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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:31 am

July 4911

Party committee on sovereignty claims "misunderstood", says PM

Responding to international criticism of the Raktavani National Party's annual conference to set up a committee to examine extending Malivia's territorial claims on the surrounding region, Prime Minister Ravi Ranganekary has complained "our system of democratic government, and the Raktavani National Party's system of internal party democracy, is being profoundly misunderstood and misrepresented by people abroad". He continued:

What they do not seem to understand is that we are a lively, pluralistic democracy, and the Raktavani National Party is a lively, pluralistic and democratic political party. Different points of view are expressed. Arguments are considered and weighed, and then, through due democratic process, decisions are made.

This seems very difficult for some of our friends abroad to understand. Perhaps it is because we are more democratic and more open to debate in Malivia than they are where they come from.

The question of extending the territorial claims is being considered at the internal level of the Raktavani National Party. It is not being considered at a government level. There have been no Cabinet discussions about any of this, for example. We have no plans to change our policy. The policy is the same today as it was before.

In due course, the committee will report its findings at annual conference. Then there will be an opportunity for discussion. That is all. There is no need for the world to assume something has happened which has not even happened.

Pressed as to whether he believed Malivia's territorial claims should be extended, he replied "This is not something on my to-do-list and not something I have expended much thought on; there are other priorities I am focusing on right now". He added he "would read the report carefully, when it is published, and follow the ensuing debate".

Vascanian base "a step towards a more stable region" says Roychaudhuri

Defence Minister Daksha Roychaudhuri has hailed Vascania's setting up of a military base in Dušanpur as "representing another positive development in Malivian-Vascanian co-operation" and "a step towards a more stable region".

Dušanpur has long been a city with a significant Deltarian cultural influence, and opinion there is mixed. Whilst the local economic activity the base will likely bring is generally welcomed, there is still much nostalgia and affection for the Deltarians who used to run a base in the very same area.

There is a small temple in the city devoted to Czar Dusan, after whom the Deltarian base had been named, and who some locals have adopted as a saint or a god. A special ritual is about to be held there, which the priest says "is to appease the spirit of Czar Dusan, so he won't be angry at us for his base being taken over by these other people". He also said he has asked for permission to enter the military base itself and perform the ritual there as well, since "if we do it there, it will be more powerful", but he says he does not yet know whether this permission will be granted.

However, the city's mayor, Daas Mandalik, has responded positively to the arrival of the Vascanians, saying the council "looks forward to working with our new guests, who we and the whole city want to make as welcome as possible".

Unity TV to bring "Greater Malivian culture and history to all parts of Greater Malivia"

Education & Culture Minister Sita Kamath has unveiled a project to establish a new satellite television channel, funded partly through public funds, which will be broadcast across the region free of charge, and made available on the internet, where it will be free to download programmes.

The new station, Unity TV, will "bring the culture and history of Greater Malivia to all parts of Greater Malivia". It is hoped to attract viewers particularly from Narikaton-Darnussia, Hobrazia, Keymon and Selucia, all countries claimed to rightfully belong to the Greater Malivian Empire.

Adivasis in uproar over Criminal Tribes Act



To the horror of Adivasis (OOC: Indian tribals) and civil liberties campaigners, the government has proposed a Criminal Tribes Act which would allow the authorities to restrict the movement of Adivasis, and to detain them indefinitely without trial.

Internal Affairs Minister Ajatasatru Marwah says the legislation is necessarily to "protect mainstream Malivian society from the habitual criminality and disruptiveness of a significant minority within our tribal communities".

Protests are being held across the country. Most have been peaceful so far, although there have been violent clashes between police and protestors in some places, particularly in Modalin, the capital.

Dhuleep Haradas, Adivasi holy man

Dhuleep Haradas, a charismatic Adivasi sanyasi (OOC: Gerajan ascetic or holy man) has emerged as the apparent leader of the latest wave of protests. He has denounced the Criminal Tribes Act as as "an attempt to strip our community of all its rights and dignity" and vowed "we shall not submit to this law: we will not give up our struggle".

Raktavani National Party supporters, including some of its Lok Sabha members, have taken to posting "Hang Dhuleep Haradas" memes on social media. Daksha Roychaudhuri, the Defence Minister, commented in an interview that "Haradas should go back to his primitive hut in the forest where he belongs and do as he is told".

Adivasi crocodile killers arrested by police in temple

Two Adivasis from the River Washe area have been arrested and detained after killing a crocodile which attacked them whilst they were fishing illegally. Police had descriptions of the men, and caught them by planning an ambush at the Sacred Cobra Temple, some 10 miles away from where the crocodile incident occurred. In local Adivasi tradition, when certain animals are killed, including cobras, crocodiles and tigers, a special offering needs to be made at a temple and a ritual undergone in order to seek forgiveness from the dead animal's soul. This way, it is believed, the animal's soul will not haunt the person or bring misfortune on them.

The Sacred Cobra Temple is well-known for conducting this ceremony. As soon as the two men arrived there, plainclothes police officers seized them.

This has caused considerable controversy, because temples are sacred places where all persons - even outlaws - are owed a duty of hospitality. It is almost unheard of for arrests to take place in temples, and the Sacred Cobra Temple's trustees have submitted a complaint to the police, stating they were not informed in advance of the police operation and arguing it was inappropriate.
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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:33 pm

July 4911

Beware Deltarian intentions, warns Ranganekary

Prime Minister Ravi Ranganekary has warned invitees to the Balgrad Summit that “Deltaria’s intentions are not what they may at first seem”.

He continued:

Before this summit was announced, there were discussions between Malivia and Deltaria. It is clear to us Deltaria is adopting its new position towards Malivia purely because of it’s jealousy that it’s old military base in our country has been assigned to Vascania.

I repeat again that Malivia’s sovereignty claims have been in place for well over a hundred years, and during this time, we have never taken a military action against our neighbours. Furthermore, we have unconditionally promised we have no intention to do so. Malivia continues to be willing to engage with dialogue with our neighbours about any concerns they have.

A transcript of the recent discussions between Malivia and Deltaria has been released:

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Re: We are keeping a watch on Malvia

Postby mrcricketer » Thu Mar 25, 2021 6:53 pm

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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:53 am

October 4911

Police look on as Gerajan nationalists attack Adivasis

The Emperor's ceremonial Adivasi Guard

Emperor Chandragupta has been assassinated by members of his own ceremonial Adivasi (OOC: Indian tribal) Guard, which is a part of his bodyguard at the Imperial Palace in Modalin. Four members of the Adivasi Guard have been arrested and detained, and all Adivasis working at the Palace have been dismissed, as a security measure.

All over the country, Gerajan (OOC: Hindu) nationalists, including known members of and supporters of the ruling Raktavani National Party, have vented their fury by attacking Adivasi communities. It is estimated over 3000 Adivasis may have been killed in the first day of rioting. Modalin, the capital, which has an Adivasi minority who have tried to adapt to city life, is not the site of the worst violence, but is the place where the disorder has been televised and photographed more than anywhere else. These images are being broadcast across the international media, causing considerable embarrassment to the government.

The police, by all accounts, have done little to prevent the attacks. Ajatasatru Marwah, the Internal Affairs Minister, has sought to defend the police, telling journalists "When a great tree falls, the ground shakes a little - that is normal". He also cited the tragedy as "the clearest possible evidence that our Criminal Tribes Act is necessary, because there are too many of these tribal people who simply cannot be trusted".

It has been revealed that the Emperor's chief security advisor urged the Emperor to dismiss all of his Adivasi staff at a meeting about 3 months ago. Chandragupta apparently resisted this call, insisting he trusted his Adivasi staff absolutely.

The motive of the assassins is not clear, although it is no secret Adivasis have been unhappy with the government's proposed Criminal Tribes Act, which would severely limit the civil rights of Adivasis. However, theories are also being explored that the assassins may have been incited or bribed by foreign agents.

Speculation is already beginning as to who will succeed Chandragupta. This will be the decision of the Lok Sabha, although they are likely to choose a candidate from the House of Raktavani, which has enjoyed prominence in Malivia and also Vascania.

Chandragupta had been an oddity in many ways, a symbol for the nationalist Malivian government and its notorious territorial claims on its neighbours, but also a man believed to be personally tolerant, liberal and humane. It is known he had wanted his eldest son, Prince Hasan (formerly known as Prince Ramesh) to succeed him, but after his conversion to Ahmadism (OOC: Islam) and marriage to a Kafuri Ahmadi, that seems impossible now. Another son, Prince Kamalyan, is being touted as the successor. However, like his father and Prince Hasan, Kamalyan is more liberal-leaning in his attitudes, which may reduce his chances, as most members of the Lok Sabha now seem to be thinking in terms of appointing a more hardline figure than Chandragupta was.

Prince Vinod, Chandragupta's younger brother, is politically much more aligned to the ruling Raktavani National Party, although he is also a notorious drunkard and womaniser with a taste for lavish high living. Yet his son, Dayananda, a young adult, shares his father's politics although not his vices, and is discreetly positioning himself as a potential alternative to Prince Kamalyan.

Malivia trudges international stage with begging bowl as economy slows

The cumulative effect of international sanctions and consumer boycotts in response to human rights complaints and the territorial claims to sovereignty over other nations is taking a toll on the economy. Unemployment is rising, and prices are rising faster than incomes. Graduates are increasingly frustrated that, having acquired an education - often at considerable cost - the jobs they dream of landing appear to simply not exist. Too many of the better-educated, higher-earning workers are leaving the country, often citing disillusionment with the government's internal policies and lack of economic opportunites.

Shanti Divakar, the Trade Minister, has been given the unenviable task of contacting various overseas governments and international institutions, trying to secure grants, investments and cheap loans. Those close to her are slightly annoyed with this, suggesting she is only being given this task because she is a woman, and that the male Cabinet ministers would be too proud to take it on. Nevertheless, if she can succeed, she will win substantial political credit for it.

Lodamun, which has assisted Malivia on previous occasions, is being approached, as is Vascania, Malivia's closest ally, as well as Endralon, Badara, Hutori and doubtless others as well.

After some equivocation, and as a result mainly of the economic situation, Malivia is also applying to join the Artanian Community of Nation (ACON), following an invitation from its president, Tristan Schulman.
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Re: Malivia

Postby hungpallax » Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:31 am

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Re: Malivia

Postby jellybean » Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:36 pm

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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:28 am

April 4912

Dayananda crowned Emperor Chandragupta II


Prince Dayananda, nephew of the recently-deceased Emperor Chandragupta, has been crowned as Emperor Changragupta II. For the first time in history, the imperial coronation was televised, broadcast live on Unity TV, where it is hoped viewers from the claimed territories will take advantage of the opportunity to watch it. Numerous repeats, along with running commentaries and documentaries about the ceremony, are set to be shown on the television station for months or even years in to the future.

In taking his uncle's name, the Palace is hoping to calm the critics and show a degree of continuity between the new reign and the previous one. There can be no doubt though that Chandragupta and Changragupta II are very different personalities with different visions for the monarchy and the Greater Malivian Empire. The last Emperor was a gentle, self-effacing quiet man with liberal instincts, who was always uncomfortable with the Gerajan (OOC: Hindu) chauvinism of the ruling Raktavani National Party. By contrast, the new one is young, confident, brash and completely signed up to the Gerajatva (OOC: Hindutva) ideology of the government.

Eyebrows have already been raised by Changragupta II's decision to adopt the title of "the Conqueror". Palace aides say this symbolises the Malivian state's triumph over the previous Emperor's assassins, who were executed last week, despite pleas for clemency from Chandragupta's wife and all of his children. They also talk about how the title symbolises how the new Emperor wants to conquer the self-doubts and inferiority complexes which many Malivians continue to experience, long after the end of colonial rule. Critics, though, suspect the title is in reality a reaffirmation of Malivia's long-held ambition to reunite the Greater Malivian Empire, a project the previous Emperor was always uncomfortable with, even though it was represented in the very title he held.

A satirist, Priyanshi Kamath, has been sentenced to 30 days in prison and a fine of 20,000 rupees after dubbing the new Emperor "Chandragupta the Concreter" the day after he took on the title of "Conqueror". This was in reference to how, as Prince Dayananda, the Emperor used to own a company which worked with construction projects involving concrete. All of the Emperor's various commercial links have now been severed, however.

In an early indication of the new Emperor's style, he has ordered that the Palace kitchens should be staffed entirely by Brahmins, those from the highest caste in Raktavani (OOC: Indian) society. This reflects a traditional Raktavani belief that Brahmins like the Emperor, who sit at the top of the caste hierarchy, should only be served food prepared by other Brahmins. The previous Emperor did not insist on this, and in fact it is known his favourite chef was a Malisindu (OOC: Afro-Caribbean), and the head of his kitchen department had been a lower-caste Raktavani.

ACON's credibility at stake, warns Satavelekar

Foreign Minister Vishnu Satavelekar has responded to suggestions Malivia should be allowed to join the Artanian Community of Nations, or at least should be denied the privileges of its membership, by arguing "the credibility of the ACON is very much at stake here".

He continued:

Our government received a formal invitation to join ACON from the president of the organisation himself, Tristan Schulman. If, after issuing this invitation, ACON was then to go back on its word, this would raise the gravest doubts about the credibility and the integrity of the organisation itself. If their word is not their bond, then what is their word worth? We still hope the obstacles which are being thrown up will be overcome, and that Malivia will be permitted to join and integrate with the ACON. However, if this does not prove possible, then the international community should be clear that the responsibility for this is that of our continental partners, and not of Maliva.

The Schulman message has now been made public:


Malivia promises never to make territorial claims on Endralon

Prime Minister Ravi Ranganekary has made what he describes as a "solemn, unbreakable promise that Malivia will never make a claim to sovereignty over Endralonian territory". Pundits suspect making this commitment is a prelude to opening talks with Endralon about economic aid to and co-operation with Malivia.

Adivasi leaders detained under Criminal Tribes Act

Dhuleep Haradas, Adivasi holy man

Hundreds of Adivasi leaders, including the most prominent of them all, Dhuleep Haradas, have been detained without trial under the controversial Criminal Tribes Act. Following brutal police suppression, the Adivasi uprising seems to have largely fizzled out, although the international campaign is growing, with hundreds of thousands of people all over the world signing petitions demanding the rescinding of the Criminal Tribes Act and the release of those who have been imprisoned under its terms.

BumBlaster spearheads Malivian export drive


As part of a drive to increase Malivia's exports and revive her flagging economy, Trade Minister Shanti Divakar has announced the government is investing in a new private enterprise, led by well-known engineer and entrepreneur Aryabhatta Tavade, aimed at selling the BumBlaster, also known as the "Bum Gun" or "bidet sprayer", to overseas customers.

Tavade commented:

Malivians enjoy the highest standards of anal hygiene in the world, and this is because we wash with water, whereas in other cultures, they just smear all of the faecal matter around their anal regions with toilet paper. This means they end up with lots of germs, and also all of that scraping damages the sensitive skin around the anus, causing all sorts of horrible problems. What they do is incredibly environmentally unfriendly too, because they go through all of that toilet paper and flush it down their sewers, where it causes even more problems. The toilet paper method also uses far more water than the BumBlaster method, and is bad for water conservation.

But there is good news, here! We believe the rest of Terra can learn from Malivia, and the people of Malivia can benefit as a result. I am very, very excited about this. We have a revolutionary vision here, to change the way Terra goes to the toilet, and in the process make sure the world's citizens have cleaner, smoother healthier bums, save the environment and bring development to our economy. We believe our factories could manufacture hundreds of thousands, maybe millions or even tens of millions of units of BumBlaster every year.

In conjunction with the release of the new product, a new television series is being released and syndicated internationally titled How clean is your bum?, which features various experts doing tests on people's posteriors to assess their anal health and hygiene, explaining to them how much better off they would be if they used BumBlaster and educating them on the details of how to use the product effectively. At the end of each episode, each contestant is ranked according to how much their bottoms have improved.

Media commercials are also been released, most of them packed with endorsements from celebrities in the countries being targeted.
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Re: Malivia

Postby mrcricketer » Sat Mar 27, 2021 5:19 am

Aloria reacts to Malvia's kings death


The government of Aloria wishes New King of Malvia Emperor Chandragupta II. It is start of new era in Malvia comments by Higher officials from Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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Re: Malivia

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:56 pm

Condolences offered to Malivia viewtopic.php?f=17&t=66&start=720#p171667

Talks between Narikatona and Darnussia and Malivia viewtopic.php?f=17&t=66&start=720#p171668
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Re: Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Sat Mar 27, 2021 4:15 pm

August 4912

Border exercises on hold pending ND talks; GRP members extradited

Prime Minister Ravi Ranganekary has announced Malivia will not be holding any military exercises on its borders at least until the conclusion of its talks with Narikaton-Darnussia. Seven Gau Raksha Paltan (Cow Protection Army) members have also been extradited to neighbouring countries where they are wanted on suspicion of terrorism; three to Narikaton-Darnussia, two to Hobrazia, one to Selucia and one to Keymon. These are being presented as "confidence-building measures" to improve the likelihood of the talks succeeding, and to encourage other nations in the region to participate in them.

Empress Minakshi on her way to "admire" contents of Porthladd Loer Castle

Porthladd Loer Castle

The Malivian collection at Porthladd Loer Castle

Empress Minakshi, wife of Emperor Changragupta II, is making a private visit to Porthladd Loer Castle in Aloria, a state-owned historic residence which houses a substantial collection of Malivian historical artifacts, most of them looted by Colonel Ethan Warren, a prominent figure in the East Artania Company which ruled Malivia for many years.

Empress Minakshi has a notorious reputation for travelling around Terra to "admire" valuable antiques, usually refusing to cease "admiring" them or make her departure until she has been offered what she wants to be given as a gift. Only last year, she had a famous encounter with Lady Emma Cholmondley-Bowes-Spencer at her mansion in Luthori, where her host was determined not to give her a valuable painting, but finally relented after an 11 hour stand-off. Officials at Porthladd Loer Castle are said to be anxious about Empress Mikashki's impending visit, and to have sought government guidance as to what, if anything, should be offered to her.

Emperor Japesh's palanquin, part of the Malivian collection at Porthladd Loer Castle. Sources say Empress Minakshi is determined to take this home with her.

Prince Takshal's opium smoking pipe, also part of the Malivian collection at Porthladd Loer Castle. Sources say Empress Minakshi has her eye on this as well.

Part of Princess Gargi's dining set, again part of the Malivian collection at Porthladd Loer Castle. Sources say Empress Minakshi wants to use this for the upcoming banquet the Emperor is holding for a delegation from Narikaton-Darnussia.

Priceless Malivian ceremonial sword, belonging to the Malivian collection at Porthladd Loer Castle. Sources say Empress Minakshi wants this as a birthday present for her 9 year old son.
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