A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:02 am

Deputy Ambassadors Quarters, Rapa City Rapa Pile

"Mr. Gustav Allik, I hereby present you, as".... the crowd went quiet. The Dolgavian Ambassador to Rapa Pile. Gustav couldn't believe his ears, he had done it, at the age of 28 years old he had become ambassador. Now he would live in Rapa Pile with his childhood sweetheart and his two young children for many, many years to come. As he walked slowly to the stage his hands became sweaty. He was trying to think of what to say. He walked the staircase to a small stage in the back garden of the Dolgavian embassy. He stared at the audience, of Pilese and Dolgavian dignitaries and he was at a loss of words. He though, "Why can't I think of what to say, what is going on" he concentrated on his wife sitting in the first row, her blond hair fell to both sides of her face, each strand seemingly placed perfectly. He stared into her laughing green eyes, "maybe she can help me" Gustav thought. her eyes shifted from that of laughing to that started to show concern. Gustav stuttered than spoke, "Uh, Thank You all"....


Gustav awoke suddenly, he was lying in bed, the house was still shaking after what that loud noise, off in the distance her heard another. "What the hell is that", Gustav said now fully awake. It then clicked, all the warnings, all the tension had just been released, "that was an explosion". Then he heard what sounded like a jet fighter flying in the distance in the suburbs of the city. At this point, he jarred his sleeping wife awake, "Babe, babe wake up" he said, the fear starting to fill his inner being. Margaret just shifted and stretched, still half asleep. Gustav poked her more. "Come on honey, we got to wake up, we got to get out of here". He tried to sound not afraid but he was on the verge of panic.

Margaret opened her eyes and said sleepily, "What is this all about not Gustav".

"We have to go NOW!!!" he replied.

She then said "Do you have another meeting that we have to attend at the embassy? Didn't I tell you to give me warning before you have another one?" her voice now showed some signs of annoyance. She got up and looked around. The room was as it was, no pictures had fallen.

Gustav then said, "Grab a coat, get dressed, grab the children we have to get to the embassy!"

She retorted, "Look at my hair! I can't go to a meeting looking like a mop You can just come to work as is, but I have to get ready, how many times do I have to tell you this". She gave Gustav the 'really' look and stormed off to the bathroom to plug in her curling iron.

Gustav pleaded with her, "You have no time to do that, our lives are at stake WE HAVE TO GO NOW!!!"

Margaret now thoroughly annoyed cleared her throat and said, "I am not even dressed how do you expect me to go anywhere looking like this, we are not in danger, of sure if you are late your job is in danger but you'll be in WAY more hot water if I come to the embassy looking like this. My hair isn't done, I am in a nightgown, I do not even have shoes on". She cleared her throat to yell at him again and started to speak the first syllable when...


This time the house shook violently. Wedding pictures fell from the wall, the power flickered off and Margaret was now speechless. She then whispered "What was that?"

Gustav then said almost out of breath "This is the reason why we have to go!"

Margaret glared at him "You didn't tell me about this, there is a [REDACTED] airstrike going on and you said NOTHING... She ran around the room, skirts and shirts and clothing of all colors and styles flying about wherever she went.

Gustav ran down the hall to his 5 year old daughter, Lily's room, opened the door and grabbed her and her favorite horse stuffed animal from her bed. Lily woke up and she asked "what is happening Papa?" Gustav didn't answer instead heading down the hall, Lily in his arms to his twin boy's room. He bonked his head on several airplane models hanging from the ceiling as he went in. He spoke loudly, "Boys we got to go, don't worry about getting dressed, grab your clothing and come out to the parlor". He poked the fist son named Micheal in the lower bunk of the bunkbed and poked Luukas in the top bunk. After getting confirmation that they were awake and moving, he ran into the hall. Suddenly the house shook again with another airstrike. A second one exploded mere seconds afterwards. Lily started to cry but her father said "Its alright, we are going to the Green Zone where I work and we will be safe there".

The Green Zone is the zone that is off limits to military conflict and is where embassy's are located, When Lily and Gustav made it to the parlor, they met Margaret in a red skirt and a black top and her high heels were clicking on the wood floor. Gustav didn't even say anything about this, he knew she was more than capable of running in those shoes and bringing that up would just lead to another scolding. He put down his young daughter and she ran to Margaret.

Margaret then asked, "Did you wake the boys"?

Gustav explained what he had done and soon after two sets of feet were running down the hall, they had dressed themselves and were wearing, faded jeans, teeshirts and tenis shoes.

"LETS GO", Gustav ordered as the family vacated the building. They hopped into the Government owned, embassy car given to the family and sped off into the night. The broken asphalt proved to make this trip even more bumpy. More booms could be heard off in the distance as they sped down the main thoroughfare to the Embassy district. They passed the Istalian embassy that mimicked the design of Istalian Palaces. They passed the Dorvik Embassy, a large building with fences and they passed a great deal more buildings. The car stopped in front of a large white colored house that mimicked the houses found in Aikums, it had two eight sided pilars in front and the lights in the front windows were on. The car was parked out front taking up 2 parking spots in the rush and the family rushed in.

KABOOM!!!! Another explosion rocked the city as the family was let in by the Dolgavian soldiers tasked with protecting the complex. The lobby was lit up, due to generators. The ambassador an older gentlemen who had been in Rapa Pile all of his diplomatic career, stood starting at a window looking out at the city, he said "The bastards just hit the central radio station" then he turned and saw the family who had just arrived. He then exclaimed "Thank Goodness you are here, you are the last of the staff to have arrived!!! I can let Aikums know we are all safe and accounted for".

Gustav then asked the ambassador what was happening...

The ambassador responded saying "Deltaria is attacking, intelligence in Aikums, gave us a 5 minute warning and we were starting to let you all know but by then it was too late, did you get the text".

Gustav then realized he had not even picked up his phone all morning, he had it in his pants pocket and pulled it out, sure enough the warning message was clear as day. Gustav then realized that he was wearing khaki faded pants that he had worn when he was fixing the house the night before. His shirt was of a Dolgavian band tour that he had attended. In the rush he had no time to put on a suit, tie or anything professional, however everyone in the room besides his wife of course was wearing a motley collection of nightgowns, mismatched clothing and unbuttoned uniforms.

The ambassador then said "we have a spare bedroom for the kids to sleep in, we will make sure to have clothing flown in if this conflict lasts long and it is too dangerous to go out of the Green Zone. If Vascania hadn't tried to force this country to obey there every will we wouldn't be in this mess. I believe this nation is sovereign and independent from that menace down south, but Deltaria has gone too far... But for now there is little we can do. How about we drink some tea?!".
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:06 am

12:00 Royal Palace Bedroom, Aikums Dolgava July 12th 4868

"Your Majesty, are you ready?" It was Paulus one of the many housekeepers in the royal palace that gave messages, communicated with the Royal Family and kept things in order and on time. "Your car leaves in half an hour and it would be desirable for you to leave soon".

Crown Princess Svena was getting stiff from standing, she had spent 2 hours sitting in front of a mirror on a uncomfortable stool as hairdressers had given her a style that was not only elegant but a style that would protect her head from the 1.5 kg crown that she had to wear. They had decided on a braid that wrapped around here head and had used a mock crown of the same weight to make sure she would not be uncomfortable. After this, tailors had fitted her red dress to her and had given her awards and such that the Quenn of Dolgavia possessed. By now the finishing touches were being added and the Queen had lost all sensation in her lower legs and feet. Thankfully she didn't suffer from her father's flat footed syndrome. Her arches were good but even good feet could not protect someone from 3 hours of standing in place. An older lady in her middle to late 60's was carefully checking the Crown Princess to make sure she was in perfect condition. Her name was Helga and she had been with the family for many years.

She called back to Paulus saying "She is ready now, let us know when she can come out".

The Queen heard as the sound of boots trotted down the hall and then the Queen said "Well, I would have never thought I would be in this situation"! as Helga helped the Queen put on her black shoes.

"You'll do fine", Helga reassured her "You have spent much time studying your father and especially your great grandmother, I have known you since you were a tiny thing Svena, I know you can do this"! She smiled at the Princess but this act did little to comfort her. She could feel her own heartbeat, it felt as if it were going to just jump right out of her chest and start bouncing all over the green carpeted floor. "Remember, walk in a dignified manner, the same one that you have practiced for many weeks now, always remember to do everything evenly. If you make a movement on one side of your body, counteract it with your other side".

The Queen nodded her head saying "I know, I know please I really don't need reminding". However deep inside she was playing out the whole situation in her mind. She would walk into the church and walk past all of her extended family and friends and her husband who was sitting in the front row. Her mind began to race when all of a sudden several sharp crisp knocks rang out on the wooden door that lead to the hallway. Her heart rate jumped as a voice called out

"We are ready for her majesty, if she could come out soon it would be greatly appreciated".

Helga walked beside the Princess, glanced over her one more time then said "You'll do fine, I will be there too, do not worry Svena, I cannot imagine what kind of stress you are under, however you are the most capable person for this job I am certain of it. Just be yourself, that is what people want to see, they want to see your positivity, your energy and your happiness! Good Luck Svena!"

Svena then gave Helga a hug and said "Thank You for everything you have done, you have done many great things for me and I am indebted to you! You helped me when Kristina passed, you helped me with Father passing away, you and Christopher have been the best! Thank You my dear friend". The Princess then straightened up and opened her door, two guards stood on either side and a cameraman was positioned down the hall. She began to walk down the aisle in a quick pace. She walked down the stairs, into the secondary lobby, here members of her staff watched as she went by, she could feel the many eyes staring at her but did not look at her audience, she continued forward. She went down another flight of stairs and into the main reception area. Past a dozen more guards and through the main entrance of the palace. Crowds of people were in the streets but she walked down the stone steps to the waiting limousine. She climbed in the door closed and she breathed a major sigh of relief. She thought "I am now one-fourth of the way done with this ordeal"... She looked out the window at the streets of Aikums and at the mid summer sun that shown over everything. The driver who was a short man with a curly mustache stayed quiet, they knew each other well and the agreement had been made to stay quiet until after the ceremony. The car weaved through streets, past people waving Dolgavian flags and past both old and new buildings. Past government agencies, small and large businesses and tourist destinations. They passed the large statue of the first King/Emperor of Dolgavia King Kirzon. Svena thought "How can I live up to the legend that is my ancestors, How can I live up to them"? Svena counted the blocks from 10 down to 1 until she reached St. Olaf's street, the street with the state cathedral located there. The police were keeping the swelling crowds back as the limo pulled to a stop.

Svena braced herself for the most important event of her life. She thought of the many people watching her, her husband, Helga, her extended family and those looking on through the after life. Her eldest sister, he Grandmother who never was able to become Queen and her Father who would be smiling now. She thought of them and their memories filled her head. Suddenly the door opened and a voice said

"Your Majesty"
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby robmark0000 » Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:39 pm

11:20 PM, 16 May, 4871 - Apród Private Airport, III. District, Hugamest, Canton of Hugalon, Directorial Republic of Endralon

Hugamest was under heavy rain; the city of reason, immorality and sexuality was under a sky conquered by the Oceanic clouds of the Artanian Sea this time. Umbrellas, like spears risen towards the mentioned sky, while the Hugamester people tried to fight the raindrops among the several hundreds meters skyscrapers of the Want Street. She also had one umbrella, while she headed to one of those skyscrapers - the one that had an airplane commercial at the top. She was really excited, she wore the same dress when she and he met, and she just came from her beautician and hairdresser who made her look completely decent.

Because he coming home. After two weeks alone, the boy finally finished his binding pilgrim visit to the lands of his gods, as a practicing Anluanist. These two weeks were pain for her, and to be totally honest, she had also a conscience problem, with choosing the work instead the common visit of what he call creators and controllers. But come on, semi-associate work for the Sárközy Hotels (with a 6000€ salary) worth so much, and he understood it! Nevermind, she will going to apologize and they will have one of their greatest night ever in one of the expensive red-light districts of the city.

Yes, they definitely will have the greatest night ever. She just entered the doors of the Apród Private Airport, where her boyfriend is expected to arrive at 11:22. Maybe he already arrived, if his pilot was a good one. She checked her paper again, yes it was the 96th Air Highway, right after the entering centre of the Airport. She closed her eyes, she believed she will see an airport fulled with people with suitcases, and in the middle of the crowd, she will see him. But when she opened her eyes, and looked longly on the runaway, she only saw three people in expensive suits, without any planes on the runaway. Without any other people. Without him.

    "Elnézést, fellow sovereign citizens", she entered the spheres of the three guys in suits. "Isn't this the 96th Air Highway?"

    "Were you not notified, hölgyem?" answered the guy in the centre.

    "Notified about what? My phone's battery got oof and I was in the city since 4 PM. What is happening right now?"

    "Then", the guy sighed a big. "You probably Ms. Major Kitti, am I right?"

    "Yeah I waiting for my fiancé, he supposed to be here, if it is the 96th Air Highway"

    "Directorial Republic Investigation Office" all three guys showed their badges for her. "Kérem jöjjön velünk."

And they told her something. Something originating from the Devil itself. Something that she could not believe. But it was true, the badges were true, the news were true, life was true. No more him. No more kisses. No more laughing. No more home. No more shopping. No more common pleasures. No more planning on the wedding. No more walks. No more common listening to Szőke Kinga. No more lover and no more love. She was shocked, she can't breath, she loosing her gravitation, she sees vaguely; but she does not fell, just stay there. The guys in suits walking her out carefully from the corporate headquarters and airport, then leave her alone.

Just outside the building, he fell to her knees into a puddle, throw down the umbrella with an indirect hand-moving, and look down. The intensifying raindrops slams on her back like a whip. Tears slip from her eyes but she does not cry, just looking well down to the well cleaned, well maintained Want Street paving stone. In the first moments, she just want to die, soak, get pneumonia and die on the streets, even if as a proper atheist, she knows that it won't reunite her with him. But then she decides otherwise, slowly rise, get into public transport and approaching an enlisting office that's address was familiar to her.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Jan 10, 2021 2:00 am

1:00 AM, 9 June, 4872 - Presidential Antall Office, Citadel, I. District, Hugamest, Canton of Hugalon, Directorial Republic of Endralon

The President of the Directorial Republic Babits András was really tired, his eyes were dried up from the lot of screens, he had a minor headache caused by fatigue and insomnia, but nothing unusual, so he just sitted on his chair in the Antall Office, behind his glorified desk, and dealt with usual things, especially with campaign tricks and management (it was elections in August), but also minor problems all across the Directorial Republic. And by the way, he knew that those dominantly sexy female officers and some male too (who just ruin the whole picture) elect somebody to deal with those barbarians putting him an uncomfortable situation.

Ordering the death of hundreds, well it is not a good thing, but Mr. Babits had to do that - even if the rebels would lead the plane into a uninhabited part of Hugamest, he would do the same. No one can attack Hugamest. No one can attack the capital of the Directorial Republic. It is about symbols. It is about politics. It is about his reelection, indirectly. So he can't risk. He does not wanted to be the first President of the Directorial Republic that reigned over Endralon when its capital, the most advanced city ever, was attacked by dirty populist scums. No, populista barmok, you won't ruin my presidency - he thought.

    "Elnök úr, the Grand Admirals elected someone finally. He could be here in any minutes" - he was interrupted by his Chief of Staff, who just forwarded a message to him.
    "Thank you, Lali"
He just said he. Knowing less women in charge are always disappointing for Mr. Babits, even if he also somebody who sitting in position as a Syldavian man. But he does not liked to have prejudices - that is the tool of the rightists. Later on, this he arrived to the Antall Office. In the totally fit white uniform of the Grand Admirals, with different medals and stars on his chest, with a really calculating, clever and calm, young face, and with a so arrogant walking that any Want Street CEO would envy. And of course followed by nobody, alone, as generals usually spoking to the President.

    "Welcome in the Antall Office, főadmirális, and congratulating on your appointment. You must served the Directorial Republic well" he welcomed the soldier and risen up from his desk and shook hands with the guy.
    "I am glad to be here, Mr. President" he answered in a voice that caused goosebumps for Mr. Babits. That voice just like... something really special. Balogh Márkó shall sounded like this.
    "I propose to do not waste the valuable time of our Directorial Republic; I could give you authorization for the moving of any fleets in about one week."
    "Thank you, but I won't need authorization in one year, if my calculations are exact."
    "Well, then how do you imagine the destruction of terrorism? They will kill themselves?"
    "No, there is no sign of suicide in group between them, but further research on their culture and traditions may prove me wrong. One thing is definite: they're organized, and have plans. Ergo, they committed these three main terrorist attacks for the spotlight; it could easily make more people join them. They're not threat to the security nor Davostan, Kundrati or Endralon yet, because if they would have resources, they would already attack. They're gathering resources right now.
    "How do you know?"
    "Satanilism, which is their main religion, demands a genocide against the 'enemy ethnics', including us, as soon as possible from them. If they don't started a genocide it means they don't think that is possible yet.
    "What would you do in that one year?"
    "Further research on their culture, tradition and gathering the really proper people for my division. A good preparation is already victory, as the hero Balogh Márkó said."
    "I see, you are right, we just have to follow the classical heroes of the Directorial Republic. It was good to talk, now I have urgent matters if you excuse me. I doubt you was ever in the Antall Office until now, so I think I could just leave you some place to pleasure your eyes."
    "It is a great honor, My President"

Mr. Babits leaves the Antall Office.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Mr. F49 » Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:54 pm

5:27 PM, 14 June 4874 - Kanslarahöll, Grænnhöfn, C.U., Commonwealth of Miðland, Confederation of Telamon.

The entire cabinet was summoned to an extraordinary meeting by Chancellor Rúdólfsdóttir, except for her and Vice-Chancellor Kilíansson, none of those summoned knew what the meeting was going to be, but suspected it was due to actions against the terrorist group AFENS. Telamon had raised the alarm level to amber because of the AFENS attacks that occurred in Kundrati and Endralon. Because Telamon is an ally of Endralon, there was a risk of attacks in the main cities of the nation. The 12 ministers entered the Lindbergsson Hall of the Kanslarahöll where they were received by a concerned Jara Rúdólfsdóttir.

    Rúdólfsdóttir: Ladies, Gentlemen, welcome. You must be wondering why I am calling you to this meeting? Well, as you know, recently a terrorist group has emerged that is threatening the lives of all. According to our NACTO ambassador, things are very tense, and we offered Endralon support during this situation. As part of the Constitution, it is said that the cabinet must be convened to make decisions on military matters. I look forward to hearing your proposals.

    Júrek Sigurgeirsson, Minister of Foreign Affairs: Madame Chancellor, I suggest that you first talk to Endralon so that we can give you our support.

    Rúdólfsdóttir: I have already spoken to them, Minister Sigurgeirsson, we must join their struggle, we must not put more lives at risk. I suggest that we see which branch of the Army we can send to fight the AFENS.

    General Jörvar Bergvinsson, Minister of Defense: Madame Chancellor, the situation requires that the Elítusveit be used to help our allies, the Elítusveit will do a job to stop the AFENS together with the Endralonian and Davostanies forces, it is our duty to help our allies.

    Sigurgeirsson: I'm afraid you're right General, the AFENS is a danger to everyone, and yet there are people who support it, unfortunately. Let's not let hate win, AFENS must be stopped.

Concerned, Rúdólfsdóttir had doubts about the Eítusveit.

    Rúdólfsdóttir: Will the Elítusveit be able to cope with all this? I don't know if it's extreme to take them to combat them

    General Bergvinsson:
    Madame Chancellor, this is what we must do, we run a huge risk if we do not join the fight against terrorism.

    Rúdólfsdóttir: I understand, I know how things are. Ten years ago, my brother Uxi died in a car accident, and I was left in charge of my nephew Skellir. I promised Skellir a better world, and I believe that if the necessary is not done, that world will never happen. Send the Elítusveit, General Bergvinsson.

    General Bergvinsson: Yes, ma'am.

That day, Rúdólfsdóttir made a decision that would define his second term as Chancellor. Before the Elítusveit was sent to fight AFENS together with Endralon and Davostan, Chancellor Rúdólfsdóttir called Confederation President Hallmann Marelsson. Although the figure of the President in Telamon is protocol, he must still be aware of everything.

    President Marelsson: Good afternoon you are in touch with President Marelsson, how can I help you?

    Rúdólfsdóttir: Hallmann, it's Jara, we are sending the Elítusveit to fight the AFENS, we made the decision among all those in the cabinet. I don't have the time to tell you right now, I have to go and make a statement before Congress.

    President Marelsson: Yes, but where will they act, Jara? Jara... I'm hanging up! I hope that the Elítusveit is successful in the operation, thousands of lives are at stake.

From that moment on, the Elítusveit mobilized all over the country and reinforced the surveillance at the main airports of the nation, some were sent to Endralon and Davostan where they cooperated with the anti-terrorist forces. While those acting in Telamon captured 4 members of the AFENS at the Eldarsdóttir-Grænnhöfn International Airport and had clashes at the Kalmarsson Border Checkpoint on the Telamon-Davostan Border, however, the struggle of the Elitusveit abroad continued, with no end in sight.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Jan 12, 2021 6:30 am

St. Ruth's Hospital November 10th 4874 3:21 PM

King Consort Albert was tired. He lay next to his sleeping wife on a hospital bed. His young son of only two years old sleeping in his arms. The Queen had been told earlier that day that she would need her rest. She had twins preparing to be born and she was on constant alert. She wore hospital robes, her dark brown hair was tangled in 80 different directions, this is not how most people would see the Queen of Dolgava. However for Albert he knew this look, she was sleeping peacefully. He looked at his son sleeping on his lap, young Crown Prince Aleksandras. A crib sat next to him with a stuffed bear and a stuffed plush moose both looking back with empty smiles. The King got up his son still sleeping soundly in his arms sat him gently in the crib then tip toed to his sleeping wife. He pulled back a little bit of her hair and kissed her softly on the cheek. Then he tip toed out of the room.

The King entered a long hallway on a secured portion of a private wing of the hospital. This wing had been cleared out and only soldiers, government workers and diplomats can get medical treatment here. The wing was completely secure. The King walked down the hallway to the nearest restroom. After relieving himself he walked down the stairs to the west of the West Wing. These 50 secured beds on this floor were nothing compared to the 523 beds in the entire hospital. The King walked through the doorway and walked down the stairs, past the fish tanks and down an elevator to the main lobby. His phone was fully charged and he was on alert for the slightest alert from the doctor or his wife. As he walked out the main doors he walked over to a small park next to a large marble statue of St. Ruth the healer. He pulled out a cigar and started to smoke it. He couldn't feel the chill of the snow, he had lived here all of his life, he knew how to deal with the cold. He thought of all the memories, from childhood living on a farm, to his parents saving all they could so his brother and he could go to a private school. Memories flooded back, back to a school yard outside of Aikums...

flashback time

The dust was settling as all the kids ran out to the playground. The boys ran out to the Football field and Albert was following them. His jitters at the thought of a new school had ended and he was starting to get to be at home here. His new friend Mikal had shown him around and now he gestured towards field. He was picked in the middle of the pack to play football and went out on field to play forward. The boys started to play aggressively a boy named Hans expertly tore across the field weaving here and there and he stopped, in fact everyone stopped they all stared, back at the school??? Albert went close to Mikal and the two looked across the field. There stood a several teachers and 3 girls, Albert reckoned they were close in age to his, (16). He looked at them and the teachers fawning all over them...

"Who are they"? Albert asked

"Those are the kids of the King, I think" Mikal answered equally intrigued

Albert kept staring, the youngest and the oldest were blond and the middle one was dark haired. She unlike here sisters was running around her bounds fluent, she ran to a group of girls and boys that were sitting around chatting as they always did. He felt a warm feeling in his stomach... He tore his gaze away from her and asked Mikal

"Man the dark one is cute, I wonder...."

Mikal cut him off "No way dude, not a chance, they are royalty, they'll marry some dude from Lourenne or something, don't even think about it"...


"Boy had he been wrong", Albert thought as the schoolyard vanished and the street in front of the hospital came into view. Suddenly his phone went off, it was Svena...

Albert ran, dropping his still lit cigar in a trash bin close to the door, he ran through the lobby, up the maze of stairs and through the set of double doors to the elevators, he went up, snaking through hallways, and to the checkpoint, he didn't have to hand his ID card, they let him in. He walked down the hallway and into his room. His son sat still sleeping but Svena was awake,

"Where were you"?

"Having a smoke" he replied

Svena said two words, "Its happening......"

For the next two hours everything was a blurr, nurses coming in and out, he continued to hold his wife's hand through the whole ordeal. Suddenly he first baby was in his arms, a girl... He and Svena had already decided and they had both agreed on the name Celeste. Princess Celeste. 14 minutes later Prince Albert, was born, named after his father, who now sat with three children. He was so happy he couldn't believe it. 3 smiling happy children and once again, one sleeping mother. Now fast asleep after her big day, she couldn't help it, Albert knew she would be holding them now if she could, but sleep had overtaken her. Now Albert closed his eyes, watched the spots diminish from his eyelids and fell fast asleep...
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Jan 16, 2021 1:02 am

Main characters
ERIK: Boros Erik, 3M CEO (OOC: 3M not RPed, still existing in irrelevancy), BOPA owner
BARBARA: Boros Barbara, Erik's adopted daughter
NIKOLAS: Nikolas Reinhardt, Adolf's grandson, heir to the Kivonian throne
ADOLF: Adolf Cederstam, manager of the Cederstam family's business matters
SZŐKE: Szőke Kinga, famous pop star, with routes to the Want Street

Supporting characters
MS. KECSKÉS - Babysitter
PMC - Private military contractor
FEMALE PROTESTOR - Environmentalist political activist
MALE PROTESTOR - Anti-fascist political activist
NYAVALYÁS - Nyavalyás Elemér, Lievenian Trade Group official
LIORI - A Liori employee of the Sárközy Hotels
DAVIDSSON - Rolf Davidsson, Unholy Sea Enterprise official

15 October, 4866 - Roundabout Boros Villa, III. District, Hugamest, Canton of Hugalon, Directorial Republic of Endralon

7 PM, Barbara's room
ERIK: Listen hear, kiddo.
BARBARA: Ye, pa?
ERIK: We will have some vendég. Including a little kid, like you; this time you need to be a perfect Boros with him.
BARBARA: Polite with everyone because we can't know who will bring us money in the future?
ERIK: Exactly! You are a true learner. Give me a pacsi!
(They give each other a highfive and then hugging each other.)
ERIK: I love you the best in this world! Promise me you will be always here!
BARBARA: Right here?
ERIK: Of course not. I love a girl not a statue.
(They laughing.)
ERIK: I ordered Mrs. Fazekas to take care of you, get on your clothes and etcetera. Two hours and they will be here.
(Erik leaves the room.)

9 PM, Front door of the Villa
PROTESTERS: Boros koszos! Down with the corporate oligarchy! Death to the capitalist oppression! Erik, you scum, my family died because of you! Workers of Endralon, unite against those scums in suit! Better red than dead! Szocializmust!
(About two hundred left-wing protesters protesting before the Roundabout Boros Villa, private security and private military contractors holding them back. In the meanwhile, a limousine arrives and Boros Erik walks towards it. Adolf Cederstam leaves the limousine.)
ADOLF: Ahhh, Erik, old buddy! Its been a while.
(They're hugging each other.)
ERIK: Its good to see you, Uncle Adolf.
ADOLF: What is going on? (Looking at the protesters.)
ERIK: You know, we are really proud of our democracy in the Directorial Republic. Everyone can tell his or her opinion, even if it is wrong, poor, deceptive or simply stupid, or just plebeian that is all these four in one.
ADOLF: Well, we settle these issues more properly in the Union.
ERIK: I have no doubts.
(The young Nikolas leaves the car.)
ADOLF: He is my grandson, future Ruler of our mighty Union.
ERIK: How's you, Your Majesty?
NIKOLAS: I am fine, thank you, Mr. Boros. (Hardly speaking Luthorian.)
ADOLF: He shall learn some business tricks from the home of the globalization. He might born to rule, but he can't without skills.
ERIK: Couldn't agree more. Barbi is here, and I ordered an another squad of charwomen and babysitters, they shall be fine together.
ADOLF: True. Can we get inside? I can't hear these embarassing voices anymore.
ERIK: I wouldn't torture you with them. Let's go!
(They entering the Villa.)

9:15 PM, 12th Garden of the Villa
MS. KECSKÉS: Ms. Boros, Mr. Boros ordered me to look out for you and His Majesty. I will be here for anything you want.
(The 12th garden is a several hundreds meters park, on the western side of the Villa. Near to the building part of it, behind a table, Barbara and Nikolas sitting facing each other, while Ms. Kecskés leaving them. They're quiet and embarrassed.)
BARBARA: Do you speaking Luthorian?
NIKOLAS: Yes, I do. Still learning.
BARBARA: Cool. Then we can speak.
NIKOLAS: You have a nice house. (Still shiny, looking the ground.)
BARBARA: Nah, we have better ones. But thanks, dude.
NIKOLAS: Dude... (Smiling, find this word interesting.)
BARBARA: What is the thing?
NIKOLAS: It sounds... funny.
BARBARA: Oh, ye. Auntie Kinga teached me some funny words. I like her a lot, I bet you would like her too.
NIKOLAS: Ye... (Becoming quiet again.)
BARBARA: Were you in the Dictatorial Republic before?
(Laughing a bit, while now Barbara is embarrassed why.)
NIKOLAS: Excuse me, but your political system and country called the Directorial Republic.
BARBARA: Ye, nevermind. (Leaning closer to the boy.) Are you a geek?
NIKOLAS: What does that mean?
BARBARA: Auntie Kinga using it for people who enjoying to be clever than everyone else.
NIKOLAS: Is this term pejorative?
BARBARA: Yeah, you are definitely are a geek.
(Nikolas shakes his shoulders.)
BARBARA: And you know what helps the geeks on the way of their improvement?
BARBARA: Pranks.
NIKOLAS: Wait what are you up to?
BARBARA: Ms. Kecskés, come here!
(The young babysitter running towards them like she would run for her own life.)
MS. KECSKÉS: What do you need, Ms. Boros?
BARBARA: I want to go to the playground. I would show Nikolas...
MS. KECSKÉS: His Majesty...
BARBARA: Ye, so, I would show His Majesty my stuff there.
MS. KECSKÉS: Mr. Boros clearly said that we have no authorization leaving the 12th Garden.
BARBARA: Well, the other option is I making you fired.
MS. KECSKÉS: I did nothing wrong.
BARBARA: Its up to my fantasy.
(Ms. Kecskés swallow a big.)
MS. KECSKÉS: Please, Ms. Boros, I beg you, we have no personnel there to properly watch out for you.
BARBARA: Det är planen (Winking to Nikolas, who is surprised, just like Ms. Kecskés.)
MS. KECSKÉS: What did you just said?
BARBARA: I repeated a Kivonuan word that His Majesty teached me.
NIKOLAS: Kivonian word...
MS. KECSKÉS: Whatever, please understand, we can't leave this place until further notice.
BARBARA: Well you could still easily leave it, if you know my meaning.
(Ms. Kecskés hesitating, and then decide.)
MS. KECSKÉS: You can't leave my 5 meters area, and then we can go, here is a deal.
BARBARA: Sure, let's go!
NIKOLAS: I am not sure I shall go...
BARBARA: You are definitely sure.
NIKOLAS: (Swallow one.) Yeah, I am.
(They're start their way to the playground.)

9:30 AM, Main playground of the Villa
NIKOLAS: Do you really speaking Kivonian?
BARBARA: Hehe, of course no. Millard Translate.
BARBARA: How far you can throw a gravel?
NIKOLAS: Well, I am in a good condition and expected to have a military career...
BARBARA: Sure then grab one from the ground and throw out that big window there!
NIKOLAS: That is a crime! I won't damage anyone's right to property!
BARBARA: I am empowering you. Just throw out that window and then run as fast as you can towards that gate; or at least follow me.
NIKOLAS: I don't like this idea a lot...
BARBARA: Nikolas, just do it. It'll be fun, I promise.
(Nikolas decide, and then grab a gravel and throw out one of the windows of the building. Ms. Kecskés does not saw that he was the one who did it, because he looked that moment into an another way, and she thinks it was the protesters entering the building. She lands on the ground.)
MS. KECSKÉS: Down to the ground! The communists entering the building! Le a földre!
(While Ms. Kecskés can't see them, the two kids starts to running toward a gate and successfully leave the area of the Villa. But in the gate, there is a male private military contractor with an M4A1 weapon, who can't recognized them.)
PMC: Hey, kiddos, what the fuck are you doing here? Who the hell are you?
NIKOLAS: I am the Heir...
BARBARA: He thinks he is in a tale and he is a King. Pleased don't mind him.
PMC: King in Endralon? This kid wants to die, haha?
BARBARA: Yeah, kinda.
PMC: But still, who the hell are you?
BARBARA: We are the daughter and son of Mrs. Fazekas.
PMC: Oh, great! The Boss told her several times to not bring her kiddos to work. I can't believe that when that Unionite blue blooded is here, she still can't follow the rules.
NIKOLAS: Hey watch...
BARBARA: Watch... watch us! We are just leaving, no more trouble.
PMC: Yeah, sure. I won't report you, just to prove my loyalty to the main charwoman. Tell them that Mr. Koplárovics Árpád was nice to her kids.
BARBARA: Definitely will do.
(They are leaving the gate and enter the streets of the Want Street, and walking with the several thousands of people there.)

9:45 AM, III. District of Hugamest or Want Street
NIKOLAS: Wow, is this heaven?
BARBARA: No, it is the Want Street.
NIKOLAS: You still don't told what is your plan.
BARBARA: I mean nothing specific, I just wanted to be far away from those crazy people my dad sent to watch out for us.
NIKOLAS: I mean, are we safe here? There are a lot of people.
BARBARA: Come on, I was here several times, nobody hurted me.
BARBARA: Not really.
NIKOLAS: I think we need to go back before our parents realize what we did.
BARBARA: Okay, I am in, there are really a lot of people here.
NIKOLAS: Let's go back to that rude soldier and that lady.
BARBARA: Ms. Kecskés? You must kidding! We can't go back, she would like apocalyptic angry, and you don't want to see that.
NIKOLAS: Has your a front door?
BARBARA: I guess.
NIKOLAS: And you know where it is?
(Barbara looks up for a chichory building.)
BARBARA: That is the Sárközy Headquarters. That means we should go forward and it will be there.
BARBARA: Noted? What are you, a droid?
NIKOLAS: We are in an armed operation. Let's call it Operation Go Home.
BARBARA: Whatever.
NIKOLAS: We need to reach our target. Your front door. Ready?
BARBARA: (A little disturbed, but she likes Nikolas' attitude.) Ready, General Admiral.
NIKOLAS: There is no such a military rank.
BARBARA: Fine, who cares.
(They walking forward, among the many people.)

10 AM, Front door of the Villa
PROTESTERS: We want to kill those rats! We are your comrades, soldiers, don't die for rich assholes! The system is flawed, liberal democracy is flawed! You have right to property, we have right to live! Which is more important?!
BARBARA: Who are they?
NIKOLAS: Well, I saw these people when me and my grandpa arrived.
BARBARA: They and the soldiers close our way to the front door.
(A little female protester approaching them.)
FEMALE PROTESTER: What are you kids doing here?
BARBARA: We are just seeing... uhm... things.
FEMALE PROTESTER: Haha, well done. Because you are our future.
NIKOLAS: What do you mean?
FEMALE PROTESTER: Did you knew that the Endralonian company called BOPA causing almost infinte pollution with its activity, just for those people living there be more richer?
BARBARA: Thats my dad's...
NIKOLAS: Thats her dad's problem, too.
FEMALE PROTESTER: Well, her dad sounds like a decent person. If BOPA will be still active, you might not have a planet to live on when you are adults.
BARBARA: Sounds weird.
NIKOLAS: Yeah, they're my favorite animals!
FEMALE PROTESTER: Then you have a good cause to protest against the Boroses. You too both have.
BARBARA: Can I see your flag?
FEMALE PROTESTER: Of course, little comrade! You can carry it too.
(The female protester given her red flag to Barbara who carry it.)
FEMALE PROTESTER: And now go to work!
(They separating from each other and the two kids going into the protesting crowd. But one antifa male protester with a covered face, seeing them dangerously..)
MALE PROTESTER: I saw that girl in the newspaper! Comrade, come here!
NIKOLAS: He is talking to you. (Whispering.)
BARBARA: What? I don't want to speak with him!
NIKOLAS: Its not the right time. Just go.
BARBARA: What is your problem, bácsi?
(The male protester grabs her hands and finally recognizes her.)
MALE PROTESTER: I saw you in the newspaper! You are the Oppressor's daughter! You are the Oppressor's daughter!
BARBARA: I don't know what you are talking about.
MALE PROTESTER: Oh you know it well, spoiled bitch. Kurva! Your father will never see you again if not agree to our terms!
(Barbara wants to run, but can't, the male protester grabbing her hands strongly.)
MALE PROTESTER: We will see how much money you worth for your father. If I shall guess, he would not even pay a single Endral for you. But neither you for him.
BARBARA: I would! I love my Pa!
MALE PROTESTER: You rats love nobody. You rats only loves to see how we, working class people suffering and dying because of you. But it will end soon, at least Boros' amok run against this Directorial Republic!
(The male protester trying to hit Barbara, however when he could hit her, Nikolas simply bites his leg; the male protester shouting a big, then fell, Barbara could finally escape from his hands and run.)
MALE PROTESTER: A burzsuj kurva anyátokat! Bourgeois motherfuckers!
BARBARA: Where to run?
NIKOLAS: The soldiers, they will help.
BARBARA: Quickly!
NIKOLAS: The flag, throw it!
BARBARA: Why? I like it a lot.
NIKOLAS: Just throw it before we reach the soldiers!
(Barbara throws the red flag; then they're stopping before two private security guards.)
PRIVATE SECURITY GUARD ONE: Since when the commies sending children at us?
PRIVATE SECURITY GUARD TWO: I dunno man, they're just disgusting at this point.
BARBARA: I need to go into the front door.
PRIVATE SECURITY GUARD ONE: Good one, little girl. Seriously what the commies thought? They send some cute kids and then we will let them in?
BARBARA: I am the daughter of Boros Erik.
PRIVATE SECURITY GUARD TWO: Haha, sure, and I am the President of the Directorial Republic...
NIKOLAS: Please let us in!
PRIVATE SECURITY GUARD ONE: (Shocked.) Wait, isn't this kiddo left the limousine an hour ago?
PRIVATE SECURITY GUARD TWO: Mi a fasz?! It was he.
PRIVATE SECURITY GUARD ONE: This is Security-314, we might have a problem here. I guess Boros Barbara and the Unionite boy is here. I know sir, that it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but just come here and see!
(A little silence.)
BARBARA: So what will happen?
PRIVATE SECURITY GUARD ONE: We will enter the front door. Please follow me, Ms. Boros and Your Majesty.
(They're entering the front door and become safe again.)

30 January, 4870 - Cvijanovic Elevation Skyscraper, III. District, Hugamest, Canton of Hugalon, Directorial Republic of Endralon

23:00 PM, One of the gala rooms
SZŐKE: Performing The Valentine.
(Want Street corporate leaders and their relatives slowly dancing all over the gala room and the floor, while Szőke Kinga sits on the stage with a guitar and singing. Barbara dancing slowly with her father, but once, he saw Nikolas in the crowd.)
BARBARA: Pa, I have to go. Nik is here.
ERIK: You see? You don't care about your old swindler.
BARBARA: Come on, Pa, you know I love you.
ERIK: I know, just joking. Anyway, dancing for this song with your daughter is cringe and looser thing, so I might looking for some ladies.
BARBARA: Haha, bye, Pa.
(Barbara leaves the sphere of his father and enters Nikolas', he is talking with his friends in Kivonian language, while Barbara interrupting them.)
BARBARA: Hey, Nik, why are you here?
NIKOLAS: Hey, Barbi, my friend, Rolf, Rolf Davidssson is a member of an owning family of the Unholy Sea Enterprise and hence he was invited.
DAVIDSSON: And where I am invited, His Majesty also invited. Nice to finally meet you, Ms. Boros.
BARBARA: The pleasure is mine, Mr. Davidsson. To be honest, Nikolas I would introduce you for Auntie Kinga. You was so nice to introduce me to one of your friends, I would introduce you for her.
NIKOLAS: Sure. Jag kommer snart tillbaka!
(They're leaving the friends and coming towards the stage with holding each other's hands - Barbara practically pulling Nikolas after herself. Szőke just finished the song and went to the background for drink a cup of water. There is the place where Barbara and Nikolas find her.)
BARBARA: Auntie Kinga! You were so good!
SZŐKE: Oh, hello, baby Barbi, oh I am so glad you are here!
(Barbara and Szőke are hugging, while Nikolas just standing there.)
SZŐKE: You are beautiful!
BARBARA: You too, as always.
SZŐKE: And who is this charming fella sovereign?
BARBARA: Auntie Kinga, I would want to introduce you Nikolas, I mean he is my friend and the king of Kivonia and something like that, and I would want you to meet with him.
SZŐKE: Nice to meet you, Nikolas.
NIKOLAS: The honor is mine, ma'am.
BARBARA: You know he was the guy who I escaped with when I was younger.
SZŐKE: Oh yeah I know.
(An stage-background LTG official Nyavalyás Elemér interrupting them, talking to Nikolas.)
NYAVALYÁS: Your majesty, is that you?
NIKOLAS: I suppose you talk to me.
NYAVALYÁS: Hell yeah. Are you an official delegate from the Kivonian royal family?
NIKOLAS: No, I came with friends, and to have fun. (Looking at Szőke and Barbara.)
NYAVALYÁS: Oh, thats nevermind, business could be always business. You know there is a football team in your second-tier football league owned by the Cederstams, and still, we can't know an exact amount of money for it, however we want to maximalize...
NIKOLAS: I think business is not very actual right now, the ladies are here.
NYAVALYÁS: Would you excuse us, hölgyeim?
NYAVALYÁS: Come on, Your Majesty, walk. So maximalizing profits, our idea is...
(Nicholas and Nyavalyás leaving.)
SZŐKE: Such a jerk. Bunkó.
BARBARA: We should tell Auntie Mari to fire him.
SZŐKE: Definitely.
BARBARA: You know, Kingusz, I guess, I guess...
SZŐKE: What is goin on, honey?
BARBARA: I think I might... I might love Nikolas.
BARBARA: Yeah, úgy, like that.
SZŐKE: That's fantastic! (Loudly shouting.)
BARBARA: Be quiet, Kinguci, I am here for advise not for humiliation.
SZŐKE: Sorry it is just fantastic. Come give me an ölelés, it means you are growing up fast.
(They're hugging again.)
BARBARA: I mean since we are first met, we had common things to do. And still have. We was literally little children when we first met, but now we are 14 and 15. At a perfect age for a teenager relationship.
SZŐKE: Of course you are!
BARBARA: But, I dunno...
SZŐKE: What are you don't know, silly girl? I mean the plebs only could dreaming about a prince coming for them, I mean not in the DRE, here if a monarch come for you that means you will be raped or enslaved, but you know my meaning. Just don't be strained!
BARBARA: But maybe I want more. I like him a lot, maybe I would live my entire life with him. And in this case, you know dad and the stuffs and his stuff and the throne things, maybe I am not belong to him.
SZŐKE: Are you joking? (Laughing.)
BARBARA: A person who joking looks like me?
SZŐKE: The Boros family is richer and more powerful than any monarchic families in the world! Well, maybe this is biased, but you are definitely equals with any of them. The blue blooded people there shall be happy for you joining them, if you decide so.
BARBARA: You say so?
SZŐKE: Yeah, sure.
BARBARA: There is still strange. I don't know how he feels to be honest, I mean he always reacting and tried to make some steps ahead, but nothing sure yet. What if he already has a sexy tall girlfriend in Kivonia? That'd humiliate me a lot. And there is that thing they could have many wives, what if I have to tolerate someone else in our relationship? And that is another...
SZŐKE: Barbi, nyugodj meg.
BARBARA: I am trying to calm down.
SZŐKE: Seriously, is he looks like a dude who fucked the half of Northeast-Artania? Could you imagine him in a TFC set with two bitches on his side, in a €100000 PRIME car?
BARBARA: No, haha (Laughing.)
SZŐKE: Then calm down. He is a serious man, he was raised to be a responsible leader. And I would bet you are the only woman in his life, so far.
BARBARA: You say so?
SZŐKE: Of course I do. So you want to have a relationship with him?
SZŐKE: Then go, find out where he is, and kiss him right away!
BARBARA: Wait what?
SZŐKE: It will reveal his true intentions. If he feels the same, then he will kiss you back, if not, then he will not making a scene, because he can't in a gala.
BARBARA: I only did with my classmates until now, I am nervous.
SZŐKE: Don't be, do you need some encouragement? (Grabbing her guitar.)
BARBARA: Wait, what are you up to?
SZŐKE: Hölgyeim és uraim, those people who I sent this song, need a little motivation. Let's give them! (Performing Our Connection.)
BARBARA: I guess I have no other choice.
SZŐKE: Come on, kiddo!
BARBARA: Kösz, Auntie Kinga!
(Szőke send a kiss in the air for Barbara.)

23:30 PM, In a balcony
NYAVALYÁS: The Trade Group would offer 32 percents every year for the majority shares and for full sponsorship rights, and then...
BARBARA: Mr. Nyavalyás, you need to leave, now!
NYAVALYÁS: Excuse me, Ms. Boros?
NIKOLAS: Barbi, what happened?
(Barbara looks very dangerously to Nyavalyás, who got the message.)
NYAVALYÁS: Már itt sem vagyok, enjoy your evening, Your Majesty! (Leaves.)
NIKOLAS: Seriously, you scares me, what happened?
BARBARA: (Sigh.) I love you!
(Barbara kisses Nikolas, who hesitating first, but then kissing her back. They kissing with passion and for a long time.)
NIKOLAS: Well... Well... This is... Helig skit
BARBARA: Why? Why did you said that? It was no good? You don't like me? Why?
NIKOLAS: I am just, I am just...
BARBARA: I knew it, I shouldn't! Istenem... (Starting to tear.)
NIKOLAS: I am just so glad that you made the first move.
BARBARA: So, did you like it? Do you like me?
(Nikolas does not answering, just restart kissing.)
NIKOLAS: Do you still have that playground?
BARBARA: Do you want to play?
NIKOLAS: Hell yeah I want!
BARBARA: Find a driver! We are going to play, then!
NIKOLAS: Can't wait for it!

4th November, 4875 - Nzurchanga Theme Building (Sárközy Hotels), Tourist District, Nzurchanga, Afolardhi Department, Socialist State of Liore

3 PM, At the pools
RADIO: Plays Staying Forever Young.
(Nikolas is swimming, Barbara sun-bathe in a bikini next to the pool in a sunglass. A Liori personnel serving her lemonade glass on a plate.)
LIORI: Here is your lemonade, Ms. Boros.
BARBARA: Asante!
LIORI: Karibu!
BARBARA: I like this place. We should visit it more often.
NIKOLAS: Yeah, indeed.
(Leaving the poll and sit down next to Barbara.)
NIKOLAS: But it would be nothing without of you.
BARBARA: Haha, most of the Lioris would probably think quiet the opposite.
NIKOLAS: Yes, but just because you are called Boros. They can't know how beautiful you are, your eyes, your neck, your hair...
BARBARA: You are weird, what is goin on?
NIKOLAS: How intelligent, how clever and how kind you are...
BARBARA: Seriously, Nik, what is with you?
NIKOLAS: Oh, God, you are so beautiful before the Sun.
(Barbara removes the sunglasses and looks to Nikolas like he would be a weird.)
BARBARA: Nikolas August Erik Viktor Reinhardt!
NIKOLAS: Yes, my love?
BARBARA: What are you doin right now?
NIKOLAS: Would you please stand?
BARBARA: You know I don't like when you are dramatic or poetic or who knows.
(Barbara standing, while Nikolas going into a kneeling position rather than a sitting one, and suddenly grabs a gravel from the ground that's middle has a hole.)
NIKOLAS: Boros Barbara...
BARBARA: Oh Nik, no, no...
NIKOLAS: Boros Barbara! Would you marry me?
(Barbara putting her hands before her mouth and some tears created in her eye.)
BARBARA: Istenem... You know what?
(Barbara jumping into Nikolas, and they're kissing and hugging on the ground.)

4 PM, At their bedroom
BARBARA: Since when you are planning on this?
(They laying next to each other on their bed, technically naked, after heavy rounds of pleasures.)
NIKOLAS: To be honest, when the State Collegium's decision became sure.
BARBARA: Yeah (Sigh.), you will become a Ruler.
NIKOLAS: I don't want to go home without being your fiancé. I don't need any superwoman from any royal families, I don't need a marriage of interests. I just need you. You shall be my first noblewoman, no others.
BARBARA: Well, I still have mixed feelings on becoming a "queen", hence I am an Endralonian.
NIKOLAS: The Union is a republic.
BARBARA: Haha, ye, sure!
(They laughing.)
NIKOLAS: I know its hard for you, but I need you! I have to lead a country that facing disasters like the Terror. I have to be strong, and remember, since we were very very little, the only one who gave me self-confidence, was you.
BARBARA: You were such a geek. (Laughing.) But we made you cool.
NIKOLAS: Indeed.
BARBARA: Since the moment you are cool, you bite, hit and kill those who you love.
NIKOLAS: Especially you. (They're kissing.) And my father.
BARBARA: And your father.
NIKOLAS: And my homeland. You will be a perfect queen.
BARBARA: Nah, nah please Gods set me free. Please, please say that queen is not the official title!
NIKOLAS: Who knows?
(Barbara funnily hitting Nikolas with a pillow and he attacks back.)
NIKOLAS: Okay I surrender! Queen is not the official title...
BARBARA: Cool. Because Endralonian girls are loving their Directorial Republic.
NIKOLAS: And what about their lovers? Do they love them too?
BARBARA: They do.
(They finish what they started.)

Information: Player Profile here, Musical Profile here, Political Compass here.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:04 am

September 22nd 4877 Aikums Financial Dome, Aikums Press Box 3:00 PM

OOC: For those not versed in baseball here is a visual of a walk off home run click here
Also to somewhat understand how a inning is announced watch this
Hope this helps I know Baseball to outsides is confusing, but to understand what I say in this RP this might help!!!!

Radio Announcer Gunnar Niehaus (Based on the late Great Dave Niehaus): The Aikums Mariners look to break their 18 year long playoff drought. It has been a long road for the Mariners as they look to secure a playoff birth and maybe to kick the Noversk Miners out of the top seat.

On deck is the Young Gun from Dovani Karamo Cassero Jr. With the bases loaded and two away we'll see if he will be a factor in the inning. Remember folks at home the home team, our beloved Mariners are down by 3 in the bottom of the ninth here at the dome. Currently in the batter's box is left fielder Nolāns Zvejnieks he hit 2.34 this year and he belted 15 home runs. The pitcher is the great closer for the Bears, Eldars Romanovskis. His splitter will leave you dizzy for sure. Here we go, the first pitch from Eldars is a "Strike" at the knees, that is a good pitch clocking in at 95 mph. For now though the situation still stands, Cassero in the box and Zvejnieks at the plate.

And here is the right-handers next delivery, it is a "Ball" on the outside corner, another good pitch but an excellent read from the left fielder. Here is the windup and the 1-1 pitch on the way, it is a "Strike" on the inside corner, another stellar pitch by Eldars. He has used it effectively this inning, striking out the first two batters he faced with it. The Mariners have yet to still win a Dolgavian Series, however they are looking forward to this year, if they lose they must win tomorrow and they can sneak into the bracket.

The 1-2 delivery on the way is a :foul" down the right field line, the count is still at 1 ball and two strikes. The Right Hander sets and deals, The pitch is driven in the right field for a single!!! Romanov will score standing from third and the moment you've all been waiting for, the rookie sensation from Dovani, a kid who worked from the streets into Professional Baseball, the kid who made it to the show, it is time for Karamo Cassero Jr.

Cassero Jr. has a 3.42 batting average and he has crushed 26 home runs, a fantastic record for anyone's first year to say the least. Here he is, all 6 feet of him stepping into the batters box, he has one of the best swinging mechanics in all of baseball... The first pitch by Eldars is a "STRIKE" on the inside corner of the plate, what a great location to punch that fastball through. The Right-Hander gets set and fires in again and "Swing and a miss" strike two now. He is deep in a hole now

The next pitch is... "Outside for a ball", So it is 1 ball and 2 strikes to Cassero Jr. The next pitch is "Fouled" down the left field line, Cassero just got a piece of it... Eldars fires and "Fouled off again", back down the left field line. Cassero is trying to get a a good pitch to drive out of here!

The right-hander deals, remember one swing of the bat can send the Mariners to the playoffs, the pitcher is set here is the 1-2 pitch on the way. SWING ON AND BELTED, AND I MEAN BELTED DEEP TO LEFT FIELD..... I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, Get out the Rye Bread and Mustard Babushka, IT IS A GRAND SALAMI!!! MY OH MY, The Mariners, after 18 long years of misery and failure are going to the Southern League Divisional Series!!! All on ONE Swing of the Bat!!! Cassero Jr. Has put this crowd into a frenzy!!! The Mariners are BACK IN THE PLAYOFFS!!!!
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:47 am

10th October Insurgency
(Postdated, 10 October 4875)

10:00 AM, 10 October, 4875 - Outskirts of Kivonia, Kovmark, Union of Davostan and Kivonia

The many men and women now gathered all wear serious looks, while preparing their army gear upon their many body parts, some prepare their Automat Karbin 5. The legs of a few of the new recruits could be seen shaking, while other already prepared officers teasing some of them. As everyone finishes up, the commander of the platoon looks with steady eyes upon the soldiers in front of him. Captain Alexander Söderberg, a Kivonian-born military officer, led a small scale operation against five AEFNS terrorists who had besieged a local government office on the island of Nyberg, Province of Bindeborg. Captain Söderberg took to his soldiers:

    "Troops! You have followed me ever since our operation against the terrorists in Nyberg, you fought valiantly and with pride in yourselves and in your nation. Today we must reconsider what the nation means. Is the nation a territory? Some land within a set of borders? Or is it the nation's language? Where the ones speaking it, is that so far our nation is extended? Our nation is more than that. Our nation is our people and our people is our nation, and a nation must be governed. And who governs a nation? A state. The state. Who embodies the state and ultimately the nation? Our Ruler, our head of state, the one who is first among citizens. Currently this man is in a coma, caused by those who wish to see the destruction of our nation and our people. At the same time, there is someone out there who is about to seize the throne of that man who, unfortunately, cannot defend it. And I know that most of you would rather see her as our ruler, but we have an obligation to make sure that our nation, our peoples, our union is preserved. And only our own kind of liberty can survive in the current state. And for those who are not yet convinced, let me say this: She who intends on taking all power is now challenged by someone else who intends on taking it, if not in service to the state, to the nation or to the people, do this in the service of your heritage, your own culture, your history. Kivonians never back down from challenges, and tell me which Kivonians in history are remembered for not daring to join in on a challenge against those who hold power? Come now and seize your destinies!"
As the officer proclaimed these heavy words, the soldiers, the ones who had followed this very man into battle before, cheerfully and with strong pride took to arms in preparation to begin their new battle. However, the speech given by Captain Söderberg was not the only one, several other company commanders gave the same speech with small variations. A speech trained on the chosen platoon commanders by opposition Minister Erika af Augustine, the commanding officer of one of the most dangerous and risky operations in recent history in Davostan, an operation that could abruptly change or even cause the downfall of the Union.

10:33 PM, 10 October, 4875 - State Collegium building, Kivonia, Kovmark, Union of Davostan and Kivonia

The old and young men, as well as a few women, mumbled and made noises, then the Davostani spokesman and chair of the State Collegium Arne Bjerregaard, a 30 years young man with a smug face came forward into the room. The many electors sitting there became quiet, simply looking at the man. Two of the electors, began whispering to each other:

    "Look at him, thinking that he is so important. He is simply a puppet of Cederstam" Gustav Johansson said.

    "Agreed. Licking the boots of his master, like any Davostani would" Leonora Holmgren answered, with both giggling.

    "And he even has the audacity to arrive late on such an important event" Tomas Hagberg – who sat behind Johansson and Holmgren – added.

    "Its still understandable, had Cederstam chosen a Kivonian like us, it might had complicated her plans" Johansson added, right before Arne Bjerregaard began speaking.

    "As you all know, Her Excellency, the Regent of the Union of Davostan and Kivonia, Elsa Cederstam, as not only the wife of the coma-driven Carolus Adrianus, but also as the adopted daughter of Her Grand Excellency Viktoriana, has alright and all legitimacy to hold the throne" Bjerregaard said.

    Tilda Ohlson, one of the electors present, said with a low voice to Astrid Frisk beside her, "How dare this Davoon address our ruler only by his name, when he is STILL our ruler?!", with a visibly disgusted face.

    "I know right. No respect at all. But don't worry, fortunately he is an idiot and doesn't understand that he is being used by Cederstam, he'll be gone in no time" Astrid Frisk responded. The two looked at each other smirking.

    (Note: Davoon, is a derogatory term for ethnic Davostanis; the equivalent derogatory term for ethnic Kivonians is Kivne).

Bjerregaard continued with pompous sentences about the importance of the unity between the Davostanis and Kivonians and their shared bond as Unionites. At the same time, high ranking military officers within the Defensive Communication Command (DCC) began playing their part in the larger scheme of things.

10:35 PM, 10 October, 4875 - Greater Kivonia Defensive Communication Command branch HQ, location classified, Kovmark, Union of Davostan and Kivonia

Colonel Benjamin Bentsen, a Unionite with an ethnic Davostani background and acting commanding officer of the DCC operations branch of the Greater Kivonia District, gave a specific order to his men who were in charge of operating the communication system in that very district.
Half a year earlier, the Army General Staff had approved a temporary measure of decentralizing the communication systems within the Greater Kivonia District in cases if which the entirety of the nationwide communication systems would be attacked or broken down through other means, thus the DCC operations branch in the Greater Kivonia District would hold a backup communications system to power up the other "dormant" backup communication systems around the nation. Why the DCC operations branch in the Greater Kivonia District was chosen, was first of because in the Greater Kivonia District, the capital city Kivonia lies where the Central Defensive Communication Command and the Military High Command is headquartered, second if an attack destabilizing or even wiping out the Central DCC while holding the central backup communications system would mean an indefensible and incommunicable armed forces, unable to respond to imminent threats.

    "Hear me soldiers'' Colonel Bentsen shouted to the many sitting at their communication computers, "I just received an order from the Greater Kivonia Command Post Exercise Staff with an approval from the Central Command of Military Exercises, that every communication in and out, both military and civilian, shall with immediate effect be cut off for the capital city Kivonia. This is to take the remnants of the Capital Defense Corp – the majority of whose troops are currently in a march-exercise through the country – by surprise and see how effectively they can secure capital defenses in such a situation. Is that clear?!" Colonel Bentsen finished. Without questioning the validity of the Colonel's orders, the communication officers responded with an "Yes Sir", and began carrying out their orders.

The Colonel quickly with steady steps walked towards his office with his deputy, when reaching the room he told his deputy to not be disturbed and make sure no enters. The deputy nodded while placing himself as a guard outside the door. Upon entering his office, Colonel Bentsen takes quick steps to his unregistered telephone and enters the only number in it. The other side of the phone picks up the call without saying anything.

    "May you reach the Fields of Elysium" Colonel Bentsen says to the unknown on the line, without a response the call ended. Sitting down in his chair and looking out the window in a distance, Colonel Bentsen says to himself "Elysium huh? I now see why Kivonians worship war so much".

10:37 PM, 10 October, 4875 - Headquarters of the Capital Defense Corp, Kivonia, Kovmark, Union of Davostan and Kivonia

Major Carl Stenmark took a long walk around the Capital Defense Corp headquarters, thinking to himself how his future would be and what he would want it to be in which direction he wants it to progress. He had reached the rank of major, and deputy commander of the Capital Defense Corp

    "That's at least something" he thought to himself.

But still, he wanted more, a good position that would ensure his wife and children a good life, to give them a name to be proud to hold. A few days ago, a Second Lieutenant stationed in the city of Nyberg had suddenly approached him. Detailing an armed overthrow of Regent Cederstam and the government loyal to her, by the declared opposition led by Erika af Augustine. The Second Lieutenant with a serious look also explained the necessity of Major Stenmark's involvement in their coup. Major Stenmark was taken by surprise, this was beyond him.

    "A coup? Last time that occurred was half a century ago" he thought to himself.

But then again Stenmark could personally benefit from this. The plotters had offered him not only full command of the Capital Defense Corp but also the rank of Colonel as well as the Commander of the South Kovmark Command, this was truly a way up he noted.

    "If it fails? What will happen to me then? What will happen to my family? I hear Cederstam is ruthless to those who betrays her... and I am her guard" Major Stenmark says to himself. "It's too late, I don't know when they will attack and with the notice that the majority of the Capital Defense Corp is already on their way back to here, the plotters will most likely not move. And if they defeat Cederstam, could they actually hold power? Not a chance. Should they attack, then they must attack with a relatively small force to not attract any attention, and then I will muster the strength of the troops here and defeat myself. Then we could talk about a promotion, and the reward from being the one who saved the soon-to-be ruler" he said to himself, it was decided should the plotters attack the he would come out as a savior of the nation, should the plotters not attack and the rest of the Capital Defense Corp arriving nothing would change.
Major Stenmark can see one of his junior officers running with a shocked face, as if he had seen a ghost, towards him repeating with a loud voice the – for Major Stenmark – horrific words of "We are under attack! We are under attack!". Major Stenmark freezes, "How could this be?" he thinks to himself. The junior officer who is now standing in front of his major, asks nervously and in a rushed voice of what they are gonna do. As Stenmark simply stands there not knowing how things will end is snapped back to reality when several troops in standard army uniforms and gears however with a white arm band starts arrives around the corner, with their – what it seems for Stenmark – squad commander shouting and pointing towards him and his junior officer, the other white arm banded troops rushes to position and aims with their firearms against the two.

The two officers hurried to avoid getting shot by running into the Capital Defense Corp headquarters. As soon as they arrive, Major Stenmark orders the troops inside to barricade every entrance, exit and windows on the bottom floors. He immediately runs to the communication room and is just about to order the officers there to immediately contact the majority of the Capital Defense Corp and the rest of the Military High Command, hoping that he can in some way defeat the majority of the insurgents before reinforcements arrive. However, the officers there note that the communication system has been cut off, something that makes Major Stenmark even more worried.

    "Should I try to defeat them with almost no guarantees of reinforcements? Or... surrender?" Stenmark thinks to himself.
His junior officer interrupts his thoughts when he confirms to him that the enemy soldiers have taken position outside of the building. Major Stenmark asks one of the main communication officers if they can in any way contact some of the other Capital Defense Corp troops stationed in specific areas of the city. The officer simply replies by nervously shaking his head. Many officers and soldiers who are now looking at him begin to lose morale when they can see that his face expresses that any hope is lost.

10:52 PM, 10 October, 4875 - State Collegium building and plaza, Kivonia, Kovmark, Union of Davostan and Kivonia

The numbering 60 troops commanded by Captain Alexander Söderberg pushes towards the central part of the capital city. All the Capital Defense Corp troops in this area are taken by surprise by the swift attack. With firefights in around almost every corner, normal citizens are woken up but most understand to stay away from the outside and the windows. Those who are outside hurried to safety. A few troops stationed outside of the State Collegium building try to hold off their attackers but are swiftly overwhelmed by the Söderberg's squad.

The electors within the State Collegium building go through the process, which has been done the various other times the State Collegium has declared a new Unionite Ruler or Prince of Kivonia. However, in the middle of one of the electors speech, one could hear the noise of firearms, but not only that, they could also hear the firearms closing in towards their position. The many electors rose up to their feet and began mumbling and speaking to one another, all giving off nervous vibes. Arne Bjerregaard, spokesman and chair of the State Collegium, in a panicked and loud voice asks what is going on, creating an atmosphere of hysteria. Something the Kivonian electors quickly noticed among the Davostani electors, the former group customarily having been trained in early childhood in situations like these. One elector, Jonas Hägersten, a Unionite of Kivonian ethnicity, asks the assembly to calm down and think rationally of what to do. Bjerregaard responds hysterically with:

    "What the hell do you mean by calming down?! There are people firing outside of this building! We need to escape! We need to do something!" causing even more panic and hysteria among the electors.

    "How are we gonna escape when you are not even contributing to it! Rather you are making this more difficult!" Tomas Hagberg, one of the electors said with a loud voice to try to get his message in the loudly panicked room.

    "But we have to get out of here! I have to get out of here!" he says with a frightened voice, "Give me your firearm now! Hurry!" Bjerregaard commanded one of the two guards present in the Collegium hall room, both of them holding their firearms in their hands.

    "Can't do that sir, it's against regulations" the guard answered.

    "Regulations?! Regulations?! I know the people that make those regulations, with one word to the Ruler and I will have you thrown in one of those camps do you hear me!" Bjerregaard threatened.

    "I'm not sure what you mean, the Ruler is currently in a coma and you won't get anywhere with threats" the guard responded calmly.

    With a shocked face Bjerregaard angrily said "I of course mean our Ruler Elsa Cederstam! Haven't you been listening at all during our meeting here! Now give me your firearm!"

    "I am afraid "Regent" Elsa Cederstam is not YET Ruler, since you haven't begun or ended the voting process and issued a declaration" the guard says to him still holding his firearm.

    "What the hell are you doing Bjerregaard?! If anything, these two guards are currently our protection against what or who may be out there" Viktor Fleming another elector said.

    "We need to! I need to... I need to get out of here!" Bjerregaard says before rushing to the entrance to escape.

    "What is he doing?! Gustav Johansson says.

    "Coward" Tilda Ohlsson exclaims while looking disgustingly at him running for the entrance.

Upon reaching the entrance with both guards trying to stop him, he opens up to the door and is met by a surprised soldier with a white arm banned around his left arm. With a loud noise that quiets the whole assembly, Bjerregaard with weird movements stumbles backwards and falls into the Collegium hall, laying on the floor. The many electors fear what has come true, he has been shot. Other soldiers with white armbands immediately begin storming the building, and disarming the two guards, with Captain Söderberg proclaiming the electors under house arrest within the Collegium hall. One of the major parts of the operation has been carried out successfully.

10:55 PM, 10 October, 4875 - State Collegium building and plaza, Kivonia, Kovmark, Union of Davostan and Kivonia

A squad of around 10 troops led by Erika af Augustine herself as well as the Prince of Kivonia Nikolas Reinhardt, stormed with relative ease the Temple of Glory, upon receiving intel that confirmed Cederstam's location there. However, inside the large building they met a relatively harsh resistance, with guards of Cederstam strongly holding their positions. Af Augustine increased the morale with her fierce bravery in taking risks against the hostiles. However, by successfully hitting one of the guards and forcing another to surrender, the rest of the resistance within the building retreated towards the throne room. Running towards the direction of the guards, Af Augustine and her squad was finally able to reach the large room. The few guards that had retreated to stood with hostile positions within the hall, however, no shots were made, Af Augustine and her troops carefully aimed at the enemy while walking into the open room. Prince Nikolas was shocked to see his mother, Elsa Cederstam standing above the stairs in front of the throne, smirking towards them.

    "Greetings my fellow guests! I hope you have enjoyed your stay here" Cederstam amusingly exclaims to Af Augustine and her squad.
    "This isn't the time for jokes, Elsa" Af Augustine responds.
    "I see you even brought my son into this coup of yours" Cederstam continued.
    Lowering her firearm, Af Augustine gives her a small smile and says "Of course, the future ruler has to have military experience don't you think".
    Laughing loudly Cederstam responds with "She already has military experience! And don't worry, when my reign ends, Nikolas will take up the mantle".
    "Nikolas!" Af Augustine shouts to the Prince who stands right beside her surprising him with her tone.
    "E-eh, yes..." he answers.
    "It’s time to do what you came here to do" she says.
    With Cederstam smirking in the distance, Nikolas responds with "What do you mean? We came here to stop my mother right? By apprehending her?! Right?!".
    Af Augustine looks at him with calm but serious eyes, "Yes, you are correct. We came here to stop her. And there is only one way to do it".

Nikolas widens his eyes and stares back to Af Augustine, he then looks up to his mother and makes eye contact with her.

    Still smirking, Cederstam tells him, "She is correct Nikolas, there is only way", Cederstam then turns her eyes towards Af Augustine and loudly declares before the troops within the throne room "I, one warrior to another, challenges you for the throne and as our ancestral creed goes only the strongest shall rule!".

All troops within the throne room, lower their firearms, understanding what has just been said. Af Augustine turns to Nikolas looking deep into his eyes for a few seconds, Nikolas eventually turns his gaze downwards to the floor still conflicted over their demand to have him fight his own mother. Af Augustine gives looks at him with a sympathetic look and smile, while the Prince still has his eyes downwards.

    "I accept!" she says.

With a confused and surprised look, Nikolas turns to face Af Augustine who had just accepted the ancient challenge.

    "Well then... as expected of a Reinhardt!" Cederstam says to Af Augustine, with the latter giving the former an intense look, and with Nikolas giving visible confusion.

    "Shall we begin sister!" Cederstam loudly says.
In full army battle gear, the two women begin an intense single combat. Both trained in their early teens in military ways. With heavy hits against Af Augustine, she begins to waver backwards, and with Cederstam jumping on her down to the ground holding Af Augustine's upper with her forearm, Cederstam grabs with her other hand her army knife positioned on her right leg. Before being able to use it, Af Augustine says while under Cederstam:

    "Yes I might be your sister... but at least I would have a better claim to the throne than you by her sharing her blood!"
A furious Cederstam pulls up her knife and when she is just about to push it down towards Af Augustine, the latter quickly gets her right arm free and swings her own army knife towards Cederstam's head. With cheer luck, Cederstam who notices it quickly enough pushes all her weight backwards and misses the swing with only the pointy end of the knife touching lightly her cheek. With all force Af Augustine can muster she pushes Cederstam off her and jumps quickly up in a prepared combat formation. Cederstam hurries up on her feet, breathing heavily and looking at Af Augustine intensely while small drops of blood runs down her cheek.

"Perhaps you're right. But you have finally admitted it. Erika Reinhardt" Elsa Cederstam says while smirking to her.

"You like to talk don't you?" Erika af Augustine responds, before making a push forward in an attempt to strike Cederstam.

The two engage in knife to knife combat, the soldiers and Prince Nikolas look on with shocking looks. All thinking that, single combat was something ancient rulers and warriors only did. When she is about to strike from above, Af Augustine is stopped by a severe punch to the stomach, Cederstam with force hits Af Augustine's hand resulting in her dropping the knife. When Cederstam herself is about to drive her knife into the gut of Af Augustine, the latter regains her strength and grabs the wrist of the former, with power she forcibly unarms Cederstam. With another attempt, Cederstam makes a swing with her fist towards Af Augustine, with the latter once more being able to avoid it and instead counter the attack with a harsh and powerful kick to the stomach of Cederstam, pushing her back away a meter or two. With Cederstam being able to get up with one knee and one foot on the ground and with Af Augustine quickly being able to catch a breath, knowing that only one way solves this, both reach for their pistols, aiming at each other with two shots being fired one immediately after the other.

Falling to the ground on her back and dropping her pistol, Cederstam with shaking hands presses them towards her gun wound, with the bullet even hitting a vital internal organ. Af Augustine lowers her gun, stands up on her both feet, miraculously having missed the gunshot from Cederstam. With increased heavy breathing, Cederstam with all her force, turns herself over to her stomach with a loud moan clearly filled with pain, she tries to crawl away with painful grunts towards an exit behind the throne, however, only reaching a few centimeters, Af Augustine walks towards her. She kneels down before her, with Cederstam stopping in her fruitless attempt of an escape and looks up to be met with sympathetic eyes. Af Augustine carefully takes Cederstam's upper body in her arms, the latter expressing her last words:

    "T-take care of him... he is still just a boy" she says with Af Augustine simply responding with a serious but slow nod.
With a confirmation of her wish Elsa Cederstam closes her eyes for the last time. Carefully laying her head down, Af Augustine stand up takes a moment to look up at the throne with the throne room being filled with a calm silence. She then turns to look at the troops and at last at Nikolas. The soldiers in the room all kneel before her, recognizing her right to rule as described in the ancient Kivonian cultural trait of Härskarrätten ("The Right of the Ruler"). Af Augustine instead makes a clear gesture towards the throne for Nikolas. Surprised by both the soldiers and the Prince, he begins to slowly walk towards her and the throne, some soldiers watch in contempt considering him a weakling, someone who is not capable to do what it takes for his goals; while other look at him with pity, a young boy at age 20 forced to circumstances he was not fully ready for, and now he just witnessed his own mother die in front of his eyes. As he walks to Af Augustine and looks with sorrow on to her mother, she says:

"It will be hard to process this. But remember, this is life. This is how we do things. This our way. In normal circumstances, I would disregard you and seize the throne for myself, as daughter of Viktoria Reinhardt and as the one who have defeated the one with power I have all right to it. But I choose not to, since I know you would make good ruler."

"How can I be a good ruler when I can't even accept a challenge for my right to rule?" he answers.

"Understand that a great deal of pride has been hurt in you. But goodness does not come from accepting challenges, goodness comes from knowing when not to. You understood that it was wrong to fight your own mother to the death. That makes you a good ruler. Do not worry as far as I know you have a beautiful girlfriend to help you, and I will be there for you as well" Af Augustine says with a calming voice as she sees the tears running down Nikolas' cheeks, lightly grabbing him around his shoulders, she began leading him towards a window on the left side of the throne, trying to steer him away from his mother's body.

"I know... How about you? How you feel... you know... since my mother was your sister" he carefully asks her.

With a small smile and looking out the window at the city she says "Adoptive-sister, she was adopted by my biological mother, recognized for her abilities, I am simply a bastard given a noble title to hold and for my descendants to provide the main Reinhardt branch with spouses... a calculating woman... my mother".

"Don't you feel a resentment towards us?" he asks.

"No. I feel pride in playing a part in her grand scheme of things. She is like our August Reinhardt, the main hero of our time" she answers, as both fell quiet while watching the scenery in front of them.


Aftermath of the insurgency

Within somewhat correct calculations of Erika af Augustine, the operation to take the capital city took only about 50 minutes. On the 11.30 PM as ordered to Colonel Benjamin Bentsen at the DCC Greater Kivonia District branch in advance of the operation, the communication system around the capital city would be put back to normal. Several days later he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. The National Government and its minister had been forced on the very same day to concede with the insurgents. Once the communications were up and running, the government announced their resignation to occur the following morning. Nikolas Reinhardt was made de facto Unionite ruler on the 10th October 4875, the State Collegium issued their declaration announcing him as de jure Unionite ruler on the 11th November 4875. On the 11th October 4875, right after the government's resignation, Erika af Augustine was made the new Chancellor forming her own government. The Chancellor before and during the insurgency, Edvard Forsman, was exiled to the island of Dovmark. Captain Alexander Söderberg was promoted to colonel and given command over the Capital Defense Corp. Major Carl Stenmark died from severe wounds during the siege of the Capital Defense Corp Headquarters. Most electors of the State Collegium was deprived of their privilege as members of the Collegium, with many returning to their former jobs. Elsa Cederstam was given a state funeral, however on a smaller extent on that of previous state funerals. The coup which was carried out by Erika af Augustine is today considered a disgrace, not towards Af Augustine and her conspirators but rather towards the Military High Command and the State Security Bureau for making so many mistakes that were taken advantage of, one of the most prominent figures calling for reform in central, regional and local structures of the Armed Forces is Erika af Augustine herself.
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Augustus Germanus
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:07 am

TRÓN: Grand Admiral Trón Valentin, from the Grand Admiralty of the Directorial Republic
PLAMSTRUCH: General Miranda Plamstruch, from the Armed Forces of the Union
GUNNER: Endralonian female soldier

4 PM, 18 September, 4876 - DRS Edy, Unionite national waters, Unholy Sea

GUNNER: Terrorist ships are in shooting distance.
TRÓN: Noted. Let them leave.
GUNNER: But, sir...
TRÓN: Concentrate on the evacuating of the Unholy Sea Enterprise personnel.
GUNNER: Noted, Grand Admiral.
(Palmstruch entering the bridge.)
PLAMSTRUCH: What the hell are you doing, Trón?
TRÓN: Strategical advantage.
PALMSTRUCH: For the rebels?
TRÓN: No, for our forces, naturally.
PALMSTRUCH: Our First Citizen was almost killed! These scums are in our land! And you playing games here?
TRÓN: Tell me, Madame General, why do the rebels attacked an Unholy Sea Enterprise transporting ship?
PALMSTRUCH: (Sigh.) Obviously, for equipment.
TRÓN: Good. And why they did it on the high seas, and not getting equipment from Liori, Hutori or other secret agents, or simply just rob a supermarket or a weapon shop at midnight?
PALMSTRUCH: (Thinking.) Because with it, they shows their strength to the world.
TRÓN: And what does looking strong causing?
PALMSTRUCH: Encouraging people to join them.
TRÓN: (Smiling.) Fair enough. And this is why it is so important to let them leave: we shall not ruin their picture about themselves. Currently they're too small to locate them or destroy them from the routes; however more people equals more risk for themselves. And we will punish them for risking.
PALMSTRUCH: (Smiling too.) Still, what if it going out of hand and we will simply make them popular?
TRÓN: It won't. (On his way to leave the bridge.)
PALMSTRUCH: How can be so sure?
TRÓN: Because I am the commander here.
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