Narikaton and Darnussia

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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:44 am


Old Guard Attacks the Republicans
Mr Heins, the only member of the Old Guard in Congress has called for the paramilitary bill to be opposed calling the Republican faction "sellouts". In support of the Congressman, Wilhelm Von Fritz, leader of the Old Guard has called to his cousins Hans and Franz Von Fritz, to stop supporting this coalition and to support him in his claim.
We cannot continue to bow to the other parties will. We have to show them that we can stand on our own. If the Republicans continue to support this coalition, they cannot continue to be in this party.

No answer to these attacks has been offered by Hans or Franz Von Fritz.

Protests in Doressa
Protests have erupted today in Doressa and nearby Rumbrel, against the paramilitary ban. Most protesters are members of the Fritzite paramilitaries, the Fritzite Militia and the Freicorps. Public support to the protests has been shown. The protesters call for the bill to be dropped and have occupied the pavements in the city center and the road in front of the government buildings. So far the protests have been peaceful, but some fear it could escalate to violence Police have maintained their distanced and have refrained from provoking the protesters for fear of hidden weaponry.


Many members of the Old Guard including Wilhelm Von Fritz have arrived in Doressa to show their support. They were backed by some Greens as well calling for a Green Narikaton Armed Forces. Wilhelm stood before the protests and gave a speech.
The Confederal Congress intends to ban paramilitaries in Narikaton and Darnussia. This is outrageous. The claim that they are a threat for our union, yet the Fritzite League has had two paramilitaries since it was founded and never have they been used to threaten the country. Have you ever thought of overthrowing the government, No. Yet Congress believes you to be threatening enough that they wish to ban your group. I ask for you to continue to resist this bill by whatever means you deem necessary. Congress is filled with spineless cowards anyway, if pushed enough they will back down.

It appears that the protests will continue for the time being.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:33 pm

OOC Source: Pixabay

Doressa: In the administrative capital of the confederacy, the Darnussian city of Doressa, a new complex is being built by the Ulbrecht Corporation commissioned by the confederate government. The new complex, named the "Iron Estate", will be a major government complex that will house parliament, all security related ministries and the office of the Chancellor. It is meant to improve the efficiency of the confederate government, with only a few ministries located elsewhere it would allow the government to communicate quickly and hammer out policy at a much steadier pace. The Iron Estate is also seen as a boost for confederate PR, as its a massive complex built by the largest construction company in the country and will feature impressive infrastructure techniques. The complex will also feature major security precautions, with members from the Darnussian Police and Confederate Police guarding the complex, with a special fireteam from the famous Eagle Brigade always at standby in case something might happen and countless of camera's keeping an eye on the presumably 500 million costing government quarter. The project is expected to be finalized in 3 years.

CDA and NDS Form Electoral Coalition
A new electoral coalition has been formed in the confederacy. With the Nationaldemokratische Sozialbund and Centrum Demokratisch Appél signing a agreement that, for at least the next election, forms the "Centre Forum" a electoral coalition that binds the two parties together in the next elections. The parties reiterate that they will remain independent, stating that this coalition is meant to unite the center parties under a "realistic vision" for the upcoming election. The agreement includes agreeing to collectively support Gregory van der Waal for president as well as campaign together during events. The parties will also share campaign funds together and buy advertising space and other campaign materials together to make the process more efficient. A spokesperson for both parties stated that they hope to, "Make the Centre Forum a success and win the next election with our centrist and forward thinking method, showing people that the lackluster course of the current administration is something we should not strive for."

The Centre Forum alliance is polling at roughly half the votes already, making it likely that this newfound coalition will do very well in the upcoming election, possibly challenging the current ruling coalition of greens and nationalists.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby hungpallax » Thu Mar 04, 2021 6:33 pm

Gn has internal power struggle

A new more national extreme oart of the party hold a vote at the latet congress to remove Ursula Nifrik as candidate president. This new wing led by local Darnussian leader Karina Houben (president of Darnussia since 1900) had more suggestion, the most important being the change of the naming to Groen Nationaal. Other points were the hard budget restrictions of Minister West and the new anti paramilitairy bill. The party is split in 2 camps no, the supporters of Madam Nifrik who didn't say she wanted to go on and the followers of Groen Nationaal. Some important party memebrs have yet to choose wich side they are on. Others chose already like Sir West:
This new party wing is young and hopefull, but we have to protect them, the chosen policy line is chosen for a reason. So I support the 'Nifink' wing and if she won't go on I will.
And Madam Hagen:
I have been fighting for a more green and more extreme party line for years, I think we can better be a party with ideals then govern without upsetting. If you ask me we cannot work together with parties like CDA, and NDS. The League is maybe an option but only if they want to go green.

The battle for leadership is not yet decided, first the congress hes to vote and even then s special board can keep sitting members of cabinet in the party if they think it is needed. This Board exist of all government members known. Not all expressed there opinions at the moment.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:59 pm

OOC Source: 3voor12

Moet: Narikaton and Darnussia is sending its second ever FOMAT entry with a daring choice. The confederacy held a confederate wide show to determine who would be send to FOMAT this edition, with viewers able to vote in their favourite entries. When the end of the show neared it became clear that the young new singer SAM and the popular established singer Conrad would be tied in the final vote, prompting the show's judges to propose the two go to FOMAT together as a duo, to which they both agreed. SAM is a young new singer who wasnt known until the contest. Her raw songs and tone struck a cord with many Nariks and Darnussians while the established Conrad, who has been in the industry for two decades, was already the favourite to win the inner confederate contest.

After two months the two revealed their song "Ogen Dicht" (Luthorian: Eyes Closed) sung in the Narik language. The song has been seen as a daring choice with two totally different artists there to sing it. Will this new and alternative choice make a suprise at FOMAT? Or will the confederacy once more end in the mid charts?

The song "Ogen Dicht" from SAM and Conrad
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby hungpallax » Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:26 am

Local GN breaks apart

In GN's congress Ursula Nifrik was voted out, and as new leader was elected Karina Houben. Right after the party election the board came together and said Madam Nifrik could try for a new term. After this Board decsision the local GN in Darnussia broke away and founded the party Groen Nationaal. The Groen Nationaal got memebers all over the country. Even important figures in NG made the step like Madam Hagen but also Madam Geels, while other fight to reunite them like Sir Heppenheiemer saying:

If we want to change this country to a better place for all we have to cooperate instead of fighting with eachother.

Although it was a touching speach the party in nearly split iin 2 from top to bottom. Just when reacing a climax finally madam Nifrink gave her opinion:
This party should stay together, I became a symbol of the old wing in our party, something I wanted to prevent, but after these 4 years I have had ennough. This job is hard and I don't think I cann't do this four more years, definetly not when my own party is split in 2. I knnow i have no say in this, but I would like to see Sir Heppenheimer as our head of state.

After these words the situations cooled somewhat, important figures are speaking together now, with Sir West, Sir Heppenheimer and Madam Houben speaking everyday. Although she is speaking with GN, she did resign from office, and because the party is split in Darnussia there will be no new President of Darnussia soon.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:36 am


Protests in Doressa
The anti-paramilitary ban protests which started a week ago continue to engulf the Capital. The protesters call for the removal of the paramilitary ban. Minor looting and vandalism has occurred in some parts of the city, but as of today there has been no violence which has caught many observers by surprise. It was expected that these would eventually become violent since the majority of the protesters are members of paramilitaries. The Fritzite Old Guard continue to appear and support the protests along with some members of the Greens.

Hans Addresses the Protesters
Hans Von Fritz came out to speak to the protesters. In his speech, he called for the Old Guard to stand back, for the protests to end and a return to normality in the city. He ended by stating that
The Fritzite League has no intention of abandoning you, but we are not the majority and therefore this is not within our control.

The protesters responded mostly by cheering for their leader but many jeered and booed at Hans as walked back into Congress. It does appear the speech had much effect on the protests and we have been told that they will continue.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby Rogue » Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:32 pm

OOC Source: Brabants Dagblad

Moet: The CDA and NDS have officially launched the campaign for their electoral alliance named the Centre Forum. The two parties, during a join press briefing, announced the official launch for their campaign for next years election, ahead of the campaigns of other parties, "it is extremely important to get our message out even in this early stage. We, as centre parties, believe we have a vision that appealls to the entire confederacy, Narik or Darnussian, and in order to reach all 76 million voters it is important to start early and get to know a majority of them." The two parties will try something different from previous campaigns, making heavy use of social media platforms and advertising and having created the "Centre for Videoediting" consisting of young students that will make short and appealing video's for the campaign. The CDA will also push heavily for a flyer campaign and a "turquoise wave" like in the previous elections, showing as much of the party colours as possible. The two parties will collectively flyer as well and buy advertising space together. The motto of the electoral alliance is, "better together", focussing on cooperation and pragmatic policies. The Forum has put up three key issues that they will work together on, such as entering the Artanian Union, push for more international cooperation and strengthen the armed forces of the confederacy. The CDA, seperately from the NDS, has also released their own program, vouching for a emphasize on nuclear power, a mixed economic model, reforming and nationalizing the healthcare system and building a "confederate highway system" to better connect different communities and improve infrastructure and economic output.

The beginning of the campaign is said to be low intensity, while in the last two months the parties will push the campaign in, "overdrive", according to CDA Leader Alex Kiel.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Fri Mar 05, 2021 3:47 pm


Fritzite League Votes Against Ban
After mounting pressure from both the Old Guard and the protests in Doressa, the Fritzite League has voted against a ban on paramilitaries. It is clear that this will not decide the outcome of the bill and that it almost certainly pass regardless. Hans Von Fritz stated that,
We simply cannot abandon those who served in our paramilitaries without at least putting up so sort of a fight.

Protests Subside
Following the decision to vote against the bill by the Fritzite League, the protests have mostly subsided but many continue to protest in order to put pressure on the entire Congress to vote against the bill.
Protests in Doressa

Primaries Announced
The Fritzite League will be going into next years elections more divided than before, between the Old Guard and The Republican factions. Many in the party fear this could destroy the party and make irrelevant in politics. To combat this, the leadership of both groups have agreed to hold a primary election to select the presidential candidate and other positions as well. Both factions will pick their candidates and then the party supporters will vote for their choice. The primary will be held in several weeks.

Mr Hans Von Fritz has decided to run for President of Narikaton and Darnussia in the next election for the Republican faction. He had held the similar position of Prime-Minister before the Confederation and was main proponent of fighting against the Hobrazian Fascist Regime. He also opened the country to thousands of Hobrazian refugees and many of those that stayed greatly support him. Through much hard work in the past, he had kept the League at the head of politics before the Confederation and many credit much of the modern state of Narikaton and Darnussia to him and his work. He will be running with his old friend Rudolf Babenburg as candidate for Chancellor on a campaign of increasing the economy through a mixed system, expansion of the navy and focusing on green, sustainable energy production along with increase our image internationally through aid programs in Hobrazia.

Mr Hans Von Fritz

The Candidate for the Old Guard is of course Mr Wilhelm Von Fritz, the head of the faction. His candidate for Chancellor is Mr Kasper Servaas Van Houten. They are running on a campaign of restoring the Von Fritz family to the Throne while keeping the current Confederal model, huge increase of the military, the creation of a national paramilitary and turn to a mostly capitalist run economy.

Mr Wilhelm Von Fritz
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby hungpallax » Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:09 am

GN comes beack together

Today came Sir West (old guard), Sir Heppenheimer (neutral) and Madam Houben (new wing) came with a statement:

We think the GN is better as one national party, to give thin feeling to everyone we decided the name should change to Natinaal Groen. And we should strive to be in a coalition but we should listen to the new wing as well, so Sir Heppenheimer will take the candidate prime minister function in the party, Sir West will try to be head of government and Madam Houben will run for minister of finance. These figure head changes go hand in hand with policy changes. The government may run a debt, we should invest more in green education and innovation and build a stable green economy. The paramilitairy stance has changed too, but if presented with a coalion a little bit greener is enough to govern with the other parties.

The old guard is upset but agrees that this is better then split up, one member saying:
I think we make ourselfs ridiculous with that name, we come from Narikaton and we want to honor that in our name. Besides why should we have paramilitairies.

The new guard wich got most demands accepted sound hopefull, this mameber saying:
With a higher goal we disctinct ourselfs more, making it appealinger to vote for us, with a rising number of parties we have to do something, I am just a bit afraid that after coalition talks this all will be gone.
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Re: Narikaton and Darnussia

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Sat Mar 06, 2021 6:03 pm


Fritzite Primary Results
The primary election to pick the fritzite campaign for the election in five months has come to an end. Some in the party are seeing this as an unofficial referendum on the course of the party between the Republican or the Monarchist view. The results were announced last night at a party convention in Merenburg.

Before the announcement, both presidential candidates spoke to those attending the convention. Candidate Hans Von Fritz of the Republican Faction, reaffirmed his belief in the system, his commitment to help Hobrazia economically and his plan for a mixed economy. He also emphasised cooperation with other parties as the best way forward, using the current coalition as an example,saying the Greens are great people, committed to their goals. He expressed dismay at the current situation in the Green party saying,
It is unfortunate that the party must be divided as it is now, however I must express hope for the compromise they achieved recently between the different factions.

He finished with great optimism to the future and his ability to win the primary and the Presidency. After finishing his speech, he received a standing ovation from the attendees and the hall was filled with cheers and the thunder of applause.

Candidate Hans Von Fritz Speaking.
Crowd Applauding Hans

Following Hans’ speech, Candidate Wilhelm Von Fritz from the Old Guard, spoke to the crowd. In his speech Wilhelm attacked the Green Coalition as “weak” and “illegitimate” saying that the Republicans had sold out the Fritzite League to the Greens and for abandoning the principles of Alfred and Alexander Von Fritz. He claimed the party should return to it’s Monarchist roots and support him as the only living child of Alexander, the last monarch of Narikaton and Darnussia, in restoring the Monarchy. His speech received much less applause than Hans’, except from the hardline Old Guard members present

Candidate Wilhelm Von Fritz Speaking

Afterwards the candidates for Chancellor spoke in support of their campaign mate. However by 11pm everyone was ready to hear the results of the primary. Up came Johannes Leick, the announcer of the results with Hans and Wilhelm behind him. He spoke out,
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored to announce the results of this year's primary election for the Fritzite League candidate for President and Chancellor. The votes have been cast and counted all over the Confederation. I wish the best of luck to both candidates and now the moment we have all been waiting for. The result. With 72% percent of the vote, the winner of the primary, Mr Hans Von Fritz and Mr Rudolf Babanberg. Congratulations to the both of you.

The crowd cheered and applauded Mr Hans Von Fritz as started to speak,
I thank everyone who has supported mine and Rudolf’s campaign. However this is only the beginning, for now we must beat the other parties in October. I promise you we will not disappoint you in the elections. For the League and for Narikaton and Darnussia.

He shook Wilhelm’s hand, congratulated him in his performance and then descended into the cheering crowd.

Below are the results by province plus the Migrant Island,
74% Hans
24% Wilhelm
69% Hans
31% Wilhelm
70% Hans
30% Wilhelm
67% Hans
33% Wilhelm
81% Hans
19% Wilhelm
Migrant Islands,
71% Hans
29% Wilhelm

72% Hans
28% Wilhelm
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