
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Likatonia

Postby Vojvoda » Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:50 pm

National Television sends JT to the FOMAT

Council of National Television of Likatonia has decided that it is high time for Likatonia to take part in the FOMAT. In 13th edition of FOMAT, Likatonia will participate for the first time and NTL's council has decided to send JT , an artist who has been renowned for his rap and R&B songs. The song which will represent Likatonia is named "Met you bro". The song belongs to R&B genre according to musical experts and is generally perceived as trendy in Likatonia but is a bit outdated in more developed countries. On the brighter side, JT is very enthusiastic about his performance and is looking forward to it.

I can't wait for FOMAT to be held. Likatonia belongs to this world and I'm sure that no matter of the result it is a huge achivement for us. Personally, I expecting a phenomenal atmosphere and I hope that Likatonians are satisfied with song. On the other hand, I am very sad that there was not time to organise national competition for FOMAT. But even without it, I am honarable on this achievement. Let's show the Terra who we are. Bring it on!"
Here is the link of the song:
JT - "Met you bro"
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Re: Likatonia

Postby LC73 » Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:45 pm

CM-01 Released

After much speculation and rigorous testing the CM-01 is ready for the skies. CEO Don Huncle also reveled the final stats of the aircraft in his press briefing celebrating this momentus occation for Cruz Manufactring. As stated before the plane will have a max seating capacity of 120 people and be able to fly for 4500 km. However Huncle told us that the fuel consumption will be 2.40 L/pax/100 km on average and the plane will be sold at 65 mil. LOD.

Now that this aircraft has been released everyone is waiting to see what type of plane Cruz Manufactring has instore next.
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Re: Likatonia

Postby LC73 » Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:39 am

Labour Party leaves the CSD

In the early hours of the morning Labour Party leader Dan James has decided to leave the CSD. This came about because of the Progressive Alliance voting for the SWP manfesto which means that it will pass. This will nationalise large swaves of the economy, force Democratic Workers councils to run all industries and make trade unions unaccountable for their actions. This will mean that the CSD will now dissolve as the PA are now the only member. Dan James told LNN at the time of the anouncement.

The PA are allowing communism to seep back into Likatonia so I will no longer work with in our allaince. We will still stay in government to hope that we can change the system from inside but will take this into account after the next election.
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Re: Likatonia

Postby Vojvoda » Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:46 pm

Likatowings Corporations founded

Likatowings Corporations has been founded by Kurt Grant, first CEO of Likatowings. Likatowings is new low-cost airliner which is expected to begin its operation in 4901. They have ordered 2 aircrafts CM-01 and are officially waiting for them to be delivered. According to CEO Krut Grant, Likatowings primary goal is to set up everything for the company to run smoothly and hopes in high revnue right from the start. Likatowings will start operating only in domestic flight but has plans to operate on international ones as well once the corporation has been firmly established.

Logo of the new low-cost airliner Likatowings
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Re: Likatonia

Postby LC73 » Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:23 pm

Likatoniawings receives CM-01

After a 6 month wait Likatoniawings have reecived both of their CM-01 aircraft from Cruz Manufacturing. This is the first order Cruz has received and they have filled it quickly. CEO of Cruz Don Huncle says that this will hopefully be the start of more orders of the aircraft and that Likatoniawings will order more of CM-01's in the future.

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Re: Likatonia

Postby LC73 » Fri Mar 05, 2021 5:47 pm

Eight Continents Airlines Recieves CM-01 Planes whilst Lodamese National Airways puts in a new order

Over the last few months flag carrier of Endralon, Eight Continents Airlines has recieved their 30 CM-01 aircrafts from Cruz through the leasing company Human Transportation. These were orderd when Cruz was founded as Human Transportation has been a large donator to the company. They had so much faith in the airline, they were willing to buy 30 of the first aircraft Cruz would make. Eight Continents have said these planes will be used on domestic Endralon flights and flights around Artania, Makon and North Seleya. Cruz CEO Don Huncle says
This is a breakthrough for the manufacturer and shows these planes are trusted by other countries unlike previous Likatonian aircraft. Also with this sale we can hopefully get Human Transportation or Eight Continets to buy future Cruz planes.

An Eight Continents Airline CM-01

Also recently the flag carry Lodamun, Lodamese National Airways has put in an order for 10 planes. These planes will have mostly economy seating but will feature 10 business class seats which will have the ability to lie 180 degrees back. These will be the first planes that will be not full of economy seating like the Likatoniawings and Eight Continents aircraft but Eight Continents have suggested the idea of adding in business class retroactively. It is likely that the Lodamun planes will be used on simlar routes to those that Eight Continents will use them on. In response to the Don Huncle suggested that
It will become common in Northern Seleya for people to fly on the CM-01 for local and regional flights.

Who knows where Cruz will get their new order from. There is some speculation the Likatoniawings will expand their flet by buying more CM-01 aircraft.
Last edited by LC73 on Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Likatonia

Postby Kamakawioole » Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:46 am

Natives Digest
The tribes oldest duck... Or the worlds?

A member of The Native Likatonian Confederacy, Ooljee, a prominent voice in the party, has brought forth what could possibly be the oldest duck in the world. There are many old and revered ducks in Likatonia like White Hair, a 99-year-old white duck in Norwalk; the oldest currently, Darting eye, at a whopping 123 years old. However, all of this could be thrown into the trash if Ooljee's claim is correct. She claims that this duck, He Who Quacks, is an insane 234 years old. Now this is a big claim and most would disregard it however there is new uncovered eyewitness, photographic, and DNA evidence that would show this duck truly is 234 years old.


I know its hard to believe but it's true! My Great Great Grandma grew up with this duck and it has been passed down the generations.

When asked why He Who Quacks had never been mentioned to the public before Ooljee responded

What if someone took He Who Quacks? What if they ATE HIM!?! I just couldn't take that risk. The only reason I've shared it with everyone now is that I am certain no harm will come to him.

It appears there's a new duck in town, or should we say old. No matter the case this story has been sure to get people wondering, why a duck? Well for a long time Natives have bred loner and longer living ducks, this is because ducks were a great source of protein AND protection. You could eat one or have a few to warn you of intruders, eat those pesky snails, or fertilize your fields. Over time many ducks were kept as pets and those who lived for far longer were seen as guardians to the tribe and family.

This has been the Native Digest and we hope you have enjoyed.

The saying of the day: "One rain does not make a crop."
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Re: Likatonia

Postby LC73 » Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:58 am

Labour Leader Dan James steps down

After an election loss Labour leader Dan James has stepped way from the role. This is what he said to LNN:
I have been honoured to lead this party and am so happy that I managed to make the party the largest in the country again. However the people have voted against me but not my party and this is why I am not your Prime Minister right now. A new leader has to fill my role and whoever it is I wish them well.
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Re: Likatonia

Postby LC73 » Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:03 am

Chancellor Hannah Lamb Becomes Labour Leader

Current chancellor Hannah Lamb has won the election to become Labour Leader. She won with 70% of the vote and stood against Finance Minister Zachary Wilkerson who is the current Chancellor. Lamb thanked the voters as she was declared leader and says that James Legacy will continue. She hopes this will bring more success for the party in the future.
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Re: Likatonia

Postby LC73 » Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:44 am

Conservatives take over East Bolton Party

The Labour party of East Bolton has been taken over by Tyler Delmont, a conservative member of the Social Progressive Party. This is becuase the SPP recently dissolved in the local legislature becuase the party dissolved at the national level which kept party unity thoughout the state. Due to the dissolution of the SPP 10 of the 12 SPP members joined the Labour Party which gave the party a majority in the state. They did this becuase of the militarist stance of the party and the party already having a conservative minority in the state which helped Labour win majorities in East Bolton before.

After these former SPP members joined the party, they called a leadership election against the Liberal leader of the East Bolton Labour Party which is Callum Higham. The fromer SPP members thought that Tyler Delmont had the best chance at replacing him. In the end Delmont won with 56% of the party vote. This is because he emphaised his militarist stance and pointed out Callum's failures in the last East Bolton election. Since taking over the party, Delmont has pushed the national party more rightward. He has managed to make the party abstain on the PA's consitutional amendments with his more traditionalist talk and has made the party accepting to some more industries in private ownership. In response to this changed we talked to Hannah Lamb, the current leader of the Labour Party about this conservative twist in East Bolton.

The East Bolton Labour Party has become conservative and we have to accept that and yes this does mean the national party will not vote for some progressive policies anymore to keep party unity. However Labour will run on a centre-left platform in the next election and campaign to keep all of the economic and Social laws we introduced whiole in government. So don't be fooled by East Bolton we are still a centre-left party.

Although this is true journalists are speculating if the party will at some point become right-wing with these East Bolton members trying to gain more infulence over the party. Only time will tell.
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