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Re: Luthori

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:01 am


Endralonian Firm Buys Shares of Struggling Latrie (Latrine) Superstores LLC

These stores provide hardware, Food, and Groceries and as of late have struggled a lot.

Fort Hellena
July 14th 4882

Latrie or Latrine Superstores have been in Luthori for many years, providing customers with high quality goods and services. The stores were created over 80 years ago based on the work of Dr. Nicholas van Helsing. He visioned a superstore where you can buy whatever you need under one roof. These 80 years saw over 16 locations appear across Luthori. However isolationism has hurt the corporation and its sales have gone down. Due to the economic crash and increased isolationism by Luthori

This has changed with the sale of the company to two Endralonian corporations. The announcement from Latrine's CEO Richard Stoolmacher said today that

I am sad to say that we will be selling shares of this company to two Endralonian entities, the Lievenian Trade Group will buy 20% and the Buy and Use Corporation - 29% of the shares. The name of this corporation that you all know and love will stay and I will retain position as CEO, however Endralon will help the company grow and prosper in Luthori. Thank You for Allowing and Understanding this decision

Latrine LLC will now have international backers and will hopefully look to the future so Luthori can become more Globalized.
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Re: Luthori

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Mar 15, 2021 4:38 pm

Path to Paradise's Gates Gains Political Momentum
November 4906

Founder of the Path to Paradise's Gates, William Gardener

The small Luthori Religious Sect, the Path to Paradise's Gates, founded by William Gardener, has pivoted into the Luthori political arena under the Leadership of William's younger brother, Jonathan, who won a special election in Northriding, to sit in the Imperial Diet in Fort William

The Gardener Family gained some infamy several years ago when William Gardener began preaching about the End Times and the so called "Great Fall" the global collapse of society that Gardener claimed would come if the world continued on it's current path of Godlessness and Greed.

Sin is the greatest Harbinger that will bring about the End Times. The Hedonism of Man will drive us to destroy each other in fire. We must prepare for Humanity's Great Fall by any and all means necessary. We must encourage as many as we can to join us on the Path to the Gates of Paradise and those who chose not to join, we ask only that we be left alone or face the Wrath of God.

Jonathan's one of WIlliam's three brothers, is an accomplished barrister and ran for an open MID Seat in Northriding in order to push the group's message at the highest level of government. While still small, Jonathan Gardener has stated he hopes to push forward a number of small political reforms so his older brother's group may exist without official government prosecution.

Jonathan Gardener, Esquire, the newly elected Independent Member of the Imperial Diet, and Leader of the Path to Paradise's Gates political wing
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Re: Luthori

Postby JDog1 » Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:37 am


On July 1st the National Confession Party (a sect within the Path at Paradise’s Gate) held it’s first religious revival at the outskirts of the city of
Northminister. The NCP had been given permission to hold its revival on a piece of land that a local river ran through, and had been promoting the event with flyers, radio advertisements, and online ads during the weeks before the event . At 12 in the morning hundreds of people gathered and took their seats before a small stage that had been set up for the occasion. After a few moments of waiting a man took the stage, he had a black beard and hair and he wore a blue dress shirt, a black vest, and jeans. He spoke to the crowd.

Hello, my name is Johnathan Gardener. You might recognize my name from the news recently involving my brother. I know you might have seen the advertising for this revival and thought that he would be the one who would be speaking here today, but even though he wishes from the bottom of his heart that he could be here today to give you the good news. He is preoccupied with other matters. So he has sent me to give you the good news. What is this good news? Well I’ll get to that in a moment, but first I must ask you all a question. Have you ever sinned? Well of course you have. We all have. That is what makes us human. Wrath, greed , lust, gluttony, we are all guilty of sin. But what if I told you that there is a way to be free from sin? Well my friends this is not a hypothetical question, because I’m here to tell you that there is a way to wash away your sins. All you have to do is say YES, I am a sinner. YES, I wish to be free. YES, I want my sins to be washed away. Today I offer you a choice, you can walk away and still be shackled by your sin, OR you can join me at the river so that your sins can be washed away. For those who join me, I welcome you to walk the Path to Paradise’s Gate.

After the sermon was over, a large number of the audience followed Johnathan Gardener to the river where he baptized them one at a time. After he was through baptizing these new followers he told them to go throughout Luthori, and spread the word of the Path at Paradise’s Gate.
Last edited by JDog1 on Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Edmund » Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:54 pm


                    Luthorian Workers' Party launched

                    February 4913

                    ▲ The party's leader, Mr Ernie Attridge, speaking at the conference

FORT WILLIAM, ORANGE — The Fort William Workers’ Association is to start running for election nationally as the Luthorian Workers' Party, the party decided at its annual conference yesterday. Since its establishment five years ago as a 'non-communist alternative' for the working class of Fort William and its environs, it has seen considerable success in local elections, winning a majority on Southfork Borough Council in 4811. At the party's 4812 conference, the party's council leader in Southfork and mover behind its success there, Mr Ernie Attridge, was elected as party leader.

Mr Attridge, who sponsored the motion to run nationwide, which passed with 95% support from members in attendance, had this to say as the victory was announced: "The past five years have been a mountain to climb for our party. And I'm not going to lie, the next two are going to be like climbing a Kalistani volcano; but I give you my word that, by our common endeavour, we shall achieve the same success throughout the nation we did here in Fort William."

"Whereas the Communists and their predecessors emerged from the university halls and student unions, we have been forged in the fish markets, the cab drivers' clubs, the builders' and roofers' unions. That is where we were made and it is where our party was made too. As your leader, I will campaign tirelessly across Luthori, from the mountains of the Northriding to the docks of seaside towns in the Middenriding."

Perhaps emblematic of the issues the Luthorian Workers’ Party may have in expanding their base outside of Fort William, the applause from the conference hall was followed by the attendees bursting into stirring renditions of traditional Fort William drinking songs including, in honour of their leader, 'The Old Southfork'.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Aquinas » Tue Mar 30, 2021 1:19 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby Edmund » Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:58 pm


                    Attridge heads to the Barrows

                    February 4914

                    ▲ Mr Ernie Attridge in his Fort William office

NORTHMINSTER, NORTHRIDING — Having arrived by train from Fort William yesterday, the leader of the Luthorian Workers’ Party embarked today on a week-long tour of the Barrows, the impoverished mountainous region in the north and east of the Northriding, echoing the promise he made at the party's launch last year. “We’d originally been planning this visit for July-August, but the recent indications that the government’s going for a snap election mean we’ve brought it forward a few months,” the party’s director of communications, Alf Marrable, says frankly.

Coal mining dominates the Barrows, but centuries of union-busting mean that organised labour has almost vanished. The region is electorally notable for having the lowest number of registered voters in the country; under Luthori’s constituency apportionment laws, only registered voters, and not eligible voters, count towards a constituency’s quota, leaving the Barrows significantly underrepresented when including the latter.

Mr Attridge is aiming to change this, bringing with him tens of thousands of voter registration forms. But even if he succeeds, any changes to constituency apportionment will have to come after the upcoming election. This, therefore, is a plan for the long term; the party of Fort William is looking to become the party of the mountains too.
Last edited by Edmund on Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luthori

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:50 pm

The Path Pushes for Further Recognition as Faith Spreads Internationally

The Founder of the Path, William Gardener, giving a sermon

The Path to Paradise's Gate, the Charismic Hosian sect lead by the enigmatic William Gardener and his family, now has over 250,000 converts internationally, according it's head of outreach, Steven Gardener.

The success of our Heralds and of course of our Founder at spreading the Word of God, has lead to many joining us in Walking the Path. Prior to the last election here locally for example, nearly all of our membership was within the Duchy of Northriding, which remains of course the home of our faith. But now, there are Gatherings of the Path in all five Duchies of Luthori and of course, let us not forget, with Luthori international travel now no longer restricted, we have managed to spread to our southern neighbours in Hobrazia and to the United States of Baltusia. I'm sure in time we will see further converts in other nations as others hear the Word of the Founder and join us.

The vast majority of the Path's membership is within the Holy Luthori Empire, though Hobrazia is known to have at least 2,000 converts within the past several years, and growing rapidly. Across the sea the United States of Baltusia is known to be home to some thirty thousand converts, including numerous notable politicians at the state and federal level. The success of the Path can be proscribed to William Gardener's raw charisma and fiery rhetoric and the success of the Path's social media blitz, having created a highly sophisticated so online advertising apparatus which has allowed them to spread internationally, albeit quietly without William himself having to have visited.

As apart of the Path's expansion, the Founder has named his brother Jonathan, the Herald of Artania, in charge of spreading the faith throughout Artania, with his primary focus being on Luthori's immediate neighbours, and expanding the membership in Hobrazia, and moving into Narikton & Darnussia, Rutania, Beluzia and even Irkadon while his sister, Rosalie, has been named the Herald of Northern Seleya, with Rosalie focusing her efforts at spreading the faith throughout the northern Seleyan nations, with a specific focus being placed on Likatonia, Lodamun, Valruzia and Kalistan. Rosalie herself now resides within Johnston DD in the United States of Baltusia, having made it the Seleyan Headquarters of the Path.

Herald of Northern Seleya Rosalie Gardener
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Re: Luthori

Postby Edmund » Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:06 pm


                    Election 4914: the results

                    April 4914

                    ▲ Imperator-elect Shepard Ryan out campaigning earlier this month

FORT WILLIAM, ORANGE — Ten parties won seats in the Diet last night, the most in over a century, leaving politicians wondering if a viable coalition could even be formed. Echoing his victory against Lauren Weston seventeen years ago, a margin of just over a million votes saw 86-year-old Peoples' Revolution candidate and twice-former imperator (4860-4861; 4896-4901) Shepard Ryan triumph over incumbent Paige Weston on second preferences.

In the Diet, White Rose made a slight gain of two seats to become the largest single party; their coalition partners in the Conservative and New Nation parties, meanwhile, lost seven and nine seats respectively. This, combined with the defeat of one of the seven Path to Paradise's Gate-aligned independents backing the government, left the governing coalition with only 62 seats (down 15 from 77 at the last election). No easy coalition can therefore be formed; the first choice to bring into coalition would be the National Movement, but they withdrew from the coalition in Northriding last year over the involvement of the Path to Paradise's Gate, which they described as a cult, and would no doubt refuse to join any government including them.

One surprise of the night was the sheer scale of the defeat the Communists faced. While polling before the election had predicted losses for the party, on the night the 44 MIDs it elected last time were reduced to a mere 14, a loss of 30 seats and the party's worst result since its founding in 4890. Its general secretary, Bennet Reed, will no doubt have questions to face from his own party. Most of the Communists' losses were to the more moderate Peoples' Revolution party, which took 27 seats and second place.

At the other end of the political spectrum, the National Movement faced a similarly disappointing night; their caucus in the Diet was halved from 29 to 14, the party's worst result in its history. Ma’at - The Liberals, an alliance of Hawu minority and liberal interests, took third place and 18 seats, mostly urban and with a significant minority population, in the Diet. The Luthorian Workers' Party took 14 seats, and made a surprisingly strong showing in the Shipleyriding.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Edmund » Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:34 pm


                    Conservatives largest party; imperator loses re-election

                    October 4914

                    ▲ Acting PM Erin Romney addressing supporters at her victory speech

FORT WILLIAM, ORANGE — Yesterday saw Luthorians head to the polls for the country's second general election in six months, and from the results last night, in what will no doubt be only a small comfort for politicians, it appears they have chosen a political landscape somewhat more navigable than before.

The predominant issue throughout the campaign was Hobrazia's plans to build a dam on the River Isser (or, as it is known in Hobrazia, the Zurmukht'i), something fiercely opposed by all parties. To some extent, then, this election was about national security - the question of which party could be best trusted to stand up for Luthori's interests. But in the imperatorial election there was another significant issue: the age of 86-year-old imperator Shepard Ryan. One key factor in his defeat was a Conservative campaign that emphasised this at every opportunity, forcing his own campaign onto the defensive. Having only narrowly defeated Paige Weston in April, the imperator lost re-election to Conservative candidate Aaron Keller on second preferences.

But it was also a night of mixed messages. Despite the Conservatives winning the imperatorial election, the right-wing bloc as a whole has lost seats from April. The 56 seats those parties won in alliance last election were reduced to the mere 32 won by the Conservatives this time; although this is an improvement on the 15 seats the Conservatives previously held, it appears that since the dissolution earlier this year of the White Rose and New Nation parties they have been unable to win over all of those parties' supporters.

The Peoples' Revolution party made a gain of one seat, remaining the second-largest party with 28 seats. The National Movement made some improvement from its disastrous result in April (when it garnered its lowest vote-share since entering the Diet), winning 20 seats (up 6) and 14% of the vote (up 4%). The Communists shared a similar story, though their own improvements were more slight; they increased their share of the vote by one percentage point to 11%, and their number of seats by two for a total of 16. Meanwhile Ma'at - The Liberals gained 2 seats for a total of 20, and the Luthorian Workers' Party gained three seats to win 17.

Nine more Path to Paradise's Gate-aligned independents joined the six already in the Diet; in addition to this, the PPG-aligned National Confession Party doubled its representation to two seats, both in the Northriding. This would appear to be the result of the substantial growth the Path has seen in the past few months, powered by its dietary representation, advertising campaign, international visits, and high-profile opposition to the proposed construction of the Zurmukht'i Dam.
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