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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Nasrudin » Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:57 am

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
June 5137 Edition

Kafuri Military Enters Northern Solentia

Military sources say that Lieutenant General Husain al-Mansouri has ordered the Kafuri military to enter Northern Solentia for the first time since the incursion some years ago. This comes after forces loyal to the United Ahmadi Salvation Front have largely pulled back from the Abadi tribesmen to the north, and have focused on taking the capitol of Oda. The capitol reportedly fell shortly after December of last year. Sources within the Defense Ministry claim that the Defense Ministry, let alone the Prime Minister, did not authorize the sending of Kafuri troops into Solentian territory. This comes after allegations that Mansouri has used his fame and power, in the wake of the coup and the incursion, to keep a hold on the military. Some analysts are even concerned that Mansouri may be utilizing his control over Northern Solentia as his own "personal kingdom". Neither Defense Minister Saami al-Amber nor Prime Minister Sahl el-Shariff have commented on any of these allegations. However, the Prime Minister has stated that Kafuri intends to defend the Abadi tribesmen from genocide, and to prevent foreign influence from overtaking Solentia.

According to journalists in the area, the Kafuri military seem to be remaining behind the Abadi tribal forces, as if in a more supporting role. The Kafuri air force has become much more active in the skies, though it appears in more of a show of force than for actual operations. It is unclear of Mansouri intends to launch a counterattack, or if they will serve as a more defensive, reactionary role to any UASF attacks. Mansouri held a rare press conference, albeit without a Q&A session, where he explained to reporters that the Kafuri military entered to support our Abadi allies and to safeguard humanitarian efforts to the tribes.

Foreign Minister Sadeeqa al-Farag has repeated her calls to the government in Oda that Kafuristan is not seeking war, and will accept "a peaceful cooperation with a peaceful government."

Solentian Refugees and Aid

As the situation within Solentia escalates, refugees are pouring into neighboring countries, in particular Kafuristan and Istalia. Ikram al-Yousef, Minister of Internal Affairs, has declared the camps will be set up along the border with Solentia, and that a vetting process will begin among the refugees. Those who wish to stay in Kafuristan may do so, and will receive government assistance in securing positions within the industry. In addition to this, aid packages in the form of food and medical supplies will be shipped into Northern Solentia, under the guard of Kafuri troops, to prevent a complete societal meltdown.

Some sources claim that some of the Solentian refugees, in particular men, are being drafted by the Kafuri military, in cooperation with Abadi activists, to return to Solentia to fight the UASF. Abadi cleric Masood al-Younan has himself declared the formation of a so-called Army of God, which will consist in Solentian and Kafuri nationals of the Abadi faith, who will assist the tribesmen in fighting the UASF. No direct information related to this organization has been revealed, and some believe it exists only on paper. The Kafuri government continues to advise nationals not to join militia groups, and yet have not directly banned such a venture.

The Kafuri Foreign Ministry has stated that they are willing to work with other Solentian neighbors to alleviate the refugee crisis and help stabilize the region.
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Nasrudin » Tue Jun 21, 2022 10:53 am

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
December 5137 Edition

Peace Talks with UASF

Sources within Solentia have confirmed that the United Ahmadi Salvation Front (UASF) has taken the capitol of Oda, which happened earlier this year. The new UASF government has declared Ahmadi Emirate of Solentia, which shall be ruled by Shariah Law. In addition to this, a spokesman for the UASF stated that "ultimately Shariah and Solentiwali Tribal customs would dictate the law in Solentia and that the Abadis would be free to follow their traditions. The spokesman concluded that the new UASF government would legislate to restore peace to Solentia." Formerly, there had been concerned that the Abadi tribes in the north were in danger of genocide and persecution by the UASF, which is largely Israist. This concern had been one of the driving reasons for the Reformed Ba'ath Party (RBP) getting involved in Northern Solentia.

Foreign Minister Sadeeqa al-Farag stated that the Party welcomed this move by the new Solentian government, and that Kafuristan would respect the UASF's wishes to bring about a peaceful restoration to the nation. Defense Minister Saami al-Amber has stated that Kafuri troops will remain in the northern provinces, within Abadi tribal territory, for an indefinite, but not permanent, period of time, until the humanitarian effort is completed and the assurances from the UASF are shown to be sincere. In the meantime, Kafuri troops have remained in their positions behind Abadi tribal frontlines, and the Kafuri air force has toned down the flights over Solentia, performing more of a monitoring role over the northern tribes.

Funding for Solentian Refugees

Internal Affairs Minister Ikram al-Yousef announced an increase in funding to his ministry in response to the crisis facing many Solentian refugees in the region. Over 5-billion KAF were added to Internal Affairs, with the additional funding going to various purposes. It will assist with proper facilities for the refugees to stay at while they are in Solentia. Furthermore, it will also provide funding for job placement and assistance finding housing for those Solentians who wish to stay in Kafuristan.

The funding will also go towards assisting any Solentians who wish to leave nations they currently fled to, such as Istalia or Kalopia, and come to Kafuristan. Yousef highlighted that, compared to many other nations in the region, Solentian refugees would find themselves much more at home in Kafuristan, with its majority Abadi Majatran population.

Mansouri Controversy

It has been revealed that permission was given to Lieutenant General Husain al-Mansouri to enter Solentian territory by President Nader Farooqui. Farooqui had formerly been Minister of Defense under Prime Minister Arafaat al-Awan, and it was rumored that Mansouri had backed Farooqui's bid to become Prime Minister in the face of Awan's retirement. In the wake of the UASF's assault on Oda, Mansouri moved troops under his command into Northern Solentia, without orders from neither the Defense Ministry nor the Prime Minister. Some have said that, at the moment, he holds nearly independent power over what goes on in Northern Solentia.

Sources within the Prime Minister's office claimed that Sahl el-Shariff was greatly upset by the move, stating that, "Farooqui has no power. He needs to remember that. He's president, and that should be good enough for him."

Mansouri has gained popularity among the Kafuri populace after his assisting the August Coup, as well as his success in the Kafuri incursion into Northern Solentia. It is uncertain at this time if he will face any discipline for his recent course of action. Analysts say that Mansouri's politics align more with simple nationalism, whereas Shariff and many on his cabinet are very strict Ba'athist ideologues.
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Nasrudin » Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:23 pm

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
January 5138 Edition

Peace Agreement with UASF

The Foreign Affairs Ministry announced earlier today that a peace agreement has been settled with the United Ahmadi Salvation Front of Solentia. The Party, speaking on behalf of the Abadi tribes of Northern Solentia, gave clear guidelines to the new government of Oda:

1) The Abadi tribes will be permitted to worship their Ahmadi faith as their Abadi teachings allow. Any teaching contrary to this shall not be forced upon them.

2) The Abadi tribes shall be permitted to live on their ancestral home. No force shall be made to remove them from this territory, whether for the purposes of genocide or settlements.

3) The Abadi tribes will be permitted the civil rights owed to them by the state, in equal with other citizens of Solentia.

4) No Kafuri nationals within Solentia - be they tourists, delegates, or businessmen - shall be harmed, killed, or harassed by Solentian government or militia perosnnel.

5) Kafuri soldiers will remain, albeit in minimized capacity, within Northern Solentia for a limited time until humanitarian aid shall be completed in their delivery to the Abadi tribes. We shall set a timetable for withdrawal at April 5138.

If any of the following is either not honored or tampered with in any way, we reserve the right to intervene on behalf of the Abadi tribes, whether military, economically, or politically.

Wakman Kuchis, the Solentian Foreign Minister, agreed to the terms.

The Party has reiterated its intention to pull the Kafuri military out of Northern Solentia, save some select elements, as per the agreement.

Foreign Minister Farag to Step Down

Sadeeqa al-Farag, Minister of Foreign Affairs, has announced she intends to resign her post after the 5140 elections. She cited an exhaustion related to governmental work in her advancing age, as well as a need to move on to a personal life.

Farag at a meeting of the National Assembly. (Source: The Telegraph)

Farag's tenure as the very first Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Reformed Ba'ath Party saw a flurry of activity since the Party assumed power in 5114. She served under two prime ministers for over three decades, oversaw the controversy with Kalopia, renewed relations with Istalia, and assisted with the Solentian crisis. It is expected that Shariff will promote someone from within the Ministry to replace her.

She was, under both Prime Minister Awan and Prime Minister Shariff, the only woman to serve on the cabinet. Critics have said that this was done intentionally, to make foreign nations believe that Kafuristan was indeed a "progressive" or "forward-thinking" nation.
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Nasrudin » Wed Jun 22, 2022 12:18 pm

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
June 5138 Edition

Delay in Solentian Withdrawal

As per the agreement signed with the Solentian foreign ministry earlier this year, the vast majority of Kafuri troops were to pull out of Northern Solentia, save for a handful of units who were to guard humanitarian efforts. These were to be for the most part withdrawn by April of 5138. However, Husain al-Mansouri, commanding general of Kafuri troops in Northern Solentia, was delayed in removing them. He cited issues regarding the "logical methods for implementation of humanitarian needs" as well as "uncertainty regarding UASF promises".

Threats began to come down from the Defense Ministry, demanding a complete withdrawal of Kafuri troops, save for some advisers and diplomatic staff. This was again met with pleas for patience regarding logistical and diplomatic concerns. At last, Prime Minister Sahl el-Shariff sent a personal order, demanding Mansouri withdraw the Kafuri military or face "severe disciplinary actions". As per contacts on the ground working with KMNA, Kafuri units are now beginning a withdrawal from Northern Solentian, two months past the promised deadline.

The Kafuri air force has continued to make flyovers above the Abadi tribal territory, largely in a show of support and continued Kafuri commitment to fulfilling their representation of the Abadi tribes.

Younan Criticizes Party

Abadi cleric Masood al-Younan has openly criticized the Kafuri government for what he sees as "treachery to Akim". According to Younan, the peace agreement the Reformed Ba'ath Party made with the UASF has sealed the doom for the Abadi tribes in the north. He made these statements in front of a mosque in Southern Kafuristan, in a jum'ah before many who were Solentian refugees. In bolder words than previous ones he's used, he has called for a religious government under Akim and the teachings of the prophet.

Polling has shown that most practicing Abadi support the peace agreement, which also guarantees military involvement from Kafuristan if they feel that the agreement has been violated. A minority, however, worries that the agreement will give the UASF an open door to genocide or oppression, even if cloaked or hidden.
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Nasrudin » Thu Jun 23, 2022 11:18 am

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
December 5138 Edition

Black December! Attempted Coup by Military!

An attempted coup by the military has been thwarted, in an event that some have dubbed "Black December". Elements under the command of Husain al-Mansouri, withdrawing from Northern Solentia, mobilized towards the capitol of Kasraj and proceeded to attack various government buildings. Kafuri soldiers stormed offices, including a television station. There, Mansouri came on the broadcast and declared that the Reformed Ba'ath Party had strayed towards party politics over and against the needs and desires of the Kafuri people. He called on the people to rebel against the Ba'athists, and summoned all military forces to join him. Among the complaints against the Party, he cited its compromise with the UASF and "Solentian terrorist forces", and "betraying the Majatran people".

Rebel soldiers outside Kasraj. (Source: VOANews)

Gunfire broke out when military forces approached the Prime Minister's building. Elements of the Ba'ath Revolutionary Guard were present, and ignored calls for surrender from Mansouri's forces. Rebel soldiers were soon repulsed after elements from the Kasraj police forces joined in the defenses. Prime Minister Sahl el-Shariff, who was alive and well within the compound, immediately ordered all loyal military units to descend on Kasraj in support of the Party. Contrary to Mansouri's hopes, few army units joined his side, and most stayed loyal to the government. Bloody fighting was seen as loyalist troops and Ba'ath Revolutionary Guard units combatted Mansouri's forces. Soon the television station was retaken, and Shariff made an appearance before the whole nation, stating that the government was strong.

Kasraj police rushing to a rebel-held government building. (Source: Egypt Today)

Mansouri's headquarters, located near the Internal Affairs building, was soon surrounded. Reports are that Mansouri committed suicide rather than surrender. His body was found in an office with a bullet wound in his head. A note beside his body read, "I served my nation, and now have died for it."

Mansouri speaking in his last televised broadcast. (Source: Iran News Daily)

Reportedly, all members of Shariff's cabinet are alive and well. Several military officials have been arrested, as well as some government officials - including President Nader Farooqui, who is accused of having worked with Mansouri in the coup. For the moment, the roles of president and prime minister have been combined. Shariff made another statement to the nation, via broadcast, that the Party remains strong and in power, and will seek vengeance against all those who threatened the power of Kafuristan's society. He has likewise assured foreign powers that Kafuristan has regained control of the situation, and that the threat to her central power has been removed. He also praised the Ba'ath Revolutionary Guard, who were among the first to resist the coup, which he said was precisely the role they were intended to perform.

Prime Minister Shariff speaking to the nation. (Source: The Guardian)
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Nasrudin » Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:17 pm

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
June 5138 Edition

Rulings Against Coup Plotters

Six months after the attempted coup in Black December, the Ministry of Justice, working with the Ministry of Defense, issued rulings concerning the living coup plotters. An excerpt from the rulings is as follows:

First, all members involved with the coup will be sentenced to life in prison. This includes former President Nader Farooqui, who is hereby discharged as a party member. Military officers who assisted Mansouri with his coup are hereby discharged in shame, with their rewards, ranks, and benefits removed, in addition to jail time.

Second, Mansouri's awards, accolades, and other achievements are hereby stripped from his record. His memory, as far as official documents shall go, will only be in his attempt to ruin the Party and Kafuri society.

Third, the position of President and Prime Minister, both positions of which Prime Minister Shariff has assumed roles for, will from here on continue to be combined roles. The head of government and head of state shall be the same.

Fourth, a special medal shall be granted to those members of the Ba'ath Revolutionary Guard which took part in the heroic defense of Kasraj, not only at the prime minister's estate, but also at other key points in the city. The Democratic Defense Medal shall be given to them, that their role in preserving Kafuristan from tyranny shall be put proudly on display.

Investigations by the Ministry of Justice showed that Farooqui had assisted General Mansouri in providing information on the locations of various ministers, as well as troop and police positions about the city. However, many of these turned out to have been changed last minute, or based on incorrect assumptions. Mansouri had promised to grant Farooqui the position of Prime Minister after the coup.

Funding for Kafuri Movies and Television Shows

The Ministry of Education and Culture, inspired by the recent success and showing of Istalian cinema, has declared that 5-billion KAF will be used to provide financial assistance for the production of Kafuri television shows, television movies, and cinematic films. The Media Incentive Bill was voted on in the National Assembly earlier today, listed a series of qualifications that had to be met in order to receive funding from the Party:

* It must be funded by a Majatran-owned, Kafuri-based company or business.

* It must make it clear, at some point, that it is based in Kafuristan, or is related to Kafuri culture.

* It must meet proper legal requirements (ie., it cannot be pornographic in nature).

A stipulation was added that the Ministry "may add or grant exceptions to these rules on a case-by-case basis." The Ministry has said that the hope will be the advancement of Majatran culture in the nation, and hopefully abroad the region, if not the world, as a whole.

Already, some Kafuri-based film and television companies have expressed an interest in utilizing this new potential.
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Reddy » Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:46 am

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
"Majors" Driven Out As President Proclaims New Economic Course
December 4, 5196

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi Governorate - President Omar al-Muandi has proclaimed a "New Course" revealing his plan to depart from centuries of Kafuri economic orthodoxy. At a special party congress held in the capital, the President , in his capacity as Secretary-General, used his keynote speech to coax party delegate into endorsing the less than detailed New Course. 994 out of 1000 delegates voted in favour with 6 abstaining. Two years into his presidency, the economy remains resolutely stagnant while inflation has hovered between 20 and 30% per annum.

Kafuristan's economic policy has for the past century been dependant on high public spending, nationalisation and its traditional reliance on oil revenues. Al-Muandi's Popular Front was elected in February 5195 on a firm promise to uphold this model. Two years in, the President said that while he remains a committed socialist, we have to make socialism work for the peope by shaping it within the confines of economic rationality'. The President also announced that he would reshuffle his Cabinet and further surprised many by dismissing most of the so-called "Majors" - military officers who were among the founders and earliest supporters of the Popular Front which was founded by disgruntled officers in the Kafuri Armed Forces. The President has however rejected any suggestions that the country might undergo political reform and abandon its present authoritarian system.
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Reddy » Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:43 pm

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
Protestors Denounce Rumoured Sell-Off Of State Owned Oil Colossus
December 11, 5199

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi Governorate - Hundreds of thousands of Kafuris have occupied the streets of al-Kasraj in what is proving the largest anti-government protest since President Omar al-Muandi was elected President five years ago. Security forces had earlier on cordoned off several protests but the swelling numbers of people on the streets are now approaching which Police Commissioner Ali al-Shaik described as "potentially outside capacity" The protestors condemned the effects of the President's so-called "New Economic Course" which has seen the adoption of rigorous economic austerity. As many as 60,000 public servants have been retrenched while several minor state-owned enterprises have been privatised. The protests followed the emergence of rumours on social media that the President had issued a decree privatising the Kafuri Petroleum Corporation (KPC), one of the largest oil companies in Terra. The supposed decree was circulated and by the end of the day thousands were holding vigil outside the KPC's headquarters. Others petitioned al-Muandi to address the rumours which he refused in a huff calling the protestors "inflamed dolts." The protests grew and by Tuesday when al-Muandi deigned to dismiss the rumours, few believed anything he had to say. The KNC is the lifeblood of the Kafuri economy providing 87% of the country's exports and 74% of government revenues. It is however poorly managed with numerous political appointees and "nephews" misappropriating its income and assets on a dramatic scale.
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Reddy » Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:08 am

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
Breaking News: As Protesters Storm State Palace, President Jets Out of Kafuristan
February 17, 5199

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi Governorate - President Omar al-Muandi has fled his official residence State Palace following reports that protesters have breached the walls of the palace. The President was last seen entering a helicopter on the rooftop of the palace and is confirmed by the commander of the Helem Airbase to have boarded a military jet and exited Kafuri airspace at 14:16 this afternoon. Prime Minister Ahmad al-Hijal has been declared Acting President and in his first case, addressed the protesters telling them that "your concerns have been heard and you will return home and stay there." The protesters so far largely remain in the streets with only a few heeding what the Majatran Economic Times described as "an ominous growl".
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