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Re: Pontesi

Postby Auditorii » Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:59 pm

Pontesian National Press
Pontesian Republican Party declares victory in January election
January, 4817

President-elect Yeranos Andonian rallies a crowd outside of the Presidential Palace in Arevatsag Astgh.

Arevatsag Astgh, Bazileum - President-elect Yeranos Andonian, leader of the Pontesian Republican Party, declared victory for his party shortly after the January 5th election. Andonian, a prominent constitutional lawyer, formed the coalition of disgruntled government officials and industrialist to form the PRP. In the run-up to the January, 4817 election the PRP worked hard to campaign across the country for a number of issues, notably the lack of representation in government for the Arev Mardik people who make up a majority of the nation's population. The Seluco-Pontean peoples, ethnically and largely culturally Selucian, have dominated Pontesian politics and large swathes of the Arev Mardik people have had issues with the lack of representation by their people. Andonian ran on a platform of "...reviving Arev Mardik culture and making Arev Mardik the centerpiece of the nation's focus." The PRP, while it does have a base of Seluco-Pontean supporters, the majority of the party is Arev Mardik. The prospective Minister of Education, Culture and Sport Krikor Yeterian has proposed a "Pontesian Cultural Renaissance", and all media from the PRP has focused on re-imagining Arev Mardik as the proper "Pontesian". Yeterian noted that he would expand museums, cultural programs and would recommit funding to the Aurorian Patriarchal Church. Yeterian, a dedicated Aurorian, was spotted in meetings with Patriarch Mkhitar Poghos II Kocharian, commonly referred to as "Poghos II" in Luthorian. Patriarch Mkhitar Poghos II Kocharian is the leader of the Pontesian Aurorian Church, the branch of the Aurorian Patriarchal Chuch in Pontesi.

While the development of the Arev Mardik culture is a central tenant of the PRP's plan, the President-elect announced his intention for a new constitution, notably in the development of the Republic of Pontesi. Andonian promised an "economic invigoration program" which focused on turning Pontesi into a "...world leading trade hub..." with incentives for companies and corporations to conduct trading, shipping and other commerce from Pontesi. Incoming Minister of Economic Development Kevork Arshakuni is a former Vice President of Corporate Development from Pontesian East Trading Company, one of the many former subsidiaries of the Imperial East Terra Company. Arshakuni announced the formation of an "Economic Development Working Group" which will be responsible for the development of foreign trade and development of foreign investment into the nation. One of his first plans was to re-open the Arevatsag Astgh Stock Exchange and work on building "confidence" in the nations credit and economic systems. In cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, they announced a joint program to crackdown on financial crimes and in cooperation with the National Police, the formation of a specific unit to conduct the crackdown. The unit, headed by former anti-corruption activist and close ally of President Andonian, Pakradouhi Takoushian, will be responsible for the crackdown which she promised in a press release will be "fierce and without equal."

Pontesi, considered to be a failed state by some within the nation, faces an uncertain future and President-elect Andonian has promised a "...bright, brilliant future for the nation."
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Re: Pontesi

Postby Auditorii » Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:00 pm

Pontesian National Press
Slew of financial arrests, condemnation of Selucian vandalizations
April, 4817

Arevatsag Astgh, Bazileum - Pakradouhi Takoushian, the head of the new financial and economic crimes unit of the National Police, announced a slew of arrests in connection with attempted electoral fraud. Underneath current Pontesian law no campaigns are publicly financed and former caretaker government ministers and officials were implicated in a number of scandals. According to court documents the National Police arrested 37 individuals on a number of financial crimes. President Andonian welcomed the news and promised "...further efforts to halt corruption in our nation." In the same speech the Preaident announced that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Emergency Situations would be hiring "...several hundred new police officers to respond to situations around the country and ensure the highest level of safety and security in Pontesi."

Ministry of Defense officials have remained tight lipped about the rebuilding of the Armed Forces of Pontesi. A meeting at the Presidential Palace included the President, the Prime Minister, the Minister of National Defense and a number of Armenian military and security officials. According to sources within the MND, the Minister of National Defense has cleaned house and appointed a new Military Provost, the formal title for the Chief of Military Police, to "...restore order, discipline and morale within the Armed Forces of Pontesi." according to a report released by the MNDs press office. A major shakeup is expected in the coming months notably in the mission of the 3 service branches, the Army, Air and Air Defense Forces and the Navy. Reports indicate that the Pontesian government is seeking greater cooperation on regional military affairs and regional security issues.

Minister of Economic Development Kevork Arshakuni and Minister of Finance Ghadam Maroutian have announced that the Arevatsag Astgh Stock Exchange is fully operational. The first listing includes 150 Pontesian companies who have promised to secure domestic investments up to 50% for a limited time. Chairman of the Economic Development Working Group, a combined public-private venture, has focused in building stability in the domestic market with an infusion of capital. The infusion of capital comes from the Central Bank of Pontesi whose Governor has welcomed a chance to "revitalize" the economy. Economist have often questioned what happens to an economy with a caretaker government and many believe that they effectively "coast" until an active government comes in and provides policies. According to reports from the Ministry of Finance the average Pontesian has increased confidence in the Pontesian economy, up to 29% from 17% prior to the January election.

Pontesian Minister of Education, Culture and Sport Krikor Yeterian has condemned recent Aurorian church vandalizations in Selucia. Pontesi, the northern neighbor to Selucia has experienced a self-proclaimed revival in the past several months. Yeterian condmned the attacks as "...modern pogroms against Aurorians." and condemned further attacks. While Pontesi has neither the means nor the ability to stop the attacks, the Pontesian Foreign Ministry announced that it would be reviewing a special visa program for Aurorians who were being prosecuted or feared for their lives. President Andonian stated that he likewise condemned the vandalizing and issued a travel advisory for the southern neighbor for Aurorians.
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Re: Pontesi

Postby Auditorii » Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:35 am

Pontesian National Press
New Constitution Ratified!
October, 4817

Arevatsag Astgh, Bazileum - President Andonian celebrated the ratification of the Constitution of the Republic of Pontesi earlier last month. The President announced that the interim National Assembly had vote unanimously to ratify the new constitution. The new constitution creates a semi-presidential type government, the President being the primary "mover and policy maker" in the new structure. The Prime Minister will serve a role in the day to day functions of the government and will lead the government "side-by-side" with the President. The first act of the new National Assembly is to expand its seats to 215 to better represent the population. President of the National Assembly Mashdots Virabyan celebrated the first piece of legislation to be brought to the floor of the National Assembly. He stated it was a victory for all Pontesians and reflected the progressive march forward to a better day.

The new government is however not without controversy, the National Assembly introduced the National Identification Restoration Act (NIRA) which will prompt every Pontesian to be given an identification card but will not require it to be held on person. Critics of the act cite this as an overreach however it remains a popular policy according to a poll conducted by the Pontesian National Press, the state-owned news service. A piece of popular legislature was joined by NIRA, known as the Administrative Structure Reform Act (ASRA) which will radically overhaul the administraitve structure of the country. It provides for unitarian political leadership of provinces but allows for more local government to be elected and participate through a legislative process. The move, while widely approved and welcomed, has its critics and the President defended the new legislation which he helped draft. These pieces of legislation are likely to pass with full support of the PRP in the National Assembly.

The President confirmed that he had appointed Hayrabed Zeitunian as the new Director of the National Security Service, the combined domestic and foreign intelligence service of the nation. In the initial press conference the Director stated that in conjunction with the National Police the joint teams had conducted raids against "...illiberal, radical religious elements in our society. I can confirm the arrest of over 100 radicals, notably far-right and extremist Yeudi's who seek to undermine our society." While not expanding further he broached the subject that the government will "...do all it need to, to protect all Pontesians."
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Re: Pontesi

Postby Auditorii » Sun Sep 20, 2020 4:56 pm

Pontesian National Press
First PODEX held in Arevatsag Astgh
November, 4818

Pontesian Air and Air Defense Forces Su-25P on display at PODEX

Arevatsag Astgh, Bazileum - Pontesian Minister of National Defense and Chief of the Pontesian General Staff Army General Azad Kevranian welcomed investors, stakeholders and others to the first annual Pontesi Defense Expo. The tech expo was launched by the efforts of the Ministry of National Defense and the Pontesian General Staff in order to explore the new, flourish domestic arms industry in Pontesi. Kevranian welcomed investors and potential buyers from across Terra, noting that the new Pontesian defense industry was flourish and was expanding month to month. One of the first displays was by the Pontesian Air and Air Defense Forces who showed a locally produced Su-25 ground attack fighter; one of the worlds best close air support fighters. Originally a Trigunian design, the Su-25P is a modernized take on former Su-25s operated by Pontesian forces. The locally produced version has upgraded avionics, increased ground-attack capabilities and expanded operational capability. It was not the only piece of equipment displayed that was locally produced, the Pontesian Armed Forces also displayed a state-of-the-art radar system which was produced with the assistance of Trigunian engineers and scientist who are based in Pontesi, the Avtobaza is considered to be an engineering feat for the Pontesian arms industry and provides Pontesi with upgraded electronic warfare and command and control features. Aside from these two pieces of technology, the Pontesian arms industry has also displayed a number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) which place it in the rare club of nations that domestically produce UAVs, while they are small and relatively unarmed, Pontesi is likely to find itself with new customers focused on buying UAVs. According to the Ministry of National Defense units across the Pontesian Armed Forces are being outfitted with UAVs as a means to expand reconnaissance operations.

While PODEX, a week long event displayed new technologies it also revealed that Pontesi is seeking semi self-sufficiency from foreign arms deals. According to General Kevranian the review of the Pontesian Armed Forces was still underway and he appreciated the work of the National Assembly who recently placed the Pontesian Armed Forces Reform Act up for vote. Kevranian was critical of the now returned Selucian National Yeudish Party which he slammed as a "...radical, extreme racist, violent far-right organization." and how they gutted the Pontesian Armed Forces and effectively crippled them. Underneath Kevranian and President Andonian, the Pontesian Armed Forces have been restored to a "...largely total defense force, for now." According to the white paper issued on the Kevranian-era armed forces, the Pontesian Armed Forces envision themselves within the next 10 to 15 years as a "...regional armed forces with a strong desire for peacekeeping." According to military watchers in the country, the shakeups really occured when the National Assembly gave their approval for the Ministry of National Defense to have assignment over officers, a role that was traditionally given to the President (who still retains some authority to do so). Kevranian appointed Askanaz Petrosian as the new Chief of the Mobilization and Personnel Department, charged with professionalizing the armed forces as a whole and increasing soldier and sailor retention. Lieutenant General Petrosian scored approval from the National Assembly to increase the annual salary of soldiers from the typical 25,000 Pontesian Drama to 30,000 Pontesian Drama; thus increasing soldiers desire to stay. Some critics state that this is well below the 57,000 PON/PND of the "average" Pontesian, Lt. Gen. Petrosian stated that soldiers had a vast majority "...basic necessities provided to them such as housing, medical care, etc." The Lieutenant General also announced an overhaul to military time and leave program, allowing soldiers to return home or go on vacation up to 5 weeks per year instead of the usual 1 week per year.

General Kevranian noted that the overhaul of the General Staff of the Armed Forces was almost completed, the renewed structure of the Ministry of National Defense would be announced shortly after. The General also announced that the total size of the armed forces would increase from 250,000 to 400,000 over the next several years as expanded operations were needed.
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Re: Pontesi

Postby Auditorii » Fri Sep 25, 2020 10:54 pm

Pontesian National Press
BREAKING: President admits oversight, pledges review of MoJ&TA
July 4821

Arevatsag Astgh, Bazileum - President Yeranos Andonian announced today that Pontesi was formally ending the practice of slavery in Pontesi. While slavery was "legal" in Pontesi, the Ministry of Justice and Territorial Administration confirmed that the practice had effectively been outlawed and apologized for the massive oversight when reviewing a number of laws associated with the out-going regime. Minister of Justice and Territorial Administration Dr. Bsag Paboojian apologized to a group of former slaves and noted that the Ministry of Justice had worked closely with the National Police to crack down on the slave trade following the assumption of power by the Pontesian Republican Party. President Andonian condemned the oversight and stated that he would be conducting a review of the oversight by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice and Territorial Administration. "We cannot allow this sort of thing to happen in the future and we need to do better, we apologize to the world for this, we certainly condemn the slave trade and trading of human beings as any sort of "property". The President noted that the Ministry of Justice, the National Police and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Emergency Situations had expanded the human trafficking task force that has, according to the President, "...thousands of Pontesian's and others from human trafficking." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs likewise issued a condemnation of slavery and stated that the government in Pontesi would fully cooperate with international authorities to ensure that Pontesi was in compliance with anti-slavery measures.

According to the National Statistical Office the previous government, lead by currently legal "Selucian National Yeudish Party", permitted slavery underneath a series of racially discriminatory and disgusting laws. The Pontesian Republican Party has worked to rebuild the Pontesian democracy following the collapse of the SNYP regime that was wholly condemned by the PRP and many Pontesian's across the nation. The NSO noted that underneath the previous government several thousand Pontesian and other nationalities were enslaved and traded on the now largely underground slave market. Efforts lead by the National Police and the National Security Service have resulted in the arrest of dozens of individuals and business owners related to the now illegal slave trade in Pontesi.
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Re: Pontesi

Postby _nicolo_02 » Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:47 pm

Dear readers, as the year 4868 is ending, we at the Pontesian Journal are celebrating what this year has brought to our Nation.
We are celebrating 1 year since free election were held, election who saw the rapid ascent of Tsolag Khachaturian's liberal party. The Pontesian Democratic Union.
President Khachaturian took a pledge with the People during the electoral campaign: to cancel the unequal economic policies, to liberalize the market and to free the country. A country freed from: racial segregation, a not-working justice system, a failed ethno-state attempt and a very small economic liberty.
In this redation we hope that this Administration will not betray the will of the People and will continue with the much-needed reforms. But, for now, as this year is finishing, let us celebrate for what it seems to be a beautiful start for a new civil rights era and renewed economic policies.

Long live Pontesia!
President Khachaturian signing the Civil Rights Act, november 4868
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Re: Pontesi

Postby Rafland » Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:25 pm

Republican Party members assasinate President Gamo Marjanian!

Serzh Manukyan hailed this assassination against the Anti-Pontesian sentiment in the ethnic minority community and warned they were moments away from a destruction of their heritage, and bring the Pontesi hosian majority to the for front of its campaign in an effort to take the parliament.
"Desperate times calls for desperate measures! We will bring a Fascist, Nationalist and a wave of Anti-communist laws into play, the beginning of Pontesi has started and ethnic minority rule is over!"
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Re: Pontesi

Postby Aethan » Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:34 pm

In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Pontesi

Postby Rafland » Wed Feb 17, 2021 9:52 am

President Serzh Manukyan reacts to Selucian threat!

"These people should mind their own business. I am a proud representative as the President of Pontesi and the vomit of these animals like those Selucians should be gone. Death camps are starting to take effect in January 4895 if the Selucian government removes their pathetic threat against Pontesi! Pontesians will not let those animals dictate and tell us what to do. This pagan and Anti-Hosianist action of Solentia must be removed at once. The government will contact Hobrazia to announce their backing. We will get rid of this filth from our glorious motherland once and for all!"

Pontesian nationlists can be seen flocking outside of the national assembly

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Re: Pontesi

Postby Nuova Istalia (Pond) » Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:00 pm

viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&p=169806#p169806 (Istalian public figures start to condemn the pontesian regime)
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