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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:34 pm

Foreign Policy Review
Maji Yaliyoibiwa: Water Level Compromise Agreed Upon with Istapali October 4895
Mtojarha Among Rivers to be Spared in Istapali Compromise

Disaster has been averted, or at least so claims the third-term administration of President Jail Obama and Premier Abasi Ngige. Mere months ago, it was reported in the Istapali News Network that as a result of hydroelectric dams built under the Istapalian government's electricity projects, three major river networks in the Liori savannah have had water level drops by nearly 30%. This noticeable drop has wreaked havoc on local tribal populations as well as had negative effects on wildlife and plant populations in the savannah. This drop has created a minor draught in effected regions, forcing many to flee westwards to more hydrated lands and imposing on those who stay to live under the harsh conditions. The Obama administration's failure to publicly address or acknowledge the situation has caused much controversy to the still-popular President, with his and his party's approval rating seeing a noticeable drop while the eco-socialist Harambee Party has seen gains in polling after vocally criticizing the current administration.

Government spokesmen have claimed that the Obama administration have been working behind the scenes to prevent (and now resolve) the crisis years before it was revealed in the Istapalian press. So far, none of these such plans have been implemented, though the President has ensured in a public press conference the "help is on the way, and an ultimate solution is soon to follow." Despite this, the Foreign Ministry has made strides in alleviating the crisis. In a joint meeting between Liori and Istapalian diplomats, the Istapalian government has agreed to open up the dams to allow for Liori rivers to receive at least two thirds of their lost water level, allowing rivers originating in Istapali to regain 20% of their initial water. Until this can be achieved, the government has issued emergency funds to a relief program delivering much needed drinking water to local communities and constructing reservoirs for local wildlife. While these fixes are only short term, government spokesmen continue to stress that a lasting solution that will "benefit all parties" is on the way. Until then, savannah tribes and communities and wildlife will be supported by the relief program.
Last edited by ChitinKal on Fri Feb 26, 2021 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Feb 26, 2021 3:41 am

Cultural Highlights
Mlipuko Kutoka Zamani: Public Information Ministry Releases Sauti Liore Centennial Album July 4897
Artistic Rendition of a Scene of Savannah Music Video, Album Cover for Sauti Liore Anniversary Album

One hundred years ago this month, a Liori band turned heads worldwide at one of the most competitive contests in the history of the Festival of Musical Arts in Terra. Winning FOMAT-IV and kickstarting a long tradition of internationally acclaimed Liori kapuka pop, Sauti Liore has gone down in Liori cultural history as one of the country's musical greats. Crafting dozens of national and international hits, Sauti Liore continued their career in great fame both home and abroad after their victory in Mesul, Jakania, releasing one year after the victory the album Rhumba Dunia, the band's most widely popular. However, Sauti Liore broke up as a band in 4804 for reasons never revealed to the public, and its members never came back together for a reunion concert. Today, it's been decades since the death of Tabia Nzeogwu, Sauti Liore vocalist and the last band member to pass away, and most in Liore today never had the opportunity to see the kapuka legends play live and don't see Sauti Liore with the same respect as they earned in their day. However, with the revival of kapuka well underway in Liore and a renewed interest in historic music among younger generations, the Public Information Ministry has embarked on a project to honor Liori musical history, starting with the release of the Sauti Liore Centennial Greatest Hits album, a collection of ten remastered Sauti Liore songs (as well as their original release audio). The album will be released on vinyl, CD, and digital formats, all of which are loaded with Sauti Liore's top ten most highly rated hits, including pieces from FOMAT performance Savannah to the title track of Rhumba Dunia. The release of this album will be followed by the construction of a Liore Music Hall of Fame in Nzurchanga, a museum dedicated to preserving and displaying pieces of Liori music history.



Liore Returns to FOMAT February 4898

Following a disgraceful (though not Endralon-leveled) defeat at FOMAT XII, Liori artist Amani returned home to the disappointed but loving embrace of the Liori public, still managing to maintain a successful career as the king of kapuka. But more artists have stepped up to the plate to challenge Amani for that title, with one of his top-challengers being the elected Liori representative for FOMAT XIII: Hashaan (real name Jumaane Adesida). Where Amani was born and bred on the west coast and was more of the same for Nzurchanga kapuka, Hashaan finds his roots in a village-life childhood and years living on the outskirts of Adawombe. With this eastern rural background comes a more eastern rural sounds, with Hashaan pioneering a new form of kapuka that mixes the tried and true genre with aspects of traditional Kitembo music and Dova-jam. This unique form has won Hashaan success uniformly across Liore, from the villages and small towns of Juuyada to the traditional pop stronghold of Nzurchanga to the protest rock homes of Kipini and Ndardhi. Hashaan will be crafting a new song exclusively for his performance at FOMAT and has confirmed that he will not leak anything from the song besides its name: Nataka.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:50 am

Economy Today
Chuma cha bei Nafuu: Public, Private Sectors Embark on Construction Rush May 4903
Mweza Shipyards to Receive Sizeable Expansion

The flooding of the steel market by the unrestricted production of Kalistani corporations like Kalistani National Ferromineral Company (KalNaFerCo) has had a noticeable effect on Liori exports, driving down the price of and demand for Liori-produced iron, are large but not vital Liori export. This has left officials in the Natural Resources Ministry and its extraction and refinement monopolies scurrying to make up for falling margins. However, other public entities have used recent steel market trends as an opportunity to expand rather than shrivel. Specifically, several ministries have received approval from the executive to embark on infrastructure development and general construction projects. The Infrastructure Ministry in particular has been tasked with modernizing several nodes of Liori transport and trade. Most notably will be the expansion of several commercial and military shipyards across the Caltropic Coast to allow for the construction and housing of larger volumes of ships. Along with these, the Infrastructure Ministry will be working in tandem with the Arch Ministry of Defense to lay the foundation for a new military port on the island of Ruba, a small and sparsely inhabited island off the coast of Bakundu that has historically been a destination for high-end tourists and Liori retirees. In addition to port expansions, the Infrastructure Ministry will work also on expanding Liore's coast-to-coast rail network, a project which will improve the capabilities for product transport but will no doubt be vehemently opposed by Harambee politicians and environmentalist voters, and to construct new tenement housing to continue the Socialist State's century-long war on homelessness.

Several companies from within Liore's private sector have also capitalized on the diving steel prices to invest in the construction of new facilities and increased production of manufactured metal goods. Already, a few companies have announced their intention to build new factories within Liore's SEZs, one such company being Miyazaki Mashine, a heavy machinery company based in Ndardhi, which has announced its intention to construct two new facilities in the city. Owned and operated by Kunikata-Lioris, Miyazaki Mashine sources its labor from the local Kitembo peoples and produces the machinery used by many local and national companies, even holding a contract from the Liore Metal Refinement Company, and displays a trend of many well-off Kunikata-Lioris moving to Liore's SEZs to create and invest in new start-up companies. Also among those companies making good use of the fallen steel prices are many under the umbrella of the Liore Defense Manufacturing Syndicate, most of whom have ramped up production of heavy arms and vehicles, and even some who have made public plans to open new facilities.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Mar 11, 2021 5:29 am

Foreign Policy Review
Kelele za Vurugu: Gov. Places Military on "Highest Alert" in Response to Yingdalan Blustering January 4904
Liore Vanguard Troops Ordered to Midway Border

Following a decision by the Yingdalan government to quietly begin to station tens of thousands of additional troops in their naval base in Midway, the fresh administration of President Hassian Okpara has responded decisively and in force to Yingdalan moves, which have been branded as "unwarranted" and "provocative." This comes after years of deteriorating relations between Liore and Yingdala, beginning with the stationing of a Yingdalan fleet in Utembo in 4878 and seemingly climaxing in the construction of a massive military base in neighboring Midway in 4891, an act that was widely condemned on the international stage but still ignored by imperial government in Tian'an. That base in Midway, now completely constructed, is now the catalyst of a new diplomatic incident between Liore and Yingdala. Originally housing a comparatively small (but still unacceptably large) colonial garrison of 20,000 soldiers, the Yingdalan government announced this month that the base will be fully staffed over the next five years, eventually leading the stationing of 150,000 Yingdalan troops near the Liori border along with forces of the Yingdalan navy and air force. In response, the Okpara Administration has put the entirety of Liore's armed forces on "the highest alert," stating "recent acts by the Yingdalan imperialists place our very safety and sovereignty at risk." Along with this, two Liore Vanguard divisions have been ordered to the Midway border (joining four Liore National People's Army divisions already stationed there) and has ordered all reserve units to be mustered and armed, and civil defense militias to begin to be organized. In addition, the entirety of the Liore National People's Navy has begun taking defensive positions, while two Kirov fleets have been put to sea, with the larger of the two ordered to mirror Yingdalan navies and military shipping to Midway and the smaller to patrol near the Midway canal and deny any attempt by Yingdalan warships to enter the Caltropic Sea and put the Liori heartland at risk.

President Okpara released the following statement along with his Administration's action
Again Liore finds herself threatened by Yingdala with its mighty war machine of empire and oppression. Again we see that our so-called comrade nations of the West look to strong arm us into subjugation. But again, Liore resists. Yingdala's latest posturings may be the greatest we have ever faced, with the Tian'an regime ordering well over 100,000 of its sons to our border and dozens of its dreadnoughts to our waters to intimidate and threaten our nation, and all this seemingly out of nowhere. Perhaps it is simply because we want to be free, and want our Dovanian comrades to be free and strong and united with us. Or perhaps the capitalist financial backers of the Tian'an government aren't happy that Liore chooses to do business with nations like Kalistan who have been a thorn to Yingdalan steel magnates. Who knows why, these threats from a dying empire were as spontaneous as they were loud. Either way, Liore will not stand by and take these threats and insults from such a morally bankrupt state. We are more than capable to defend ourselves on our own, but we are not alone. The strength of the Liori gorilla is magnified by its comrades on the Dovanian savannah. Our strength is our own along with the strengths of those like Ostland, Utembo, and Ntoto. Our strength is the strength of Dovani. Liore has never submitted to gunboat diplomacy in her long and proud history, and we won't begin today.

Along with the measures of preparation, the government has indicated that it has begun talks on further military development, particularly the bolstering of Liore's naval and air forces. Arch Minister of Defense Msia Magoro briefly commented on the issue "we're looking at all possibilities of furthering Liore's capability to defend herself and her comrades. We are looking into the construction of a new fleet and bolstering of existing fleets, the purchasing of new aircraft, and the modernization of our missile systems."
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Re: Liore

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:08 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:15 am

Defense Digest
Mbianjie Mpango: Defense Development Aid Given to Bianjie January 4909
Recently Finished Ruba Island Dockyard has given Invaluable Experience to Engineers en route to Bianjie

Following a low-profile summit between Liori and Bianjien military officers and defense officials, as well as between President Hassian Okpara and Khan Fanggon Hala-i Nikan, months ago in Yamabiro (which has led to much speculation after being initially reported in the Bianjien outlet Use Sambi), the nature of that meeting has been revealed along with a deal between the two countries. Titled the Bianjie-Liore Defense Development Deal, the deal and the projects it initiates will further expand the military cooperation between Liore and Bianjie as well as Liore's assistance in the development of the Bianjien military, as well as give Liori researchers access to new space and facilities for the development of weapons systems. In specifics, the deal will see a steady sale of weapons from the Liori Defense Manufacturing Syndicate to the Bianjien armed forces at discounted prices, including thousands of small arms and dozens of combat vehicles (including the AR1 assault rifle and Faru armored personnel carrier). In addition to arms export aspect of the deal, Liore will be increasing the number of military advisors it has attached to Bianjien units and offices substantially, and the Liori and Bianjien militaries and intelligence services will begin a mutual intelligence-sharing program. Lastly, Liore will be funding and providing the intellectual talent for the construction of a military dockyard in Bianjie from which troops and supplies can be easily dispatched and received, and a small number of warships stationed. In addition to improving the military infrastructure of Bianjie, this final project will have the added boon of bringing hundreds of new well-paying jobs to Bianjie and putting Liori cash into the local economy.

Reciprocating Liore's investments into the development of Bianjie's defensive capabilities, the Bianjien government has given the Liori Defense Manufacturing Syndicate to establish several research and development facilities in the Bianjien desert. From these facilities, Liori developers will work to design and construct prototypes of new weapons to put into production. The location and geography of the area around the facilities, being largely flat and sparsely populated, will also give the researchers a perfect area to test their prototypes without having to worry about the same degree of natural obstructions and possibilities of harming human and animal life in the process. Although the new facilities are only just beginning to be constructed, LDMS officials have confirmed plans to begin development for several new armored vehicles and artillery variants from the new facilities once they're opened, as well as initiate a "classified but highly important" research program.

Navy Puts in Large Ship Order for Ruba Island Fleet February 4909
With the construction of a naval base on Ruba island complete and tensions with large naval powers at an ever-increasing high, the Arch Ministry of Defense and Okpara administration at large have agreed upon the necessity to further bolster Liore's capability to defend it's coast and territorial waters. As such, the government has approved plans by the navy to put in an extraordinary order of Deltaria-originating warships from the Liori Defense Manufacturing Syndicate. The order calls for the construction of a Kirov-Class battlecruiser (to be named the LPW Ushujaa) to serve as the flagship of a new fleet to be stationed on Ruba island. To be constructed in shipyards across Liore, the new fleet will consist of (in addition to the Kirov) seven Velryba-Class destroyers, four Gepard-Class frigates, and two Slava-Class cruisers. Already, a talented young officer from the Caltropic Fleet named Neema Adesida, has been named admiral of the Ruba fleet and given the task of overseeing the construction and mustering of ships for the fleet. Commenting on the utility of the new fleet, Admiral Adesida stated "Liore and Dovani face threats from all around us and from across all the seas. These threats fashion themselves as masters of the seas and have vast traditions of ruling humanity's waters unilaterally. While not giving us that same power to exert ourselves across the vast oceans, the continued development of Liore's navy does give us more power over our own waters and, by extension, our own homeland, and that is what truly matters." The construction order is set to take place over every Liori naval drydock and over the course of several years.
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Re: Liore

Postby jrandle8 » Sat Mar 20, 2021 4:46 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Mar 26, 2021 3:28 am

Foreign Policy Review
Kupumzika?: President Agrees to Reopen Embassy in Tian'an November 4910
Having Narrowly Won Reelection Last January, President Okpara Looks to Deliver Foreign Policy Victories

The relationship between Liore and Yingdala has for decades been at a steady decline, with many experts marking Yingdala's decision to back up the Vascanian blockade of Liori and Medinian ports in 4807, more than a century ago, and being escalated in 4825 as a Yingdalan fleet attempted to intimidate Liore following the incorporation of Nefa into the Socialist State. The deterioration seemingly met its peak during the Midway Crises of 4891 and 4904, in which Yingdala began construction of a military base in neighboring Midway and later fully staffed it with 150,000 armed personnel along with air and sea forces. This resulted in a near complete ceasing of trade and diplomacy between Liore and Yingdala, with both nations closing their embassies in one another and withdrawing all diplomatic personnel. Since the occurrence of these crises, the air in the region between Liore and Yingdala has been still and cool, with many fearful of further escalation of conflict between the two nations, with some even suggesting the probability of war in the East being at an all-time high in recent history.

Enter Foreign Minister Jaleel Magoro. Hailing from an activist background in Free Liore in his youth before joining the National Movement in 4892 and being assigned a diplomatic posting in Hutori the following year, Magoro has long been a voice for foreign policy change in the NM, and in Liori politics as a whole. Calling for a more cooperative stance as opposed to the long-adopted doctrine of complete and total resistance to "offender states" perceived as imperialist or neocolonialist, Magoro has been among the foremost advocates for negotiating with Yingdala in its frequent disputes with Liore rather than responding Liori bravado. This new take on foreign policy has caught the attention and good graces of the Okpara Administration, which has desperately been searching for a final answer to the policy problem of Yingdala as a foreign policy victory for the less-than popular President. Following the election in January, Magoro has endorsed Magoro to replace outgoing Foreign Minister Thimba Okudi, who has since become the newest member of the long-serving Ngige Cabinet.

Okpara and Magoro's first step in the direction of the normalization of relations between Liore and Yingdala came recently after a meeting between Magoro and his Yingdalan counterpart: Adiah Okadigbo, the first Liori-Yingdalan woman to hold high office in Yingdala in many years. Okadigbo, no doubt partially due to her Liori heritage, has been much like Magoro in Yingdala- her being a staunch advocate for cooperation and rapprochement among a stubborn government. The meeting between the two Foreign Ministers occurred virtually and covered an array of topics, with the center of the show being a discussion on the reopening of diplomatic relations between Liore and Yingdala as well as the embassies in each other's capitals. Initially, neither side was willing to budge on concessions, with the Yingdalan base in Midway being a large point of contention. Though the exact details of the meeting remain classified, official sources report that the Yingdalan delegation was the first to offer concessions in the form of a slight reduction of their presence in Midway, with Liori accepting no less than a dramatic reduction of Yingdalan ground troops in Midway and a complete withdrawal of all air and naval forces. In the end, both sides were able to come to an agreement after President Okpara permitted Magoro to accept a 75% reduction in Yingdalan troop presence in Midway along with the complete withdrawal of all air and naval assets, save a single ship. With this deal, communication and diplomacy between Liore and Yingdala are to be reestablished, and embassies reopened by the beginning of next year.

Despite being lauded by many for being able to negotiate the reduction of Yingdala's military presence in Midway, there are still many who are critical of the Okpara Administration for accepting less than total Yingdalan withdrawal, and argue that the deal makes Liore appear weak internationally. Indeed, this deal has lost Okpara credit among Liore's nationalist and Pan-Dovanian hardliners, but many analysts believe it'll gain him ground among more moderate voters and officials.

AMD Dispatches 'Unity Brigade' to Ostland January 4911

Following the opening of a Dovani Pact joint-military base in Walstal by the Ostlandic government, officials from within the Arch Ministry of Defense (AMD) have been in talks with their Ostlandic counterparts on the staffing of the base with a contingent of Liori troops along with troops from Ostland and other Defense Council members. With the capability to support 10,000 soldiers and a small amount of ships and aircraft, the AMD has been authorized to dispatch a 'Unity Brigade' of 1600 troops of the Liori Vanguard, including mechanized and air cavalry elements. This unit will live, train, serve, and (ultimately) bond with their Pan-Dovanian comrades, serving to both give the troops the invaluable experience of training with other militaries, but also fostering closer relations between the Pact members who choose to also send their own contingents to the base. In addition to the Unity Brigade, the AMD has also commissioned the construction of a new Kirov-Class battlecruiser to be sent to be stationed in the naval port at the Walstal port. To be named the LPW Dovani, this new warship will largely serve a symbolic and morale purpose, but will also give Liore and the Dovani Pact even greater naval strength in the Sea of Carina and Caltropic Sea, solidifying the security of inner Dovani from threats of piracy or other, more sinister threats.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:51 am

Domestic Politics
Election Analysis January 4914

Election Map by People's Assembly District

People's Assembly Results
National Movement - 99 / 33.00%
Harambee - 96 / 32.00%
People's Front - 69 / 23.00%
Free Liore - 30 / 10.00%
Independent - 6 / 2.00%

Presidential Results
Round I
Bwana Nzeogwu - 29.89%
Kanu Afolayan - 27.12%
Nya Iwu - 24.46%
Pili Chukwumereije - 17.46%
Other - 1.07%

Round II
Kanu Afolayan - 53.76%
Bwana Nzeogwu - 46.24%

Exactly sixty years ago, President Thimba Hami was elected to his first term in office, ending more than eighty years of one-party rule by the People's Front. While the past six decades have certainly not been the same authoritative one-party rule of the early Socialist State and the past decades have been the height of democracy in Liore, there hasn't been a President since Kheri Bello that hasn't identified with the National Movement. This election, Liore finally sees an end to the NM's sixty year streak. Winning by approximately eight points, Harambee's Kanu Afolayan has been elected to the Presidency, a first in the history of his party. Running primarily on policies centered around the protection of Liore's environment and the promotion of traditional, pre-colonial Liori culture and traditions, winning him great support from rural Liore and from demographics that typically vote independent, notably from the savannah tribes and clans. Analysts also attributed Afolayan's victory to the fame of his name, being a direct descendent of Ndidi Afolayan, one of the founding revolutionaries of the Socialist State, and Afolayan's targeting of the NM and Okpara Administration for their light-handed foreign policy. Also making historic waves was the relatively successful campaign of Nya Iwu, the first woman to win more than one percent of the vote in the Presidential race in Liori history, who won nearly a quarter of the national vote, but was ultimately unable to progress to the second round. Nominally an independent though endorsed by Free Liore, Iwu campaigned on the further liberalization of the Liori economy and society, with women's rights (particularly in rural Liore) being a central pillar of her campaign.

In the People's Assembly, the results were much closer, with the National Movement maintaining their plurality (and therefor their prerogative to propose a governing coalition) but only leading Harambee by three seats. The situation gives the NM few paths to forming a government under the incoming Afolayan Administration, though reports indicate that the NM is looking to compromise its pride rather than national stability and is in talks with Harambee leaders on hammering out the finer details of a coalition. What we do know is that Premier Abasi Ngige is on his way out, having announced last month his intentions to retire from politics, and that his most likely successor would be Jabali Boro, a representative from Furutari and a rising star within the NM. Several officials involved in the talks have also indicated their intention to invite Nya Iwu to serve as Arch Minister of Home, which would make her the highest ranking female official in the history of the Socialist State.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Sun Apr 04, 2021 9:43 pm

Foreign Policy Review
Ziara za Kigeni: President Afolayan Travels to Kuga, Ramsāhreza December 4915
President Afolayan Addresses Reporters Upon Departure from Yamabiro to Kuga, Kurageri

Facing deadlock in a divided People's Assembly at home, President Kanu Afolayan has temporarily left the handling of domestic issues and the passage of Harambee's legislative goals to the party's leading officials in the legislature, and has reoriented himself to focus on achieving his foreign policy goals. In this, Afolayan last October forced out the controversial National Movement FM Jaleel Magoro, the architect of the previous President Hassian Okpara's policy of concession and rapprochement with Yingdala, in favor of Khary Soyinka, an independent ex-ambassador to Suyu Llaqta and traditionalist on Yingdalan policy. However, President Afolayan has not ordered any reinstitution of sanctions against Yingdala, and has made no indication that his administration plans on undoing the work of President Okpara and FM Magoro. Instead, President Afolayan has commented that his focus remains on "building strong ties with like-minded countries, in Dovani and abroad." In this approach, President Afolayan has announced a series of planned state visits that the Foreign Ministry has made with its counterparts in two other nations.

President Afolayan's first destination is quite close to home, just to the south of Liore in Kurageri. Being a Kitembo state bordering Liore, Kurageri has long been a nation considered to be friendly to Liore, and one that Liore has engaged in productive relations with, delivering developmental grants to the Kitembo state in 4859 and swearing to defend its sovereignty in the 4868 Darobi Declaration. Most recently, after the Kuragao government's application for a grant from the Dovani Development Fund, Liore was the Dovani Pact member state to draft the resolution approving the grant and among the first to support the disbursement of funds. Seeking to further build upon Liori-Kuragao relations, President Afolayan will be meeting with Charlie Niborgora, the recently-elected and challenger of corruption President of Kurageri. In the meeting between the two Kitembo heads of state that lasted several hours, numerous issues were reportedly discussed, centered around general political and economic cooperation between the two nations, and the possibility of a Kuragao entry into the Dovani Pact. Though President Afolayan left Kuga without the signing of any official deals, he told reporters that he was "excited and proud" of his discussion with President Niborgora, and that a foundation for further Liori aid in the development of the Kuragao economy had been laid. President Afolayan also stated firmly his reaffirmation for ex-President Thimba Hami's 4868 Darobi Declaration, and promised that Liore would continue to guarantee the sovereignty of Kurageri and its Kitembo people.

Following the conclusion of his visit to Kurageri, President Afolayan embarked on the second and final state visit of this month's tour. This next destination was Ramsāhreza, the capital of Aldegar, a leading force in international non-alignment and the creation of the Seleyan Intergovernmental Council. Hitherto, Liori-Aldegarian relations have been cordial but restrained, with both nations championing similar foreign policy ideals and previously serving together as voices of reason on the World Congress Security Council. At this meeting, President Afolayan met personally with Aldegarian President Payam Zarqan, where he reportedly extolled Aldegar's diplomatic achievement's (notably the Timārestān Neutrality Declaration made under Zarqan's predecessor) and made told the Aldegarian President his interest in working personally with him to further the ideal of international non-alignment. Later in a public discussion between the Presidents and delegations from their governments, the two sides endorsed each other's work in the formation of the Dovani Pact and Seleyan Intergovernmental Council, drawing parallel's between the two regional organization amidst the backdrop of the rise of the Confederate Economic Security Union and rumblings of resurgence from the Northern Council, and both made clear their interest in leading their continents in Dova-Seleyan cooperation. Akin to President Afolayan's visit to Kurageri, the preliminary talks for an economic cooperation and trade deal were also had between the two delegations, though nothing has been finalized or signed.
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