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Re: Selucia

Postby Auditorii » Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:19 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:48 pm

SuCoSQua inaugurated
The construction of the Selucian Superior Council of Scientific Investigations has been completed, ready to launch research and science in Selucia to new levels

Newly built facilities of the brand new SuCoSQua to be used by the best scientists in the country

After years of hard construction, fulfilling the necessary technical criteria, and finding the best scientists to work at its facilities, the SuCoSQua was officially inaugurated this afternoon.

With the presence of the Quaestors de Health, Education (COSIRA), Ciencia (NPLS), the Consules de Selucia (also the NPLS), the Aedile de Internal Affairs and promoter of the initiative (COSIRA), and the leaders of the opposition ( MTS), a visit has been made to the multiple facilities that will house the country's brightest minds in the scientific field to proceed with their research.

"Today is a great day for our country. Officially, we inaugurated a complex for the highest research in our country, thanks to the broad consensus reached among all political institutions, in pursuit of the common good, to get our nation at the head of international research. "
has stated Pyrgopolynices Auspex, which brought the bill to the People's Assembly.

The institution, which in the coming days will elect its first leader from among the country's brightest minds, is in negotiations with the Kirlawa Advanced Scientific Research Center to form an international research supercomplex, alternating leadership between scientists from both nations. If carried forward, it could serve as a beacon of investigation across Terra.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Tue Sep 29, 2020 10:18 am

Rise of Satanailism in Selucia
a.d. v Kal. Apr. MMMXII a.R.P.c.
(March 28, 4823)

Satanailic Black Mass performed in Leona, Oleria

As the government-sponsored anti-theistic "Church of Reason", founded and supported by the Selucian Traditional Movement during its time in office, has lost its government backing with the official end of mandatory adherence to one or more religious organizations, many of its former members have been searching for non-theistic religious alternatives. Although the priests and priestesses of Reason continue to receive salaries from public funds, as do all other ministers of religion, membership in the Church has dropped significantly since the end of enforced membership. The Festival of Reason, first celebrated in year MMMVI of the Republic in an atmosphere of anti-religious violence that provoked international condemnation, has since then become a much more peaceful and calm affair, while attendance has dropped massively. Several die-hard atheists and agnostics, believing that the more moderate leadership of the Church of Reason has become too accommodating to mainstream religions, have joined more radical non-theistic organizations. The largest and most significant of these is the Temple of Satanail, the main organization catering for the small Satanailic (OOC Satanist) community in Selucia.

In spite of this large influx new non-theistic Satanailists, the religion does in fact have a significant theistic contingent. Although both theistic and non-theistic Satanailists perform roughly the same rituals, the former are defined by a polytheistic belief in Satanail and other demons as real and concrete spiritual entities deserving of honor and worship, while the latter see Satanail as an archetypical symbol of rebellion against the unjust authority of a fascist God, and believe that no being ought to be worshipped. The distinction between the two branches of the religion is also cultural in nature. Most theistic Satanailists are immigrants from Davostan, the nation with the highest number of Satanailists on Terra, and practice Satanailism as the religion they have inherited from their parents, often in addition to other polytheistic religions. They are decried as "ethnic Satanailists" by the non-theistic branch of the religion, who express contempt for their theistic brethren for their perceived gullibility and for shamefully "groveling" to a non-existing deity.

Both of these branches are however represented in Selucia, and in recent years their numbers have been growing. Responding to the rise of this pagan religion the College of Pontiffs of the Selucian Religio (OOC Roman Polytheism) has decided to accept the Temple of Satanail as a collegium within the Religio, with the authority to autonomously govern the affairs of the Satanailic community in Selucia while remaining subject to the final authority of the College of Pontiffs. The Religio's leadership has however expressed reservations in regards to the large numbers of non-theistic Satanailists within the Temple, fearing that they will lead to the secularization of the Selucian pagan religions, but the fact that they remain a minority within the larger pagan and Satanailic communities has persuaded the Pontiffs that opening the doors to Satanailism will overall be beneficial to the Pagan cause in Selucia.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:42 pm

Expansion of Argona Completed
a.d. III Non. Nov. MMMXII a.R.P.c.
(November 3, 4823)

Aerial view of the new Ampliatio district

The expansion of Argona, initiated ten years ago in year MMMII of the Republic, has been completed this month with the inauguration of the new Ampliatio (Expansion) district of Argona. Designed to house roughly 200,000 inhabitants, the new district is designed in a rationalistic grid pattern with orthogonal streets, inspired by ancient Selucian city designs. The two main avenues of the expansion district are the Decumanus Maximus and the Cardo Maximus. According to tradition, the former is meant to be oriented east-west, while the latter should be a north-south oriented street, but in the expansion district the Decumanus Maximus crosses the city diagonally. The intersection of the two avenues is the place of the Forum, build in the ancient style, with the triumphal arch that had been erected in honor of the Republic’s 3000th birthday at its center. The triumphal arch is build in a Neo-Qildari (OOC Neo-Mudéjar) architectural style, and instead of military victory the arch celebrates the millennial history of the Republic and its “restoration” under the Duodecimviri. The grid pattern of the Ampliatio district is occupied by octagonal blocks known as insulae (islands) with chamfered corners, designed in such a way as to amplify visibility and to increase sunlight and ventilation, and all insulae also have an inner courtyard.

Selucian family on the Decumanus Maximus avenue

The expansion of Argona comes at a time when Selucia is moving in the direction of unprecedented decentralization and municipalism. The Calpurnian Law on Local Governmentsingle-handedly transferred nearly all government responsibilities from the central government to the municipalities. Governed by lottery under the provisions of the Tiburtian Law on Local Government, the municipalities are considered the most democratic body in the Republic, so that the radical decentralization sponsored by Tribune of the Opposition Dionysodorus Calpurnius has been hailed as an act of radical democratization. Interestingly, the proposal was passed with the votes of both COSIRA and the Selucian Traditional Movement, marking the first major political collaboration between the two actively opposing political forces. It is doubtful whether this newfound common ground will lead to more substantial collaboration in the future, but it certainly seems like the first step towards future détente.

The Triumphal Arch built in MMM is now at the center of Argona's Forum
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:29 pm

Construction of the Gene and Seed Vault of Oleria completed
The facility, built to store samples of all the genetic material and seeds of Terra, is finished by its constructor and the Procurator of Oleria calls on all nations to contribute to its filling

Entrance to the Gene and Seeds Vault

Two decades later, the promise of the former Procurator of Oleria Agorastocles Proceus has been fulfilled: his successor in office after the victory of COSIRA in the last regional elections, Collybiscus Nabor, announced this afternoon the completion of the construction works of the monumental building, whose purpose, according to what was announced by the Procuratorship of Oleria and by the departments of Science and Environment in the region, will be to "protect and preserve from adverse climatic effects and human action itself all the vestiges of life on the planet, for further study and rehabilitation when the techniques that allow it exist. " Thus, and although the initial project of Agorastocles Proteus was the construction of a kind of crypt to store and protect seeds of all plant species present in Terra, the project that Mr. Nabor has continued and completed goes far beyond this: proof of the new function of this installation is the name it has received: Gene and Seed Vault of Oleria, Crypta de Genes et Semillibus de Oleria (CryGSO). In a press conference offered by the Procurator, in which no questions were admitted, he stated that what will be sought with this facility is the storage of all possible genetic material of all species, both animals, plants, and of different microorganisms, as well as seed samples of all the plant species that populate Terra.

Once its construction has been completed, Mr. Nabor has announced that the scientists who will start working on the installation shortly, associated with SuCoSQua, will immediately begin collecting the material for storage of the Selucian species, but he has asked for help and collaboration to the rest of the nations of Terra to send, or allow scientific teams from Selucia to access their territories, to collect the necessary elements to proceed with their maintenance and storage.

Structure of the Vault

The facilities, which are located in the most mountainous terrain of the island, with a single access road and which from now on will have military surveillance day and night, are made up of a rectangular entrance from which you can access a tunnel excavated in the rock, with different ventilation and cooling systems, in which various identification controls are installed. Towards the middle of the tunnel, a lateral chamber is built that will perform the functions of a research and maintenance laboratory, for the study and conservation of the samples taken to the facility, and at the end, the tunnel opens to three chambers of size unconfirmed, named Sky Domes, prepared for the storage of all the material and protected by armored stainless steel doors. To access the facilities, the institution in charge of issuing the permits is SuCoSQua, and any person from abroad must always enter accompanied by a researcher from the scientific body itself. No more detailed information has been published regarding the facilities, to ensure their protection and prevent possible terrorist attacks. Moreover, the installations will allow for a team of 20 international scientifics to be working at the same time in the complex, for better international transparency.

"Oleria is a safe and suitable territory for these facilities"
said Mr. Nabor.
"I can promise and I do promise that these facilities will be given the utmost care, as they deserve, and our nation's long history as a neutral and democratic territory, support the fact that these facilities are located here. This is the scientific project of the century, I would dare to say, and we encourage all those nations to collaborate with us, and those who have doubts, to contact my government to clear them. The people of Oleria, I am sure, will know how to take proper care of these facilities, and in a future, we will all appreciate that this institution has been raised "

Workers of the Gene and Seed Vault walking towards the one of the Sky Domes

Mr. Nabor, who came to the government of the region with a direct campaign to address the problems of the citizens of Oleria and ignoring national issues, has characterized himself during his current term in office for keeping a low profile in the face of the confrontation between the government of his own party. and the MTS, and unlike his predecessor Mr. Proceus, he shuns social networks for the confrontation and barely uses them to publish laws approved by the regional assembly. Reluctant to interviews, some political experts doubt the appropriateness of his attitude, since they consider that this closure towards the citizens of Oleria can take its toll, while others see in his attitude a different way of doing politics without further feeding the existing tension and polarization in Selucia. On the occasions in which he has been questioned by journalists about his opinion on different national issues or confrontations between COSIRA and the MTS, he always answers the same thing: "I govern for the citizens of Oleria, for each and every one." Little is known about his personal life, although his personal opinions have transcended on several occasions his favorable thinking towards the attitude of the MTS towards Hosianism, although he considers all religions as equally harmful, and his decided position towards the creation of Independent "Olerian State" apart from Selucia.

Procurator of Oleria Collybiscus Nabor in his Procuratorial Room
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:24 pm

"The project is making great strides thanks to the commitment of several nations"
The Grand Master of the Selucian Superior Council of Scientific Investigations announces that there are already five, apart from Selucia, the nations that have expressed their interest and have started to work to collaborate in the completion of the Gene and Seed Vault of Oleria

Cyamus Iunius, current Grand Master of the SuCoSQua

In just a few months, SuCoSQua has already received communications from up to five different nations expressing their interest in the project that the institution is carrying out after the completion of the construction of the Gene and Seed Vault of Oleria. In an interview with the national media, the SuCoSQua Grand Master thanked the five nations that for the moment have been willing to collaborate (Badara, Cildania, Narikaton, Telamon and Trigunia) for their willingness to help in what he considers "the Scientific Project of the Century ", and has encouraged other nations to contact their institution to contribute to it as well.

"From here, I want to give my most sincere thanks to those nations that have already set out to help us complete this difficult task. For this project, ideologies, conflicts, differences between nations do not matter. This has to be a project of everyone, of the scientific community in particular and of our species in general, and we have to collaborate among all so that it succeeds. It is about protecting all forms of life that currently inhabit our planet, of guaranteeing that, although unfortunately some of them may become extinct, they will not do so completely since we will keep samples of them, and who knows what will be achieved in the future thanks to it. That even if our species, if our planet has to go through moments of extreme need, we will have the resources to feed our population. To protect our own species. "

The Grand Master has also announced that SuCoSQua is already in the process of forming the scientific teams that will travel to each of the aforementioned nations to collaborate in the collection of the samples, and has invited the most relevant scientific figures of these, as well as well as their political leaders, to travel to Oleria and visit the facilities.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Selucia

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:33 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby Mr. F49 » Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:13 pm

Last edited by Mr. F49 on Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jafnaðarmannalisti in Telamon (4823 - present)
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:38 am

Yingdalan Religion in Selucia
a.d. VIII Id. Oct. MMMXVI a.R.P.c.
(October 8, 4827)

Traditional Yingdalan ancestor veneration ceremony in Argona

The establishment of a permanent Yingdalan contingent of athletes participating in the Ludi Seluciani has led to growing cultural and even political ties between Selucia and Yingdala. As the Dovani nation seeks a partner in the Western Hemisphere to counter growing Deltarian influence, it appears to have found one in the Majatran island nation. The cultural collaboration between the two countries has now been extended to the field of religion. Historically the Yingdalan minority in Selucia has been minuscule and has not even been registered in the official census. But the establishment of a permanent Yingdalan athletic corps in Selucia, most of whom have also brought their families, has led to a more sizeable and permanent Yingdalan presence in the Republic. The new and growing Yingdalan community has also brought with itself its native religious customs and beliefs, collectively known as the twin Yingdalan religions of Jienism and Guidao. Wishing to establish an institutional structure for Yingdalan folk religions and foster closer collaboration between the indigenous traditions of the two nations, the College of Pontiffs of Religio Seluciana (OOC Roman Polytheism) has decided, based on the historical precedent of Felinism, Geraja, Hosio-Paganism, and Satanailism, to include Guidao (OOC Chinese Folk Religion) among the religions practiced under its authority. The Guidao Collegium will function similarly to the collegia of the other foreign religions incorporated under the umbrella of Selucian Paganism, enjoying full autonomy for its own affairs while being subject to the final authority of the College of Pontiffs. With this act the College of Pontiffs likely aims to enhance the cultural and religious collaboration between Selucia and Yingdala, encourage Yingdalan migration to Selucia, and promote the Religio itself as an inclusive and open religion that wholeheartedly accepts other polytheistic and animistic faiths under its roof, in contrast to the more exclusive nature of its main rival, Hosianism.
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