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Re: Dankuk

Postby neoliberalbad » Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:29 am

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Re: Dankuk

Postby neoliberalbad » Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:49 am

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Re: Dankuk

Postby neoliberalbad » Fri Jul 09, 2021 3:02 am

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Re: Dankuk

Postby neoliberalbad » Fri Jul 09, 2021 3:13 am

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Re: Dankuk

Postby NDH04 » Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:45 am


Comrade Yoon Taejin, Chairman of the Political Conference of Workers and Peasants of Dankuk, formally announces preparations of the Second Party Congress to be held on the last week of July. Plans for the party congress are discussed on the recent plenary session of the PCWPD Political Bureau.

Comrade Yoon brought up the recent events of the dissolution of the UCCR, which sparked various policies and constitutional changes. With the political atmosphere of Dankuk changing, the PCWPD as well needs a sense of redirection.

Besides the possibility of a major politico-ideological change, the congress would eventually see an admission of new members into the party, and the election of the second set of Central Committee and Politburo members.
Last edited by NDH04 on Sat Jul 10, 2021 4:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby NDH04 » Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:31 pm

In light with the preparatory events toward the Second Party Congress of the PCWPD, a mass induction of new members and workers' unions is ceremonially done with the presence of Chairman Yoon Taejin.

After a round of seminars and discussions, the new members recites the pledge of loyalty and allegiance to the PCWPD, officially admitting them.

In a speech, Comrade Yoon reminds everyone of the planned change in the party that is to happen in the Party Congress. Due to the change of the country's sociopolitical climate, the need for left solidarity is to be prioritized. Moreover, the victory of the party in the Hyonggi province during the recent general election is also in the speech, earning cheers from the audience.

The friendship between the comrades of the UPP-CPRU and the PCWPD should be put as one of the important things of our agenda. A red bloc is to be formed and to be ensure. Additionally, we should not also lurk in nostalgia or else we will stay stagnant. Our new workers' movement shall not be driven in post-Rowiet nostalgia. The lessons and memories should resound, but we must make our current actions in line with the current times.

Other festivities then followed after the oath taking, which included singing of hymns, games, and mass dances.
Last edited by NDH04 on Sat Jul 10, 2021 4:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby neoliberalbad » Sat Jul 10, 2021 4:24 am

Last edited by neoliberalbad on Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby NDH04 » Sat Jul 10, 2021 4:41 am


The Political Conference of Workers and Peasants of Dankuk foresaw the Second Party Congress, which was attended by 500 delegates representing thousands of party members across various institutions, associations, and unions across the country.

The Second Party Congress saw different key events that will determine the future trajectory of the party, alluding to the Chairman's statement of political redirection.

The New Dranian Left

The dissolution of the socialist UCCR gave the connotation to the citizens that the Dranian left has been crushed and is unpopular and needless. Comrade Yoon detests this statement and asserts that the Dranian left shall exist for humble service of the working people and not for petty political works.

Comrade Yoon recognizes the situations that brought upon the downfall of the UCCR and urges people to learn from what they can in it to formulate a new Dranian workers' left movement.

Post-Rowiet Nostalgia

Comrade Yoon has also tackle the problem of post-Rowiet nostalgia. The creation of the UCCR is inherently socialist, therefore new-age socialists of the country have started identifying themselves as socialist through the defunct union, instead of through the ideals of the working people that have persisted before, during, and after the Union.

The "leftists by nostalgia" cannot be legitimized as true leftists unless they learn that real socialism is advocating for new solutions for new problems and not reviving the "dead Rowiet".

Pragmatic Yet Radical

The PCWPD would focus on having a much more radical stance with regards to workers and peasants controlling basic aspects of daily lives while taking in regard real-life solutions for it.

The party has always been supportive of the economic and liberalization policies and reforms, but have always asserted for maintaining worker control over businesses and industries.

No Major Roster Change

The Second Party Congress saw the reelection of almost the members of the 2nd PCWPD Central Committee and its Political Bureau, including Chairman Yoon Taejin who is also reelected for the same position of Chairman.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby neoliberalbad » Sat Jul 10, 2021 4:57 am

Last edited by neoliberalbad on Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby neoliberalbad » Sat Jul 10, 2021 5:05 am

Last edited by neoliberalbad on Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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