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Re: Bianjie

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:40 pm

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Re: Bianjie

Postby NDH04 » Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:34 am

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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Thu Jul 15, 2021 6:18 am


Mayu to represent Bianjie in FOMAT

The famous Kunikata-artist, Mayu (Hanjoy Hala-i Mayu), who has on multiple occasions reached the top of the Uculembi awards, and has gained recognition all over Dovani, perhaps even Terra, has been selected to represent Bianjie in the upcoming 'revival edition of' FOMAT. Her song, Heartbreak in September, has never been heard, and fans both local, and abroad are waiting to get to hear the song.

Mayu has revealed only about the message of the song, calling it a ballad for love, heartbreak and saying goodbyes. Mayu is also excited to meet fans abroad in the event, and wants to perform badly outside Bianjie to a more varied audience. And so she will, when the event begins, but until then, Mayu will tour around Bianjie in major cities.

September 7th, 4960 (Backdated)
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Re: Bianjie

Postby NDH04 » Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:43 am

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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Fri Jul 16, 2021 7:24 am

Uculembi top 10 of -67 released

Image, the most successful Bianjien music streaming service, and probably the most successful in Dovani, has once again released its top 10 songs of the year. The awards are based on the amount of streaming they have received. This time, no special awards have gone to outside of Bianjie, but a contender would have been Dynasty, which has recently started publishing Kunikata releases on Uculembi. Experts say, if they would have published their album just 3 months prior, they would have been third, or even second on the list.

However, the golden Uculembi award goes once again to Mayu, with her hit, Heartbreak in September which was made for the purpose of FOMAT, and was later (January of this year) published onto Uculembi, and physical copies in record stores. Mayu does not seem to be losing traction in the eyes of the listeners.

The second, silver award goes to NWA (No Wargis Allowed) with another anti-capitalist song, F*** Da Wealthy. NWA is especially popular with the less well-off citizens of Bianjie. They definitely have a message in their songs, and they do not fear to show their views on politics and the topic of money.

The bronze award has been awarded to Sataio (Sataio Hala-i San) with her song Cra - Zy, a song about falling in love, which seems to be popular with young audiences, especially girls, but many adults enjoy the music too.

The rest of the top 10 list have received written congratulations signed by Uculembi moderators, but the trophies are only awarded to the top 3.

Dec 31st 4967
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Wed Aug 25, 2021 7:30 pm


Use Sambi - March 20th, 4988
Article by: Mangan Hala-i Makur

Khan banai, who has been criticized by the westerners for his highly militaristic history, anti-western ideas, and failure to recognize Gao-Soto's existence because of their recent history. Today, the Khan has made a surprising announcement on national television:
The laws that have been in place for ages are really out of place, althought I disapprove of westerners, I cannot limit the population's needs to travel when I'm supposed to be leading that population. So, from this day onward, all travel to the west is allowed, provided the destination country is on friendly terms with the government of Bianjie.

The Khan, who is reaching elderly age has started to show compassion towards the west, but still remains strictly against capitalism, and has even stated "The opening of travel does not mean that you can go out and fund these capitalistic corporations!" Perhaps this means that souvenirs are a no-go, but the vagueness of the statement doesn't give a clear answer.

Many flights have already been booked full because of the lift on most countries' travel bans.
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Wed Aug 25, 2021 7:54 pm


Use Sambi - March 22nd, 4988
Article by: Mangan Hala-i Makur

Muduria's governor, Muduraka Hala-i Hoyo (PPB) in his anti-emigration speech

After the Khan's announcement of opening the borders for free travel, has Muduraka Hala-i Hoyo, the governor of Muduria declared that he is strictly against the opening of travel. The majority of the Regional People's Council of Muduria also agrees with Mr. Muduraka. Hoyo psoted on his InstaPic story that "The Regional People's Council will do anything in it's power to stop the madness of the corporate sellout Khan Banai".

The council is currently voting for the closing of Muduria's regional borders, which if passed, would remove the access to one of the largest cities in Bianjie (Muduri Gurun). The Khan has openly opposed this, but in an interview he stated:
I'm not like my father, I trust in the democratic system, and if the People's council of Muduria will pass the act, I have no choice but to abide by it.

This statement has angered many supporters of the People's Party of Bianjie, as he is openly calling out former khan, Fanggon Hala-i Nikan for not being democratic enough.
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:29 pm


Use Sambi - March 25th, 4988
Article by: Hargan Hala-i Pong

In the Regional People's Council of Muduria, a historical event has happened, the first ever act which was opposed by the Khan has passed, with almost 80% of the council voting for the act to close the regional borders of Muduria, excluding the 4th largest city from the rest of the country. Muduraka Hala-i Hoyo, the governor of Muduria calls the act to open Bianjie's borders "stupid and absurd"

The unexpected passage of the bill has also gained the attention of many other regional governors and People's councils, making them propose more and more legislations. As a response to this, Khan Banai published this on InstaPic: Image

Many citizens are wondering what this could mean, but the majority of population thinks it is for the better. The Church of Fanggon is however growing cautious of Banai, as he is insulting their saviour, and his own father so often, and the leaders of the church think it is a scheme against the people.

The recent speeches and actions of the Khan have also sparked conversations of whether Khan Banai is starting to suffer from old age, and dementia, but that is no more than rumours, as there is no proof backing it up.
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Liukupukki » Thu Aug 26, 2021 12:12 am


Use Sambi - April 16th 4988
Article by: Maka Hala-i Rengo

The Bianjien Armed Forces holding a 5-minute long moment of silence for the fallen Khan in all black

This morning, the Khan did not come out of his bed, and when his personal guards checked on him, they found him with no pulse, with a drafted and signed treaty on the bedside table reforming the nation. All national flags are flown at half pole, and a nationwide moment of silence was ordered by the People's Committee to honour the late Khan and all government websites are transformed to a black-and-white format for the next 24 hours.

The treaty which was found on Khan Banai's bedside table signed by him, is a treaty granting rights to the regions of Bianjie, and ultimately transforming Bianjie's government as a whole.

Here are the major changes to the nation outlined by the treaty:
-Each of the regions in Bianjie are granted the rights to change their local laws without the approval of the Head of State of Bianjie
-Khan Fanggon Hala-i Banai will resign, and the first president of Bianjie will be elected on the same day by a popular vote.
-The Democratic People's Republic of Bianjie will cease to exist as the Khan resigns, and the nation will be reformed to the Union of Khanates and Republics of Bianjie.
-The Fanggon Dynasty will continue to rule in the Khanate of Khani.
-Each region will have the option to vote for a new government of theirs, whether it be a republic or a khanate.
-Political Freedom is allowed in all Republics and Khanates, and new parties are allowed to be formed.
-The parliament is reformed, it will have 500 seats, and each Khanate/Republic will be granted 50 seats to appoint, either by the local leader or by a vote, and the final 50 will be decided by a popular vote nationally.
-New parliamentary and presidential elections will be held every 10 years

The Treaty will come into effect on November 6th 4988, on what would be Banai's 100th birthday

Many citizens are saddened by the Khan's passing, but also are overjoyed by the amount of freedom they have been granted by him. The Church of Fanggon have called him a saint like his father
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Re: Bianjie

Postby Might 123 » Sat Oct 22, 2022 2:18 am


BNN: Xīn límíng háishì jiǎ límíng? The movement Hépíng dì yī (Peace First) have officially replaced the old Khan leadership. What now?

The movement Peace First has successfully taken control of pretty much all governing assets in the nation and claiming to bring an end to "the old monarch ways of the land". They promise us order, they promise unity in these times and they claim that their main goals are to introduce a stable but true form of democracy, justice and peace, promising the people a general election by the year 5202, a spokes person for Peace First has said.

Who actually are Peace first? The group was formed in the year 5191 to protest against the low standards of democracy in Dovani and to protest the current governments policies on issues. The leader of the movement is the unknown Liú jūn, a trade pacifist who's father was a monk. He has not made any sort of public appearance in the past. We can only have faith on what his people will do with the nation.
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