
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Luthori

Postby Edmund » Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:23 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby Edmund » Thu Jul 29, 2021 2:39 pm


                    Election 4974: government loses majority

                    May 4974 [post-dated]

FORT WILLIAM, ORANGE — The government has fallen two seats short of the 75 needed to continue in office alone, and now faces the prospect of either a deal with the Monarchist Tories – if one can be agreed – or the opposition taking power. The result represents a net loss of twelve seats for the coalition from their previous total of 85, the Alliance having lost two and the National Movement ten. The ‘traditional’ opposition parties, the Monarchist Tories and Hosian Union, lost thirteen seats each: at mainly their expense, the Solidarity and Agrarian Populist parties entered the Diet for the first time, taking 23 and 15 seats respectively.

Union of Luthorian Hosian Churches leader Michael Pierson announced his intent to ‘work with all opposition parties’, proposing a common programme of gender equality, a loosening of restrictions on immigration that could include the abolition of the recently-established Ministry of Repatriation, and an end to racial discrimination and the government’s censorship laws. His position on the repeal of the Test Acts barring atheists and non-Hosians from government services and higher education was left ambiguous.

Coalition negotiations will revolve around three issues: foremost being who the MTP wishes to deal with first, what little indication they have shown in the past already upturned by the strength of the left over the ‘traditional’ opposition; that of who would lead any opposition coalition and the internal disagreements accompanying the matter, with Solidarity the largest single opposition party but whose leadership the traditional opposition would likely find unpalatable; and what the government is willing to offer, with the National Movement keen to maintain the status quo and avoid the repeal of the laws they have passed during their ten-year stint in power.

Solidarity issued a statement indicating their interest in a coalition with the Agrarian Populists and Hosian Union, but perhaps notably omitted the Monarchist Tories from their offer. “The people spoke, and they want moderate and left-wing voices running the show,” said their leader, John Connors. From the Agrarian Populists the message was roughly the same, although they extended their own offer to the MTP. From Monarchist Tory leader Bartholomew Poole, there has of yet been no word.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Liukupukki » Thu Jul 29, 2021 10:15 pm


Fort William, Orange
September 30th 4974
Rev. John Badminton

After the ULHC's campaign for racial equality, was a cabinet and a government almost formed to create equality for all the races. However, the National Movement managed to get the Monarchist Tory Party into their cabinet with making minor compromises, to not let the proposed cabinet pass and leaving equality once again unachieved. Many black Luthorian citizens, accompanied by some members of the Union of Luthorian Hosian Churches have went on a completely silent march to comply with the laws against opposition and speech the government does not approve of. Many Luthorian cities, mainly Fort William has seen numerous people marchings silently against segregation around Luthori.


The Union's leader, Michael Pierson even posted an empty message onto Tweeter, and it has reached a large amount of forwarding, as many Luthorian citizens have shown their support for their black brothers in Luthori.

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Re: Luthori

Postby Edmund » Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:06 pm


                    PM to step down in October

                    February 4976 [post-dated]

FORT WILLIAM, ORANGE — Prime Minister Ethelwin Paglesham has said that he will step down in October, a month after he celebrates his twentieth anniversary of taking office. His time in power has been the longest of any Luthorian head of government in modern history, narrowly beating Goldwater's and Stinson's seventeen- and eighteen-year terms respectively.

As the first time a prime minister has left office under a monarch in centuries, his departure will see the reintroduction of the ancient custom of the prime ministerial resignation honours. Preliminary drafts of Paglesham's honours list have already made their way around Fort William, offering the ennoblement of former defence secretary Vic Scoles, who left the Diet at the last election, as Viscount Scoles of Southfork, and that of former prime minister Tommy Brewer, injured in the assassination of the emperor two years ago, as the Earl of St. Richard's. It is likely that Paglesham himself will also be awarded a title, though by the regency council on behalf of the Empress rather than upon his own recommendation.

The prime minister's announcement, however, was accompanied by one that he "does not plan to leave public service just yet." It is likely that he will continue serving as member of the Imperial Diet for Thwireford until at least the end of this Diet, and maintain his influence in the party from a position of reverence on the backbenches in that time.

Alliance members, no doubt already jostling for position in the party after Paglesham leaves office, or with the most ambitious among them even for the succession itself, offered accolades of his time in power. "Over the course of his truly historic time in office, the prime minister restored the monarchy, ensured that Luthori would once again be feared by our enemies and respected abroad, and steered the country through the perilous aftermath of the heinous imperial murders," said Enmond Buckenham, the home secretary.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Edmund » Sun Aug 01, 2021 10:30 am


                    Defence secretary announces aircraft carrier ambitions

                    January 4974 [post-dated]

SWANSTEAD, SHIPLEYRIDING — Defence secretary Vic Scoles announced today in a speech at the Swanstead shipyards that Luthori would build and commission an aircraft carrier by 4990. "This government is committed to building Luthori into a power unequalled on the seas, as it was once before," he told gathered crowds. "The acquisition of an aircraft carrier, which we pledge will happen within fifteen years, will allow Luthorian power to once again operate around the globe."

Snap polling showed that more than three-quarters of Luthorians were in favour of the country building an aircraft carrier. Defence analysts, however, were critical of the move. "If the government really wants to rebuild the Navy, it would be better off pursuing more sustainable and realistic goals," said one. "It's all show and no substance. The issues with our navy will not be solved by building an aircraft carrier. In the context of Luthori's foreign policy, it's essentially useless."

The cost of building an aircraft carrier is estimated at one and a half billion pounds (OOC: $8 billion).
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Re: Luthori

Postby Edmund » Tue Aug 03, 2021 12:04 am


                    Luthori's Paglesham declared Regent, Lord Protector

                    October 4976

FORT WILLIAM, ORANGE — Luthorian prime minister Ethelwin Paglesham's planned resignation today, announced months ago, took a decidedly unexpected turn this morning. Upon finishing his scripted televised resignation speech, a copy of which had been provided to the press in advance, he announced that he had "received an invitation from the regency council to take the post of Lord Protector and Regent", along with a peerage in the form of the Earldom of Arford. "This request I received last night, and having considered it I cannot deny this summons to continue serving Luthori. It is my honour and privilege to take up this duty."

The newly-ennobled Lord Arford announced that he would resign his membership of the Alliance party and seat in the Diet immediately, "to ensure that the Crown remains beyond party – or for that matter dietary – politics." The Alliance leadership, which he resigned today as scheduled, will remain vacant until a successor is elected; until then, deputy prime minister Lord Hurrington – having had his family's long-held countship raised to an earldom in the prime minister's resignation honours – will serve as acting prime minister.
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Re: Luthori

Postby gokustan » Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:11 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby NouvelAn2019 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:44 am

The Luthori Post
November 14, 4978

From Mr. Opposition to Mr. Prime Minister? We talk to Head of, John Connors


I: Thank you so much for sitting down with us.
JC: Thank you for having me.

I: I take it you must be very happy with the election results. Your party went from the third-largest party to the second-largest party.
JC: I am. Many people said that a movement like ours couldn't survive in Luthori politics. I was happy to prove them wrong. We stayed consistent with our values and we were able to achieve the faith of close to a quarter of the people.

I: Politicos have been discussing your party unseating the Alliance, MTP, National Movement coalition. Are you pursuing engagement with the other opposition parties to form a government?
JC: Yes, I think that members of the opposition are still motivated to change the government, as we were after the last election. Now that we have the means we can do it. The Alliance-MPT-NM collation has made Luthori an international shame and the subject of international condemnation.

I: What are your goals for your party this term? How will you accomplish them?
JC: Increased rights for religious and racial minorities. The way we will accomplish these goals is through local government. We can work with other coalition members to build majorities in Duchal diets and increase rights on the local level as well.

I: Speaking of which, we also saw Solidarity win its first Duchy, Middenriding. Your candidate for governor, Tariro Rutendo Olayinka, is the first Ibutho candidate to win a Duchy. Do you feel she will be allowed to take her seat and effectively rule in a nation with legal discrimination against minorities?
JC: My party has faith in Tariro Olayinka and her legal right to the governor's office. The people overwhelmingly supported her candidacy, giving her government a strong majority in the legislature. Her election is a message to the world that not all of Luthori is backward. Some of us pursue a better future for all. Olayinka will make Middenriding an example for the rest of Luthori. A progressive one.

Tariro Rutendo Olayinka, Governor-elect of Middenriding

I: Last question. Your party has been very openly anti-monarchy. However, it is expected that you will have to swear an oath to serve HRH Empress Elswith in addition to the nation. It has been said that many Solidarity members mumble during that party of the oath in the Diet, only swearing to serve the nation but not the monarch. Will you be swearing allegiance to the crown if you become Prime Minister? Will it be in good faith?
JC: I will swear allegiance to the Empress. As long as our nation sees the Empress as the embodiment of the nation, put on the throne by Eliahyu, my oath to serve Luthori means I have to serve the Empress as well.

I: Will you force members of your party to swear off Anti-Monarchism?
JC: No, that is a question of conscience that I will not force party members to make. However, candidates for government ministries will have to do the oath.
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Aloria to resume international relations with Luthori

Postby mrcricketer » Sat Aug 07, 2021 9:36 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby Edmund » Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:04 am


                    Eight new pits to be opened

                    October 4979

FORT WILLIAM, ORANGE — Eight new coal mines are to be opened by 4986, manufacturing and extraction giant Emsworth & Sons has announced. Half will be located in Orange, at Kinnerston, Rowbatch, Ruckden, and Wenley; and the other half in Erneshire, at Wistanton, Butterwick, Stretgate, and Etherston. The new pits would together employ more than 30,000 people, both below ground and on the surface.

Last month it was estimated that 95% of electricity in Luthori was generated by coal. Coal production has drastically increased over the past years, as a result of the economic sanctions placed on Luthori by more than twenty countries that have seen oil imports grind to a halt and a move towards autarky. The Luthorian Federation of Miners' Associations has already announced plans to unionise within the new pits.

                    Passenger rail travel up by over a thousand percent

                    March 4979

FORT WILLIAM, ORANGE — Passenger railway traffic has gone up by more than 1,000% in the last five years, government statistics have shown, the result of international sanctions which have seen stringent restrictions imposed on fuel use and private cars all but vanish from the nation's roads.

Luthori's railway infrastructure, already under pressure, especially over long distances in a nation culturally averse to air travel, has been stretched to the breaking point over recent years; overcrowding concerns were the impetus behind the government's decision to require employers to introduce staggered working hours. Many railway carriages on local commuter services have been entirely stripped bare of seats to maximise standing room.

Freight, however, has been significantly more of a burden than the increases in passenger numbers: the government's restrictions on fuel use apply also to commercial road traffic, with few exceptions, and the vast majority of tonnage has been shifted from road to rail.
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