Aurorian Patriarchal Church

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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Aquinas » Wed Mar 17, 2021 3:03 am

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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Ab3012 » Wed Apr 13, 2022 4:39 pm

August 5103
New Arch-Patriarch Paulus XI born Massimo Verencelli

Only 22 days have passed since the death of the Arch-Patriarch of the Aurorian Church Gabriel XVII but the conclave convened in Auroria after the canonical 15 ritual days of waiting did not take long to elect his successor: the istalian Cardinal Massimo Verencelli.
Verencelli, who became Bishop of Romula and Primate of Istalia in 5094 succeeding Luigi Nunziatella, was elevated to cardinal only three years ago by Gabriel XVII while his star within the Aurorian Church was constantly rising. Verencelli had in fact become one of the most prominent men of the church in recent years becoming the informal leader of a conservative current that starting from Istalia has involved more and more countries in the rest of the world in the last decade, a current animated by the desire to re-establish a certain orthodoxy within the church and above all to restore luster and authority to the Aurororian Church. Unexpectedly it was precisely in Istalia that the local ecclesiastical authorities began to regain strength and power following the elevation of the Aurorian church to state church in a country that for centuries has been a strictly secular country and where the religious authorities have no never had room on a political level.
The cardinals who met in conclave in Auroria a few days ago had no doubts in choosing Verencelli as the new head of the Aurorianian Church conveying in this election the rampant discontent for the current state of the Church, for the theological drifts and schisms that have emerged over the last few centuries and also for what the church in Selucia has had to undergo for centuries and which has reduced the number of faithful in that country to just 10% of the population.
When the cardinal protodeacon appeared at the window of the Empire Temple to announce the new Arch-Patriarch the name that Verencelli imposed on himself, Paolus XI, was announced. The new head of the church wanted to underline that the name was chosen to honor the memory of Paul VII who was the second Arch-Patriarch of the reunified Aurorian Church remembered for his conservative positions and for his commitment to restoring strength and authority to the Church as a constructive force and spiritual guide within society.
Appearing to the faithful from the top of the Empire Temple, the new pontiff showed himself adorned with the most precious and traditional symbols of the pontificate as a symbol of his desire to restore luster and prestige to the church also in opposition to styles he considered too worldly, too "civilian" and too modern adopted by the many popes before him.
Paul XI declared that his pastoral mission will follow the example of Paulus VII to restore authority to the Aurorian Church which, however, is now called to face new challenges: the Arch-Patriarch has lashed out against what he called heresies, especially those arose in Selusia, criticized the syncretisms between the Aurorian faith and other religions, bringing to light the rejection and hostility towards the Terran Patriarchal Church, he condemned with new force all those political ideologies infected by materialism or atheism, starting from Metzism, reaffirmed the opposition to many progressive positions spread around the world focusing first of all on the issue of abortion which he reconfirmed as one of the worst sins, etc ...
The new Arch-Patriarch declared that the time has come to reaffirm the holy orthodoxy of the Church and to restore vigor to the preaching of the true faith among the peoples of the Earth. Precisely for this reason he announced his intention to dedicate his papacy to numerous apostolic journeys around the world, underlining that this is not possible, however, if the Arch-Patriarch remains immobile in the offices of the Holy See in Auroria and Ville de Saints. The first objective of the new pontiff will be the continent of Majatra and therefore he has announced that he and the apostolic court will shortly move temporarily to Istalia in order to better follow and organize this new preaching mission. Istalia has long been regarded as the nation with the largest Auorian population and the current status of the church in the country will certainly facilitate the Holy Father's plans.
The faithful are now waiting to see what Paulus XI will do and how he will put his purposes into practice.
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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Ab3012 » Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:15 pm

The crowd cheering the Arch-Patriarch at the Cathedral of Romula

April 5107

His Holiness Paulus XI arrived a week ago in Istalia landing in Romula where he personally held the solemn mass for the Holy Easter last sunday.
Tens of thousands of faithful crowded the cathedral of Romula and the square in front of it and in the afternoon the pontiff, aboard an uncovered car, went around the square, stopping several times to meet the faithful blessing especially children, the disabled, the poor, friars, nuns, etc...
The Holy Father arrived in Romula with the numerous entourage of the Papal Curia, settling in the Palace of the Vicariate next to the Cathedral of Romula, welcomed by the Bishop of Romula although it was also necessary to use several other rooms and lodgings in the vicinity, also owned by the episcopate of Romula. The day after landing in the Iistalian capital, the pontiff accepted the kind invitation of the head of state Emperor Nicola Alessandro and went to the imperial palace where he met the emperor and the rest of the imperial family who received from the Holy father as a gift a precious icon of the holy virgin Sara from
Ville de Saint and therefore a blessing from the Arch-patriarch.
At the Palace of the Vicariate instead the Holy Father received Prime Minister Ferdinando Rumor who requested a meeting as a devoted hosian accompanied by his wife and their two daughters, receiving with great surprise as a gift from the Holy Father a precious bible dating back to the 19th century.
The most noteworthy event, as mentioned, was however the Easter Mass at the end of which at the end of the traditional liturgy the Holy Father announced his will to start a new great mission of evangelization in the world by recalling the example of the apostles and religious orders of the Middle Ages but at the same time underlining how it is necessary to renew and discover a new way of announcing the Annunciation.
Among the main passages of his address to the faithful we report these ones:

"It is our most holy mission to make the Church of our century ever more capable of announcing the Annunciation to the humanity of our century. It is absolutely necessary to face a patrimony of faith that the Church has the duty to preserve in its intangible purity, but also to present to the men of our time, as far as possible, in an understandable and persuasive way."

"It is necessary to evangelize human culture and cultures not in a decorative way, like a superficial paint, but in a vital way, in depth
and to the roots, always starting from the person and always returning to the relationships of people with each other and with God."

"It is necessary that the same doctrine of the Church be examined more widely and more thoroughly and souls are more fully imbued and informed, as all sincere advocates of the hosian, holy, apostolic and ecumenical truth ardently wish; it is necessary that this certain and immutable
doctrine, to which faithful assent must be given, both deepened and explained according to what is required by our times. The deposit of the Faith is one thing, that is the truths that are contained in our venerable doctrine, another thing is the way in which they are announced, but always in the same sense and in the same meaning."

"The mission lands are in our daily environments: in the countries of the
oldest Hosian tradition there is today an urgent need to bring to light the announcement of Eliyahu through a new evangelization. This passion will not fail to arouse a new missionary spirit in the Church, which cannot be delegated to a portion of 'specialists', but must involve the
responsibility of all the members of the people of God."

"The new evangelization must not consist in a 'new Annunciation', it must not concern the contents, but the attitudes, the style, the effort, the planning, the method of apostolate, the language, which must be such as to make accessible, penetrating, valide and profound the response to
today's man, without altering or modifying the content of the Annunciation message at all. Of fundamental importance for the new
evangelization is the effective collaboration between the different vocations, the different ministries, the various apostolates and charisms aroused by the Spirit, both those of traditional religious institutes and
those that have sprung up in more recent times, thanks to new associations and ecclesial movements."

Following the inspired speech on the new evangelizing mission that the whole Church will have to promote, the Holy Father announced his intention to dedicate himself to numerous apostolic journeys around the
world as the first among the new apostles who will have to dedicate themselves to proclaiming the word of God anew and with new force.
The first journey that the pontiff intends to undertake will be to the Holy Land where he intends to visit the holiest places of the Hosian faith but it will probably be the second journey that he will undertake
the one that the pontiff cares about the most: the journey to Selucia.
Paulus XI has never hidden how painful it is for him to observe the state of the hosian faith in Selucia which for millennia has been the spiritual center of both the former and the reformed Holy Apostolic Hosian Church
where the number of hosian faithful has dramatically plummeted to just over 10% of the religious population. Speaking of Selucia and the current state of things, the holy father lashed out harshly against the
governments and ideologies that have allowed not only this decline in the
past two centuries but have become the architects of a real persecution comparable to the one that led in the 19th century at the fall of the First Holy Church, praising those hosians who suffered during that period
as new martyrs of the faith. In this regard, the pontiff expressed himself harshly against the traditional Selucian pagan religion which sustained and fueled the hatred and persecution of hosians. But the
harshest words were addressed by the Arch-patriarch against the constitutional church and against the henotheistic drifts that have arisen over the years and which will soon be branded fully and eternally as heretical doctrines and officially excommunicated with an encyclical that the pontiff should release next year after the one that it was already announced for the present year, called "Aeterna Missio vocat" which is instead dedicated precisely to the urgency of the new evangelization missionary activity that the Church is called to carry out.
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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Drax » Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:52 pm

Kanjor Primate responds to Arch-Patriarch's Call to New Evangelism

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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Ab3012 » Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:38 pm


In the cathedral of Romula the Arch-Patriarch blessed the new religious

August 5110

The words and efforts made by His Holiness Paulus XI seem to be bearing the
first fruits within the ranks of the Church: since the issue of the Arch-Patriarch's encyclical on the new evangelizing mission into which the Church must throw itself headlong clerics of the Aurorian church from around the world have begun to talk among themselves about the words of the
holy father about how the church should spread the word of the savior more
vigorously and with new methods.
But the words of the arch-patriarch also helped to spread a sense of excitement and fervor among the members of the Aurorian clergy who after centuries of prolonged suffering and apathy now see the church again able to react with new strength and vigor that is beeing promoted to them.
Among the most noteworthy events was the organization a year and a half ago by a group of clerics of several countries of a conference in Puerto del Sur (Egelion) to discuss issues on which this group of clerics had begun to debate among them mainly through the internet driven by the enthusiasm and passion of a priest from Mavigny (Martois, Kanjor), Father Jean-Baptiste Guichard (46), a deacon from Puerto del Sur (Yadraz, Egelion), Reverend
Javier Turrión (36), and a priest from Marisia (Sadaria, Selucia), Father Marcus Propertius Flaccus (43). The conference was actually a very informal meeting during which the participating clerics which were just over fifty, alternating debates with
prayer sessions. This meeting lasted for almost ten days and despite some
defections it ended to everyone's amazement with an oath promoted by
Guichard, Flaccus, Turrión and other 42 participants to dedicate their lives to preaching the words of the Lord among the people with new strength and above all a new approach as indicated by the holy father so that the saving message of Elyhau can return to be fully understood and accepted by the men of modern times and spread in those place where seems the faith
abbandoned the people and place where the faithful are suffering just for their faith.
At the suggestion of Guichard the 42 clerics who took a vow with this oath decided to call themselves "Brethren of Eliyahu" and after they parted they returned to their dioceses with a new spirit and set to work to begin their preaching mission which has led to the most disparate and unusual
places: from the most disreputable neighborhoods of their communities to
the metro or bus stations, from prisons and drug rehabilitation communities to universities and even bars or cultural centers, etc...
At the same time many other members reached very hostile place to the Aurorian faith to help the aurorian communities most in need.
The three clerics who have risen to the role of leadership of this new movement are united by a common specialization in sociology acquired in Aurorian universities and as regards Guichard also long studies relating to teaching and training, but also the common experience in various missions
in countries where the Aurorian faith is particularly opposed if not persecuted and therefore the commitment to the defense of the Aurorian communities.
The watchwords of this group of enthusiastic clerics are mercy, patience,
listening, counseling, sharing and forgiveness. With this approach they are
dedicating themselves above all to the souls who most of all have strayed from the path of the Lord trying to humanly get closer to those most in need of forgiveness and salvation, extending their hand to the most marginalized and above all the most despised by the rest of the society.
After a year and a half of activity this informal order saw the adhesion of
about new ninety other clerics which are for most part young deacons fresh from the seminary inspired by various writings published by both Father Guichard and Father Flaccus regarding the practices of new evangelization but also related to spiritual practices and exercises aimed at meditating to purify the spirit and get as close as possible to the example of life
given by Elyhau.
The enthusiasm and courage shown by these clerics who have been labeled by some as "the Eliasits" is making headlines in many countries of the Aurorian faith and beyond with demonstrations of appreciation for the efforts expressed by all the Church within which the writings of Guichard and Flaccus are having success and are spreading and that a few months ago were collected and organized and presented as a rule of this new movement.
It seems that profound words of, appreciation have come from the Arch-
Patriarch himself and above all for the commitment of Father Flaccus in his native Selucia. However Flaccus's activity has generated criticism from some high prelates of the Church for a somewhat "combative" approach of the Selucian cleric towards the constitutional clergy and the various heresies originating from syncretisms with the pagan faith. On the other hand Flaccus is among the founders of the movement the one who most of all was able to experience "the vicious assault against the true faith" and it was he who influenced the movement so that it also took on the role of bulwark for the defense of the Aurorian church that has become another notable feature of the movement which is therefore also dedicated to missions in countries where the Aurorian faith is persecuted and opposed.
This year the Arch-Patriarch wanted to address the issue of persecutions against the faithful and Aurorian clerics perpetrated in various countries of the world and he did it openly praising the commitment and courage of those clerics who have come to help the communities and the faithful brothers around the world who are undergoing such suffering who have been called by the Holy Father as the new martyrs of our times.
It was certainly also this that finally prompted the pontiff a few days ago to invite the three founding members to Romula determined to bless their work and above all to officially consecrate the "Ordo Clericorum Regularium Congregationis Fratrum Eliae" ("Order of Clerics Regular of the Congregation of the Brethren of Eliyahu") as an order of regular clerics
animated by the purpose of defense and the propagation of the faith, to work for the spiritual progress of the faithful through all forms of the ministry of the word and assistance to the needy, the marginalized and above all to the souls who most of all need redemption. Of particular importance among the fundamental rules of the new order which has become an essential element is that of special obedience to the Holy Father which found expression in a fourth vow added to the usual three common to all religious (poverty, obedience and chastity).
First "Superior General" of the Order was appointed Father Guichard. As the seat of the order the Holy Father had chosen Romula in Istalia despite Flaccus' suggestions to establish it in Auroria as a strong symbolic act in response to the suffering of the aurorian church in the country but given the internal situation in Selucia the Holy Father opted for Romula
considering the istalian internal situation much more suitable and safe for the order and then a secondary office in ville-De-Saints also was established.
But the Holy Father did not limit himself only to recognizing and consecrating the order: despite the arousing criticism from various members of the Curia and other consecrated orders the Arch-Patriarch complied with the request of Father Guichard to finance the organization of a teaching institute managed by the order that can follow students throughout the school period from elementary to university studies. Guichard in fact underlined with great strength and enthusiasm how training and teaching are a fundamental part of the work of assistance and intellectual and spiritual progress of the faithful and hopes that in the future educational institutions managed by the order will be established in many countries. In fact he argued deeply that as Elyahu guided and taught his disciples also the members of the Order of the Congregation of the Brothers of Eliyahu must be teachers and guides.
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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:17 pm

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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Aethan » Fri Apr 29, 2022 2:54 pm

In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
Left Bloc - Istalia
Bright Spring - Kirlawa

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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Ab3012 » Sun May 01, 2022 4:46 pm


August 5112

His Holiness today presided over the ceremony for the appointment of 16 new bishops, all members of the Order of the Congregation of the Brothers of Eliyahu or Eliasits. The order of regular clerics founded only a few years ago has in fact experienced an impetuous growth in a few years with numerous priests from all over the world who have requested to join the order and many seminarians who have begun the path of formation that the order has established in the past years.
The 16 new bishops have been all chosed among those 45 confreres who originally professed the vow of adhesion to the order led by Fathers Guichard, Turrión and Flaccus.
Among these Turrion was appointed new archbishop of Mediomonte, Primate of Egelion, then the Arch-Patriarch appointed the new primates of Lourenne, Endralon, Cobura, Deltaria, Kirlawa, Kundrati, Vanuku, Rildanor, Hulstria, Cildania, Gaduridos, Barmenia, Valruzia, and finally those of Kalopia and Selucia.
Certainly the most prominent appointments were those in Selucia and Kalopia after the announcement by both governments to deny the Arch-Patriarch entry into their countries.
Although Paulus XI expressed his will to go to those countries on a pastoral visit to meet the faithful of the Aurorian faith in their dioceses the Curia has firmly opposed it and especially with regard to Selucia where real hostile actions are feared towards the person of the Holy Father.
Father Georgios Samarakis from the diocese of Parnakleida was chosen as archbishop of Helios and primate of Kalopia. He distinguished himself at home as original member of the Eliasits for his commitment in the prisons and slums of Parnakleida where he has been seen speaking and bringing assistance to drug addicts, prostitutes, young people involved in crime, etc... and that he is working to raise funds to be able to set up an Eliasit Assistance Home aimed at welcoming the most needy seeking for shelter, care and assistance of varius kinds. Samarakis intends also to do what he has already done in his diocese: to reorganize the oratories in each parish making them youth centers or places destined not only for the catechesis of children and young people but which are also places of meeting and aggregation for the communities where to organize sports activities but also such as theater, music, etc...
As archbishop of Helios and Kalopian citizen Samarakis will thus be able to face the harsh measures taken by the atheist government of Kalopia against religions, personally leading and guiding the rest of the Aurorian bishops and pastors in Kalopia in the new evangelization work that will have to bring the parish priests among the streets and among the people, extending a hand to the least of society and the most needy and bringing Eliyahu's word to the people coming out of the recesses of the churches.
The example of Samarakis will certainly be followed by the other bishops appointed by the pontiff but also by many other parish priests from the rest of the Aurorian Church in the world who have expressed their willingness to follow the example of his Eliasit brother who has fully embraced the call to find new forms and new means to spread the words of the Annunciation.
Instead as regards of Selucia obviously the Primate of Selucia is none other than the pontiff himself as bishop of Auroria but even when he resided in the Empyrean Temple the effective government of the diocese of Auroria was delegated to a cardinal or a bishop: the Vicar General of the Arch-Patriarch for the diocese of Auroria (or Pro-Vicar in the case of a bishop and not a cardinal).
The well-known Selucian Eliasit Marcus Propertius Flaccus was elevated to bishop and appointed as the new Pro-Vicar General. With a letter of special assignment however the pontiff not only entrusted Flaccus with the government of the diocese of Auroria alone but also delegated to him that in general of all Selucia.
Like other Eliasits and parish priests of the rest of the Aurorian Church Flaccus intends to follow the example of his colleague Samarakis above all with regard to the idea of oratories and youth centers and to guide bishops and parish priests of Selucia to meet and assist the most needy and last of society but in Selucia the Aurorian Church will have to focus above all on giving assistance to the Aurorian faithful still today subject to what the Church considers forms of discrimination that contrast with the vaunted freedom of worship accepted in Selucia where the authorities support the cults aligned with the government and continue to discriminate against those who are not aligned.
Obviously in Selucia His Excellency Flaccus and the rest of the clergy will have to be very careful not to cross the line of assistance, help and comfort since active evangelism has been prohibited in their country. The Pro-Vicar Flaccus however well underlined how the saving message of the Lord can be transmitted even and if not more with acts of charity and with actions in help of others and not only with words.
Bishop Flaccus was then approached by members of the press from all over the world who above all asked if he fears actions against him or against his fellow Aurorian parish priests in Selucia after centuries of persecution and he replied:

The Lord's servants as well as His faithful ones have endured oppression and persecution for a very long time in Selucia. We have been persecuted, imprisoned, deported, vilified but our faith is and will remain strong because we walk alongside our Lord Eliyahu.
If I fear retaliation? I am not afraid of them but I cannot exclude them. In any case I will turn the other cheek as our Lord did and I will not be able to do anything but ask our Most High Father to forgive those who want us harm.
For the sake of the Aurorian clergy of Selucia that I am called to lead and for the Aurorian faithful present there we will have to carefully weigh our pastoral work to avoid breaking the Selucian law but as I have already said the word of the lord and the saving message of the Annunciation it cannot be chained and it will be through charity and help towards the others that the love of God and Eliyahu will always be able to reach people's hearts.
I hope that a sincere and devoted effort to bring comfort and assistance to those in need will not be hindered. I hope that the selucian authorities do not fall into the sin of hypocrisy of extolling freedom of worship but then acting viciously against our Holy Mother Church and preventing us from bringing support, help and comfort to people.
If this should happen however let us always remember that the Lord is so good and magnanimous as to forgive even those who harm us and that his loving embrace and his words will always be ready to comfort those who believe in him.

Flaccus then declared that he intends to establish a network of Eliasit schools in Selucia and therefore a Higher Institute of Studies in Auroria where he can hold university courses and training courses dedicated to Eliasits to become teachers and professors in various fields of human knowledge both in the humanistic and scientific fields.
Precisely with regard to scientific studies in Istalia the new Romulan Pontifical University established by the Eliasits with the support of the Holy See has seen huge funds dedicated to the departments of Astrophysics, Astronomy, Particle Physics that are unusual fields in the eyes of public opinion for a university financed by a religion that however wants to demonstrate how the church is not an archaic fetish of antiquity but a living and vital organism whose members can actively contribute to human knowledge for the benefit of all men.
The idea of the Eliasit schools that had been proposed by the head of the Eliasit Order Father Guichard that they can follow children and young people from primary schools up to the last level of education was greatly appreciated by the Holy Father who reiterated his conviction in the to promote the role of the Church as a vital and active element of society ready to assist and help and to contribute to the education and formation of the new generations by embracing the idea of beneficial actions as a means to spread the the Word of the Lord.
The Church, moreover, in the ancient time has been a great patron of the arts and culture and contributed to enriching the human cultural heritage with some of the most beautiful artistic works ever created by man and also many litterates and scientists and thinkers of the past often belonged to the Church's clerics.
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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Mon May 02, 2022 10:35 am

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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Drax » Mon May 02, 2022 2:50 pm

Premier and Archbishop discuss Eliasits in Kanjor

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