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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:39 pm

OOC Source: GVB

Cahtice: The Deltarian economy is officially out of its crisis. While it is still vulnerable and has now inherited several social problems as well as a large debt it is finally growing again and new reports show that next year it may grow exponentially again, marking the end of the economic crisis. The latest report from the Deltarian Office of Economic Management shows a growthrate of a average of 2.3% with indications moving in the direction of 3% next year. While not a "boom" as some would have hoped this growthrate would potentially rebuild the Deltarian economy to its pre-crisis levels within 5 years. Most notable is the unemployment rate which is seeing a large decrease as the governments infrastructure project, its nationalization of key industries and the increase in housing construction have led to a large number of jobs becoming available, leading to the unemployment rate now being at 10%. While not ideal, it is still a 6% decrease from just 2 years ago, marking a revitalization of the jobs market. With more government jobs also available this time around, many of the new jobs are considered to be stable jobs not likely to be lost.

A big obstacle for the now normalizing and resurfacing Deltarian economy will remain its massive deby accumalated in just these short 2 years. From 68% of Debt to GDP to over 135%. This massive increase is largely attributed to the fact that Deltaria, in the later stages of the crisis, enacted massive stimulus programs to kickstart the economy back to growth. These programs have now resulted to a massive debt. While this is of concern some economists state that it might not be a massive liability, as a large debt does increase the chance of bancruptcy but as long as the Deltarian economy remains one of the larger economies globally that chance is almost nullified. Furthermore the inflation rate remains higher then average at around 4%.

Despite these challenges the Deltarian economy is back on track to growth and has thus officially ended its crisis. This end of major disruptions is also seeing its effect on global markets as many countries seem to be heading towards growth once more and most of the major crisis that gripped Terra these last 3 years seems to be over. Lessons have been learned, new measures enacted and things seem to be going in the right direction. The MEA as a whole is also seeing the reemergence of economic stability and growth with the Istalian economy, one of the hardest hit during the crisis, has reported its first actual growth (1.2%) in 2 years.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:35 pm

OOC Source: TNYT

Dovani: The Deltarian Government, represented by the President, has announced its "Dovani Economic Initiative" early this week aimed at catapulting Deltaria back into Dovani and creating a network of economic links between the majatran nation and the Dovani continent. The initiative, backed by a massive 800 billion fund partially taken from remaining GETAP funds, will invest billions into improving diplomatic relations with Dovani nations, investing into local Dovani infrastructure such as ports, roads and railways and possibly laying the groundwork for a underwater gas pipeline between the two continent, possibly the largest pipeline in the world. These massive projects, of which the first work has already begun in the Liore Bakundu port, marks the first large foreign policy initiative of the Bureš administration and sets the tone for Deltarian foreign policy in the coming years. While Deltaria has always focussed more on "leading by example" and much less on direct diplomatic and economic cooperation that focus has now shifted and Deltaria seems ready to increase its global committments and get itself more involved not only in its own economy, but also on the global economic stage.

The plan is detailed to have 3 phases. Phase one will be the improvement of diplomatic ties with a variety of Dovani nations. While no clear names have been revealed it is expected that this will mean a further improvement of relations with Liore and Medina and a possible extension of ties with Lourenne, Sekowo and others in the northwest and north of Dovani. The second phase will include heavy investments into local infrastructure such as roads, railways, ports and communication lines in the nations involved. Furthermore a increase in trade relations would ensure that these new infrastructure projects would partially be used to open up local markets to the Deltarian, and in turn Dovani, economy. This second phase also includes a strengthening of defense ties and possibility for Deltarian defense products to be made available to a larger base of Dovani nations, most notably Lourenne, Medina and Liore.

The third and last phase of the initiative includes the construction of "the world's largest gass pipeline" meant to connect the Dovani gas market with that of the large Badaran, Kafuri and Jakanian producers in Majatra. This is the most uncertain of the three phases as the government admits that it is "ambitious" and would need "a long term committment from several parties to succeed." If a success however this last phase would see two major gas producing continents connected, possibly opening them up for trillions in revenue exchange and the possibility for a extention of the pipeline later down the line. The last phase also includes the "unwavering committment to uphold the projects established with the initiative" meaning that money will be reserved by the Deltarian government to maintain the infrastructure created in phase two of the initiative.

While the DEI is a ambitious project the Deltarian government hopes to challenge the increasing Vascanian influence in the region and, at the same time, open up the Deltarian and Majatran economy to trillions in possible revenue, securing a massive source of economic revenue for a dozen economies on both continents. The initiative is set to be officially launched next year, with the Deltarian government currently making preparations to launch Phase one.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:34 pm

OOC Source: Tweede Kamer

Deltaria: "If they wanna make themselves the laughing stock of Terra they can go right ahead", is the first thing Deltarian President Bureš stated when he was asked by supporters for a response on Vascanian comments earlier this month. While the president initially seemed to rub the comments off they did make a lasting impact within the population. On social media the #Vascafailure was trending for most of the week in Deltaria and many seemed outraged at the comments coming from not only the Vascanian population, but official government aides, including their Prime Minister. In response to the comments the UPD led Assembly even called for a debate to be held on the matter, asking the president what he will do about the matter. While, like before, the president seemed to be amused by the comments of Vascania, angering some of his colleagues in the Assembly, he later explained himself further:

Vascania is a nation trying to gain influence in its respective region. We get it dont we? Deltaria has found itself in their shoes. But while Deltaria handled this period responsibly and managed to prevent its earlier mistakes from happening again Vascania is using this period to punch below the belt and focus on insulting fellow nation states. Its sad really, that a aspiring power like Vascania cant act like a respectable power and is so affraid of others that it hopes words will solve its problems. Deltaria is dedicated to working with its Dovani allies into strengthening the continent, opening and expanding economic markets and improve social conditions. Our country just came out of a economic crisis and despite this we take our responsibility and work to better those around us, instead of just ourselves. We wont solve all of Dovani its problems. But together with our regional partners we can certainly try.

Many praised the "statesman" like appearance of the president during the debate and called for a full focus on the Dovani Economic Initiative. President Bureš made clear that the intend to pursue the DEI is unchanged and that his government is making the final preparations for launching the initiative. As both sides seem determined, many wonder what this potential geopolitical rivalry will bring to Dovani and Terra.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:31 am

OOC Source: Sputnik News

Cahtice: Minister of Defense Jakub Rybár in a publicized interview earlier this week announced that the Deltarian Airforce will, for the first time in 20 or so years, undergo a large reform and modernization program to, "Ready it for combat in this new era of heightened tension". The program, which has not been designated a name, will include the selling of older airforce hardware and the aquisition of new hardware, mainly provided by a variety of private companies. A already public detail about the program is the selling of Deltaria's current MiG-29 fleet of 130 jets to Selucia. The MiG-29 had been the cornerstone of Deltarian aviation and combat operations for centuries, becoming the symbol of the Deltarian airforce. But after all those decades of service it has become clear that its systems, while still capable, are not suit for the purpose Deltaria wants to use them for. Therefor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reportedly reached a deal with their Selucian counterparts to sell all 130 jets to Selucia in battle ready condition for a reduced price of 500 million. This will give Selucia a battle-tested jet for their airforce while allowing Deltaria to use the funds gained from the purchase to work on the rest of the modernization program.

Deltaria still finds itself in a rough spot economically. Despite officially being out of a recession it still has a large debt to pay off and its budget is still 15% smaller then the budget before the crisis. Due to this difficult financial situation the Ministry of Defense has made it clear to the variety of private contractors that will work on the project that Deltaria wants to look for cost effective yet capable upgrades to their current fleet. Besides this Deltaria also intends on increasing the size of its fleet, which currently is considered to be medium sized. It has reserved over 3 billion to exclusively order new jets from its main contractors of SATURN and the newly emerged VALCRY. VALCRY had been a top defense company a century ago when it was founded in Cildania. It had worked on mainly revolutionary technology, which included its special missiles which penetrated a surface before exploding. They had also worked on naval ships and, later, fighter jets. The company became bancrupt around 50 years ago when competitors like SATURN and the UEG managed to push it out of the main markets. Now, 50 years later, the company has been refounded and will from now on exclusively focus on air technologies.

VALCRY and SATURN, upon hearing of the limited budget, decided to work together for ones. The main project where this collaboration will come to fruition is the work on the "RiG-35" multirole fighter jet. This jet, in development for around 8 years now and interrupted by the crisis, is reportedly a heavily modified, modernized and upgraded version of the MiG. It is classified by the two companies as a 4++ generation fighter. VALCRY is said to work on the engine and the optical locater system of the jet while SATURN focusses on the rest. What makes the RiG-35 different from its old MiG counterparts is, according to the details released, its new optical locater system, which makes sure that the jet does not rely on ground controlled systems, its new precision guided targetting capabilities, allowing it to be a more deadly threat in air to air combat, and its capability to mount the SATURN modified AESA radar system on board, also found in the newer R-35 air superiority fighter. These new systems, combined with the fact that SATURN has announced its working on both a two seat and one seat version of the jet, would make it a significant step up from the MiG's being sold to Selucia. The Minister of Defense Rybár also stated in a interview that he hopes the RiG-35 can "take over the role of being the standard multirole fighter of the Deltarian Air Force".

The development of the RiG-35 does however pose some challenges for the structure of the air force. Currently the R-33M is seen as the main multirole fighter of the airforce. It houses both air to air as ground attack capabilities and is overall considered a capable fighter jet. Speculation has thus emerged about the future of the R-33M. Reports from the Air Force seem to suggest that SATURN is developing another jet, more heavily focussed on ground attack support, that would replace the R-33M within the airforce. Instead the R-33C, the carrier based version of the R-33, would remain in service with the air wing of the navy and become its own main multirole fighter. This would, in theory, make the RiG-35 the default multirole fighter of the airforce, make the R-35 the main air superiority fighter of the airforce and make the currently unknown and potentially under development jet the main ground attack fighter of the airforce, besides the CAS role that the R-25 now fullfills.

Overall it is expected that the airforce will be going through a series of major changes in an effort by the military to better structure its capabilities, modernize it and make it ready for combat in the next few centuries. The RiG-35 is currently undergoing testing but is expected not to enter its real combat trials until early 4860 while the currently unknown and presumably under development fighter has no released details on it as of now. The Ministry of Defense has presumably ordered another 70 R-35 superiority fighters in addition to a variety of other air assets as part of the expansion provision in the modernization program. The total costs of the entire program are estimated to hover around 19 billion with maintenance and training of pilots measured in.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:53 pm

OOC Source: The Telegraph

Medina: As the sun set over the Medinian capital of Madinat es-Salaam the black plane of the Deltarian Foreign Ministry descended upon its airport. This was the first visit of the Deltarian Foreign Minister to a Dovani nation since the announcement of the Dovani Economic Initiative. This was also the first visit to Medina by Deltaria in over three decades. It was certainly a warm reunion as the Foreign Minister was warmly welcomed by the Secretary of Foreign Development and Cooperation, Haman Umarzai. The two, protected by their security details, stepped into their cars of the motorcade and launched their tour of the capital, visiting several historic sites and the Foreign Minister making several appearances.

The loose nature of the visit transitioned into more serious talks when the delegations met at the government quarter in the capital. Ones there negotiations and discussions continued for over 3 days, resulting in a comprehensive agreement between the Medinian and Deltarian government's. The two nations, bound together by the agression of others, have become close over recent decades after Deltaria aided it and Liore in their conflict with Vascania. These two have now signed a agreement that opens up over 100 billion in DEI aid to Medina, with most of the aid being directly used for the construction of a new network of highways as well as the expansion of trade ports. Also notable is the reservation of funds for the upgrade of its Darzada shipyards, possibly giving it the capability of constructing its own warships in the future. Around 30 billion will thus be reserved for the construction of highways, 20 billion into the expansion and improvement of trade ports, another 20 billion into the creation of a new railway between the major cities and the remaining 30 billion will be combined in a project to both improve urban infrastructure as well as expand and improve the Darzada shipyards. Deltaria will also be sending 300 advisors to Medina in order to help in the construction effort and mainly focus on helping with the construction on the Darzada shipyards.

Furthermore this comprehensive deal marks a new chapter in Deltaria-Medinia relations as Deltarian companies are ready to start investing into the Medinian economy and diplomatic relations continue to improve. Foreign Minister Haušild also stated that Deltaria intends on increasing the number of consulates in Medina as well as expanding the embassy in the capital. The agreement marks the first time a Dovani nation has been granted a significant portion of DEI aid and will, "lead to more deals to follow in the future" according to the Foreign Ministry.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:43 pm

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Deltarian side Královice clinch First League title for the first time under Štefan Prokop
3 May 4859

Deltarian football club Královice FC have secured their first league title under new head coach Štefan Prokop following a narrow 2-1 win over the Dissuwan side Sörpatak TC. For most of the season the title race has been fought principally between only two sides, Královice and Čachtice United. As the end of the season approached it still wasn't clear which side would emerge as champions but United's disappointing defeat yesterday meant that Královice were in the position to wrap up the division if they beat Sörpatak.

Head coach Štefan Prokop has transformed the Královice side in the past eighteen months without spending nearly as much as divisional rivals. Despite being only his second role in charge of a Deltarian club since retiring over a decade ago, he has already established himself as a key figure in Deltarian football. No doubt some of his success and celebration is because he is the grandson of former Královice legend Aleš Prokop.

Even among fans of other Deltarian sides there is some reluctant pleasure that Královice were able to triumph over the traditionally dominant United, with many seeing it as a vindication of the club's decision to focus their efforts and expenditure on bringing players through the youth system. At the centre of the champions' success was a back four that has been termed the "Alazindian wall". All four of the players were born within thirty miles of the Královice ground and emerged through the club's youth system within two years of one another.

Prokop has received particular praise for his willingness to play these young players and the title would seem to vindicate his decision. Both he and the club will now face a new challenge in the LTG Terra League where they will compete alongside Čachtice United and a variety of clubs from across the globe in an attempt to secure the title of "world champions". Both clubs will be the first Deltarian entrants to the competition, which was won by the Trudeau Navigators last time.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:44 pm

OOC Source: De Gelderlander

Cahtice: Federal President Vojtěch Bureš has, after much speculation, finally announced that he will run for a second term as president, backed by the UPD. Bureš, who has been president for the past 4 years, was considering his reelection bid in the last few months and had several discussions with party leadership. "We came to the conclusion that we have a lot of work to do and that our electoral program, set out 4 years ago, had yet to be completed. I am thus honoured to fight for a continuation of our policies and will be running for a second term as president." Upon the announcement UPD chairman Rudolf Moravec announced that the party would not be holding a primary election and would instead be nominating Bureš for his second term on the UPD ticket. While no further details on the campaign are known as of yet earlier statements seem to suggest Bureš will run on a platform of continued government investment into the economy, protection of the countries social laws, continuation of the Dovani Economic Initiative and the further regulation but preservation of the private economy.

While Bureš has a positive approval rating of 51% his UPD-unity government has a approval rating of only 41%, likely caused by the poor performance of the Deltarian economy, which was expected to boom after the crisis but has been painfully stagnant in the last year. The growthrate is still positive at 1.9% but has hovered around that for months and the unemploymetn late has stagnated with it, staying stuck at around 8% unemployment. Put on top of that the governments expensive adventures in Dovani, seen by many as a attempt to stay influential in the region, and it created a hostiles environment for the incumbent administration. Solidarity, while failing to pass legislation due to the UPD majority in parliament, has used its time to set up a strong and grassroots internet campaign which has seen a influx of younger voters and some middle class voters join its ranks. Early polls have put the potential race at 50% for the UPD and 49% for solidarity, creating a dangerous situation for both the president and his party.

While many within the UPD had hoped that Bureš his young and charismatic appearance, combined with the new regulatory and moderate policies of his government, would have put the party on the path of easy reelection. But with a economy struggling to move past its crisis and a government largely seen as inneffective by parts of the population that reelection is far from certain and many party insiders, including the president his closest allies, are starting to get worried about the prospects for both his reelection and the party their chances of holding onto its majority. If the UPD loses the election of next year it would mean the first time in 25 years that the party would find itself in the minority.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:35 pm

OOC Source: Naval News

Dovani: Federal President Vojtěch Bureš has authorized the Naval Command Staff to send the First Carrier Strike Group, consisting of a variety of ships including one Nemec-class supercarrier, to the Antonese Ocean and near Hulstria in order to monitor the, "developing situation in the country." Hulstria has been the scene of a potential ethnic conflict and the Kingdom of Dorvik, heavily invested in the region through Ostland, has already send a fleet to the country with the likely intend to intervene. Deltaria has shown no intend to intervene in the conflcit however, requesting Dorvik to withold from military action and, "enter a dialogue with regional partners to prevent a escalation." Dorvik seems intend on intervening however, not ready to let a potential genocide unfold.

Security experts are concerned about the sudden situation, which would see a variety of global navies operate closely to eachother, making the risk for accidents high and the tensions even higher. The NCS has stated that it will use the fleet to, "actively monitor the constantly changing situation on the ground." and "Make it known that Deltaria intends to stabilize the situation and help in whatever way it can." The strike group is scheduled to set sail towards the Antonese early tommorow morning, passing through the Aldegar canal and refueling in Kalistan, where Deltaris still enjoys basing rights in Ananto. From there it will set sail closer to Hulstria and monitor the situation. It is unclear how the situation will develop further.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby jamescfm » Sat Dec 12, 2020 1:12 am

Campaigning underway in first Solidarity presidential primary amid intense political background
          22 January 4860

Sörpatak, Dissuwa: Campaigning is in full swing in the first full presidential primary ever to be held by Solidarity. For the past two decades the party has limited the process of selecting their presidential candidates to party officials but repeated failures at the federal level have led the party leadership to adopt new processes. For the upcoming December election, all party members as well as "registered supporters" (who must pay a nominal fee) are eligible to vote for the party's presidential candidate. Voting will be by postal ballot with the result scheduled to be announced at the end of May.

Early polling suggests the primary is a three-person race at this relatively early stage. The candidate-to-beat is Florin Adamache, long-serving parliamentary leader of the party and an unsucessful presidential candidate seven years ago. Only slightly behind him though are two very different candidates: Sigibald Holub and Shani el-Salam. Holub is a former bishop who left the clergy in order to enter politics and has spoken of "feeling that [he] has a duty to alleviate the suffering of the nation". In recent weeks he has received support from several key party figures who feel he may be able to win over key middle class and religious voters. Shani el-Salam, on the other hand, is a Majatran-Watembo lawyer best known to the general public as an anti-racism campaigner.

Despite a tight race the campaign has been extremely good-natured with the candidates regularly appearing alongside one another at events. As a symbol of the unity within the party, all three candidates signed up to a number of initiatives at the beginning of the campaign known as the "just say no" campaign. Under the umbrella of three policy headings- "no to poverty, no to war and no to injustice"- the candidates all pledged a number of legislative proposals and executive actions.

The most prominent of these was a shared commitment from all three to immediately withdraw the First Carrier Strike Group from the Anantonese Ocean if elected. The decision by the government to move naval forces, apparently in defence of a violent Hulstrian ultranationalist militia, has received immense criticism at home and in the international sphere. At the end of last month it led to the resignation of six government ministers including the Finance Minister, all of whom were previously associated with Solidarity.
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