Deltaria for B

News and events related to national election campaigns for the World Congress Security Council.

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Deltaria for B

Postby Rogue » Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:30 am


The Federation of Deltarian Socialist Republics has officially launched a campaign for Seat B in the Security Council. According to Genera-Secretary Simon Turek Seat B is not well represented, with both Selucia and Istalia not being a sufficient counterweight to "the increasingly brazen acts by imperialist and exploitative powers like Endralon."

The full message send accross the different nations was:
Honourable representative,

Deltaria kindly requests you to vote Deltaria for Seat B in the security council. Deltaria has renewed itself, working towards mutual cooperation and making it its goal to end indirect imperialism by powers such as Endralon. Now we have a opportunity to let a anti imperialist voice into the Security Council. A voice that allows us to protect our principles and believes and defend nations from corporatist and imperialist powers.

We kindly ask you to vote for Deltaria seat B in the Security Council
(You can do so by proposing a law in your respective parliament, changing a SC vote is listed in the foreign policy section)

Yours sincerely,
Simon Turek, General-Secretary of the FDSR
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Re: Deltaria for Seat B: "Time for Leadership"

Postby robmark0000 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:00 am

Information: Player Profile here, Musical Profile here, Political Compass here.
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