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Re: 大理坡 每日新闻 (Dalibor Daily News)

Postby Rogue » Fri Nov 08, 2019 11:03 pm

25th January 4660 (postdated)
Protestors running away and throwing items at the military as they are being shot at with life bullets

Dalibor City: After months of increased unrest in larger cities and growing anarchy in The Outlands it seems like the situation is now truly getting out of hand in Dalibor. While at first the military was reluctant to use real force against the rioters and protesters it now seems as if they are trying to violently put down the protests in one descisive action.

Earlier this morning tanks and groups of infantry strategically placed around the capital city started opening fire at protestors, killing around 50 of them in total and wounding another 200. While at first it looked like the protests where about to be dispersed due to the extreme violence of the military later in the afternoon more gunshots could be heard all accross the capital, with civilians seemingly starting to pick up arms in order to defend themselves from the increasingly agressive military. Meanwhile in other major cities the same started to happen and in the Outlands any civilian that came there unprotected was either killed or kidnapped by Criminal Gangs.

As the military is losing control over the island airports have been closed and the only real harbour of the country in Dalibor City has been shut for any ship until further notice. The military has announced the continuation of martial law. The civilians are however starting to organize themselves. Calling themselves the "Federal Democratic People's Army" (FDPA) the civilians that armed themselves have now demanded the institution of a democratic federation in Dalibor, attempting to create the peace that reigned for so long. The new FDPA is seemingly representing all armed citizens and can formally be considered one of the main rebellious factions on the island with an estimated 3.500 armed fighters under their umbrella. Another group named the "Communist Revolutionary Corps" (CRC) has proclaimed their desire of installing a communist state in the chaos of the situation, they themselves have only a few hundred fighters under their command but no proper estimate can be made.

With the emergence of several formal factions, the start of armed fighting in major cities and the apparent rule of criminal gangs in the outlands has led many experts to predict that Dalibor may find itself in a bloody civil conflict soon.
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Re: 大理坡 每日新闻 (Dalibor Daily News)

Postby Rogue » Fri Nov 15, 2019 8:18 pm

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Re: 大理坡 每日新闻 (Dalibor Daily News)

Postby Rogue » Sat Nov 16, 2019 11:23 am

25th December 4665
Soldiers of the DPAF during a firefight with rebels

Dalibor City: The Provisional Dalibor Administration led by the Dalibor People's Armed Forces is starting to disintergrate following the invasion of the north by Indralan forces under "Operation Guardian Sun". The PDA has not released any official communications for over a month and reports have come in of army units fighting eachother and new factions forming all accross the south. Several vague reports about former army units targetting civilian populations has also reached media outlets.

The PDA has led Dalibor for the past 6 years since their coup in 4658. Months after their coup protests devolved in outright rebellion and the nation was in a state of civil war for 2 years already before Indralan forces launched their invasion of the north. The PDA, already low on resources, was faced with fighting both partisans all accross the nation and facing the Indralan invasion. Before long the Administration was forced out of the north and only kept control of the south.
Now however it seems that the central military administration is falling apart as several brigades of the DPAF have broken with their command and claimed parts of the south for themselves. Now it seems that the entire armed forces have disintergrated as the PDA has effectively been gone. Several military factions have claimed parts of the north and soldiers have even started to execute civilians in some parts of the country as "revenge" for oppossing military rule before.

Indralan Councelor-in-chief Peng Song has responded to the increased anarchy in the south stating that Indralan and FRD forces will move into the south within the coming weeks to "restore order and stop the unlawfull and horrific slaughter of civilian populations"

Many hold their breath to see what the outcome of the conflict may be.
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Re: Dalibor

Postby Maxington » Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:33 pm


Upcoming politician Jiang Peng, secured a crushing victory in the national election as voters backed his promise to “clean the nation of the criminal menace” and to pilot the nation to a new era of development and progress. Peng's National Empowerment Party (NEP) captured 28 of the 40 seats in the National Assembly, in what is being described as a comfortable majority of 8 and a major landslide victory in recent national history. He addressed the nation just after 7 am in Dalibor City, saying that societal peace was the irrefutable, irresistible, unarguable decision of the people of Dalibor and promising those who lent their vote to the NEP in the federated regions: “I will not forget the mandate you have given me to unite this nation.” Earlier, speaking from his home, he said the government had been given “a powerful new mandate to centralise Dalibor and rid the nation of crime … I think this will turn out to be a historic election that gives us now, in this new government, the chance to respect the democratic will of the people of Dalibor”. As results from across the country suggested the exit poll would prove correct and seat after seat in the opposition New Wave party’s strongholds swung from New Wave red to NEP Orange, Peng's gamble against the ruling New Wave party appeared to have paid off. The new Chief Minister will now move swiftly to convene the Constitutional Committee to discuss collapsing the federalist constitution to a unitary republic. He said in an address outside Administration House that he intends on delivering on his promise to the people of Dalibor: to clean the streets of criminality and corruption, to collapse the unstable federal system and to lead the nation to a new era of economic progress and development. Chief Minister Peng must now negotiate with the Outlander People's Republic and the Yingu Chiefdom on a settlement that would see them collapse their federal governments for a centralised system of governance. Some have criticised Peng on his ability to represent the interests of the people recognising that he comes from a wealthy background. He is the son of Xiao Peng, the owner of the Peng Group of Companies, one of the largest conglomerates in Dalibor operating in the area of entertainment and services. Jiang was quick to rebuttal said statement saying that although he does come from a wealthy background he intends on representing the people of the nation wholeheartedly, without "Favour, Affection, Malice or Ill-Will."
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Re: Dalibor

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:40 pm

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Re: Dalibor

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:57 am

ImageImageImageImageThe Daliborian Dude
ImageImageImageCorporate Bankrupts; Crisis Escalates
ImageImageImageImage17 July, 4856

Following the great Deltarian financial recession conquered the world, it is quickly conquered Dalibor too. As an economy built on corporations and foreign investments, the Daliborian people always have to face the difficulties of the global market, however, this current crisis seems to be more dangerous. On this week, several historical or important Daliborian or Dalibor-based corporation got bankrupted, literally causing the destruction of the entire economy of the island. And this problem could easily escalates to a political problem from a financial one: there are rumors about the government even won't be capable of paying policemen.

In many districts of Dalibor City people switched to barter trade referred to uncertainty of the value of the money at the moment. There is also news about riots, burglary and stronger activity from crime syndicates and other illegal organizations in the city. The rural and cost parts of the island not even worse, but still bad: people who're visiting Dalibor Island usually can't afford a way back and stuck here, and the operations of the maritime transporting on the waves are closer to total failure than proper functioning. This latter is the result of the bankrupt of many minor or greater maritime companies and organizations.

Mayor of Dalibor City, Mr. Lai Tian, who is considered a weak old privileged businessman rather than a proper leader and politician, currently planning to beg for humanitarian and international aid to even save the country from total anarchy. Based on the rumors, the number one target of the begging is the Vascanian Empire, and the second one is the World Congress itself. Many public figures criticized this step referring to independence and avoiding a solution what would require governmental money rather than corporate one, but together with the majority, Mr. Lai Tian also seeing the way to improvement in this.
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Re: Dalibor

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:09 pm

ImageImageImageImageThe Daliborian Dude
ImageImageImageRural People Starving; Dalibor At Lowest Point
ImageImageImageImage22 December, 4856

Mr. Lai Tian's idea became a disaster as almost every forecast promised. Because the Vascanian Empire only given humanitarian aid to Dalibor, and not financial one, the crisis not improved, but worsen. The humanitarian aids in August and September showed a tiny kind of improvement and some people would thought Dalibor is on the way towards stability, but then, when all of the aids were spent, even Mr. Tian had to realize that it only could helped them temporarily and since October the recession became worse to worse day to day, and in the time of the writing of this article it is on the lowest point of its existence.

Rural people literally dying day to day, thousands of people are laying dead on the streets because the graveyard companies also bankrupted. Because of this several people got affected by many diseases, and they usually join the dead on the streets, because most of the health companies also got bankrupted. There is gladiator fights for food between men, so how do not die because the lack of food, that people die in the fight for those remained nourishment - and of course nobody prevents these conflicts because there is no either private or public policy outside Dalibor City.

About city: the situation is better, but not with much. Because of the protection of the Mayor and the City Council, some police forces remained, working without requesting salary, and also, because the remained corporation there is some security guards in the downtown. Some crime syndicates unofficially offered to maintain order in the suburbs, and they doing so. Chaos on the rural lands, in the City, and in every other places of the island. No idea how we will survive this disaster with the leadership of such weak leaders like Mr. Tian, I know only one thing: we should survive.
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Re: Dalibor

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:10 pm

ImageImageImageImageThe Daliborian Dude
ImageImageImageRees: "I Am The New Year Hope Of Dalibor!"
ImageImageImageImage11 January, 4857

On 10, January 4857, the Mordusian businessman Rex Rees announced and confirmed that he might interested in rebuilding of - this is how he called it - the Eternal Corporate City, which we surely guess he meant Dalibor City under, our city-state, what is currently under chaotic, anarchic and infernal influence and circumstances. Mr. Rees' proposal is the Daliborian investment and corporate influence in every piece of the world instead the current (or former) corporations' plan that is based on foreign investment and foreign influence on the island. Mr. Rees stated that Dalibor has to be the corporate power, and not just the financial centre of the world.

Rees' reputation is really mixed, both in the world (at least in the parts where he is famous) and in his own country. He became known when as a young and ambitious broker he founded the stock market seller corporation Super Mountain, Inc. in Mordusia, and used it to gaining profits across cheating thousands of people with penny stocks. Of course it was illegal, and Rees was forced to abandon his activity, but before he could go to the prison, he escaped to Endralon, where he got a new job as a consultant to the Lievenian Trade Group. After his Endralonian years, he lived in Dalibor for 3 years and now he is living in Vorona since 4855.

Concretely, Rees proposes that Dalibor should buy important corporations from the entire world that are operating everywhere, and with it, Dalibor would secure its place, that nobody would abandon it during a crisis. As he said 'the internal corporate market is stupidity, the corporate expansion on the global market is 200 IQ'. Many Daliborians think that he is not one of us (even if he lived 3 years here), and even if he speaking the truth he shouldn't be approved to improve our situation. Me, as many other people in my environment believing that if what he would do is good, then he should do. Maybe a way out of this hell?
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Re: Dalibor

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Jan 12, 2021 4:08 am

大理坡觀察者 | The Dalibor Observer
The Dalibor Observer is an independent, investigative broadsheet print and digital news organization based out of the nation's largest city, Yingu.
The organization reports mainly on national political and general news.

6th August 4875
Democratic Progressive League secures win in elections, gains legislative majority
The relatively new political party, formed four years ago during general elections but failed to gain many seats, has finally secured a working majority. Embarking on an ambitious platform via its Chief Secretary and now Chairman-elect of Dalibor, Cheng Fu, the party has already drawn both it's supporters and critics.

Xun Lei
Senior Political Analyst and Commentator

YINGU - For years, Dalibor's history has been roughly segmented (and arguably dictated) by three aspects of the nation - The triad syndicates operating in the larger cities, nigh-monolithic corporations, both foreign and national, and a slew of corrupt politicians from all rungs of the ladder. There have been flashes of promise over the past two centuries, but the former issues have largely shrunk them back down to size. For what seems like eternity, a genuine call for reform and change was won by the nation's voters.

The Democratic Progressive League, formed a mere four years ago has had a muted rise to success. Created during the general elections those four years prior by Cheng Fu, formerly a member of the National Solidarity Party's more liberal wing and Assemblyman from Yingu, the party failed to attract a majority of votes, garnering some success among rural municipalities but failing to attract urban voters, who've largely stuck to the two major power blocs of the Workers' Party and the Conservatives. Fate seemed to shift within the recent general elections however - spurned by a resignation of the previous Chairman Fan Mei and her bipartisan cabinet over insider trading allegations, the aggressive lobbying efforts by local corporations to curry their interests and throw cash to their preferred candidates seemingly caused a break in tradition from the voting public, resulting in the League gaining both the Chairmanship and 177 seats in the Assembly, a comfortable two-thirds majority.

Establishing it's core ideology on that of populism, anti-corruption, economic reform and general "renewal" of the country, both industrially and diplomatically, the party attracted a relative coat of many colors - bringing conservatives, libertarians, progressives of all rank, and technocrats under it's wing, cementing it's status as a big tent organization. Cheng Fu was initially doubtful of the election results, owing to the fact that the candidates from the Conservatives and the Workers' Party had not yet issued concession speeches. After some time however, both had issued their withdrawals from the race on social media, granting Cheng and his party a victory.

Owing it as a hard fought endeavor, Cheng spoke to a throng of supporters in his home constituency of Yingu and proclaimed a "new future" was destined for the nation. I was present for Mr. Cheng's remarks, and was able to record a selected transcript of the Chairman-elect's closing remarks, where he vowed to right the wrongs the country had so harshly faced for centuries, and to work towards establishing brighter opportunities for the common Daliborian, alongside reiterating the election policies the League ran on.
Chairman-elect Cheng Fu wrote:...We enter a new future - not one that is wrought with anguish and poverty. Not one where life is dictated by either criminals ran rampant or corporations allowed near-total freedom. Dalibor enters one that is dictated for it's people, their best interests truly at heart. I want each and every one of you to look at the problems you face today - food scarcity, low job security, absurd taxes on common necessities, low wages - your children coming to you to ask whether or not their next meal will be now, or one they'll have to wait a few days for, because those problems will no longer persist for our country in the coming years. They cannot be allowed to do so. For our prosperity - anything shall be done, and can be done.

To a new era! To a new Dalibor!

Despite the broad support for Mr. Cheng and his League, the Chairman-elect has already earned his fair share of steep opponents - mainly the usual suspects of organized crime, corporate entities, and the aforementioned corrupt political upper crust, but also from within the Assembly's other parties - namely the Workers' Party and the Conservatives, and even a scattered few of Mr. Cheng's former National Solidarity Party. Criticizing the lengths Cheng would go to achieve national progress as "nigh-dictatorial", alleging that the Democratic Progressive League had tinges of illiberal and authoritarian democratic hues to it's rhetoric, alongside opposition to the utilization of foreign security and defense contractors to modernize the police and military forces. With the national response following the party's victory however, such concerns are seemingly a drop in the bucket.

Chairman-elect Cheng, flanked by members of the capitol's police force, speaks from the Assembly of the Union's press room.
The Chairman-elect, despite his age at 71 years old, ran on "youthful enthusiasm" and encouraged the nation's youth to exercise their right to vote - for the great improvement of Dalibor.

The Democratic Progressive League's logo, recently revised in lieu of the recent general elections.
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Re: Dalibor

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:06 am

大理坡觀察者 | The Dalibor Observer
The Dalibor Observer is an independent, investigative broadsheet print and digital news organization based out of the nation's largest city, Yingu.
The organization reports mainly on national political and general news.

19th August 4875
Newly-elected League government begins far-reaching anti-corruption reforms
Embarking on his party's chief campaign promise, Cheng Fu has, in collaboration with League members of the Assembly, begun drafting sweeping anti-corruption reform legislation.
Aimed at finally restoring impartiality to the Assembly of the Union and government agencies, the bill is but one of many to be proposed and passed unopposed in the coming weeks.


Dai Guanyu
Junior Legislative and Economic Analyst

Seemingly wasting no time in wishing to enact their electoral campaign promises as soon as possible - a move that has somewhat been criticized by the Dalibor Democratic Party, an alliance which could possibly be a helping hand in future endeavors should the League find it's majority removed from them, the Democratic Progressive League has sought to utilize it's supermajority to the fullest, crafting explicit anti-corruption legislation that, as of the time of this publication, has already reached page numbers in the triple-digit range.

A part of Cheng Fu's self-described "Three Pillars of Inequality" policy, which he explained at length during the recent elections, the anti-corruption legislation primarily focuses on the banning of members of the Assembly accepting special gifts or monetary offers from outside groups, establishing term limits of five years, being able to be renewed twice and no further, alongside establishing the Office for Government Accountability, which would rigorously vet incoming Assemblymen and members of various government agencies for corruption. Alongside that were provisions allowing for the subsidizing of government watchdog groups, and establishing better links between government organizations and law enforcement to properly deal with rampant corruption - which, according to a recent nonpartisan poll, amounted to an estimated staggering 57% nationally.

Despite the massive improvements the bill would grant for the nation almost immediately upon it's passage, small so-called "cliques" of Assemblymen and former government officials have already begun speaking out against the proposed reforms. Countering their argument, the League's Caucus leader, Xie Qigang, held firm - "This legislation will not see itself face some ludicrous filibustering, or our Assembly members pressured to vote against it due to the influence of insider groups," she stated before a televised session of the Assembly. "We are wholly committed to seeing that corruption within the institutions of our democracy are cut down, and impartiality within government agencies are restored. These flagrant levels of abuses of power are an embarrassment for our country, it's citizens, and for our reputation abroad - we are public servants, not the spokespersons of corporate interests."

Such aforementioned benefits would be a sizable uptick in government revenue, one that economists have already estimated as being able to lift possibly millions of Shapir from corrupt sources, and flow properly into government institutions and national projects. "Dalibor would be able to achieve a lot more than the stagnation that currently resides," an economist for the Economic Reporter in Dalibor City stated. "We are a small nation - one with just only a population of three million, yet some families are not even able to earn a living wage, much less feed their children. Imagine how many hands could be helped with just a fraction of the money that is often lost to corruption. We could see affordable housing be shored up in Yingu and other cities, and perhaps finally start to renovate the centuries-old developmental disaster that has been Gangzhou."

The legislation has been welcomed by nearly all Daliborians - as much as 86% in a recent survey held during the election. Many had simply lost faith in the various governments entirely, often viewing them as various tinges of corruption that promised change, but failed to deliver. "It's something to look forward to," David Yu, a political analyst for the international-based Terran News Wire stated. "What the League proposes, the influences of Dalibor's big three within society be damned, is a shred of hope for the return of the public's trust in their government. To get rid of that label of being Terra's 'crime capital'. To have, for perhaps a long while, a sense of national pride."
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