Requests: RP Laws

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Moderator: RP Committee

Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby jamescfm » Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:30 pm

robmark0000 wrote: ... lid=638599

Let me know if this two needs approval or not.


Thanks, once we've taken a look at these we will let you know.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby jamescfm » Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:58 pm

robmark0000 wrote: ... lid=638599

Let me know if this two needs approval or not.


Both of these are fine, sorry for the delay.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby robmark0000 » Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:18 pm

jamescfm wrote:Both of these are fine, sorry for the delay.

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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby jamescfm » Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:27 pm

After some thought and based on concerns raised by other players, I have decided to dismiss the "Amendment to the State Defense Law (4758 Amendment)" role-play law, originally approved by Moderation some time ago. Moderation will no longer enforce this role-play law. Although I recognise the role-play background for the law, I am not confident that it isn't being used to stifle role-play in Dorvik. A note has been made on the bill but I am making a note here too, for reference.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:31 pm

jamescfm wrote:After some thought and based on concerns raised by other players, I have decided to dismiss the "Amendment to the State Defense Law (4758 Amendment)" role-play law, originally approved by Moderation some time ago. Moderation will no longer enforce this role-play law. Although I recognise the role-play background for the law, I am not confident that it isn't being used to stifle role-play in Dorvik. A note has been made on the bill but I am making a note here too, for reference.

As a note, this decision is non-binding as it does have consent of both Moderators and is being made under some suspicious circumstances. We'll keep you informed!
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Aquinas » Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:18 pm ... lid=639430

So I have just joined Narikaton-Darnussia, and have been looking through it’s listed RP Laws (see above)... ... lid=640144

This looks like it should have been submitted for approval on this thread, but wasn’t. Notice, for example, that the two parts of the country are not required to implement laws passed by the confederal legislature if they do not wish to, and also that they have the option to secede from the country altogether. This appears to introduce mechanisms “that might not be granted by normal game mechanics” as set out in section 5d of the Game Rules. ... lid=639624

This bill creates term limits for Prime Ministers. It is listed as binding, despite the fact it did not receive the two thirds majority required for constitutional bills.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Rogue » Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:31 pm

To respond to Aquinas.
All RP Laws in Narikaton and Darnussia are clearly outlined as being voluntary in the summary posts that lists them together. ... lid=639430

Furthermore the term-limit bill did not specify it was mandatory in its description nor in the summary bill.
As per precedent voluntary RP Laws are allowed to be passed and listed, which was done before in countries like Deltaria since their RP law also altered game aspects that could not be altered through the game mechanics. Its nothing out of the ordinary. As long as the summary bill clearly states they are voluntary RP bills. Just wanted to state that.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:08 pm

As the laws are clearly marked as voluntary and they do not have Moderation approval, they wouldn't be enforced in the chance that players come to violate them. I appreciate the outreach and I'll make a note on them.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Aquinas » Wed Mar 03, 2021 2:48 pm

Thank you for your responses, Rogue and Auditorii.

The RP Law list is now described as voluntary; this was not the case at the time I made my previous post. However, some of the laws in the list are not obviously problematic in terms of the rules, which naturally creates confusion. Similarly, when you go in to the actual RP law bills themselves, none of them are actually marked as voluntary.

This bill also appears in the Bills-under-debate section, outlining the "Document of Confederation" and not making clear in any way that it is voluntary:


To summarise, it appears there are two classes of RP laws in Narikaton-Darnussia, the ones that are official, and the ones that are voluntary, like apparently the "Document of Confederation" and the one limiting Prime Ministers to two terms (passed with less than a two thirds majority but according to Rogue being treated as a voluntary RP law). The distinction between the two is not being made sufficiently clear at present.

Speaking for myself, I have happily gone along with voluntary RP laws and unofficial "conventions" in the past... but it does become more of an issue when it's about something really big. In this case, the voluntary RP law is about making the nation two countries instead of one, allowing each country to decide whether or not it abides by laws passed by the central legislature, and also about allowing each country to secede if it chooses to do so. That is rather far-reaching, and it is difficult not to question the long-term stability of such a RP, since any current or future player in Narikaton-Darnussia could simply to choose to ignore it. This is part of the reason I've decided the current set-up here is not quite for me.

My suggestion would be that that the N-D players either negotiate with Moderation to achieve some degree of official protection for this ongoing RP, or they do not continue with it for too long a period, given the inevitability it will eventually fall to pieces without official protection.
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Re: RP Law Questions and Requests (Approvals/Dismissals)

Postby Rogue » Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:23 pm

Again. ALL RP laws in ND are voluntary. None are mandatory. That is also why the laws are not seperately listed in the debate section, but instead listed in a overall summary that clearly states all laws are voluntary.

Furthermore we prefer this setup, as it allows us to be more creative and so far all players in ND have been enjoying the taken approach. We are aware of the risks, and we accept them. Furthermore we tried to reach out to you when you were in ND, something you could have responded to so you could have voiced your opinion to the ND players directly instead of publicly questioning our intentions. Its a collaborative project of 5 RPers that welcome any other to join, whether they want to follow the voluntary RP laws or not.
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