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Re: Hobrazia

Postby The Socialist » Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:04 pm



The Socialist League in Hobrazia is founded at its first inaugural congress held in the capital city. The need for a socialist movement as initiated by Comrade Abram Khurtsilava, gained some momentum. On 6th May, 4826, around 150 delegates gathered in the Cultural Hall. The delegates approved the programme of the League, and declared that only with orienation towards socialism can Hobrazia develop on its feet. A Central Committee composed of 30 members and Central Auditing Commission of 10 members was elected.

The 1st Plenum of the Central Committee elected Comrade Abram Khurtsilava as the General Secretary. It elected a Secretariat for supervising and directing day to day actvities of the League.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Independent P » Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:23 pm

The Awakening

Hobrazia is going to experience a new dawn of life as the party of Fascism now rules our great nation. Mr. Licheli has promised to to reign over us with the strength we need. He's our new leader and he has the support of the people. His speech he sang with the excellence of a genius is shown here:

I want to take a further position on those problems and tasks; whose importance must be clear to us and our environment in order to enable a better coexistence, and finally I would like to briefly outline the projects that I have in mind as work, partly for the next and partly for the more distant future.

During the time when I was still traveling through Hobrazia as a simple speaker, the people often asked me why we believed in the necessity of a revolution instead of trying to work within the framework of the existing order and with the cooperation of the existing Parties to improve conditions that appear to us to be harmful and unhealthy.

Why a new party and, above all, why a new revolution?

My answers back then were always determined by the following considerations:
1.The people were and still are suffering under the filth that rot deep in this country.
2.Our national identity is being washed over by immigrants that steal, rape and murder our people.
3.The master nationality that is Hobrazian has been dealt cards of such embarrassment that we have forgotten our basic principles.

Changes of Government have occurred frequently in history, and in the history of our people. It is certain, however, that never was a change of Government attended with such far-reaching results as that of a few months ago. At that time the situation of the country was and still is desperate. We were called upon to take over the leadership of the nation at a moment when it did not seem to develop towards a great rise. We were given power in circumstances of the greatest conceivable pressure, the pressure of the knowledge that, by itself, everything was lost, and that, in the eyes of the noblest minds, this represented a last attempt, while in the eyes of evil-wishers it should condemn the Greater Fascist Party to final failure. Communists, fools, Socialists, immigrants, and the weak all ask for the downfall of this great nation. I tell you, I tell all of you traitors, I tell you that Hobrazia lives once again!
- President, Bernard Licheli


The people have taken to the streets to hail the new political order, the new Hobrazian life and the new leaders we now have. as the president says, "Hobrazia lives once again!"
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Independent P » Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:01 pm

Dorvish SPIES FOUND in Hobrazia! Dorvish Diplomats expelled.

yesterday on the 27th of May 4888, 19 Dorvish citizens believed to be spies have been captured by Hobrazian authorities. They where arrested in Stormereti International airport when they were about to leave for Dorvik, the President confirmed their capture on television and he claimed that they where on a mission to "cause terror and disrupt the order here in Hobrazia". The suspected spies arrived in Hobrazia on the 18th of May and they have told the authorities that they were here on a "business trip and to see the country".

The suspected spies names haven't been given out but they have identified as 5 women and 14 men and when they were searched they had been found with high grade technology including strange tipped darts, Filming equipment, photos of high grading officers and buildings and small bags of cocaine that they have been suspected on selling to Hobrazians. They were also found with strange writings on paper which the intelligence force believe to be code. More analisies is underway and they are being interrogated by the highest order. Hobrazia has now also expelled Dorvish diplomats from the country as the FA minister believes they are a threat to Hobrazian safety.

The President made a statement on the issue live on television last night. Here's the clip:

Yesterday the police and our intelligence force apprehended 19 Dorvish citizens that we believe were on a spy mission as we have evidence that proves such claims. Their mission was to probably to cause terror and disrupt the order here in Hobrazia which we know isn't out of reach from the Dundorfian type. The spies are being interrogated and we ask Wilhelm XIX that if it was the Dorvik hierarchy that gave the order to send spies then I tell him that Hobrazia will not take it lying down. We have also taken the option to expel Dorvik Diplomats because of this incident as this is the best way to protect the Hobrazian people.

The things that the suspected spies were found with included photos of high ranking members of the Greater Fascist party, including myself and our Defence minister , Vaso Tskitishvili. They were also found with cocaine, high quality filming equipment and darts with a strange substance on the tips thought to be a poison of sorts. As president i will do all i can to make sure that such treachery will never happen again.
-President Bernard Licheli

Last edited by Independent P on Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Independent P » Mon Feb 08, 2021 2:12 pm

The Superior Ones!

The Greater Fascists of Hobrazia have now proposed the SIA Bill which dictates that all non-white , non-Hobaism or non-Hosian people must carry/wear identification cards. The GFH have claimed that the pure people need to be warned about the "unmoral ones"

It also dictates that businesses that are mainly run by the "unmoral ones" must warn all pure customers about the shop at the point of entry. They must place signs up at their front doors or run the risk of the government closing the store down.

Por la supera nacio
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Aethan » Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:52 pm

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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Independent P » Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:01 pm

The President tells Selucia where to go

Today the president made a short statement to Selucia government about there comments towards the SIA, Act.

What are your thoughts on the comments made about the SIA Act by Selucia?
- Reporter

I think Selucian politicians like that should just stick to Selucian politics if I'm being honest. They have no reason to intervene in on our politics, but it doesn't surprise me that those type of people will like to cause trouble. Its what they do. I think they should just f***off if you ask me. Or at the very least they should just stick to their islands and concentrate on being the 10th largest Economy in Terra or whatever it was they said. And they can complain to the World Congress all's they want. We don't care as the World Congress is a shell of its former shell.
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Re: Hobrazia

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:57 pm

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Re: Hobrazia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:19 am

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
Also in Hanzen
My RP: Dolgava

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Re: Hobrazia

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Feb 09, 2021 6:04 pm

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Re: Hobrazia

Postby Independent P » Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:48 am

Bernard Licheli calls Endralon an Evil capitalist Empire!

Today in a GFH speech the president called the nation of Endralon an “Evil Capitalist Empire”. He said this during his speech as a slight gab to the country taking a strong stance against Hobrazia and its people.

I tell you folks, the dirty dogs that rule Endralon are just a bunch of fairies that will kill their own mother if it meant them making a million bucks. They are the worst type of business people that government, every single one of them deserves to be tried for treason against God and humanity. That Evil capitalist Empire has the cheek to call us a rouge state, pfft what a joke.

Endralon can make a deal here and an agreement there and even though they cost innocent people millions no one gives a dime, but if the elected government of Hobrazia does something they and their friends don’t like they try to mock us, starve our people and trick the un-pure ones to turn against this great state. I wonder if they see their own foolishness? Probably not.
- President, Bernard Licheli
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