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Re: Yingdala

Postby colonelvesica » Sun Jul 19, 2020 6:35 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Lucipher » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:03 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:15 pm

Grand Union Pledges to Help Mikuni (Gao-Soto) Recover Through EDO, as Top Yingdalan Insurance Companies Eager to Underwrite Investments and Trade

HELP Expo Demonstrates How EDO and Yingdala can Develop Countries on Their Own Terms (OOC Source: CNBC)

Decades of stagnation and Hulstrian supremacy have devastated the traditional lands of the Kunihito - Mikuni or Gao-Soto to non-natives - now no longer. With the Kunihito on the move to restore their great nation, Yingdala has made a sacred vow to Gao-Soto to assist it in any way possible. A good first step is through the Eastern Development Organization (EDO) and appropriate investment from Yingdalan companies, which is spurring a rise in the insurance industry.

Already, the Yingdalan government made a pledge to invest unspecified "billions" of INS in EDO. While recent EDO efforts have been sparse, primarily assisting Liore, Tian'an clearly believes EDO's work could prove more successful in a non-colonial nation. Therefore, with no surprise given the historical relationship (some would say "frenemy" status) between Yingdala and Gao-Soto, the Grand Union has announced that it will donate 100 billion INS (over half of Yingdala's budgetary surplus) in Gao-Soto through EDO grants. These grants will be able to be used for any purpose, but it is hoped that Gao-Soto will endeavor to use the investments to beef up its economic sovereignty.

In addition to these grants, Yingdala has issued a standing offer to assist Gao-Soto with technical advice in developing its economy. Obviously, given the cultural and historical similarities, this type of assistance could go a long way, as it would more easily fit Gao-Soto's situation. There are also rumors of a trade and investment deal, among other provisions, that could surface sometime in the near future, bringing immense, mutual economic benefits.

Preparing for increased Yingdalan investment, large Kaizhou insurance firms are eager to offer "peace of mind" to companies seeking to invest in Gao-Soto, among other less developed countries. These companies, like the Yingdalan Insurance Group, Congzhi, and others, can take on part of the investment risks in exchange for a premium. Many have grown over the decades with increased trade, primarily by offering maritime insurance to tankers and other trading vessels. More so, Yingdalan insurance companies have grown to become domestically focused, offering vehicle, life, health, home, and other insurance policies to reduce risk for Yingdalans everywhere.

On the whole, Yingdala's offer to assist Gao-Soto is good for everyone's economy. It will create a more vibrant North Dovani economy at a time when it is needed more than ever, strengthen North-South economic relationships, and help restore an oppressed culture. There can only be a win-win result.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:29 pm

Three Year Mourning Period Ends as Black Tortoise Fleet Sent to North Dovani International Waters

Black Tortoise Fleet sets sail for international waters in North Dovani (OOC Source: Reuters)

The Grand Union of Yingdala's customary three year mourning period for the Emperor of the Great Journey has ended. Normally defense and commercial activities may resume, and resume they must. Growing instability in Yingdala's backyard is beginning to force Tian'an's hand. With the declaration of the Republic of Lourenne after a bloody coup and the international reaction to it, Yingdala has no choice but to heighten its defensive measures.

Recent academic and think tank reports have indicated a rise in Lourennais nationalism and a desire to reclaim their "place in the sun". These reports, and no doubt Yingdalan intelligence, have likely increased worries among members of the Imperial Court that Lourenne will seek to exert its influence beyond its territory. While any offensive action by the Grand Union would be utterly condemned by all nations and peoples in Terra (as it should be), His Majesty the Son of Heaven instituted the policy of "offensive-defense" when he was Grand Marshal, an effort to maximize Yingdala's defensive posture. Thus, the Ministry of War has announced that the Black Tortoise Fleet, Yingdala's premier naval fleet, will journey to the international waters outside of Lourenne to patrol and observe movements there before swiftly returning to Yingdala.

The voyage of the Black Tortoise Fleet is the first Yingdalan military action in response to the moves of another nation. Although it will be quick, the observation and patrol will demonstrate that Yingdala will uphold its defense commitments to its allies in Dovani and Seleya, and will not tolerate Lourennais nationalist aggression. Perhaps more importantly to the Yingdalan national interest, the Black Tortoise Fleet's presence in international waters outside of Lourenne shows that Tian'an will defense Yingdala's trade routes, which are vital to economies throughout Terra.

Even though Lourenne will probably focus on internal matters for the time being, Yingdala must be prepared to defend its legitimate interests.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:41 pm

Yingdala Signs More Agreements with Kerisian and Seleyan Nations as Other Negotiations Continue

Yingdala's trading model appears based on a hub and spoke system (OOC Source: Medium)

Progress has been made over the past few years regarding Yingdalan trade with other nations. With recessions in some nations, Tian'an has been adamant about diversifying its economy and trade relations. Thankfully, its outreach to other capitals has largely proved successful. Already, in the past three years, Yingdala has ratified new trade agreements with Likatonia, Egelion, Tukarali, and Saridan. An agreement with Alduria will be ratified in less than a year, while good progress has been made with Valruzia and Gao-Soto. With the economic fall of Kazulia and Lourenne, Yingdala is increasingly looking like the Eastern Hemisphere's top trading hub.

Overall, Yingdala's friendly outreach has not been without effort. It takes time to establish trade agreements. Negotiations must be conducted on an equal basis, while benefits to all sides must be made apparent. For its part, Yingdala has highlighted the win-win nature of its trade agreements, not to mention other benefits that come with cooperation. Although all of the recently ratified trade agreements are largely the same, each has their own unique sets of benefits.

With regards to Likatonia, mutual investment is expected to increase. Given the country's growing economic potential, Yingdalan companies, like Dagong Construction, have invested significant resources in building up Likatonia's infrastructure. Concurrently, with respect to mutual exchange, Xiandai Motors and Falcon Car Company have agreed to a joint-venture program in which technical information would be exchanged, as well as the development of a new vehicle. This has led to the opening of a new factory in each country.

Like with Likatonia, the agreement with Egelion is likely to see an increase in trade and investment. Long, long ago, Egelion and Yingdala were held in personal union by members of the Xinhan Dynasty. Many Yingdalans fondly remember these fraternal ties and seek to support their old brothers to the north. Not to mention, Egelian is already considered to be a business language in Yingdala, given close trade ties with Gaduridos.

In a similar vein, Yingdala's ratification of Tukarali's trade and economic agreement will likely yield hearty benefits to both peoples. As the Yingdalans and Tukarese share common ancestry and cultural traits, consumer behaviors are more similar, allowing for greater market entry.

Agreements with Saridan and Alduria will also likely increase trading ties with Yingdala. Much trade already traverses near Saridani and Aldurian shores on its way to Majatra, making these two nations natural trading partners with the Grand Union. And given close relations with Vanuku and Rildanor, Yingdalans already have a decent understanding of the Saridani and Aldurian people, which will also make it easier for both countries to sell goods and invest in Yingdala.

Should Yingdala manage to seal deals with Gao-Soto and Valruzia, it is safe to say that Yingdala will have truly established a "hub and spoke" trading system. One wonders if the next natural step would be a more formally integrated market. Perhaps we shall see this emerge in the next few years.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:55 pm

Son of Heaven Visits Saridan to Mark Breakthrough in Relations

Yingdalan tourists enjoying Saridan's beaches (OOC: Branding in Asia Magazine)

Curious to say the least, but the Son of Heaven, Yu Gong, has made the first state visit of His tenure as Son of Heaven to Saridan, a country not considered to be a traditional Yingdalan partner. But why Saridan?

To start, Saridan and Yingdala have a number of similarities. They are both geographically near the equator of Terra,. They are both proud of their country's history, culture, and traditions. And both are relatively open to immigrants and other cultures. These values alone make a natural foundation of friendship.

But perhaps more importantly, Saridan is a gateway to Majatra and Dovani. Guarding the western entrance to the Aldegar Canal, Saridan is geographically critical to Yingdala's trade with close allies and partners in Majatra. It makes realistic sense for Yingdala to have a close relationship, economically and militarily, with Saridan. This explains why Yingdala and Saridan both opened a joint-defense base in Sint Pietereiland, to allow an effective defense of Saridan and the Aldegar Canal. With this base, Yingdala will have a total of six joint-defense bases in Terra, all located in Seleya and Dovani.

Beyond a defensive and trading relationship, the Son of Heaven emphasized cultural cooperation between the two nations. He said, "By understanding our souls, our friendship can be eternal." It is a known fact that Yingdala places cultural cooperation near the top of its foreign priorities. Greater understanding is the basis of peace and prosperity.

All in all, Saridan-Yingdalan ties have reached a new high when it comes to defense and economic cooperation. We expect this will continue well into the future.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:44 pm

As FOMAT III Entry Announced, Son of Heaven Lays Out Vision for Yingdala

Son of Heaven Yu Gong delivers His vision for Yingdala (OOC Source: 6parkbbs)

Festival of Musical Arts in Terra (FOMAT) III is almost upon us. Although doing better than expected in FOMAT II with the traditional-contemporary fusion, people across Yingdala have chosen as their entry for FOMAT III the traditional-style song, Heaven's Triumph, by Wang Ru. Written to honor both traditional Yingdalan civilization and the country's place in the Eastern Hemisphere, Heaven's Triumph tells the tale of Yingdala's unification, which set the course for contemporary Yingdalan history. Although another interpretation floating around on social media claims that the song celebrates the fall of the governments in Kazulia and Lourenne, which have currently cemented Yingdala's geopolitical position.

Unlike other FOMAT III entries so far, Heaven's Triumph has no lyrics. It is a purely instrumental piece using the Yingdalan pipa, which is actually believed to have been derived from a traditional Jelbo-Tukaric instrument. In a way, the song illustrates the overall unity of the Jelbo-Tukaric-Gao-Showan nations. While they may be separated by distance, all are truly of one soul.

Almost immediately after Heaven's Triumph was announced as Yingdala's FOMAT III entry, broadcasters immediately cut to the Heavenly Palace, where the Son of Heaven sitting upon the Dragon Throne, dressed in official court attire, gave an address to the people outlining his vision for Yingdala.

People of Yingdala, my children, I come before you after a period of extensive mourning. All of us deeply miss the Emperor of the Great Journey and desire to honor the foundation He established for this country. He, and He alone, brought about the restoration of Jienism and tradition in Yingdala. It is my duty to ensure that this is done, and that my descendants continue along this path.

Therefore, I say to you that Yingdala will have a Jienist government. My ministers and officials will work for you, but most of all, it is my duty to care for you, my people. That is why I have taken upon more traditional governing duties, in addition to my ceremonial functions. No longer will political parties corrupt the nation. Instead we will have upright officials, who are both moral and technically capable, who will carry out policies to ensure benevolent government. While elections will continue, the Grand Assembly will review laws proposed by my ministers and myself, offering advice and critiques. I promise to use my powers to ensure that no law or decree violates our sacred Jienist creed.

Moreover, I will ensure that Yingdala remains a peaceful and sovereign nation aligned with traditional principles and our Jelbo-Tukaric-Gao-Showan brothers and sisters throughout Terra. In addition to continuing our cultural diplomacy and efforts to expand trade, I will call the first meeting of the Council of Shinekh and urge the nations of Dovani and Seleya to create a community of economies and regional association for cooperation and dialogue. We will kick off these discussions with a great conference in Tian'an, our beautiful capital, to demonstrate to Terra our commitment to peace and prosperity. There we can highlight the Human Rights Declaration, which was primarily inspired by the universal Jienist and Jelbo-Tukaric-Gao-Showan values.

All that we do is in honor Heaven and the ancestors. We shall restore virtue in Terra!
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:02 am

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:16 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:53 pm

Yingdalan Culture and Education Industries Boom Thanks to Global Recognition

Kaizhou University, a top ranking school in Terra, at sunset (OOC Source: Pinterest)

The Grand Union of Yingdala is a proud nation with a unique culture. Yingdalan culture, previously in a tailspin for decades prior to the restoration of Jienism, has becoming increasingly influential. Terra's recognition of Yingdala's cultural influence is widespread, through its university rankings (the best in Terra), features in two hit video games, strong FOMAT showings (although no victories - yet), and the passage of the Declaration of Natural Human Rights (which draws heavily from Jienist and Jelbo-Tukaric-Gao-Showan teachings). These accolades, if you will, have spurred Yingdalan manufacturers of culture and knowledge to redouble their efforts in an attempt to not only strengthen a top Yingdalan industry, but also to sustain its spread throughout Terra.

Starting with the education sector, it is no surprise that Yingdala's universities rank at the top in Terra. Both public and private universities maintain strong support of the government. Since the Strengthening the Nation campaign began decades ago, Tian'an has pumped billions of INS into the Yingdalan education system, focusing on revamping science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics, packaging this focus as a well-rounded Jienist education. These efforts continue today, both in terms of promoting a Jienist education, but also promoting areas of study critical to a strong performing economy. Governing support alone, however, is not the key to ultimately sustaining the Yingdalan education system, rather, the system is built upon a strong foundation of professors and students from around the world.

With a high global ranking, the highest in Terra, Yingdalan universities are seeing increased growth in number of student applicants and job-seeking professors. Naturally, coupled with Yingdala's trading relationships and its Yingdalan Academies, the increased number of applicants has led to a research boom. Universities across Yingdala now have even more incentives to innovate, conduct world-class research, and promote their findings to the people of Terra. Government support will of course continue, but this support will only serve to further maximize the Grand Union's universities' and colleges' ability to attract and education students, and generate knowledge for Terra.

But beyond knowledge generation, Yingdalan higher education has also focused on skills training and vocational education. Given their strong Jienist beliefs, Yingdalans - including the Yingdalan government - understands that not everyone is meant to go to a university, rather every individual has a unique and equally beneficial place in society. Skills training and vocational school graduates are just as critical to the Yingdalan economy as university graduates. They help Yingdala keep its balanced economy of services, manufacturing, agriculture, and mining. Without these schools, Yingdala's economy would be in much riskier shape.

To further mitigate risks, the cultural industry is a cornerstone of Yingdala's global economic efforts. Greater cultural understanding, which can be achieved through cultural products, can help engender peace and reduce the risk of conflict, allowing trade to expand and continue to flow - not to mention ensure the security of economic infrastructure in the homeland. To this end, Dragon Games' "Unification War" builds off of Deltarian and Vascanian gaming trends, but focuses solely on Yingdala. Set during the middle ages during the war for Yingdala's unification, Unification Wars tells the story of Liu Che, a distant cadet-branch member of the Yu Clan, in his quest to unite the various Yingdalan kingdoms. A mix of role playing game and hack-and-slash, players can choose to be a number of historical characters, including Liu Che. Although the endings are largely the same, players discover the atrocities of war throughout the game's story, understanding that Liu Che's quest was not one of power, but one of peace. Only through Jienist ways could Yingdala be united and prosper.

Though likely only to be a hit in Yingdala and other Gao-Showan countries, the game has been dubbed in Luthoran and exported Terra-wide. But this is only the beginning of Dragon Games' entry into the video game market. They have plans to "digitize", so to speak, traditional Yingdalan games of weiqi (or go), chess, majiang, and others as mobile applications for download. They are also intending to better compete with Deltarian and Vascanian strategy game makers with their own entry. Little details are known, but rumors say Dragon Games intends to make a real-time strategy game version of the Dragon Warrior series or create their own "North vs. South" game. Dragon Games is but one example of Yingdala's burgeoning culture industry.

FOMAT has also led to a bump in Yingdala's music sector. Although consistently placing among the lower tier of contestants, Yingdala's FOMAT entries have consistently been singled out for their unique styles and quintessential Yingdalan nature. Critical praise has always been high, a mark perhaps better appreciated by Yingdalans that popular support. This has led to a revival in Yingdalan classical music arts, as well as fusion music. Already, Yingdala has announced its FOMAT IV entry, For the Country, by Bai De. A fusion of rock, opera, and traditional music, "For the Country" is a patriotic Yingdalan song, discussing the sacrifices that may be needed to defend the nation from tribulation. A specific line in the song says, "the people turn northward", which some believe to imply that Yingdala is only threatened by the Northern Hemisphere, although it is equally plausible that it refers to the Son of Heaven, whose throne must always face the South, thus the people seek guidance from their monarch during hard times. Regardless, it is hoped that "For the Country" will be just as critically acclaimed as past FOMAT entries.

And speaking of critical acclaim, the Declaration of Natural Human Rights unanimously passed through the World Congress Security Council. The first comprehensive human rights resolution in the World Congress' history, the Declaration was a product of consistent consultation, but driven by Yingdala. Moreover, the Declaration was a product of traditional Yingdalan and Jelbo-Tukaric-Gao-Showan values. The Declaration was designed to ensure the preservation of traditional culture, as well as highlight Jienist principles, showing that these values and principles are universal to all peoples. Perhaps more than anything, the Declaration of Natural Human Rights shows Yingdala's cultural influence in Terra.

Culture is vital to Yingdala's existence. Without it, Yingdala has no identity. Its role in the economy and in diplomacy will only strengthen and continue well into the future.
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