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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:04 am


Aikums, Dolgava
September 3rd 4899

Actress and fashion model Marina Masing has won the position as Mayor of Aikums. She is the first Liberal-Democrat Politician to ever hold major office in Dolgava. The Liberal Democrat party has been an active minor party in Dolgava for some time. Their beliefs are in a republic, strong anti-monarchy feelings and outspokenly against conservative viewpoints. However Aikums has slowly become a more liberal city in the past few years and so her ideas started to establish themselves especially amongst the youth. She also publicly has been critical of Dolgavan career politicians and has taken her thoughts about current problems in Dolgava to the internet and other places.

The new mayor was sworn in in a moderate ceremony. Several Liberal politicians attended the event but it was different than most past events. Marina did not swear allegiance to the monarchy of Dolgava. This is a controversial move however it is something that she stands behind. In her speech she said

Finally this public position will not bow to a higher power. I will not bend to anyone or bow before anyone no matter if they "come from God" or not. I stand with the people of this nation and this city and I will do what I can to serve them. I am an outsider, I know this and I look forward to bringing a fresh new perspective to this city. We are progressing into the future and I will do what I can to accelerate this and the nation as a whole into a progressive future. We must not stand for a Kingdom, we must not stop until the Republic is restored. The monarchy are worthless, the government is corrupt. We need a new system and a new one soon. I cannot wait to do what I can to help this nation and Thank You all for listening and supporting me...

The significant of this event is still uncertain however this could signal the shift of Progressiveness into Akiums and other large Dolgavan cities. This is will to be determined but it will be interesting to see what Ms. Marina changes in her tenure.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:28 am


Anantonese Ocean
February 1st 4900

The University of Aikums and the the Dolgavan Seismic Monitoring Association (Dolgavan Seismiskā monitoringa asociācija) in cooperation with the Dolgavan Navy have begun to lay seismic listening stations along the Anantonese Fault line between Dolgava and Kalistan. The stations will have links to both seismic listening posts in both Kalistan and Dolgava for quick communication and to be able to alert the public of incoming threats. The stations have been laid using Dolgavan Navy Cable layers designed initially to lay undersea cables. A handful of scientists and university students lowered these seismic stations into the sea along pre-designated fault line locations and along the fault that was near the epicenter of the earthquake and tsunami.

Geologist in charge of the Dolgavan portion of the operation Dr. Lilja Ziemele told the Free Press today in a phone conversation

This project so far has been a major success. This state of the art monitoring system will provide Dolgava with advanced seismographs and provide Dolgava with early warning that will undoubtedly save many lives. The crew from the Dolgavan Navy, Aikums, University, and of course our friends in Kalistan. This project is changing the world for the better and I know that the crew and I believe that 100%. Our understanding of tectonic forces especially on this fault line which has been dormant however we are making up for lost time. So far the seismographs have detected many tiny tremors that you would never be able to feel so this fault is active now. We will be also putting extensive wave monitoring stations closer to Dolgava to monitor the seas better and once we detect a Tsunami, we will be able to see exactly how high it will be. I am excited, we all are excited and I am thankful that both Kalistan and Dolgava are now being protected and that this work we are doing will undoubtedly save many people's lives.

The project will continue for some time and as she said the next phase will be to put wave monitoring stations along the Dolgavan coast our to 600 kms away to detect potential wave height. Together Dolgava and Kalistan are pushing Terra's understanding of tectonic forces to a new level and are truly leading the way in the field. Our capabilities and understanding will only advance and become better as time goes on and Dolgvan scientists will make sure that Dolgava leads the way!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:08 am


Gaduridos Cuisine is Taking Dolgava by Storm

Dolgavans are becoming huge fans of Gaduridos foods

Aikums, Dolgava
March 16th 4900

Dolgava has always been on of the most of the most open nations in Keris. Aikums is an international city having a Canrillese Quarter and many languages besides Dolgavan being spoken there. However a recent newcomer to the party Gaduridos has inserted itself into Dolgava's eating habits. In the past 5 years Gaduridos restaurants and taco trucks have sprung up across Aikums and Dolgava as a whole. Why? Well have you eaten a big juicy burrito or yummy savory Fajita's you will understand quickly. The food from Gaduridos is delicious and is very different from traditional Dolgavan food. For Dolgavans having a variety of foods to eat is a great thing. Many restaurants have focused on keeping it traditionalist and many have decided to take a Kalistani or Baltusian twist to it as well. Much of what we know and love about Gaduridos's food is not entirely authentic however many traditional authentic Gaduridos resturants have opened in Dolgava as well so Dolgava gets the best of both worlds.

Some Dolgavan chefs have taken to making hybrid tacos or burritos with common Dolgavan ingredients, for example ground Caribou sausage. In coastal communities especially in the south of Dolgava shrimp burritos and shrimp Gaduridos dishes are becoming extremely popular. This is because of the thriving Shrimp industry that is in the south of Dolgava. Dolgava is becoming internationalized and the food eaten here is becoming and more diversified. However according to recent polls many Dolgavans up to 63% in some areas eat Gaduridos food often. This at the same time makes Dolgava's food palate become more diverse. This is something that most of us agree is a good thing because it provides Dolgavans with a wide variety of fun and interesting eating options. Dolgava and Gaduridos have had good relations for centuries and many Dolgavans visit there for holidays and such, however an influx of foreign immigrants into Dolgava has diversified the population a bit. Dolgava and Gaduridos may have good relations but in terms of culinary relations it is clear the Dolgavans love Gaduridos and we at the Freie Presse can confirm this fact, we love it!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:29 pm

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:29 am

The Queen mere days after her coronation

Aikums, Dolgava
August 12th 4900

Today is a day of tragedy. After fighting cancer discreetly for many months, Queen Svena has been taken from us. She was 66 years old when she passed away. The Queen spent her days with her 27 year old Aleksandras by here side. The Queen has battled a rare aggressive form of breast cancer for some time now and even with her getting into a state of remission last year it still was too much for her. The Queen is known for her quietness and her elegance and beauty. She was the 2nd in line to the Dolgavan throne and the middle child of three sisters. In her 20's she was known for a jubilant attitude and a smile and outgoing personality that shined and influenced those around her in a positive way. She was known to wear cheap sunglasses because "The expensive ones aren't worth it". She was close to her father and was a light in his life according to many witnesses, one former maid said "She was there during his dying days, her pure personality was a comfort to him and everyone there knew it".

She has also done charity work in Dolgava, her foundation and a special clinic were built in her honor to help those with paralysis. One of her good friends throughout childhood died of a paralysis disorder and this drove the Queen to help everyone who suffers with paralysis. The Queen will be remembered for her kind heart, amazing demeanor and a love for her family. Prince Aleksandras will become the King of Dolgava once the mourning period is over. We wish the royal family our heartfelt condolences during this time...

Long Live Soon to be King Aleksandras and Long Live Dolgava!!!

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:35 am


Aikums, Dolgava
September 24th 4900

Today there was celebration and controversy in Aikums. Large parades were held despite the Mayor's protests and orders from her office to stop them. This did not stop Monarchists and patriotic Dolgavans. Today was a celebration for a new King. Prince Aleksandras went to St. Olaf's Cathedral and was coronated. The ceremony was large with hundreds of people attending. The festival saw Dolgavans going into the streets waving banners, signs and Dolgavan flags minor protests also occurred especially in the light of recent comments made by the Mayor of Aikums. One month ago she did not give condolences to the death of the Queen and she even praised it saying

Today were mourn the passing of a person who is no more special than you or I. The Dolgavan monarchy is only a bunch of rich hobos that masquerade as heads of state and wish they were important. I do not shed a tear about her passing because all monarchs must be abolished. Dolgava is truly free when we get rid of this outdated imperialist dogma once and for all. I hope Dolgavans can wake up and see this.

The Mayor of Aikums has taken her liberal acting career and shaped the politics of Aikums using it.

The Mayor even went as far as banning all parades for the coronation, however Parliament blocked this proposal and the Prime Minister let the parades take place citing that they were a "national holiday". The King after his coronation stood as a massive parade was held. In a speech he said to the crowds

For years Dolgava has been the leader and have kept the values of peace, prosperity and freedom. A beacon to others in the North. For generations it has been the job of the monarchy to ensure that Dolgava stays free and to show the world that Dolgava is a place that champions freedom and humanitarian work. However in recent times some people and politicians have begun to question the monarchs place in Dolgava. I will make it my mission to prove to Dolgava and to the world that the Dolgavan Monarchy is a force for good and a thing that Dolgava should embrace and celebrate. The truth is I am just like you all, I am a human with hopes and dreams and I will now try and prove that I am not only a good person but a man of man of the people. I will do all that I can for this wonderful nation and the great people of this nation. Thank You all for listening to me and I hope you all enjoy yourselves! These parades have been a blast!

This new King is taking a stand against the rise of anti-monarchism in Dolgava and will hopefully try and turn the tide. He will step into a ring controlled by the Mayor of Aikums and fight for the Monarchy. This coronation has been overshadowed by these events but this does not take away from the significance of this event. Dolgava can for now have parades and party in support of the monarchy and Monarchism still is standing strong despite the best efforts of Ms. Masing

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:17 am


Dolgavan All Girl Pop Band Pistachio Monkeys Go to FOMAT with their hit "Cold Feels"

The Pistachio Monkeys have brought Vrassan/Luthorian style music into style in Dolgava and have taken the pop scene by storm

Aikums, Dolgava
November, 2nd 4900

The All Girl Band Pistachio Monkeys have been selected to go to FOMAT to represent Dolgava. The all girl band started from humble beginnings as they began in a garage of the lead singer Monika Pretkalniņš house. The group started from humble beginnings but got a contract with a Dolgavan Based company called Blue Star Records and soon their music and popularity shot off like a cannon. The addition of solo artist and former FOMAT contributor Krista Sepp in FOMAT Xl also launched the band into orbit as well.

There songs began to reach high places on Dolgavan charts and they became famous almost overnight. There recent fame has propelled them to FOMAT where they will be participating in the 14th edition of FOMAT. The song is called "Cold Feels" and is about dealing with a harsh breakup. The song has been very successful in Dolgava reaching number 1 for 12 consecutive weeks.

You can listen to the songhere

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 9:18 am


Aikums, Dolgava
September 3rd 4902

Dolgava is reeling after recent heightened election chaos from both sides. On the Left charismatic Mayor of Aikums, Marina Masing has brought a movement and a party from the ashes to lead the first republicanism movement in Dolgava for many years. She has charmed and enthusiastically supported any left wing movements in Dolgava and has pandered to the LGBT community in her quest to win the premiership. She has been heavily outspoken of the monarchy and has called for their dethronement and the end of the Kingdom and the return of the Republic. Her support in urban areas especially in Dolgavaolopolis and Aikums has fueled her movement and well educated Dolgavans have jumped into her camp in droves. Recent polls show that upwards of 56-60 percent of Aikumsites have jumped from the Conservative Party to Marina's party, the Liberal Democrat Party of Dolgava. She has promised many things including socialized Healthcare, LGBT rights, the creation of a economic union with Kerisian states and taking a step back in the Northern Council. She however has retained a strong stance in the military saying

"I will leave that up to people who's job it is to keep us safe and I will respect the general's decision on this issue".

She also has been the first politician in some time to take a welcoming stance against NACTO and Endralon as a whole saying

"They have done many things like allowing the sex industry and taking human rights to a whole new level for everyone. My vision is for that but with less control of the economy for corporations".

Marina Masing speaking before a Progressive summit in Aikums, last month

In rural parts of Dolgava her support is minimal. She has not focused on that part of the country instead gathering loud crowds in major cities. Her messages have also fallen flat in Noversk as well. Noversk is a city fighting the war on steel and a city that is know for its heavy industry. Her messages are giving people the wrong feelings and her message has come with much disdain in rural regions.

On the opposite side current Prime Minister and equally charismatic Kasper Braun has riled up the Dolgavan Conservatives with massive rallies all over the country. A recent rally in the small village of Susdenbark south of Hoomar Point in Northern Dolgava saw 140 thousand people attend. His speeches have been made famous, calling out Masing as quote

"Marina, she is like a seagull, she sees a populous that she sees as uneducated and she pecks at them, pecks at them and tries to crush them. No, I stand with the rural voters, I stand with the urban voters, I stand with all Dolgavans. We must unite against this movement that wishes to tear our nation apart".

His comments have been made a meme in some circles but his statements have been ringing true for a broad coalition of voters. Despite what Marina may believe Monarchism still reigns supreme in Dolgava as she has had to find out. In the past few months she has had to support Pro-Monarchist politicians that agree with her progressive agenda.

His arguments that "Marina is a Endralonian puppet" have also have devastating effects on the Liberal movement as well, not helped by Marina's views which in some cases are very similar to mainstream Endralonian policies. The rural voting base has also been fired up seeing this new threat to Dolgava that they have come to love. In the subscriber is where the major battle is being fought. Rural voters meet the liberals in the cities and this will be how this election will be determined.

The political battles and chaos and speeches and other things will not be ending any time soon and as the country holds its breath, December will see who will be coming in and who will be staying out. The polls, the nation and the pundits have no idea who will win but it will be close, close than most people realize.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Mar 08, 2021 2:15 am


Dolgavan Markets continue To Do Well, 200 million tons of ores Imported From Liore, Dolgavan Government Stockpiles 40+ million tons of Steel for Future Projects


Noversk, Dolgava
January 13th 4903

Its a new year and that means more economic prosperity? Yes as this wacky year has been for the steel industry and for months Steel Unions and the steel industry as a whole has been clambering for change. For the Dolgavan steel industry they met last month and declared that they will not be lowering there prices to Yingdala and Kalistani levels. However despite this the Dolgavan Military has bought a reported 18 million tons of steel. It will be used on future projects. Also the Dolgavan Government will also buy 25 million tons of Dolgava's steel as well. The deal will not only be a good deal for Dolgava but will provide Dolgava with enough steel and we will have the opportunity to sell it at higher prices once the steel war is over. This is a win win for Kalistan, Dolgava and the Dolgavan Government as each will prosper off this deal. However the biggest winner will be Liore as they will have exporter 200 million tons of ore to Dolgava over the past 8 years. For now the Dolgavan Steel Industry is staying strong and is still growing to new heights, something we can all agree is a good thing for Dolgava and the workers in the industry.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:22 am


Aikums, Dolgava
March, 22nd 4903 [Postdated]

The mayor of Aikums, Marina Masing spoke to her supporters on the steps of the Aikums, courthouse today following a defeat of her party in elections. However for some the "defeat" was actually a victory. Her party called the Liberal Democrats and she took 34% of the seats in parliament. They won 174 seats our of the 500 seats necessary to have a majority in Parliament. The Conservatives won the popular vote and most seats in parliament. Kasper Braun thanked the people of Dolgava saying

Today Dolgava has rejected foreign influence. Today we have rejected Marina and her policies. She is a foreign puppet, she will cave into the foreign nations. I have not caved in and I will not. The Dolgavan people have chosen wisely and I am happy that I will lead Dolgava into the future. Thank You Dolgava and God Bless this nation!

Marina's speech was very different and in stark contrast to Kasper's speech. She spoke to her supporters with passion and emotion

It has always been an uphill battle, I will not deny that. To take this country to the next level we have to work, and fight and win. Today is a day of celebration. Today against the odds we won 137 seats in Parilament. That is impressive for a nation that has not been a republic in almost a century. It is time for us to fight, to take back this country and to bring a proper system of government into this country once again. We will do it and nothing will stop us to achieving full victory!

The two politicians will continue to rally for and against each other and for now the country has chosen but as the margins get slimmer and slimmer the tensions will continue to rise. Dolgava for now is at peace but soon tensions will undoubtedly rise again.

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