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Re: Liore

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:46 am

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Dec 02, 2020 5:39 am

Interview with President Hami
February 4855
President Thimba Hami Addresses Crowd at a "People's Forum" Held in Darobi, Yrasema Department

After winning his historical election just over a year ago, the Socialist State's first President from outside the People's Front Thimba Hami has proved to be one of Liore's more notable and popular Presidents in recent years, with recent polls giving the National Movement President an approval rating of over 60% among the entire voting population. Though only a quarter through his four-year tenure, the President has already negotiated a major trade deal with the government of Dorvik and is taking Liori policy in a decidedly more radically anti-corporate direction, and leading Liore on a path towards regional and continental leadership, particularly with plans by the government to use the newly established Lidor Pharmaceutical company to provide low-cost medicinal drugs to low-income nations in Dovani. And there is still more the President has planned for his next three years, at the top of that list being the removal of foreign troops from Liore, an essential plank in the platform that won Hami the election, and if sources are to be believed Liori and Deltarian officials are already discussing the withdrawal as the terrorist group Dovani Liberation Organization seems to be on its death bed.

Interview with President Thimba Hami Conducted by Omari Alamieyeseigha

O(mari) A(lamieyeseigha): "Thank you for being here Mr. President, it's an honor to conduct this interview."

(President) T(himba) H(ami): "The pleasure is all mine. Please, let's begin."

OA: "Now Mr. President, could we begin by hearing in your own a brief description of what the government has achieved during your administration, and what exactly you have planned for the future?"

TH: "Yes of course. I guess the most important thing that's been done in the past year was the conclusion of Dorvik's state visit to Liore and the rack of trade deals we managed to negotiate with the delegation. I along with Minister Jang and Nnamani headed our delegation and got Liore a number of deals beneficial to us as well as Dorvik. Dorvik will be investing in our infrastructure network, especially our railroad system which has been in dire need of attention for decades if not centuries. And we also snagged our troops an arms deal, which'll let us cycle out some outdated weapons currently in use for some top-quality Dorvish guns and vehicles. Then of course the real meat of the deals came with an invitation to Dorvish companies to invest in mineral exploration and extraction here in our highlands. They're particularly interested in the north where our known sources of rare earths are located, and they've been given license to do busniess their, to invest in local hard and human capital and get the minerals flowing while we continue our focus on tourism and diversification. A square deal for both parties I must say. Ah, I'm sorry, I've gone on rambling, could you repeat the question?"

OA: "Yes, I just wanted to hear in your words a brief description of the achievements of the government under your administration and your plans going forward."

TH: "Ah yes, well the trade deals with Dorvik were a major achievement, and other than that I can say that we have already laid the foundation of a new foreign policy for the Socialist State. Liore was recently elected again to serve on the WC's Security Council representing the global East, and already the transcripts our WC Delegation has sent me from the discussions in teh Security Council are promising, and showing of the strength we want to put out to the world, and the strength we wanna show that the East has. In the SC, Representative Oyenusi is really bringing the fight to neo-colonialist, corporate oligarchs, and we're doing the same here in Dovani. Another part of our trade deal with Dorvik was the creation of Lidor Pharmaceuticals, which we want to use as a Dovani-based and low-cost alternative source of pharmaceuticals of lesser fortunate nations here in Dovani and the East, so we can ween our comrade nations off of the economic imperialism of predatory western companies and put Liore in a leadership position among our Dovanian comrades.

Now to answer the other part of your question, going forward we really want to assert Liore as an independent regional power, and as a defender of Dovani and the global east. At least diplomatically, that is our primary goal, and of course we're in discussions with Deltarian officials on ending the campaign against the DLO, as those barbarians are all bust destroyed and the small scrap of need for Deltarian troops in Liore is now gone, so foreign troops in Liore will end soon, very soon. Economically, I believe I've already mentioned this but we want to continue working on developing Liore's tourism industry and on diversifying the economy, and we wanna achieve this by working more closely with regional partners rather than looking hemispheres away. Ostland, Istapali, Kurageri, Midway, even Vascania are all on our radar. Militarily, we're looking to dig back up the Lion, Crocodile, and Eagle Plan from some twenty-five or so years ago, and we wanna use it as a means to modernize our troops, with particular respect to our navy. Believe me, we've been in talks with some geopolitical partners and we have some plans for the navy. Now other than all that, I've been convinced by some charismatic members of the Jamii Party on the merits of environmentalism and of education, so without going into too much detail, mainly because we haven't fleshed out too much detail yet, I'm personally looking to scrape together some funding for higher education institutions for environmental and zoological studies. Oh, my apologies, that was nowhere near brief. I guess for a brief description, all I need to say is 'much'."

OA: "That's alright Mr. President, it was very informative. Next, I'm curious to hear some more about your foreign policy. The hot topic recently is Liore's relationship with Deltaria, and many, particularly western, media outlets have labeled Liore as a 'Deltarian puppet' and the National Movement as 'Liore's anti-Deltarian party'. Mr. President, is there any truth to these charges?"

TH: "Hah, I see you read the Liberal Economist. To answer your question, no I don't see Liore as any nation's puppet or the National Movement as in opposition to any nation. These are all just allegations meant to undermine and delegitimize Liore. We do have a special relationship with Deltaria, I think we can all admit that. When the world turned its back on us when Vascania implemented its blockade, only Deltaria and Istalia came to defend Liore's sovereignty against the fleets of Vascania and Yingdala. Deltaria invested heavily in our recovery efforts, and continues to invest in our development, and our special economic zones are rife with Deltarian business. Deltaria is one of our greatest comrade nations, but they're just that, a comrade and not a commissar. It's why with great pain did I have to take a stance that could be misconstrued as 'anti-Deltarian' when our government just invited their troops into Liore to police our nation. We can handle situation like the DLO on our own, we have no need for any foreign army to handle them for us. So to reiterate my answer to you question, I'm not anti-Deltarian, but I am anti-foreign military presence in Liore, and as such I plan on continuing friendly relations with our comrades in Cahtice as soon as their fighting men are back home."

OA: "To continue with foreign policy, Liore has during your Presidency taken a sharp turn in opposition to western corporations, and particularly Endralonian corporations when not even four years ago were western tourist companies including the Endralonian Sárközy Hotels were invited to open up in Liore. What caused this sharp turn in policy, and how far is the government planning on taking it?"

TH: "Ah my friend, that is a good question. You see, as I said earlier, Liore sees itself as one the defender of Dovani and one of the East's shields against western neo-colonialism. We've come a long way in the past century, and during that time we've focused on ourselves and our own development, while not paying much attention to the development and plight of our comrades around us. We've made deals that only benefit us, and cut bargains with devils, but now Liore recognizes her spot among her comrades, and her duty to her fellow Dovanians. Our duty is to defend, and right now we see the enemy as neo-colonialism. This comes in many forms, but the most prevalent are the international corporations, and no country is no more a den for these vile beasts than the corporate oligarchy that is Endralon. The leviathan 3M is the most disgusting of these animals, and they've done their part in oppressing Dovanians and Easterners in the past. The whole Medina fiasco is the best example of this, when that evil corporation lobbied and bribed western governments and even the WC to punish our Medinese comrades for kicking 3M out of their homeland. The fact is, these corporations are a virus for our countries and must be defended against, which is why we've taken such a drastic turn in policy. To return to Lidor Pharmaceutical, it's goal is to drive out predatory pharmaceutical companies like 3M and provide a cheaper alternative for nations that are frankly getting scammed by western merchants. Now all of this is not to say we want to completely isolate the East from the West, all we want is a square deal and self-reliance for the East and an end to neo-colonialism. We're more than happy to do business with Endralon and her companies if they begin to respect our boundaries and cease their immoral business practices, but knowing who's in charge in Hugamest, I don't think that'll come anytime soon."

OA: "Mr. President, you have some pretty foul words for Endralon and her corporations..."

TH: "My friend, my words are only as foul as what they are describing."

OA: "Clearly. Wow, I'm afraid we only have time for one more question. Mr. President, the previous general elections were historical in that they resulted in the election of the first non-People's Front President since the reign of Wekesa Temitope, but as we know the People's Front maintained their majority in the People's Assembly. Tell me, have you been working well with your comrades from outside the National Movement?"

TH: "Well yes of course I have, ultimately the People's Front and National Movement have the same goals and are separated primarily by foreign policy. I and the National Movement support the Socialist State and the People's Front for the tremendous amount of good they have done for the Liori people, and I've personally worked closely with many comrades from the People's Front, including General Secretary Afolayan and Premier Falana. I have a great deal of respect for the General Secretary in particular, and I speak with him just about every other day regarding policy and planning. I've worked with Ministers Jang and Nnamani on the Dorvik deal. Personally, I feel there is much solidarity and comradery between the People's Front and the National Movement, and we both want a prosperous Liore. That being said, there is still much criticism that I can give to the People's Front in how they've ruled, especially in recent years. At the top of that list is the invitation of Deltarian troops to combat the DLO, that I believe was a very short-sighted and ill-advised move. And I also have to criticize their inability to fully democratize Liore, only this past election did we have a relatively free election, and even then nine seats in the People's Assembly were instantly awarded to People's Front over fears of the instability in the region. There is much to be criticized, but again, overall we're working well together and are getting things done."

OA: "Thank you Mr. President, it's much appreciated to have this opportunity, but that's all the time I have."

TH: "Anytime Mr. Alamieyeseigha, I hope I can come back again.
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Re: Liore

Postby Rogue » Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:32 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby Rogue » Wed Dec 02, 2020 8:48 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:46 am

International Market Shocks SEZ Economies; "Liore is Prepared for the Future"
June 4855
PRIME Automobile Factories Constructed in 4799 Offered Purchase by Liori Government

Following a slew of irresponsible laissez-faire economic policies, the Deltarian economy is plummeting, and with it the the global market. Shockwaves are being felt across Terra, like the falling of dominoes everywhere from Dorvik to Yingdala is feeling the pain of the bear's collapse. In Liore too the economy has been shocked, though to a much smaller degree than elsewhere. Liore's special economic zones, who reap the rewards and dangers of free trade and liberal economics, feel these pains most, in the dropping of demand for the goods produced there and of the erasure of all motivation for investment from the international companies that currently operate in the SEZs. However, Liore's socialist heartland and her state-owned industries have largely been unaffected by the collapse and the way of life away from the SEZs continues as normal. Liore's economic system is designed for such situations as the one faced today, with liberal SEZ established to be open to global trade and investment, and a socialist core for the nation to fall back upon in times of global recession. This system was first formulated in 4788 in the wake of the Lourennais collapse after the effects of over-reliance on global trade and mineral exports shook the Liori economy then, and now it seems we will learn whether those theorists were correct in their postulate.

The government is already taking action to alleviate the pain in Liore's SEZs in the appointment of a special taskforce to address their most pressing issues. On the top of the taskforce's priorities is the addressing of the issues faced by workers who may face unemployment in non-Liori companies, and for this the state has offered temporary employment to all out-of-work Lioris in the Liore National Infrastructure Company, which the government reportedly plans to issue major projects in the near future. Liori-owned companies that are affected by the depression will also be granted subsidies to continue business as usual and have been encouraged to keep unsold products stockpiled or sell them to Liore's strategic reserve. Foreign companies on the other hand, who are predicted to take the brunt of the depression, will be issued subsidies only on an extreme case-by-case basis, and instead companies which may be forced to close down their locations in Liore have been offered to sell their capital below market price to the government or alternatively have been encouraged to negotiate better deals with private Liori companies for the sale of capital.

Economists maintain their confidence that the Liore Economic Model will soften the impact of the global depression on the national economy, and even some argue that this collapse will offer Liore the opportunity rise as an economic and political powerhouse. With western companies and attention bound to shrink away from east and back to their homelands, an economic power vacuum will be created in the east that can be easily filled by the support, investment, and patronage of disconnected eastern powers like Liore and Vascania. Economists argue that Liore should not squander this opportunity, and officials seem to agree. Sources indicate that they're has been a great deal of discussion in all levels of government regarding the possibility of Liore providing foreign portfolio and direct investment to her neighbors, and with the first Lidor Pharmaceuticals plant already up and running and more facilities under construction it is only a matter of time for that Pan-Dovani project to begin. Experts seem to agree, the age of Western domination over the East is at its end...
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Dec 04, 2020 4:23 am

Liore Prepared to Aid Neighbors
November 4855
Second Lidor Pharmaceuticals Plant, Constructed in Naranpá, Araresa Department

In Liore, it seems the worst of the effects of the global crash thanks in part due to the immediate actions taken by the government to remedy Liore economic and humanitarian situation, but primarily due to the stable economic model adopted at the turn of the century. As predicted, unsubsidized foreign businesses made up a majority of those that collapsed during the decline, and a number of those businesses chose to sell their assets to Liori companies and the Liore government rather than wait out the storm. On the other side, while Liori businesses continue to see a downturn in sales, a few have made a net growth due to their use of subsidies and purchase of foreign capital, however Liori companies and the economy overall have seen a drop in growth rates, though this has not fallen into the negatives. Despite the reduction in growth and the continuation of the crisis abroad, officials in Liore have declared the depression "defeated by the mighty gorilla" and have begun to turn their gazes abroad.

Neema Oyenusi wrote:...we plan soon to assist our neighboring Dovanian nations, many of whom have unfortunately become reliant on now falling western investment and business, in their recovery through humanitarian aid and economic investment aimed at growing local economies and lessening their reliance on unstable western markets.

The above quote is from Neema Oyenusi, Liore's Representative to the World Congress who recently addressed the Security Council on the issue of the global depression and in that speech delivered this quote, affirming Liore's commitment to the betterment of conditions in Dovani and the East. After the speech went public, spokesmen for various Ministries in the Liori government confirmed that they had been making preparations for a large-scale aid program directed towards Dovani, and later President Thimba Hami went public with discussions that were held between Liori and Vascanian officials on a possible joint investment operation for nations in the global East that had become overly-reliant upon Western business, and confirmed that this operation was in the final stages of negotiation and would soon begin to manifest. Government officials state the reasoning for these upcoming programs are purely meant to alleviate the current depression in the East and prevent anything similar from occurring in the future by assisting in the development of local economies and self-reliance, however some experts suggest that the favor these programs could curry in nearby nations likely also shares a role in motivation. While the details of the joint investment program have not yet been made public and lists of possible beneficiary nations are only speculative, officials say it will commence soon and even sooner will Liore be sending humanitarian aid to the hardest hit populations in Dovani, in the form of food, stockpiled essential goods, and pharmaceuticals. On the topic of pharmaceuticals, the government has confirmed that it plans on making Lidor Pharma one of the driving forces in Liore's aid efforts. With the company having been steadily producing pharmaceuticals for almost a year and with new facilities nearing their completion stages in construction, officials believe the time for the company to pursue its mission statement of providing medicinal drugs to Dovanian nations at a low cost and that it is ready to provide for regional markets at a limited rate.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Sat Dec 05, 2020 4:32 am

Liore, Vascania Launch Investment Campaign; Liore Bans Nuclear Proliferation
May 4856
Capital of North Dovani Enomoto-si Expected to Benefit Greatly from Investment

The Foreign Ministry announced today that, after finalized talks with counterparts from Vascania and other eastern nations, Liore and Vascania will launch their campaign of investments in the Third World, beginning with the far-northern nation of North Dovani and the far-southern nation of Temania, two nations sharing in (relatively) recent history ethnic cleavages and dependency of western powers. Like many other nations across the continents of Dovani and Temania, the nations North Dovani and Temania have been struck hard by the global depression, and their economies have suffered shockwaves from their reliance on the west, making these two nations prime possible members of an autarkic east. Though North Dovani and Temania are the first benefactors of Liore and Vascania's joint-investment program, they certainly won't be the last, with the Foreign Ministry maintaining talks with several other nations in the region and speculation over who may be the next investment partner running rampant.

The investment packages being offered to North Dovani and Temania offer multiple forms of investment, though primarily a conditional financial grant to both nations' governments as well as direct portfolio investment into promising local industries by the Liori and Vascanian governments. The grants offered to the two governments come with few strings attached but with several conditions outlining their intended use to develop infrastructure and foster domestic economic growth, whether through private subsidies, state-owned ventured, or other policies. The grants and portfolio investments are also intended to support industrial production and resource extraction sectors as opposed to the agricultural and services sectors. In addition to the investment by the Liori and Vascanian governments, the packages seek to also open North Dovanian and Temanian markets to investment and business from private entities in Liore and Vascania to further assist in their development and to advance economic cooperation and comradery in the East, and economic advisors and experts in certain industries from the two investor states will also be sent to the beneficiaries as a part of the package.

In other news, after calls from within the World Congress for member-states and particularly states serving on the Security Council to come into compliance with Security Council Resolution 97, a bill was written and put to a vote in the People's Assembly which would "prohibit the creation, storage, ownership, and use of nuclear armaments within Liore or by her citizens and government." This bill, which passed overwhelmingly with 293 in favor with 5 abstain/absent votes and only 2 opponents, both well-known militarists from National Movement. Speaking in opposition, Representative Kondo Tinibu (NM - Furutari) stated "the Liori gorilla can not let it be weakened by the bleeding hearts of the West, doing so would only weaken us relative to nuclear powers across the sea... for the sake of Liore's security and strength, we must hold the weapons of our most dangerous enemies." While currying favor among Liore militarists, Rep. Tinibu's impassioned speech ultimately failed to even convince enough Representatives to vote to even make a statement of wide popularity, let alone defeat the bill.
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Re: Liore

Postby Rogue » Sat Dec 05, 2020 9:32 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby Rogue » Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:24 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:34 am

Election Analysis
January 4858

Election Map by People's Assembly District

People's Assembly Results
People's Front - 135 (-16) / 45.00%
National Movement - 129 (+25) / 43.00%
Independent - 24 (+9) / 8.00%
Free Liore - 12 (-18) / 4.00%

Presidential Results
Round I
Thimba Hami - 58.37%
Chuma Jang - 40.11%
Other - 1.52%

The People's Front's slim majority in the People's Assembly has been destroyed by the net loss of sixteen seats, however they maintain a plurality in the legislature, having won six more seats than the second-place National Movement, which itself seized a second historic electoral victory in a row, first shattering the PF's total dominance and now their majority. The National Movement saw its greatest gains along the Caltropic Coast, especially along the northern coast of the Bwemaji Gulf, and in the city of Naranpá, a PF stronghold that was brought firmly into the NM's column after the elections. Not far from Naranpá in Bakundu, the once mixed-bag city was one of the few areas where the People's Front saw noticeable gains, solidifying it under the party's control. The PF saw gains in Vitafu Department as well, netting a total of five seats, primarily at the expense of Free Liore. Free Liore suffered the greatest losses, losing more than half of their seats, thanks primarily to the drop in interest in liberal economics after the collapse of the global market in 4855. Though FL didn't net an increase in seats in any Department, the party managed to solidify its dominance in Nzurchanga at the expense of seats outside the city. Independent candidates also had a good night, with the number of unaffiliated Representatives in the People's Assembly increasing by nine.

The incumbent President Thimba Hami of the National Movement has won reelection, beating Foreign Minister Chuma Jang, the People's Front's candidate in the race, by eighteen points. Hami has proven to be one of the most popular Presidents in recent Liori history, representing to many Liori voters the strength and spirit of Liore on the foreign stage and a paternalistic populist at home. Despite the NM's wins, the prerogative to form and lead a government will likely again fall to the PF, and General Secretary Chui Afolayan has indicated that the Party is committed to continuing the Falana government. However Premier Otieno Falana does not have the necessary support in the People's Assembly, and paths to a majority are few. There are two probable options for the PF, the first and more desirable being the formation of a coalition with Free Liore and ensuring the support of at least four independents, though this option would alienate nearly half of the electorate and rely on cooperation between two ideologically opposed parties and four wildcards. The other and much more stable option would to be to join in a coalition with the NM, ensuring the representation of a vast majority of Lioris and between two parties with more similarities than differences, however this would require the PF to cede more cabinet seats and much more power to their already strong rival.
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