
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Socialist Party seizes power

Postby Super Messiah » Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:28 am

The Socialist Party has seized power finally in Spetember 4724 after a long power struggle amidst the ongoing political crisis.

But the Socialist Party hasn't yet form a government. Steven said that a new election motion shall be passed to hold elections in November-December and then the party will govern the nation.

The Socialist Party said that on a true democratic and socialist path Aldegar will complete its journey to abolish commodities under the party's leadership.

A new era now begins in Aldegar!
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Socialist Party forms government

Postby Super Messiah » Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:44 pm

The socialist party has formed a government after the November elections of 4724, headed by elected president John Stevenson. The Party declared to take Aldegar on the course of socialist construction through democratic reforms.

The Socialist Party for strengthening integrity and for political rejevunation through reforms is now passing the Defense and Enabling Act which will suspend elections for 4 more years. The Socilaist Party made it clear that once initiatives of reforms have been carried out, the Act will be repealed and also if not it will automatically get repealed after completion of 72 months.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:09 pm

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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:45 am

Aldegarian Republicans
Rally Behind Sadeghi

August 4765

Aldegarian republicans have rallied behind the new Aldegarian Republican Congress. The new party is a child of popular longtime mayor of Aldegaria, Shapur Sadeghi. The 64 year old found himself the most prolific republican politician in his 14th year as leader of one of the largest cities in Terra. The recent rush in authoritarian, monarchist and anti-republican politicians convinced republicans of all stripes to rally together in one political party and at a conference in the northern city of Tamaddon and chose the vaguest of political programs - paying heed to the. powerful moderate trade unions and employers organisations which by and large, three their weight behind the new party. Sadeghi was easily nominated and elected to a position that no one else seemingly wanted.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:12 pm

The Southern Post
The Southern Post is a centrist national daily noted for its obsession with house prices.
Aldegar Calls For Negotiated End To Lodamese, Keymonese Civil Wars
Aban 5478 SS (October 4769)

Aldegarian External Affairs Minister Soraya Mottaki has called for a negotiated end to the Lodamese and Keymonese Civil wars. Mottaki said that Seleyan and Artanian nations needed to take the lead on resolving the crises before they worsened. Earlier this week the Aldegarian International Development Agency announced that it would had been allocated 60 million LOD to fund its refugee support programs with a special emphasis on the aforementioned countries. President Shapur Sadeghi himself said the country was prepared to receive and support 45,000 refugees in the next two years.

House Prices Up 4% In Three Months

The National Office For Statistics revealed that house prices have risen by an impressive 4% in the three months since the last election which saw the President easily re-elected. Arsaces Moshiri the Chairman of the National Association of Realtors attributed this sharp increase to "the calm and steady learship that the President has offered the country over the past four years" Similar trends have been noted in other key economic sectors many of them which are affected by the newly adopted tripartite economic model which seeks to limit confrontation between capital and labour, indicative planning and generally regiment various economic actors into a harmonious dance.

The Aldegarian economic model is characterised by substantial state ownership particularly in the more extractive economic sectors. Massive earnings in the oil and gas sectors tend to cushion the Aldegarians from any need to rationalise much economically speaking.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Garrmactad » Mon Nov 30, 2020 5:09 pm

The Aldegar Times
First "Social Progressive" Convention held in Tamaddon, New Party Founded
May 4, 4854
Rostam Lofti speaking to the Press following the Floor Vote at the Convention.

Tamaddon, Hikirena - Today marks a new day for the Aldegarian Left, with the founding of the Rose Coalition following the Meeting of Progressive and Socialist Leaders in Tamaddon yesterday. Harkening back to the rule under then-relevant Shah Shapurji and the Progressive-Socialists, the Rose Coalition barks at the Āzādagī Government, calling for an "Social Equality" in these times, following the Collapse of the Anprim Party and the ensuing Pause, and not the "Big-Tent Moderation" that the Āzādagī are calling for.
The Leader of this new Initiative, Rostam Lofti emerged as the face of the Coalition, promising "Real Change and Movement" should they come to power in the presumable 4854 Elections. Lofti was formerly worked in Private Law, but emerged an activist following the Pause, and now the Leader of the Rose Coalition. We reached out to Lofti for a statement:
The Rose Coalition is just the newest iteration of the one truth of Aldegar, the People will Choose their Leaders. And, I am confident that should a Proper Socialist Option be presented to them, that they will choose the Proper Socialist Option. We seek to be that.

Whether or not the Rose Experiment will be successful will be for time to tell, but Lofti seems confident in his movement.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Garrmactad » Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:16 am

The Aldegar Times
Lofti attacks Āzādagī Government over Treaty Withdrawal Bill
January 25, 4856

Tamaddon, Hikirena - In a Tweet earlier today, Rose Coalition Party Leader Rostam Lofti called against the Āzādagī Bill that would withdraw the Nation from 8 Different Treaties, those being:
Code: Select all
1. Terran Olympic Association
2. Terran FIFA World Cup
3. Ratification of the Official Establishment of Embassies and Consulates in Verona Treaty
4. Seleyan Soccer Championships
5. International Terran Bank: Request for Currency Evaluation
6. Anti-Terrorism Cooperation Treaty
7. First Communist Internationale of 4736
8. Istalian Embassy Diplomatic Relations Treaty

Besides the "First Communist Internationale of 4736," of which we're the only signatures, the rest are signed by multiple Nations, most of which, broadly. While Isolationism is the more dominant Ideology both in the Nation and in the Rose Coalition, Lofti persisted in his remarks in his Tweet, the following:
Rostam Lofti: "The Āzādagī Government's call to void a number of the Treaties that we are presently apart of is a dangerous move that will only slide our Nation further irrelevance abroad. It also highlights their ignorance on our Present Economic weakness following the Pause. #ChangeNow

Lofti's move seems to be rooted in both International Presence and Economic Change. Internationally the Rose Coalition has pledged to remain "As Is" until the Economy begins to grow properly, signaled by their present plan with activists rallying around Economic Issues around the nation. The Rose Coalition has also called for an "Economic Overhaul," again, citing the economy following the Pause, and an official World Congress Report that put Aldegar as one of the 33 Nations that are "Weak" Economically. Whether or not either of these methods and calls will pay dividends in the Next Elections remains to be seen, but the Coalition seems hopeful enough.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:13 pm


Regional leaders arrive in Aldegar for special economic conference
20 June 4856


ALDEGAR: The Aldegarian government headed by Kioumars Mostofi has invited representative from member states of the North Seleyan Economic Community (NSEC) to the national capital in order to discuss regional cooperation in the wake of a period of economic instability throughout the globe. Although the economic problems are centred in the southern hemisphere, particularly central Majatra, the effects have been felt elsewhere.

Among the most important attendees at the conference in Aldegaria are Gaduri President Antonio Cascabel, Yingdalan President Chin Bo Zheng as well as representatives from the governments of Kizenia and New Endralon, and Rildanor. The focus of the discussions will be promoting economic stability and facilitating greater cooperation and integration within the region.

Despite being formed of only four members originally, NSEC has widened its scope over the past seven centuries and become a fundamental component of the economies of Seleya and the surrounding region. In recent years many members countries have failed to achieve the economic stability and growth found in many other parts of the world (particularly in Dovani). Against this backdrop the Aldegarian government is attempting to take a leading role in bringing governments together to promote mutually beneficial cooperation.

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Re: Aldegar

Postby Garrmactad » Sat Dec 05, 2020 2:50 am

The Aldegar Times
Coalition's Sayyad says Government is Competent, but calls for immediate Radical action
June 28, 4856
Mehran Sayyad speaking for the Coalition at a Press Conference

Dehāt, Somasi - At a Press Conference at the Rose Coalition's HQ in Somasi yesterday, Vice Leader Mehran Sayyad gave a response to the Present Economic Crisis:
"Let's get this part over with- The Deltarian Crash that's causing the total collapse of the global economy? Well, firstly before anything else, I'm gonna say that the Āzādagī Government's competent, not to say that they weren't before, despite our disagreements, but still, acting in usage of NSEC and using it to talk to our Economic Partners is, mwah, Excellent! That will certainly secure our Reputation and the Worst of this Crisis in all likelihood!
But, that's with our partners and allies.. We still have a nation of almost 100 Million People, and our economy wasn't the most stable before that, so we need to do something to help the goddamn economy! People are already out there poor and hungry, this Crash isn't gonna help that! Despite all of our Welfare Programs and Social Safety Nets, we are still unprepared for this Crisis as is, even if we're better off than others. Sure, people may have homes to live in, but do what when they don't have anything to work for, or eat, or anywhere to go, or how to!
Simply, we are going to need Radical Action immediately to either avert the worst, or pull us out of said worse droll. We will need a Stimulus Program and Wide-Reaching Job Programs to help us in this Crisis, and our Citizenry to stay Economically Solvent outside their bare necessities. This is what the Rose Coalition should and will pledge to do where in power. And while I can't force or simply ask the Āzādagī to do what I think is solvent, I can certainly campaign on it, and so we shall, the Coalition in Solidarity!"

Since the Conference Yesterday, the Coalition has broadly added a Pledge to Support a Radical Stimulus should they be elected, and say that Rose Economists and Strategists are working on a Proposal for said Stimulus, though if it's a List of Demands or a Comprehensive Proposal remains to be seen. But as it is, with the Crisis, the Rose Coalition's eyes seem to be focused on Economic Issues in campaigning for the foreseeable future.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby jamescfm » Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:58 am

     ImageAldegar nominates first entry to international music contest FOMAT
          Image4 January 4857

Aldegarian pop legend Esfandiyar Razavian has been selected as the country's first ever entry to the internationally celebrated Festival of Musical Arts in Terra (FOMAT). The musical contest is being revived for its sixth edition in the Dolgavan capital Aikums after logistical issues prevent the contest from being held in Kalistan several years ago. Music fans have been active on social media celebrating the country's first effort in the contest and eagerly awaiting the new song that the experienced songwriter has prepared for the competition.

The selection process involved two stages involving music journalists and the general public. For the first stage, a select group of critics narrowed all the entrants down to a shortlist of only eight. After this the eight remaining musicians competed for the support of the public in a television show that aired last weekend. Over the course of three nights, the entrants were narrowed down and performed as many as five times before Razavian eventually emerged victorious.

Fans reacted positively on social media and a video from his final live performance was widely shared. Razavian is a veteran of the Aldegarian pop music industry and has toured the world throughout his career. In the last decade he has spent a significant amount of time in Majatra and sought to include Majatran influences in his music and lyrics. Although the full details of his latest song have not been revealed, the title has already been announced as "Men Nemadewnem" (I Do Not Know).

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