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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:43 am

OOC Source: Wikipedia

Malivia: Delegations from both the Vascanian Empire and the Deltarian Federation have, after months of negotiations and continued small scale skirmishes, agreed to a peace agreement named the "Malivian Peace Accord". The deal, carefully constructed by diplomats from both sides, seeks to both underline the recklessness of Vascania and make Vascania bear responsibility for it while fullfiling Vascanian hopes of Deltaria withdrawing its military assets from the region. According to the Deltarian negotiator Rudolf Jelínek the deal consists of several clauses which will take into effect immediately, as both sides have already ratified the accord.

The deal, as released to the public, is as follows.

1. Vascania lifts all blockades, no fly zones and other measures that would hinder free travel and free trade

2. Vascania will demine the regions they have mined, if needed Deltaria can help with its minesweepers

3. Deltaria withdraws its military assets from both Liore and Medinian territory and waters

4. All sides agree that its the right of each sovereign nations to conduct deals, diplomacy and have military cooperation as long as it doesnt directly threaten the sovereignty of others

5. Vascania agrees to pay a monetary settlement to both Liore and Medina for the economic damage hitting those nations

6. Prisoners of war are exchanged and thus released

secret part of the deal (Not publicly known)

7. Deltaria condemns but accepts the execution of SDI agents using its espionage laws to justify the lack of effort in retrieving them

8. Deltaria agrees to avoid Vascanian national waters and to limit military sales to Medina and Liore to solemnly defensive sales. Diplomatically and economically Deltaria will continue to pursue a relationship with both countries

Upon the signing of the deal the two delegations gave eachother handshakes, celebrating the end of the small scale but consequential conflict. Just an hour after the signatures were put on paper the Deltarian 1st Dovani Battle Group and Nemec Carrier Strike Group set sail within international waters on their way to return to Deltaria. The earlier damaged Deltarian cruiser has until now not been repaired and was thus towed behind the battle group back to Deltarian port. The Aerial Forces have also commenced a operation to return Deltarian aircraft to Deltaria, with it being done gradually over the course of the next few months to ensure that all aircraft arrive back safely. Vascania has reportedly lifted both the no-fly zone and the naval blockade, returning most of its ships back into national waters following the deal. While Demining of sea lanes has yet to commence the Vascanian government has announced that it will begin the process within the week, warning civilian ships to avoid certain mined areas for the time being.

The Accords mark the end of a conflict that had the potential of escalating into full blown global war. With the Zoo Alliance ready to stand behind Vascania there was a great risk of escalation involved. In the end the conflict stayed small but has indeed changed the power balance in the region. With Liore and Medina further alienated from Vascania and Deltaria getting more influence in these countries. Furthermore the peace deal has also raised concerns of political unrest in Vascania itself, as the Empress had promised a "descisive conflict" but ended up conceding on a number of issues.

Deltaria on its end has reportedly realized the vulerability it find itself in. While it has more allies then it historically had it is still considered to be surrounded and isolated on the international stage. While the country boasts an impressive military apparatus it wont be able to only rely on itself to maintain its influence. Inner cricles within the Foreign Ministry suggest that a new foreign policy initiative needs to take shape. Furthermore the KDU parliamentary faction, now the smallest parliamentary group, has called for a dramatic increase in military spending and a new foreign policy initiative to go with it in order to, "grow the economy, strengthen international relations and finally commit to the Three branch Supremacy doctrine" it has called on the government to take action in this regard, also proposing the construction of a second Nemec Carrier, citing the vulnerabilities of Deltaria shown during the recent Vascanian conflict. With Yingdala building its own carrier Deltaria should make sure it stays the foremost military and geopolitical power on the planet according to the KDU. Deltaria's committment to TASN has also come into question. With calls from within political circles to create a new more binding alliance. Vascania was a founding member of TASN but has drifted closely to the Zoo Alliance, with KDU politicans thus now calling for a withdrawal from TASN and the creation of a new geopolitical bloc.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:28 am

OOC Source: Pixabay

Balgrad: Andrej Čuda, former university professor and now popular KDU contendor, has won the Ushalande KDU Primary by a small margin, winning al 150 delegates from the state. While Čuda has been the frontrunner since the start of polling some months ago a outsider named Marina Straková had gained traction with her center-right "traditional progressive" stances. Straková is currently KDU secretary, managing internal party affairs. She is seen as a center-right candidate calling for maintaining certain moralistic laws while reforming other aspects of society in a progressive manner. She won over 42.1% of the vote against Čuda his 43%. Due to the winner take all system Čuda has thus won all delegates in the region. Jandová, who was the real "change" candidate in last party election blundered severely in this second run. According to analysts she lost most of her base after joining the collective KDU leadership and voting on several proposals supported by the KDU establishment. The majority of her supporters flocked to Čuda instead and some to Straková resulting in her extremely poor results, only winning 4,9%. The candidate in 3rd place with 10% of the vote is Alexej Vaněk, the new major of Cahtice. Vaněk is a right wing candidate, calling for a return to a moralistic Deltaria where tradition, power projection and national identity stand at the forefront of policy. He is seen as a firm Deltarian nationalist within the party and has a strong following amongst the right wing of the party.

The polls in the next contests seem to indicate a close race between Čuda and Straková with many seeing it as a battle for the party identity. In the recent midterm election the KDU sunk even further then it did previously, resulting in a result that made it the smallest party in parliament. Čuda is calling for a total change in policy and is running on a platform of national renewal, promising to liberalize the economy, increase military spending, strengthen foreign relationships and reforming Deltaria's social laws in a pragmatic and compromise way, calling for the KDU to becoming a true centrist party with some right wing leanings.

Dont know the candidates? Here is a quick overview provided by The Deltarian.

Andrej Čuda (Centrist, Liberal, Pragmatist)

Izabela Jandová (Center-right to centrist, moderate)

Marina Straková (Center-right, Big-government, traditional progressivism)

Alexej Vaněk (Right-wing, Nationalist)

The primary results for Ushalande Region visualized
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 05, 2020 1:27 pm

OOC Source: NPR

Cahtice: KDU Party secretary Marina Straková has taken the lead in delegates following a tense and close round of primary elections in Darali, Cahtice and Doron Akigo. Straková managed to win the region of Darali and the Republic of Doron Akigo with 52% and 48.4% of the vote respectively, winning over 275 delegates and putting her ahead of Andrej Čuda with his 200 delegates in total, winning only the Federal District of Cahtice in this round. Straková pulled off suprising wins, becoming the frontrunner in a matter of a month. She won with wider margins then polls predicted winning with dubble digits in the large region of Darali and securing a large chunk of the delegates in the race. For the first time in the KDU primary existence the races of Branovice, Alazinder and Dissuwa will decide the winner, while in the previous primary the race was already decided at this point.

These results show a clear divide within the party. With a significant portion wanting a change in policy and make sure the party finds electoral succes once more while another part of the party wants to stay relatively true to the history and original ideology with common sense reforms to try and find back its succes. While Straková seems to now be the favourite the primary polls in Dissuwa and Alazinder are rather favourable to Čuda who still has high hopes of winning the nomination. Its clear that this primary is more contentious then the previous one and will determine the direction the party will head in.

The primary results for Darali Region visualized

The primary results for Cahtice District visualized

The primary results for Doron Akigo Republic visualized
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:32 pm

OOC Source: BBC

Cahtice: Andrej Čuda, university professor and KDU candidate, has won the KDU presidential primaries, beating his main opponent Marina Straková in a thrilling primary cycle. The two were neck on neck, with Straková leading against Čuda after the second round of elections was complete. However, in the third and final round, Čuda managed to snatch away with victory as he won both Alazinder and Dissuwa, putting him over the 360 needed to win the primary. In total he won 425 delegates against Straková her 295 delegates. Despite her loss Čuda made a suprising announcement by nominating her as his vice presidential nominee, uniting the two wings of the party under one ticket. Its a smart move according to political analyst Ingmar Navron, "By making Straková his running mate Čuda is assuring the right of the party that despite his more liberal, pragmatic views he is ready to compromise with them as well. He wants to be a compromise candidate that can reach both sides of the aisle."

Čuda and Straková accepted their nominations last night in a lavish party congress watched by over 2 million Deltarians online and attended by thousands more. The motto of the Čuda and Straková ticket is: "A way Forward" and their campaign program is centered around liberalising parts of the economy, introducing reforms within the healthcare system, systematically increasing military spending and adopting a pragmatic foreign policy stance. Early polls seem to indicate that Čuda is ahead in most polls with as much as 5 percentage points. Current president Gabriel Podlezl had announced some months ago that he would not run for reelection, instead the LKPD nominated Havel Bartoš as their candidate. Instability within the LKPD, the removal of president Kral and the decision of Podlezl not to run for reelection have significantly hurt the initial popularity of the LKPD presidency any many wonder if the KDU can pull off a win next month, despite their parliamentary faction doing poorly in last years midterm election.

The primary results for Branovice District visualized

The primary results for Alazinder Region visualized

The primary results for the Dissuwan Republic visualized
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:41 pm

OOC Source: BBC

Cahtice: Andrej Čuda has won the Federal Presidential Election and has been elected Federal President by a narrow majority of electors. Čuda, who ran against Havel Bartoš, was the frontrunner in most polls but these polls also indicated that the result would be close. In the end Čuda won Ushalande, Darali, Cahtice and Branovice, getting him 123 electoral votes with 107 needed to win. Immediately after defeating Bartoš the newly elected president appeared on stage at his party HQ, adressing the crowd gathered there during the night, "People of Deltaria. You have spoken *loud cheers*. I have just been called by my opponent Havel who congratulated me and therefor all of you with our victory tonight. This is the moment we have been waiting for. Its time for our great renewal. A pragmatic and liberal regime to take form. Let us all stand united and come together after this election. And let us make sure that OUR Deltaria will only move forward, never backwards!"

Čuda then left the stage, visibly excited as the election night came to a close. Čuda ran on a platform of national renewal, liberalizing the economy, strengthening the armed forces and adopting a new foreign policy. He has stated that he will work with the Neoliberální Aliance in trying to achieve these goals and some leaks seem to confirm that the new KDU president will also include NA members inside his cabinet, making sure he has both a mandate as president and within the Assembly. The most pressing issue on the agenda is likely reimagining the foreign policy stances of Deltaria and truly enforce the Three Branch Supremacy doctrine, which will require significantly more funding and focus on the armed forces in order to be adhered to. President Čuda has also stated that he will work to strengthen and revive the struggling MEA to, "ensure free trade, cooperation and economic prosperity on our continent."

The election results visualized
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:54 pm

OOC Source: Russian Defense

Cahtice: The KDU Representatives within the Federal Assembly have proposed a new budget which would grant over 100 billion in additional funds to the Armed Forces. This proposal comes after President Čuda his election in which one of his campaign promises included a large increase in military spending, procurement and development to rival the "increased threats facing the nation." Now, a year after his inauguration, he is thus staying true to this promise with his party the KDU now proposing a structural increase of 100 billion for the military. The new proposed budget also includes a 50 billion increase for Infrastructure and Transport with Čuda stating in a earlier press conference that, "Additional funds for this ministry will be used to further develop and fund our national railways, which have undergone a massive transformation in the last few years and require us to invest additional funds into it. Furthermore the remainder of the funds will be used for new infrastructure projects and maintenance, constructing new vital roads and highways to better connect our economic activities and ensuring that a new maintenance agency maintains our roads 365 days a year so that they last longer and can be used more efficiently."

These large increases also call for some cuts with notable cuts being in the health sector, where a few billion will be cut from the budget, and the tourism sector, which had seen increases in the past but due to its recovery will now receive several billion less as it is now deemed a healthy sector. With this new budget comes new plans. The Ministry of War announced subsequently to the budget reveal that a order for a new Nemec-class supercarrier has been placed with the UEG shipyards several weeks ago. The intention of Yingdala to reportedly construct two carriers of their own and the recent experiences with Vascania have shown the need for a second carrier group to be in Deltarian possession. Due to the existence of the Kirov Battle Group this second carrier strike group will also be used for power projection once assembled.

The construction of a additional carrier brings with it the need for additional escort ships with the MoW looking at several options, likely including a order of additional destroyers and possibly cruisers. The Nemec-class is the largest carrier class in existence, until now Deltaria had relied on its only supercarrier from the nemec class named the DNS Mrazek. Due to its size and capabilities it was deemed as good as two normal carriers. Now, with the increased threat posed by other navy's around the world, the MoW has thus ordered a second Nemec-class carrier to be build. It is expected that construction on the carrier will last a minimum of 4 years, with a total of 6 years planned in for possible delays. Other programs of the military have also picked up steam due to the planned budget increase, with the airforce and ground forces planning their own expansions and development programs. The coming years will likely be golden years for both the defense industry and the military as a whole.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:09 pm

OOC Source: Hoge Cathrijne

Cahtice: The Deltarian Economy is growing by a estimated 4.1%, with unemployment hovering around 5%. This was the conclusion taken from a recent report from the Economic Bureau of Deltaria which maps economic growth and other statistics concerning the economy each year. To the credit of the previous left leaning administration the report suggests that the strong economic growth began as early as 4810, a year where the LKPD passed their budget which includes hundreds of billions in extra funding for a variety of ministries and sectors. This influx of cash created many opportunities for sectors to grow, with the tourism sector receiving a 20% increase in revenue and sectors like the retail sector receiving more then 10% more revenue, thanks in a large part to improving infrastructure and the new global position of Deltaria, causing foreigners to visit the nation more often. Debt also didnt rise as much, as the LKPD made sure to keep a small surplus instead of running a deficit.

Besides the seemingly succesfull economic policies of the previous administration the policies of the new Cuda administration are also starting to take effect. Cuda, who promised to liberalize the economy and create a more open market, has cut several regulations already and has, with Assembly approval, sold off over 30% of state owned companies in "Private Auctions" making them private companies. This has not only had an effect on the state budget, which got a significant upfront cash surplus from these sales, but also made these bussinesses more competitive in the new environment many Deltarian companies find themselves in. Combined with the larger market created by LKPD investment policies the new deregulation and privatization policies of the Cuda administration seem to work in harmony with the policies of his predecessor. Private bussiness is now using government incentives to expand and look for bigger markets while government companies can still compete as the market has grown exponentially.

Now, with the liberalizing reforms of Cuda taking effect, the Economic Bureau this reports a growthrate of 4.1%, the highest it has been in decades. While the LKPD administration of before can also be credited for this success to a large extend Cuda has made sure to take the credit himself, using the booming economy to justify his more small government, deregulatory policies. This seemed to have worked as Cuda his approval rating currently stands at 71%, higher then the 65% approval rating he had when entering office.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Sep 11, 2020 5:45 pm

OOC Source: BBC

Cahtice: PANTHER and SATURN have announced that the new Zeman radar system and the two air to air missiles under development have now officially entered service. The missiles are reportedly being produced in several factories in Doron Akigo with the new PESA radar system named the Zeman system gradually being equipped on the new R-35 jets. The new radar system should allow Deltarian jets the capability of having a clearer picture of their surroundings and possible targets, making the aircraft more combat effective in the air. The new air to air missiles now entering service will complement the introduction of the new radar system with one missile specifically designed to take down enemy strategic and logistic targets while the other can be used for a variety of air to air missions. According to the Airforce Command the new weapons and systems will, "greatly improve the combat effectiveness of our aircraft and will finally complement our air to air capabilities to ensure that our airforce is not only strong in the area of ground support but also in air to air combat."

Besides the new radar and weapon systems the military is developing a variety of new technologies to get a possible edge on the battlefield. New aircraft variants of the MiG-29 are still in development and the Deltarian Navy is busy at work to procure new ships after the massive budget increase was passed in the assembly. Furthermore President Cuda has announced that he will reveal Deltaria's new foreign policy initiative and strategy somewhere in the coming months, making international observers interested in the role Deltaria will play on the global stage within the coming years.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:57 pm

OOC Source: Google

Cahtice: According to a report released by the Naval Forces the construction on the second Nemec-class supercarrier is halfway done. After two years of construction the main frame of the carrier as well as a small amount of its systems have been completed. Furthermore the name of the carrier has also been determined by the Ministry of War, with the carrier being called the "DNS Koleno" after former Deltarian First Minister and President Vladislav Koleno. Despite many deltarians looking back at the Koleno era as a era of great success many particularly on the left of the political spectrum have shown their outrage at the name choice. Many describe the authoritarian and often violent way of rule by Koleno as something that, "needs to be teached but not professed." The name choice is also sensitive amongst some more liberal members of the KDU. Despite this President Cuda decided to go ahead with the choice due to a likely promise he made to Vice President Strackova, who made Cuda do several concessions in exchange for the right wing of the party supporting his presidency. The name will likely be debated further in society but the decision has already been made.

Besides the construction on Deltaria's second carrier taking shape the Naval Forces have also put in a request with the Ministry of War for the order of 5 additional destroyers, 2 additional cruisers and 1 additional frigate. According to the Naval Forces Command Staff the additional order is needed to "adequately form the new carrier strike group and give it equall firepower to the already existing strike group in service." The MoW has already approved the order and has placed it with UEG, who will construct the destroyers and cruisers, and with Kakali who will construct the ordered frigate. With all these additions to the navy the Deltarian navy is becoming even stronger then it already was. Many have credited the Deltarian armed forces for their methodical approach when it comes to expansions and modernizations, allowing the branches to adapt to and train with their new equipment more efficiently then counterparts around the globe. The Deltarian Navy is now one of the, if not the largest navy in the world. For years the focus had been placed on the airforce and navy but the MoW has hinted at the possibility of a contract reveal for the army later down the line, with PRIME Limited already eager to develop possible new ground equipment it may finally be time for the army to get much needed R&D funding after years of relative large focus on the Navy and Airforce.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:12 pm

OOC Source: NASA

Cahtice: The Federal Space Agency, known in Deltaria as the FKA, has launched its "H-1" space probe with the goal of sending it into deepspace similarly to the failed mission of the agency some 20 years ago. Two decades ago the FKA attempted to launch a similar mission into deepspace but failed to do so after its probe lost power and subsequently drifted into space without the ability to do much else. Now, 20 years later and with significanlty more funding as well as experience in launching sattelites, mostly military, the agency has finally succesfully launched the H-1 probe. Its mission will be to drift into deep space and gather valuable information about both its composition and appearance using a variety of cameras and other devices on board. The agency hopes to possibly use this data for future missions as well as using it for research for civilian life on terra. The previous mission already failed during launch when one of its engines failed and it leaned to the wrong side of orbit. Now the launch went as planned with the probe reaching its out of orbit destination without much problems.

The FKA had prepared for this mission for the last couple of years as it gained valuable experience from constructing and then launching around 20 military sattelites operated by the Deltarian OKOB cyber agency. These sattelites are currently being used for military targetting, coordination, navigation and more by the Deltarian Armed Forces. This experience gave the agency the success of today, launching the probe succesfully. Besides the H-1 mission FKA director Bohumil Burian also hinted at the possibility for a new Deltarian moon mission, possibly in the same fashion as done before when Deltaria invited astronauts from several of its allies to join the mission. While Burian was vague, stating that the agency is, "Looking at options." concerning a possible moon mission President Andrej Čuda has in several of his speeches made it clear that Deltarian prestige is not only build on terra but also in the stars and that, "advances in space, no matter it be big or small, will propell this nation forward." with presidential elections held next year many political analysts think Čuda will make going to the moon one of his reelection promises, with further military development and maintaining the currently strong economy as other points on his likely reelection campaign strategy.
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