
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sun Aug 02, 2020 6:00 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

21st June 4794
The Fall of Maximus Robertson; the new Fladborgian President of the National Convention invites the military to restore order
As the Nybergian terror was at its peak, the Fladborgian members of the National Convention successfully - through bribes and threats - deposed President of the National Convention Max Robertson. The new Fladborgian President invites the military to restore order. Which results in the return of Isabella Cederstam to the presidency.

Soldiers of the Davostani Defense Forces restoring order in Metallikberg.

This weeks meeting at the National Convention resulted in the Fladborgians and dissatisfied Nybergians removing President Max Robertson from office. Ever since his ascension to the office almost one year ago, Robertson had begun a reign of terror with anyone displaying any public anti-revolutionary thoughts being harassed and sent to the guillotine. This has resulted in an estimated 7,000 deaths by the work of the guillotine only, while the total number of deaths of the Revolution is at an estimated 9,000 people. With Robertson becoming increasingly authoritarian and paranoid, he began pointing out "traitors to the revolution" within the National Convention and many from the Nybergian Club itself, something that has affected the political faction to the core. This led to representatives of all factions within the National Convention meeting in secret to plan an overthrow of the now known "Dictator" Robertson. As the President was going through a list of new traitors within the Convention, the leader of the Fladborgian, called Thorbjörn Ohlsson, spoke up against the President (which was the sign for starting the coup), President Robertson laughed at him asking Ohlsson if he had gone mad for "going against the virtues Revolution". The Fladborgian leader responded with "No it is you who have gone mad", which caused the majority of the Convention to rise up and started loudly to agree with the Ohlsson and instead motioned the execution of President Max Robertson instead. This made Robertson go completely pale and froze up, seconds later he was dragged out by guards loyal to the National Convention.

Immediately after the arrest of President Robertson, the National Convention made Ohlsson the new President. He quickly invited the military to restore order around the country, mostly by arresting radical Nybergians and the most extreme of revolutionaries. The President also invited former President of the National Convention Isabella Cederstam to return to the capital and resume the office of President of the National Convention and to lead the Government. Both the military under Supreme Commander Wilhelm Leitz and former President Isabella Cedrerstam accepted Ohlsson's offer, with the latter being hesitant at first. Cederstam reassumed the office of the President of the National Convention on the 18th June 4794. The first thing she did was to hold a speech to the nation in which she promised "absolute national unity" and "to respect the values of the Revolution" BUT that any more violence would not be tolerated and would be punished with a harsh imprisonment. Cederstam also abolished the use of the guillotine as a method of execution on the 20th June 4794, with Max Robertson being the last person of the Revolution to be executed by it on that same day.

Who were Maximus "Max" Robertson? A Davostani-Kivonian born in the city of Nyberg, studied at a young age political science and law. He eventually became a lawyer working for the city judge. He became active in politics during the occupation period and joined the only political club active in the nation, the Fladborgian Club, he together with a few others formed the Fladborgians sisters club in the city of Nyberg, known as the Nybergian Club. He became one of its lead speakers and made both the Nybergians and Fladborgians nation-wide known after the failed revolt against the occupiers he led with the other members in Nyberg, a revolt which their Club dubbed the 'Nybergian Revolution'. He was elected into the National Convention in November 4790. Robertson was an outspoken radical and pushed for the people of Davostan to revolt against the-then President of the National Convention Georg Nyberg which they did and as a consequence the so-called 'Davostani Revolution' or also commonly known the "Union Revolution" took place. In 4792 he became part of the Cederstam Cabinet I as the Minister of Internal Affairs after the arrest of Lundell was carried out by revolutionaries, a few months later it said he forced Cederstam to resign as President of the National Convention and through threats against the other members of the Convention he was made the new President. His cabinet being full Nybergian began a "reign of terror" when they executed Georg Lundell by guillotine. Robertson's ideology and goal as explained by himself was to create a "Virtues Republic built on the Ideals and Principles of Unity and Liberty in a Directorial System of Governance".

After interviewing many people around the country, it has been made clear that the people are tired of the constant fighting, even if it's a war or a revolution and that they just want peace as a "normal" society like most nations around Terra. The new Government has heard these cries from the citizens and begun taking the Constitutional Convention - which was established by former President Georg Lundell - more seriously and have put as the number one priority of the National Convention. The system of government most preferred within both the National Convention and around the nation has become a "Federal Union" between the Davostani and Kivonian peoples, an estimated 87% of the citizens wants such a system. Political analysts have explained the popularity of this system to be a direct consequence of the Revolution, which was waged for such a system. The National Convention and the Cederstam Government has looked into the best way to establish it and begun writing templates for a "Union Constitution".
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Re: Davostan

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Aug 02, 2020 6:24 pm

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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Tue Aug 04, 2020 5:17 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

26th May 4795
Davostan completes the purchase of Telamon's defense industries, now incorporated in the Svärd & Sköld Defense Industry
After a quick contact with the Telamonese government, it was desired by the eastern nation that Davostan was considered one of many possible buyers of the Telamonese Defense Industry. With the purchase, the Davostani Ministry of Defense set-up a new state-owned defense industry known as the "Svärd & Sköld Försvarsindustri", and that the industries being bought from Telamon would be incorporated into this new Davostani industry.

Several weeks ago, the Government of Telamon reportedly had contacted the Government of Davostan concerning the whole Telamonese defense industry. The former had considered Davostan for quite some time as a possible client for the complete purchase of all of Telamon's defense industries. Being taken by complete surprise, the Davostani Government spent a week or two reviewing the offer, which they decided to act upon. They immediately announced their interest to the Telamonese Government, who had told the Foreign Ministry of Davostan that they were not the only Government's considered. Despite this, the Telamonese Government had already leaned towards their Makonic ally. After a few meetings, the Minister of Defence and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of both nations met in the Davostani capital city Kivonia were the signing took place this evening. The complete purchase was at an estimated 30 billion Telamonese Pounds.

The purchase includes the transfer of the rights of arms productions of every Telamonese military weapons and vehicles. The largest part of the deal is the selling of the Telamonese TAE Land Systems AB, which has been the Telamonese military's main vehicles provider, other industries sold to Davostan including Tofors AB which has been the main arms provider and the TAAB Group, another Telamon defence company. All these Telamonese corporations operate under their original names but as subsidiaries of the newly formed Davostani state-company "Svärd & Sköld Försvarsindustri" abbreviated "SSFI" (in Luthorian: Sword & Shield Defence Industry). These defence industries have been moved to the Davostani Province of Sønderhavn and positioned their headquarters at the same place as the SSFI. Aside from the purchase made by the Davostani Government, they offered the Telamonese to be able to keep the weapons they already posses, while every newly produced arms would be Davostani made and owned. Davostani Minister of Defence Arnfast Sandström said that it was a great pleasure for Davostan to have been given this offer, since they have had their eyes open to import weapons and arms from several nations.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:25 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

23rd July 4795
President of the National Convention Isabella Cederstam assassinated, Foreign Minister Eriksson assumes leadership as new President
The President of the National Convention Isabella Cederstam was ambushed by a man on her way to a meeting of the National Convention, who fired three shots at her. The President died a few minutes after two of the shots hit her in the stomach. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sture Eriksson was voted by the National Convention to assume the position of its President.

State officials carrying the coffin of Cederstam.

On the 11 July 4793, President of the National Convention Isabella Cederstam was on her way to a meeting of the national legislature to discuss the future of the nation, as she was about to go into the National Convention building, a man in black clothes came up to her fired three shots, two of whom hit her in the stomach, the man was quickly apprehended by the KS Agents nearby. Cederstam died a few minutes after on the public staircase into the building in the arms of a KS Agent. The last word of her were reported to have been "Now we'll meet again Callu...", as she then closed her eyes for the last time. The National Convention were in absolute shock over what happened, and as soon as the news broke the passive revolutionaries around the nation began their extreme violence again and started attacking everyone who spoke negatively about Cederstam or the revolution. The revolutionaries became so violent right before the state funeral that was to be held two weeks after her death, that the military began moving suspiciously, many believing that a coup was on its way but surprised everyone when they set-up a large line of soldiers to protect the National Convention and any other state official thus taking the role of protecting public officials away from the KS. Supreme Commander Wilhelm Leitz, spoke directly on the staircase where Cederstam had died to the listeners on site and to the people around the nation through tv-broadcasting. He declared:
We are at the page of history which will matter the most to all of us! This is the time where change could lead to something good for ourselves, for our children! Do not repeat the same mistakes of our dictatorial past! Don't destroy what is about to be achieved! Let the Revolution be passive from now on. Let us create a state in which we all, Davostanis and Kivonians can find happiness in and be proud of.

The speech radically calmed down most of the aggressive revolutionaries and the whole nation united in solidarity to mourn the death of Cederstam. The National Convention while being protected by the military, voted to make Minister of Foreign Affairs Sture Eriksson the new President of the Convention. Eriksson immediately ordered new elections to be held next year, while at the same time declaring that on election night, the formation of a new nation would take place, the Union of Davostan and Kivonia, the winner of the election would become its first Supreme Chairman. Eriksson also assured the nation that the Union would have its own Constitution assuring that no, political party, group or individual would plague them as the Constitution assures this. With these news, the Fladborgians, being the largest political force to hold massive influence in the nation, announced that the Nybergian remnants would be merging with them to form the "People's Revolutionary Party". This party holding the principles of the Revolution to its core, its official ideologies are as following: Unionism, Civic Nationalism, Liberalism and Constitutionalism. Many non-partisans in the National Convention have joined the PRP, making them the dominant party. However, the PRP have stated that they will support the non-partisan government under Eriksson, until after the elections.

Other news, the Ministry of Education and Culture has ordered one section of the Adlartok-Museum - which is being built - to be dedicated to Isabella Cederstam. Cederstam born in 4730, studied political science in her early adult years and joined the military, a tradition held within the Cederstam family, a famous Kivonian warrior clan. She rose quickly through the ranks and became affiliated with General Augustin Volkhardt, who would later on found the Third Kivonian Republic. She expressed her support for General Volkhardt when he formed his government in 4749, she later on proudly swore allegiance to the Third Kivonian Republic on its foundation in 4754. In 4758, the-then Head of the Nation Volkhardt appointed Cederstam as the State Officer of the Republic a position of ex officio as the presiding officer over the Civilian Assembly. Cederstam fiercely opposed the drift towards military dictatorship in the 4760s, but accepted the reality facing her. She commanded a few corps in the Macon War, and became part of the Shadow Council which formed after Volkhardt's death. Cederstam was to later on lead the negotiations with Telamon's High Queen Annalise I in order to find peace between the two nations. These negotiations were abruptly interrupted when Kivonian Counselor to the Republic Julius Callus launched a terrorist attack against the negotiation site, which led to Cederstam's defection to the Telamonic side of the war. When the Continuation Government of the Third Republic fled to the island of Dovmark, Cederstam led a secret expedition to recruit moderate officers who were unhappy with the Third Republic regime, this led to a coup d'état which resulted in Cederstam becoming the head of government of a Peace Council in 4777 until 4779 when she signed the Treaty of Bindeborg with Hutori and Telamon, formally ending the Macon War. Ever since she has actively lobbied for the training of an independent Davostani Defense Force which was eventually created in the late 4780s. Cederstam announced her candidacy to the National Convention when the Provisional Republic was formed in 4790. She was made the Minister of Defense in 4792 but resigned 11 months later because of the scandals around Georg Lundell. Cederstam was eventually made the new President of the National Convention in January 4793, but resigned in August that same year. With the fall of the Nybergians in 4794, she was again made the new President of the National Convention, in which she proudly served until now. She became 65 years old.
Last edited by Augustus Germanus on Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Wed Aug 05, 2020 1:28 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

26th October 4795
The Union of Davostan and Kivonia to be formed on the 1st June 4796, with the first election of it the same day
Negotiations have now been completed and the Union Constitution has been put on a vote in the National Convention. They are expected to pass on the 1st June 4796, the Government also announced that it will be the same date as the first election for the Parliament and for the Supreme Chairmanship.

View over the building of the National Convention.

Ever since the establishment of the Provisional Republic and the end of the Hutorian occupation in 4790, the Government has prioritized the formation of a permanent government system, the Constitution now being presented to the National Convention has been worked on for six years by the 'Constitutional Convention for the Future of the Nation' (CCFN). Despite a violent revolution occurring during this process, the CCFN were reported to have never been interrupted by any revolutionary. Thus showing the importance Unionism has to the Revolution. The Government released the Union Constitution to the public to let them know what could be their founding laws. Eight chapters of it has been presented, the first one focusing on the Union and the Constitution itself, chapter two focuses on the fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens of the Union, chapter three focuses on the proposed upper house known as the Council of the Union, which will have its own unique system of electing its members, chapter four will focus on the head of state and government known as the 'Supreme Chairman of the Council of Ministers', chapter five focuses on the new National Convention which will serve as the lower house, chapter sixth focuses on a new body known as the Constitutional Council who's mission will be to safeguard the constitution, chapter seven focuses on the foundational values of the Union and the Republic, and finally chapter eight focuses on the Supreme Court. This constitution will form the nation as a 'Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic', and two Federal States will be established, known as the State of Davostan and the State of Kivonia.

Many citizens started to worry about the fact that the Government might postpone the presentation of the constitution to remain in power, but many have began celebrating the members of the National Convention and the Government, but especially the People's Revolutionary Party, who has now been considered as one of the, if not THE founding force of the soon to come Union of Davostan and Kivonia. The establishment of the Union has also given rise to new political forces around the nation, one of these are the 'Peasants and Workers' Party', a socialist party advocating unionism and left-wing nationalism. Another is the 'New Nation Party', a social liberal party advocating unionism and less state-intervention. The creation of the Union has not only given a rise to political groups but also individuals, one of these is Pär Wall-Enberg, a unionist and civic nationalist campaigning for the nomination of Supreme Chairman for the 'People's Revolutionary Party'. Wall-Enberg has become a recognized face, as a former Fladborgian member of the National Convention and considered to be a skilled law-maker. Wall-Enberg has promised to put Davostan-Kivonia on the map of Terra again.

The main nominee from the Peasant and Workers' Party is Arvid Hem, and from the New Nation Party it is Kristin Pølhavn. A few other from the People's Revolutionary Party has declared their candidacy, but something that surprised many was the news from incumbent President of the National Convention Sture Eriksson, who declared that he would not run for Supreme Chairman and would instead like to focus on foreign affairs, a act which has been considered by the people to be "virtues" and Eriksson is also seen as "incorruptible". However, the most surprising and shocking of events was when the 81 year old former Secretary of State of the Third Kivonian Republic and founder of the Kivonian National Salvation Party Christian Kvist announced his return to politics. Kvist was apprehended after he had returned to Davostan in 4791 and was sentenced to 50 years imprisonment but was released in 4794 during the four day Government of Thorbjörn Ohlsson after being pardoned by the-then President of the National Convention. Christian Kvist was asked if he intended to run for Supreme Chairman, but he answered with that he had thought about it but decided that he will instead run for membership in the new National Convention for the People's Revolutionary Party. A quick statement made by Kvist:
I fully regret what I had done during the Third Republican Era. And to try to fix the mistakes and try to prevent them from happening again I believe it is a duty of mine as a citizen and as a soon to-be Unionman make sure to protect the two peoples of Davostan and Kivonia. Thank you.

Some critics of the proposed Union, and especially its presented constitution is the amount of - according to them - unnecessary bureaucracy added into it. The main flaw in their opinion is that the Constitutional Council, the Council of the Union and the Supreme Court all are connected in a complex web which will be used by the men and women in power to further their own agendas. Critics call the Union system a "Bureaucratic Dictatorship", while others use a term from the Terran Democracy Index, "Hybrid Regime", others says that it might not be a perfect system but it is definitely not a dictatorship and instead call it a "Flawed Democracy". No one knows yet, how the system of the Union will work in practice, but many or rather most of the people in Davostan are hopeful that the Union is the system they need and can become what they have dubbed "the Eternal Union".
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Augustus Germanus
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:49 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

22nd December 4796
Cabinet sets government-plan for the coming two years, economic growth, military information and a new population-growth program
With the swearing of the 'Oath of the Union', the first Supreme Chairman Pär Wall-Enberg sets government policy for the current term and puts the Ministers to work. New infrastructure, economic reforms, military policies, and a new government-sponsored "Social Citizen Growth" program.

View over the temporary seat of the national government.

As the new Wall-Enberg Government begins its term, the Supreme Chairman has announced during a recent press conference the government policies which they seek to accomplish during this two year term. First off, the Supreme Chairman announced together with Minister of Defense Thorbjörn Ohlsson, that the Defense Forces has currently an estimated 17,300 active personnel and 28,400 reserves. The Minister of Defense said that he and the Military High Command has set the goal of reaching 38,000 active personnel and 65,500 reserves until February 4805. This to be done through a new recruitment program to create new jobs with full pensions to the recruited and his/her family. The High Command also gave out documents over which kinds of standard weapons and the kind of vehicles the Defense Forces are to begin using, many of these being the former standard weapons and vehicles of the Telamonese Armed Forces produced by the TAAB Group, Tofors AB and TAE Land Systems AB now subsidiaries of the Davostani Sword & Shield Defense Industry AB.

Next topic were economic growth, Supreme Chairman Wall-Enberg announced that some economic growth took place with the full reopening of the Dahl-mine in 4795, but that it took a halt because of the revolutionaries continuing to cause trouble around the nation, but with the radical decreasing of violence since the beginning of 4796, the Dahl-mine has been able to start a slow but increasing growth for the economy. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport announced that they have given permission for the construction of a new airport to the newly established Endralonian Eight Continents Airlines Inc. This airport is to be located in the city of Fladborg, which is still under construction since its total demise during the Macon War. The construction of this airport is expected to increase tourism and by that the tourist-section of the economy. A new treaty between Davostan and Kundrati also came into effect in September 4796 which established a free trade between the two, in it promising to prioritize certain areas of production to each other and the importing into Davostan of newly developed arms manufactured by the Kundrati KWM.

But the main topic of the conference were the government-sponsored "Social Citizen Growth" program, which aims to increase the population growth to radically high numbers. The current population of Davostan is at an estimated 13,207,205. The national government seeks to increase these numbers up to 20,000,000 until the year 4820. How do the government intend on doing this, well the Social Citizen Growth Program will assure that every citizen that births a child will receive a certain amount in subsidy by the State, and the more children they birth, the more amount of subsidy will be given to the parents to take care of their family. If two citizens who are living together has four children, they will receive and amount of 4 million Davosti, which is an estimated 83,200 LOD. Since the announcement of this program many citizens have voiced their support for it and it is expected that every third young adult will have more than three children when they grow up, which is about 4,402,400 and if these citizens have three or four children each there will be between 13 to 17 million new children. The government is also not a bit shy when it comes to encouraging young men and women to start families at their ages. Won't this be a problem for the economy if the young, when studying or working decides to have not just one kid but a few? The government has tackled this issue by forming a state-operated nursing agency which will form nurseries around the nation, hopefully in every small district. In these nurseries, the children can be taken care of during the working/studying hours and later on the parents can pick them up. What's the difference between these State Nurseries and normal kindergartens? First off, the nurseries are for recently born children or in other words babies where they are given their necessary individual needs. The children is stopped taken care of, when they reach the kindergarten age of 3-4, then the parents can opt to put them in a private kindergarten or be given assistance by the State Nurseries to help find a good local public kindergarten.

The next major government press conference is scheduled to be in February 4797,
where more details will be made on military affairs and new planned
programs concerning health, welfare and the education system.
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Augustus Germanus
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:13 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

17th May 4797
Defence Forces sets out plan for expanding productions of weapons, equipments and vehicles up until the year 4820
With the 4795 Davostani Military Purchase of the defense industries of Telamon, the Davostani Military High Command is reportedly to have worked day and night to establish a clear production line for what equipment and vehicles the Defence Forces should obtain. Just recently, the Ministry of Defence motioned the production of certain categories to the National Convention based on the recommendations of Military High Command.

Director-General of the Defense Forces Oskar Posse addressing the new regiments

For the past years since 4795 when the Davostani government bought all of Telamon's defense industries, the Military High Command went through all of the weapons, equipment and vehicles that came with the industries, the've been testing them and calculating their efficiency in the different terrains of Davostan. And now all this work seems to have come to fruition with the Military High Command sending a report to the national government on what the Defence Forces could need. Everything the High Command demanded would cost up to 100 billion Davosti (2,080,000,000 LOD), something the Ministry of Finance reluctantly agreed to. The Ministry of Defence was reportedly to have also been reluctant to allow such high amounts and asked the High Command if some of the suggested productions could be decreased, something the High Command refused stating "National security comes with a high price".

What are these productions? Well it is confirmed that everything is formerly Telamonese-made. 100 of the Stridsvagn 144 has been ordered for year 4805, 100 of the Stridsvagn 144B has been ordered for year 4810. Fifty Combat Vehicle 9240LTM was ordered for 4805, five of the Blida FH88BW L52 Artillery System was ordered for year 4807, ten FH 88 Howitzer until year 4807, eight of the Kingfisher RBS 16KA until year 4807. Continuing with 14 Combat Vehicle 9240AMS until year 4810, 12 TAMAS' until year 4807, 14 of the Combat Vehicle 9240SR-AA with a 40mm cannon until year 4810, 14 of the Combat Vehicle 9240SAM with a 40mm auto-cannon and RBS 80 Launchers until year 4810, 14 of the Combat Vehicle 9240 until year 4810, 30 of the Patgb 480 until year 4810, 16 of the PBV-304 until 4810, 40 of the BVS20 until year 4810 and 200 of the FOLVO Multi Purpose Truck. In Air, the High Command set the production of 10 Taab JAS 41 Gyrfalcon A (with single seat) until year 4807, 3 Taab JAS 41 Gyrfalcon B (with dual seat) until year 4801, 12 Taab 350 until year 4811, 14 of the Aust 10 until year 4810 and 5 Markovic 85 until year 4804. In Naval vehicles, the High Command has requested for the production of 6 Telapolis-class Corvette (these are to be renamed "Kivonia-class Corvette") until year 4810, 4 Hruban-class Corvette (there are to be renamed Långstad-class Corvette) until year 4810, 10 Niklasson-class Corvette (these are to be renamed "Nyberg-class Corvette") until year 4820, 4 of the Perlezia-class Corvette (these are to be renamed "Vermillion-class Corvette") unit, year 4815, 12 of the BB-97 until year 4815, 10 of the Sevescia-class submarine (Diesel electric) until year 4820, 13 of the Lirona-class submarine (Diesel electric) until year 4820, 5 of the Grimati-class mine countermeasure vessel until year 4810 and 5 of the Warren-class Amphibious Assault Ship until year 4810. In Radar, the requested productions are 30 TAHR (Telamonese Artillery Hunting Radar; these are to be renamed "Kivonian Artillery Hunting Radar" (KAHR) until year 4820, 40 of the Girafour Radar System until year 4820 and 30 of the Eireye Radar System until year 4820.

With the Military High Command's report of what is needed, the information concerning the reorganizing of the 11,000 active army personnel into five new army regiments was sent to the Ministry of Defence and the National Convention. These new regiments being, the 1st Infantry Regiment of 2,200 troops, the 1st Armoured Regiment of 2,200 troops, the 1st Mechanized Infantry Regiment of 2,200 troops, the 1st Artillery Regiment of 2,200 troops and the 1st Mountain Infantry Regiment of 2,200 troops as well. The to be used small arms of the Defense Forces as a whole was also included in the information-report of the new regiments. These being Pistol 90 (Semi-automatic pistol), Kulsprutepistol 10 (Submachine Gun), Automatkarbin 1 (AK 1 (Assault Rifle), Automatkarbin 2 (AK 2 (Bullpup Assault Rifle), Prickskyttegevär 10 (Sniper Rifle), Automatgevär 3 (Heavy Sniper Rifle), Kulspruta 89 (Machine Gun), Kulspruta 90 (Machine Gun), Kulspruta 91 (Heavy Machine Gun), Granatgevär Karl (Recoilless rifle), Granatspruta 40 mm (Grenade launcher), Pansarskott 100 (Anti-tank weapon), RBS 66 (Man-portable anti-tank weapon), RBS 67 (MBT LAW) and RBS 80 (MANPADS), all of these being formerly used as the standard equipment of the Telamonese Armed Forces.
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Augustus Germanus
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Re: Davostan

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:34 am

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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:36 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

22nd June 4800
People's Revolutionary Unionist Party dissolves to be reorganized into a broader national organization
The party congress and the executive leadership of the People's Revolutionary Unionist decided to formally dissolve the party to pave way for a stronger more stable national organization. This being done one month before the national election. Thorbjörn Ohlsson announced during the congress that he would not seek to become the leader of the to be formed party.

The People's Revolutionary Unionist Party, the founding and governing party of the Union of Davostan and Kivonia, had in the first term of the Union been all-time popular with the citizens, however, this has changed since 4798, when the party began lacking unity for its voters. The only popular pillar holding it together being Supreme Chairman Pär Wall-Enberg, who has his ratings at an all-time high of 78.3%. The leadership of the party began talks with political forces outside of the national legislature, these being the 'Peasant and Workers' Party' and the 'New Nation Party'. These two forces had gained a lot of attraction since 4798 and is expected to gain significant results in the coming election. The ruling party sought to use this moment to hold on to power by successfully persuading both minor parties into forming a unified electoral alliance, which will operate as a broad political party. This political party has been dubbed the "All-Union Nationalist Party" (ANP), and will exhibit unionism, social-democracy, civic nationalism, constitutionalism and some forms of liberalism.

The All-Union Nationalist Party's first national congress was held immediately after the formal dissolution of the FRUP. At the congress it was decided to make Supreme Chairman Wall-Enberg the new General Secretary of the party, by an unanimous vote. Something that came as a surprise to political commentators, as most believed that the members of the Peasant and Workers' Party and the New Nation Party would vote against the Supreme Chairman. However, it was revealed shortly after that it was one of the agreed terms made by the parties. Chairman Wall-Enberg held a speech afterwards, declaring that the he would continue rebuilding the armed forces as well as providing new economic reforms. New figures of the ANP being the former Chairman of the Peasant and Workers' Party Arvid Hem and the former Chairwoman of the New Nation Party Kristin Pølhavn. Both announcing their candidacy for the National Convention as members of the ANP. However, because of the broad political spectrum the new party has, the two minor parties has caused the de facto formation of three factions; the left-wing socialist faction led by Arvid Hem and the centre-right liberal conservative faction led by Kristin Pølhavn. The third faction and the one in power being a third-way revolutionary unionist faction led by Wall-Enberg.
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Augustus Germanus
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:32 pm

People's Journal
The People's Journal, or Folkbladet in Davostani and Kivonian, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostan.
The People's Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The People's Journal is modeled after the old Davostani newspaper the Daily Journal.

28th December 4802
Supreme Chairman Pär Wall-Enberg presents plans for a total reconstruction of Davostan dubbed the "New Century Prosperity Program"
The national congress of the All-Union Nationalist Party and the National Convention of the Union approved of Chairman and General Secretary Pär Wall-Enberg's "New Century Prosperity Program" (NCPP). Though some parts of it already being put in action a few years ago, the new revealed parts will apparently boost Davostan during the new century. The newly formed NCPP-Department will lead the massive project for the government.

During the special national congress of the All-Union Nationalist Party, Supreme Chairman and General Secretary Pär Wall-Enberg introduced a program he and his cabinets had been working on since they took office in 4796. This program dubbed the "New Century Prosperity Program" (NCPP), is intended on introducing a new flourishing society for the people of Davostan-Kivonia. This program includes the "Social Citizen Growth" program which was implemented in September 4797, designed to radically promote population growth up to 20-25 million until 4820. The NCPP also includes a detailed economic program which will go through several steps towards achieving rapid economic growth. Other programs within the NCPP includes a plan designed to decrease poverty, a plan designed to implement universal free healthcare, a plan designed to create millions of new jobs, etc. The national congress of the ANP enthusiastically approved of the NCPP and immediately sent it to the National Convention (the legislature), though this being a pure formality as the ANP holds total control over the legislature.

The Social Citizen Growth program is the initiated plan to actively promote radical population growth in order to increase the population up to 20-25 million until 4820. The most interesting part of the NCPP seems to be the economic program dubbed the "Economic Plans for the New Century", which composes of five five-year-plans, extending from 4803 to 4828. In the first five-year-plan from 4803 to 4808, the Union will invest millions of Davosti in foreign ports to gain prioritized access to them and their trade goods, they will knot stronger and closer economic ties with neighboring nations such as Hutori, Endralon, Kundrati, Kirlawa and Dorvik. In this five-year-plan the trade and foreign ministries hopes to create a "Lievenian Sea Trade Union" between the mentioned countries. The exportation of tungsten and other raw materials will be a prioritized trade good and the investments in further mines across Davostan will begin as well. Further information will be given out to the public by the newly formed "Department for the New Century Prosperity Program".
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Augustus Germanus
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