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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Sun Nov 08, 2020 1:41 pm

COSIRA wins the 4842 Selucian elections!
The party regains the first position, maintains the three Praetorships and Auspex announces his departure from the general secretacy

COSIRA voters celebrating the results near the headquarters of the party

Forty years later, COSIRA has once again risen as the most voted party in Selucia, after gathering more than 23 million votes, representing almost 41% of all those citizens who went to the polls, achieving its second best electoral result, only behind the first elections the party ever contested. Although the party has not also managed to win the Censorship, which has been once again won the MTS although by a difference of just 400,000 votes from the almost 60 million votes cast, COSIRA has also kept the three Praetorships that occupied after the last elections - the two of Oleria plus the first of Aquilonia - and it has shown that the party is more alive than ever.

These results are undoubtedly a strong boost to the leadership of Pyrgopolynices Auspex, elected secretary general of the party 30 years ago, who now feels supported to continue applying her doctrine in the party, according to various sources close to her, while also being a huge boost to the Olerian federation leaded by Praetor Collybiscus Nabor, after once again receiving more than 50% of the votes in the island for the third time in a row. However, on the election night itself and after thanking the citizens of Selucia for supporting his candidacy once again - he has been Consul de Selucia continuously for 10 years - he announced by surprise that this would be his last term as Secretary General of COSIRA, and in case of reissuing his government alliance with the NPLS, which everything seems to indicate that this will be the case, it will also be his last term as Consul de Selucia.

"Thanks to all the citizens who during this electoral night have taken to the streets to fulfill their right to vote, and have decided to bet on supporting us. For years since this party was founded we have worked hard to build a society fairer and freer, and we are happy to see that these intentions seem to bear fruit. It is undoubtedly extremely gratifying to see that more than 40% of the citizens who have come to vote today have done so with the idea of ​​supporting COSIRA, and has done knowingly what we defend. Without a doubt, we will try not to disappoint the expectations they have placed on us. A vote for COSIRA is a vote for freedom, it is a vote against religious impositions, it is a vote for equal rights and opportunities, a vote to defend social justice. And it has been you, the citizens, who have made it possible for us to continue defending that. "

After that speech, and after celebrating that the citizens have supported in a massive way - the participation has been around 70% - the reform of the political-administrative organization as well as the restoration of the Supreme Court, he has proceeded to communicate his resignation to the voters present at the party headquarters, surrounded by all the important figures of the party, such as the leader Atilia Valerius or the elected Praetors of Oleria and Aquilonia.

"Likewise, and with all the pain in my heart, I take advantage of this beautiful night to announce my resignation to present a new candidacy to lead this party in the next primaries that we celebrate. Currently I have been leading it for 30 years, and although I am convinced that I have done the best I could, with my failures and my successes, I think it is time for someone else to take over. "

For his part, in his victory speech after being reelected by an absolute majority as Praetor de Oleria, Collybiscus Nabor has praised his management of the last legislatures and has promised to confront all "reactionary conservative movements", attacking for the first time turn to MTS, which has obtained only 20% support in the region.

The current Consul de Selucia and still secretary general of the party has announced that his intention during this new legislature, from which he has already advanced that he has proposed to the NPLS to maintain the current composition of the government, practically divided equally, despite the difference in seats - COSIRA has obtained 305 and the NPLS 164 - is to be more ambitious with legislative projects, thus responding to the criticism of those who, from inside and outside the party, ugly that their last governments have been little productive in legislative matter.

Some rumors seem to indicate that the most radical faction of the party as well as the youth of the party are already looking for their candidate for the primaries, which could very surely come from the Olerian federation, to face the candidate who presumably receives the support of Pyrgopolynices Auspex, who will be a candidate more moderate and open to compromise even with the MTS. Thus, a new war of powers looms once the Titan's fall is consumed.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:23 am

Six more nations send samples to the Gene and Seed Vault
A total of 13 nations already participate in the project initiated by the government of Selucia to preserve the genetic material and biodiversity of Terra

One of the planes discharging the material for its transportation to the Vault

Collybiscus Nabor, Praetor de Oleria, announced this afternoon that six more nations had joined the seven that had already sent samples of seeds and genetic material from their respective territories to the Gene and Seed Vault of Oleria. In a special statement released by the island's government, the Praetor thanked these nations for their collaboration and asked the rest of the nations of Terra to "follow their example" to safeguard the natural life of the planet.

"From the government of Oleria, as well as from the Rectorate of SuCoSQua, the entity in charge of managing the Seed and Gene Vault, we thank the nations of Beluzia, Davostan, Endralon, Kundrati, Rildanor and Rutania for their collaboration with this project and their diligence to when carrying out the collection of necessary samples. We understand that this project, as such, does not understand about political discussions or differences between States, but rather seeks to unite all the countries of Terra under a single idea: that of ensuring that we preserve the life found on this planet no matter what happens. That is why this government, in collaboration with SuCoSQua, will not relent in its efforts to attract more nations to participate in this ambitious project, good for the world and good for ourselves.

Collybiscus Nabor and Egnatia Sevso, Praetors de Oleria
Avita Armiger, Magna Magister of SuCoSQua "

The unloading of the material, which has landed at the airport of the Olerian capital and which has had the strict supervision of the recently elected Avita Armiger, new Magna Magister of SuCoSQua after the withdrawal of her predecessor in office Cyamus Iunius after 20 years, has been carried out quickly to ensure the good conservation of the samples, and immediately afterwards they have all been transferred in armored vans to the Gene and Seed Vault, where they have proceeded to be correctly stored.

Mrs. Armiger has also thanked the nations participating in the project in the name of science for their actions, and defended that
"future generations will remember us for what we do today, for what we could have done and we did not, or for what we could have done and decided to go for it, for the steps we take to avoid destroying the same planet that gave us life, or at least to preserve its great diversity in the best way we can. "

More nations are expected to join in the coming months.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:06 pm

Important changes in COSIRA
Three regional secretaries re-elected; changes in the presidency, general secretary and regional secretary of Oleria

From left to right: President Epidia Barbatus, General Secretary Portia Marsyas and Olerian Secretary Ballio Thrasea

Today the results of the COSIRA primaries, which are held every five years, have been announced, and for the first time in a long time, they have brought substantial changes.

The militants, accustomed to revalidating their current leaders by large majorities, have done this on this occasion with four of the five regional secretaries - the party has not yet changed the organizational model of its regional federations and therefore, despite being three islands, both Aquilonia and Sadaria have two secretaries while Oleria has only one -. Party leaders in the two regions of Aquilonia and Sadaria have revalidated their posts. However, in the last one, in the regional secretariat of Oleria, there was a surprise: in these elections Egnatia Sevso, current co-Praetor of Oleria, faced Ballio Thrasea, current Minister of Science and Technology as frontrunners of the island, in addition to several minor competitors, after the until now regional secretary Collybiscus Nabor announced just a few months in advance that he would not present himself to revalidate the mandate for the next five years. Nabor, who since his arrival at the regional secretariat in 4821 has not stopped reaping victories - he has been heading the regional executive since then -, has not given reasons for his withdrawal, but among the reasons that run through the most intimate circles are he believes that he is preparing the leap to national politics, although nothing is officially confirmed. Meanwhile, in a regional primary in which it was expected that Mrs. Sevso would be elected without major difficulties, the militants of the regional federation have surprised by electing Mr. Thrasea as the new regional secretary with 57% of the votes, very far from the 39% harvested by Mrs. Sevso. Ballio Thrasea, doctor of Medicine and specialized in virology, has held this legislature the position of Minister of Science in the fifth Nabor government, and his characteristic patch hides a scar from a burn that injured his eye during his student years, blinding him completely on that side. During this term, he has been one of the architects of the negotiation with more nations of their participation in the Gene and Seed Vault, and has numerous contacts in the world of science despite his youth. Prior to his political career, in fact, he worked for a few years at SuCoSQua. His own party colleagues know him as the affectionate nickname "Red Eye", because of his membership in the party's communist organization. In this way, his candidacy is imposed on that of Sevso, much more moderate and that which attempted to attract to her the orphaned voters of the late NPLS.

However, the changes have not stopped there. Following the post-election night announcement by Pyrgopolynices Auspex, in which he confirmed that he would not seek re-election for a new term as head of the party in the general secretariat, many candidates announced their intention to fill the post. However, only four made it to the primaries. And it is in them that the youths of the party have reaped a new victory after that achieved in Oleria and the lost occasions in the rest of the federations: the election of a socialist candidate. Portia Marsyas, 48, has won the primary victory in a tight vote in which he has obtained 41% of the votes, beating his main rival who has obtained 39% of the votes. In this way, the more centrist drift directed in the last legislatures of Pyrgopolynices Auspex could be reversed after the arrival of this woman, a philosopher by profession, to power. Laetoria Genesius, who has been Auspex's co-Consul during all his tenure as Consul of Selucia, declined to participate in the primaries for "health reasons" - she is currently 75 years old -, but offered her explicit support to Mrs. Marsyas during the campaign.

Finally, the position of Party Leader has also changed, with Epidia Barbatus being chosen as its new leader. We will see how these changes affect.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:30 pm

Traditionalists Regain Power
a.d. XV Kal. Dec. MMMXXXVI a.R.P.c.
(November 17, 4847)

Selucian aristocrat Marcus Cassius Aquilinus is the second Censor hailing from the Gens Cassia

For the first time since MMMVI a.R.P.c. (4817 CE), the traditionalist conservative Selucian Traditional Movement has gained an absolute majority of seats in the People's Assembly in this month's election, regaining the ability to form a cabinet on its own for the first time in thirty years. The election follows the collapse of the centrist NPLS, the long-time coalition partner of radical left COSIRA, leaving the nation polarized between the traditionalist Pagan right and the secular radical left. Observers fear the consequences of the polarized environment where there is hardly any common ground between the two sides of the spectrum, as the nation returns to a two-party system. The elections also revealed the political gulf separating the Commonwealth of Oleria from the other two islands, as the traditionalists managed, for the first time since the confederal system was introduced, to emerge victorious in the Praetorial elections in both Sadaria and Aquilonia, leaving Oleria in the hands of COSIRA. In a nation plagued by religious and political tensions, a polarized two-party system can spell disaster.

Although the Selucian Traditional Movement re-confirmed its near monopoly on the institution of the Censorship, with Marcus Cassius Aquilinus being elected as the second Censor originating from Selucia's prestigious Gens Cassia, it has so far not yet staked its claim on the other leading executive magistrature, the Consulship. Instead sources within the party confirm that its leadership has reached out to the still ruling COSIRA party with a proposal for a cabinet coalition, one that, if successful, will have unanimous support in the legislative. The idea of a COSIRA-MTS coalition, however far-fetched it may seem, is not new. The prospect of a Pagan-Secular alliance against the privileges of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church, cemented through the joint participation of the main political representatives of the two religious affiliations in a government coalition, was first floated after the MMMXVI elections (4827 CE). The proposed coalition never became reality, but the efforts of the Selucian Traditional Movement to reach out to COSIRA have left at least one lasting legacy. The Augustinian Law on Religion, a piece of legislation backed by both COSIRA and the MTS that turns the Aurorian Patriarchal Church and several other religions into illegal organizations, remains the law of the land, sparking fears that, whether a grand coalition becomes reality or not, the persecution of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church will continue. Organizations campaigning for the rights of Aurorian Patriarchal Hosians have already pleaded with COSIRA not to accept the coalition proposal and to work instead towards overturning a law that they argue is discriminatory. Whether the radical left party will take heed of their entreatments or not, it seems likely that the practice of Aurorian Patriarchal Hosianism will remain illegal for the forseable future.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:39 pm

BREAKING: COSIRA accepts the MTS proposal: first government with a broad political spectrum in Selucia
The MTS proposal to form a coalition government this time receives the approval of the COSIRA Federal Committee, with the votes against by the representatives of Oleria and the abstention of Portia Marsyas

The brand new Praetor de Oleria outside the island's Assembly talking to the press after
the telematic meeting of the COSIRA Federal Committee

This time, Selucia will have a coalition government between two parties that, a priori, could be considered as water and oil: the COSIRA Federal Committee, made up of representatives of the five party federations, has given the green light to approve a mixed executive between both parties.

The meeting, which was held urgently after receiving the MTS proposal, according to sources consulted, was anything but peaceful. According to the same sources, Oleria's new regional secretary, elected as the island's new Praetor after these elections by an absolute majority once again, replacing Collybiscus Nabor, has made clear his position against agreeing with the MTS. Unlike his predecessor in office, who despite his reluctance towards the conservative party was spared criticism of them by ties of friendship, Mr. Ballio Thrasea, who has given the party its second best historical result on the island, has not spared criticism of the MTS, which he considers a party "anchored in the past", "full of hatred for the different" and that "destroys everything it touches." However, on this occasion the position of the Olerian federation has not been able to prevail. With the victory of moderate candidates in the primaries of the other four federations - not even the federation of Sadaria Orientalis, traditionally closest to them, has withstood the moderate wave - the result of the vote in the Federal Committee has been overwhelming: 7 votes in favor, 3 against - both from the Olerian federation and 1 from the Sadaria Orientalis federation - and one abstention, that of the newly elected General Secretary for these elections, Portia Marsyas.

This vote has been the one that has caused the greatest surprise among the party's militants and sympathizers, mostly opposed to the government pact with the MTS, since Mrs. Marsyas received during the party's primaries the explicit support of Laetoria Genesius, the country's left-wing co-Consul in tandem with the more moderate Pyrgopolynices Auspex, who already tried the pact with the MTS once. On that occasion, it was the Federal Committee that prevented him from reaching an agreement with the MTS. And this time, it has been the Federal Committee that will allow Portia Marsyas to govern alongside them.

After knowing the decision of the Committee, which has met electronically, Mr. Thrasea has received the press that was waiting outside the Assembly of the island to comment on the matter, and express his rejection of a possible agreement.

"Unfortunately in my opinion, today the Federal Committee of this party has given the general secretary the green light to be able to negotiate, if she wishes, a government pact with the MTS, which would therefore allow a coalition government. During our meeting, I have expressed my most energetic rejection of this being carried out. Although there may be some ideas that unite us, as in relation to the religious issue, that we at COSIRA have scrupulously respected what was agreed, there are many other things that separate us and that in my opinion, are a red line that our party should not cross. However, the majority opinion of the members of the Committee has not been like that, and consequently, here we are. I wish to clarify my deepest rejection of a possible agreement with the MTS, and if it is carried out and given that this possible government would enjoy a more than large parliamentary majority, in Olerian Dawn we will deeply consider the meaning of the vote of the representatives of this island in the National Assembly. Today, less than 2% of the votes separate us from the MTS. If COSIRA enters this government, that difference will be much greater. And for this, I apologize in advance to all the militants who have felt cheated by this news. "

Mr. Thrasea has ended his press conference with that veiled threat to allow COSIRA deputies elected in Oleria to vote against government laws. From the national leadership of the party, they criticize that Mr. Thrasea has made public the differences with the rest of the party in this way instead of in private, and allege that, like it or not, "the party's decisions are taken democratically" , and on this occasion, the opinion contrary to the Praetor of Oleria has won.

However, the final decision is in the hands of Portia Marsyas. After receiving the approval of the Federal Committee, it is she who, as general secretary, can decide whether to proceed with the matter or not. However, internal sources indicate that Mrs. Marsyas is going to direct the party by decisions of the Federal Committee, that is, that what is decided by majorities will be done. This has earned him criticism from the Olerian federation, from which they accuse the secretary general, supposedly of the most left-wing current of the party, of "washing her hands", and of having put aside all that she campaigned for during the party primaries.

Several hundred militants and supporters of the party have gathered around the regional headquarters - with the exception of Oleria - to demand that the national leadership not agree with those who, until recently, the only times that they addressed their party was to insult them in every possible way, and they have asked for the resignation of the general secretary, whom until recently, they themselves supported.

To all these criticisms, a more veiled one has also been added: that of the party leader herself, also elected in the last primaries, Epidia Barbatus, who has asked for "high-mindedness" and "to listen to the voice of the people, not just that of the representatives of the people ". Mrs. Barbatus, who has lost the Censor elections by less than 1 million votes out of the almost 53 million counted, thus adds to Mr. Thrasea's opinion, but in a much more subtle way.

The decision, therefore, seems made, and only three great unknowns remain: the rumors that Collybiscus Nabor was abandoning Olerian politics to jump to selucian, which now seems further away; how this decision will influence the party's future electoral prospects; and above all, how stable this government will be and what measures will it be able to approve.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:24 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:16 am

Empyrean Temple Turned Pagan
a.d. XIV Kal. Nov. MMMXXXVII a.R.P.c.
(October 19, 4848)

The iconic Most Holy Archbasilica of Saint Michael and St. Michael's Square, now converted to Pagan structures

The government pact between the left-wing COSIRA and Pagan conservative Selucian Traditional Movement has, in spite of widespread opposition and criticism, become reality. MTS leader Hasdrubal Adad and COSIRA's General Secretary Portia Marsyas were inaugurated as the two Consuls of Selucia in Maius (May) this year, establishing a grand coalition endorsed by the entirety of the People's Assembly. The fear that a coalition between the two parties will continue the enforcement of the Augustinian Law on Religion, one of the few common points between the two parties, is not entirely unfounded, and although measures against it have been relatively light, the Aurorian Patriarchal Church remains an illegal organization. Perhaps the most infamous of the provisions of the Augustinian Law is its Article III., which reaffirms the controversial nationalization of all religious property that had been implemented with the Constitution of the Clergy during the Duodecimvirate. Given that the Empyrean Temple, an IESCO Global Heritage Site and one of Terra's most recognizable landmarks, is primarily religious in nature, it has been property of the state since year MMCMLXXXIV (4795 CE). In spite of this, the Aurorian Patriarchal Church was allowed to make use of the Temple, that is until the Augustinian Law on Religion prohibited the practice of Aurorian Patriarchal Hosianism.

From that point on, the Temple remained empty and unused for religious purposes, remaining instead a tourist and pilgrim attraction. This situation continued under the Aquilonian Praetorships of COSIRA's Severinus Lurco and the MTS Praetors Carathounus Cerinthus and Verbronara Volcatia. Attempts to either convert the Temple to fully secular use as a museum, or to transfer its use to one of Selucia's legal religions were thwarted. But the last elections have granted the MTS candidates an absolute majority in the Praetorial elections on the island of Aquilonia, where the Temple is located. A proposal introduced by the new Praetors Amulius Dexsius Faustillus and Trebellia Felicissima to the Commonwealth's Curia requires that the Most Holy Archbasilica of Saint Michael and Saint Michael's Square be granted to the use of the College of Pontiffs of Religio Seluciana, while the other structures, including the Museum and the Gardens, will retain their secular use. The College of Pontiffs, having been granted exclusive right to make use of the Basilica and the Square, decided to have them consecrated as a Pagan Temple dedicated to a new syncretic deity, Elias Sol Iustitiae (Eliyahu the Sun of Righteousness), a God uniting Hosianism's Eliyahu with aspects of the chief God of the Selucian pantheon, Sol Lucidus (OOC: Sol Invictus). This decision effectively transforms the Empyrean Temple into a Hosio-Pagan place of worship, in an attempt to unite the practices of Selucia's two largest faiths and unite Selucians under the protection of a common deity. Although Hosio-Paganism has indeed increased in popularity since the establishment of the Hosio-Pagan Collegium in MMCMXCIV (4805 CE), this increase may not have been enough to eliminate religious tensions. Regardless, the decision to preserve the largely Hosian character of Hosianism's most famous Church is certainly an attempt to ease the Paganization of the Temple and assure Hosians that their beliefs and practices are not threatened by the emerging Secular-Pagan hegemony.

Depiction of Elias Sol Iustitiae, the new syncretic Hosio-Pagan deity
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Sun Nov 22, 2020 6:50 pm

Olerian Dawn takes its revenge
The federation of the island of Oleria, against the pact of the national government with the MTS, takes a lawsuit against Hasdrubal Adad to the Supreme Court

The spokesperson of the Olerian government and the island's Minister of Justice upon leaving the courts

The Olerian government, headed by the leftist Ballio Thrasea, of Olerian Dawn, has filed a lawsuit this morning before the Supreme Court in which it accuses the current Selucian Consul Hasdrubal Adad, of the MTS, of "constitutional incompatibility of functions and positions", after considering that, repeatedly, Mr. Adad has made use of a legal vacuum to occupy various political positions incompatible with his position as a member of the Supreme Court of Selucia himself, against which he has been sued.

It has been the spokesperson for the government of the region, Sepurcia Isatis, who, accompanied by the Minister of Justice of Oleria Alcesimarchus Betto, has presented herself before the headquarters of the Supreme Court, in Auroria, to deliver the demand through which the regional government is in person as a private accusation against Hasdrubal Adad.

In the lawsuit, as stated by Mrs. Isatis after attending the media upon leaving the courts, they present the public positions that Mr. Adad has held while serving as a member of the Supreme Court as proof of the misuse of the position he was granted. Mr. Adad, who in addition to being a member of the Supreme Court appointed as one of Sadaria's representatives served as the island's Praetor - he named himself in the inaugural nominations -, is now serving as Head of Government of Selucia in a coalition government with COSIRA, sharing the head of government with the general secretary of that party Portia Marsyas.

It was this coalition that provoked a harsh confrontation within COSIRA, revealing the internal tensions between the different sectors of the party and its federations, which resulted in the Olerian federation issuing a separate statement outright rejecting the formation of that new government. As a consequence, no member of the coalition government comes from this federation, while the other four are represented. All this has led to the fact that it is now that this federation, known for being the most leftist of all - in keeping with what In Marea-Insularia Sinistram was in its time - has taken its own particular revenge.

"We do not know why this decision was not challenged at the time, at the same time that Mr. Adad appointed himself as a judge of the Supreme Court of Selucia, or why the Gessian-Ravillan Law on the Supreme Court was not modified to prevent this from happening. An intention to do so was announced, but there it remained. And it is time to amend it "
, said in her statement Mrs. Isatis.
"What is expected from a judge, and especially of one who is in the highest judicial instance of the country, is that he be able to demonstrate his impartiality and good work. And of course, that is not achieved by occupying public positions in representation of a party while at the same time being a member of the Court. Mr. Adad served as Praetor of Sadaria from 4837 to 4842, and is currently serving as co-Consul of Selucia as a member of the MTS. You cannot say that they are public positions of little political relevance, and we do not understand how COSIRA has not been able to take this matter to court before "
added the Minister of Justice of Oleria.

The lawsuit, which has already been transferred to the High Court, which is in charge of carrying out the trials against relevant public officials, raises several questions: given that the established law does not clearly establish who can be part of the Supreme Court, not even that they should be judges by profession, it will be up to their own members to determine this, and therefore, they will establish jurisprudence in this matter, although it must be the legislative power that clearly amends it in the laws. Currently, the high court is made up of four judges aligned with the wing considered progressive and three with the conservative wing. Of the progressives, two of them belong to those elected by the Olerian parliament, while one of them represents Aquilonia and the other is the Chief Justice, Sertoria Afer, appointed by the Praetor Civilis Henricus Ravilla, who served in the government of the nation since 4833, as part of the quota from the Olerian federation, participating in the drafting of the Supreme Court law, and which was replaced by the labor lawyer Servilia Polus, also from COSIRA, after the constitution of this new coalition government. In the same way, the other two conservative members of the Supreme Court apart from Hasdrubal Adad served at the time as Praetors of their respective regions, and appointed themselves as members of the Supreme Court, so they are expected to oppose any resolution that could penalize Mr. Adad, since this could be extended to themselves. Asked about this matter, both representatives of Olerian Dawn have confirmed that they have included both Caranthounus Cerinthus (Aquilonian Justice and former Praetor of the region) and Iosepha Laeca (the other Sadarian Justice and also former Praetor of the region) as defendants in the same text, although to a lesser extent since they have not held any more public office.

In relation to this action carried out by the Olerian government, various media have tried to obtain the opinion of the COSIRA general secretary on this matter. However, no senior party official has decided to comment on the news, and all of them have limited themselves to replying that "they prefer not to intervene in the proceedings of justice."
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:05 pm

Selucia Embraces De-Growth
a.d. IX Kal. Dec. MMMXXXIX a.R.P.c.
(November 23, 4850)


A series of legislative proposals introduced by the new governing coalition between the Pagan Traditionalist Selucian Traditional Movement and radical left COSIRA has radically altered the economic and social policies of the Senate and People of Selucia. After Sekowo, Selucia has become the second nation in history to officially adopt "degrowth" as its economic policy, fully adopting all measures of the Yamashima Degrowth Declaration. Degrowth is an international movement arguing that infinite economic growth is impossible on a planet with limited economic resources, that a deliberate reduction in economic activity is necessary and possible as a solution to impending ecological collapse, and that such a reduction can either be achieved involuntarily and inequitably during inevitable recessions, or can be pursued as an equitable result of deliberate economic policy. Degrowth advocates argue that the endless pursuit of growth fueled by consumption and profit is unsustainable and ecologically and morally harmful, supporting measures like a reduction in working hours, the creation of local and global commons, and a guaranteed minimum income in order to promote a move away from economism and towards what they see as more worthy pursuits.

Consul Hasdrubal Adad is known as a keen supported of degrowth

Although degrowth is typically advocated by left-wing anti-globalization and alter-globalization movements, in Selucia it has obtained an unlikely sponsor in the usually right-leaning Republican movement. Degrowth has a long history in Selucian political thought, having been embraced by the old Republican Party, notably championed at the international level by Consul Iennifer Vinicia Opis. As an heir to the Pagan factions of the old Republican Party, the Selucian Traditional Movement has also adopted some of the old party's economic and social policies. Just as Selucia gradually reintroduced its traditional cooperative economy, it has now started implementing some of the core demands of the degrowth movement, including a minimal income, abolishing population control, reducing the number of working hours, banning all advertising, protecting endangered animals, guaranteeing free migration, and eliminating nuclear power plants. This last policy has notably received the opposition of COSIRA, who are opposed to denuclearization on the grounds that nuclear power is one of the most environmentally friendly forms of energy generation, while the Traditionalists express their concern regarding the effects of uranium mining, the potential use of civilian nuclear technology for the manufacturing of nuclear weaponry, and counter that what is needed is a reduction in overall generated energy, which nuclear power does not achieve. Still, it is surprising that the government coalition led by Consuls Hasdrubal Adad and Pontia Marsyas has managed to collaborate on such a radical project.

The upcoming lawsuit against Consul Hasdrubal Adad, launched by the Olerian branch of COSIRA, may negatively affect the so far cordial relations between the two governing parties, depending on its outcome. Consul Adad has however pledged to respect the Supreme Court's verdict, whichever it may be, and has given assurances that the government coalition will continue regardless of the Court's decision.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:13 pm

Confusing elections revalidate the coalition government
The victory of candidates opposed to govern with the MTS in the elections to Censor and in the islands of Oleria and Aquilonia does not prevent Portia Marsyas from returning to govern in coalition with the MTS

Consul Portia Marsyas arriving to meeting with the leadership of the MTS after the elections

Surprising. It is the word that political analysts use to describe the results of the last elections in Selucia, which have produced a political landscape more divided than ever.

After five years of a coalition government between the pagans of the MTS and the leftist COSIRA, a government that no one was betting would last an entire legislature, these elections have shown the strengths and weaknesses of each party, but have also yielded confusing data that analysts politicians did not see coming and that from now on they will try to explain.

First, participation has dropped significantly. This is probably due to the absence of a real opposition, given that the only two political formations present in the Senate of Selucia currently govern in coalition, so this fact discourages potential voters from going to the polls looking for a government alternative. In this way, participation has dropped from 71.22% to 59.24%, the lowest turnout in decades.

Secondly, the Censor elections, which have pitted the current Consul Hasdrubal Adad against the President of COSIRA Epidia Barbatus, very critical of the government pact with the MTS, has been saved with the victory of the latter by a margin of less than 800,000 votes out of a total of 44 million, obtaining Mrs. Barbatus 50.89% of the total. This result has come as a surprise for COSIRA itself, who since Atilia Valerius' victory in 4832, two decades earlier, have seen defeat after defeat.

Thirdly, the elections to Praetors of the islands have revalidated the immense power that COSIRA has on the island of Oleria, where its current Praetor Ballio Thrasea, although he has also suffered a drop in the number of votes, has revalidated his victory to a new mandate obtaining more than 66% of the votes. Thrasea, who was also very critical of his party's pact with the MTS at the national level, sees his power within the party greatly strengthened, and what is more important: the 99 representatives from Oleria are now much needed. But in addition to the great victory for Thrasea, the other surprise of the night has come from Aquilonia, where COSIRA has achieved the two Praetors by obtaining 51.02% of the votes. The revelation candidate of these elections, Caesia Zosimus, who replaced Severinus Lurco leading the regional federation, is a great defender of Mr. Thrasea's thesis and perhaps most importantly: she defends the limitation of all religions to the private sphere, without exception . This can lead to problems for the governing coalition at the national level, since both parties reached a pact to keep the religious issue in a beneficial status quo for both, which can now blow up if Mrs. Zosimus applies some laws that already has advanced.

Fourth, the national elections have given another surprise: despite the fact that COSIRA has once again become the most voted party, with just over 22 million votes, it was the MTS that, with 21.9 million votes, has won the largest number of seats - 376 versus 374 - largely because of COSIRA's poor performance on the island of Sadaria. In this way, the MTS revalidates its majority in the Chamber by just 1 representative, which will force the voting to be carried to the extreme and take care that all the necessary representatives are present.

After knowing the results, the MTS contacted COSIRA again to revalidate the coalition government once again, and as the statutes mandate, COSIRA again convened its Federal Committee to make the decision. And although there again won the option to govern in coalition with the MTS, a substantial change took place: it was no longer only the two members for Oleria who opposed this coalition, but the two representatives for Aquilonia did the same. And although the result of the vote remained comfortable - 7 favorable versus 4 unfavorable - it implied a change in trend. And above all, it unleashes rumors within the party about the next steps for Ballio Thrasea and Portia Marsyas.

In a joint press conference between Mr. Thrasea and Mrs. Zosimus after knowing the results, both have reaffirmed their opposition to the government pact with the MTS, and have warned their party that together, both federations add up to 250 of the 374 Quirites that COSIRA has obtained, which implies that with the unfavorable vote of both, the majority of this government to approve any international treaty is limited to the necessary 500 Quirites, not one more nor one less.

Mr. Thrasea, who has not wanted to answer the questions about the setback that the Supreme Court of Selucia has given to his government's complaint against Hasdrubal Adad, has preferred to make way this time for the great protagonist of the elections, Caesia Zosimus, which has revealed that among the laws she plans to present as soon as the Aquilonian legislature is inaugurated there are several that could be interpreted as an attack against the religious pacts agreed between the MTS and COSIRA.

From the national leadership, Portia Marsyas has not wanted to make statements about it, and has only recognized that the coalition "has worked well these years" and that she will do what she considers best for the party at the national level.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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