Requests: Cultural Protocols - CPs

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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby neoliberalbad » Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:12 pm


I want to start voting on my new cultural protocol bill in Dankuk in line with the Communist Revolution that's occuring, but I don't know if it's up to standards.

I significantly decreased the Draniano population, significantly increased the Kyo population, and increased the Draddwyr population.
My justification being a grand census reform ( ... lid=644065) and the fact that the last census dates back to 4762. Since then the demographics could've changed significantly; only fueled by the recent events we've been RPing recently.

I also introduced a basic system for the Kyo language; given that IRL Korean has major differences from North-South. The idea is to mirror the basic divide as a formal matter; Munhwa-o is more formal and Pyojun-o is more casual - in the same way one says "use the restroom" as opposed to "take a dump" depending on context.

Atheism has grown 6%; with remaining religion shrinking in share. As Dankuk previously had either secular or persecuting governments; I don't think it's much of a stretch to imagine the old religious guard dying out and making way for increasingly more or less ambivalent new generations.. There was simply no In-Game support for the religious; and while most governments tolerated them in theory, policy shifted to being at odds with religious institutions. There wouldn't be much reason for atheists to convert; and less of a pull for believers to stay. In addition; religion is far more suscept to change than other cultural factors, and this is only heightened by the revolution going on in Dankuk.

Finally; I'm overhauling the national name to the Rowiet Union (short for the Union of Communist Councilist Republics). I've been building up the concept of Rowis (short for Rodong Wiweonhoe, or Labor Council) to mirror the Soviets in Revolutionary Russia; and in game they've been an economic and political force since 4918. Given the formation of Soviets IRL in 1905 to the 1917 revolution that saw them take power; I'd say the time frame is adequate enough to do so (4918-4930). Dankuk will become descriptive of the Kyo-speaking parts, Dranland the Draddwyr, and Drania the Draniano - just as Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, etc. existed under the Soviet Union. (Of course Dankuk, Drania, and Dranland can be used to refer to the Rowiet Union.)

Here it is: ( ... lid=644029)

Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Last edited by neoliberalbad on Sun May 02, 2021 4:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby Zongxian » Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:49 pm

neoliberalbad wrote:QUESTIONS:

I want to start voting on my new cultural protocol bill in Dankuk in line with the Communist Revolution that's occuring, but I don't know if it's up to standards.

I significantly decreased the Draniano population, significantly increased the Kyo population, and increased the Draddwyr population.
My justification being a grand census reform ( ... lid=643982) and the fact that the last census dates back to 4762. Since then the demographics could've changed significantly; only fueled by the recent events we've been RPing recently.

I also introduced a basic system for the Kyo language; given that IRL Korean has major differences from North-South. The idea is to mirror the basic cultural divide; Munhwa-o is more formal and present in the north; Pyojun-o is more casual and present in the South.

Atheism has grown 20%; with remaining religion shrinking in share. As Dankuk previously had either secular or persecuting governments; I don't think it's much of a stretch to imagine the old religious guard dying out and making way for increasingly more or less ambivalent new generations.. There was simply no In-Game support for the religious; and while most governments tolerated them in theory, policy shifted to being at odds with religious institutions. There wouldn't be much reason for atheists to convert; and less of a pull for believers to stay. In addition; religion is far more suscept to change than other cultural factors, and this is only heightened by the revolution going on in Dankuk.

Finally; I'm overhauling the national name to the Rowiet Union (short for the Union of Communist Councilist Republics). I've been building up the concept of Rowis (short for Rodong Wiweonhoe, or Labor Council) to mirror the Soviets in Revolutionary Russia; and in game they've been an economic and political force since 4918. Given the formation of Soviets IRL in 1905 to the 1917 revolution that saw them take power; I'd say the time frame is adequate enough to do so (4918-4930). Dankuk will become descriptive of the Kyo-speaking parts, Dranland the Draddwyr, and Drania the Draniano - just as Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, etc. existed under the Soviet Union. (Of course Dankuk, Drania, and Dranland can be used to refer to the Rowiet Union.)

Here it is: ( ... lid=643979)

Feedback would be greatly appreciated!

While I am no longer active in Dankuk I must object to all of the changes being proposed. These changes are insanely drastic and lack anywhere near the appropriate RP justification to make such large adjustments to race and religion. The mixed-race population, the Dranianos, has been gradually increased in every previous cultural protocol; it makes no sense to slash this population.

This protocol is unnecessarily detailed on the specific political structures of the communist government; the cultural protocol should be neutral and reflect truths, not IG bias.

Lastly, there is no reason to split the Kyo language like this. This is not a DPRK clone and there is no reason to force a North-South dialect just because it exists IRL.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby neoliberalbad » Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:05 pm

The Political elements will be removed. However; i will keep pushing for the Rowiet Union name. The name is, in my opinion, justified and doesn't bend the rules in any fashion. It supersedes explicitly ethnic-based names in favor of a single unified one; and I see no reason why it should not be considered (In a similar vein to that of the USSR irl; which had no reference to Russia in it's name). Drastic name changes have happened frequently throughout history; and this wouldn't even be that extreme with the Rowis already being well-established in the society.

On the Draniano subject; I said nothing about removing them. Their population has decreased 6% in 150 years; more steep decreases in other ethnic groups have happened since. Ethnic compositions rise and fall; one cannot simply rise forever. I'm considering a mitigation to 3-5% reduction; but the trajectory of the slope remains negative in all cases.

The religious changes will be reversed to a 6% increase in Atheism and a general consistency with the previous protocol.

On the Linguistic question; I have revised it to be not regional or cultural but rather on basis of formality. Munhwa O = formal; Pyojun O = informal; in the same vein there exist tiers of formality IRL. The reason on my insistence for linguistic reform being that there are a lot of really irking linguistic discrepancies in-game right now that don't sound right in their respective contexts. Even you've erred in places; in particular your conflation between ㄹ and ㄴ.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby Zongxian » Sat May 01, 2021 5:34 pm

I will reiterate my main concerns with this misleading and subjective protocol proposal below. It is frustrating that this all shows up immediately upon my departure from Dankuk but that seems to always be how this goes in this game.

  • Overview is needlessly reworded; abandons broad neutrality by adding very specific info on current regime.
  • Dankuk is not exclusively Korean with only minor roles for the other cultures. It is a multi-ethnic state and the plurality of people are mixed-race Dranianos. It doesn't matter if you change in-character laws on how race is classified. Protocols are about truth, not propaganda.
  • Saying the "Draddwyr continue to appear more Gao-Showan as time goes on" is dismissive and is a sample of the broader objective behind this protocol to undermine everything that is not Korean-based.
  • Kyoseon is not an alternative name for Dankuk.
  • Dranlandian and Dankukese have never been alternative demonyms for Dranians.
  • Dranian is the nationality, it is not specific to Dranianos. Dranish is not specific the Draddwyr.
  • There is no North Korean dialect. Only South Korean dialect is used and the only exceptions have been from isolated players trying to create DPRK clones.
  • The Language section is needlessly rewritten.
  • Draniano is not "Filipino Spanish." It is Castilian Spanish and it uses the Latin Alphabet; it doesn't matter if your specific regime is trying to ban the Latin alphabet.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun May 02, 2021 1:47 am

All suggestions noticed and added except for the ones I'm about to dispute.

- Multiple translations have popped up that conflict with the purely South Korean narrative; currently some areas of the Kyo-written things are a mish-mash of different regional tendencies. The irl Northern dialect is more old-fashioned; and regular speech sounds to the average listener a lot more polite and old than as if it were Orwellian newspeak in most contexts. If we assume that Kyo is a unified language we'll have to rewrite several translations (personally; I also find the striking absence of accents or formality levels, and the notion that the language is unified and dosen't diverge whatsoever, quite surprising).

- The name "Kyo-seon" (쿄선) is a new name intended to be derived from 友鮮; in which 友 is read "Kyo" as in the ethnic group, and 鮮 is read as "fresh" - so the "new Kyo" or the "fresh Kyo" (could possibly be read as "new fraternity"). By nature a nationalistic name; it implies a reborn sense of national identity. We already have the term "Kyo-bando" in use in-game, a general rise in nationalism that would warrant such a name, the linguistic basis, a current political and cultural revolution, even past if unofficial use of the name, etc. Burma has gone to Myanmar (both derived on ethnic terms); and it only took one man to rename Upper Volta Burkina Faso (the land of upright men). All throughout history new names have been conceived and mass-applied; sometimes in the matter of mere years; I see no reason why this principle should not apply here. In addition; the name Dankuk itself was not original to the game; but has become culturally ingrained because it was accepted and used over a long time. Players are certainty not banned from applying new names if they have a basis in game, are they?

- I saw Dranlandian several times on old wiki pages; I thought it was a used demonym back in the day. Dankukese will be taken out.

- I'm very confused on this whole Draniano thing - they're based on the Filipino but use Castilian?
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun May 02, 2021 1:47 am

Sorry, my computer glitched and made me post the same thing twice.
Last edited by neoliberalbad on Sun May 02, 2021 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby ChitinKal » Sun May 02, 2021 1:20 pm

neoliberalbad wrote:QUESTIONS:

I want to start voting on my new cultural protocol bill in Dankuk in line with the Communist Revolution that's occuring, but I don't know if it's up to standards.

I significantly decreased the Draniano population, significantly increased the Kyo population, and increased the Draddwyr population.
My justification being a grand census reform ( ... lid=643982) and the fact that the last census dates back to 4762. Since then the demographics could've changed significantly; only fueled by the recent events we've been RPing recently.

I also introduced a basic system for the Kyo language; given that IRL Korean has major differences from North-South. The idea is to mirror the basic divide as a formal matter; Munhwa-o is more formal and Pyojun-o is more casual - in the same way one says "use the restroom" as opposed to "take a dump" depending on context.

Atheism has grown 6%; with remaining religion shrinking in share. As Dankuk previously had either secular or persecuting governments; I don't think it's much of a stretch to imagine the old religious guard dying out and making way for increasingly more or less ambivalent new generations.. There was simply no In-Game support for the religious; and while most governments tolerated them in theory, policy shifted to being at odds with religious institutions. There wouldn't be much reason for atheists to convert; and less of a pull for believers to stay. In addition; religion is far more suscept to change than other cultural factors, and this is only heightened by the revolution going on in Dankuk.

Finally; I'm overhauling the national name to the Rowiet Union (short for the Union of Communist Councilist Republics). I've been building up the concept of Rowis (short for Rodong Wiweonhoe, or Labor Council) to mirror the Soviets in Revolutionary Russia; and in game they've been an economic and political force since 4918. Given the formation of Soviets IRL in 1905 to the 1917 revolution that saw them take power; I'd say the time frame is adequate enough to do so (4918-4930). Dankuk will become descriptive of the Kyo-speaking parts, Dranland the Draddwyr, and Drania the Draniano - just as Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, etc. existed under the Soviet Union. (Of course Dankuk, Drania, and Dranland can be used to refer to the Rowiet Union.)

Here it is: ( ... lid=644029)

Feedback would be greatly appreciated!

We'll discuss these changes and the conversation regarding them then get back to you
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby Zongxian » Sun May 02, 2021 2:45 pm

neoliberalbad wrote:I'm very confused on this whole Draniano thing - they're based on the Filipino but use Castilian?

The Draniano are labeled as "mixed race/Filipino" for the sake of simplicity and convenience. There is nothing about the Dranianos that makes them actual in-game "Filipinos" aside from the use of images of IRL Filipinos. This is all for the purpose of easily giving a broad image for the Dranianos and nothing more.

Filipino IRL is a nationality anyways and many ethnic groups exist in the Philippines. This is why long ago I added the "mixed race" part to try to state in few words that the Dranianos are best visually represented by mixed race people, mestizos, Chinese Filipinos, Korean Filipinos, etc.

neoliberalbad wrote:Multiple translations have popped up that conflict with the purely South Korean narrative; currently some areas of the Kyo-written things are a mish-mash of different regional tendencies. The irl Northern dialect is more old-fashioned; and regular speech sounds to the average listener a lot more polite and old than as if it were Orwellian newspeak in most contexts.

"South Korean narrative?" There is no meaning to this. This game has nothing to do with the IRL North-South divide of Korea. In-game the Kyo speak Korean like that of South Korea and that's that. And if any further argument is to made on this then it's the fact that Google Translate and basically any translation source is going to be based on South Korea. The dialect of the North is irrelevant, inaccessible, and is even rooted in specific anti-Western quirks that have no reason to be transferred here.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun May 02, 2021 3:48 pm

Ok; for now the Pyojun/Munhwa O thing is taken out; but I'm planning to RP it into existence in the near future (akin to Mao/Kim Il-Sung's giant language reforms of the 20th century)

Thanks for clearing up the Draniano thing; I was unsure of what to label them as!
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun May 02, 2021 3:53 pm

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