personal attack on me, it is also, like a previous one of his, dripping with unrepentant sarcasm about his plagiarism. I genuinely have to ask the Moderators how on earth they reasonably expect us to believe he will not do the same thing all over again in future. Since I lack the time or the interest to plagiarsm check all of his future posts, I will in future probably just ignore them. That's regrettable, but in the circumstances not really something I feel I can reasonably be criticised for.

Luis wrote:Lmfaooo, so you don't want to uprank these nations or want to recognize our RP because you clearly have OOC issues with all of us. Sounds legit.


Nobody shot down your attempt to RP the return of the NC. It wasn't even godmodding. You clearly didn't read that it was a secret meeting and went ahead and created that bill in Likatonia. We all agreed that it was to be RPed secretly, behind closed doors. If you fail to understand that and decide that it's suddenly godmodding then that's your problem.

Yet you want all of us to rank down following this "issue" and the plagiarism issue. Man, I'm not gonna get into the plagiarism thing, but the one downrank was enough, plus all of the other "restrictions" we received. Y'know and it's fine if they downrank us again, I'll just come back RP the way I've been doing for the past 4 weeks :) And if you're competent and can read RP, you'll see that Hutori and Dorvik are still obviously great powers, have been, and will be. Our RP is about our enjoyment, not just about being ranked up as you claim. If that's what you think this all is, then you're clearly wrong.

Finally, quit thinking that this is all some conspiracy theory from the moderators and keep your OOC bullshit out of the game. Because we all know that's what this is. Everyone is tired of reading life-less paragraphs of complaining on the forums. End your drama.

Besides the fact this contains obvious untruths, such as the claim it was made clear knowledge of the Northern Council meeting happening was a complete secret, this is another personal attack on me, and along with Maxington's post, provides an added insight in to a particular clique of players who have, with the connivance of Moderators, enjoyed privileged positions in the rankings for some time. Doubtless they will get away with it due to their personal connection to two of the Moderators.

This is literally meant to be the thread where people can come to openly discuss how nations should be ranked, and yet this is how they react when someone expresses views they disagree with? Why are these people even at the upper-end of the rankings anyway? Isn't part of the expectation of RPing a powerful nation that you should be able to normally and intelligently participate in OOC discussions about how it is ranked?

At this point, I honestly feel like I'm losing interested in all of the nonsense which is going on with players trying to "game" the rankings and shout down anyone who challenges them. From now on, I will not personally recognise the rankings in my own RP in those cases where they are clearly not legitimate.
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Re: PT Classic Dynamic Rankings (Updated: 06/19/2020)

Postby Maxington » Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:02 pm

Besides the fact this post is a personal attack on me, it is also, like a previous one of his, dripping with unrepentant sarcasm about his plagiarism. I genuinely have to ask the Moderators how on earth they reasonably expect us to believe he will not do the same thing all over again in future. Since I lack the time or the interest to plagiarism check all of his future posts, I will in future probably just ignore them. That's regrettable, but in the circumstances not really something I feel I can reasonably be criticised for.

I mean I haven't continued and am actively owning up to my promise but okay then. You stay in your corner, I stay in mine. I can work with that.
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