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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Aug 11, 2022 6:36 pm


Gouverneur General Beauharnais


Gouverneur General’s Residence, August 15, 5163: After a Council of Ministers meeting, CLAIRON PICARD asked Gouverneur General Eugene de Beauharnais how elections were looking for Federation Canrille, and he responded:

It certainly looks like this election will be different from other recent elections which had pretty much fallen into a pattern. This time we really do expect a larger turnout. Why? Obviously there are more choices. Voters who had made a choice between us and UPD now have three other choices and some will discover one of those three really expresses their opinions more than we do.

This will be a multiparty election and our own estimate is no one will have a majority and a coalition government will be necessary. We note that our current law is any party may propose a Council of Ministers.

I will say I do not expect this to be a rancorous election but one fought on the issues. Which is how it should be in a democracy.

Make no mistake; Federation Canrille is not apologizing for its record but stands on it and is asking for a majority. But candidly we think we are very much in a different situation than in the last election.

Gouverneur General's Residence
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:18 pm


Premier St. leger


Premier’s Office, February 16, 5164: Federation Canrille not only lost its majority and 315 seats in the Chamber of Deputies but fell far behind Parti National Travailliste that won 206 seats. Gouverneur General Eugene de Beauharnais did win reelection. CLAIRON PICARD asked Premier Philippe St. Leger what would happen now, and he responded:

The Federation Canrille Council of Ministers will continue to function as the caretaker government until a governing coalition can be formed. One would certainly expect Parti National Travailliste to try and form a coalition government since it appears in the best position to do so. Under our current law any party may attempt to form a Cabinet. We are planning to see if the largest party can form a coalition.

CLAIRON PICARD asked what Federation Canrille planned to do, and St. Leger replied:

The leadership is hearing three ideas. One is double down on issues with our core constituency and just stay true to our roots. A second favors examining our positions with a view to broadening our appeal. A third wants to concentrate on trying to protect certain policies that were developed while we were the ruling party. All three positions have their advocates, but I can tell you no decision has been reached.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Sir Thomas Hill » Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:28 pm

L E . O R Q U E | D A I L Y
"The public have spoken" ~ Alliance Rose vows to promote localism in La Tondelle, rejects National Labour values as "not Kanjoran""
March 5164

Leader of the Rose Alliance, Gaëtan Thibodeaux

ATYR - The Rose Alliance has spoken out for the first time since the monumental shift in Kanjorian politics at the last election. February's ballot saw the Federation Canrille retain their grip on the Governor-Generalship following a clear victory in the second round. Most Rose Alliance public figures had backed the Federation in the second ballot in an effort to block the National Labour Party from gaining control of the Executive branch.

Following a successful night for the Alliance, party leader, Gaëtan Thibodeaux, ruled out a coalition between his group and the National Labour Party. He explained that the Alliance would instead work with the Federation Canrille and the NDP to form a workable coalition government.

The public have spoken. The people of La Tondelle in particular have given us an endorsement and a signal that they want more control over their own affairs, moving democratic controls away from the centre and towards communities across Kanjor. Our new legislative team of 96 deputies will work tirelessly to move power away from Atyr and back to the local governments.

We will rule out a coalition with the National Labour Party. Our values are not their values. Child labour, chemical and nuclear weapons, racial supremecy; these are not Kanjorian values and we stand in opposition to that.

While we may not see eye-to-eye on every issue, we recognise the stable governance that Federation Canrille has offered the country historically. We will work alongside them in Government to promote devolution and get a good deal for localism. Where we disagree, we will hold them to account. But they have a mandate to lead the executive branch through the Governor General elections and our hope is that we can find a middle way through, together.

The Alliance will be taking up roles in Cabinet on Internal Affairs, largely expected to be led by the Alliance's national campaign director, Kilian Codoc. Mr Thibodeaux is expected to lead on Education, whilst party spokespeople Émeric Cazenave and Thaddée Lussier will lead on Infrastructure and Defence respectively.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Mon Aug 15, 2022 7:58 pm


Finance Minister Gourgaud


Bonognes, August 17, 5165: Finance Minister Maxim Gourgaud attended a meeting of the Bonognes Chamber of Commerce where he spoke to business leaders, and local and regional officials on the subject, “Transit Ports were a Great Idea.” His remarks included:

Gouverneur General Trintignant launched the idea in 5033 and it has worked out pretty good. We wanted one on each side of the Silliers Channel with one on La Tondelle and one on the Mainland. The basic idea was merchant ships passing through the Silliers Channel could stop, rest refit, refuel, repair and let their crews enjoy shore leave before passing through the Channel and proceeding to distant locations.

Canrillaise Naval Systems, commercial and Industrial Banking Group and Laval Group and the government built the dock facilities, and Bonognes rallied to the opportunity. Opening restaurants, hotels, bars, theaters, dance halls, whale watching tours, and all sorts of recreational facilities. Two very high end casino – hotels opened here. Lefebvre Entreprises built L’Oie d’Or and Les Auberges Kanjoriennes opened Le Perroquet Cheville.

Two things grew from this effort. First, as we hoped, Bonognes became a regular much sought after cruise line destination included in many tours. Second, we have grown a huge warehousing business as many in Dovani and Vascania would realize they could contract with enterprises in Artania and Majatra to pick up containers in Bonognes which has become a huge transfer point for goods from the east and west.

Realize all this you know. Two things you may not know. There was a deliberate decision to not make Bonognes or the other transit port, Argentes, a home base for a National Navy Task Force. This was so handling commerce and entertaining your guests from shipping and cruise ships would not suddenly be put on hold by military necessity becoming an overwhelming priority. We still think this reasoning is sound.

Second, notes of former Gouverneur General Michel DuPlessis indicate where the idea for transit ports came from. Anyone know? At a diplomatic reception a Keymon diplomat told Duplessis who was then Premier that there are three ways from west to east and the Silliers Channel is one of them. Why not exploit it? Well, we did. Bonognes certainly did for the good of Royaume Uni de Kanjor.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Sir Thomas Hill » Thu Aug 18, 2022 12:48 pm

L E . O R Q U E | D A I L Y
A Government of disunity ~ Alliance Rose criticises M. St. Leger's leadership
December 5166

Leader of the Rose Alliance and Minister for Education, Gaëtan Thibodeaux is reportedly "very unhappy" with the lack of direction for the Government

ATYR - Alliance Rose' Vice-President, M. Étienne Clément has criticised the Prime Minister, M. Phillipe St. Leger, for government disunity. M. Clément was attending a press dinner and has reportedly spoken to gathered journalists candidly, saying that several senior members of the Alliance, including Ministers in the Cabinet, are unhappy with the legislative direction of the government under M. St. Leger.

One source explained that the frustration first arose at disagreements between the Federation Canrille and Alliance Rose over specific pieces of AR legislation. Ministers presented bills to the Chamber of Deputies for discussion and whilst there was some differing views, the Alliance had been unprepared for the FC to vote against their actions.

"I think many are genuinely confused as to how M. St. Leger can appoint people to his cabinet to lead a department, and then vote against the legislation they bring forward. It creates a sense of disunity and a lack of direction." said one journalist.

Another frustration arose when bills presented by the NPD, the third member of the governing coalition, gained support from the FC without any cabinet discussion, and then the Alliance had signaled it's reservations in debate. "Some Alliance Ministers took that as a sleight; that it appears there may have been discussions between two coalition members without the Alliance."

M. Gaëtan Thibodeaux has not publicly passed comment, but one journalist said that M. Clément made it clear that M. Thibodeaux was "very unhappy" with the directionless nature of the government. He suggested there was too little collaboration and too many opportunities for disunity for M. Thibodeaux's taste.

The Alliance Rose was approached for comment or denial for this article but declined to make a statement. Sometimes silence speaks volumes.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Aug 18, 2022 5:50 pm



Premier’s Office, February 16, 5167: Asked by CLAIRON PICARD if the governing coalition was likely to be unravelling, Premier Philippe St. Leger responded:

I think it is likely the current governing coalition will last til the next election which is only a year away despite some unhappiness over divergent voting on legislation. Why? Even though under current law, any party may propose a new Council of Ministers, any effort to do so will run into the mathematical difficulty of reaching a majority under existing circumstances.

The next election will very likely reflect a changing voting pattern which frankly Federation Canrille can not predict. So change is considerably more likely then. Should this coalition look viable at that point, changes within it certainly seem likely as well.

We believe all parties are legislating and voting on legislation in a manner reflecting the wishes of constituents as well as perceptions of the national good. But this does not mean uniformity by any means. Our perceptions of the national good and our constituencies are proving to be different in many particulars to other parties even though four of our five parties could broadly be called centrist.

Premier St. Leger
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:07 pm



Premier’s Office, February 16, 5168: This election cycle saw the election of Nicolas de Malliergues as the NPD Gouverneur General breaking the Federation Canrille run since 5096. Alliance Rose won the most Chamber of Deputies seats. The big loser was Federation Canrille that losr 33 seats.

Premier St. Leger

Asked by CLAIRON PICARD where Federation Canrille was going from here, Premier Philippe St. Leger replied:

Well, we have been in office off and on since 4953 and continuously until this election since 5096. Think we need to face the distinct possibility the voters are just tired of us. Certainly looks that way.

Be that as it may, there are those in our party who believe we represent a particular constituency and a singular view of our national destiny, so we will not simply cash in our chips and walk away.

What I am sure the leadership will be doing is determining if our message delivery is faulty but our message sound, our message shaky and in need of refinement or whether on the other hand protecting what we perceive to be our accomplishments is paramount.

Another thing is we certainly need new leadership. There is no doubt I led Federation Canrille into a party disaster. I will oversee the Council of Ministers until it is replaced by a new governing coalition but then will be moving on.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:15 pm


Former Gouverner General Beauharnais


Picard, August 15, 5168: As the new coalition government takes office, the ousted party, Federation Canrille, had its leadership present a proposal for a way forward to its Party Congress in Picard which appears to have been adopted. CLAIRON PICARD asked Eugene de Beauharnais, former Gouverneur General, what the different points of view considered were, and he responded:

There are some we can call pragmatists who simply wanted to devise a new electoral strategy to regain power. Others we can call institutionalists felt our primary purpose should be guarding what we regard as our policy achievements. Finally, some we can call conservatives simply wanted to return to our roots and campaign to our original constituency.

The party leadership has put forward its thinking which attempts to synthesize these concepts. First off we started out committed to revising the tax code which we felt was confiscatory and economically unsound. We also very much had a bias toward tradition.

The whole localization of regulating social morality was a compromise with the La Tondelle Island separatists who were very much in favor of everything we were against. Since other parties are now representing the La Tondelle special destiny interests, we do not feel the need to support localization for the sake of localization anymore.

Federation Canrille led Royaume Uni de Kanjor out of economic isolation and has persisted in this even as much of Terra has become more isolated. Part of this effort included sharing a monarch with Royaume Uni de Lourenne which we restored.

Another aspect was promoting our produce in international markets and establishing our Transit Ports for handling commerce through the Silliers Channel

During the turbulent years of the ascendancy of The Aurorian Patriarchal Church (APC), we stabilized our relations with the APC renewing the independence of Ville de Saints and establishing the norm of the APC staying out of politics and the government leaving the APC alone.

As a member of the Security Council, we played a key role in promoting a nuclear power responsible and nuclear weapon free Terra. We have always supported a strong modern military but no with no nuclear weapons.

This seems to be where we are and the party for the time being at least seems comfortable continuing to support these positions. Should mention we all felt the party needs new leadership. Our Chamber of Deputies delegation will be led by Lucien Junot and Antoinette Marmont who have served as junior minsters in a recent administration.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Requiescat » Thu Sep 01, 2022 4:20 pm

La Dépêche Kanjorienne.

Minister of Defence Schreiber and minister of finance Dautremont announce building of new industrial plant.

Jacques Schreiber and Elsa Dautremont together in Le Cher-Comte.

Today spoke Jacques Schreiber and Elsa Dautremont in a press release on behalf of the government. They announced the government, led by Isabelle Hervieu, was going to invest 0.6 billion KRP to support the project of building a new industrial plant in Le Cher-Comte (Val de Azur). The factory, which will be owned by ERAK Machinery, will produce armoured vehicles for the army.

“This project is highly strategic for Kanjorian military and economic independence, and will as well be a major opportunity for local employment and we will be looking forward to its achievement. The Forces Armées de Kanjor have already ordered 20 Modèles Bouquetin and 10 Modèles Hippogriffe.” Mr Schreiber said.

The Modèle Hippogriffe, which will be produced in Le Cher-Comte.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:25 pm


FC Chamber Leader Junot


Atyr, August 15, 5175: Two thirds is required to pass a treaty or diplomatic agreement in the Chamber of Deputies and the vote on the Tukarali – Kanjor Free Trade Agreement did not reach this falling far short.

Federation Canrille Chamber Leader Lucien Junot readily admitted to CLAIRON PICARD that this was a major embarrassment to the governing coalition and reflected a serious miscalculation by Federation Canrille.

We had no idea three parties would be isolationist; none at all. Well, live and learn.

Asked by CLAIRON PICARD if the Foreign Minister would be resigning, Junot responded:

Foreign Minister Gourgaud was humiliated but this was hardly a mistake he made separate and apart from Federation Canrille. Elections are just around the corner so his resignation would seem to be unproductive. On the other hand, obviously Federation Canrille Deputies will not be serving again as Foreign Minister anytime soon.

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