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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:02 pm

BREAKING Olerian government denounces the interference of the State in its functions
Olympio Celer-Loukas steps on the accelerator to implement his reform of the police force on the island after the approval of the regional assembly and before the imminent approval of the Assembly of Selucia of a law that would return to the State control over the security forces

Panegyris Aeacus, Chief of the Firefighting Department of Oleria and Callicles Euclio Petri, prospective Chief of the Civilian Patrols

The Praetor de Oleria, Olympio Celer-Loukas, denounced this morning the interference of the State in the tasks of the regional government after the Chief Constable of the Selucian Police Forces, Marcus Spurius Laurentius, formally presented a proposal to the People's Assembly law that modifies the system of organization of the law enforcement bodies ( ... lid=638404), which currently corresponds to the governments of each island, and which, if approved, would come under the control of the central government. According to the Quirites surveyed, the law will foreseeably be approved by about 400 votes in favor and 350 against, and would take away from regional governments the power to legislate on their security forces.

Praetor Celer-Loukas has strongly condemned the way in which the law is formulated, since according to him, the Olerian government is branded as "irresponsible" and the legitimacy of his mandate is questioned, in addition to qualifying his government of "incompetent".

"Mr. Spurius Laurentius represents precisely what we want to eliminate with the new regulations approved by the Assembly of Oleria: police abuses."

The Assembly of Oleria approved late last night what is known as the "Celer-Loukas Law for Citizen Security", which de facto eliminates the existence of the island's police force and replaces it by integrating some of its troops into the Firefighting Corps and others are distributes in specific and specialized units, in addition to paying for higher education to those members of the island's police who do not have a higher degree.

"Mr. Spurius Laurentius accuses the government of this island, my government, of "incompetent and unable to handle its responsibilities." He accuses us of having "childish and naive ideologies", and pleads to take away our legislative powers in this matter until "a more responsible government takes power in Oleria." What follows from these words is that, until a government related to his own ideology does not take power in Oleria, the State will have intervened our legislative functions as a nation to determine the way in which our security forces are organized. And we can all assume what their ideology is. But it is a pity to warn him of the difficulties of a government related to them seizing power in Oleria, because our citizens know what they want but above all, what they do not want. Most likely, they have not even been able to read the bill, since at no time does our nation become a " lawless action", but what we do is improve citizen trust in their security forces as well as improve collaboration and decrease brutality and crime on our streets. What is the problem with that? The only ones who should have problems with this reform are those who, protected by their uniforms, dedicate themselves to committing abuses and destroying public confidence in their security forces.

The Praetor has been very critical of the Chief Constable of the Selucian Police Forces, whom he accuses of "wanting violence in the streets" and of "being very comfortable with the current functioning of the police system", while he considers it obsolete and that it needs an urgent change.

"Here it is not a question of criminalizing or seeking guilty parties, it is only a question of improving a system that has obvious structural and systematic flaws, and that it is in our hands to change. However, it is evident that some are very comfortable moving within this scope, which places them with the absolute power of law. "

The Praetor has concluded his press conference stating that he will continue with his reform, which now that it has been approved he intends to implement as quickly as possible so that, although the State takes control of the security forces as proposed by the legal reform, the control that it will take will be of the new law enforcement patrols created by the regional government, once the police force has been officially dissolved. All these patrols - the traffic patrol, citizen security, forensic investigation, etc. - will be grouped under the direction of the Civilian Patrol Corps, which will be led by the former Chief of Police of Oleria Callicles Euclio Petri.

In an interview for the regional television station, the Chief of the fire brigade of Oleria Panegyris Aeacus has affirmed that the fire brigade is "fully prepared" to assume its new functions and members, and has let it fall that its loyalty belongs to the regional government, which could lead to a conflict with the central government.

Mr. Aeacus, elected Chief of the Fire Brigade two years ago, became the youngest person to lead this body, and some people in his inner circle agree that he is a convinced nationalist but that he never places his ideology before his work as Head of the body that he now directs.

Numerous politicians have emerged from the fire department of Oleria, such as the former Consul Pyrgopolynices Auspex or the former Procurator of Oleria Agorastocles Proceus.

"The Oleria fire department is fully qualified to assume the new functions derived from this law and to welcome our new members. We believe that with this new law, citizens will present a more collaborative attitude with the forces of order, which will make our island one of the safest areas in the world. The fire brigade, which has always appreciated the enormous respect that Olerian society professes for it, is as always ready to fulfill its duty, and with its loyalty to and for the government of Oleria, from which its powers emanate. "

Meanwhile, in the streets of Oleria a tense atmosphere is breathed, with numerous demonstrations scheduled from the early morning of tomorrow.

"The conservative governments of Selucia have always treated Oleria as a second-rate island, and whenever we try to do something to improve, we find obstacles coming from the other side of the sea. That's enought,"
Magnus Tacito Sperintus tells this newspaper , a 78 year old retiree.

For Minerva Saccia, what the central government would do with the approval of this new law is a step towards the "elimination of self-government from the island."
"It is evident that they do not like that Oleria, in general, votes mainly for left-wing parties It bothers them enormously. "

However, others like Euclio Corvinus believe that the police are necessary to guarantee the safety of all citizens, and consider that the national government is right to try to prevent the reform carried out by Celer-Loukas.
"I have enormous respect for the figure of Aelius Celer, his ancestor, like many other citizens throughout our nation. However, I believe that Mr. Celer-Loukas is tarnishing his surname by penalizing those who protect us instead of criminals. "

However, Celer-Loukas is not alone. Atia Gavia Bellator, now one of the two Praetors of Sadaria, has asked her partner in office to raise a formal protest against the "authoritarianism of the central Executive" when trying to take away their functions as government, although at the moment he has not received a response .
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Re: Selucia

Postby Polites » Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:10 am

Religious Liberty Restored
a.d. X Kal. Oct. MMMLXIX a.R.P.c. / September 22, 4880

Solar Priestess Theodosia Calpurnia is behind the end of religious persecution in Selucia

Nearly a century after the military Duodecimvirate government initiated the persecution of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church, during which time Selucia saw the forced departure of the Arch-Patriarch, the confiscation of the Church's religious property, the transformation of its holiest site into first a Pagan temple and then the headquarters of the Selucian Senate, the official persecution of the Chuch has finally come to an end. In a bill proposed by Flamen Solaris Senatrix Theodosia Calpurnia, the priestess of the chief Selucian god Sol Lucidus, and approved by the People's Assembly, the official policy of discrimination against a number of religions has been abolished. The most recent religious policy comes from the Augustinian Law on Religion, a compromise between the Pagan and Secular camps that had declared Selucia a "Pagan and Atheist state" and removed state protection and recognition from religions that do not "respect human rights and dignity, as well as equality in all areas without any distinction between human beings", interpreted as referring to those religions that do not recognize the ordination of women or same-sex unions. Surprisingly, in spite of its contentious character, the Augustinian Law managed to survive for decades and was enforced by governments of all stripes. But over time the resentment that many Pagans carried towards their ancient Hosian persecutors has lessened, and indeed many Pagan clergy have expressed their criticism towards a policy that grants them rights at the expense of other religions.

In the Selucian political system the legislative assembly is randomly selected, not elected. This comes at the cost that its members, known as Quirites, do not have the right to speak on the floor or introduce legislation. That right belongs instead to the federal and Republic executives as well as to prominent civil society leaders, who may freely propose legislation that becomes law if approved by the People's Assembly. The Calpurnian Law on Religious Freedom is one such item of legislation, and the fact that it was approved by the Assembly, against the tacit wishes of the government, shows that under the Selucian constitution the executive has lost nearly all control over the legislative. Now that the Aurorian Patriarchal Church is a legal religion in Selucia once again, it is only a matter of time before its Arch-Patriarch will demand to return to his traditional headquarters of Auroria.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:14 am

Fifth day of protests
The streets of Oleria continue to be revolutionized while the regional government continues to criticize the intervention of the State on the island

May 4880

Members of the Sadarian Police Forces during the Olerian protests

After the approval of the Spurian Police Law ( ... lid=638404), by which the government of Selucia regained control over the islands police after the government of the island approved a law eliminating the police and distributing the troops in different bodies, protests take place for the fifth consecutive day in the streets of Oleria.

After a series of calls carried out through social networks, thousands of citizens of the island took to the streets to protest what they consider "an interference" in the tasks that the island's government should carry out - whose head of government prevailed in the last elections with more than 60% of the vote - and they especially criticize the tone in which they were referred to as "immature", "incompetent" or "irresponsible".

In addition, the situation has given rise to a paradox that the central government has not yet resolved: given the imminence of the approval of the Spurian Law, Praetor Celer-Loukas rushed to implement his reform, and by the time the Spurian Law went ahead at the People's Assembly, the Olerian police force had already been officially dissolved and its members divided into their corresponding units. Therefore, without the technical existence of a body on which to take responsibility, the government has had to require the dispatch of police personnel from other islands and take control of the Civilian Patrols by dismissing its chief Callicles Euclio Petri, something that has been especially established bad in Olerian society.

In addition, the situation has become tense in some parts of the island, where the protesters have received stones and incendiary material and in others where the police have charged against protesters. Other places, however, have seen unusual scenes, in which members of the Olerian fire department have interposed themselves between the police forces and the protesters, forming a cordon of protection around the latter.

Members of the Firefighting Corps of Oleria protecting protesters

The fire department of Oleria, whose chief has already expressed his recitations to the intervention by the state government of the matters that he considers "exclusively competent to the Olerian nation", assures that they play this role of protection to avoid civil damages, something they regret "was part of what was to be avoided with the law approved by the regional Assembly."

The Minister of Equality and Social Affairs of Oleria, Staphyla Buccio, has published on his social networks a message with the hashtag #ResistToday, used by the protesters during the protests, in which he encourages the population to come out and demonstrate against the decision of the central government.


Since the presidency of the government of the region, Olympio Celer-Loukas has called on the population to demonstrate "peacefully", since in his opinion, "violence against establishments, businesses or other premises belonging to the island's citizens does not help at all to the legitimate protests, if not it distorts their meaning ", and far from trying to calm the spirits, he has said that the citizens of Oleria are" responding "to the attacks made against them and their regional government by the central government and police forces.

For the moment, the central government, led by the MPR, has not spoken, and the opposition leader, Bacchis Celer-Priscian, has acknowledged "sharing" the feeling of anger and frustration of the citizens of Oleria, and has taken advantage of to promise that, in case he reaches the government, he will return the powers in this matter to the regional governments and will encourage the other two islands to try to apply the law promoted by the Oleria government.

The spirits are stirred in Oleria, but the majority sentiment among its population is that the central government has exceeded its functions. According to a survey released by the YouGovern Agency, 61% of the citizens of Oleria consider that the regional government "had the right to carry out its reform of the police force", while 39% affirm that "the central government has done well to withdraw that power from regional governments. "


After a week of conflict, the Aedile de Internal Affairs Marcus Tullius Varro has presented to the National Assembly, after describing both the government of Oleria and the Chief of Police Forces of Selucia as "irresponsible" for the measures carried out, a legislative reform ( ... lid=638521) in which a large part of the proposals implemented by the regional government are integrated, as stated in the law
"For this reason we propose this compromise reform. The police forces, as a distinct agency of government, will be abolished throughout Selucia, and their duties and personnel transferred to other, relevant agencies. Neighborhood and village patrols will however be implemented. As part of mandatory national service, Selucian citizens may choose to serve in the neighborhood policing units. Those who do so will be equipped with standard firearms and will be required to patrol public property at all times. When dealing with violent crime and with difficult cases the military will serve as backup for the neighborhood policing units. The units will be under the authority of their municipality, while the armed forces will remain under the command of the Praetors of the Commonwealths. "

This reform, which is expected to be approved by an overwhelming majority in the Assembly, has received the approval of the Praetor de Oleria, who has described it as "a few steps in the right direction", but has criticized that his government is put at the same height as the Chief of the Police Forces, whom he has asked to resign "if he still has some dignity left."
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:07 pm

COSIRA sweeps in Selucia
The golden wave grants victories by a very large majority to the party in the elections to Consul and the majority of Praetorships

Celer-Priscian takes a picture with a child in one of his rallies

In a surprising golden wave, probably due in part to the unannounced dissolution of the MPR, COSIRA Secretary General Bacchis Celer-Priscian has won the nation's Consulship with more than 70% of the vote, in an election in which participation has exceeded 66%.

Everything points to the fact that the populist campaign of Celer-Priscian in recent years has finally borne fruit, and now they finally hold the government with results for their party never seen since the return of democracy to Selucia. Now, as a first measure, as he proposed in the campaign, he will focus on the reform of the Selucian Head of State, currently held by senators elected for life, which has already been harshly criticized in the past by COSIRA. According to polls, the proposal would have a majority in the National Assembly in favor of change, and could be approved without major problems. In addition, a radical turn in Selucia's international policy is expected, starting with the withdrawal of different treaties - especially those on denuclearization, also criticized by COSIRA under the pretext of "defending the powers with nuclear weapons" - as well as numerous reforms in social and labor rights.

The elections have not only given overwhelming support to Celer-Priscian, but have once again demonstrated the pull that COSIRA has on the island of Oleria, where Celer-Loukas has once again validated his mandate, but this time, he has done it after obtaining more than 99% of the votes, about 11 million, while the rival candidate has barely exceeded 50 thousand votes. In this way, for the first time both members of the Celer clan will hold high-level political positions. This support for Celer-Loukas is especially important because it comes after the confrontation between the Olerian government and the central government as a result of the police reform proposal carried out by the regional government and which was tried to overthrow in the National Assembly.

In addition, COSIRA has won two more Praetorships, one for each island, in what would be its best result since the return of democracy to the island nation.

In words to the media, Bacchis Celer-Priscian - already invested by an absolute majority as the new Consul of Selucia, together with the former general secretary Atia Gavia Bellator, whom he removed from office - has declared that he feels "tremendously proud" of these results, and believes that the golden wave "is here to stay."

Celer-Priscian, who during the last year embarked on an electoral campaign visiting the whole of Selucia region by region, showed signs of having a great affinity especially with the young electorate, which could be of great use to him in the future. By appealing to the "useful vote" and the "necessary reforms that the people are asking for", Celer-Priscian has managed to reach the top of Seville's politics and now it will be time to test how many of his ideas, largely populist, are doable.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:45 am

Selucia returns to FOMAT
For its 11th edition, the nation will be represented by the popular singer ATHΣNA, known for her roles in animated musicals.

Singer ATHΣNA posing as her animated character Nix

After not participating in the last two editions of the festival, the island nation is willing to revalidate the victory it achieved in the FOMAT-VIII with the election of the popular singer ATHΣNA as its representative in this edition.

ATHΣNA, stage name of Lafrenia Nepia Salinator, is an Olerian singer known nationally for her numerous roles as the lead in cartoon musical films, in which she usually plays the lead girl's singing voice.

The song with which she will represent Selucia, Quid sit in mē (meaning "What's inside of me") appears in the film Nix, which recounts the adventures of the protagonist of the same name in her struggle to understand and accept a mysterious power that she harbors within her and that brings a series of conflicts to the kingdom of which she is the heir after the tragic death of her parents.

The film, widely acclaimed by the specialized critics and by the audience themselves, has been a complete success at the box office and now, ATHΣNA intends to replicate this success on the FOMAT stage.

"Quid sit in me is a very special song for me, because I believe that throughout our lives, to a greater or lesser extent, we all find ourselves in situations from which we don't really know how to get out, but there is always a ray of hope to find the right path. I am very grateful to the Selucian representatives who have chosen me to represent this nation, and I will give everything I can to ensure that I give a worthy representation.

Asked about the pressure to achieve a good result, ATHΣNA does not seem concerned about it.

"Obviously all the participants would like to win but in the end, only one of us will. I am not so concerned with winning as with putting on a performance that my compatriots can be proud of. I would be satisfied with that. I am already a singer with a long professional career, and I consider this to be an experience that I want to live, and therefore, that I want to enjoy. The rest is secondary. "

On the stage that she would like to have, she affirms that, if possible, she would like it to snow on the stage, but that in any case, her team is already in contact with the organizing staff to see the best system for the song to really stand out.

"Quid sit in me is a song that stands out on its own. I was very surprised when, once the film was released in theaters, I saw the great popularity that the song was reaching. It is undoubtedly a good sample that the song is good, and that many people can feel identified with the lyrics of the song. And I want the same to happen on the FOMAT stage ".

ATHΣNA singing her song live

Quaestor of Culture Metilia Faustus has wished the best of luck on behalf of the government to its representative, who she considers that has "the complete pack" to win the festival, and has also announced contacts with her team to begin the international promotion of the singer and her song
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:52 pm

Selucia warns Hobrazia of its authoritarian drift
Celer-Priscian threatens economic sanctions against the elites and the end of trade between the two nations if the Hobrazian government continues with its "Apartheid"

Bacchis Celer-Priscian, Consul of Selucia, after talking with the Hobrazian ambassador

Bacchis Celer-Priscian, Consul of Selucia, has summoned Hobrazia's ambassador to the country this morning to ask him to end the authoritarian drift to which he believes Hobrazia is being subjected.

After the approval of what has been called the Strong Identification Act or SIA, the government establishes that all non-white, non-Hobaism or non-Hosian people who reside in Hobrazia must carry / wear identification cards that shows true Hobrazians who they really are, and that all stores, companies and businesses that are owned or have a majority of non-pure peoples must clarify this by warning all pure customers about it. (viewtopic.php?f=17&t=71&start=180)

Following his meeting with the ambassador, Mr. Celer-Priscian has warned the international community of the need to act quickly to prevent "terribly dark stains from the past" from recurring.

"We cannot expect much from a party that calls itself " fascists "and is proud to be so. Fortunately, in Selucia these kinds of social movements do not exist, and coexistence among our citizens regardless of their ideology is guaranteed. Here in our nation we fight so that everyone feels protected by the State, regardless of their race, sexual condition, origin or religion, and it has been that way for many centuries. We are proud of it. However, we cannot allow to see how a democracy fades to give way to a dictatorship in which citizens are forced to be trampled on by a part of them who believe they have a higher moral authority for the simple fact of being born in one place or another or belonging to one religion or another. And even though this is happening in another nation, and not ours, it is our duty as democrats to speak out when an injustice is occurring, regardless of the place where it is happening. "

The Consul has given the Hobrazian government a period of two weeks to reverse these measures or otherwise raise protests to the Security Council and cancel any trade deal with Hobrazia, as well as stablishing economic embargoes to the Hobrazian elites in favor of these measures and the political authorities responsible of it. Likewise, all citizens with Selucian nationality residing there have received a notice on their mobiles to go as soon as possible to the Selucian embassy in Hobrazia to be repatriated as soon as possible.

Despite its small size, Selucia is the tenth most powerful economy in Terra, as well as the one with the lowest inflation and the country with the lowest unemployment rate in all of Terra (below 2%) (viewtopic.php?f=37&t=9063&start=0#p167166). Therefore, these characteristics added to the relative closeness between both nations - they are separated only by Malivia - and therefore, traditional trading partners, may mean that if they meet their threat, Hobrazia's economy could suffer a powerful blow.

"Fascism is not tolerated, it is fought against,"
said Celer-Priscian, alluding to the intervention in the politics of a foreign nation.
"We are not intervening in their way of doing politics. They are the ones who decide. We are putting on the table the possible consequences that their next decisions may bring. We live in an interconnected world, and the decisions of some affect the rest. Therefore, we have to make sure that as far as possible, the citizens of all parts of Terra live in the best possible conditions. And that is something that the Hobrazia government currently intends to violate. "

It should be borne in mind that according to the latest demographic study, 25% of the citizens with Selucian nationality would fall within the group of "non-white", and that only 25% of Selucian citizens declare themselves followers of Hosianism (and more than 30% of them declare they do not believe in any religion, one of the highest percentages on Terra), so the measures taken by the Hobrazia government are likely to greatly affect many of the citizens Selucians residing in the country who are now going to leave as a precaution.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Independent P » Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:04 pm

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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:30 pm

Selucia opens a new front: the "proto-fascist" state of Pontesi
The new Minister of Foreign Affairs informs the Pontesian government of the measures taken by Selucia in the face of the "alarming" decrease in civil liberties and rights carried out by the new government of the neighboring country

Praetor Peregrinus Ptolemocratia Fadia Nemesius in her first appearance to condemn Pontesian government

When the dust has not yet finished settling by the international controversy initiated by Selucia against the authoritarian government of Hobrazia, and just a few days after promising her position as the new Minister of Foreign Affairs after the surprise resignation of her predecessor in the position due to stress , Ptolemocratia Fadia Nemesius now has to face a new international problem that is much closer to them: the rise of a new proto-fascist government, as she has defined it, in the neighbor Pontesi.

In an appearance before the media, the brand new foreign minister announced that before leaving office, her predecessor had already contacted the Pontesian government to warn them that "they are getting into a thorny path" and that as neighbors, "are in their duty to help each other improve."

"My predecessor in office contacted the Pontesian Minister of Foreign Affairs a few days ago informing of our disagreement with some laws passed by her new government, and to warn them of the possible consequences of this. My intention is to stand firm in that idea, for which I have the full support of the Consules, to be able to act before it is too late for their society. "

The laws to which Mrs. Nemesius refers are a set of 8 legislative reforms already approved ( ... lid=639500, ... lid=639499, ... lid=639420, ... lid=639418, ... lid=639295, ... lid=639178, ... lid=639206) that include discrimination against members of the LGBT community, women, legalization of slavery, prohibition of strikes, racial discrimination and religious, prohibition of visitors, not welcoming refugees, legalization of paramilitary associations or racial and sexual segregation.

"For CENTURIES, Selucia has been proud of being a multicultural, open and tolerant nation, respectful of each and every one of its citizens, and above all, it has welcomed with affection and pride all those who have needed it. This includes citizens of Pontesi who, throughout its history, have needed to flee from their homeland to take refuge in our territory. We have done it time and again, and we will do it again this time with all those citizens who want to flee from the barbarism and prosecution to which they are currently subjected in their country of origin.

Each government is free to, as representatives of its people and DEMOCRATICALLY elected, govern in the way they most conveniently believe. But nevertheless, they must also be aware that in the globalized world in which we live, the actions of some have consequences for others. And this also applies on an international scale. Of course, in Selucia we are not going to sit idly by seeing how the nation of Pontesi is destroyed again by bigots who want to make enemies of half their people. We neither can nor do we want to intervene in the internal affairs of a State, but when those matters transcend the internal and become a global problem, denying the most basic rights to an entire citizenry that is forced to turn to the international community, it leaves from being an internal problem to becoming everyone's problem. "

After a few visibly harsh words, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has gone on to detail the actions that the Selucia government could carry out if the Pontesi government does not retract its actions, although she has not specified the time required to do so.

"Unlike Hobrazia, this proto-fascist regime catches us much closer, and we have time to avoid it. For a long time Majatra has suffered countless dictatorships and authoritarian regimes throughout its continent, and Selucia can proudly say that has been one of the few exceptions to this rule. We now consider it our duty to ask both our neighbors in Majatra and the rest of the international community not to ignore these serious events, which can have disastrous consequences and plunge to the country in a dark time that later does not serve to put the hands to the head. History must remember that we did the right thing. That is why the government of Selucia has decided that, if Pontesi continues on that path:
1. With immediate effect, freeze any bank accounts of the current Pontesi leaders that may be found in Selucia.
2. Economic and commercial blockade.
3. A possible block in communications between both nations by sea and air.
4. The expulsion of the Pontesian diplomacy present in Selucian territory.
5. Interruption of freedom of movement between citizens of both nations.
6. Submission of a formal complaint to the World Congress and Security Council
These measures, except for point 1 that is already being applied, are subject to change, depending on the will that Pontesi shows in this matter. It is terrible to have to reach these limits, but when it comes to defending democracy and above all, the very existence of our dignity as human beings, we must act as soon as possible before we can repent."

It has already been reported that the Selucian ambassador in Pontesi is currently in permanent contact with the Selucian citizens residing in the neighboring country organizing a quick evacuation.
As the tenth economy in Terra, Selucia has an important weight in the economy of neighboring Pontesi, and an economic embargo could seriously damage the economy of the latter, one of whose main trading partners is precisely Selucia.
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Re: Selucia

Postby Aethan » Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:03 am

Folk group Essentia will try to restore illusion to Selucia
After a disappointing result last contest, Essentia intends to put the entire public on its feet at the next FOMAT

Members of Essentia performing in one of their concerts

After the poor result achieved by ATHΣNA in the last festival, in which it barely managed to take a ninth position, this year Selucia's public television opted for a totally different format: the celebration of, for the first time in all its participations in the FOMAT, an election through contest.

The competition, which has been called the Canticum Seluciani Certamine (Selucian Song Contest, or CASECE), has faced 24 artists divided into 4 semi-finals. In each of these, the 6 participants were grouped in pairs and competed their songs, leaving the public to choose which of the two deserved the pass to the final, obtaining at the end 3 final songs per semifinal up to a total of 12 , who go on to compete in the final, where the public and a jury vote separately. The weight of the public, divided between the regions, is 60%, while the jury contributes the remaining 40%. In this final, the 3 candidates who obtain the highest total number of votes go to a superfinal, where the winner is finally decided.

After weeks of competition, tonight the Casece winner has been crowned and if they accept, they will be responsible for representing Selucia in the FOMAT. The results of the final have been the following:

1. Essentia
2. AlcMena
4. Placidia Toutius
5. Palaestrium YZW
6. Scapha & Simo
7. Phronesium Iunius
8. Macrinia Camerius
9. Lysidamus Leon
10. Cocceia Sisenna
11. Felicitas
12. Aurelio Leptis

Thus, pop singer ALINA, folk group Essentia and rocker AlcMena have been chosen to face off in the superfinal, where the following results have been obtained:

1. Essentia - Philomela (Nightingale): 63% public, 54% jury
2. ALINA - Tempus Fugit (Time flies): 22% public, 18% jury
3. AlcMena - Caelum et Infernum (Heaven and Hell): 15% public, 28% jury

Therefore, folk group Essentia will be in charge of representing the nation at the FOMAT, since they have already announced that they will be delighted to do so. Their song, Philomela, speaks of the transience of life and invites young people to enjoy it while they can, accompanied by ethnic and traditional Selucian music and an uptempo rhythm.

Essentia is a group of 6 people already known in Selucia, so their victory has not surprised many. Philomela, which is already beginning to sound like a recurring song at the closure of numerous party venues, has already reached number 1 on the country's charts, and the group's leader, Juventia Cato, has stated that they are going to take this "as an experience "and above all, "as an enjoyment and a way of making his musical style reach beyond Selucia ".

"It is a very complete pack, very different from what we sent to the previous festival"
they have said from the public channel
"Essentia have their own charisma that makes them shine on their own, and their song is certainly very catchy, especially their chorus. Of course we are going to support them from the beginning to the end, but the rest is the viewer's decision. "

From this newspaper we wish them the best.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
Left Bloc - Istalia
Bright Spring - Kirlawa

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Re: Selucia

Postby jamescfm » Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:18 am

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