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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 30, 2020 8:44 pm

Red Dragon Fleet Sets Sail for Vascania as Ministry of War Announces Development of Aircraft Carrier

Red Dragon fleet sails for Vascanian waters (OOC Source: EastDay.com)

The Elephant trumpets in the Far East and the Dragon is heeding its call! Upon learning that outside forces have intervened in a regional dispute, His Imperial Majesty the Son of Heaven ordered the Red Dragon Fleet, responsible for southern seas, dispatched to Vascania to fulfill the letter and spirit of the Zoo Alliance. The fleet, made up of some of the most advanced pieces of naval hardware in Terra, will serve to assist Vascania in its defense and send a message that not only is the Zoo Alliance credible, but that non-regional forces (aka the West) should stay out of Vascania and Dovani. More than that, the Red Dragon Fleet's appearance before Deltarian ships will demonstrate the increased tensions between the two powers - necessitating a new need for defensive preparations.

Yingdala is duty bound to come to Vascania's aid according to the Zoo Alliance. While Vascania may have overreacted during what should have been a purely diplomatic dispute, attacks on its vessels triggered the mutual defense clause of the Zoo Alliance treaty. Naturally, all of the Zoo Alliance are bound to respond and assist Vascania, including the Jelbic Khaganate, which sits right on the border of Deltaria. Regardless, the Zoo Alliance should be prepared, as they have conducted invasion exercises of Vascania before, including defense against Deltarian naval vessels. The Red Dragon Fleet's appearance in Vascanian waters should strike fear in the hearts of armed forces of Deltaria, Medina, and Liore.

Beyond fear, Yingdala does, above all, seek a peaceful resolution to the brewing conflict. After all, the Grand Union has provided generous economic and military aid to Liore and Medina in the past and is a formal ally of Vascania. Thus, Yingdala is in a unique place to broker peace. It is said that the Minister of Rites and Education has reached out to his counterparts in the three nations, even offering that the Son of Heaven himself travel to all three countries to broker peace.

To complement these diplomatic efforts, the Ministry of War, per the request of the Son of Heaven, ordered the Red Dragon Fleet to avoid conflict, aid all those who may suffer casualties, and only attack if attacked - which includes helping the Vascanian Navy if attacked. The goal of the fleet, according to the Ministry of War, is to bring about the swift end to the issue, not to exacerbate it.

However, the conflict int he Far East and Deltaria's involvement has necessitated a new policy for Tian'an: developing an aircraft carrier. These vessels are often used in ways to project power and create an offensive advantage. Despite this, the Ministry of War is adamant that aircraft carriers are critical defense tools that can assist allies when there is little to no access to air fields. While development will take time, money, and manpower, Yingdala appears intent on its ambition.

The question now is if Deltaria will provoke further conflict, allowing the so-called "cold" war to remain as such, or if it will make it "hot". The choice is Deltaria's. May Heaven allow peace to reign.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Rogue » Wed Sep 02, 2020 8:22 am

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:01 pm

Tian'an Pens Trade Deal with Ollau - Leaving Mordusia and Valruzia as the Remaining Nations Outside of De-Facto Yingdala-Seleya Free Trade Bloc

Aldurian wine is just one of the commodities Yingdalans crave (OOC Source: Simpson Travel)

After many years of having ratified the trade and cooperation agreement with Aldurdia, Tian'an had finally managed to convince Ollau to put the treaty up for ratification in the legislature. Though long in the making, the Yingdala-Alduria Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Free Trade has finally been approved by both nations and has entered into force. Expected to generate economic benefits for both nations - which will come at an important time due to Yingdala's recession - the agreement further enlarges the de-facto Yingdala-Seleya free trade bloc, which only needs Mordusia and Valruzia to encompass the entirety of the continent.

Yingdala has desired trade with Alduria for decades. Not merely because it would open a new economy to Yingdalan goods and services, but also as a result of Yingdalans fascination for Canrillaise products (thanks to trade agreements with Lourenne, Rildanor, and Kanjor). Moreover, Alduria could serve as a way station and alternative sourcing destination given its close proximity to Majatra, but closer geographic distance to the Grand Union. Both factors should benefit Yingdalan consumers and the Yingdalan economy.

Increased trade is just one way Tian'an is attempting to resolve the economic recession. Although the government has not publicly discussed it, the Cabinet has quietly worked behind the scenes to bolster trade relationships with other countries and moderate its economic policies to more balanced positions (moving away from more extreme capitalism). Given that Mordusia and Valruzia are the only remaining Seleyan nations not to have signed trade agreements with Yingdala, these two countries are the logical next steps in Tian'an's trade agenda.

It is hoped that with increased trade - thus cheaper prices for consumers and more competition for businesses - the Yingdalan economy can become more efficient and thus improve itself. Only by honing its advantages can Yingdala continue to prosper.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:21 pm

As the Red Dragon Fleet Withdraws from Vascanian Waters, Aircraft Carrier Proceeds to Construction

Graphic representation of Yingdala's proposed aircraft carrier (OOC Source: South China Morning Post)

Peace has been reached in Dovani! After successful negotiations, Vascania, Deltaria, Liore, and Medina have resolved their issues. The agreement, reached in Malivia, appears to have returned the region to a status quo ante bellum with no changes to the regional order. Sovereignty for all was the most important point reached, something extremely agreeable to Yingdala. Due to a peace being reached, Tian'an recalled the Red Dragon Fleet from Vascanian waters, intent on improving the Imperial Navy's overall capabilities, including with an aircraft carrier.

While Yingdala displayed its naval power during the conflict, it played a largely supportive role to its Vascanian allies, both in terms of technical advice and logistics support. More importantly, the Red Dragon Fleet showed that the Zoo Alliance was willing to get involved. Rumors were rife that Yingdala had convinced Trigunia to intervene should the conflict be escalated, as well as overtures to Jelbania and Vanuku to invade Deltaria proper. However, nothing was confirmed. These rumors could simply be spread to show that the Zoo Alliance was active, when in reality Yingdala was the only member to follow the letter of the agreement.

And though it played no combat role, the Imperial Navy learned a great deal from the conflict. The Red Dragon Fleet was able to study Deltaria's tactics and weaponry in real-time, allowing the Yingdalan Armed Forces to factor these variables in its future training and models. It also learned, as previously reported, the need for an aircraft carrier to help allies defend themselves.

Development of a new generation of aircraft carrier began three years ago. Drawing on past designs and current realities, the aircraft carrier has finally begun construction. Expected to take a number of years to complete, we can say that it will be nuclear powered and utilize an electromagnetic launching mechanism to more efficiently and effectively allow aircraft to fly. It is also rumored that the carrier could also include a number of other weapons, but we have been unable to verify these claims. An unknown number are under construction, but analysts assume at least two.

The Grand Union's continuous military improvements are critical to its defense and those of its allies. Glory to Yingdala!
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:08 pm

Yingdalan Academies Now Present on Every Continent Boosting the Grand Union's Cultural Diplomacy

Entrance to the newest Yingdalan Academy in Lodamun (OOC Source: China Daily)

Over the past few years, Tian'an has made a concerted effort to expand the Yingdalan Academy program throughout Terra. This hard work and advocacy has turned out well, as a Yingdalan Academy now exists on every continent. The program is ever closer to achieving active status in a majority of Terra's nations. With the program's expansion, the Yingdalan Academies will bring immense cultural, as well as diplomatic and possibly economic, benefits to host nations and Yingdala.

The most important distinction is that the Yingdalan Academies are present on every continent. This means that each continent has at least one Yingdalan cultural center that can serve every continent's population, meaning that - theoretically - every person in Terra has some sort of access to Yingdalan culture. These center's for cultural education will allow more and more people to learn the Yingdalan language, history, schools of thought, and traditions that will engender a Terran-wide understanding of the Yingdalan people.

With greater cultural understanding will come a greater chance for maintaining peaceful relations. Each continent can now have a better sense of Yingdala's intentions and goals. Critics could say that this is preposterous, as cultural understanding matters little when it comes to international politics. Not so for Yingdala. For the Grand Union, culture informs everything. The more others can understand Yingdala and for Yingdala to understand others, the more diplomatic and peaceful relations can remain as such.

Through robust diplomatic and peaceful relations, not to mention language learning and people-to-people exchanges, the greater chance there will be for mutually beneficial economic opportunities. The presence of Yingdalan Academies on every continent presents every country with greater access to Yingdalans and the Yingdalan market. These organizations can serve as alternative centers of commerce where real market research and analysis can be conducted, allowing Yingdalan and host country enterprises to maximize their business efforts.

At the end of the day, everyone wins by hosting a Yingdalan Academy. Every nation that has yet to open one should consider it.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:24 pm

Tian'an Hosts Valruzian Delegation to Discuss Possible Trade Deal

Valruzian President Vaughn-Rosta greeted at Tian'an International Airport (OOC Source: Dublin Live)

The Yingdalan capital city was recently abuzz with the visit of Valruzian President Vaughn-Rosta to discuss a possible trade agreement between Yingdala and Valruzia. Though a surprise, an event likely needed to help break deadlocks in back-room negotiations, the state visit by representatives from Nowogard appears to have moved the possible trade deal further along, which would be a major boon for two of the largest economies in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Not a typical state visit, President Vaughn-Rosta and the Valruzian delegation primarily stayed within the grounds of the Heavenly Palace, focusing on nailing down agreeable points to reach an agreement. Banquets were, of course, held in honor of the Valruzian delegation, but the Yingdalan government agreed with the Valruzian president's business-first approach.

After a few days of negotiations, the parties agreed to the following points:
1. Multiple citizenship issues will not be part of the agreement, with citizenship issues being the sole jurisdiction of each country's national laws and regulations;
2. Increasing greater access to educational opportunities;
3. Ensuring that financial crimes can be investigated and adjudicated under the national laws and regulations of each country; and
4. A trade arrangement suiting each country's national interests and needs.

While a deal was not announced or signed, the negotiations have opened the door to an acceptable agreement in the interests of Yingdala and Valruzia. Should such a deal be reached, it is highly likely that the entire Seleyan continent - already mostly trading freely with Yingdala - will see a major economic boom, helping Yingdala restore its less than spectacular economic growth.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Sep 13, 2020 4:00 pm

Tragedy for Imperial Family as Two Imperial Chariots Collapse

Son of Heaven Yu Wu and his first and primary wife Empress Inoue Noriko (OOC Source: New Hanfu)

Disaster strikes the Yingdalan Imperial Clan as the Imperials Chariots of the Son of Heaven and the Crown Prince have collapsed, leading to their Great Journey to Heaven. The unexpected passing of both the Son of Heaven and Crown Prince within days of one another came as a major shock to the Yingdalan nation. Although Yu Gong, the Son of Heaven, was in his mid-90s, Crown Prince Yu Wen was only 70 with no known health issues. The Emperor of the Great Journey was succeeded by his grandson, Yu Wu, as Son of Heaven, the youngest Yingdalan monarch since Yu Li ascended the Dragon Throne.

The Emperor and Crown Prince of the Great Journey were interred in the Imperial Clan's mausoleum outside of Tian'an. An official three year mourning period was declared, which will prevent the Yingdalan government from engaging in non-ceremonial or non-emergency activities. An enthronement ceremony for the new Son of Heaven will take place after the mourning period ends.

As the new Son of Heaven's name suggests, Yu Wu takes after his more military-oriented grandfather. He eschewed a traditional Jienist tertiary education and enrolled in the Yingdalan Military Academy. A widely known womanizer, His Imperial Majesty is the first Yingdalan monarch in thousands of years to have a harem, which includes a Princess of Vascania. Like his grandfather, the Son of Heaven is expected to maintain a tight grip on the reins of government power, fully backed by an ever loyal military establishment.

Only after the mourning period will we be able to catch a glimpse of the new Yingdalan era under Son of Heaven Yu Wu.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:22 pm

Yingdala Happily Complies with Security Council Resolution by Pumping Funds to Liore and Medina Through the Eastern Development Organization

Yingdalan EDO workers providing aid in Liore (OOC Source: One.org)

Yet again, Yingdala has secured another diplomatic victory, further demonstrating its skills as the peacemaker of Terra. The World Congress Security Council finally approved the Yingdalan proposed peace deal that would end conflict between Medina, Liore, Deltaria, and Vascania. Although peace had already returned to the region, the binding resolution called for all countries to return to their territorial waters, make declarations against imperialism, hold regular talks (for Vascania, Medina, and Liore), and for Yingdala to provide compensation to Medina and Liore through the Eastern Development Organization (EDO). As of right now, Tian'an is complying with the new international law by sending billions of INS to EDO for rebuilding and reparations for Liore and Medina.

In the past, Yingdala had already committed to using EDO to help develop countries in Dovani. It had made a pledge to spend at least 100 billion INS over ten years. In that time, no one appeared to want aid from EDO. The newest Security Council resolution provides Yingdala with ample opportunity to make good on its old pledge.

Much of the new aid to Liore and Medina will focus on rebuilding their respective economies after the Vascanian blockade. However, both countries will have full say in where the funds go. It is ultimately their choice - no strings attached. That is the EDO way.

Though more than happy to make good on the new international law, Tian'an has issued a reminder to the other nations that they also have a duty to uphold the law. The official statement from the Ministry of Rites and Education said:
The Grand Union of Yingdala welcomes the wisdom of the Security Council in supporting His Imperial Majesty the Son of Heaven's peace proposal. We are implementing our part of the resolution by using the Eastern Development Organization to provide reparations to Medina and Liore. And as all nations are aware, Yingdala denounces imperialism in all of its forms. We urge Vascania, Medina, Liore, and Deltaria issue statements against imperialism and commit to them - as mandated by the binding resolution. We hope that this, along with regular trilateral talks, will continue the peace.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Sep 19, 2020 9:08 pm

Two New Aircraft Carriers Enter Service

The Wugui carrier (OOC Source: Amino Apps)

For the first time in over a century, the Yingdalan Imperial Navy has aircraft carriers. Both carriers, developed and built over a 13 year period - having had to wait three years due to the national mourning period - will enable the Yingdalan Imperial Armed Forces to provide better aerial support for its allies.

The carriers, known as Wugui-class carriers, immediately entered service. Together, the carriers were inaugurated by His Imperial Majesty the Son of Heaven in a large ceremony. Attended by government officials and the public alike, His Imperial Majesty made an offering to the spirits of the oceans and seas asking for them to bless the new ships, along with the entirety of the Imperial Navy. Additionally, the Son of Heaven provided the calligraphic stencil for the official naming of each ship, the Yu Li and Yu Gong respectively, after his grandfather and great grandfather.

The HIRM-Yu Li will be assigned to the Black Tortoise Fleet, the gem of the Yingdalan Imperial Navy, while the HIRM-Yu Gong will be assigned to the White Dragon Fleet, responsible for the Western Hemisphere. Each carrier, with capabilities previously reported, will be able to carry both fighters and helicopters, up to 100 total. The Wuya stealth fighter will likely form the core of the new carriers' aircraft.

No plans to establish more carrier strike groups have been reported. It is unlikely that Yingdala would spend the funds necessary, since two groups would be able to cover most of Yingdala's allies. However, one cannot rule out a future arms race with Deltaria.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:49 pm

Black Tortoise Fleet Sent to East Dovani to Monitor Liore

The Black Tortoise Fleet, with a new Wugui-class carrier, travels to international waters near Liore (OOC Source: Navy Times)

For the first time since the conflict between Vascania, Medina, Liore, and Deltaria; a Yingdalan naval flotilla has been sent to East Dovani. Similar to previous events, the Imperial Navy will monitor the situation in Liore. Instead of the Red Dragon Fleet, His Imperial Majesty the Son of Heaven ordered the famed Black Tortoise Fleet, the most elite force in the Imperial Navy, to international waters outside of Liore. The action demonstrates Yingdala's worry over Liore's annexation of Nefa among their other diplomatic actions.

His Imperial Majesty is certainly living up to his name. Yi Wu has shown himself able to use military means for diplomatic ends. By reentering East Dovani and possibly reawakening a conflict that was supposed to be put to bed by the World Congress Security Council, the Son of Heaven is demonstrating Yingdala's willingness to act in a region it views to be critical to its economic interests.

It is said that no one in Tian'an is happy with the actions of the government of Liore. Their statement and compliance with the World Congress Security Council resolution mandating peace in the region is questionable. Their statement against imperialism did not meet the "in all its forms" requirement, not to mention the annexation of Nefa appears to violate this and a number of Security Council resolutions. Diplomats in the Grand Union are believed to be building a case against Liore if necessary. His Imperial Majesty's government would much rather resolve the situation privately.

Already, funds from the Eastern Development Organization (EDO) have stopped flowing to Liore. Managers and senior directors at the organization say they need to focus on project management and analysis to ensure that new funds are expended most appropriately. However, it is widely believed that EDO leadership caved to Yingdalan requests to halt disbursing new monies in order to assess compliance with international law.

The Black Tortoise Fleet's arrival in the international waters near Liore only further put pressure on the Liori Gorilla, even more so given the number of Yingdalans in Mina. While Tian'an has not opined completely on the situation in Mina, the government is expected to be debating whether to declare the Son of Heaven, in His capacity as King, Sovereign, and Emperor of Yingdala; to be the protector of all the Yingdalans in Terra.

Regardless, it appears Tian'an - as consistent with its historic foreign policy - will not tolerate imperialism in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Last edited by Liu Che/Zhuli on Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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