
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:16 pm

OOC Source: AeroDome

Cahtice: Private Aerospace company SATURN has revealed the design of its under development fighter bomber currently named "Project-F". The bomber, inspired by Trigunian design, aims at filling the role of a dedicated medium bomber for the Deltarian Airforce. Currently the under development RiG-35 multirole fighter (more on it down below) will be the dedicated multirole fighter of Deltaria while the R-35 will serve as the main air-superiority fighter for Deltaria. This left a gap and need for a dedicated fighter bomber that is versatile, has several capabilities but focusses on bombing missions against both land and naval targets. SATURN had been working on such a fighter for several years and, with the backing from the Ministry of Defense, has now revealed the first details on the under development aircraft.

While the jet shares many characteristics with the R-35 it reportedly has a completely newly designed cockpit and front nose, meant to better protect the two man crew inside and allow for more equipment meant for targeting ground targets. The jet will primarily house systems for precision guided systems meant for ground and naval targeting. It will thus also house a large variety of ground attack weapons, allowing the "Project-F" fighter bomber to deliver deadly blows and heavy bombing support to troops and naval assets on the ground. While it will thus primarily house weapons and systems meant for bombing and ground support operations it will reportedly also be able to carry a small amount of air to air missiles, allowing it to at least partially defend itself in the air if required.
The "Project-F" fighter bomber will thus complete the vision of the Air Command Staff to give the air force a dedicated multirole fighter, dedicated air superiority fighter and dedicated fighter bomber, creating a triad for the airforce to rely upon. Furthermore the Project-F fighter bomber is likely to actively work in coordination with the R-25 CAS aircraft and T-20 long range supersonic bombers of the Air Force, giving the Aerial Forces strong bombing assets in the air.

In addition to the Project-F fighter bomber now being in development the RiG-35 multirole fighter, a joint venture of VALCRY and SATURN, has now officially entered "veteran testing" meaning that 5 prototypes will be actively deployed in several different roles to see how well it performs against for example air defense systems and in the different roles it is required to operate in once fully approved. Early indications seem positive on the aircraft but the veteran testing phase is likely to persist until late next year. The R-33M, currently the main multirole fighter of the airforce, will likely retire once the RiG-35 is officially approved, with its carrier version the R-33C becoming the main multirole fighter for the airforce, ensuring that it wont be completely out of use.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Dec 13, 2020 11:30 am

OOC Source: Rijksmuseum

Cachtice: The Imperial Museum in Cachtice has announced that it will open a new classical collection filled with classical art from several periods in Deltarian history. The collection, consisting if pieces from the early 1700's to late 1900's, has as its most prestigious piece the "battle of cachtice" showing the battle for the city, then named Tsargrad, during the early Deltarian civil wars. The Ministry of Culture has endorsed the plans for the collection to be shown and has launched a short ad campaign promoting the opening of the collection. The government has been eager in promoting Deltarian history, hoping to incite a feeling of national pride for the population and show the great achievements of Deltarian culture and statehood. The Imperial Museum has gained traction and a large increase in visitors in the last few years. Particularly the fact that the government made museums free of charge has drastically increased visitors, who flocked to the museum during the economic crisis as other hobbies became to expensive to maintain.

With the elections coming up many fear the Imperial Museum, under a possible Solidarity government, might have to get rid of its colonial collection, of which the pieces mostly originate from former Deltarian colonies. These pieces could be returned to the former colonies, depriving the museum from valuable pieces of art. The UPD government has so far supported the museum in this instance refusing to force it to get rid of the colonial collection.

The new "classic Deltaria" collection is opening this week with it lastign for around 2 months.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:31 pm

OOC Source: Brabants Dagblad

Cachtice: In what many are already describing the most consequential election in recent Deltarian history the UPD, for the first time in 25 years, has found itself in the oppossition, losing both the presidency and Assembly control in one of the most competitive and close elections in recent memory. The election has seen a sweep in the country. Not necessarily on the electoral front but primarily the impact of the election as a whole on society. It is not only the first time in decades that the UPD finds itself out of power but its also the first time since the last century that a openly socialist/left wing party has been elected into office. This election also marks a changing point for minorities in Deltaria. As a ethnically diverse nation the Federation has always struggled with its majority/minority balance but now, for arguably the first time in over 300 years, a minority candidate has been elected to the highest office in the land, the Federal Presidency of the Federation.

Shani el-Salam, mostly known as a activist before this election, is of Majatran descend. A relatively small minority in Deltaria. But despite this she became the symbol of Solidarity after her suprising primary win in the party, rising to become its presidential nominee. She had become the symbol of the entire left throughout the campaign, making good use a large internet apparatus to push through her message and that of the party. She had gained endorsements from the largest labour unions in the country as well as several progressive causes and local politicians. Her campaign of pacifism, a socialized economy and reimagining of the country itself traditional conservative roots appealed to many young, working and middle class voters this time around who saw the Bureš government as to focussed on foreign affairs and having not enough focus on ordinary Deltarians. Furthermore the still struggling economy as well as a general need to take a new direction from the establishment created the conditions for el-Salam to be elected, becoming the first minority president/leader of Deltaria in hundreds of years and giving hope to the many ethnic minorities within the country.

The election was not a landslide however and observers were suprised at the extremely close margins, with Solidarity winning the Assembly majority by just 2 seats. This means that while Solidarity has gained a mandate it will need to work hard and, possible, despite their majority, compromise in order not to alienate the moderate voters that took from the UPD this time around. What is for sure is that despite the first electoral win in Solidarity history the party will have a hard job ahead.

The UPD meanwhile is left in utter chaos. The party has suffered its first election loss since 25 years and its leadership and weak last term under Bureš have been blamed for it. Immediately upon the verification of the official result the until then Assembly Majority Leader Emil Mišalko not only resigned his position as UPD parliamentary leader but also his seat, leaving it to hold a special election which, luckily for the UPD, saw the UPD candidate win in a close race just 2 days after Mišalko his resignation. Shortly after Bureš, now demissionary president, announced that he would be stepping down as party leader, being the first UPD leader and president to not win any reelection bid despite high hopes for his leadership. And, to make the chaos within the party complete, party chairman Rudolf Moravec announced two days later that he would step down as well. The UPD, once the bastion of the Deltarian political scene, now thus struggles to deal with this earthquacke results. It is not meant as a joke when reporters say the UPD is without a leader. Party leadership has stepped down, the Assembly leader has stepped down and the party now stands at a pivotal moment in its history. What direction will it go in to turn the tide?

The first task of the party will be to recover from the initial chaos and pick a new Chairman, which will be done in a online election within the next few months according to the party bureau. Then it is up to the chairman and his leadership to pick a method and date for a party leadership election. The UPD Assembly faction will also have to pick a new minority leader amongst itself with currently Ushalande Representative Ladislav Rýpal (72), Alazinder Representative Linda Janoušková (51) and Darali Representative Mikuláš Štěpán (56) on the most likely path to fill this position. When it comes to Chairman there are only two candidates who have come forward. Cachtice Mayor Leopold Zapletal (61) and former Alazinder Governor Kazimír Kríž (43). It is clear that the UPD will have to make many choices as the coming 5 years will see it in oppossition on the federal level for the first time in decades, marking a new era in Deltarian politics and for the UPD party itself.

The electoral map following the 4860 election
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Re: Deltaria

Postby jamescfm » Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:16 pm

Solidarity secures federal election victory for the first time in party history
          11 December 4860

Čachtice, Darali: In a watershed moment in the history of the Deltarian Federation, the mass-member, left-wing political movement Solidarity have won a narrow victory in both the presidential and legislative elections at the federal level. The election brings an end to several decades of government by the conservative Union for Democracy (previously known as the Liberal Conservatives) and comes at a time when Deltarians are questioning the role of their government in the domestic and international sphere.

Despite having polled well in several previous elections, Solidarity have mostly failed to capitalise on favourable economic conditions to their anti-capitalist message until this election. Primarily due to a well-organised and dynamic campaign from their young presidential candidate Shani el-Salam, the party were able to strengthen their key demographics such as young people and the working class while breaking new ground with the middle class. Early exit polling suggests there was a record turnout among groups traditionally considered disengaged including the country's Watembo and Manoush populations.

As promised the very first action of the new President was to order the immediate withdrawal of the First Carrier Strike Group from the Anantonese Ocean. After announcing the withdrawal, el-Salam pledged that her presidency would mark a new era of "positive engagement" with the international community and regional partners.

In a symbolic gesture she reportedly chose to use her first phone call as President to speak with Vascanian Prime Minister Taran Onteddu, Deltaria's foremost traditional rival in the international sphere. Despite the positive overtures though there was very little foreign policy change detailed in the Solidarity party platform. The focus of the party's early agenda will be the domestic sphere.

In her first cabinet proposal later this week, President el-Salam is expected to name long-time Solidarity parliamentary leader Florin Adamache as her first Prime Minister. Speculation is still ongoing about who else will fill the major positions of power within the cabinet but el-Salam pledged before the election that she would include presidential rival Sigibald Holub if elected.

After it became clear that she would emerge victorious in her party primary, both Holub and Adamanche campaigned fiercely alongside the presidential nominee. Political commentators have already suggested that the party's unity despite their differences contrasted with a consistently divided government to support their election victory.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby jamescfm » Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:56 am


Dokuz Media Group acquired by mass media conglomerate SAA
22 January 4861


MAJATRA: The Jakanian-based media company Dokuz Media Group, which owns several major domestic and international media outlets, has been acquired by the international conglomerate Shabakat Al'akhbar Alealamia (Luthorian: Global News Network). Based in Deltaria and operating throughout Majatra and beyond, SAA has been a rising prospect in the media landscape for several decades since the launch of their first Jakanian outlet, the light news site Sonraki.

The leading news outlet within the Dokuz Media Group is the internationally renowned Dokuz Haberler. For many years the broadsheet newspaper was among the most respected news sources in the country with reporting on a variety of political, economic and cultural affairs. Since the collapse of the New Republic in Jakania though, the present socialist government has made reporting more difficult and the newspaper had to strip back its operations.

Exacerbating the problem was İş Odaklari. The Dokuz Media Group bought the business-focused newspaper in the late 48th century but struggled to find an appropriate selling point to differentiate it from their top publication. In the end the focus of the paper shifted to regional and international politics and business. As part of the acquisition deal the SAA is expected to reinvent the publication as a continental publication aimed at the educated middle class and focusing on issues of an international scope. Publishing is expected to happen in at least five different languages (including Majatran, Jelbic and Daralian).

In recent years the SAA has experienced a meteoric rise that culminated in their relocation to Čachtice last year. Although most of their focus was initially in the Majatran market, the company has acquired and developed several international outlets too. Among the best-known are the Hobrazian online news website Simartle and the Lourennais broadsheet Étoile Valois.

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Re: Deltaria

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:51 am

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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:56 pm

OOC Source: TNYT

Cachtice: The National Broadcasting Agency or NBA has announced that Deltarian native "Mirat" will be send to the next FOMAT held in Lourenne. Mirat, who is known for his pop songs and has just recently been seeing fame all around the globe will represent the Federation during the contest that orginally started here. FOMAT (Or Festival Of Musical Arts) is a singing contest that pits nations from around terra against eachother in an effort to wing the price of artist of the year and host the next edition of the event 5 years after their win. It started in Deltaria after an idea from the NBA and has grown out to become one of the if not the largest singing contest globally. Last year it was restarted after two decades of being on pause. Deltaria did not participate in this first edition as it was unsure if it had the resources to host the contest if it had won. Luckily the NBA, with the new Solidarity government in power, has received state funds. Allowing to to operate at normal capacity once more.

Mirat has been chosen because of his, "artistic skill and large appeal to a younger audience". The song he will be performing is named "Lost". It is about Mirat as a young performer who has not yet found his way in the music industry and is being pushed around from all sides, therefor he is "lost" in his carreer. The song has been praised by early reviewers, stating that its catchy yet emotional vibe, "brings out the best of what a FOMAT song is suppossed to be." Mirat himself has stated that he is exited to perform his song on the festival and that its a song that is, "Close to my heart." He hopes to deliver the emotion of the song in the best way possible. Once released on streaming platforms and services Lost racked up millions of streams and its video millions of views, instantly becoming one of the more listened to songs of already announced FOMAT participants. It remains to be seen if Mirat, Deltaria's comeback, can give Deltaria its first ever FOMAT win.

The music video of "Lost" released by Mirat just days ago
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Re: Deltaria

Postby jamescfm » Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:46 pm

Image⬆ Image source

ImagePresident el-Salam announces construction of Deltarian base in Medina
Image3 July 4861

The recently elected President of the Deltarian Federation Shani el-Salam has surprised commentators by announcing that her government has reached an agreement with the government of Medina on the construction of a naval and air base near to the coastal town of Khuimore. Following the official announcement this morning, the Deltarian Defence Minister is scheduled to address the Federal Assembly to provide an outline of the plans this afternoon. Speaking about the development, el-Salam made clear that the agreement was negotiated by her government and not her conservative predecessor as well as highlighting the strong relationship between Deltaria and Medina.

Construction on the project is expected to begin in the next three months and will be accompanied by significant investment in the infrastructure surrounding the large town of Khuimore. Despite the military focus of the project, the President was clear that it would bring substantial economic benefits to the town- located on the country's northeasten coastline. In addition she emphasised that the new base would provide a central location for Deltarian naval and air forces operating in Dovani and highlighted the "importance of preserving the sovereignty of smaller nations from foreign aggression".

In geopolitical terms the base will cause significant concern for the Vascanian Empire by placing the Deltarian military on the other side of the Strait of Medina. President el-Salam had been expected to seek to ease tensions with Deltaria's traditional rival but her foreign policy approach so far seems to be remarkably similar to previous Deltarian governments. At present there has been no official response to the Deltarian announcement from the Vascanian government.

Image     Majatran Eye is a broadsheet newspaper available throughout Majatra focusing on international economic and political affairs
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:22 pm

OOC Source: ANP

Cachtice: Members of the UPD have, in a online election, voted for Vladimír Široký as their new Chairman. Both Kriz and Zapletal, both candidates at first, withdrew after sexual misconduct accusations came to light, forcing Široký, the former Minister for Agriculture, to step forward and be elected party chair. Široký has been a beloved figure in the party but always stayed on the background, simply refusing to participate in leadership elections. Now as chair he has the single most important position in the party, able to shape policy together with the new leader.

When it comes to the party leader Široký also immediately got to work, announcing party elections in the form of the Party Primary, which was used some decades ago as well. The candidates that qualified for the primary were former tech executive Eliška Přibylová (55) who is running on a platform of "moderate conservatism" pledging a step towards moderate social laws and a renewed emphasize on economic tradition, Alex Musil (38) and current representative from Alazinder who is running on right wing policies alike to the Petrist era, Nicolas Brotz (52) and governor of Alazinder. Brotz is seen as the most likely candidate to win the nomination, vouching for standing against Solidarity at every turn and pushing through right wing social and economic policies. The last candidate, Mirolav Doležal (68), was the former mayor of Balgrad until it turned into a strong Solidarity bastion. He is seen as another moderate in the race, more allied to the Hosian Democrats in the Assembly.

The first contest surrounding Ushalande confirmed the suspicions of pollsters, seeing Nicolas Brotz win by a narrow margin while Doležal came close behind and both Přibylová and Musil lacked far behind. While polls from the upcoming Darali, Cachtice and Doron Akigan primaries are conflicting it is expected that, as governor of Darali, Brotz will win the two primaries in that region, which would put him over the edge to win the primary. Brotz may be a party insider but many in the party fear that his far right policies might alienate moderate voters. Despite this he seems popular due to his "no stand back" attitude towards Solidarity and its progressive agenda and he will thus likely remain a strong force within the party even if possibly losing the primary. As the race enters a new stage and a chairman is finally settling in his new position it seems the UPD is on the path of seeing new faces in leadership and possibly a new direction to head in.

The Ushalande primary results, seeing Nicolas Brotz Governor of Alazinder narrowly win the region
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Re: Deltaria

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:04 pm

Image⬆ Image source

ImageDeltarian government confirms scrapping of transcontinental gas pipeline
Image5 January 4862

Deltarian President Shani el-Salam has confirmed that plans for a gas pipeline that would connect Dovani and Majatra have been officially cancelled by the federal government. In an unusually frank comment, she remarked that the plans were "exaggerated from the beginning". The original scheme had been proposed by the previous Deltarian government under the Union for Democracy as part of the Dovani Economic Initiative.

Under the current Solidarity government led by el-Salam, the Initiative had not previously been referred to in official policy documents however many of its principles have continued with the construction of a Deltarian military base in Medina as the clearest example. In a major foreign policy speech today though, the President announced that the scheme would continue in a modified form as part of a broader international investment programme.

Despite criticism from members of her own party, the President was clear that the Deltarian government would continue to invest heavily in infrastructure projects in Dovani and elsewhere. In addition to the existing policies though, the approach would encourage reducing barriers to the movement of goods and labour between countries in a manner that respected the concerns and needs of both countries. As part of this the government is expected to end the current quotas on migrants from certain countries entering Deltaria.

Image     Majatran Eye is a broadsheet newspaper available throughout Majatra focusing on international economic and political affairs
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