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Re: Kalopia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:47 pm

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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:21 pm

Kalopia Today
Kalopia makes its neutrality official
The nation begins its international campaign to sign a treaty that guarantees its neutrality in future conflicts

Minister of Foreign Affairs Konstantinos Makrotis

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kalopia, Konstantinos Makrotis, has officially announced today in the nation's Parliament that the treaty that will officially define Kalopia's neutrality in the face of possible future conflicts has been completed.

"As a nation that has recently emerged from a dictatorship, we have to tread carefully in international diplomacy. It is for this reason that this government has taken decisive steps to assure the international community, but also our own population, that Kalopia it will be a neutral nation in the event of a conflict"
asserted Mr. Makrotis. However, he has also pointed out that "there are exceptions"

"As explained in the Treaty, being neutral does not mean turning a blind eye to injustice. Therefore, although Kalopia will be a neutral nation in the international arena, that will not prevent us from collaborating with humanitarian and medical aid in any conflict that requires it. , because we believe that it is our duty to assist those who need it most. That is the policy that we follow in Kalopia and that we will also follow outside our borders."

Now, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will begin a tour of different nations of Terra to begin negotiating the signing of the treaty. At the moment, there are already 7 nations that have announced that they will take the proposal to their respective national parliaments. Kalopia's intention with this treaty is, in addition to guaranteeing itself a privileged position in the event of an international conflict that requires a mediator, to be able to develop economically and especially in the area of ​​research and science, as it intends to do with the signing of its latest collaboration with the Istalian nation.

The minister has also spoken of the first international political clash that Kalopia has encountered: with Selucia.

"When we invited all the nations of Majatra to attend the inauguration of the new Head of State of Kalopia after defeating a cruel dictatorship, this was the response we received from the government of Selucia:

To the Blinded Barbarian Athanasia Vasilide,

His Grandness of him the Imperator Caesar has announced his absolute neutrality from all foreign affairs until our great nation's internal affairs are sorted. We will not be attending any event in which you have invited us to, and we shall retain foreign relations with your nation once His Grandness the Imperator Caesar sees fit. Shall your nation become relevant to our goals you shall get a letter from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs soon enough.

Though our previous statements may easily be thrown away, as our Ministry has reported your socialistic leanings, which bring us to immediately repeal any chance for a peaceful co-existence. Our hardline anti-socialism policy demands us to cut any communications between our states as a measure to preserve our dignity from barbaric socialism. Do not attempt to recommunicate with the Honorable State of Selucia.

Good morning, Barbarians."

Consequently, the Kalopian government has decided not to have any further communication with Selucia, at least until its leaders learn to behave like functional adults and learn what diplomacy is."

However, when asked about the possibility that other nations might think the same, the minister defended the positions of the ruling party, and stressed that they do not have to have repercussions on the international scene or on diplomacy.

"It is obvious that different ideologies and different political parties govern throughout Terra, and it is also evident that each country has the right to determine its international policy. However, governments change according to what their citizens decide, and so on. it will also be decided in Kalopia. However, the internal politics of Kalopia is not a reason to affect the signing of this treaty, which does not imply more than establishing diplomatic relations, healthy for all those who consider themselves democrats, and even for those countries who view the ideology of this government with reluctance, the fact that Kalopia ensures its neutrality should serve as something reassuring, as it ensures that they will never be attacked by the ideology that governs here".
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:25 pm

Kalopia Today
BREAKING: The Kalopia government will introduce compulsory martial arts in schools
Under the maxim "Mens sana in corpore Sano" the government of Aspasia Miskiadi wants all citizens to learn to defend themselves


After the approval of the new Constitution of Kalopia, the modification of its national symbols, the creation of the Charter of Rights of Citizens, the Law of Referendums, the religious neutrality of the State and the negotiation of the Treaty of the absolute neutrality of Kalopia at the international level, the government led by Aspasia Miskiadi has announced the latest proposal that they will take to the national Parliament in this legislature: the compulsory teaching of martial arts as a subject in schools, without prejudice to the hours of physical education.

"We want our children to learn to fend for themselves and to defend themselves against any danger, and we believe that it is a good thing that martial arts are taught,"
said the Minister of Education and Culture Stefania Ganou, in charge of defending the proposal in parliament.

"Martial arts, in addition to training us physically, teach us values ​​such as discipline, perseverance or companionship, and we believe that these are a series of very useful and necessary values ​​today. That is why we want to have the best preparation as possible for our children, and that is why we are presenting this proposal for Parliament's consideration".

It is expected that the proposal will be approved without any problem in Parliament, and that it will be implemented for the coming course. According to the new law, it will be a compulsory subject from the age of 10, but it will not count for the final grade nor will it be assessed by academic grades.

On the street, the proposal has met with generally favorable reactions to the idea, although some people were reluctant to teach children to fight on a compulsory basis.

"I think it's too much state intervention in personal matters that each parent should be able to choose, whether they want their children to learn martial arts or not. It doesn't seem right to me,"
says Evanthia Romanelli. Others, such as Giannis Kontotsis and Eleftheria Vassouli, university students and a couple, regret that this proposal is too old for them to carry it out, although the government has left the door open so that -despite being only compulsory during the school stage- its coverage can be expanded until the end of university studies. Mrs. Vassouli also considers that teaching women to defend themselves is a good measure that "never hurts".
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Wed Mar 16, 2022 3:06 pm

Kalopia Today
Kalopia announces the creation of national games
The Triarchian Games will be held every 5 years and seek to promote a healthy mind and body throughout society.

Male model wearing one of the prizes of the Triarchian Games, a golden laurel wreath

The Kalopian government, in the mouth of the Minister of Education and Culture Stefania Ganou, announced this morning, after the confirmation of Aspasia Miskiadis's new cabinet following the elections that saw ARIZA revalidating its absolute majority in Parliament, the first measure that the government will carry out this new legislature: the implementation of Games which they have decided to call Triarchikoí Agónes (Τριαρχικοί Αγώνες), the Triarchian Games.

According to the Minister, they will receive this name because they will consist of three tests, under the principle that the government of Ms. Miskiadi has wanted to implement in Kalopia since the return of democracy: a population with a healthy body and mind. According to the words of Ms. Ganou, the Games will be held every five years, and the three tests will be: philosophy, combat and adaptability, and there will be a distinction between men and women - including transgender people in their corresponding group.

The philosophy test will consist of a series of face-to-face philosophical debates, where a popular jury will decide the winner by popular vote in individual confrontations on a random topic, until reaching a single winner in each category, constituting a first ranking.

In the combat test, a Kalopian-Selucian style wrestling format will be carried out, until also ending with a single winner in each category, creating a new ranking based on the positions and averaging with the previous ranking. .

Finally, the adaptability test will be the most innovative, since it will change each year to a random sport that will only be announced once all the participants have registered, and will test the abilities of the competitors to adapt to the unexpected, constituting another ranking and obtaining the final ranking, with one winner per category.

Ms. Ganou has also announced that, at each Games, three invited nation will be chosen to send the athletes she deems appropriate - up to a maximum of 20 competitors - to test themselves in the Games.

"We believe that while these games will be intrinsic to Kalopian society, forging a spirit of healthy competition with the other nations of Terra can do nothing but good, and we hope that this proposal will be welcomed by the rest of nations that are invited as well."

According to the Minister, the first Games will be held in 5090, next year, and registration will open next month. As she has advanced, the first nations invited to participate in these inaugural games will be Cildania, Istalia and Jakania.

In relation to the prizes, apart from the fame that will be acquired in Kalopia as winners, the minister has announced that a golden laurel wreath will be awarded to the winner of each category, medals to the 3 first places and an economic amount to be determined to the top five ranked.

Athletes will compete representing their respective Community of Kalopia, and the athletes from around Terra will compete under the flag "Rest of the World".
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Thu Mar 17, 2022 4:37 pm


Today, the first draw to determine the third test for the inaugural Triarchian Games took place in the Olympic Stadium of Kalopia. Famous TV commentarists Kyriakos Condoglou and Alexandra Kairouli were the chosen ones to carry on with the ceremony, divided in two parts: first, the election of the type of test, and secondly, the election of the test itself. It was chosen from two different ballots.

Mrs. Kairouli extracted the card from the first ballot, which revealed that the test would have to be chosen from the "Strength" ballot box, meaning the third test would be a sport test based on endurance. Mr. Condoglou then proceeded to extract a card from this second ballot, and revealed that the chosen sport for the third test during this inaugural Triarchian Games would be a swimming test, 3 km long off the northern coast of Kalopia.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Sun Mar 20, 2022 4:40 pm

Kalopia Today
Triarchian Games end
Istalia and Jakania take home medals and the Games consolidate as a mass success in Kalopia

Telemachos Cosmiades and Eftichia Zenatou, the first winners of the Triarchian Games

And after months of anticipation, the Triarchian Games have come and gone.

In the inaugural edition of these Kalopian Games, which have garnered an audience of millions of spectators and have paralyzed the city during the week of its celebration, victory has finally smiled on its two winners: Telemachos Cosmiades, from Kithara, on the male side and Eftichia Zenatou, from Oroseirá, on the female side. Next, it is detailed how the top ten positions for each sex have been:

-Male category:
1st: Telemachos Cosmiades (Kithara)
2nd: Evangelos Mutelis (Thalassa)
3rd: Yiğitcan Eren (Rest of the World: Jakania)
4th: Lykourgos Michaelallis (Wantuni)
5th: Alberto Garafola (Rest of the World: Italy)
6th: Ermis Contopoulos (Kithara)
7th: Valentinos Barakis (Wantuni)
8th: Ilyas Toraman (Rest of the World: Jakania)
9th: Efstathios Zappopoulos (Kithara)
10th: Mihail Trainas (Wantuni)

-Female category:
1st: Eftichia Zenatou (Oroseira)
2nd: Crescenzia Tauro (Rest of the World: Istalia)
3rd: Alexandra Sotiroglou (Oroseira)
4th: Melis Baykara (Rest of the World: Jakania)
5th: Camilla Borrelli (Rest of the World: Istalia)
6th: Margeta Salakou (Thalassa)
7th: Xenia Zannide (Kithara)
8th: Persephone Laskiade (Wantuni)
9th: Agathe Rokidi (Elaióna)
10th: Korina Toloti (Elaióna)

With these results, the invited nations of Jakania and Istalia have not managed to win any golden laurel, but nevertheless, they do take home a medal (women's silver medal for Istalia and men's bronze for Jakania) and several diplomas (one for women for Jakania and Istalia and a male one also for both nations).

The Minister of Education and Culture has described the Games as a "resounding success" that "have united the nation" and that has also strengthened ties with the invited participating nations, whom she has thanked for their predisposition and has asked that upon returning home, all participating athletes are received "with the honors they deserve" for having passed the difficult tests set out in the Games.

Singers not only from Kalopia, but also from the invited nations, have also participated in the closing ceremony, and it has also been announced that for the next edition it is likely that the number of nations invited to participate in the Games will be increased.


"What matters is the spirit of healthy sportsmanship that has been created with these Games among all the competitors, and that we have been able to see on a day-to-day basis"
said the Minister, referring to the many photos and videos that national athletes and internationals uploaded to their social networks sharing their weeks in Kalopia.

The funny note was struck by the Games Committee Director, Kostas Pavlides, who personally went to the changing rooms of the international athletes before the closing ceremony and handed over a gold cover edition of a Kalopian dictionary to their respective languages. In addition, all the participants have gone to the Kalopia Olympic Stadium to sign in the Games participants book, thus being the first to start filling in the blank book pages.

These Games also mean another step forward in the Kalopian path to full restoration of democracy and liberties for their citizens, as many Kalopians have pointed out while interviewed in the streets. According to surveys, more than 50% of the Kalopian population have watched at least 2 hours of the Triarchian Games.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Mon Mar 21, 2022 3:55 pm

BREAKING: Kalopia to leave the Majatran Economic Association
The Minister of Foreign Affairs is in Deltaria to communicate the motion that will be approved by the national parliament and to negotiate a new bilateral relationship between both parties involved

February 5092


As part of the new policy of strict neutrality that the government of Aspasia Miskiadi has been developing since the return of democracy to Kalopia, and whose highest figure has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs Konstantinos Makrotis, in charge of negotiating the approval of the International Neutrality Treaty of Kalopia, today the government has taken another step when it was learned that Mr. Makrotis has traveled to Deltaria, to officially announce to the Majatran Economic Association (MEA), whose headquarters are in the neighboring country, that the government will present a proposal to the national parliament to leave the MEA and thus ensure once again the political neutrality of the nation.

"From the government we believe that this is the right decision if we want the international community to see us as what we intend to be, an absolutely neutral nation that everyone can trust. For this, it is essential not only to cut old ties, but rebuild them in another way that ensures that both parties benefit from it"
declared the minister, who also intends to negotiate a new proposal for future relations between Kalopia and the MEA, which will involve less close ties without neglecting the obvious ties trades that bind Kalopia with the rest of the nations of Majatra that are part of the Association.

"It is evident that our intention to be neutral collides with some of the MEA's positions, and that is what we want to solve. That does not mean that we want to cut off the relationship with the rest of the Member States, but rather that we want to redefine it. And that happens by drawing up a new legislative framework between Kalopia and the MEA, and that is what we intend to do, with the confidence that both parties will benefit from it."

Asked about the possible damage that the withdrawal of the MEA could cause to the Kalopian economy, the minister expressed confidence that the Kalopian economy "is strong" and "will resist", in addition to stressing that it is not a total withdrawal, but a "renegotiation of the relationship between the interested parties", and that the Kalopian government will seek the best solution for all those involved in the matter.

It is expected that Parliament will not vote on the proposal after hearing a response back from the MEA, but the intention of the government is firm and does not seem to have a way back.
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Rogue » Tue Mar 22, 2022 9:48 am

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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:03 pm

Kalopia leaves the MEA
The national government and the organization reach a beneficial agreement for both parties

July 5092

Prime Minister Aspasia Miskiadi speaking to the leaders of the MEA in its headquarters

"This is not a goodbye, but a "we will continue to see each other""
were the first words pronounced by the Prime Minister of Kalopia, Aspasia Miskiadi, at the headquarters of the Majatran Economic Association before the rest of the national leaders belonging to the organization , after her government and the MEA reached an agreement for Kalopia's departure from the Majatran organization, association the nation has belonged since 4922, more than a century and a half ago.

Mrs. Miskiadi, who since her arrival in the Kalopian government has been firm in her intention to build an absolutely neutral nation at the international level, sent her foreign minister, Konstantinos Makrotis, to Deltaria a few months ago to negotiate the conditions of a departure from the MEA which, she said, "was inevitable" in order to build a neutral Kalopia.

The Prime Minister, who after her speech received a round of applause from her colleagues and said goodbye one by one as a show of affection and courtesy, wanted to make it clear that Kalopia's departure from the MEA will not mean any change to large scale for the inhabitants of the rest of the nations belonging to the organization residing in the country.

"When you negotiate in good faith and with the priorities of the people ahead, you get these good results, both for one side and the other. From the Kalopian government, we want to thank the predisposition of the MEA leadership when it comes to negotiating our departure from the organization, without cheating or trickery, to achieve the best possible result that benefits everyone. This morning we have signed the agreement, which guarantees that Kalopia obtains the status of association with the MEA, leaving formally effective to be part of its structure, but allowing access to the internal market of the organization and above all, maintaining the free movement of citizens of the MEA and Kalopia without the need for borders, and with no damage to MEA citizens already residing in Kalopia, or Kalopian citizens residing in other MEA countries. We want to thank the MEA for the respect it has shown for our interest in building a neutral nation, and understanding in this matter. In this way, a new era begins in Kalopia."

After the speech, the leaders of the MEA went to the outside of the organization's headquarters, where they attended the lowering of the Kalopian flag, which was subsequently delivered to the Prime Minister.

Although Kalopia will not officially leave the MEA until the national parliament ratifies it - it is expected to be done a month before the general elections - the absolute majority that ARIZA holds in the parliamentary chamber makes it impossible for the proposal to withdraw from the agreement to fail.
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Re: Kalopia

Postby Aethan » Thu Mar 24, 2022 3:42 pm

New victory for ARIZA
Citizens reward the Miskiadi government and keep Vasilide as Head of State

Athanasia Vasilide (left) and Aspasia Miskiadi (right) have kept their posts as HoS and HoG following latest election

The democratic wave promoted by ARIZA seems to continue to have an effect. After the elections held yesterday, the party that fought for the return to democracy of Kalopia demonstrated its political muscle and once again proclaimed itself the winner of the elections, obtaining 76% of the votes and 225 of the 300 seats in the Kalopian Parliament. The only other political force that achieved parliamentary representation has been the National Front of Kalopia, which has obtained 24% of the votes and the remaining 75 seats, insufficient to break the constitutional parliamentary majority that the citizens have granted to ARIZA for this new legislature.

In addition, Athanasia Vasilide also remains in power, after reaping a percentage of the vote similar to that of her party and beating her rival with 76% of the votes cast.

The only bad news for ARIZA has been the loss of the governments of Wantuni and Kithara, where the NFK has emerged victorious, with margins of around 60-40% of the vote. It has been these two regions that have enabled the NFK to obtain parliamentary representation, since in the other three it has barely exceeded 0.1% of the vote, with Oroseirá being the region where this difference is most palpable, since there ARIZA has obtained 99.95% of the votes against only a minuscule 0.05% for the NFK.

After knowing the results, both leaders of ARIZA have not hesitated to thank the voters for the trust placed both in them and in the government, and have assured that they will continue working to maintain the confidence of the citizens.

"It is evident that this government is doing something right to obtain results like this"
said Mrs. Miskiadi.
"The measures of this government, both at the national level and at the international level, work, are effective, and are appreciated by the citizens, and proof of this are the results of these elections, in which the citizens of Kalopia have clearly expressed their support in us continuing down this same path to return Kalopia to the splendor it once had in its past. Measures like fighting inequality, poverty, social discrimination, improvements in our healthcare system, our justice system or our economical system have proven themselves to be good and beneficial, and this is what we are going to keep doing."

Mrs. Miskiadi has not yet revealed information on whether she will make any changes in her government or will continue to maintain the same ministers who have accompanied her during these eight years of past legislatures, nor has she advanced the guidelines for this new legislature. Some of her close collaborators say that she will wait until Parliament is constituted, with the foreseeable election of her current President, also from ARIZA, to continue in office. They also advance that the Prime Minister has in mind the creation of a specific Ministry of Labor, separate from Trade and Industry, and that this legislature she wants to focus more on advancing in education, science and health.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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