Aikums, Dolgava
September 3rd 4899
Actress and fashion model Marina Masing has won the position as Mayor of Aikums. She is the first Liberal-Democrat Politician to ever hold major office in Dolgava. The Liberal Democrat party has been an active minor party in Dolgava for some time. Their beliefs are in a republic, strong anti-monarchy feelings and outspokenly against conservative viewpoints. However Aikums has slowly become a more liberal city in the past few years and so her ideas started to establish themselves especially amongst the youth. She also publicly has been critical of Dolgavan career politicians and has taken her thoughts about current problems in Dolgava to the internet and other places.
The new mayor was sworn in in a moderate ceremony. Several Liberal politicians attended the event but it was different than most past events. Marina did not swear allegiance to the monarchy of Dolgava. This is a controversial move however it is something that she stands behind. In her speech she said
Finally this public position will not bow to a higher power. I will not bend to anyone or bow before anyone no matter if they "come from God" or not. I stand with the people of this nation and this city and I will do what I can to serve them. I am an outsider, I know this and I look forward to bringing a fresh new perspective to this city. We are progressing into the future and I will do what I can to accelerate this and the nation as a whole into a progressive future. We must not stand for a Kingdom, we must not stop until the Republic is restored. The monarchy are worthless, the government is corrupt. We need a new system and a new one soon. I cannot wait to do what I can to help this nation and Thank You all for listening and supporting me...
The significant of this event is still uncertain however this could signal the shift of Progressiveness into Akiums and other large Dolgavan cities. This is will to be determined but it will be interesting to see what Ms. Marina changes in her tenure.
The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava