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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 19, 2020 9:26 am

OOC Source: Military Watch magazine

Cahtice: The DNS Koleno, the second Nemec-Class nuclear supercarrier in the Deltarian Navy, has entered its sea trials after more then 8 years of construction. The Nemec-class is known to be the largest nuclear carrier class operating in Terra and is also notorious for its large construction and operating costs. This cost was a reason for the Deltarian Navy to operate only one carrier strike group for the last 60 years, using the Kirov Battle Group for defensive purposes while the carrier group could be used for global missions. This strategy was however overshadowed during the Vascanian blockade crisis. As Deltaria send its strike group to the region it began to see the problems caused by only having one strike group. While the DNS Mrazek and its escorts managed to execute their mission without major problems the entering of Yingdalan fleets as well as the possibility for more countries to enter the fray caused problems as Deltaria did not have other offensive oriented naval assets to respond to such threats. Its Kirov Battle Group would have been capable, but was stuck in the majatran sea as navy doctrine didnt allow it to leave its defensive purpose as a "carrier killer" behind to aid the strike group.

After the conflict and Yingdala's announcement that it would construct its own pair of carriers the new Deltarian president Andrej Cuda decided it was time to embark on the costly project to construct a second Nemec-class carrier and assemble a strike group for it, allowing Deltaria to project its power in more places then one if need be. Furthermore a order was put in place for the construction of additional ships of other classes to properly ensure a strong strike group could be assembled. Now, 8 years after construction started, the DNS Koleno, as the second Nemec-carrier is called, has entered its sea trials together with a temporary escort of two frigates. During its sea trials, which will last around a year, the navy will further assemble and complete the strike group and its composition, which will be similar to that of the DNS Mrazek. The ships needed for the strike group are partially complete and it is expected that when the DNS Koleno returns from sea trials and enters service the strike group will be fully assembled and ready. The creation of the new carrier strike group will allow Deltaria to further project its power over sea, allowing it to protect its allies or respond to international incidents whenever required. It is also seen as a strong deterent towards Yingdala, as the two Nemec-carriers combined equall 4 "regular" nuclear carriers. It is unclear what type of carrier the Yingdalans will construct but with Deltaria further strengthening its capabilities the stakes are high.

The Ministry of War also announced it will reveal a serious modernization and development plan for the Deltarian Ground Forces somewhere next year. This would mean the first serious investment into the ground forces in over 2 decades, possibly meaning that Deltaria has become more and more serious about its Three-Branch Supremacy doctrine.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 19, 2020 9:46 am

OOC Source: Eater London

Cahtice: Federal President Andrej Čuda has been elected to a second 5 year term after a contentious election. Čuda, who has overseen a strong economy and has kept his promise of strengthening the Armed Forces, went into the election with a 4% lead nationally. On election day he managed to win the same regions he won back in his first election with only Branovice District switching sides and going for his opponent. Him winning a second term is consequential, as he can now proceed with his liberalization policies as well as his strengthening of the Armed Forces. His win grants him another 5 years in office, giving him a total of 10 years as Deltarian president. The main contributor to his re-election is the strong economy. Čuda has overseen a economy that has gown by a estimated 3% annually with spikes of 4%. Unemployment is also low, with a rate of only 4.2% meaning that the Deltarian economy is by every means flourishing, likely caused by both a increase in government investment into vital sectors as well as deregulations passed by Čuda his administration. The tourism sector has also grown by over 5% in the last 6 years, further contributing to the strong economy.

Despite his re-election win and his approval rating of 68% Čuda has announced that he will finish this 5 year term but will not run for re-election in 4821, citing that a president is there to serve the people and after his recent promises have been achieved he will have "nothing new" to bring to the table besides "the ambition to remain in power, which is something i have but wont give in to." Normally the KDU holds a party primary to select the nominee for president and party leader. In the recent election however the party decided to cancel the primaries and nominate Čuda as he announced his ambition to run for a second term. Now, with Čuda announcing he will not run for a third many eyes are set on Vice President Marina Straková. Straková became second on the primary contest but was nominated by Čuda to be his Vice Presidential nominee. Now she is thus entering her second term as vice president and many within the party expect her to try and win the party nomination for the next election. Party officials have urged Straková to enter the primary race when it arrives as she is expected to be a instant frontrunner and will have the experience of the executive office to bring to the table and the election. The KDU has announced that it will hold a primary contest in 4820 to determine the nominee which means Straková would have to win in the primaries in order to win the nomination. It is unclear what she plans on doing but with the president not contesting in the next election many are anxious to see what it might bring.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:28 pm

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:55 pm

OOC Source: Wikipedia

Cahtice: The Ministry of War, under the leadership of newly appointed War Minister Valentýn Vašíček, has revealed their development and modernization plan for the Ground Forces of Deltaria. This will mark the first time in over one and a half decade that the Ground Forces will receive special attention in what is known as a "Ministerial Focus". This plan, codenamed the "National Military Ground Initiative" or NMGI will invest over 150 billion into the ground forces over the course of the next decade. This money will however only partially spend on expansions of existing equipment with most funds being exclusively reserved for development of new equipment or upgrades for existing equipment.

The plan is detailed and includes most new projects currently in the works. Several notable projects include for example the development of the "Zeca Phase II" or simply known as the Zeca II. This is a new and modernized variant of the Deltarian Zeca tanks, which is the main main battle tank of the Ground Forces. The phase II will, according to the report, include a modernization of its major weapons systems, a armour upgrade package and the new version of the commander sights. The Phase II package is likely to be implemented on existing Zeca tanks once completed and it is expected that it will take around 5 years to upgrade all tanks in service to the new Phase II package. Another so called "upgrade package" is currently under development for the T-90A's in Deltarian service, with similar upgrades to the Zeca package. These upgrades will likely be implemented in a similar timeframe to those of the Zeca with the notable exception that while the Zeca numbers will be maintained the MoW has ordered 50 additional T-90A tanks with the upgraded package.

The largest part of the "Ministerial Focus" plan is however revolved around the development of new equipment for the ground forces that is partially set to replace older equipment or, in some cases, fills a gap currently inside the ground forces. One such development is the development of "Project 459" which is classified as a "modular amphibious wheeled infantry fighting vehicle and armored personnel carrier" in the plan. This project, under development by PRIME Limited, is seen as a replacement for the BTR series and could perform a variety of missions such as infantry escort, infantry transport, amphibious assault and ground support. In contrast to the BTR series currently in Deltarian service the "Project 459" vehicle will have its engine in the front and a large exit door in the back, something BTR vehicles did not have which was a significant setback for them. Project 459 is still in its early stages and its expected that it wont leave design phase for at least the next 2 years. PRIME Limited has already contracted with the DDS to construct 50 initial Project 459 vehicles with the MoW stating its "dedicated to replacing the current Armoured Personel Carriers with a new alternative if proved to be a improvement over the older models in service."

Besides PRIME Limited another company was named in the plan. The Majatran Defense Corporation, which develops and produces equipment for most of Majatra, has contracted with the DDS to jointly develop a new high-mobility multi purpose military armoured vehicle codenamed "Project 460". This new vehicle would replace the old, poorly armoured and outdated UAZ-469 in Deltarian service and would, according to the plan, be produced in large numbers. Project 460 is already nearing production phase and it is expected that the MoW will order possibly thousands of them once ready, partially replacing and further supplementing the older UAZ vehicles in Deltarian service. This new vehicle would also be highly used for the special forces the ZNZS besides use as a regular infantry transport vehicle.

Besides heavy investments into equipment the Ground Forces will also undergo a costly reorganization which will cost around 4 billion in total. The reorganization was announced following Colonel-General Žigmund Slavik's announced retirement. He will be replaced by Ferdinand Urbánek. This change in the top leadership of the ground forces also prompted a general reorganization with a likely change in doctrine, focussing more on tactics and less on the "superior number" tactics of before and a total overhaul of the training program for new recruits, which will be granted around 200 additional hours in their initial training program and receive basic training in the fields of engineering, parachuting and further training in communication, which would allow the soldiers to better anticipate the actions of the enemy and communicate better with locals in conflict zones. The Marine Corps, under the official wing of the Naval Forces, will also receive a new training program and will launch a recruitment campaign to recruit a additional 2000 marines for their ranks. All this combined will be realized in a decade if everything goes to plan.

Minister of War Vašíček acknowledged the ambition of the plan but stated that "Recent decades have seen immense technological and tactical developments in the Naval Forces and Airforces of our Unified Armed Forces. Today marks the day the Ground Forces will go through that same development and im confident that in the end it will come out as a better force."

OOC Reference material

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Oct 03, 2020 1:08 pm

OOC Source: Pinterest

Cahtice: The Ministry of Defense (recently renamed from the Ministry of War) has, in their preliminary review report about the NMGI program, announced that the "upgrade" packages for existing equipment of the Ground Forces, mainly the armoured vehicles in the arsenal, is nearing completion. This upgrade program included a Mark-II version of both the T-90A and T-84 Zeca tanks in Deltarian service which would upgrade their armour packages, improve their advanced systems and improve their cannons. This upgrade package for the Deltarian tanks is reportedly "90% complete" and most investment and focus is now set on the development of the newly announced ground equipment and the training program for the ground forces, including a partially new command structure.

With this report most existing equipment in the NMGI program has thus received a significant upgrade which grants the Ground Forces enhanced capabilities. The development of the Project 459 is now receiving most attention, with several prototypes already tested and production now underway. The Ministry of Defense has placed an order of 200 Project 459 vehicles with the Federal Assembly voting on the order tommorow, its likely to pass. Further focus is also put in the improvement and partial change in training programs and doctrine. The newly revamped command structure is proving a help in this improvement of the training program as newly appointed Colonel-General Ferdinand Urbánek has worked to make the transition seemless. Reports from within the Ground Forces seem to suggest that the new training program is well received by soldiers and contributes to, "the continued improvement of skills even on lower levels within the ground forces."

If the remainder of the 150 billion NMGI plan proceeds without problems the Ministry of Defense expects it to be completed by the end of 4827. The Marine Corps has also received a estimated 2000 extra recruits in the last years, contributing to the MoD ambition of strengthening this more specialized naval infantry force.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Oct 03, 2020 2:12 pm

OOC Source: Hungarian Parliament

Cahtice: The Federal Assembly is currently voting on a constitutional ammendment that is set to abolish the electoral college system and form a semi-presidential federation with the President remaining as the main executive figure. This change, according to Assembly Majority Leader Stanislava Skálová, will make "the executive branch more representative of the country and ensure a stable and transparant electoral process." The change was instigated by the newly formed Liberal Conservatives (formerly the KDU) after several years of relative unpopularity of the electoral college system, with over 70% of Deltarians stating they would want a more representative executive branch in a recent poll.

This new system would see the President remain as the most important figure within the executive and keep most of his responsibilities and powers but he or she will not be elected by the electoral college, instead a popular vote will determine who wins the position. The positions of HOG and HOS have also been split in the new constitution, creating the HOG position of premier which is put forward by the president and confirmed by the legislative. The premier will however be below the president, only having the constitutional task of managing cabinet affairs and any other affairs handed to him or her by the president. The president will remain the most senior and important figure in the executive. The Premier will also act as second in command, taking over from the president if he or she cant exercise his or her duties.

The new constitution is being voted upon and is likely to pass with a supermajority, officially abolishing the electoral college and reforming the system into a semi-presidential federation.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Mon Oct 05, 2020 10:06 am

OOC Source: Flickr

Cahtice: Newly appointed Deltarian Foreign Minister Jonáš Polák has visited the Dovani nation of Liore last week to discuss increased economic partnership and improve relations further between the Federation and the Dovani nation. Liore and Deltaria have come closer in recent decades following the war with Vascania and Deltaria coming to Liore its aid. While Deltaria hasnt directly condemned Liore its occupation of Nefa it has, behind the scenes, made it clear it doesnt approve of it either, taking a neutral stance on the matter. Nefa does however not block the increased cooperation between the two nations. As Deltaria has been trying to increase its economic influence in the region and create markets for its products its new Liberal Conservative government has created a large investment fund named the Dovani Investment and Development Fund or DIDF. This fund, consisting out of more then 300 billion in liquid capital, is meant to stimulate the expansion of markets in Dovani nations and improve the stability of economies making use of the fund. Foreign Minister Polák and his Liore counterpart discussed the fund during a joint press conference, stating that Liore will be granted access to over 100 billion in the fund in the course of the next 5 years. This large amount of capital, significantly larger then what Liore gained in EDO, will help Liore further developing its economy and is meant for infrastructure improvements, subsidies for bussiness and strengthening state institutions. Furthermore Deltaria will send economic advisors to Liore that will help their economic ministries to better manage the funds and limit the posibility for corruption, which is still a problem to some degree in Liore.

Besides economic discussions the two ministers had reportedly also discussed the selling of one of Deltaria's most precious defensive military systems, the S-300 long-range anti missile system. This system is currently in use on a large scale in Deltaria's "HEAT" missile defense network and has proven its worth on a number of occasions as a effective and valuable missile defense system. Documents obtained by the Deltarian show that Deltaria is selling a total of 10 S-300 installations. Which include radar systems and a intergrated command centre. The selling of 10 of these systems means that Liore could cover most of if not all of its coastline, protecting it from most long range missile threats. Under the treaty signed with Vascania Deltaria is not allowed to sell offensive weaponry to Liore, but this missile system is classified as defensive in purpose and may thus be exported.

While Foreign Minister Polák has denied suspicions that the selling of the S-300 systems and heavy investment into Liore comes after Tai'nan started its naval surveilance of the nation sources from within the government seem to suggest that this is indeed the case. They state that Deltaria sees an obligation to aid Liore in order to limit Yingala's influence in the region. The Deltarian government sees Liore as a valuable ally that could limit further Yingdalan influence expanding east. The selling of the S-300 and the 100 billion investment to fill the EDO gap is seen as a message to Tai'nan that Deltaria wont sit by as it threatens allies and imposes its influence in the region without obstacles. Polák has stated that, "We are merely conducting bussiness with a important ally in the region. By doing this we ensure a strong relationship is maintained and the Liore-Deltaria relationship is beneficial to both sides and the region as a whole."
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Oct 11, 2020 7:50 am

OOC Source: Bussiness Insider

Majatran Sea: The Deltarian Naval Forces, using both their Kirov Battle Group and the 1st Nemec Carrier Strike Group, have concluded a series of naval exercises yesterday codenamed the "Majatran Defense and Cooperation Operation" or MCDO. This series of exercises wasnt conducted alone. In fact more then 3 Majatran allies participated in the naval exercise which has been dubbed the largest exercise in the region in the last 3 decades. The nature of the MCDO exercises was defensive, training the 4 navies in protecting the Majatran Sea from foreign intruders and preparing them for a variety of situations. The Deltarian Navy on its part would also be able to train some of its amphibious warfare assets, something it had not done in years.

The start of the exercise revolved around preventing a foreign navy from entering the Majatran Sea at all. With the Deltarian, Cildanian and Badaran navies working closely together in strategically shutting passage into the Majatran Sea. The Kirov Battle Group of Deltaria proved to be invaluable for this task, preventing the Istalian carriers (with the Istalians being marked as OPFOR in this part of the exercise) from entering the sea and even destroying one of their destroyers in the simulated battle that ensued. Istalian attempts at piercing through the defensive line using several of its jets were partially succesfull but ultimately failed to reach their goals. For the first time Deltaria's diesel electric submarine fleet managed to play a vital role, sinking several smaller vessels that tried to pierce through the line.

The second part of the exercise would see a open battle in the middle of the Majatran Sea, all three navies were positioned in a "free for all" manner, all pitted against eachother. The Badaran Navy proved to be small in numbers but capable in leadership, as they outmaneouvered even the Deltarian fleet at times. In the end however both Istalia and Deltaria came out on top in a 3 day long naval battle that saw all navies take optimal use of radar systems, visual targetting and their own naval doctrine to get the upper hand. Deltarian and Istalian air power at sea proved to be the deciding factor that tipped them into victory.

The last, but for Deltaria most important, part of the exercise was the amphibious assault. Beaches in Ushalande Region in Deltaria were prepared over the course of a week with makeshift bunkers and defensive positions scattered all over. Cildanian, Istalian and Badaran marines were tasked with defending these positions while the Deltarian Marine Corps together with ZNZS special forces were tasked with capturing several strategic positions and establishing a beachhead. At the start of the exercise this proed to be harder then anticipated, ZNZS forces were paradropped behind enemy lines but were quickly pinned down by Istalian Marines which had layed several traps and ambushes for the paradropped troops. On the beaches Deltarian jets launched siulated precisions strikes on defensive positions, weakening existing defenses. After a few hours of bombardment Deltarian Marines arrived at the beaches with their armoured amhibious vehicles, slowly moving forward as they were taken under fire by defenders. After 4 hours of stalemate and a Deltarian victory uncertain ZNZS special forces finally managed to break out of their stalemate and capture several important choke points land inwards. The Deltarian Marines, aided by a degradation of the defenders their supplies, moved forward and managed to establish a beachhead. At the end of the exercise however the Deltarians had only completed 60% of their objectives, with the Istalian, Cildanian and Badaran defenders keeping a hold of several important positions.

This exercise is deemed a success for both the participating Deltarian allies as well as Deltaria itself, "All sides have really benefitted from this week long exercise and it has ensured us that Majatran forces are ready to take on a agressor may they ever set foot into our backyard. It has prepared our naval forces for a variety of scenarios as well as training our marines in a realistic fashion."

The Deltarian Military Command Staff has thanked the Istalian, Cildanian and Badaran allies for participating in the exercise stating that, "We look forward to further Majatran defense cooperation in the future."
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:10 am

OOC Source: Billy Hardiman

Cahtice: Deltaria is shocked after a report in the Cahtice Chronicle has seemingly exposed a major church scandal going all the way up to the current Pápež of the TPC Miran I. The scandal, involving several high ranking church officials, revolves around money the church received in both public donations and government subsidies. This money, meant to maintain church property, was instead used for "A variety of parties, sex events and expensive trips abroad". Furthermore there is also evidence of money laundering, with the Bishop of Cahtice and Bishop of Balgrad reportedly using their churches to launder over 2 million DTE made illegally from several illegal bussinesses.

While the church is known for small scale scandals this scandal seemingly goes up to the Pápež himself, with communications between him and Bishop Zalvan of Cahtice talking about the laundering scheme and the office of the Pápež reportedly using many of the donated money themselves for "Personal expenses" of the Pápež. Communications also show the Pápež his explicit support for the laundering scheme, literally stating that "Sometimes we have to help ourselves". Many moderate TPC followers have heavily condemned the actions of the church and social media platforms have seen the #PápežBeGone go viral. The ruling Liberal Conservative president Matěj Petr has yet to respond officially to the developing scandal but has stated to reporters that "The Church has a special position in the constitution." Its unsure what he means by that. Left wing oppossition is likely to use the scandal to start a debate on the future of the TPC in Deltaria, which has since its inception had a major impact and influence on Deltarian society.

Pápež Miran has denied all accusations and responded by saying, "This is just a left wing attempt at taking down the church that has brought so much joy and purpose to Deltarian society. Its a disgrace."
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:02 pm

OOC Source: Swedish Government

Cahtice: The Liberal Conservatives (LK) has regained control over the Deltarian Federation in what can only be described as a election sweep/landslide. The LK, which had been in power for decades before, disbanded some years ago after internal fighting ensued over the papal scandal. It resulted in a period of turmoil for Deltaria and several years of retreating from the world stage. But now the Deltarian Bear is back, as the Liberal Conservatives have reformed and thus now taken the presidency, legislature and a plurality of local republic, region and municipal seats. They stormed these positions with their promise of "a new start" combining both tradition and forward thinking into government and promising to make Deltaria the predominant global power. Their program included: Increased military spending, a renewed focus on global trade and diplomacy, the creation of a Majatran military alliance to coincide with the MEA and the passing of a initiative they called "The Way Forward" a combination of traditionalist and pragmatic laws designed to both lower federal involvement into the economy while enacting several conservative laws to "bring back tradition" to the national policies of government.

These promises and initiatives were well received, resulting in a major win for the party and its platform. Newly elected president Petr has already appointed his cabinet with Jan Mašek as his Premier tasked with overseeing cabinet and likely being given authority over internal affairs matters. The government has already proposed their "Way Forward" initiative which is likely to pass parliament. Plans for strengthening and possibly expanding the armed forces have also been in the works, with many wondering what role Deltaria might take on the global stage.
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