50th General Assembly Session

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50th General Assembly Session

Postby Luis1p » Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:26 pm

Image Madame Xochitl Bergara, Representative of The Empire of Canrille and the United Kingdom of Lourenne to the World Congress:

Esteemed Representatives and Ambassadors,

For the past decades, the United Kingdom has chosen not to stick its finger in world affairs and insert itself in the political turmoil that is generated in this chamber. However, we believe that this issue is leading to a boiling point that may result in conflict, a conflict that can be avoided. The United Kingdom and the Empire holds good relations with Deltaria and Vascania, therefore we believe that our statement comes from an unbiased and unaligned position.

I'd like to begin by stating that events in Rapa Pile to us raises questions. Was there a legitimate or illegitimate election in Rapa Pile? and how involved was the Vascanian government? The Empire of Canrille is an example of how empire and unification can be done in a democratic way and avoid the dangers and exploitations of imperialism. The United Kingdom peacefully, democratically, and diplomatically expanded the Empire of Canrille to include Kanjor and Alduria. Could the same be said about Rapa Pile? Should the process of including Rapa Pile into the Vascanian Empire be illegitimate, the World Congress should condemn Vascania, similarly to the condemnation of Dolgava and Hulstria and Gao-Soto. If this is not done, like the Deltarian President has explained, any trust, fath, and legitimacy in this institution will forever be gone.

Yet, as we sit here and discover the truth of the election in Rapa Pile, we would also like to point out that instant intervention and police-like behavior by Deltaria can no longer be tolerated and must be substituted by a diplomatic process that can be respected and followed by all. Dovani must no longer be a playground where the nation's powers compete for influence, power, and resources. It is sad to see developed nation like Deltaria act this way, but also troubling that the Vascanian Empire is undermining sovereignty and possibly forcing imperialism.

As we have said, we wish for diplomatic processes to take place between Rapa Pile, Deltaria, and Vascania before resorting to conflict and its consequences.
Last edited by Luis1p on Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Pragma » Wed Dec 23, 2020 12:05 am

Dema Sambhota, Foreign Affairs Minister of the Vascanian Empire

Honourable representatives,

It is a matter of great urgency for my government that the truth prevails and the dishonourable do not hijack the narrative on this matter. It is for this reason that I have personally come to this body in the hopes of lifting the fog on Rapa Pile's current condition. There is much untruth to expose, though I will try to remain concise.

For nearly a century, the duly elected governments in Kamalata have granted Rapa Pile the status of an autonomous territory linked to the Vascanian Empire. This is a result of the freely expressed desire of the Pilese people, who made the decision to enter into this arrangement in a referendum at the time. In the years since, the status of the islands has become a matter of debate thereon. While we would never attempt to hide Vascania's desire to expand our family of states, it is the people of Rapa Pile themselves who have sought to finalise a new arrangement with the Empire. We have thus allowed a free and fair plebiscite to be held on the islands and the result was a victory for the pro-integration campaign.

The World Congress recognises, and must recognise, the sovereignty of all peoples. It is the will of the Pilese people that their territory become a Vascanian state and their opinion is the only one that matters. As the people of Rapa Pile have chosen their destiny, their destiny is not of dubious legal merit. The opinion of a distant, over-militarised, colonialist state many thousands of miles away is of no importance to us. The President of the Deltarian Federation must recognise that she has no authority over the people of Vascania, Temania, Dovani or anywhere beyond the borders of the country that elected her. Deltaria's insistence that they decide the fate of every other nation has gone too far, it is beyond time that it was rebuked by the international community.

The only country attempting to unilaterally enforce their will on any other is Deltaria. Deltaria has shaped their entire foreign policy around spite towards Vascania. They are in constant fits of rage that a majority non-white nation would have any say over their own affairs. To the white supremacist government of Deltaria, the people of the global east are destined to be their lesser. They are to accept the 'charity' of the white man for their subsistence and submit to his will. When Deltaria says 'jump', we must respond 'how high'. It disturbs me to see another woman of colour submit herself to the white supremacist machine of the Deltarian Federation and seek to lead it into a new campaign of illegal intervention. Deltaria has built a military base just across the Strait of Medina from us, simply so they can intimidate us.

Any suggestions of impropriety in the Rapa Pile referendum are unsubstantiated and complete hear-say. The independent judicial system of the islands has already rejected the spurious accusations levelled by GreenRapa and the RCU Student Union, while all the many other organisations supporting a 'no' vote have already conceded defeat and pledged to move forwards constructively. The truth is that there is no evidence that the vote was anything less than completely transparent, or that the count was anything less than fully accurate. Vascania, may we remind this body, has a longer history of democratic elections than Deltaria has ever had.

The Vascanian government rejects utterly the laughable 'peace-loving' charade of President el-Salam. If she wanted to preserve the balance of power in the eastern hemisphere, she would not have committed to a new Deltarian military base in Medina or extensive Deltarian military exercises in Liore. Her talk of 'peace' rings hollow and her threats are unbecoming of her position.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Drax » Wed Dec 23, 2020 4:20 pm

Foreign Minister Salman Duqaq, Jumhuriat al-Badara

We are forced to wonder what we think we are doing in the General Assembly. The Rapa Pile Affair clearly demonstrates that the World Congress is not influencing the course of events. The Representatives of Lourenne and Vascania have pointed to what we can do; we can seek to know the truth.

With respect to whether the plebiscite on annexation in Rapa Pile was a fair representation of the will of the people, we have four pieces of evidence to consider at this point.

First, the Vascanian Empire has a good reputation on conducting fair elections. We do not believe anyone has seriously questioned this.

Second, the Vascanian Empire chose to conduct this plebiscite without transparency or neutral observers or any other means that might have given it credibility.

Third, the usual rumblings by the losers are detectable but really only at the decibel level of say a corrupt politician who is the loser of an election and now faces money laundering, income tax evasion and fraud in business relations charges. So the reports are only at the level to be expected where the consequences are serious. The value of these complaints thus should be discounted considerably.

Fourth, the critical analysis and assessment of the government of Utembo that the election was fair must be given considerable weight.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:59 am

Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress Margaret Keskkula

Madam Speaker,
The events taking place in Rapa Pile are troubling to say the least. My government has changed and we have abandoned our imperialist/fascist ways. However we see Vascania and Deltaria using these same techniques and hiding behind the vail of "legitimacy" or "protecting autonomy".

Vascania has repeatedly used its influence as a self proclaimed "world power" to convince Terra that this election was legitimate. We do not hear Rapa Pile speaking for themselves but we keep hearing he bantering of Vascania trying to cover themselves from international flak. The truth is Madam Speaker that only Vascania and Rapa Pile know if the election was legitimate. If countries are concerned I propose that this body or the security council requests a investigation query into the election, despite what Vascania says it will be questioned in my eyes as well as many other members of this body. Vascania needs to give proof of their claims or I will not believe anything that comes from that countries press, government and the corner of the world as a whole. We finish by saying that your comment to Ntoto was in our eyes not only shortsighted when you said "General Kinteh, we are the region". If Dolgavia said this about Keris we would be sanctioned but because it is the East and it is Vascania everyone turns their head. Maybe countries in this assembly don't want their investments in Vascania jeopardized? Maybe people agree with this questionable actions but don't want to admit it? For the inaction of this assembly to find a solution I say that I personally am disgusted...

Deltaria is attempting to be the giver of international goodwill and it is trying its' hardest to do the right thing however they have no business in condemnation of this action along with Endralon and anyone who has done similar shenanigans in the past. Deltaria is not the standard of Democracy and freedom in Terra and their cries from the rafters are becoming more incomprehensible every time they try and take down Vascania's actions. This debate has just become a unintelligible shouting match between the two so called "world powers".

Dovani is also split on the issue, Utembo believes that the referendum should be accepted however our objection to this is the same as the Canrille Empire and that is, What if the election was illegitimate? What if Vascania is lying to this assembly? What if dare I say, Deltaria is justified, if this is the case I stand with the objectors, but it is impossible to know at this time. Ntoto was also concerned about these events and their opinion needs to be taken into account because Vascania despite what they believe isn't the only opinion that matters in the East. Loire also was questioning this referendum result as well and they being one of the larger forces in Dovani should be taken seriously by EVERY power involved, we must not jump to conclusions, that is the jist of what Loire said. We totally agree, we need a proper investigation into this situation before we can pick a side. Arguing about it before proper facts are known is silly and dangerous. Armed conflict and human lives are at stake if these powers clash. Human lives are not worth a misunderstanding.

This debate is being clouded with tangents that are taking this assembly to new darker depths. No one wants to do anything, Deltria doesn't care, Vascania just wants their new protectorate, all this arguing is leading nowhere. So therein Königreich Dolgava hereby condemns the Vascanian Empire and the Deltarian Federation for their actions of aggression and disrupting international peace and order. Expect action from Dolgavia if these actions continue including embargoes and sanctions! We will not put up with this kind of behavior from any sovereign country in Terra large or small. You should be beacons of freedom but your corruption and your personal goals and gains from this event have caused us to believe that your image as democratic is just for show.

In conclusion there is a clear faction for which includes, Vascania, and their allies and on the other side stands Deltaria which is trying everything it can to not fall into decay and irrelevance. Their own agendas overshadow this issue and it is clear to Dolgavia that both nations could care less about the people of Rapa Pile. We concur with the Canrille Empire when we say that we want the problem resolved between Rapa Pile, Vascania and Deltaria. If armed conflict takes place, the government of Dolgavia has put into motion plans in slapping trade embargoes on all nations involved in the fighting and we will urge the rest of the international community to do the same. We can prevent war and I see a peaceful solution to this.

Thank You for Listening
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 24, 2020 2:13 am

Image Ms. Fodor Blanka*, Representative to the World Congress of the Deltarian Federation:
Representatives can talk for weeks in this chamber and produce nothing of substance. At this stage we are not interested in hearing the irrelevant opinions of far flung nations ill-equipped to deal with pressing matters of international order.

For the past four years (long before any sham vote), the Vascanian Empire has made it clear that they intended to annex Rapa Pile. Last month they decided to proceed with this plan. Nothing from the World Congress, nothing from Vascania's allies, indeed almost nothing from any country in the world apart from Deltaria and her close allies. Once again the international community stands idle.

At this stage it falls again to the Deltarian Federation to act on behalf of the nations of the world to defend national sovereignty from imperial conquest. Until such a time as any other country is willing to use their power and influence to defend this principle, we have no interest in hearing from them. Nonetheless I am sure the Pilese people will be delighted to hear that there are no vacant seats in the Rutanian national legislature.

*Note that the family name is placed first in this name.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby DueWizard70 » Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:01 am

ImageDr Nyima Samal
World Congress Delegate for Utembo

We are very disappointed in the Deltarian Federation and their rash decision to declare war on the Vascanian Empire. This is yet another repeat of 4842. Deltaria attacking a nation with no reason. Another breach of sovereignty. I guess we should be used to it by now, and that is regrettable.

I urge the members of the Security Council to condemn the Deltarian Federation for their actions. It is unacceptable that they continue to be able to do these sorts of things and go out unpunished. We also urge nations in Terra to cut as many ties as possible with Deltaria, and to the members of the MSO to try and put some sense into them. Deltaria did not listen to us but they might listen to you.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Drax » Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:28 pm

Chancellor Mustapha al-Makhtoum, Jumhuriat al-Badara:

Since the Deltarian Federation and Vascanian Empire are determined on having their war apparently willing to absorb the casualties involved, Jumhuriat al-Badara has one last suggestion.

Will the belligerents arrange to completely avoid Rapa Pile casualties? Somehow?

Here are two ways to do it. Have winning standards - if Deltaria destroys 100 Vascanian aircrafft before Vascania sinks a carrier or 10 submarines, they win, or vice versa.

Another way - Vascania designates a spot to post a flag on an island somewhere. If Deltaria takes the flag in six months it wins, if not it loses.
Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Pragma » Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:44 pm

Tarabai Ghadhaabi, Vascanian representative to the World Congress

Our adversaries have already bombed densely populated urban centres in Rapa Pile. Let it be known that the only side who will attack civilians in this war will be the Deltarian Federation, Vascania will refrain from any bombing in civilian centres.

We would also like to note that this is an illegal war of aggression, based on a lie that the Deltarian government has told to their people and this body. They are the aggressor and should be recognised as such. If the honourable Jumhuriat al-Badara has a sensible solution to this crisis we are eager to hear, but Deltaria evidently is not.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Drax » Thu Dec 24, 2020 6:35 pm

Chancellor Mustapha al-Makhtoum, Jumhuriat al-Badara:

While we believe our economic concerns have generally been addressed by the Deltarian Federation in its capacity as a leader if not the leader of the Majatran economy, we can not recall any instance of Deltaria actually pursuing any idea of Jumhuriat al-Badara that could remotely be described as military.

Accordingly, we do hope others will have suggestions on how to end, mitigate or shorten this conflict where the innocent are of course paying the price. The way of Terra.

The peace of Akim be unto you all.
Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:10 pm

Neema Oyenusi, World Congress Representative of the Socialist State of Liore
We are ashamed to see just how quickly the situation in Rapa Pile has deteriorated to a state of war. To be frank, it is abundantly clear to the Liori delegation that neither Deltaria nor Vascania has any care for the health and liberty of the Pilese people, otherwise Vascania would have taken all measures to ensure a free and transparent referendum and Deltaria wouldn't be turning their homes into a warzone and wouldn't bomb population centers. This conflict is one of empires clashing over their spheres of influence, not a heroic liberation of the Pilese people or stalwart defense of the motherland. No, the Deltarian and Vascanian governments are like children who see the nations of the East as toys, and fight over them when they don't get their way, not caring for what they damage and who they hurt. Liore is ashamed by the actions of two nations which we have long called friends and partners, and our government is currently reviewing possible sanctions against Deltaria and Vascania just as our honorable Dolgavan comrade had suggested.

However it is not too late to chain back up the dogs of war before death and devastation becomes widespread. Deltaria, turn back your fleets and send your sons and daughters home rather than sacrifice them within far away crucibles of imperialism. Vascania, allow the international community to justly oversee a new referendum to ensure that the will of the Pilese people his properly upheld and so that it may become impossible for rival nations to slander your democratic values. And if either nations see this proposal as too much to ask, than all I ask is that you think about the men and women you'd send to die over an overseas archipelago, and think about all the civilians that would needlessly perish if this conflict continues on the path it's going.

Hearing calls from within the General Assembly, I will begin drafting a Security Council Resolution to serve as the World Congress' comprehensive response to the Rapa Pile conflict.
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