
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Wed Jun 09, 2021 1:04 pm


Bianjie makes a deal with the Rowiet Union

The Democratic People's Republic of Bianjie and the Rowiet Union have come to a conclusion on a trade deal after successful negotiations.
The Rowiets called this deal further liberalization of the Rowiet market. The main reason for this trade deal is the Rowiet Union lacking in light industry department, which bianjie has agreed to help with, in return for some investments directly fed into Bianjien companies and the market.

Bianjie has received funding for the Muduri University of Academical Talents in Arts (MUATA) and many smaller local Bianjien businesses. Most businesses have been authorized to expand their business into the UCCR with the funding they have received, except for MUATA, which will work in collaboration with the SSSMA, the Rowiet equivalent of MUATA. Anything further about the collaboration of the two has not been declared, but it is to be seen. The Church of Fanggon has been authorized with some small facilities, as well as made fully legal in the UCCR, to lessen the stress of Believers moving away from their home country.

In return for these investments into the Bianjien economy, The People's Party of Bianjie has agreed to send some party members as marketing advisors to help the Rowiets grow their businesses and economy. Khan Fanggon Hala-i Banai has also granted the Rowiet Union's government contacts with some influential Bianjien people, who will give assistance to the Rowiets mostly economically.

Additionally, the Rowiet Union has agreed to promote vacation spots in Bianjie, like the Sun&Šun Beach resort.

Mar 15th 4949
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:37 am


Mudurian student of MUATA produces a blockbuster film, goes on to make his own movie film studio

The Muduri University of Academical Talents in Arts, or MUATA for short has created many opportunities for artists from Bianjie, or from afar. Muron Hala-i Minon, a student of the facility, specializing in the movie industry has made a very successful film, it was supposed to be for a class project, but the film was so phenomenal that it went on to be presented all over the nation, and Minon was authorized an early graduation. At his early graduation speech, he mentioned that he will be opening a new film studio based in Muduria, the Mudur Films. The success story of Muron Hala-i Minon has inspired many to apply into the university, but ultimately, only a small percentage will get approved into the prestigious university.

Muron Hala-i Minon in an interview about his success-film Weile Street

The film that allowed Minon his great success, Weile Street, which translates to Crime Street is about the life of an ordinary student living in Gemun in a fictional street called Weile Street. In the film, the student quickly becomes involved with the known issue of organized crime. It begins with small tasks, and running small errands for the criminal groups, and eventually, the movie ends in a very emotional way, the boy being sold out by the leaders of the gang he was a part of, and brutally shot by an enemy gang. Minon, the director of the film commented on the abrupt ending and criticism of the story
Although people have discussed whether it is appropriate to show a child as a lead role in a film about organized crime, I think this tells an important story, and not just any story, ultimately it is a true one. It is happening as we speak on the streets of Gemun, child soldiers are sacrificed on a weekly, if not a daily basis as the criminal organizations continue to terrorize the citizens in Gemun. The movie was made for a class project about "spreading awareness about an important issue" and I thought this is important. The ending might bring emotions to people, as it should. Many called it abrupt. I call the ending of the movie real and perhaps it will wake up people about what is happening on Terra.

Logo of Mudur Films

Mudur Films will be releasing an international version, subtitled in Luthorian in the near future.

Apr 19th 4950
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:46 am


Uculembi Releases Top 32 most streamed songs of the year

Image top charts

Uculembi, one of the most successful music streaming services on Terra, at least in Bianjie and some artists from foreign countries has released their most streamed songs of the last year. The top 32 songs have each received a "Uculembi Award" and the top 3 each received their gold, silver and bronze awards. The Uculembi manager, Gland Hala-i Tomm has stated his intention with the Uculembi Awards saying "The Awards encourages artists to use our platform, perhaps even internationally".

The Golden Uculembi Award goes to Mayu, and her song "LOVE". Hanjoy Hala-i Mayu, arguably the most successful artist in Bianjie at this current time has received 2 additional Uculembi Awards in addition to the golden award. Mayu calls this faith's doing. She talked of being hopeful about going on an international tour soon, but with rising tensions, it remains to be seen whether that is a possibility.

The second place, surprisingly goes to the Rowiet Kyo-Pop band DEF. The wave of Kyo-Pop rising to popularity has greatly affected the standings, with many bands rising even to the top lists. 7 of the 32 awards have been sent to the Rowiet Union, the second-most successful competitor in the streaming service, and only one beside Bianjie to receive any awards for their artists. DEF gained two awards: Their song IDOLIZE received an award for reaching the top 32, and their hit-song FIRECRACKER received the Uculembi silver award for reaching number 2 of the charts.

The bronze award has been given to the Anti-Western band No Wargis Allowed, which has received a large amount of praise for their open opposition to the western world and capitalism. They won bronze with their hit song "Freedom", and two additional awards with their songs NWA and Wargi.

The results also showed the rise of Hirota, a popular artist in the 4920s, her music seems to be rising in popularity once again.

Jan 3rd 4953
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:19 am


Church of Fanggon: "We will help any Hulstrian refugees"

The Church of Fanggon has declared their intention on helping Hulstrian refugees, as investigations have proven to work against the Hulstrian race. "The Church will help any Hulstrian refugees, and we have talked with the government, and all Hulstrian refugees will be accepted into Bianjie. They have promised to house them inside the communes of Bianjie." said the leader of the Gemun branch of the Church of Fanggon
The Church of Fanggon has promised to send integration aid, and help with provisions and job opportunities to the refugees that will reach Bianjie.

The Fanggists churches have promised to pray for the safe arrival of any refugees seeking to reside in Bianjie.

Khan Fanggon Hala-i Banai has commented on the issue
The Democratic People's Republic of Bianjie will keep a neutral stance on the issue of Gao-Soto and Hulstria, but we will help any refugees, and we will not discriminate anyone. Everyone is equal in Bianjie, and we call for other nations to seek a similar policy of aid to those in need.

June 1st 4953
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:43 am


Mudur Films receives major censorship

The Mudur Films, the producing studio of the hit film "Weile Street" has received major censorship after the release of Weile Street. The movie has been altered to be set in a fictional nation, and any mentions of Bianjie or Gemun have been removed. Hiyaki Hala-i Namaru, a member of the People's Party and the People's Council commented on this:
We cannot be associated with this kind of terrorism. Although Gemun has had issues with criminals, it is clearly untrue that Gemun is a criminal hive! It is the industrial capital, and the Capital of Bianjie! We cannot allow such filth to be portrayed about our nation, so we have made some alterations to the film, mainly only removing untrue accusations of our capital being linked with the organized crime to such an extent. We have also restricted their tries to spread this garbage into the international market. We cannot let this be the thing people think when they think of Bianjie- We are a glorious prosperous nation, not a filthy hole with criminals doing whatever they want. The Gemun Police Force has been very successful in their operations, even to such extent that foreign governments have praised them. We hope that the people understand that this is a necessary measure.

Internationally, this has received criticism, but nationals of Bianjie seem happy about this. "I almost thought that the criminal problem was real, thanks to the People's Party I realized the truth." said a citizen of Muduri Gurun.

Hiyaki Hala-i Namaru, a member of the People's Party has been put in charge of overseeing the Mudur Films, to ensure that they do not further spread lies against the government.

Hiyaki Hala-i Namaru

June 9th 4953
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:28 am


Social media influencer promotes psychedelics, Region of Gumang sees huge influx of travel

A Bianjien social media influencer, and a backpacker who likes to travel around the country, Yun Hala-i Nonno has largely popularized the use of psychedelics in his social media posts. The psychedelic mushrooms and extremely potent cannabis strains have for long been an attraction for tourists, hikers and travelers and other experiementers, but Nonno has made some questionable posts to his social media according to the officials.

Nonno's post on his InstaPic account "Nonno-Travel"

I have travelled far and wide, and I one day hope to travel the whole of Terra! I wanted to come to this interview to tell the people of my experience going around the country, and especially among the Gumang Mountain Range. The trail is very beautiful and the trip was overall a very spiritual journey. But the thing that interested me the most, was the experience of my journey, with the aid of the Bianjien strains of mushrooms and cannabis, I have been able to experience the journey of my lifetime, and I believe I saw the spirit of Khan Fanggon in the mountains. I have to thank the saviour and his glorious son, our Khan Banai for allowing this to be possible. And I would like to recommend everyone having this kind of experiences. My next stop is going our of the country, but nothing can top what I've gone through today.

The region of Gumang has seen a sudden influx of travel, from backpackers and experiementers who want to experience similar journeys as Mr. Yun. The governor of the Gumang region talked about the benefits of psychedelics:

We have had a large amount of psychedelics before. But those mainly existed in the tourist cities. I believe we should have the mountains as a natural reserve of these mushrooms. Their natural habitat is in the mountains, and I think that it ultimately benefits the people to experiement and make themselves closer to nature and the spirits. I personally think that this has been a great revelation, and Mr. Yun has made a great impact on the politics of this region.

October 26th 4953
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Sat Jun 19, 2021 9:14 am


Bianjie cuts all diplomatic ties with the so called "Empire of Gao-Soto"

The DPRB has for a while been in contact with the "Gao-Sowan Empire" but as of recent events, the "Gao-Sowan" annexation of Seko, refusal to cooperate with the world congress and spreading fascism across Dovani, Khan Banai has declared that all diplomatic ties have been cut to "Gao-Soto" and the foul "Empire" will no longer be recognized as the legitimate government, as well as eradicating all merchandise, flags, maps or anything that would indicate "Gao-Soto" as a legitimate "Empire". Every citizen found to be in posession of "Gao-Sowan" propaganda will be charged for treason.

Burning "Gao-Sowan" literature from MUATA University

Khan Banai has also given a statement
We live in a daring time, our Dovanian allies need help, and we must be prepared to fight the fascist scum. Eventually their greed will drive them to more of our lands, and we must be ready to protect it! Every family must send at least one male to be conscripted, trained and armed, ready to defend our home against the fascist pigs that people call "Gao-Soto". Pardon my language, but fuck the imperialistic pigs and fuck "Gao-Soto". Come and get us you freaks! We are ready for you, you fascist pigs

Khan Fanggon Hala-i Banai's speech against "Gao-Sowan" aggression

December 18th 4953
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:16 am

People's Liberation Front established, declared war on the government of "Gao-Soto"

As war looms in Dovani, and tensions are rising, many Bianjien citizens have expressed their dissatisfaction to the Bianjie Armed Forces' inactivity. One of Bianjie's best generals, Genggi Hala-i Mukan has formed the People's Liberation Front, a volunteer-based paramilitary group that is supplied by the People's Party. 10 000 people have already drafted into the PLF, and are receiving extensive training added onto the basic training received in the BAF.

General Genggi, the leader of the People's Liberation Front has given a statement concerning many of the people's questions and concerns about the PLF.

The [People's] Liberation Front is not going to replace the Armed Forces, it is tasked to do as the name suggests, liberation of lands annexed by the fascist empire. We receive our supplies from the People's Party, and have gotten authorization to operate independently from the state. The People's Liberation Front will not stop until we have helped our Dovanian friends escape the grip of the evil fascist overlords. Take this as a declaration of war.

General Genggi Hala-i Mukan

The government of Bianjie has not given any statements concerning the PLF's declaration of war, and has not officially neither declared war themselves, or condemned the declaration.

December 28th 4954
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:51 am


Bianjie Declares war on "Gao-Soto"

Today, Khan Fanggon made an announcement that the fascist empire is going down. As required by the constitution of the Dovani Pact, Bianjie is required to defend the sovereignty and integrity of member states, and the foul empire has made it clear that they have no value over Ostland's sovereignty.

Khan Banai stressed this same issue in the Dovani Assembly, and called them to defend their member states,stressing if they do not, they are working against the constitution of Dovani Pact.

Following the earlier announcement of the Khan, every family must send at least one male to protect their country, and Dovani as a whole, but some more patriotic families have sent even more. The conscripts have high morale. "We will defeat these fascist with ease, for we have allies, and they have only themselves to protect them. For Dovani!"

The first soldiers have risen to transport ships, and on their way to liberate Dovani.

June 27th 4955
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:09 am


"Gao-Sowan" insults receive a strict response

As Khan Fanggon Hala-i Banai declared war on the aggressing "Gao-Sowan" "empire" has their ill ruler declared war on Bianjie, and thrown insults at our people. As a response to the insults spouted at the Bianjien government and people, the Khan has given a strict statement and has even given incarcerated people a chance to redeem themselves.

Greetings people of Bianjie!
As most of you know, we are at state of war, as a response to the fascist "empire" that threatens peace on Dovani and Terra. However, the fascist pigs have thrown insults towards our people, calling us weak and not capable of defending our home. For years we have trained elite men for the Bianjien Armed Forces in the military academies built during the years of great cooperation with Liore. Let's show them what we have got in ourselves, and what our elite forces are capable of.

Many of the people that can handle weapons with ease are incarcerated in the Nimanggia Mega-Prison Complex. Starting from today, everyone with experience in armed combat, will be given an opportunity to shorten their sentences by one year per confirmed fascists down. They shall work under strict oversight from our best generals inside the First Rehabilitation Squad. I will give my word, that volunteers will work towards their freedom, and will not be considered criminals, rather war heroes.

Each commanding officer confirmed dead will be worth a week's leave, and a visit home to your families.

I'd like to personally give a great thank you for those who are willing to protect their country, families and friends at any cost. I salute you, and will guide you all in times of doubt and darkness.

Thank you.

The first batch of the Bianjien Armed Forces have set out on an operation of liberating illegitimately claimed lands from the fascist rule. The Bianjien Armies welcome all allies to join the operations, and promises the ports, airports and military bases for their use to resupply and refuel.

July 19th 4955
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