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Re: Kundrati

Postby DueWizard70 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:40 am

Azkar releases its first car
February 4850

Today Triton Ordibar, President of Azkar's board of directors, announced that Azkar's first product will release on March. The Txikia is an innovative model that bring new technologies to Kundrati with the new Az-1 engine. (OOC: The IRL car is the Daihatsu Boon and the IRL engine is the Toyota 1KR-FE). This new engine has one of the lowest CO2 outputs in the market at 88 grams per kilometre. The new compact vehicle will be available for purchase on the 4th of March. We expect many more great things from Azkar.

The New Txikia
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Re: Kundrati

Postby DueWizard70 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 12:56 am

Prime Minister Egoaburu on the Luthori Question
July 4850

Earlier today, Prime Minister Solon Egoaburu addressed the nation.

Fellow Comrades. I come to you today to talk about the situation in the Holy Luthorian Empire. Political Suppression is not something we are not familiar here in Kundrati, as I am sure that the Luthori Question reminds us all of the brutal murders of Citrio Silanus, Manius Caecina and Aburua Durango back in 4828. Urizar Zabalbeascoa was a tyrant and we all suffered through his reign of terror. Now, our Luthorian comrades are going through the same, if not worse suppression. The arrest of Jones Coldman is a clear indication that Luthori is going down the same path we did two decades ago. I fear for the lives of the Luthorian opposition, for the current government is a threat. Because of this, I have decided that Kundrati will open its borders to any and all political refugees that might come from Luthori. Furthermore, we will stop all trade with them. The Kundrati International Port will NOT be shipping to Luthori anymore either. We have also opened a topic in the Terran Pro-Democracy Camp to try and stop the Luthorian government's actions. We have also begun ratification on the Agreement to Sanction the Holy Luthori Empire of 4849.

We urge all nations of Terra to do the same, as the current state of Luthori needs to change.

The message was received with overwhelming support. We have already received about a dozen of political refugees from Luthori, with many more to come.

Solon Egaburu giving his statement
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Kundrati

Postby DueWizard70 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:03 pm

The Fate of Viridia Sigilis
December 4850

Throughout this year, Viridia Sigilis was faced with several counts of criminal charges and went to trial to prove her innocence. The KNN team refrained from making articles on this until the story was complete. Today, with Sigilis' exit of the country, we can say that the story, at least in Kundrati, is complete.

After several authorities on the Anluain Period deemed that Sigilis was spreading misinformation, a more official investigation was started. Sigilis was placed in prison with an exorbitant bail of over 10 million Kuno. Her followers rallied together and raised enough money to get her about, proving their levels of conviction in her.
The independent investigation advanced at the same time as the trial.

The trial, in the beginning, was not going in Sigilis' way. Ten expert historians testified that what she claimed was Anluanism, was in reality, something that she invented. That the ancient Anluain people did not, in fact, follow the beliefs that she was trying to spread. Their claim was based on the fact that there had only ever been found a few (under 10) Anluanist artefacts, and they all represented the same figure. The figure was named Lukrezia and was, according to the historians, the Anluan goddess. They said that the Anluain people believed in only her. Although this has been wildly accepted as true, Sigilis' defence was based on the fact that so little artefacts have been discovered, and they all come from the same temple in northern Celania. Furthermore, research on the Anluain people has been halted for centuries, and as such, there are many new discoveries to be made.

In September, the researchers' full report was released, and with it came shocking news. The researchers had gone through all the texts from the time and had discovered two previously unknown settlements. One in Pilgon and one in Jildrath. These settlements carried countless new discoveries, and with them came the discovery of new religious figurines. These were in what looked to be religious altars. A section of the temple was sealed off by the historians to preserve it. There, the remains of a shrine with a priest were found. It was filled with religious clothes and figurines, which were analysed with great care to avoid damaging them. The study clearly showed that they belonged to the Anluain epoch. The rest of the figurines have been preserved so they don't lose the colour, and a new museum will open to show these discoveries.

One of the figurines described one of the figures Sigilis talks about, the goddess of Terra, Amater. The new discoveries flipped the case on its head, as it now seemed that Sigilis was not lying. While under oath, she claimed that the visions came to her in a dream. These claims, that would have usually been dismissed, were received by the public both here and in Endralon with overwhelming support. Thousands demanded her release, including the mayor of Galemia. Many other religious figures that she claimed were true were discovered. The change meant that there were no grounds for Sigilis to be kept in trial any longer, and so, on the 7th of October, she was released. Outside of the courthouse's gates, thousands received her and carried her through the streets.

A week later, she organised a live stream that had over one hundred thousand viewers were she said the following:

Hey everyone! My team and I organised this stream because I have some important news. As I am sure you all know, I've spent the better part of this year in a trial for something I did not do. Now I want to be clear, I do not blame the Kundrati government for doing this. They were acting on the information given to them by the "experts" on the topic. I do, however, blame the experts, as they failed to do their job properly. Because of this and my subsequent victory in court, I know that these same experts are now watching me and that as soon I make the smallest mistake they will try to throw me in prison again. This is why I have taken the decision to move to Endralon. It hurts me to leave all of my followers in Kundrati, but as long as I am here, I will not be able to live in peace. I will leave on the 4th of December. If you wish to join me, come to Riverford. I will start my march to Endralon from there.

Many received the announcement with tears in their eyes, as their beloved leader was leaving.

A week ago, her pilgrimage began, as she marched with over three thousand followers to Endralon, many of whom left lives in high positions to be with her. Today she arrived at Endralon to the open arms of the thirty thousand followers she has in Kundár-Nova Zergonska.

The KNN news team regrets seeing such an important personality leave Kundrati, but we wish her the best in revitalising Anluanism in northeastern Artania.

Viridia Sigilis in her livestream
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Re: Kundrati

Postby DueWizard70 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:05 am

The Commander is assasinated at age 53
July 4851

Today we received shocking news from Kasaema, as the Palace of Governature announced that earlier today the man known as "The Commander" was found dead in his house.


The man, widely regarded as the hero of the July Uprising, was found dead in his own house. Although preliminary reports said that he died peacefully in his sleep, it has now been discovered that he was poisoned. The police already have a suspect in custody, but it is unclear if this was done by a single person or if there were more involved.

The streets in cities nation-wide were filled with mourning people, who held the Commander in an almost god-like position. Even Prime Minister Solon Egoaburu was seen in one of these processions. Many sources tell us that Prime Minister Egoaburu and the Commander were good friends.
Flag poles nation-wide also put their flags at half-mast as a sign of respect.

A source that proved that they were trustworthy and wished to remain anonymous came to us and told us the Commander's real name.

In Memory of Eusebio Finaga a.k.a The Commander (4798-4851)
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Kundrati

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:50 pm

Anluanism Spreading To Kundár-Nova Zergonska
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Re: Kundrati

Postby DueWizard70 » Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:32 am

Egoaburu loses primaries
January 4852

Today we received shocking news from the Socialist Workers Party. Earlier tonight the leadership of the party released the results for the primaries and the results were shocking. The current Prime Minister lost, and by a lot. The winner of the election is a galemian Senator called Adrius Felix. He defeated both the Prime Minister and the governor of Jildrath, Pius Castus.

Many believe that the reason why Egoaburu lost is that many saw him as a transition premier, and not one to lead a stable government. Now that Kundrati has stabilised they believe that his job is done.
Felix will most likely be competing against Titus Nerva in the February General Election.

People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
Institutional Reform Party Baltusia-INACTIVE (4889-4896)
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Re: Kundrati

Postby DueWizard70 » Thu Nov 26, 2020 8:01 pm

The FSO wins again
June 4852

Today the final votes were counted and the final races called. The announcement was made that the Socialist Workers Party won the election, for the 14th time in a row. The UMP lost a seat, moving their number down to 6. Many have come to question if we live in a single-party system.

Today the vote for President of the Senate was cast, and former governor of Jildrath Pius Castus won it by an overwhelming majority of 459 to 150. Although he lost the candidature for Prime Minister, he still holds a considerable amount of power. He has already expressed his desire to run for the candidature in 4856.

As for Prime Minister, Adrius Felix won with over 99% of the vote. He got 37.2million votes, while his opponent, Titus Nerva, got a little over 250 thousand.

We wish best of luck for the Felix administration.
The seating chart of the Senate.

Adrius Felix when h was a Senator
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Kundrati

Postby DueWizard70 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:56 pm

Revitalizing the navy
November 4852

Today, the KS Vespacius was received with applause and cheering in the navy's docks as it returned to active service after 3 and a half years of maintenance. On its deck, it carried two dozens of brand new F14 Phantom Tomcats. The Vespacius's period in maintenance was mainly spent in bringing it back to its old glory and designing and installing the CALA-30 variant that will allow the cannon to be used as a deck gun.

With the renewed ship we also reciv¿eved a pleasant surprise, as behind it 9 new Duke Class Destroyer-frigates were rolled out with it. The project of building them had remained a closely guarded secret for a decade. The rolling out of the destroyer frigates will replace the ones destroyed on Deltaria's attack on Kundrati. The rolling out of these frigates explains the rise in the military budget.
We also got 31 new CB90 fast assault patrol boats. These are designed to be versatile attack boats that can also serve as patrol boats.

On some other news, Egelion reached out to Kundrati and expressed interest in purchasing some of these Duke Class destroyer-frigates and CB90 assault patrol boats. Egelion is looking to strengthen its navy and Kundrati was happy to help. The massive order of 20 Duke Class ships and 100 CB90s will be fulfilled over time in the next 5 to 10 years. The total cost of the transaction was of 3.7 billion LOD. This is the beginning of a good relationship between Kundrati and Egelion.

A new Duke class destroyer-frigate ............................................ A new CB90
Last edited by DueWizard70 on Mon Nov 30, 2020 8:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Kundrati

Postby DueWizard70 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:07 pm

New Main Battle Tank
January 4853

Today, the renowned Kundrati Weapons Manufacturer announced that they will be releasing a new main battle tank. The one in current use, the Arjun, was created nearly 50 years ago, and it is outdated now. It is no way a bad MBT, and it is used both here in Kundrati and in Liore. However, many in KMW believe that it is time for a new tank, as it is not good for our armed forces to use one with very old technologies.

The replacement is the Altay-MBT. A new, more versatile tank that is using some new technology that was not available when the Arjun was created. One of these developments is the use of an electric engine to propel the tank. Experts say that this is to difficult to the opposing force identifying the tanks by using thermal cameras. The tank is also slightly slower and bigger than the Arjun, however, it makes up for it with greater endurance with its better armour and general resistance to impacts.

About half of the 3.7 billion LOD that was earned from the Egelian purchase of ships from us will be used to place an order of 175 Altay tanks.

The new Altay tank
People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
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Re: Kundrati

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 11:15 am

ECA, Inc. Organizes Pilgrim Flights To Jildrati
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