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Re: Egelion

Postby Artrod » Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:07 pm

La Voz de Libertaria - 4796

Felipe Montenegro won't seek reelection

Felipe Montenegro said early today that he will not participate in the 4797 election, this came after some criticism inside the party regarding his leadership in the last two elections, that saw a decline of PLD influence inside the parliament.

The Montenegro government has been in power since 4774, and in the last years is showing some weakness, most influenced by the FCI that is winning more seats in the parliament and gaining control of 4 of the 5 regions of Egelion, even taking over Dulkinea, that was for years a stronghold of the PLD.

Liberal Democratic Party Convention scheduled to june, 4797

The Party released some info to the press regarding the next convention do decide the next leader of the party, the convention will take place in June 4797 in Borianoburgo, the capital of Edergira, the region that is governed by Miguel Fernán, brother of César Fernán (Minister of Foreing Affairs).

Both of them, alongside Alejandra Vera are the most popular politicians of the party and is expected that them will run for this leadership.

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Re: Egelion

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:11 pm

October 4851 (Back dated)
New communist party wins elections, passes reforms
Kaminskyist supporters celebrating the victory, although some call it a fraud

Egelion, a nation entrenched in corruption, incompetence and poverty, is now liberated. Following years of uncertainty,
internal instability and liberal leadership, the people have rose up, alongside socialists from PKR, a new political party
dedicated to the communist cause. The government has been in an unstable situation for a very long period, with lack
of foreign implication, outdated and disorganized military, politicized key positions and institutions that would work
with incompetent appointed leaders, as well an economy serving the very rich at the expense of others, a government
formed of lackeys that would be unable to get their nation together and use instead scapegoats, propaganda and
suppression to hide their flawed mindset and tyranny at the expense of honest revolutionaries. Egelion has long suffered
from all kinds of issues and liberal democracy has showed us that the state did not served people well and voting was
mere formality. People have gathered over cross of years more and more, more relentless and disappointed about
liberal politics. Till few months back when a major protest was hold. Military had tried at first to stifle the people,
but soon many joined the crowds. Alongside the crowds, the PKR, the Kaminskyists have promised Egelion integrity,
productivity and pride, as well reform, equality and progress. PKr quickly gained in popularity and joined the people in
demanding new early elections. Government had refuted the request.

Seeing this rejection and impossibility to negotiate, the army that joined the protesters had coupped the government
and together with the PKR have declared early elections immediately in one month. Campaigning period was short but
enough for PKR to be brought to the public eyes and gain even more traction. It was tense, as many other smaller
independent runners as well smaller democratic parties ran side by side. In the end election results came with an
astonishing win for socialists, scoring 79% of popular vote and winning presidency with Yosef Aargov. The socialist party
had won most of seats, soon following smaller parties merging into the socialists and independents supporting a leftist
cabinet with one independent in it. The new government elected by the people quickly started to work and be diligent,
passing many important and vital laws in a short time, showing off dedication and care, unlike past divisive leaders that
often accomplished nothing. PKr has established many new reforms.
(OOC: they were forced into this and elections were partially rigged)

The Union of Federative Socialist Republics was established in August 4851, with a brand new Socialist Constitution to
safeguard (OOC good joke) the rights of our citizens and to further equality and humanity among other things. The new
state plans to decentralize matters, reinvest in the army and education, modernize and help our poets, writers, scientists
and promote cultural growth and spread of Egelian democratic and revolutionary ideals and values. Egelion has already
created a committee to oversee the revolution and protect it from enemies wishing to stab it and stop the people's will.
As well new laws on culture and media to modernize and adapt with the new socialist struggle of our dear people.
(OOC propaganda and censorship)

Members of PKR have already created a Presidential Republic to push Egelion through these turbulent times and use his
wisdom as leader to guide Egelion to recovery and historical strength. He is talking of future state visits as well a new
military doctrine emphasizing a strong naval force to protect home interests against possible reactionary neocolonialist
capitalist nations seeking to stifle progress in the new state of Egelion. Workers have taken control and will soon govern
factories and decide with help of the state serving the people rather than people. Plans are also made for agricultural
sector of the nation, with subsidies talked over to increase self sufficiency.

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Re: Egelion

Postby robmark0000 » Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:42 pm

3M CEO In Egelion To Help Progress
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Re: Egelion

Postby DueWizard70 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:57 pm

People's Front Kundrati -ACTIVE (4731-4889, 5142-)
Institutional Reform Party Baltusia-INACTIVE (4889-4896)
Demokratische Hosianer von Dorvik Dorvik-INACTIVE (4908-4918)
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Re: Egelion

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 11:13 am

B&U Corporation Starts To Import Food To Egelion
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Re: Egelion

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 12:25 pm

April 4853
Early elections held, government takes action
against internal threats

Armed forces taking action against suspects in a planned terrorist act

With the establishment of a new Egelion, built on cooperation, liberty and socialism did not come without internal backlash as suspects of a conspiracy case as well counter-revolutionary behavior were caught today in their houses after the internal Committee for safety of the nation intercepted suspicious messages of these groups, finding out that they were planning to bomb the car of one of the officials of the current socialist government. This has been brought to public attention as proof of the opposition plotting against the new order accepted by the people in the new democratic elections.

Following the early elections and establishment of a new Constitution to represent people's will better, the Kaminskyists have declared that it is very important that respected esteemed citizens of Egelion should be given again right to vote, to further approve the socialist government and their action, as well mark a new age for Egelion and democracy of the proletarians, as seat count was changed to 699, ending with the PKR winning 695 seats, 4 being won by those running as independent. This has once again proved that the PKR has done a great job so far, ensuring reopening communications with the outside, plans of visit to other nations, revitalizing the army, passing new taxes and budget to reflect the care for the people, decentralizing some of the duties as well taking the goods and the means of production from the bourgeoisie grip and transferring them back to the people to govern them. These actions alongside many other social reforms to increase freedoms and to support our local artists and talented men was more than enough for the Egelian people, they not only confirm the new government and President, but also have voted for workers' democracy over dictatorship of the capital and foreign intervention in Egelion. Under the PKR the nation will progress and become a force to not be reckon with.

Though not all are enthusiastic about, especially the money guys, those people who would willing to sell their nation for a quick buck, those who are willing to be funded by foreign powers to halt the progress of the new people's state with all the means possible. Today at 4 am the police and the military have taken suspects to interrogation after several evidences, especially in their messages were found conspiracies over overthrowing the current democratic regime and replacing it with a fascist dictatorship. Further evidence was found in their houses, various packages with guns, data, food, equipment, maps and names of other suspects, the name of the organization ("The National Front") as well a truck filled with explosive hidden in one of the house's backyard. The military has also started to crack down on media news outlets that were found to have correlation to these radical terrorist organizations. Many of the capitalist, conservative, fascist and nationalist news outlets were surprisingly tied with the fascist organization.

This is just a part of the operations to clean the nation from foreign-backed groups that wish to undermine the will of the free people and replace the state with an authoritarian regime led by the elites in the name of tradition or the capital.

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Re: Egelion

Postby ChengherRares1 » Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:58 am

October 4854
New military doctrine, focus on the navy,
Egelion sets to modernize army

Egelian military holds exercises in a long time, focuses on defensive warfare

Egelian government announced a new military doctrine and set plan for the revitalization of Egelian military, especially the navy, with over 10 billion LODs to be funneled in naval branch, with government having in mind to start decommissioning older ships of the old navy and buying new ships for the matter. After successful state visits and deals with foreign nations, the Egelian authorities have concluded on buying over 130 ships from Kundrati and Trigunia alone, with massive investment in coastal defense, corvettes, cruisers and not only. The government has spent around 10-15 billion LODs so far now and is planning furthermore with funds to be wired for a new program for costal defense buildings, fortifcations and new interception and radar devices to better suit the navy and coastal authorities in safeguarding Egelion's pristine beaches.

First of all, the army has started military trainings, first with the ground troops that focused on defensive tactics, guerilla warfare, attrition warfare and infiltration. These tactics are essential for the national defence, as aside massive conscripts will hold the enemy, these specialized groups will focus on destabilizing foreign nations, covert operations, shock tactics, assault and as paratroopers. They will also have a defensive role, with a sniper branch being currently trained to specialize in neutralizing important political or military targets, from people to vehicles. The military training and exercises held were a success, with troops happy to have new experience and test tactics on the field. The ground army suffers from many deficiencies still, from lack of proper equipment, to lack of fighting experience, to outdated and decaying military bases and no armed industry. This may remain so for a long time as government has showed signs to focus more on the navy than all other branches, alongside slight interest for artillery divisions, anti air craft defence and a state owned intelligence agency capable of infiltrating in foreign nations.

So far, the new doctrine has concluded with several achievements, from decommissioning old ships to modernization projects underway. Close of Puerto Libertad has been announced a massive project around 2 billion LODs for a first modern naval base that will have a huge capacity of over 200 ships and will represent the first future naval fleet focused on regional and coastal defense, mainly consisting of submarines to be purchased, corvettes, destroyers, coastal patrols and anti air craft focused navy. The size of the new base is 2000 acres, with strong anti air craft defense guns to be purchased and installed alongside stringent security in form of walls, lights and tight control by a large garrison. A secret location has also been chosen for (OOC a small coastal village in Caille) a construction site that will have the purpose of being a dockyard for ship assembly. This in concordance with construction of new factories for the construction of older naval models. Plans are made currently to exploit own petrol resources alongside revitalization of mining sector and foreign economic deals to ensure a steady supply of resources to feed the new armed industry and ensure proper ship components to form the future Egelian navy. Meanwhile, the experts, mostly with aid of foreign ones such as Endralon will be set off to create a new ship design, decidedly a new frigate class, it's name is still being decided upon.

Alongside these, Egelion has concluded a deal with Endralon. A loan consisting of several billion LODs to be spent by the Egelian government on the new port constructions as well military purchase of new military equipment and advisors, as well four new ships, a Nagyházi-class Battleship, one Endrődi-class Light Cruiser and two Republic-class Corvettes that will enter alongside the rest in service in one month. All in all, the new purchasements and projects for the military are set to fully take into effect in 4-5 years from now.

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Re: Egelion

Postby egalion » Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:36 am

Announcement from the Government of the Reino de Egelion (Egelion)
This press message was released by the Government of the Reino de Egelion (Egelion).

Lourenne Royal State visit to Egelion of January 2023

The Governemnt and Royal House of Egelion is happy to announce that plans have been finalized for the State Visit of HRM Maximilien I, King of Lourenne, to Egelion in January 2023.

HRM Maximilien I will visit His Royal Highness King Jaime I, will meet the delegetation of the Egelian government and Cortes Generales, and in addition will participate in several other engagements during his trip.

HRM Maximilien I will be accompanied by the Princesse d'Alvium, heir to the throne of Lourenne, and the Prince du Sang, Henri.

The full details of the trip will be made available to the public in the coming months.

Dolors Cristina Bieto de Zsombor y Torrecilla
Primer Minestro de Egelion
November 5022
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Re: Egelion

Postby egalion » Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:29 pm

Egelian elections of 5023, the Partido Monárquico holds on to power

After the latest general election, the Partido Monarquico succesfully held on to power, albeit losing some seats in the Cortes Generales. This is a major victory for the PM, giving it its first two-term victory since its rebirth. Others see the loss of seats as a major setback, and an indication that the party might soon lose control of the government. In particular, many point to the loss of Dul Kinea to the CAP as a sign that the pro-monarchy soul of the party might be less appealing to the citizenry.

The Partido Monarquico has focused much of its legislative work in the past five years in promoting its pro-business and small government strategy. At the same time, it has embarked in a two fold campaign to revitalize the country's infrastructure and promote child birth and pro-family policies. Much of its more debated legislative sessions were aimed at preserving the monarchy from the attacks of the CAP, which has waged a five year long anti-monarchist crusade, seeking to abolish the monarchy in almost every single bill introduced. The PM has long remained firm in its defense of the King and the current constitutional form, and has leveraged the high-profile of the monarchy as the centerpiece of its foreign relations strategy. Indeed, the monarch has been a useful way of promoting state visits both in Egelion and abroad, both strengthening the Egelian image and that of the King himself.

The Alessandrist Portalian Coalition campaigned heavily against the monarchy, introducing several bills to abolish it. Almost all bills introduced by the party featured constitutional changes to dethrone the current king and abolish the monarchy. None of the bills ever got close to passing given the minority of the CAP in the Cortes, but it was seen as an act of principle for the staunch anti-Monarchist party. Whether this was an effective strategy is still under debate as, while the CAP has gained seats, it has failed to reach the majority and it is quite far from the supermajority needed for its constitutional changes. Two major camps have appeared in the party: on one side the staunch anti-monarchist that believe the current strategy of pushing anti-monarchist legislation should be constinued and eventually will succeed, while on the other side more moderate party leaders who believe the party should focus on other issues and let the monarchist question alone for the time being. It is likely that this divide will be a major feature of the intra-party debate during the upcoming legislature.
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Re: Egelion

Postby egalion » Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:19 am

Egelion General Elections of 2028

The latest Egelian elections have seen what a mounts to a 3-way tie between the Coalición Alessandrista Portaliana, the Partido Monárquico, and the Partido Federal. The PM, which has been ruling for the past 10 years, has received a setback, losing control of the Cortes and dropping to 262, behind the 270 of the CAP. In regards to votes, the PM and CAP are in a virtual tie, receiving 36.66% and 36.35% of the votes respectively.

The balance of power between the CAP and PM, which have governed the Kingdom of Egelion for the past 20 years, has been upset with the formation of a new party, the Partido Federal. The pro-federalist party, formed since the last election, has obtained an excellent result in both Yadraz and Dul Kinea and has obtained 26.99% of the votes. During the previous government, the PF has generally aligned itself with the PM, and has not supported the anti-monarchist positions of the CAP. Meanwhile, it has heavily lobbied for federal legislation promoting local government while at the same time promoting liberalizing reforms in respect to morality and civil rights. The entry of the federalists in the arena has also pushed the PM in a more federal direction, with the PM party also promoting several bills with pro-devolution policies.

The cabinet of Egelion is still in the hands of the PM, despite the CAP having a majority in the Cortes, due to the CAP not being able to reach an agreement for a new cabinet. The PM is not favorable to an alliance, given the fact that it currently holds control of the cabinet and would not gain anything from a status change. Meanwhile, the Federalists are not aligned with the CAP, making an alliance unlikely. The monarchist cabinet hence remains in power, guided by Duchess Dolors de Zsombor y Torrecilla. Yet, Zsombor's intentions to run are doubted by many, given the less than optimal results in the last election and her age. Zsombor y Torrecilla has headed the party since 5014 and the government since 5018.
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